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SaviqWellark, ping06:52
mhr3sil2100, didrocks, can we just push https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity/fix-ap-preview-tests/+merge/175123 directly?07:14
* mhr3 is really annoyed with unity unit tests07:14
didrocksmhr3: +107:15
mhr3didrocks, sil2100, pushed to lp:unity07:18
sil2100hm, today I started my system and right after logging in I got like 10 apport error dialogs07:20
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dandraderSaviq, is it just my impression or is Jenkins performing really really badly lately?08:08
Saviqdandrader, it is08:08
Saviqdandrader, we're killing the pandas, it seems08:08
Saviqdandrader, most probable - memory overheating08:09
Saviqdandrader, and then there was a licensecheck script failure08:09
Saviqdandrader, but yeah, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity8-ci/ looks tragic :/08:09
Saviqdandrader, they're looking to throttle the builds - slower, but at least (potentially) completing08:10
Saviqdandrader, and also the calxeda setup finally arrived - ETA on it is around a month, though08:11
dandraderah, cool08:11
sil2100mhr3: hi! Are you the one currently doing unity fixes? Since I noticed, through the indicator stack, that one of the AP tests started failing08:17
mhr3sil2100, hey, no08:18
mhr3i fix my stuff08:18
sil2100Too bad ;)08:18
dednickCimi: ping08:46
Saviqdednick, he should be away today08:47
dednickSaviq: ah. thanks08:47
Saviqdednick, :P08:53
Saviqdednick, re: semi-colons08:55
Saviqhow is it that PS Jenkins Bot already commented PASSED on some MRs08:55
Saviqbut http://s-jenkins:8080/job/unity8-ci/ doesn't yet know?08:55
Saviqah, archiving artifacts08:56
dednickSaviq: they're finished now08:57
dednickSaviq: oh. hm, no they're not08:57
dednickthat's not a very good ci track record. 2 green in 30 attempts...08:58
Saviqdednick, yeah08:58
Saviqdednick, pandas are dying08:58
Saviqdednick, memory overheating, apparently08:58
dednicki think there's something up with saucy. My machine has been dying the last week or 2.09:00
Saviqdandrader, you approve the addrenderer branch *a lot*, heh? ;)09:01
sil2100geh, unity AP testing blocks the whole check infrastructure ;/09:02
nic-doffaySaviq, got anything I can look at? Busy waiting on reviews.09:03
Saviqnic-doffay, busy waiting? ;)09:04
nic-doffaySaviq, not busy waiting :P09:04
Saviqnic-doffay, start implementing the filters panel09:04
Saviqnic-doffay, as seen in http://design.ubuntu.com/apps/building-blocks/option-selector09:04
dednickmy nexus is buggered. wont turn on.09:05
Saviqdednick, tried putting it on power for some time?09:06
Saviqdednick, and is that galaxy or 10?09:06
WellarkSaviq: pong09:06
Saviqnic-doffay, you should be able to work on top of https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/filters/+merge/17369109:06
dednickSaviq: yeah, powered, galaxy09:06
Saviqdednick, disconnect, remove battery, replace battery, try turning on disconnected09:06
SaviqWellark, did you hear/know about the hud getting stuck somewhat?09:07
SaviqWellark, that's how we encountered the hud timeout in our HudClient plugin09:07
SaviqWellark, and it's been happening to different people for some days now09:07
SaviqWellark, hud-service is apparently running09:07
SaviqWellark, but DBus to it times out09:07
SaviqWellark, and unity7 hud is non-responsive (i.e. just sits there doing nothing when you type)09:08
nic-doffaySaviq, I'll look into it.09:08
dednickSaviq: yay! it's back!09:08
nic-doffaySaviq, what still needs to be done with that branch before it's merged?09:08
Saviqdednick, cool09:09
Saviqdednick, it sometimes gets confused when on power09:09
Saviqnic-doffay, I need to re-review it09:09
dednickSaviq: ta09:09
Saviqnic-doffay, should be merged this week09:10
nic-doffaySaviq, k09:10
WellarkSaviq: have people updated to the latest saucy packages and restarted their session?09:10
WellarkSaviq: at some point session bus started to be controlled by upstart09:10
SaviqWellark, I did, not seing it now09:10
