
kbooduIt blocked something00:00
lauratikayes!, i recently installed as today.00:00
lauratikabut the issue happens way before...00:00
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kbooduso is there something common to this reboot and previous ones?00:00
lauratikanot really, i mean surfing the net.00:01
lauratikaand scanner and printer are both off00:01
lauratikait is very weird ubuntu freezes, never saw that before, and in this caes it does that. freez at first like flash is crashing, then turn black and then the mmessage then reboots.00:02
kboodulauratika: Have you run memtest on the system to make sure you don't have bad RAM?  (How old is the computer?)00:03
korst3nhi.. i've got 13.04 ISO image. turns out wubi support is dropped from that one. how can I install it alongside windows without usb disk or cd-rom drive, as i lack both?00:03
lauratikakboodu, pretty know 4 months all, brand new from store. how do i run a memtest?00:04
lauratikapretty new i mean00:04
kboodulauratika: Yep.  Not like my 5-7 year old systems.  ;)00:04
dr_willisplay  eith it in virtualboc perhaps korst3n00:04
kboodulauratika: It should be an option in the grub menu.00:04
korst3ndr_willis: that's not really a solution.00:05
lauratikakboodu: maybe a faulty ram?00:05
aXXowindows forced faulty ram00:05
dr_williskorst3n:  i run in vbox all the time.   wubi isent really a sollution either00:05
aXXobad os = faulty ram00:05
aXXowhy to run faulty os in vbox? just for fun, because this is not a solution, just for games or not creative persons00:06
kboodulauratika: Maybe.  Trying to eliminate possibilities.  You can verify it's in there by doing grep mem /boot/grub/grub.cfg00:07
kboodulauratika: Should show memtest86 or memtest86+00:08
histolauratika: you can run memtest from grub menu00:08
histo!info memtest00:08
ubottuPackage memtest does not exist in raring00:08
histo!info memtest8600:08
ubottuPackage memtest86 does not exist in raring00:08
kboodu!info memtest86+00:08
ubottumemtest86+ (source: memtest86+): thorough real-mode memory tester. In component main, is standard. Version 4.20-1.1ubuntu3 (raring), package size 278 kB, installed size 2404 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; kfreebsd-i386; kfreebsd-amd64; lpia; hurd-i386)00:08
aXXoanyone in here that hatesusa lies?00:09
histostupid +00:09
histo!ot | aXXo00:09
ubottuaXXo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:09
lauratikai guess i have to restart pc00:11
lauratikai dont wanna go  :(00:11
kboodulauratika: Unfortunately..yes.  And it should run "overnight"00:12
dr_willisfor me  memtest always saw the bad ram within moments of running.00:12
kboodudr_willis: Me too...unless it was "boderline"  <sigh>00:13
lauratikabeing a bad ram will tell me right, with a message00:13
dr_willisbirght red messages00:13
lauratikaok, something else i should write down?00:13
dr_willisi had a bad memory slot00:13
lauratikaso you guys can help00:13
dr_willisremove clean and reseat the ram   may help also00:14
lauratikadr_willis: you have to change the pc?00:14
bossman759Anybody working on Ubuntu mobile phone apps?00:14
kboodulauratika: Sometimes memory gets "loose" and needs to be "reseated"00:14
dr_willislauratika:  just dident use that ram slot any more00:14
bossman759I mean Ubuntu Touch00:14
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch00:14
* kboodu wonders why that happens..and realizes it's heatintg / cooling that's the issue.00:14
dr_willisits gremlins yanking on the bits00:15
lauratikaok, so im off to test the ram come back soon... *leaving with tears on each eye*00:15
kboodulauratika: Hurry back!  We'll miss you.00:15
bossman759thanks ubottu00:15
lauratikahold on peeps!00:16
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histobossman759: ubottu is a bot00:21
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philipballewI want to move my wireless passwords on my Ubuntu machine to my Lubuntu machine. How can I do this?00:25
wilee-nileephilipballew, Type them in in lubuntu.00:27
justin_hey, does anyone know a good channel for dns help?00:27
dr_willisperhaps #networking00:27
justin_hm, i'll try that00:28
philipballewwilee-nilee, I have hundreds00:28
=== harrymoreno_ is now known as harrymoreno
histophilipballew: what do you use to store them?00:36
philipballewhisto, Network Manager? Or whatever default way ubuntu has for them00:36
wilee-nileephilipballew, If you need more info. http://askubuntu.com/questions/46397/how-to-move-wifi-passwords-to-a-new-installation00:37
drekalotsquestion. I installed ubuntu 13.04 and it's working sans one important detail. It never asked me to set a root password but Ican't edit system files without it...00:43
Triskeland your user pwd ?00:43
drekalotsdoesn't take it..00:43
Triskeltry "sudo su" with your user pwd00:43
kbooduwb lauratika00:43
Triskelthen type "passwd root" to set the root pwd00:44
lauratikakboodu: so far no issues on the ram00:44
kbooduHmm.  Well, not sure what to say.  Maybe you have an error message that gives more of a clue lauratika00:44
Triskelsomebody know if its possible to disable gpu on a laptop used as a server ?00:44
lauratikabut, now my display shows a black stupid gap on top, only way to fix it is resetting resolution then it fix the gap, but is now everytime reboot00:45
wilee-nileeTriskel, Ubuntu does not have a root password and it is discouraged here.00:45
drekalotscould someone point me in the best direction for setting up trim for an ssd?00:46
Triskelwilee-nilee: do you know if its possible to disable gpu on a laptop used as a server ?00:46
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wilee-nileeTriskel, And it is sudo -i check your OS norms00:46
histo!sudo | drekalots00:46
ubottudrekalots: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo00:46
histo!root | drekalots00:46
ubottudrekalots: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:46
Triskel-i ? :) and the command before ?00:47
Nmbr1drekalots: instead of trying to create a root password Ubuntu wants you to just use "sudo" command and type your user password00:47
histodrekalots: edit /etc/fstab and enable discard as an option for your ssd00:47
Nmbr1e.g. sudo gedit file.txt00:47
histoTriskel: why would you disable the gpu?00:47
Triskelwarm, fan noise, energy consumption00:47
wilee-nileedrekalots, I use this link. https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/ssd00:47
Triskelbut my main problem is warm/fan00:48
werdim having trouble installing ubuntu any help00:48
Triskelits an old laptop00:48
drekalotswilee-nilee: Thanks.00:48
Nmbr1drekalots: if you just want a root shell you can always use sudo gnome-terminal (assuming you are using gnome)00:48
histoTriskel: close the lid00:48
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Triskelif i close the lid, i got a lot of warm :)00:49
histoTriskel: clean vents00:49
werdwhen i try installing ubuntu on my computer in the boot menu a smiley face appears on the command line and my computer freezes00:49
culpn8ranyone here use ncmpcpp? i have no sound00:49
wilee-nileewerd, Really where did the install media come from?00:50
histoTriskel: you could blacklist whatever module it's using but it's still receiving power00:50
Triskeli should yeah,  and put a new thermal paste00:50
drekalotswilee-nilee: So I should've used EXT4 it seems...00:50
werdthe website00:50
wilee-nileedrekalots, What did you use?00:50
histoTriskel: although mostlikely the gpu is part of your cpu00:50
drekalotswilee-nilee: I left it at default... is that still EXT3 or did it change to EXT4?00:51
Triskelits a dedicated radeon ati00:51
wilee-nileewerd, Never heard of a smiley face, check the sum of the ISO.00:51
werdhow do i do that00:51
Triskelgoogle say there is a thermal bridge missing in my model00:51
wilee-nileedrekalots, ext4 is the default, what is the release you have?00:51
drekalotswilee-nilee: 13.0400:51
Triskelbut atm i dont have really the time to open the laptop and hardwaring/cleaning00:51
wilee-nilee!md5sum | werd00:51
ubottuwerd: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:51
histodrekalots: why did you use ext3?00:51
Nmbr1werd: smiley face at teh command line doesn't sound friendly00:51
drekalotshisto: I left it at default.. so if EXT4 is the default then it should be EXT4.00:52
werdi even completely wiped the hard drive so i dont think it is a virus00:52
wilee-nileewerd, Which website?00:52
Triskeldrekalots type "mount" to know00:52
Martijn-NLGoing to sleep. Good night everyone!00:52
histodrekalots: sudo blkid00:53
drekalotsit's EXT4. phew.00:53
histoTriskel: blacklisting will stop the module from loading00:54
drekalotswilee-nilee: having an issue with trim though. if i run an fstrim -v / i get an error: fstrim: /home: FITRIM ioctl failed: Operation not supported00:54
histodrekalots: edit your fstab and add discard tot he options section for it00:54
histodrekalots: sudo fstrim -v00:54
wilee-nileedrekalots, You have a separate home?00:54
werdwilee_nilee, ubuntu.com00:55
wilee-nileedrekalots, That link addresses a separate home00:55
drekalotsman. i should've manually done the partitioning... i let the install disk do it. why did I do that... I need to go look at fdisk -l and figure this mess out00:55
wilee-nileedrekalots, the command is sudo fstrim -v /   with the OS in one partition.00:56
drekalotswilee-nilee: if I run that I get the same error00:56
wilee-nileedrekalots, DO YOU HAVE A SEPARATE HOME?00:57
wilee-nileelol, sorry to yell.00:57
drekalotswilee-nilee: I let the dang disk do the partitions. I got npo clue what it did.00:58
* drekalots laughs.00:58
wilee-nileedrekalots, take a screen shot of gparted and imagebin it.00:58
werdwilee-nilee, any advice for me00:59
wilee-nileewerd, The face is really weird, in 6 years of using ubuntu and many others I have never seen that, not sure to be honest, other than make sure the ISO is good with a sum check.01:00
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drekalotswilee-nilee: http://imagebin.org/26486501:01
werdwille-nilee, it is and i also tried mint and raspian all did the same thing01:01
wilee-nileehonestly I would have top see it to belive it.01:01
wilee-nileedrekalots, Those commands are from a running OS.01:02
drekalotswilee-nilee: I'm using the machine... yes.01:03
* drekalots thinks Gentoo was easier.01:03
wilee-nileedrekalots, heh, gentoo, not sure with a lvm01:03
drekalotswilee-nilee: yea. so i'm stuck on stupid right now... what am I doing wrong...01:04
wilee-nileedrekalots, No idea I see a red flag on the partition, I'm not sure with gparted and luks, never used it or encrypt on a HD.01:04
drekalotswilee-nilee: ok. no worries.01:05
drekalotsubuntu installs quick enough. I can nuke it from orbit and run it again.01:05
drekalotswilee-nilee: Thanks for your though. I'll be back in a bit.01:06
* drekalots searches for his hammer.01:06
wilee-nileeno prob01:06
lauratikadrekalots searches for his hammer.01:06
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werdwille-nilee, it is hard to tell but those little white things are the smileys http://imagebin.org/26486801:07
razzledazzlecan anyone help me restore key bindings on Compiz?01:10
wilee-nileewerd, What was on the computer before?01:11
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werdthat still is on the computer im on my laptop now01:11
razzledazzlealso why does setting wallpaper copy images to the Wallpapers folder located in the Pictures folder, it recopies even if the image is already there01:12
clue_hbecause it's awesome01:12
wilee-nileewerd, Is that the boot from menu outside of the bios?01:12
lukem__where is my Python/C guy?01:13
lukem__I know there is a Python, C guy who knows whats what01:13
werdwilee-nilee, my options were f2 for bios or f12 for boot menu and i did f1201:13
lukem__reveal yourself, so I can ask you a Python C question01:13
lukem__I am a developer01:13
wilee-nileewerd, Cool so there it freezes?01:14
jriblukem__: if you have an ubuntu question, please just ask it.  If you have a python question, #python is a better bet (but just ask your question there too instead of looking for some sort of "guy")01:14
lukem__man, its all developers01:15
werdwilee-nilee, not quite i can press any key on the keyboard and it adds another smiley but besides that it freezes01:15
lukem__it doesnt matter01:15
wilee-nileewerd, Is freeze just a black screen?01:15
lukem__ok then01:15
lukem__why does my Ubuntu suck?01:15
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lukem__it gives me System error problems all the time, and samba problems01:15
werdwilee-nilee, it stays on the boot screen01:15
lauratikalukem__:because you need to lear how tu use it better??01:16
JRicketts_good evening everyone... I need some assistance. I can access my website localhost but cannot through my domain name from another pc for expample. My domain name is through Godaddy and I am using their nameservers so I don't have to mess with it. I know that i changed the @ address to my Static IP address and left everything else alone in the domain panel on Godaddy? The error says The server at www.redsquareelectronics.c01:16
lukem__I never said Ubuntu sucks01:16
wilee-nileewerd, Is it a usb or disk, and have you checked the md5sum of the ISO, and is it burned as an image on a disc, please read this carefully.01:16
lukem__I said my operation has problems, and I have had a couple downloads with the same result01:16
JRicketts_configure my router to allow port forwarding for port 80 wich i found on many web forums but still no luck01:16
lukem__on a more serious note : my network only effectively connects 1/3 times upon reboot01:17
Ben64lukem__: give details on your problem, pastebin errors and maybe someone can help you01:17
wilee-nileelukem__, Welcome to ignore, the world does not revolve around you.01:17
werdwilee-nilee, how do i do that01:17
somsipJRicketts_: I'm getting the default apache webpage at that address (.com)01:17
wilee-nilee!md5sum | werd01:17
werdwhere do i type that in01:17
JRicketts_ummm... ok does it matter if i am trying from a differenct maching on my network?01:18
lukem__I thought this was the #Ubuntu server?01:18
somsipJRicketts_: depends if your NS records for your server are cached and you're still reading old, cached entries01:18
wilee-nileewerd: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:18
lukem__should I try #ignore?01:18
JRicketts_Somsip_: Never thought of that good call01:18
JRicketts_ill check it out and let you know how it goes01:18
Ben64JRicketts_: yeah you usually have to wait 24hrs or so for dns to propagate world wide01:19