WellarkSaviq: so at least for me I was seeing this dbus timeout09:10
SaviqWellark, so if you think that fixed09:11
Wellarkthat was because there were two session bus daemons runing09:11
Wellarkand hud was using the upstart one09:11
SaviqWellark, then that's ok, will report back if we encounter again09:11
Wellarkand rest of the desktop was using the old one09:11
SaviqWellark, got it09:11
WellarkSaviq: thanks!09:11
SaviqWellark, cheers09:11
nic-doffaySaviq, how would someone navigate to these filters?09:17
Saviqnic-doffay, the "grape" icon09:17
Saviqnic-doffay, it's a button on the search entry09:17
nic-doffaySaviq, a grape?!09:17
Saviqnic-doffay, the dots09:17
Saviqnic-doffay, to the right of the search etnry09:17
nic-doffaySaviq, ah09:17
Cimidednick, I'm on holiday :-P09:24
Cimidednick, tell me09:24
MacSlowSaviq, Cimi: https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/fix-button-tint-hint/+merge/175314/comments/39370809:24
CimiI'll be here for a while, upgrading the phone09:24
MacSlowCimi, do you know when Jouni is back from vacation?09:25
CimiMacSlow, I think today or tomo09:25
dednickCimi: dont worry about it09:25
Cimidednick, well I'm here09:25
dednickCimi: you back tomorrow?09:25
Cimidednick, nope, monday09:25
Cimidednick, going to Milan for Depeche Mode concert :-P09:25
dednickCimi: awesome09:25
dednickCimi: need you to fill in some status of settings/indicator components at some point. https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al0gMJhDnGQEdHA1S2VRNmhRdHFvVFNpZ1k5VlA5NEE#gid=109:26
CimiMacSlow, on your comment09:26
CimiMacSlow, which theme are you using?09:26
dednickCimi: the ubuntu-settings-components section.09:26
CimiMacSlow, with SuruGradient the colour should be what you want09:26
SaviqMacSlow, cheers09:26
MacSlowCimi, "Suru"?09:27
Saviqnic-doffay, review fail https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/fix-button-tint-hint/+merge/175314/comments/39370809:27
CimiMacSlow, you should use SuruGradient09:27
CimiMacSlow, the shell sets the theme in Component.onCompleted on shell.qml09:27
nic-doffaySaviq, egh09:29
Saviqnic-doffay, actually maybe not ;)09:29
CimiMacSlow, in your qmltest set the theme with SuruGradient09:29
MacSlowCimi, but using a gradient for the text-color of summary and body doesn't make sense09:29
CimiMacSlow, the palette is the same of SuruDark09:29
MacSlowCimi, the text-color is a color not not a gradient :)09:30
Cimiit's the fuckin name of the theme :)09:30
SaviqMacSlow, it's just a theme name ;)09:30
CimiMacSlow, look at shell.qml09:30
dednickcalm down peopl ;)09:30
Cimiahah I am joking :)09:30
SaviqMacSlow, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5886983/09:31
CimiSaviq, which highlights that the notification are not using bg colour from the palette09:32
CimiSaviq, otherwise the background would have changed accordingly to the theme09:32
SaviqMacSlow, Cimi http://ubuntuone.com/6nL2LHe0VX3yyXETQjA5CJ09:33
sil2100mhr3: unity-applicati invoked oom-killer <- doesn't sound too good I suppose?09:34
SaviqCimi, that's your failure, isn't it ;)09:34
mhr3sil2100, say what now?09:34
SaviqCimi, MacSlow that's "SuruGradient, old, Suru" in there09:34
sil2100mhr3: I'm looking at unity AP  testing for ati and this popped up, and anyway the whole machine takes too long to finish - you saw something like that before?09:35
sil2100jibel: ^ ?09:35
sil2100jibel: maybe it's the OOM issue you mentioned before?09:35
mhr3sil2100, isn't it just killed because something else wants more mem?09:35
MacSlowCimi, Saviq: I didn't know about the required changes needed to be done to Notifications... I only know about the set of colors I once got from Jouni09:35
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, they're the same in SuruGradient theme09:36
jibelsil2100, that's something else09:37
MacSlowSaviq, what env-var to set to force a particular theme for the test?09:37
MacSlowSaviq, or did you hack that temp. into the test?09:37
SaviqMacSlow, http://ubuntuone.com/6nL2LHe0VX3yyXETQjA5CJ09:37
sil2100jibel: this machine seems hanged, no tests are being ran, I'm thinking of killing it09:37
* didrocks things jibel killed compiz :p09:38
jibelsil2100, I mean it is OOM but not caused by RMD as it used to be09:38
sil2100I would like this machine to finally finished, since there are like 5-6 check jobs queued ;p09:39
sil2100jibel: you think we can abort it?09:39
sil2100Oh, it's moving forward09:40
sil2100jibel: but there was a kernel stack trace :D09:40
jibelsil2100, the kernel call trace says there is a page fault with is why OOM killer has been invoked09:42
jibelsil2100, and the culprit seems to be unity-applicati09:42
SaviqMacSlow, you can see the colours here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/modules/Ubuntu/Components/Themes/SuruGradient/Palette.qml09:43
jibelyay for very useful short names09:43
CimiSaviq, not really09:43
CimiSaviq, because the black is not the bg colour of surudark/gradient09:43
SaviqCimi, ;)09:43
CimiSaviq, ideally we should create a theme for the notifications09:43
CimiSaviq, and set the theme for them09:43
SaviqCimi, but we can't09:44
CimiSaviq, with SuruGrdient as parent theme09:44
CimiSaviq, not yet, one theme for each qmlscene currently09:44
CimiSaviq, same thing for the indicators09:44
SaviqCimi, yeah09:44
Cimiis this good to go? https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/unity8.background_gsettings/+merge/17495809:45
mhr3sil2100, checking if there's a leak somewhere09:45
SaviqCimi, no-one from us reviewed it yet09:45
mhr3hmm, maybe the diff models cause it09:46
CimiSaviq, I believe we can use CrossFadeImage from sdk09:47
SaviqCimi, yeah, we should09:47
CimiSaviq, separate branch pls09:47
CimiSaviq, I can do that on monday09:48
SaviqCimi, k09:48
nic-doffaySaviq, I haven't built unity8 in a while. Missing two packages. libusermetricsoutput-1 and unity-shell-launcher=2 any idea where I can find them?09:48
Saviqnic-doffay, ./build -s; ./build -c09:49
Saviqnic-doffay, you should start from trunk with filters merged, though09:50
Saviqnic-doffay, as filters might not have the ./build fix yet09:50
nic-doffaySaviq, ah right.09:50
MacSlowCimi, Saviq: are there any other required changes needed to happen to notifications due to the introduced themeing?09:51
SaviqMacSlow, we'll need to look with designers to see if the notifications background should be changed09:51
SaviqMacSlow, if not, nothing we can do now09:51
SaviqMacSlow, as we'd need a different palette for notifications09:51
SaviqMacSlow, but we can only use a single theme for the whole QML tree09:52
MacSlowSaviq, ok... I guess we'll have to wait for Jouni to come back. I updated my MP.09:52
SaviqMacSlow, he's back today, actually09:52
dandraderdednick, any ideas on why this might be happening? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-saucy/1051/testReport/junit/unity8.indicators_client.tests.test_battery/TestDisplayMenus/test_brightness_slider_with_mouse_/09:53
dednickdandrader: when you run your shell app does your battery indicator have menu items?09:55
dandraderdednick, on the desktop?09:55
dednickdandrader: ya09:55
dednickdandrader: ah. crap. that's jenkins. hm09:56
sil2100jibel: how long does stopping the container take?09:57
dednickdandrader: i'm not sure. something is going on with the page not loading.09:59
jibelsil2100, depends on the size of the delta, which is 16G for the last run10:00
* sil2100 is waiting impatiently10:00
sil2100But there was a timeout anyway10:01
dandraderdednick, on my desktop it fails but for a completely different reason: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5887039/10:04
dandraderdednick, how am I supposed to run this test?10:04
* dandrader loves autopilot10:04
Saviqdandrader, it's not really like it's autopilot's fault ;)10:05
dednickdandrader: looks like the same reason to me10:05
Saviqdandrader, cd tests/autopilot; PYTHONPATH=.:$PYTHONPATH autopilot run unity8.indicators_client.tests.test_battery.TestDisplayMenus.test_brightness_slider10:06
dandraderSaviq, same result. does it work for you?10:07
Saviqdandrader, yes10:07
Saviqdandrader, I do have indicator-power installed, do you?10:07