somsipJRicketts_: propogation can be quite quick. I find GoDaddy to be slow. ping the FQDN until the IP is correct, then retry01:19
lauratika*starting ignoring mode*01:19
bazhanglauratika, stop that01:19
somsipJRicketts_: and very much depends on TTL. ISTR GoDaddy is quite high01:19
JRicketts_well i would use my own dns but the problem is I am not that good at configuiring, now my server could handle it i bought it used but a pretty decent one, I might attack that on a later date but I have found that it will be more helpful to me just to let them host it for now01:20
razzledazzleJRicketts_: some routers do not support accessing own resource from the external IP, if you're in the same network01:20
JRicketts_are they that bad?01:20
lauratikait's broken  :o01:20
JRicketts_I did use my phone to pull up the url and it worked great! Thanks alot for that info01:20
somsipJRicketts_: GoDaddy is probably good enough for your needs. But you will have to wait for propagation now01:21
JRicketts_go ya01:21
JRicketts_now does ubuntu come with its own firewall on install?01:21
JRicketts_I don't think it does but wanted to ask the pros01:21
JRicketts_i know that centos did?01:22
Ben64well if the bot would stop being laggy it would tell you it does01:22
checoimgWhat is a better method than MD5 I forgot the name01:22
checoimgSHA  ?01:22
Ben64checoimg: method of...01:22
checoimgCheck Summing I guess01:22
somsipchecoimg: SHA1 is usually the next step up, in very geenral terms01:22
checoimgI think I've read that there's a better method for checking than MD501:23
checoimgI recall SHA but I'm noy sure if that's the one01:24
checoimgIs SHA1 installed by default on Ubuntu ?01:24
razzledazzlestupid wallpaper problem D:01:24
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Ben64checoimg: probably01:25
somsip!info rhash | checoimg01:25
troulouliou_devchecoimg, yes it is in coreutils01:25
Ben64ubottu died somsip01:25
checoimgI would like to see it working, I have an ISO file here01:25
somsipBen64: thanks01:25
th0rRazzledazzle: you shouldn't use stupid wallpaper...it leads to frustration01:26
somsipchecoimg: sha1sum or rhash by the look of it.01:26
razzledazzleth0r, lol frustrated right now01:26
lauratikarazzledazzle: what is the issue01:26
checoimgOK thanks01:26
razzledazzledo you know why images get recopied to the Wallpapers folder even if they already exist there?01:27
razzledazzlethis happens when I set wallpaper01:27
MoonlightningWhat is `powernap` for?01:27
checoimgSHA1 is faster01:27
checoimgRHASH is not installe dby default01:27
checoimg!info md5sum01:29
checoimg!info md5sum | checoimg01:29
checoimgRHASH is even faster than SHA1SUM01:31
l3dwas wondering if there was a way to change the default icon for folders if so how ubuntu 12.1001:32
DrekAlotsman. it takes forever to switch video drivers.01:33
parker_First time using IRC01:36
wilee-nileel3d, If your running unity the unity-tweak-tool probably has some options.01:37
DrekAlotsHello parker.01:37
* DrekAlots remembers his first ime on IRC. It was circa 1995.01:37
parker_Is this a good place to ask for help? The forums to be doing me any good.01:37
wilee-nileel3d, But that will change the theme overall, is it just that one icon?01:38
DrekAlotsSeems to be. I'm new around this channel as well.01:38
parker_Movie Player, Blender, Youtube and Vimeo on chorme. Everything I try to play on my system has this issue.01:38
parker_The videos play very fast, and have no sound at all. I just did an update, can I undo it? Should I?01:38
parker_I'm using Ubuntu 13.04, and I just did the regular update when prompted.01:38
parker_Added: Grooveshark doesn't play, so it seems I have no sound at all.01:38
werdwilee-nilee, the iso is fine so i am wiping my hdd with the dod method instead of the quick method this time bc i think it is a virus and the quick method didnt wipe it01:40
l3dwilee-nilee,  yes is is the one folder default icon for all folder icons  and not unity gnome fallback01:40
somsip!info firefox01:42
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 22.0+build2-0ubuntu0.13.04.2 (raring), package size 25632 kB, installed size 53336 kB01:42
somsip!info firefox 12.0401:42
ubottu'12.04' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, unstable01:42
somsip!info firefox precise01:42
SonikkuAmerica!info firefox precise01:42
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 22.0+build2-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 (precise), package size 25861 kB, installed size 54052 kB01:43
somsipSonikkuAmerica: got it in the end, thanks. Sorry for spamming...01:43
SonikkuAmericaNo biggie01:43
wilee-nileel3d, Where is the icon showing?01:43
jtreminioIs it possible to force apt-get install to always use --force-yes ?01:44
wilee-nileejtreminio, That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.01:44
jtreminiowilee-nilee: hehe. need it for puppet01:45
wilee-nileedarn puppet "masters"01:45
jtreminiospecifically, this ppa ppa:ondrej/php5-experimental01:45
jtreminiotrying to install apache2 throws those errors, but need it installed anyway. Best way to do this and others is to always force yes01:45
jribjtreminio: "those errors"?01:47
=== thomi|lunch is now known as thomi
jtreminiojrib: http://pastebin.com/sW4W4Wde01:47
jribjtreminio: add the key for the ppa01:48
jtreminiojrib: I did the add-apt-repo and then apt-get update01:48
jribjtreminio: was the key added for the ppa?01:48
jtreminiojrib: this would take care of it right? $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5-experimental01:50
jribjtreminio: yes, but see my last question01:50
jtreminiojrib: where should I check if it did?01:50
jribjtreminio: 1) identify the ppa in question for those packages (apt-cache policy) 2) find the key for the ppa (you can use the launchpad page for the ppa) 3) use apt-key to see the current keys apt knows about01:51
* JRicketts_ is now away - Reason : Auto-Away (Away from Keyboard for 30 minutes)01:52
jrib!away > JRicketts_01:52
ubottuJRicketts_, please see my private message01:52
infinituxdoes anybody know if collada-dom_2.3.1-1_amd64.deb is compatible with > libboost-filesystem1.46.1 such as libboost-filesystem1.49.0 or libboost-filesystem1.50.0?01:53
jribinfinitux: why would you need to ask that?  Shouldn't the deb package specify its dependencies?01:54
DrekAlotsstill having issues with setting up trim. is the command fstrim -v /dev/sda or just fstrim -v / ?01:54
infinituxjrib that's why i asked01:55
BollsaqDoes Gtk3 themes use metacity for the window themes or something else?01:55
jribinfinitux: I don't understand.  You think the dependencies the deb specifies are wrong, or...?01:56
infinituxcollada-dom_2.3.1-1_amd64.deb requires libboost-filesystem1.46.1 but my repo only has libboost-filesystem1.49.0 or libboost-filesystem1.50.001:56
jribinfinitux: ask the creator of the deb or read the software's documentation01:57
wilee-nileeBollsaq, depends on the desktop, unity is compiz.01:57
Ralliashttp://i.imgur.com/nOoG4H5.png <- What can I do to make this more managable?01:58
jtreminiojrib: I can confirm the key was *not* added01:58
somsipRallias: what's the problem with it?01:58
cipherboyRallias, what are you asking? That seems to be an apt-get update with only default sources...not much to manage there.01:59
Ralliassomsip, The VM is running in 1600x1200 (I think...) while my laptop runs at 1366x768.01:59
jribjtreminio: either figure out why (remove the ppa and add it again to try to replicate) or add the key now01:59
DrekAlotsstill having issues with setting up trim. is the command fstrim -v /dev/sda or just fstrim -v / ?01:59
somsipRallias: what WM is the VM running?01:59
jtreminioW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net raring Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 4F4EA0AAE5267A6C02:00
Ralliassomsip, None.02:00
jtreminiojrib: ^^02:00
jtreminiowell at least now I can work from there, I think02:00
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Ralliassomsip, Unless I've forgotten, this is the first bootup of me installing from mini.iso02:01
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Ubuh-Huntuhis there any of the unbuntu distributions that has glibc >= 2.28?02:02
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somsipRallias: Surely this is a VM issue then? What is it running under?02:03
jtreminioI wonder why it didn't get the key at first ...02:03
Ralliassomsip, It's running on libvirtd/kvm02:03
vnwilmanHow to make .bash_history longer than 500 lines?02:04
somsipRallias: never used it/them. Sorry, I can't help02:04
Ralliassomsip, I know when I was using centos 6 I could use the vga=789 kernel switch and it'd be a good size... I just don't know how to set kernel options in ubuntu.02:05
DrekAlotsstill having issues with setting up trim. is the command fstrim -v /dev/sda or just fstrim -v / ?02:05
somsipvnwilman: on here (scroll down a bit to HISTSIZE) http://is.gd/o0uSGD02:06
cipherboyDrekAlots, man fstrim... says fstrim [...] -v mountpoint.02:06
pozhi, i lost the unity side bar and the top bar as well. anyone know how I can get these back?02:07
dongshow do I use https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/i386/linux-source-3.5.0/3.5.0-23.3502:08
dongsinstalling it results in a 83megs linux-source-3.5.0.tar.bz2 and 2 debian.* dirs.02:08
Ralliasdongs, are you looking to use the 3.5.0-23.35 kernel or the sources?02:09
kellyhi guys , anyone used turpial ?02:09
pozi lost the unity side bar and the top bar as well. anyone know how I can get these back?02:09
abetuskI have a fresh install of 12.04 and am trying to get an Epson xp-200 printer working over usb.  I have installed the 64 bit drivers from epson (http://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/du/02/DriverDownloadInfo.do?LG2=EN&CN2=&DSCMI=17707&DSCCHK=7eb2b95601a4a0a65adc04e65e3667e0c9dda153) and see the printer on /dev/ubs/lp0 but I don't know how to print to it.  It doesn't show up in Inkscape as an option.02:09
dongsRallias: im looking to build the kernel, using same settings as whatever is shippe02:09
dongs+ after adding some custom junk02:09
dongsis the .tar.bz2 the patched/etc kernel with all settings configured?02:10
abetuskIf I put a text file directly to the /dev/usb/lp0, it seems to print partially, but it doesn't eject the paper when it's finished02:10
abetuskAny suggestions on what to do, what management tools to use or how to get it to show up for regular use?02:10
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, Take a look here lvm's are a bit different to set up trim it looks like. http://blog.christophersmart.com/2013/06/05/trim-on-lvm-on-luks-on-ssd/02:10
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, I assume you went lvm again.02:11
Ralliasdongs, Beware the reprecussions of building your own kernel. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel is a guide I've used in the past.02:11
DrekAlotswilee-nilee: No. I manually parted it. I got it working finally.02:11
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, Cool. ;)02:11
DrekAlotswilee-nilee: http://imagebin.org/26487302:12
DrekAlotswilee-nilee: I'm adding the command to rc.local now and we'll see how it works.02:12
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, Gots the swap up front, I forget that always.02:13
DrekAlotswilee-nilee: My machine never uses swap. It's got 16Gb of RAM but I always add 1GB anyway.02:13
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, It rarely gets used here, with the ssd it is hardly noticeable.02:14
DrekAlotswilee-nilee: That's what I figured. But I created it anyway.02:14
dongsRallias: that might be what i need.02:16
pozwow, i really fucked up my computer02:16
pozeverytime i try to fix it i get even more errors02:17
poznow i lost the sidebar and topbar02:17
dongsor not.02:19
dongsi dont want to bulid any deb.02:19
=== swan is now known as Guest63088
wilee-nilee!language > poz02:22
ubottupoz, please see my private message02:22
pozi just upset02:24
wilee-nileeno biggie you just want to know, did you remove some PPA'a02:24
pozanyways, i have decided to reinstall ubuntu02:24
pozi am going to try 13.0402:24
pozlast time it did not work (like 5 months ago) but maybe it will this time02:25
pozno, i dont think ppas are the problem02:25
wilee-nileepoz, Be sure to be on the net and tick the update box, so you get all the drivers and such.02:25
pozwill do02:25
pozits going to take me forever to install all the stuff i had on this though02:26
wilee-nileepoz, I have a install list I just run, and ppa's I load and keys, and a package list.02:27
pozi should start developing one of those lol02:28
pozmight cover a lot of stuff I would be putting on anyways, think you could share this install list?02:29
wilee-nileepoz, on a reload of a OS you can run these dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages02:30
wilee-nileeAnd if you wanted to use the list to reinstall this software on a fresh ubuntu setup, Code: sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages ; sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade02:30
wilee-nileethe list can be loaded from synaptic as well, you just want to make sure the sources and keys are there if any extras.02:31
wilee-nileeand any PPA's cover your release installed02:32
=== deww_ is now known as deww
azazel91how do i find my mac address02:33
BenjaminRHhey there people. anybody know how I can get nomodeset working permanently as a startup option? My screen is black without it. Or is there a better solution? My screen seems to work without that flag if I close the lid (put it to sleep) and wake it up again.02:34
pozThank you wilee-nilee, just wrote it down!02:35
JRicketts_what would you pros reccomend either webmin or ispconfig for ubuntu?02:35
* JRicketts_ is no longer away - Gone for 43 mins 33 secs02:35
SonikkuAmericaBenjaminRH: Edit your /etc/default/grub02:35
saiarcot895BenjaminRH: you can edit /etc/default/grub and then run sudo update-grub02:35
wilee-nileeBenjaminRH, You investigated the graphic driver issues?02:36
BenjaminRHwilee-nilee: uh. Not really. I installed bumblebee02:36
BenjaminRHfor optimus02:36
SonikkuAmericaJRicketts_: jrib kicked you out of the channel because of your noisy away message. Get rid of it, please.02:37
BenjaminRHSonikkuAmerica, saiarcot895 thanks for that02:37
BenjaminRHwilee-nilee: is there something you'd suggest02:37
wilee-nileebenjamino, Ah, out of my area, however many use it, a new computer like that should have some workarounds, just not easy maybe.02:37
SonikkuAmericaJRicketts_: (Channel policy forbids announced away messages)02:37
JRicketts_srry will turn off :)02:37
BenjaminRHwilee-nilee: just out of curiosity, what's with the "o" at the end of my name?02:38