Saviqdandrader, indicator-battery, even10:07
dednickworks for me as well10:08
dednickdandrader: which branch is it?10:08
dandraderdednick, on Jenkins it seems QDbusActionGroup, from QMenuModel, is missing a actionAppear signal10:09
dandraderdednick, on my desktop it doesn't complain about it10:09
dednickdandrader: yeah, i've checked the code though, its there.10:09
dednickdandrader: qt doesnt output on autopilot.10:09
mhr3sil2100, yea, there seems to be bug in the diffing algo, perhaps we should disable it so we finally get a unity release?10:09
dandraderdednick, https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/lp1116207/+merge/17516310:09
Saviqdednick, yeah it does, if the test fails10:10
Saviqdednick, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-saucy/1051/testReport/junit/unity8.indicators_client.tests.test_battery/TestDisplayMenus/test_brightness_slider_with_mouse_/10:10
dednickdandrader: 113+add_subdirectory(QMenuModel)10:10
dednickyou're mocking qmenumodel10:10
dandraderSaviq, I do have indicator-power10:11
Saviqdandrader, indicator-battery10:11
Saviqdandrader, sorry10:11
dandraderSaviq,  "Package indicator-battery is not available, but is referred to by another package."10:11
Saviqdandrader, yeah, I probably have it from ppa:phablet-team/desktop-deps10:12
dandraderdednick, yes. But I wonder how come autopilot would use mock plugins instead of the real ones10:13
dandraderdednick, just to check it I've added that signal to my mock impl + some deb prints to stderr but nothing changed...10:13
dandraderregarding the autopilot error, I mean ^10:13
dandraderSaviq,  so I should have indicator-battery installed in my desktop anyway?10:14
sil2100mhr3: diffing algorithm?10:14
Saviqdandrader, you can10:14
Saviqdandrader, it's later going to be replaced by indicator-power10:14
Saviqdandrader, and for that test - yes, you need to10:14
dandraderSaviq, indicator-battery installed. autopilot tests still fails :/10:18
Saviqdandrader, ./builddir/src/Panel/Indicators/client/indicators-client10:19
Saviqdandrader, can you see "Battery"?10:19
Saviqdandrader, if so, when you open it, can drag the slider about / switch the checkbox?10:19
dandraderSarvatt, there's a "Battery" option, but when selected I just get a "Empty" text10:20
mhr3sil2100, feature that probably caused the oom, here's the branch to disable it - https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/libunity/disable-diff-models-until-fixed/+merge/17552210:21
sil2100mhr3: are there any side-effects of disabling that?10:22
mhr3sil2100, yea, no crashes :)10:22
mhr3otherwise, not really10:23
dandraderSaviq, indicator-battery installs a indicator-battery-service binary that segfaults when I try run it manually.  does it work for you?10:25
Saviqdandrader, yeah10:25
Saviqdandrader, 12.10.6phablet1bzr12raring0 here?10:26
dandraderSaviq, yes10:26
Saviqdandrader, try the one from ppa:phablet-team10:27
Saviqdandrader, https://launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/3354110/+listing-archive-extra10:27
Saviqdandrader, there was a bug on it (that dednick found through autopiloting indicators_client)10:29
Saviqdandrader, you're probably hitting the same10:29
dandraderSaviq, yeah, now it doesn't crash anymore10:32
Saviqdandrader, cool10:32
dandraderok, no I see something with that indicators-client demo binary10:33
dednickwtf was all that. restarted machine and all hell broke loose10:36
dednick...sigh. partial upgrade10:36
dandraderhmm... that battery-brightness test worked fine locally10:39
dednickdandrader: missing indicator-battery?10:40
dandraderdednick, yes10:40
dednickdandrader: wonder why it wasnt working on jenkins.10:40
dednickas in couldnt find the qmenumodel10:40
dandraderdednick, my last desperate debug attempt was to remove my qmenumodel mock. let's see what jenkins says now...10:41
dandraderif it still complains then I will consider it "random jenkins failure" and click rebuild till the end of times10:42
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dednickdandrader|afk: why are you installing your mock?10:48
Saviqjeez we're down to 3 pandas :/10:56
Saviqno wonder everything takes so long10:56
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dandraderdednick, all mocks get installed11:03
dandraderdednick, because jenkins runs all tests from packages11:03
dednickdandrader: i think it's only ones needed for autopilot tests. other tests are run from showdow build no?11:04
dandraderso if mocks are not installed, qmluitests in jenkins won't be able to find them11:04
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dandraderdednick, that might be, I'm not 100% sure. I'll try that next11:06
dednickdandrader: as far as i know, only lightdm, application & metrics mocks are installed.11:06
dednickdandrader: but anyway, it shouldnt load up the mock qmenumodel first...11:07
dandraderdednick, another odd thing is that I later implemented that signal in mock and jenkins still complained11:07
Saviqdednick, dandrader autopilot is run from packages11:08
Saviqdednick, dandrader, qmluitests are run in build tree11:08
Saviqdednick, dandrader, correct - unity8-fake-env is what's used in autopilot for mocks (while we don't have the real ones)11:09
dednickdandrader: i wonder if the usr/lib/arch/qt5/qml import is added as a special case on the end of the imports, therefore getting last priority.11:10
dednickbut then it probably wouldnt work on our machines.11:14
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Saviqdednick, it is added as fallback11:22
Saviqdednick, if you're running installed11:22
dednickSaviq: yeah, which should be last11:22
Saviqdednick, actually no, our *private* dir is added as fallback11:22
Saviqdednick, *private*/mocks overrides11:22
Saviqor does it11:23
dednickunity8/qml/mocks rights?11:23
* Saviq got lost again11:23
dednickwell, both unity8/qml & unity8/qml/mocks11:23
Saviqdednick, yeah, system-wide imports get precedence11:23
Saviqdednick, then, our private unity8/qml, then mocks11:24
Saviqdednick, you could argue that it should be: unity8/qml, qt5/qml, unity8/qml/mocks11:25
SaviqI'm not convinced either way, tbh11:26
Saviqmaybe we should even have separate dir for overrides11:26
dednickSaviq: shouldnt really matter. we shouldnt have unity8/qml that overrides qt5/qml11:26
Saviqdednick, I agree11:26
Saviqso unity8/qml/override, qt5/qml, unity8/qml, unity8/qml/mocks11:26
Saviqbut we should avoid that if possible11:26
nic-doffaySaviq, dots to the right of the search entry? We're talking about the search tab on the left of the indicators, correct?11:30
Saviqnic-doffay, no11:36
Saviqnic-doffay, tap on it in Apps, for example11:36
Saviqnic-doffay, search entry shows up11:36
Saviqnic-doffay, the button with dots should show be at the right of the search etnry11:36
Saviqdandrader, thanks for taking on some reviews, btw!11:38
dandraderSaviq, I've nothing else to do :)11:39
nic-doffaySaviq, no button there. I'll ask Pawel.11:39
Saviqnic-doffay, Paweł is on holidays11:39
nic-doffaySaviq, oh dear.11:39
nic-doffayWell the search entry appears.11:39
Saviqnic-doffay, and indeed that is where *you* need to put he button ;)11:39
nic-doffaySaviq, ah I assumed there was a button already!11:39
Saviqnic-doffay, ass-u-me11:40
nic-doffaySaviq, :P11:40
nic-doffaySaviq, any word on assets or who I should speak to about them?11:40
Saviqnic-doffay, jounih11:40
Saviqnic-doffay, but check that they're not there somewhere11:40
nic-doffaySaviq, who is also on holiday.11:40
Saviqnic-doffay, sec, /me looks in the old repo11:40
Saviqnic-doffay, no, back today11:40
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Saviqnic-doffay, got it, sec11:42
Saviqdandrader, we can always find something :)11:44
dandraderSaviq, I'm all ears11:44
Saviqdandrader, but reviews good, good :)11:44
Saviqdandrader, bug #1193419 could be nice to have fixed11:45
ubot5bug 1193419 in Unity 8 "Running apps should always be visible when navigating to apps lens" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119341911:45
Saviqdandrader, and really, any of https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity811:46