wilee-nileeBenjaminRH, Heh tab complete and me not paying attention, another nick, my bad.02:39
BenjaminRHAh. lol02:39
pozhave they fixed the nvidia driver problems "out of the box" in 13.04?02:39
BenjaminRHpoz: certainly not :D02:40
pozor am i going to have to spend an hour or so fixing that... thats a bummer02:40
wilee-nileepoz, can pigs fly. ;)02:40
pozthats the part i am least looking forward to02:40
BenjaminRHpoz: good luck with the hour time estimate02:40
BenjaminRHpoz: when you figure that out, I'd love you to drop a line02:40
* wilee-nilee avoids nvidia and fastboot02:40
wilee-nileeerh safeboot02:41
pozi have done it about 20 times already with multiple monitors on my desktop. this laptop should be easier02:41
* BenjaminRH avoids safeboot, loves nvidia because is addicted to games02:41
BenjaminRHpoz: ahah! Then you probably already know what you're doing02:41
* DrekAlots is trying out why virtualbox is limiting him to 256MB of VRAM.02:41
pozI have a sense of direction, but lack understanding. i typically fumble around with the settings until it works02:42
BenjaminRHYou know it's bad when you have to spend hours figuring something out in Ubuntu when it worked "out of the box" in Arch02:42
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, you sure your at ram not video?02:42
wilee-nileeeh display02:42
dongs Q: what is the simplest way to get a buildable kernel source tree for a given ubuntu-patched kernel version.. I don't want to build a .deb or anything. Just the patched source, which, if built, would result in the binary identical to currently running kernel.02:42
DrekAlotswilee-nilee: yup.02:42
DrekAlotsand no full screen mode...02:43
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, You need the guest additions for screen, not sure on the ram or where you doing this at.02:43
DrekAlotswilee-nilee: in the display settings for the machine02:44
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, The machine off?02:44
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, Hmm mine will let me use all the computers ram, although with a warning if I go past 50%02:45
cheezitHey, is there any way to install the proper nvidia drivers under ubuntu 13.04?02:46
cheezit(Nvidia packages don't seem to exist anymore, nor can I find the drivers anywhere else)02:47
=== andrex is now known as andrex|off
xirretar -cvzf "../test.tar.gz" "test/" <-- When running this a second time it does not make a new one. Instead, it overwrites. How do I make it automatically create a new file such as test(1).tar.gz02:47
wilee-nileecheezit, Have you looked in additional drivers?02:47
DrekAlotscheezit: In Ubuntu Software Center, click on the Edit menu and then select sources. Then Additional Drivers.02:47
BenjaminRHwhat about x-swap02:47
BenjaminRHanybody use x-swap? Like it? No?02:48
wilee-nileea swap file?02:48
BenjaminRHno, the X-SWAP ppa for nvidia graphics02:48
BenjaminRHcheezit: it won't appear in additional drivers if your thing has optimus support, apparently02:48
cheezitDrekAlots: is the software center accessable as 'Software and updates' under settings?02:48
=== benjamino is now known as melegeko
cheezitI don't see anything under 'additional drivers'02:49
xirretar -cvzf "../test.tar.gz" "test/" <-- When running this a second time it does not make a new one. Instead, it overwrites. How do I make it automatically create a new file such as test(1).tar.gz02:49
cheezitBenjaminRH: This is a desktop, so I wouldn't assume that would be an issue02:50
BenjaminRHwhat card is it?02:50
=== melegeko is now known as melego
wilee-nileecheezit, So nvidia is not my area, however for help here identifying your hardware is first on the list, and then the problems.02:50
BenjaminRHbtw wilee-nilee, while I'm getting help, do you know anything about getting special function keys to work properly?02:51
BenjaminRHwilee-nilee: things like FN+F-- to raise/lower brightness or volume, etc.02:51
wilee-nileeBenjaminRH, No sure.02:52
wilee-nileenot sure*02:52
BenjaminRHthey're all screwed up on my laptop02:52
wilee-nileeBenjaminRH, Some computers are different with those key controls it seems.02:53
BenjaminRHthey all do it differently02:53
PaulmSo, totally new here, haven't been in a chatroom since the 90's.  Am I just supposed to ask the room for help if I have an issue?02:53
BenjaminRHPaulm: yep :)02:53
wilee-nileePaulm, You would state the issue.02:53
wilee-nileeas a way if asking for help02:54
Paulmokay - so I've got an issue with getting into gmail... just doesn't work, times out in every browser.02:54
Ben64sounds like an internet issue, not ubuntu02:55
wilee-nileePaulm, You blocking any flash or cookies.02:55
PaulmWorks on my roommates computer and we have the same wireless02:55
PaulmI have an adblocker, turned it off, didn't help02:56
Ben64Paulm: you probably are using a different dns server02:56
Paulmtried switching to an open dns, didn't help.02:56
Ben64Paulm: pastebin the contents of /etc/resolv.conf02:56
PaulmTried updating to 13.04 from 12.04, going through 12.10 no change.02:57
Paulmwhat's weird is it used to work just fine.02:57
stuxHello again, a few days ago I was having issues with ufw in my VPS.  The machine was running Ubuntu 11.04.  I have since reinstalled 10.04 LTS and re-installed ufw but have had the same issues. I was wondering if someone here could help fix or set up a simple yet robust firewall on my machine.02:57
Paulmben64 - not much of tech guy, what should I do?02:58
Ben64Paulm: pastebin the contents of /etc/resolv.conf02:58
wilee-nileestux, This a server?02:58
stuxoh, yeah, it's a server so it's running 10.04 LTS server, sorry forgot to mention02:58
Ben64stux: you should really upgrade to 12.04 or 13.04, 11.04 is not supported at all, and 10.04 is very old02:58
stuxwell at least it's a stripped down version02:59
cheezitAny reason why vim would have no installation candidate?02:59
stuxBen64 I tried installing 12.04 but the VPS didn't support its installation02:59
cheezitOr why I can't change my download mirror? (When I select an item in the 'download from' drop down box it disregards my selection and retains the old value...)02:59
wilee-nileecheezit, I see a whole lotta vim in synaptic02:59
cheezitwilee-nilee: Any suggestions as to how i'd get at it?03:00
BenjaminRHcheezit: compile it yourself, worst case03:01
cheezitsudo apt-get install vim returns me 'vim' has no installation candidate03:01
wilee-nileecheezit, Never used it but sudo apt-get install vim should load it03:01
PaulmSorry for my ignorance Ben64 - how does one pastebin? I think I need less technical direction, or more explicit ones.03:01
BenjaminRHcheezit: thats odd, I just tried it, it worked for me03:01
cheezitSame with aptitude or any other package i can find03:01
cheezitThis is a new install of 13.0403:01
BenjaminRHme too03:01
BenjaminRHworked fine for me03:01
wilee-nileecheezit, Have you run a update yet?03:01
somsip!info vim | cheezit03:01
BenjaminRHoh. lol03:01
ubottucheezit: vim (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 2:7.3.547-6ubuntu5 (raring), package size 808 kB, installed size 1907 kB03:01
Pinkamena_Dthe movie player "totem" I think its called, has a few issues when playing back dvds for me. Horizontal lines appear as if interlaced or something, and the audio desyncs. I tried vlc too and just the audio desync happens03:02
stuxso if anybody has experience setting up firewall packages (even if it's with iptables) that would be most helpful (I heard there are other alternatives to ufw)03:02
somsipcheezit: standard package, called 'vim'. There are variants, eg: vim-nox. But it should intall using just 'vim'03:02
Pinkamena_DAnyone know of a good dvd player?03:02
Ben64Paulm: you go to pastebin.com and put text in the box there, submit it, and give the url here03:02
wilee-nileePinkamena_D, VLC03:02
Ben64Pinkamena_D: mplayer203:02
cheezitIt really should03:03
cheezitI just ran an update03:03
cheezitlet's see if this fixes it03:03
DrekAlotsdang. this ssd is fast. lol.03:04
=== c|oneman is now known as clon3man
wilee-nilee!pastebin > Paulm for a reference03:08
ubottuPaulm, please see my private message03:08
Pinkamena_Dis mplayer2 only command line?03:09
Pinkamena_Dif so, do you know the command to load some of the dvd into the memory because it just keeps seeking and pausing the stream every second03:09
Ben64theres a frontend that works with it, called smplayer03:09
Ben64-cache 3276803:10
Pinkamena_Dok wow that looks better03:10
DrekAlotsok. how do i get rid of the stupid sales results when i click on the ubuntu logo?03:11
cheezitOk, so that turned out to just be user error on my part (I assumed that It already updated as part of the install)03:12
cheezitHoweve rnow i'm finding that when I try and install ghc-doc GHC core dumps and it blows up apt03:12
cheezitany thoughts?03:12
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
Paulmokay - got a gmail issue03:21
PaulmHere's the pastbin url for the whole story http://pastebin.com/kNGMXN5W03:21
Paulmit's not too long, but I was asked to do this pastebin thing03:22
clue_hI guess you have already tried a fresh install of an alternate browser with no plugins, just getting that out of the way03:23
PaulmIt's confusing right?03:24
BenjaminRHanybody know what the "quite" and "splash" grub options do?03:24
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
DrekAlotsi uninstalled the lenses but am still getting stupid sales advertisements when i click on the ubuntu logo and search for a program.... any ideas.03:25
clue_hIt is, do you have a fire wall rule set btw03:25
PaulmI don't have a firewall.03:26
clue_hI'm having the same problem anyway03:26
Paulmyou are?03:27
Paulmdriving me crazy03:27
Paulmso no advice on steps?03:29
insGadgetwhy does my lightdm.conf file have a *autologin-user=<myusername>* followed by *autologin-user-timeout=0* followed by *autologin-session=lightdm-autologin* is this normal for autologin install?03:42
NORootHow can i make a windows usb in ubuntu 13.04 , unetbootin wont work and many other programs..03:44
wilee-nileeNORoot, http://congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html is one multisystem at pendrive linux works as well.03:46
NORootI just tried but failed03:46
wilee-nileeNORoot, What windows release?03:46
NORootWindows 8 pro x6403:46
wilee-nileeNORoot, Where did you get it?03:46
NORootwell i want to install windows 8.1 and download using my license the windows 8 pro version03:47
insGadgetWinUSB any good?03:47
NORootso i have windows 8.1 .iso03:47
wilee-nileeNORoot, w8.1 is a free install03:47
wilee-nileeauto activates03:48
NORootI know, but i want to install my windows 8 pro (which i bought)03:48
insGadgethttp://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/tool-to-create-windows-usb-install.html is this relavant03:48
wilee-nileeNORoot, No reason to the 8.1 is a longterm use.03:48
wilee-nileeis not*03:48
NORootunetbootin will only detect fat32 and not ntfs03:48
wilee-nileeNORoot, You want both?03:49
NORooti actually got my windows deleted while installing ubuntu03:49
wilee-nileeNORoot, Oh well you have not answered a single question, nor made any sense in regards to my posts, carry on.03:50
wilee-nileelike talking to a brick wall03:51
mm12hi all03:51
mm12how come my computer freezed everytime iam on ubuntu03:51
BenjaminRHI just installed the nvidia drivers, and now my screen resolution only works at a very low setting (not quite sure what it is). Any idea how to fix that?03:51
BenjaminRHwhen I login, I get an error message "Could not apply the stored configuration for the monitors"03:52
=== melego is now known as benjamino
BenjaminRH"none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes: " and then it lists a bunch of resolutions it tried03:52
BenjaminRHthis is normally a 1080p hd screen. Any idea how to restore that?03:53
mm12can i create a swap area after ive installed ubuntu03:53
Coreymm12: ^03:53
CoreyCreate a swapfile with dd, then "swapon" it.03:53
mm12i think that might be the problem03:54
mm12ok let me try that03:55
ExperimentalLionHI all04:00
ExperimentalLionwhere are other people from?04:00
somsip!ot | ExperimentalLion04:01
ubottuExperimentalLion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:01
BenjaminRHI just installed the nvidia drivers, and now my screen resolution only works at a very low setting (not quite sure what it is). Does anybody here know how to fix that?04:02
usr13BenjaminRH: How did you install the Nvidia Driver?04:03
BenjaminRHusr13: I tried it from the X-SWAP ppa, and then when that didn't work, from NVIDIA.com04:03
BenjaminRHwhen I login, I get an error message "Could not apply the stored configuration for the monitors"04:03
usr13BenjaminRH: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf  or sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak04:04
BenjaminRHincidentally, my previous issue of a black screen on boot-up is now fixed04:04
imhotep525what kind of card?04:04
BenjaminRHgeforce 740m04:04
usr13BenjaminRH: Or, find the Nvidia GUI and adjust.04:05
usr13BenjaminRH: what does   xrandr  say?04:05
usr13BenjaminRH: What version of Ubuntu do you have installed?04:06
BenjaminRHa fresh install of 13.0404:06
usr13BenjaminRH: Fully updated?04:06
BenjaminRHxrandr says Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 640 x 480, maximum 32767 x 3276704:07
BenjaminRHbut only one entry for a screen04:07
usr13xrandr | pastebinit   #SHow us URL04:08
BenjaminRHincidentally, thanks so much for taking the time here04:09
usr13pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log    #Send that URL to us.04:10
usr13BenjaminRH: lspci | pastebinit   #Send that URL04:12
imhotep525does anyone here run steam on 12.04 and have performance issues?04:13
usr13BenjaminRH: uname -a | pastebinit04:14
RalliasIs there a good command line http file getter that supports gzip?04:14
usr13Rallias: wget04:15
BenjaminRHusr13: 588640004:15
Ralliasusr13, That supports gzip04:15
zeroRooterMy administrative account currently has no password on it ( i changed it to nothing after install) i seem to have trouble rechanging it to something else as the "current password:" field in "user accounts" requires a password (otherwise i can't proceed)04:15
RalliasThe problem is, wget doesn't support gzip04:16
usr13BenjaminRH: When you got the Nvidia driver from nvidia.com, did you get the 32bit or 64bit.04:16
BenjaminRHusr13: 6404:16
BenjaminRHusr13: but it said it was also installing 32 bit compatibility04:16
usr13BenjaminRH: THere is a utility you can use, I think it is nvidia-settings   or    nvidia-xconfig04:17
BenjaminRHusr13: both are available options04:18
usr13Rallias:  Why don't you tell us what you want to do?04:18
Ralliasusr13, Pull files with gzip encoding to save bandwidth04:18
usr13Rallias: You want to download a website and save it as a compressed archive?04:19
BenjaminRHusr13: when I open up nvidia-settings, it pops up with a message saying "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server"04:19
RalliasNo, I want the transfer to happen with gzip.04:19
usr13Rallias: That is something that is going to happen on the server end.  Is it your site?04:20
Ralliasusr13, The problem is, it won't use gzip unless the client announces itself as gzip compatible.04:20
RalliasWget is not gzip compatible.04:20
omegaweapon79i need help please04:20
Rallias!help | omegaweapon7904:21
ubottuomegaweapon79: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:21
omegaweapon79i can't find my  usb hd04:21
usr13Rallias: Does the site have a CMS of some sort?04:22
imhotep525so is 13.04 stable compared to 12.04 and is there any substantial driver/steam improvements?04:22
Ralliasusr13, The site is gzip compatible. I'm looking for a command line client that is compatible.04:22
usr13BenjaminRH: just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root04:22
usr13Rallias: What do you mean "The site is gzip compatible."04:23
muslimgirlplease do not throw acid in my face even though I just want to go to school.04:23
omegaweapon79sorry my keybroad broke had switch old one question mark don't work04:23
wilee-nileeimhotep525, An empty question what is stable for some may not be for others.04:23
Ralliasusr13, I mean the site will send gzip content when the client announces it is gzip compatible.04:23
wilee-nileeno definition of stable04:23
usr13Rallias: Is it Joomla or Drupal?04:23
wilee-nilee!ot > muslimgirl04:24
ubottumuslimgirl, please see my private message04:24
BenjaminRHusr13: just did that. Then I run nvidia-settings again, and it pops up with the same message.04:24
zeroRooterI currently have no password on my administrative account, but i'm having trouble changing the pass. I also cant seem to use Sudo with no password srcn: http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/4784/7jqp.png  (notice how theres no password set, yet it still asks me for my current password when i try to change it)04:24
holstein!steam | imhotep52504:25
ubottuimhotep525: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.04:25
Ralliasusr13, What does it matter if my CMS is a certain type? It sends gzip to browsers such as firefox and chrome that announce that they're gzip compatible. I'm looking for a command line tool that is compatible with gzip transfer encoding.04:25
omegaweapon79ok so can anyone help me i just got linux04:25
wilee-nileezeroRooter, Sound like some missing info here, how did you set no passwrod?04:25
usr13zeroRooter: It is normal to not be able to use sudo with no password.04:25
zeroRooterwilee-nilee: i changed it after install, probably something i shouldnt have done04:26
wilee-nileezeroRooter, How?04:26
zeroRooterwilee-nilee: i dont know i just clicked on password and it let me change it, like in the prnt screen i gave you :P04:26
usr13Rallias: I don't know what you are talking about, but if you download a compressed file, that's all you need.  Right?04:26
Ralliasusr13, No. I'm looking for a client for http similar to wget that supports gzip on transfer. Wget does not submit the accept-encoding header, and thus is unable to pull gzipped content to reduce bandwidth utilization.04:27
jribRallias: what exactly do you want to do?  Get a single page using wget that the server sends gzipped?04:27
zeroRooterwilee-nilee: usr13:  any ideas on how to change it? ^_^04:27
Ralliasjrib, Well, a predestined list of pages.04:28
jribRallias: you can just have wget send the header that tells the server it accepts gzip04:28
usr13Rallias: Usually, the way it works is that you use a backup app on your CMS that generates a compressed file and you download it.  Right?04:28
BenjaminRHusr13: unfortunately, that nvidia tool doesn't seem to do anything04:28
Ralliasjrib, Then wget will dump an incomprehensible file.04:28
jribRallias: huh?04:29
usr13BenjaminRH: You must have messed up the Nvidia Driver install somehow.  Try again.04:29
wilee-nileezeroRooter, There is a password changer from recovery you can use maybe. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword04:29
BenjaminRHusr13: I have :(04:29
jribRallias: you'll get back the file gzipped.  You can gunzip it if you want04:30
usr13BenjaminRH: Is this a desktop or Laptop?04:30
BenjaminRHa new Toshiba S7004:31
holsteinBenjaminRH: new enough to return it?04:31
BenjaminRHholstein: yeah, but I don't want to return it. It didn't come installed with Ubuntu. I'm trying to do that separately04:32
BenjaminRHthere must be some way to use a discrete graphics card on Ubuntu04:32
holsteinBenjaminRH: sure.. im just saying, you could return it, and purchase a machine that comes with ubuntu.. might save some hassle04:33
wilee-nileeomegaweapon79, You can't find the plugged in external, does it show if you run lsusb04:33
holsteinBenjaminRH: there is.. and ideally, the vendor would supply you a driver, or allow the community to have the specs to support it.. otherwise, you gotta deal with the driver you are dealing with04:33
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BenjaminRHAh well.04:34
holsteinBenjaminRH: kernel versions and ubuntu releases can make a difference04:34
holsteinBenjaminRH: are you on 12.04?04:34
usr13BenjaminRH: You probably need ot unstall the one you got from the PPA04:34
omegaweapon79um hello could any one help me please?04:34
holsteinomegaweapon79: just ask, friend04:34
BenjaminRHI use my windows partition for games, I'd be happy with the integrated Intel. The only problem is, I was getting a black screen on boot.04:34
BenjaminRHand people told me I needed to get the discrete graphics card sorted out04:35
wilee-nileeomegaweapon79, I just asked you a question, asking for help is a good way to not get any.04:35
holsteinBenjaminRH: people?04:35
usr13BenjaminRH: And then run the nvidia-installer again.04:35
BenjaminRHon here earlier, and a bunch of askubuntu.com posts04:35
holsteinBenjaminRH: im nor sure what a "discrete" card is.. are you talking about a dual GPU?04:35
holsteinBenjaminRH: i have nvidia dual GPU in this machine, with 12.0404:35
Nmbr1BenjaminRH: i realize it isn't entirely the same, but have you considered running ubuntu in a vm under windows?04:36
BenjaminRHoh no04:36
omegaweapon79wilee sorry i didn't see your questio what was it?04:36
usr13BenjaminRH: This is a normal Ubuntu install, Right?  (As opposed to wubi or vbox client.)04:36
BenjaminRHI'm not getting into that04:36
BenjaminRHnormal install04:36
FloodBot1BenjaminRH: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:36
holsteinBenjaminRH: theres always the vesa driver04:36
BenjaminRHthat sounds exciting. What's that?04:36
ubottuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x04:36
usr13BenjaminRH: just delete the xorg.conf file04:36
holsteinBenjaminRH: far from exiting04:36
BenjaminRHhmm. what about the xorg-edgers?04:37
holsteinBenjaminRH: i thought you already added that ppa?04:38
BenjaminRHI added the X-SWAT04:38
holsteinBenjaminRH: if you understand how to purge ppa's and deal with packages, try it04:38
holsteinBenjaminRH: you should be able to use the one in the repo04:38
holsteinBenjaminRH: did you test that one?04:38
BenjaminRHhaven't tried it yet. ppa-purge?04:39
holsteinBenjaminRH: i would04:39
holstein!nvidia | BenjaminRH04:39
ubottuBenjaminRH: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:39
usr13BenjaminRH: If I were you, I'd blow off everything else and download the driver from nvidia.com and install.  (But you need to get rid of the one from the ppa first.04:39
BenjaminRHusr13: Alright. I'm doing that now04:39
holsteinBenjaminRH: if usr13 has some first hand experience with that device, go for it.. its not really an issue testing the one in the repo first though04:40
BenjaminRHhmm. I'm getting "could not find package list for ppa"04:40
usr13holstein:  I assume he tried the one from the repo first.  but, I dono.04:40
holsteinusr13: i did too, but i just asked BenjaminRH said he hadnt04:41
usr13holstein: You may have a better idea for him. (I have to leave now anyway.)04:41
BenjaminRHi've tried x-swat, but not xorg-edgers04:41
BenjaminRHusr13: thanks very much for all the help04:41
usr13BenjaminRH: NP04:41
holsteinusr13: i assumed that would be the first thing, but folks dont come here and ask how to do things.. they come when things have gone wrong that "people" have said to do ;)04:41
holsteinno, i agree usr1304:42
holsteinBenjaminRH: but, if you havent tried the repo one its easy to try... purge the PPA, and test the stock one, then the one from the stie04:42
usr13Well, it's just that I've seen a number of nvidia driver installs from the repo that don't work.  They download from nvidia.com and it works.  So.... I dono.04:43
usr13I would assume it would be a lot better to try and use the ones from the repo first.04:43
holsteinwont hurt to try the one from the site.. i usually try *all* of them, and do a fresh install when i figure it all out04:43
holsteinusr13: well, it could be "easier" in the long run, with upgrades.. assuming the one in the repo works04:44
omegaweapon79my usb external hard drive can't be detected by my kubuntu it powers up find any ideas?04:45
BenjaminRHI've just tried installing from the Nvidia site. I'm getting a warning: "You do not apear to have an NVIDIA GPU supported by the 319.32 NVIDIA Linux driver installed in this system. For further details...."04:45
holsteinomegaweapon79: maybe its bad.. i usually open a terminal and run "sudo fdisk -l" to see if the machine is finding it04:46
holsteinomegaweapon79: then, i open a file manager and try and mount it.. then i try and mount it from the terminal, and see if i see any helpful error messages04:47
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount04:47
omegaweapon79i did that it is found there but i still can't get to be detected04:47
holsteinomegaweapon79: i would try mounting other "known good" drives on the kubuntu install, and take the USB to other "known good" machines04:48
omegaweapon79ok let me try thtat04:48
holsteinomegaweapon79: when you say "i did that", you can not say "that" and actually say *exactly* what you did, or a volunteer will not know what "that" meanse04:48
omegaweapon79nothing it just can't find it04:49
omegaweapon79no error message04:49
holsteinomegaweapon79: you mounted from the commandline?04:49
omegaweapon79still nothing04:49
holsteinomegaweapon79: then, try and access it where you mounted it04:50
omegaweapon79no id's or anything04:50
qzjulis there a place on launchpad to comment on PPA's ?04:50
holsteinomegaweapon79: is that a problem? is there data on it? is it a supported file system? does it work with any other computer? can you mount other drives on that kubuntu install?04:51
holsteinomegaweapon79: i need details, friend04:51
qzjuli think the php-cli in the php 5.4 PPA for 12.04 by ondrej is bad04:51
holstein!ppa | qzjul04:52
ubottuqzjul: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge04:52
holsteinqzjul: i just know they are not officially supported.. there should be a contact on the PPA04:52
holsteinqzjul: you dont file an official bug in LP for ppa packages04:52
qzjulmhmm I'm aware of the third party nature, and there was some contact, but I was hoping there was some comment section / forum / bug section for them heh04:53
omegaweapon79well right before i tried plug it in it disapeared for my windows 7 but i new that still worked cause linux lite tryied install itslef into it04:53
omegaweapon79but since then i have been albe to get it detected04:53
holsteinomegaweapon79: that doesnt mean the data was intact, or that the drive is functioning.. that means that an installer "noticed" it04:54
holsteinomegaweapon79: what would i do? mount it with a live recover CD on a machine that i am familiar with.. one that i *know* will mount drives04:54
omegaweapon79so how can i recover it so i can use it04:54
qzjulI'll follow the contact information then ^^04:54
Nmbr1holstein: if omegaweapon79 has a windows machine that noticed it, why not have him check disk manager to see if it is truly recognized and what the filesystem is?04:55
holsteini would recover any data i can, and test, and re-format, assuming the drive is functioning04:55
holsteinNmbr1: you can speak directly to omegaweapon7904:55
wilee-nileeomegaweapon79, You ever chkdsk that drive?04:55
holsteinNmbr1: i already suggested trying another machine04:55
omegaweapon79i dual boot04:55
omegaweapon79untill yesterday it was working find04:56
holsteinomegaweapon79: if its the same hardware, and it used to mount in windows, and now windows wont mount it because of "breakage", it'll still be broken in linux04:56
holsteinomegaweapon79: hard drives fail.. *all* of them will04:56
omegaweapon79where tring mount is on my laptop where kubuntu is installed04:57
holsteinomegaweapon79: sure, but does windws mount it?04:57
holsteinomegaweapon79: you mentioned a "problem" i think04:57
holsteinomegaweapon79: you still have not mentioned the file system type04:58
crabsanyone use ChicagoVPS?04:58
omegaweapon79so just might be time get knew one04:58
wilee-nilee!anyone > crabs04:58
ubottucrabs, please see my private message04:58
holsteinomegaweapon79: is it working in windows?04:58
omegaweapon79hmm well tanks to all i'll keep working if find a fix i post it05:00
dongs Q: what is the simplest way to get a buildable kernel source tree for a given ubuntu-patched kernel version.. I don't want to build a .deb or anything. Just the patched source, which, if built, would result in the binary identical to currently running kernel.05:01
omegaweapon79it was woking early today the icon just disappeared05:01
wilee-nileenacho, this is not a chat channel, it is support.05:02
dongsthen why is noone answeing my question.05:03
nachohuh? og05:05
kelly1hi guys anyone here used weechat05:07
wilee-nileekelly1, The channel does not do polls, if you have an issue state it.05:08
kelly1yes i have05:09
wilee-nileecool spill it05:09
kelly1wilee-nilee: i want to know how can i add spelling correction here in weechat05:10
kelly1i read there wesite but i don't know how can i do that05:10
Nmbr1kelly1: that would be a weechat question not ubuntu. please see the weechat channel on the oftc server.05:11
holsteini would just use a client with spellcheck05:11
kelly1Nmbr1: ok thanx05:11
holstein!info smuxi05:12