Saviqdandrader, or https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoGvOYxwuvpFdEJ5dURFb3Y0cnlKeEcxc0piNDZrWXc#gid=011:46
Saviqdandrader, should be good enough busy-wait11:46
dandraderSaviq, btw, how's that running vs. recent apps11:46
dandraderSaviq, are we going to drop those thumbnails in the dash to close apps?11:47
dandraderor switch to something else?11:47
Saviqdandrader, the thumbnails will remain there, afaik11:49
Saviqdandrader, but they're not really going to be running apps, recent instead11:49
Saviqdandrader, whether we're going to allow closing / removing them is an open question still, AFAIK11:49
nic-doffaySaviq, what qml file am I interested in to add the filter icon?11:52
Saviqnic-doffay, PageHeader.qml11:53
nic-doffaySaviq, ta11:53
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
MacSlowSaviq, I see you also just started the CI for fix-button-tint-hint again12:45
MacSlowSaviq, I don't understand why it failed to merge and picked r116 instead of r11712:45
SaviqMacSlow, each CI run takes over 2hrs today12:56
SaviqMacSlow, we're down to 3 working pandas :/12:57
Saviqfginther, hey is there anything we can do about that ↑?12:57
olli_Saviq, ping12:59
fgintherSaviq, Not a whole lot. I can enable some of the less stable pandas and try to mitigate the problems there12:59
Saviqolli_, hey, I won't be able to do the interview today, it's exactly at my EOD and I have to go out today12:59
olli_Saviq, that's perfectly fine12:59
Saviqfginther, do we have a longer-term plan?13:00
MacSlowSaviq, outch13:00
fgintherSaviq, yes, a new armhf build is in the works,13:00
fgintherSaviq, we just have to find a way to make progress with our current hardware until then13:00
fgintherSaviq, I am trying to move some builds of off armhf to reduce the build queues13:01
fgintherbut that's not a major help when the queue is full of unity813:01
Saviqfginther, yeah, the "armhf build" you mention is the calxeda setup? so ETA ~1 month?13:01
fgintherSaviq, right13:02
fgintherSaviq, I've asked for other hardware for the short term, but no luck13:02
Saviqfginther, ok well, I trust you'll do what you can for us13:03
Saviqfginther, I'll try and reduce the load on there, too13:03
fgintherwe'll keep trying to make this better13:03
Saviqfginther, by making sure we don't trigger unnecessarily13:03
* Saviq needs to get on ang build the VM at long last13:04
Saviqso that we can run our UI / medium tests locally13:04
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Saviqnic-doffay, standup13:31
mterrykgunn, I have a pandaboard from previous desktop work.  Can it be useful elsewhere?  (I don't use it anymore)13:41
Saviqfginther, ↑13:42
kgunnmterry: just about to ping you :)13:42
kgunnmterry: yeah if fginther wants it great....otherwise, not much use13:42
SaviqMacSlow, I've a minimal machine set up that we tried to work with with veebers13:42
kgunnmterry: i heard a rumor those ti guysdecided to get out of mobile ;)13:42
SaviqMacSlow, but we were missing something and autopilot never ran in there13:43
SaviqMacSlow, if you get somewhere, I'll ask you to dump your set of packages to see what's different13:43
MacSlowSaviq, d'accord13:43
kgunnmterry: can you join #ubuntu-mir real quick13:49
kgunnmterry: scratch that13:49
mterryfginther, could you use another pandaboard?13:52
fginthermterry, definitely, hang on (on the phone)13:52
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nic-doffaySaviq, where I'm having problems with the InverseMouseArea conflicting with my new MouseArea in PageHeader. Any tips on how to get around this?13:58
nic-doffayTo do with selecting the filters.13:58
Saviqnic-doffay, you just need to modify the dimension of the IMA, not sure what "conflicting" means there13:59
nic-doffaySaviq, I'm setting the width.13:59
Saviqnic-doffay, isn't width static?14:00
mhr3Saviq, any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5887683/14:16
Saviqmhr3, hmm IIUC http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/blobs/HEAD/src/corelib/tools/qlist.h#line28814:18
Saviqmhr3, ah no, 6 lines up14:19