holsteinanyways... http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/smuxi-irc-client-pushes-out-new-update05:13
wilee-nileekelly1, There is a aspell plugin but I have never used it.05:13
ubottusmuxi (source: smuxi): graphical IRC client. In component universe, is optional. Version (raring), package size 5 kB, installed size 38 kB05:13
holsteinno need to add the PPA05:13
omegaweapon79my usb external hard drive is not being detected by kubuntu it was was working when i tried make my desktop into daul boot system but before that my icon had disapeared from my windows 7 the file system was ntfs all want to know is how to recover it and be able to have kubuntu detect it ?05:14
holsteinomegaweapon79: is it being detected by windows?05:14
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Nmbr1omegaweapon79: try plugging it in on windows, go to disk management and if the usb is found you can format the disk. if it cannot find the usb then perhaps you need to find a new usb or you could have a bad usb hub in the computer.05:16
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gene_has anyone else had a lot of trouble installing ubuntu on a win 8?05:23
holsteingene_: whats a "win8"?05:23
gene_windows 8 operating system05:24
holsteingene_: you mean, windows 8?05:24
holsteingene_: ?05:24
gene_yes, sorry05:24
holsteinubuntu *is* an opterating system05:24
holsteingene_: you dont install ubuntu on windows... you install it beside it, on the same machine, or alone instead of windows05:24
holstein!uefi | gene_05:24
ubottugene_: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI05:24
holstein^^ that is likely what you are asking about05:24
wilee-nileegene_, A wubi?05:24
gene_I installed with wubi05:25
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ubottuWubi allows you to install or uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from within Windows ( version 7 or earlier ) in a simple and safe way. Wubi is INCOMPATIBLE with UEFI, Windows 8 Certified computers, and Windows RAID arrays. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for more information. File wubi bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug05:25
holsteingene_: so, whats the question?05:26
gene_How can I install ubuntu without windows?05:26
holsteingene_: i havent used wubi since 12.04, on my fathers machine and it worked fine05:26
holsteingene_: are you asking if anyone else has had problems with wubi? and you are having issues?05:26
gene_wubi worked fine.. I just feel like im constricted to windows05:27
gene_I burned a cd of ubuntu and it didn't boot up05:28
gene_Oh here we go, maybe because I didn't disable quickboot?05:29
wilee-nileegene_, More uefi tips. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729505:30
gene_How did you know UEFI applies to me?05:30
wilee-nileeif an oem it is a uefi gpt05:31
cpinedI have Kubuntu 64 on a flash drive, and I noticed that tail -f is not working05:36
cpinedit does not do a live update05:36
cpinedI have Kubuntu 64 on a flash drive, and I noticed that tail -f is not working, it does not tail the file05:39
wilee-nileecpined, live iso load or full install?05:39
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cpinedlive, i believe05:40
wilee-nileecpined, You don't know?05:40
cpinedI used a windows linux tool to make the usb flash drive bootable and installed the iso on it05:40
cpineddon't know05:40
wilee-nileecpined, Did you add persistence?05:41
cpinedyes i did05:41
babinlonstonwhat are the fundamentals a Linux administrator must do daily .....05:41
wilee-nileecpined, A live usb has a casper-rw file it will fill up eventually, as well you have to be careful what you add, as you are not exspanding the iso it runs on, so a regular update is not really a good idea. you can comment out the cd in the sources.list and install though after running a update to orientate the usb.05:42
wilee-nileeregular update and upgrade that is.05:43
cpinedthanks, I'll try it05:43
babinlonstonwhat are the fundamentals a Linux administrator must do daily .....05:43
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wilee-nileebabinlonston, This is ubuntu support.05:44
babinlonstonyes that what im asking u , im too using ubutnu :)05:44
wilee-nileebabinlonston, Fine, however it is a question more suited for at the least #ubuntu-offtopic this channel is for actual issues, if you have one continue.05:45
carbon60Is there an easy way to dump a list of installed package versions? I'd like to compare two systems to see which packages are different.05:52
El_Quedrodpkg -l ?05:52
wilee-nileecarbon60, dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages05:52
carbon60dpkg -l should work05:53
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mm12hi all05:54
mm12whens ubuntu taking over windows  it should05:54
wilee-nileemm12, #ubuntu-offtopic is your channel05:55
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mm12ok here on wille05:57
mm12how come my screen freezes everytime i do the full updates05:57
wilee-nileemm12, What is the chip and ram?05:58
mm12gskill...32gig on board05:58
wilee-nileemm12, Hard to say without any real details.05:59
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mm12only when i do the full update not the partial05:59
wilee-nileemm12, Never run a partial.06:00
mm12last time i did it i ran compiz and it froze could it be that06:00
wilee-nileemm12, Hard to say, but partials can leave out dependencies...etc.06:01
mm12dont get me wrong i like ubuntu very much just trying to find why it does it06:01
DoverMomm12, are you questioning the godliness of ubuntu D: ?!06:02
mm12no lol06:02
DoverMomm12, good D: *wipes sweat off brow*06:02
For-Odindoes anyone know if there is a way to make fans quieter on ubuntu? my cpu fan is stuck on max rpms...06:03
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datakanjaHello: i have a timing issue at login i couldnt resolve on my own: i want to start firefox automatically AFTER initializing my ramdisk by script, the latter only works, if i start it by hand, which i do not understand06:04
joysonhow to enable firewall in ubuntu?06:04
Ben64!ufw | joyson06:05
ubottujoyson: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo06:05
aeon-ltddatakanja: have you tried adding delays in?06:06
PepperoniPizzaBen64, ever get your wifi working ?06:06
joysonthank u @ubottu06:06
datakanjaaeon-ltd: yes, didnt help06:06
Ben64PepperoniPizza: heh, yeah. installed ubuntu-gnome 13.1006:06
PepperoniPizzajoyson, it isn't a person06:06
PepperoniPizzaBen64, is that the unstable new version ?06:06
PepperoniPizzaglad it  works for ya06:07
Ben64dunno what was up with 12.04 but it did not want to work with any method06:07
netlarHow are the nVidia drivers with Ubuntu?06:07
PepperoniPizzaBen64, thats how linux is some times06:07
PepperoniPizzanetlar, they are fine06:07
Ben64i blame broadcom06:07
PepperoniPizzaBen64, broadcom is crap06:07
netlarPepperoniPizza: they do 3d games too?06:07
ffioi don't have a grub.conf file, how can i generate that file ?06:07
PepperoniPizzanetlar, the proprietary ones can06:08
joysonis it possible to block some words while chating in xchat using firewall?06:08
Ben64ffio: should already exist or you can't boot into ubuntu06:08
netlarPepperoniPizza: I am thinking to getting a card that will let me have no trouble06:08
PepperoniPizzanetlar, I think you can get any nvidia card as long as you use the proprietary drivers06:08
wilee-nileeffio, What's the actual goal here?06:08
Ben64netlar: any recent nvidia card should be fine. i have a gtx 650ti and it works great06:08
PepperoniPizzawhich are like a 1 click install in ubuntu06:08
DoverMoffio, apt-get install grub should auto configure grub. then run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg and make sure it detects your current kernel06:09
netlarBen64: I made the mistake of getting an amd card06:09
PepperoniPizzaBen64, netlar I am using a gt 430 for my media machine and it works fine also06:09
netlarJust had read that amd is more open with Linux06:09
PepperoniPizzaand that is *old*06:09
Ben64netlar: they're working on it, but in my opinion, nvidia is still the way to go with linux06:10
PepperoniPizzaBen64, agreed for sure06:10
PepperoniPizzaI feel like nvidia is the way to go in general ;-P06:10
DoverMoffio, if the grub-mkconfig command fails, or your current kernel wasn't detected, you'll have to manually config it06:10
netlarBen64: Can I swap out the video card and not have to reinstall ubuntu?06:10
Ben64netlar: correct06:10
mumpitzelnetlar: what videocard do you have? and yes you can switch the videocard06:10
netlarI have a Radeon HD 775006:11
Ben64netlar: you could switch the whole computer and not have to reinstall, linux is cool like that :)06:11
mumpitzelnetlar: and what is the problem with it?06:11
gene_I downloaded ubuntu 64bit version, burned it to a CD, disabled fast startup, when i restart it just boots up to windows06:12
DoverMoBen64, i have my ooboots on a external hd06:12
ikoniagene_: it's not booting from cd - or the cd did not burn correctly06:12
netlarmumpitzel: Well I have to use the open source driver, because it looks like they do not have a working linux drver06:12
wilee-nileegene_, You check the link at the ubuntu forum I gave you?06:12
gene_Can you send it again?06:12
netlarmumpitzel: so not 3d gaming, but have several other problems with it06:12
wilee-nileegene_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2147295 ikonia is great help as well06:13
ffioBen64: it's not there, but i am able to boot, i have boot.cfg file instead.06:13
netlarmumpitzel: I get a low graphics message sometimes when I boot06:13
mumpitzelnetlar: they do. you cain install one via ubuntu itself06:13
ffiowilee-nilee: the grub is pointing to wrong windows partition.06:13
netlarmumpitzel: other times, i get a blank screen with just a prompt06:13
wilee-nileeffio, You have any clones on there?06:13
ffioDoverMo: following what you said.06:13
ffiowilee-nilee: clones ?06:14
wilee-nileeffio, The two same OS06:14
netlarmumpitzel: I tried to install the ati driver, but did not let me finish the installation06:14
ffioi only have grub.cfg file.06:14
Ben64ffio: can you do "ls -l /boot/grub/grub.cfg" and paste the result06:14
ffiowilee-nilee: no only ubuntu and win06:14
ffioBen64: ok06:14
wilee-nileeffio, Have you run sudo update-grub06:14
Pandehi there06:14
Pandei need assistance with install if anyone has the time06:15
gene_I cant find secure boot in my bios06:15
xiacloI am trying to run a django unit test and it runs the test fine, but freezes afterwards, I have debugged  it a bit, and it freezes when it runs call_command('flush') in _fixture_teardown.  Is there any way to prevent this?06:15
wilee-nilee!details | Pande06:15
ubottuPande: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:15
ffiowilee-nilee: sudo update-grub creates grub.cfg file not grub.conf06:15
Pandeyeah, getting there06:15
Pandejust typing it06:15
netlarmumpitzel: I tried to follow the instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI06:15
ffiowilee-nilee: and it detects win and linux both of them.06:16
Pandedell xps 15z (the dreaded nvidia machine), so far I've gotten just past the Ubuntu 12.04 screen with the four dots, using nomodeset acpi=noirq nolsomething and nosomething, sorry forgot those ones but they are in the options list. you know them im sure06:16
wilee-nileeffio, It would add the windows partition to the grub menu if all is good.06:16
Pandeafter the ubuntu dots screen, i get a command prompt06:16
Pandeno indication of what it wants me to type06:16
ffiowilee-nilee: let me reboot and try06:16
Pandeafter a certain amount of time, it goes ahead and continues anyway06:16
Pandeto a completely black screen06:17
Pandeand from there goes no where06:17
Ben64Pande: please use one line06:17
netlarmumpitzel: Could not get past the sudo aticonfig --initial command06:17
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | Pande06:17
ubottuPande: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:17
mumpitzelnetlar: so you downloaded drivers from amd.com?06:17
Pandei'm aware wilee, i said i used it06:17
netlarmumpitzel: No I used the sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle command06:18
Pandei used nomodeset and acpi=noirq as non-default available options, plus the 2nd and 3rd option,  'no and nol' and i forget the other letters sorry06:18
netlarmumpitzel: Not the right way to do it?06:18
Pandeah, apic06:18
Pandenolapic and noapic06:18
wilee-nileePande, Cool, missed it, have you checked the sum of the medium?06:18
Pandethe whodawhata? :D06:18
Pandewhat numbers am i summing?06:19
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:19
Pandewould be fine except i have only windows and mac to do this on, since obviously ubuntu isnt installing06:20
Pandeso how do i check the md5 sum on either of those?06:20
wilee-nileePande, read the link06:20
Pandejust did06:20
FloodBot1Pande: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:20
Pandelord almighty a flood warning? srsly?06:20
Pandebetter option is to get a flood amalgamater06:21
* wilee-nilee feels like a kindergarten teacher.06:21
Pandeanyway thats neither here nor there06:21
netlarmumpitzel: I am downloading now06:21
mumpitzelnetlar: the amd.com drivers are not so good06:21
netlarmumpitzel: oh, no?06:21
Pandemd5 checks out :s06:22
netlarmumpitzel: So if I am going to use nVidia if I am going to use the binaries?06:22
Pandewould you recommend I try the acpi=off? I'm a bit scared of it06:22
netlarmumpitzel: Yes, tried to follow that already06:23
netlarmumpitzel: could not get past the point of generating a xorg.conf file06:24
Pandei did it anyway, same result with acpi=off06:24
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Pandecan anyone tell me what the purpose of the command prompt after the dot screen is? all resources online say that after the dots screen the installer should appear with a gui, clearly something wants attention before that happens but it doesnt say what it wants me to do. perhaps its a diagnostic tool, in which case is there documentation for how to use it?06:25
holsteinPande: the dot screen?06:26
DoverMoholstein, they mean the splash06:26
netlarmumpitzel: I wonder if it is because I have no current xorg.conf file06:27
mumpitzelnetlar: you wonder wrongly.06:27
mm12what good p2p for ubuntu06:27
netlarmumpitzel: ha ha ok06:27
netlarmumpitzel: I do wonder why I have no xorg.conf file06:27
mumpitzelcause Xorg doesn't need one normally06:28
Pandeholstein: the ubuntu 12.04 loading screen, which says Ubuntu 12.04 with 4 white/orange dots under it, purple background06:28
netlarmumpitzel: So I do not need to do the sudo aticonfig --initial step?06:28
mumpitzelit should install via "Hardware drivers" automatically06:29
netlarmumpitzel: are the fglrx packages better than the amd.com ones?06:30
mumpitzelthey are generally more ubuntu compatible. amd ones are a different repo: how do you know they work with your ubuntu version. you might need them sometimes if your card is too new for your ubuntu release but that's not the case here06:31
DoverMoPande, that's the splash screen. If you boot to a command prompt, that means the live os didn't load properly for some reason06:32
Pandethat doesnt surprise me :D06:32
Pandeso what can i type in that command prompt to diagnose the issue?06:32
netlarmumpitzel: Can I just change drivers in the Additional Drivers?06:32
Pandeis there any sort of scan/check command?06:32
DoverMoPande, you could try something like "sudo service lightdm start/restart" but the system might freeze if there's something wrong still06:34
Pandeis the above mass exodus a netsplit or just a fluke? I'm just wondering if im missing any messages here06:35
Pandeafter the command prompt, or if i type anything ( i tried startx for example) it just goes black06:35
DoverMoPande, that's for trying to get the system to boot up properly.06:35
DoverMoPande, did you try the lightdm service?06:35
Pandeill give that line a shot06:35
Pandeno thats the first i've heard of it06:35
Pandei just tried startx thats all06:36
Pandestartx just spat a bunch of text which whizzed by so fast i couldnt tell what it was06:36
Pandesrsly what happened to the days of 'press any key to continue' to gie you time to read those things :D06:36
Pandedo i literally type start/restart or pick one of those?06:37
DoverMoPande, sorry, pick one06:37
Pandeill do start?06:37
DoverMoPande, sure06:38
Pandejust went directly to black screen after doing sudo service lightdm start06:39
Pandelooks as if this is going to be the same fate as fedora06:39
DoverMoPande, aw. My bad06:39
Pandenever saw the light of the pixel on my computer06:40
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Pandeno no not at all06:40
Pandeworth a shot06:40
Pandethank you06:40
DoverMoPande, why don't you try 13.04 though?06:40
Pandei like the idea of hardware stability, im already on a machine which is well known for not liking linux06:40
DoverMoPande, you should restart in case anything was called into that tty that needs to be shut off06:40
Pandebut other reason is atm, i cant download a file that big06:40
Pandei already have the 12.04 i downloaded on the weekend at uni06:40
Pandetheres no other option, i had to power it off after that black screen, so yeah it's restarted now06:41
Pandeer, off now06:41
DoverMoPande, does apt-get work?06:41
Pandewhat is / how to use it?06:41
Pandedo i just type apt-get?06:41
DoverMoPande,  reboot into the command prompt, type "sudo apt-get install lynx" or something to check if it's working06:43
moose-machinehi. just wondering. is it ok to install 64 bit distro in my netbook powered by Intel Atom 1 GB processor?06:43
Pandeanyway i can get to command prompt before splash screen? (splash takes ages)06:43
DoverMoPande, I think ubuntu comes with wireless-tools. So at the very very worst, you could install your own ubuntu via command line xD06:44
Pandesounds fun :D06:44
DoverMoPande, and by install, i mean build your own06:44
Pandewell i think the install is not so much the issue as the hardware.. even if i built my own it would still have the same issues06:45
wilee-nileemoose-machine, what is the computer and how much ram?06:45
Pandethe black screen is a dead giveaway that its trying to use nvidia card driver now (instead of bios default)06:45
netlarDo I need to remove the open source video drivers before using fglrx?06:45
Pandeso i have to solve that problem first i think06:45
Pandeapt get is full of 'failed to fetch' remarks06:46
Pande@ DoverMo06:46
DoverMoPande, alright, so that means you have it loaded at least06:46
Pandeany way to stop the command line from timing out?06:47
Pandeit keeps going to black screen after what appears to be 30 seconds06:47
Panderegardless of whether i type anything06:47
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moose-machinewilee-nilee: ASUS eee pc r101. RAM: 1GB06:47
DoverMoPande, you can use "nouveau.modeset=0" if nvidia loading wasn't disabled for some reason06:48
Pandein addition to or instead of nomodeset?06:48
DoverMoPande, try it on it's own first, then both06:49
Pandealso i've seen nvidia.nomodeset=0 on a forum, is that same idea as nouveau?06:49
DoverMoPande, yeah since nouveau is the default nvidia module now a days06:49
wilee-nileemoose-machine, Not really a good setup for 64 bit, 32 runs fine, I would bump the ram to the max, and consider a lighter desktop as it is. depending on what you want to run all at once.06:49
moose-machinewilee-nilee: ok. thanks for that. i was thinking of Arch with xmonad06:50
wilee-nileearch is nice06:50
Pandeno changes DoverMo06:51
DoverMoPande, ;A;06:51
Pandebut its so hard to get mad at free stuff06:51
Pandefrustrated maybe06:51
Pandethere needs to exist a linux bar where you just go in, buy someone a beer, and they install linux for you with no hitches06:52
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DoverMoPande, xD06:52
Pandejust after the splash is done loading, i get a really brief (dispears in a half second) error message06:53
Pandea bunch of FFFFFFFx0 type stuff06:53
utfans05where would you put a synergy and xrandr config if you wanted it to start on boot?06:53
Pandesure i saw the word 'fail' in there too06:53
Pandeonce again tho, no idea because i coudlnt read it :S06:53
DoverMoPande, do you have dual gpus?06:54
DoverMoPande, did you check the bios to select integrated or discrete?06:54
Pandewill that affect windows too?06:55
Pandeill check bios now regardless06:55
DoverMoPande, as dual, meaning 2 seperate gpus on a laptop?06:55
Pandenvidia geforce m525 and intel hd 4k i think06:56
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Pandeim not seeing anything for video card in bios06:57
Pandeclosest looking thing is Integrated NIC06:57
DoverMoPande, do you see anything about the display/monitor?06:57
DoverMoPande, do a google search of your laptop to see if there's a option in the bios06:58
Pandeapprently dell xps15z doesnt have the option in bios06:59
DoverMoPande, darn06:59
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Pandenouveau.blacklist=1 yay/nay?07:00
DoverMoPande, try one with both modeset=0 blacklist=107:01
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Pandedamnit i did blacklist=007:03
Pande... so close...07:03
Pandegonna let it go ahead with modeset=0 anyway07:04
Pandewhat should i put in the command prompt to continue past it?07:05
Pandei feel like startx isnt the right one07:05
netlarDo I need to blacklist my open source video driver before using fglrx?07:05
DoverMoPande, did you try ctrl alt f7?07:07
Pandein the command prompt?07:07
DoverMopande, yeah07:07
Pandewait, somethings happening o.007:08
PandeHDA intel PCH HDMI/DP07:08
Pandebunch of random stuff about intel hardware07:08
Pandectrl alt f7 no effect btw07:08
DoverMoPande, F7 is supposed to be where the live OS shows up07:08
Pandeit types a ~07:08
FloodBot1Pande: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:08
DoverMoPande, the only other thing I could think of without getting a new iso, is to install a basic system from the command line with networking07:11
Pandefunny how i was able to get a hackintosh working more easily than ubuntu :D07:11
DoverMoPande, cool07:11
Pandei dont want to bother with that, i believe the real issue is elsewhere07:11
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Pandewell, until i broke the hackintosh07:11
Pandewithin 3 hours07:11
Pandedamn its late. i surrender. i'll try again another day07:12
Pandegnite and thanks for your help07:12
DoverMoPande, the point is to install the system. you can still do that from the command line07:12
iDrofoxhello, i install ubuntu and now my windows 7 us showing "windows 7 boot selection failed required device inaccessible" ??07:13
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monkwitdafunkHi idrofox07:16
monkwitdafunkYou should try to recognize what grub looks like07:17
monkwitdafunkFor windows support you can visit search.microsoft.com07:18
skr5eHi I'm using LM15 (comparable to Ubuntu 13.04), having an issue with installing vmware07:19
monkwitdafunkGrub can look very diffrent depending on who programmed grub which is not the default appearance. You should be able to see isolinux... i think07:20
monkwitdafunkHi skr5e07:20
monkwitdafunkAre you trying to install a debian package????07:21
skr5emonkwithdafunk, not entirely sure what that means but I don't think I am07:21
skr5eunless there is a separate debian package version of vmware that won't work on Linux Mint07:22
monkwitdafunkOk. For an operatibg system i wouldnt be personally interested if LM15 is not on distrowatch.com07:22
JC-lynksskr5e: try with package from debian unstable07:23
monkwitdafunkExcept tin hat linux. Maybe07:23
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skr5eI'm a recent windows 7 convert, all this talk about debian packages is kind of foreign to me...07:24
monkwitdafunkSkr5e, distrowatch.com has html over web that they call the package management cheat sheat07:24
monkwitdafunkHtml over web as in what you see in your web browser07:25
farbodhelp me07:25
DoverMofarbod, *helps you* good now?07:25
JC-lynksfarbod: ?07:25
monkwitdafunkHi farbod, how may freenode assist you?07:26
farbodi want a postal kart from a country07:26
DoverMoskr5e, what iss your problem anyway? dependency error?07:26
farbodfrom usa or germani07:26
Gilligan94what is the name of the wine irc channel?07:26
farbodwho live in usa or germany?07:27
monkwitdafunkTry using the web gilligan94 if your freenode luck runs out07:27
DoverMoGilligan94, #winehq07:27
farboddovormo: help07:27
skr5eDoverMo, I installed VMWare, but when I open it, I get a screen that says Kernel headers for were not found07:27
JC-lynksskr5e: sudo apt-get install linux-headers07:28
monkwitdafunkSkr5e, did you get a chance to generate a report usibg hardinfo aka system profiler and benchmark07:29
Nimbleis there an up to date version of the messaging menu documentation?07:29
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skr5emonkwitdafunk, please talk to me like I'm dumb07:30
skr5esudo apt-get install linux-headers results in an error: resource tempo unavailable07:31
monkwitdafunkUmm... hardinfo also known as system profiler and benchmark can generate a report in the html or txt format which gives you a thumbs up for a successful install of ubuntu07:31
zipper_I'm building postgres from source and I have to go through a process where I adduser postgresql. Is there any special name I should enter when I get this: Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default07:31
zipper_Full Name []:07:31
zipper_ Which default full name might this be?07:31
Coburnzipper_: just press enter to accept defaults ;)07:32
zipper_Coburn will thedefault name be postgresql if I do this?07:32
JC-lynksskr5e: your apt sources list is unavaliable.... network problem?07:32
CoburnFull Name doesn't have be filled out07:33
monkwitdafunkHardinfo! Thatll tell you about your network07:33
Gilligan94_sorry, dropped out. is there a WINE irc channel?07:33
zipper_Coburn and that will not cause any future unexpected problems with postgres?07:33
DoverMoGilligan94_, #winehq07:33
Gilligan94_DoverMo: thanks07:33
Gilligan94_#wine is a private channel for some reason07:34
skr5emust be winos07:35
Coburncould be because thety discuss wine and be merry?07:35
skr5eJC-lynks, I don't think it's a network problem...internet is working ok07:35
netlarI changed to the propritary drivers, but now it does not fill up the screen07:35
Coburnskr5e: what's the error07:35
skr5emonkwithdafunk, tried installing hardinfo (not included in LM15) but still get the same resource unavailable07:36
netlarThat means that the driver does not support my hardware?07:36
Coburnwaht driver is this neekz0r07:36
netlarfglrx driver07:36
monkwitdafunkUbuntu channel, i know that software controls the hardware but how can i use two computers on a LAN with one beibg a file server and one being ubuntu 12.04.2?07:36
Coburnnetlar: what program07:36
DoverMoskr5e, please tell us the exact error07:37
netlarCoburn: the whole os07:37
Coburnyou mean it looks letterboxed, netlar?07:37
skr5eE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)07:37
skr5eE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:37
netlarCoburn: yes07:37
CoburnOr "zoomed out"07:37
Coburnnetlar: check your resolution07:37
DoverMoskr5e, ok that's easy to fix. just reboot which will fix that07:37
netlarCoburn: I did07:38
JC-lynksskr5e: you have package manager open, and lock te resource07:38
netlarCoburn: made it look stretched of fuzzy07:38
JC-lynksskr5e: close all package manager07:38
DoverMoskr5e, then when you get back on, do 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-headers'07:38
Coburnnetlar: hmmm... laptop or desktop?07:38
skr5eoh, actually yes it was package manager07:38
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JC-lynksskr5e: if continues locket, restart07:38
skr5eMAn I feel like such a noob :(07:38
Coburnnetlar: graphics card model?07:38
Coburnlol skr5e07:38
netlarRadeon HD 775007:39
CoburnI was going to say, try delete /var/lib/dpkg/lock if you want07:39
JC-lynksskr5e: :)07:39
Coburnnetlar: hmm... I use a HD7790 and auto-config worked fine for me (set my res to 1080p).07:39
CoburnDo you have a program that allows you to set resolutions?07:39
netlar1080p by what Coburn07:39
Coburn1920 x 108007:40
netlarYes, that is what I am set at07:40
skr5eok doing a hardinfo report07:40
skr5eso what should I be looking for in the report?07:41
netlarCoburn: Are you using the fglrx driver?07:41
Coburnnetlar: yes07:41
Coburnnetlar: I don't get why it's burry. Does your monitor have a auto adjust?07:41
CoburnIt's a button that says "AUTO", "ADJUST"07:41
Coburnor something in the OSD Menu07:41
monkwitdafunkSkr5e, if you can generate  a report, you successfully did an install of ubuntu07:42
netlarCoburn: Well I tried the fglrx and said hardware is not supported , so I used the fglrx-updates, and the watermark is not on screen07:42
skr5eoh, well that's good07:42
Coburnwait.... fglrx said hardware not supported??07:42
netlarCoburn: Yea had a watermark at bottom of screen07:43
CoburnIs your monitor CRT or LCD?07:43
monkwitdafunkHowever, the details of the hardinfo may tell the user to gain more functionality from the users software install07:43