mhr3Saviq, yes, the assert is !isEmpty()14:19
mhr3is that a bug in lvwph or is it because of the timer?14:20
mhr3ie #5 vs #2214:21
Saviqmhr3, hmm it can be due to the timer... if it fired at a bad time14:21
Saviqmhr3, but it would be a bug in lvwph nevertheless, it should protect itself from that, I'd say14:24
mhr3i can hit this pretty much all the time with the diff models14:24
mhr3now the question is, is it a bug in diffing or timer or the view :)14:25
Saviqmhr3, try dropping the timer14:25
Saviqmhr3, it's the easiest thing to do, probably, and would get you one step closer14:25
mhr3Saviq, you mean to emit dataChanged on each update?14:26
Saviqmhr3, yeah14:26
Saviqmhr3, the count is only used to filter out empty categories14:26
Saviqmhr3, so impact should be minimal with diffed models14:26
Saviqmhr3, as we won't be doing 10 → 0 → 9 → 0 → 8 when you type14:27
Saviqwhich means create → destroy → create → destroy → create14:27
Saviqbut just 10 → 9 → 814:27
Saviqwhich means create → noop → noop :)14:28
mhr3still the same without timer14:30
MacSlowSaviq, I've a VirtualBox-image that allows compiling/running the phone-shell and the autopilot-tests... this is the list of installed packages http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/588771314:30
MacSlowSaviq, any prefered spot where to put the vb-image?14:30
SaviqMacSlow, probably people.c.c would be best - or U1 or somewhere public14:31
Saviqmhr3, ok yeah I thought about it more14:32
Saviqmhr3, we must be reaching for an item somewhere14:33
Saviqmhr3, without checking if the list is !empty14:33
Saviqmhr3, listviewwithpageheader.cpp:75914:33
Saviqor well14:34
Saviqmhr3, listviewwithpageheader.cpp:80914:34
Saviqas the traceback shows...14:34
Saviqmhr3, yeah, must be there - it misses an .isEmpty() before calling .first()14:36
SaviqMacSlow, ok, that's not gonna be useful I'm afraid, unless you drill that list down - I'm at 961 packages14:37
MacSlowSaviq, so the exported .ova is 1.5 GBytes14:38
SaviqMacSlow, much better :)14:38
MacSlowSaviq, I'll upload that... so we have something working... and I'll give it a try starting off with "minimal"14:39
SaviqMacSlow, make snapshots along the way14:39
MacSlowSaviq, with the minimal?!14:39
SaviqMacSlow, target is to have a machine without any unity8-related packages, just ready to pick it up14:39
mhr3Saviq, confirmed, just checked m_visibleItems.count() in gdb and it's 0 when it aborts14:40
Saviqmhr3, now, question is what should happen if that's the case ;d14:40
mhr3well it's empty view -> some items present14:40
Saviqmhr3, yeah, growing down14:41
mhr3so just show them? :)14:41
mhr3doesn't this happen without diff models too?14:41
* mhr3 checks14:42
Saviqmhr3, probably14:42
Saviqmhr3, just we never encountered it for some reason14:42
nic-doffaySaviq, what's the reason there are ListItems in Components/ out of interest?14:42
mhr3can't check, pkg issues :/14:42
Saviqnic-doffay, we needed some tweaks to them14:42
Saviqmhr3, build a test14:43
nic-doffaySaviq, cool.14:43
Saviqnic-doffay, but ideally we should upstream it14:43
Saviqnic-doffay, there's a task about that for Cimi14:43
Saviqmhr3, firstItemWithViewOnTop should probably have !m_visibleItem.isEmpty14:46
Saviqmhr3, before the call to .first()14:46
Saviqmhr3, that's what I _think_ should happen14:46
Saviqmhr3, there's a nice test suite for lvwph, should be easy to add a test for that :)14:47
nic-doffaySaviq, your class recommendation for the background of the FilterSelector?14:48
nic-doffayJust a rectangle?14:48
nic-doffayNot sure what else it should support.14:48
Saviqnic-doffay, yeah, just a somewhat-transparent rectangle14:48
Saviqblack one14:48
nic-doffaySaviq, yeah cool.14:49
nic-doffayThe rest is obvious.14:49
nic-doffayI'd say some dividers and obviously the option selectors.14:49
Saviqfginther, do you remember where "start_x" comes from?14:49
Saviqnic-doffay, yeah, just read them off of Scope.filters and you should be golden14:50
nic-doffaySaviq, cool.14:50
MacSlowSaviq, where did you find the netboot.iso of raring?14:51