Coburnwhat brand?07:43
CoburnHave you tried the auto-adjust thing I mentioned?07:43
netlarlooked did not see it07:43
CoburnWell, I'm about to leave the office, so I'm going to have to pass the issue onto someone else, so have a good one folks07:44
monkwitdafunkSo nobody knows what package goes hand in hand with a file server?07:44
skr5eso here's what it says when I enter sudo apt-get install linux-headers..07:44
netlarCoburn: thanks anyway07:44
Coburnmonkwitdafunk: samba07:44
skr5eskr5e@skr5e ~ $ sudo apt-get install linux-headers07:44
skr5eReading package lists... Done07:44
skr5eBuilding dependency tree07:44
skr5eReading state information... Done07:44
skr5ePackage linux-headers is a virtual package provided by:07:44
FloodBot1skr5e: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:44
Coburnnetlar: no prob.07:45
netlarCoburn: I will just go back to open source driver07:45
netlarCoburn: Maybe it was way I install the driver?07:45
skr5eoops didn't mean to flood07:45
Coburnnetlar: yeah.. funny why your hd7750 says not supported...07:45
Coburnnetlar: I think there's one other way, but it's command line and without X running07:45
netlarCoburn: I just used the additional drivers section on the gui07:46
skr5eI notice that generic isn't listed..07:46
JC-lynksskr5e: dpkg -l | grep linux-headers07:46
netlarCoburn: so what is the othr way07:46
skr5eskr5e@skr5e ~ $ dpkg -l | grep linux-headers07:47
skr5eii  linux-headers-3.8.0-19                      3.8.0-19.30                          all          Header files related to Linux kernel version 3.8.007:47
skr5eii  linux-headers-3.8.0-19-generic              3.8.0-19.30                          amd64        Linux kernel headers for version 3.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP07:47
skr5eii  linux-headers-3.8.0-26                      3.8.0-26.38                          all          Header files related to Linux kernel version 3.8.007:47
skr5eii  linux-headers-3.8.0-26-generic              3.8.0-26.38                          amd64        Linux kernel headers for version 3.8.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP07:47
FloodBot1skr5e: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:47
skr5eii  linux-headers-generic                                       amd64        Generic Linux kernel headers07:47
Coburnskr5e: don't copy paste into irc, use the link provided07:47
Coburnnetlar: it involves aticonfig and a few other things.07:47
monkwitdafunkDoes anybody have a comment on ubuntu one, the cloud storage entity?07:47
skr5eah, ok got it07:48
netlarCoburn: Guess another time then07:48
CoburnNever used it, I don't trust Canacol07:48
JC-lynksskr5e: i thing you have kernel headers installed07:48
Coburnnetlar: tomorrow if you're around07:48
netlarCoburn: I am, what time , during day?07:48
Coburnwhat timezone are you07:48
JC-lynksdonm't understand with vmware..... try with virtualbox07:48
netlarOut west07:48
CoburnI'm GMT + 1007:48
netlaralmost 1 am here now07:49
CoburnI'll ping you when I'm in the office ;)07:49
netlarcool, thanks again07:49
CoburnGotta scoot for reals, my ride is waiting, so ja ne07:49
netlarYou have given me some hope, lol07:49
skr5eSo I'm entering the path where the headers are (/usr/src/linux-headers3.8.0.19-generic)07:54
skr5eerror: C header files matching your running kernel were not found07:54
JC-lynksskr5e: ls -la /usr/src/linux-headers07:55
JC-lynksskr5e: try with symlink from your headers to /usr/src/linux-headers07:55
skr5etry with symlink? O_o do I need to hack into NASA to do that?07:56
ikoniaskr5e: please stop being illy07:57
skr5eok sorry I'm just trying to emphasize that I'm not versed in any linux jargon at all07:59
ikoniaskr5e: right, so that has nothing to do with the NSA, so rather than try to make a foolish comment just say "I don't know"07:59
skr5epoint taken08:00
ikoniano problem, thank you08:00
skr5ehere's running ls -la08:02
ikoniaskr5e: what are you actually wanting to do ?08:03
ikoniasorry if I've missed the point of your question08:03
smallmousecan someone assist please i have .skype, .skype_profile1 and skype_profile2 (copies of skype).  when i do this command does not work skype –dbpath=~/.Skype_profile1 ?08:04
ikoniasmallmouse: please define " does not work"08:04
monkwitdafunkHi smallmouse08:04
skr5eikonia, I installed vmware, upon opening it I get an error message about the headers not being installed even though they are08:04
ikoniaskr5e: what's the error you get ?08:04
smallmouseikonia: http://pastebin.com/bzUqsjU108:04
auronandacesmallmouse: also be aware of case sensitive08:05
smallmousemonkwitdafunk: http://pastebin.com/bzUqsjU108:05
monkwitdafunkSmallmouse, you need to identify the skype website, the debian package on the skype website and have a functional ubuntu system08:05
ikoniasmallmouse: I suspect skype won't open even without the -dbpath option08:05
smallmousemonkwitdafunk: skype is working all ok... just the replicated options08:05
monkwitdafunkOk. Lemme see08:06
inashdeenhi there, I am using ubuntu 13.04 on acer aspire v5 471pg. issue : touch loss ability to tap-to-click for unknown reason. anybody got the script or fix for this?08:06
smallmouseikonia: I have one instance open, just the other ones i need to runn concurrently..cant seem to get them to work08:06
ikoniasmallmouse: undefined symbol: menu_proxy_module_load suggests the function it is trying to load is not compatible with the libraries you are using08:06
ikoniasmallmouse: basically it's referencing something that's not there08:06
smallmousemonkwitdafunk: if I run skype --secondary does work but...it wont retain the password information and log in.08:07
skr5eikonia: Kernel headers for version generic were not found. Then below there's a box where you can specify the path in case they have been installed, and when I do I get the error "C header files matching your running kernel were not found."08:07
smallmousemonkwitdafunk: so i can open skype, run the command skype --secondary twice and I get 3 instances of skype up with the option of different user names08:07
auronandaceskr5e: what kernel are you running?08:08
smallmousemonkwitdafunk: but ideally I need the password and log in details of each instance saved08:08
ikoniaI suspect this is going to be a vmware bug not dealing with -genric on the end or something like that08:08
ikoniathe header check is basically a shell script08:09
przemekHi, i need libruby1.9.1, but ubu server returns error. Where can i find this package ?? http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/ruby1.9.1/libruby1.9.1_1.9.3.194-1ubuntu1.4_amd64.deb08:09
auronandaceskr5e: 3.8.0-19 is likely the kernel at release (current version is now 3.8.0-26)08:09
ikoniaprzemek: you can find that package in the repo - as you've just provided a link to it08:09
monkwitdafunkSorry smallmouse. I cannot teach anybody the linux terminal other than networking tools08:09
skr5eaurondace, does that mean updating the kernel might solve the problem?08:10
przemekikonia: No, it doesnt find package for me ..08:10
ikoniamonkwitdafunk: who is asking you to teach the linux terminal ?08:10
ikoniaprzemek: what version of ubuntu are you running ?08:10
ikonia!info libruby08:10
ubottulibruby (source: ruby-defaults): Libraries necessary to run Ruby. In component main, is optional. Version 4.9 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 30 kB08:10
przemekikonia: Linux Mint 1408:10
ikoniaprzemek: right - so why are you asking for ubuntu help08:10
auronandaceskr5e: i just wanted to check you aren't running a newer kernel and trying to use the older headers08:10
ikonia!mint | przemek08:11
ubottuprzemek: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:11
skr5ehow can i check?08:11
auronandaceskr5e: uname -a08:11
monkwitdafunkNobody is asking me to teach on the terminal. The system example uses the terminal08:11
przemekikonia: i asked on Mint channel, but mint is developing on Ubuntu08:11
skr5eLinux skr5e 3.8.0-19-generic #30-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 1 16:35:23 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:11
ikoniaprzemek: it's not ubuntu - it's different, we support official ubuntu version here08:11
auronandaceskr5e: good stuff, all fine08:11
ikoniait will be the -generic08:12
auronandaceskr5e: how come you haven't updated yet then?08:12
ikoniathat's normally the issue, uname shows -generic, but the kernel headers won't have a -generic on the directory08:12
skr5eI guess I haven't updated yet because I've been busy trying to troubleshoot this problem08:13
skr5ewill updating it possibly solve the issue?08:14
auronandaceskr5e: when trouble shooting anything you usually start with making sure everything is up to date08:14
przemekikonia:  Ok, thanks. But i have a question. Do you have access to this file? I need to know reason why its not available08:14
auronandaceskr5e: as regards your specific issue though i'm guessing ikonia is right08:14
ikoniaprzemek: because it's been updated/replaced08:15
ikoniaprzemek: please take it to mint08:15
auronandaceskr5e: still, there are bug fixes and security updates that you should get anyway08:15
monkwitdafunkSkr5e, did.you know that updating kernels will still leave the old kernel.behind?08:15
skr5eI guess taht's a good thing..alright going to look for a guide on updating kernel08:16
auronandaceskr5e: you don't need a guide08:16
skr5esudo apt-get install update?08:16
auronandaceskr5e: just use the built-in software updater08:17
HankMccoyhey I got some VPN questions...08:17
skr5ei have "software manager" is that it?08:17
auronandaceskr5e: if you really want to stick to the commandline then: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:18
HankMccoyi'm thinking about going with private internet access08:19
ikoniaHankMccoy: can you explain the ubuntu question you have ?08:19
HankMccoyany thoughts or advice?08:19
ikoniaHankMccoy: this channel is for ubuntu support, your question is nothing to do with ubuntu08:19
HankMccoywill it work with my OS?08:19
ikoniaHankMccoy: will what ?08:20
HankMccoysome only work with windows08:20
ActionParsnipHankMccoy: you can run a VPN endpoint server if you want08:20
ikoniathen get one that doesn't08:20
HankMccoyis it compatible with my operating system?08:20
ActionParsnipHankMccoy: and network manager can connect to VPN enpoints and manage the connection08:20
ikoniaHankMccoy: is "what"08:20
ActionParsnipHankMccoy: what is 'it'?08:20
ikoniaHankMccoy: what are you asking "is it compatible" what is "it"08:21
HankMccoyprivateinternet access...08:21
ikoniaHankMccoy: that is not a "thing"08:21
ikoniaHankMccoy: that is a word08:21
skr5eauronadace, ran those commands...uname -a still says I'm on the old kernel08:21
ikoniaHankMccoy: that is like saying "is ethernet compatible with my OS"08:21
HankMccoyis the VPN compatible with Ubuntu08:21
ActionParsnipHankMccoy: which vpn?08:21
ikoniaHankMccoy: is WHAT VPN08:21
ikoniaHankMccoy: there are many types of vpn08:21
auronandaceskr5e: you should restart after a kernel update08:21
skr5emakes sense...brb08:22
HankMccoyI do not want to pay in advance only to find out it will not work...08:22
ikoniaHankMccoy: you've not said what "it" is yet08:22
ikoniaHankMccoy: ubuntu supports VPNS if you want to be generic08:22
ActionParsnipHankMccoy: i suggest you do a little researcj pf what you are talking about so you know at least a little, then asl08:22
ikoniaHankMccoy: ubuntu supports VPN's yes08:22
ikoniaI can respond as generic as you can ask08:22
HankMccoyto be specific privateinternetaccess will that VPN work with my OS???08:23
ikoniaHankMccoy that is not a "thing"08:23
ikoniaHankMccoy: please link to the service you want to use08:23
skr5estill old kernel08:24
auronandaceskr5e: then you didn't update properly08:24
HankMccoyface palm08:24
ikoniaHankMccoy: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/client-support/#ubuntu_openvpn_installer08:25
skr5eodd, I ran the code exactly as you wrote it and it seemed to execute fine08:25
ikoniaHankMccoy: well done on reading NOTHING on the service you are looking at buying08:25
ikoniaHankMccoy: it actually has information on how to set it up with ubuntu08:25
auronandaceskr5e: show me the output of uname -a08:26
ikoniawhois HankMccoy08:26
ActionParsnipHankMccoy: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/client-support/#ubuntu_openvpn_installer08:26
ikoniavery poor08:26
ActionParsnipHankMccoy: its right there on the damn page....08:26
HankMccoyHey if you believe everything you read on the internet I have a bridge I want to sell you in New York08:26
TakumoHey, anyone here managed to get logrotate and php-fpm working nicely?08:26
ActionParsnipHankMccoy: took me all of 60 seconds to find08:26
ikoniaHankMccoy: it's written on the people you are buying it from08:26
Jordan_UActionParsnip: Please watch your language and attitude.08:26
ikoniaHankMccoy: you don't believe the people who make the product are telling the truth, but you are asking strangers on the net - and they will tell you the truth ?08:27
skr5eLinux skr5e 3.8.0-19-generic #30-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 1 16:35:23 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:27
ActionParsnipJordan_U: just completely exasperated08:27
auronandaceskr5e: what is the output of: lsb_release -sd08:27
HankMccoysaid it before I prefer the words of those who have moar knowledge than myself08:27
ikoniaHankMccoy: they MAKE the product, no-one is more knowledgable than them08:27
skr5eLinux Mint 15 Olivia08:28
auronandaceskr5e: we don't support mint here08:28
ikoniaHankMccoy: it's THEIR private service, which have no public details on how it's setup, they give you instructions on how to use ubuntu...and you want to know if it "will work with ubuntu"08:28
auronandace!mint | skr5e08:28
ubottuskr5e: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:28
HankMccoyif you have ever been in sales a sales person will tell you anything to get you to buy the product that is the goal of the sales position sales...08:28
HankMccoysorry I asked08:28
skr5ehuh? the first thing I said when I entered the chat was I'm running LM15 -_-08:28
ikoniaHankMccoy: it's got instructions on how to use the product !!!!08:29
ikoniaHankMccoy: it specfcially says "supports ubuntu and here is how to set it up"08:29
HankMccoyI know...... DAMN08:29
skr5ealright well thanks for trying to help anyway08:29
ActionParsnipHankMccoy: so why ask?08:29
HankMccoythanks anyway I come here because you guys know more than me08:30
ActionParsniphandheldpenguin: the site you linked knows more than us08:30
ActionParsnipbad TAB08:31