SaviqMacSlow, saucy, you mean?14:51
SaviqMacSlow, http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/14:52
fgintherSaviq, i can find it14:53
nic-doffaySaviq, how is this supposed to look on the tablet out of interest?14:53
nic-doffayDidn't really consider that earlier.14:53
MacSlowSaviq, ah ok... thx14:54
fgintherSaviq, the start_x script is in the bzr project we use to deploy test systems14:55
mhr3Saviq, and yea, the simple !isEmpty() check fixes it15:00
Saviqmhr3, tests still pass?15:00
Saviqmhr3, there are two execs in ./builddir/tests/plugins/ListViewWithPageHeader/15:01
mhr3Saviq, yep, 2 skipped, 0 failed15:03
Saviqmhr3, cool, would be good to have a test for that fix in there15:08
dandraderSaviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/lp1116207/+merge/175163 is finally ready to go15:21
Saviqdandrader, cool15:21
nic-doffaySaviq, I don't think that filterSelector can be in the PageHeader.15:21
Saviqnic-doffay, that might be true15:22
nic-doffaySaviq, unless the height of the PageHeader is increased.15:22
Saviqnic-doffay, doesn't have to be15:22
nic-doffayI'm unsure if that will cause issues though.15:22
nic-doffaySaviq, the thing is at the moment the page header is obscured by the apps.15:22
Saviqnic-doffay, as you can grow out of PageHeader15:23
Saviqnic-doffay, z-order should be enough to fix that15:23
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nic-doffaySaviq, does QML support hardcoded z-ordering?15:23
Saviqnic-doffay, http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-item.html#z-prop15:25
nic-doffaySaviq, brilliant.15:26
nic-doffaySaviq, it's going to have to live somewhere else.15:29
nic-doffayAny recommendations?15:29
Saviqnic-doffay, no15:31
Saviqdidrocks, hey, can you please disable daily release for unity8?15:32
Saviqdidrocks, until we have integration tests working?15:32
didrocksSaviq: ah sure15:33
didrocksSaviq: or we can block publishing to next15:33
didrocksSaviq: meaning, only when you give the green flag, I'll publish to next15:33
didrocksbut it's still building/preparing15:33
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mterrySaviq, did you say once that animating something by changing "x" or "y" was especially slow?17:20
Saviqmterry, not really, although anchors + margins are supposedly slightly faster17:20
Saviqmterry, I wouldn't expect that to be your problem, though17:20
mterrySaviq, seems weird that sliding a widget would be especially slow17:21
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Saviqmterry, well, it depends on the widget, really, if it's only blended on top of the background - yeah, sounds weird (maybe it's not actually slow but some animations are fighting? like a behavior and a transition)17:59
Saviqmterry, you might want to enable layering for it if the only thing you're doing is moving it around18:00
Saviqmterry, http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qml-qtquick2-item.html#layer.enabled-prop18:00
mterrySaviq, interesting, didn't know about that18:00
Saviqmterry, it's useful when you want to transition a widget (especially opacity) as a single surface18:01
mterrySaviq, yeah, makes sense18:01
Saviqmterry, as opacity is applied recursively down the tree by default18:01
Saviqmterry, it looks different than when you render it once and change the opacity of the whole surface in one go18:02
Saviqand is sometimes faster, of course, too18:02
SaviqOTOH it uses additional memory18:02
Saviqso it really needs to be used with caution18:02
Saviqusually only when transitioning18:02
mhr3bschaefer, could you21:05
mhr3https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity/preload-after-removal/+merge/175645 ?21:05
bschaefermhr3, yes I can21:07
bschaefermhr3, approved21:08
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mhr3bschaefer, thx21:08
bschaefernp! its getting late for you!21:08
mhr3bschaefer, too many unities to fix :P21:09
Saviqmhall119, https://code.launchpad.net/~ricmm/platform-api/dont-focus-if-shell-visible/+merge/17567821:13
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