skeuomorfguys, I had Ubuntu with Unity, I installed XFCE, LXDE and Gnome3, now I want to remove them and reconfigure the system to make it exactly like it was before, because now when booting or shutting down, I see the xubuntu boot screen and inside Unity, notifications  look weird, so How do I remove all that?08:31
jactaDoes anyone have problems with connecting to msn in pidgin?08:31
Takumodidn't they discontinue msn?08:32
ActionParsnipjacta: can you ping the servers you are trying to connect to ?08:34
ActionParsnipjacta: do you use a proxy for web access?08:34
ActionParsnipjacta: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue08:35
ActionParsnipjacta: are other web activities on the same system ok>08:35
iDrofoxhello, is there any utiliy to make a windows 7 usb for ubuntu ?08:37
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dr_willisi think you can just use dd to image the iso to usb08:41
dr_willisask in #windows perhaps08:41
ActionParsnipi believe unetbootin can do it if you format to ntfs first08:44
jactaActionParsnip: don't think pidgin is in etc08:45
jactagateway.messenger.hotmail.com and messenger.hotmail.com seems dead08:46
Nimblejacta: I was under the impression that microsoft was phasing msn out in favor of skype08:48
Nimbleif so, that might be your problem08:48
m4rcive got 8gigs. what should be my swap size?08:50
Nimbledo you hibernate your computer?08:51
DJonesm4rc: You probably won't need that much swap unless you use hibernate etc, I'd probably go with 4gb if you don't, if you do use hibernate, you'll need your swap to be at last as big as your memory08:51
NimbleI've heard that you should use anywhere from half of your RAM to your full RAM08:51
dr_willisif using hibernate/suspend    = rsm plus a bit more08:51
NimbleI don't use hibernate and I have 8 GB and I have no swap08:52
Nimbleno problems yet08:52
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Nimblegoing on a year now, dr_willis08:52
dr_willisfamous last words.08:52
Nimbleheh, maybe so08:53
NimbleI live on the edge, what can I say08:53
DJonesBeing honest, disk space is fairly cheap nowadays, I just set it to double my ram on a just in case basis to avoid any need to change it in future08:53
DJonesUnless somebody gives me 32gb of ram, in which case I'd only have a few gb08:54
pacaolBom dia!08:54
DJonespacaol: Welcome and good morning08:55
pacaolComprei um ultrabook da Samsung top de linha, mandei tudo pro espaço e instalei o Ubuntu, espero que continue tudo bem, farei mais testes mais tarde depois que dormir, minha irmã me chamou de maluco e meu amigo também08:56
DJones!pt | pacaol08:56
ubottupacaol: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.08:56
SDISskeuomorf: sudo apt-get remove XFCE\*  LXDE\*  Gnome3\*08:58
sexlove69!!New sex tape hollywood (you must click ok Button before) >> http://apps.facebook.com/316328471834749/?referral_id=10000051367899409:01
ubottusexlove69: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:01
boyoyonglalahi can i ask for help anyone?09:01
Slingboyoyonglala: dont ask to ask, ask :)09:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:02
DJonesboyoyonglala: Sure, just ask you're question in the channel and if anybody can help, they normally jump in with an answer09:02
boyoyonglalaah sorry i was doing an ubuntu install on lenovo z480.... tried both ubuntu 12 and 13 , but randomly hang and cant proceed to desktop09:03
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:03
LucidDreamZzZztry a live cd?09:03
dr_willisis it truely random?09:04
boyoyonglalai mean it sometimes goes to desktop but sometimes it does not.... its random.... i think its the same for the live cd?09:04
boyoyonglalayes its random09:04
boyoyonglalaso i keep on rebooting just to get it09:05
boyoyonglalaget in*09:05
LucidDreamZzZzwhat laptop a lenovo z480 maybe someone here uses??09:06
boyoyonglalayes a laptop of lenovo z48009:06
boyoyonglalai7 8gb ram09:06
LucidDreamZzZzyou think it might be video related?09:06
dr_williseven the live cd had the same issue?09:06
LucidDreamZzZzHD failing?09:06
greyhatpythonHey guys why so many open source games which i like are not available in Ubuntu Software Center?09:06
boyoyonglalai'll try now if the i can replicate it on the live CD09:06
boyoyonglalavideo related im not sure09:07
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge09:07
DJonesgreyhatpython: Probably that the developer or somebody else won't have packaged them for Ubuntu09:07
boyoyonglalahd not failing it has no bad sectora whatsoever ... just bought it a few days ago09:07
greyhatpythonDJones ok how to package it to ubuntu?09:08
DJones!packaging | greyhatpython09:08
ubottugreyhatpython: The packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring09:08
cmihaigreyhatpython: are they present when browsing with synaptic or apt-cache search (or when enabling additional repositories)? What games do you mean?09:08
LucidDreamZzZzwhy would any Linux game not be Ubuntu ready09:08
dr_willisno maintainer for it.. is one reason09:09
greyhatpythonI mean like Vegastrike,  Vdrift....urban terror etc....09:09
LucidDreamZzZzyeah thats a good one...09:09
greyhatpythonI am checking those links09:09
dr_willistheres allways the ppa•s09:09
DJonesgreyhatpython: You may find that even when something isn't in the official Ubuntu repositories, there may be a ppa for it, although ppa's arent officially supported if there are problems09:09
greyhatpythonhmmmm i agree09:10
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/09:10
greyhatpythonCan you list few games which you play on Ubuntu?09:10
DJonesgreyhatpython: Maybe search the ppa's first09:10
ActionParsnipgreyhatpython: Penumbra, UrbanTerror, Tuxcart, FrozenBubble09:10
DJonesgreyhatpython: Minecraft09:11
boyoyonglalaok so im trying to boot the live cd but it hangs on --> _09:11
boyoyonglalajust showing _09:11
ActionParsnipgreyhatpython: penumbra isnt free in any way, there is a demo which is badass09:11
ActionParsnipboyoyonglala: what video chip do you use?09:11
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:11
boyoyonglalai think it has 2 video cards09:11
boyoyonglalaa nvidia09:11
boyoyonglalaand an intel09:11
ActionParsnipboyoyonglala: oh, optimus, switching gpus in a laptop?09:12
ActionParsnipboyoyonglala: add the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=109:12
boyoyonglalahot to do that?09:12
greyhatpythonya penumbra is not free09:12
dr_willisyou should  have said that first..  ;-)09:12
ActionParsnip!bootoption | boyoyonglala09:12
ubottuboyoyonglala: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.09:12
boyoyonglalasorry i did not know how it could affect09:12
greyhatpythonminecraft? too old.09:12
ActionParsnipboyoyonglala: optimus can be a real headache in linux09:13
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:13
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.09:13
ActionParsnipgreyhatpython: how is it old?09:13
greyhatpythonif i ask u which is the addicting game in Linux which one do you Say? Free and Multiplayer/MMORPG09:13
dr_willisgreyhatpython:    irc    ;-)09:14
Ari-Yanggreyhatpython, this is a support channel for ubuntu......09:14
xrcgreyhatpython: the new MIR server ;)09:14
ActionParsnipgreyhatpython: world of warcraft runs better than windows under wine09:14
socializiationhello people, where can I get help for a problem with Facebook? Thanks09:15
ActionParsnipgreyhatpython: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Upcoming_features   prerelease of Minecraft on 7th July 2013. Probably newer than any game you can name09:15
greyhatpythonoops sorry minecraft is not free right?09:15
ActionParsnipgreyhatpython: minecraft is free09:15
Nmbr1!ot | socializiation09:15
ubottusocializiation: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:15
DJonesgreyhatpython: No its not free09:15
greyhatpythonya i am checking online it's not free!09:16
DJonesActionParsnip: MInecraft isn't free, there is a very old free version on the website, but it is quite a few years old09:16
greyhatpythonActionParsnip i won;t play windows games09:16
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.09:17
Ari-Yanggreyhatpython, ever hear of LoL or WoW? I hear that those are addicted...... not sure if it's on linux yet, might be though.09:17
greyhatpythonwell wine is good i hate windows so no use!@09:17
Ari-Yanggreyhatpython, oh and DC Universe Online.09:17
greyhatpythonAri-Yang ya i heard LOL and WOW i think they are not free!09:18
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DJonesCan we move the Ubuntu games discussion into #ubuntu-offtopic, its probably getting a bit too much away from specific support issues09:18
greyhatpythonLOL is for Windows only! LOL!!!!! :)09:18
ActionParsnipDJones: so you don't pull down the client and run it anymore, they want cash?09:19
greyhatpythonya sure i want to play games in Ubuntu only!09:19
Ph0buswhy do i need to install programs as root?09:19
ActionParsnipgreyhatpython: urbanterror :)09:19
DJonesActionParsnip: Been like that for a couple of years09:19
greyhatpythonya urban terror and Open Arena are very good!09:19
ActionParsnipPh0bus: because it is an admin task, your user doesn't have write access outside of $HOME09:19
ActionParsnipDJones: i see09:19
greyhatpythonAnyway here i found 100 Games list for Ubuntu!!! http://www.cahilig.net/2011/07/29/100-best-free-and-high-quality-linux-games09:19
Ph0busActionParsnip: why cant i install programs in home?09:20
ActionParsnipPh0bus: so we use 'sudo' to give you admin access and you can install apps etc09:20
ActionParsnipPh0bus: it breaks the Linux standard, you can if you want09:20
ActionParsnipPh0bus: it takes a lot more effort09:20
dr_willisPh0bus:  you can09:20
Nmbr1Ph0bus: you can09:20
ActionParsnipPh0bus: why would you want to? home is for user data, not apps09:21
Ph0busso the programs dont run as root09:21
Nmbr1Ph0bus: no they run as whatever user starts them09:21
dr_willisthey dont all run as root anyway..09:21
TisButMeHi there, is someone avalaible to help me solve a problem with my USB 3 ports pls ?09:22
Nmbr1Ph0bus: ?09:22
Ph0busi want to creat a user for evey program09:22
dr_willisthats silly Ph0bus09:22
Nmbr1Ph0bus: Why? And no, you don't09:22
Ph0busits not09:22
dr_willisyes it is.09:23
Nmbr1Ph0bus: if you mean running a program in a "sandbox" use chroot09:23
dr_willisyout security would be beter if you learned more linux fundamentals09:23
Ph0busi want to evey program run in its owne home with its hown user with limited premissions09:24
Nmbr1Ph0bus: 1. not every install proram runs all the time 2. you need to install the program as root, not to run it 3. the program only runs with the security permissions of the user who starts it09:24
Ph0busi dont wnat to learn anything09:24
dr_willisthat. would make most of them useless09:24
Nmbr1Ph0bus: then you are in the wrong place. if you know everything you need we can't help you.09:24
Ph0busi dont know anything09:24
Ph0busnor do i want to09:25
dr_willisand yoi dont want to learn..  so you are trolling it seems09:25
Ph0busi have beter thing that to fuss with foss09:25
RiverRatIf anyone is interested Ph0bus just got banned from #gentoo for trolling09:27
boyoyonglalaok sorry guys09:27
boyoyonglalaso im currently on live cd09:27
boyoyonglalathen nomodeset.... then install ubuntu09:27
boyoyonglalabut it still hangs on _09:27
greyhatpythonAri-Yang i found playdeb and installed on my ubuntu now i can install any game easily!!!!09:27
Ph0busRiverRat: you are a snitch and a lier09:27
vmachine3how do i change ubuntu run level to 3 permanently09:32
vmachine3i cannot find /etc/iniittab09:32
dr_willisyou dont09:33
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.09:33
Ph0busso you cant run ubuntu as a single user09:34
dr_williswhat do you want to do with runlevel 3?09:34
Ph0busnice security09:34
dr_willisyou can run as a single user09:34
vmachine3i want to boot to a shell by defualt then switch to xwindows if necessary09:34
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode09:34
sh_ahmedAny idea why QSplashScreen doesn't work in ubuntu (with PyQt, I dont' know about native implementation)?09:35
vmachine3ok thanks i will try that09:35
sh_ahmedThis piece of code works in Windows, but not in Ubuntu09:36
dan2003Hi, im using 12.04 LTS and run into this problem https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49347, i'm currently building a new pkg inlcuding one of the patches from there that sounds like it will fox the problem. If it does, what are the chances of eing able to get this included into 12.04LTS updates?09:50
ubottuFreedesktop bug 49347 in Server/Input/Core "Jumping tablet cursor with transformation matrix" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]09:51
dan2003AS currently using a extending (multi screen) desktop where a touchscreen is used on one of them is, well unusable09:52
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jrib!sru | dan200309:52
ubottudan2003: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates09:52
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AndChat|499956Oh cool. I like the "text" boot parameter09:54
MonkeyDustdan2003  make it a PPA and publish it somewhere, then hope someone picks it up and reviews it09:54
dan2003MonkeyDust, ok, thanks, ill try that09:54
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ubuntivityHello, I'm trying to compile (from source) pport on ubuntu server 12.04, but when I type the command "make" I get the error "No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop."09:57
* ubuntivity did "./configure" first09:58
RiverRatubuntivity: Didn't ./configure generate a Makefile for you?  Did it complete successfully?10:01
ubuntivityfirst it told me there is no compiler, so I installed gcc, then the "./configure" script exits without error after I installed gcc10:02
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ubuntivitywhen I first types the "make" command it told me that "make" is not installed, so I installed it.10:03
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:03
dr_willisinstalled the  build-essential  package yet?10:04
ubuntivityThanks dr_willis , ubottu , RiverRat . I'm now installing the 'build-essential' package, I'll see if that will help fix the problem10:05
boyoyonglalahi guys after reinstalling ubuntu 13 using nomodeset it still wont boot properly any ideas?10:06
dr_willisit is using nomodeset when it boots?10:07
dr_williswas this a dual gpu optimus system?10:08
pogonobohi trying to install ubuntu 13.04 desktop with raid partition for my home directory. what is the best method to do this?10:08
boyoyonglalai'll double check10:08
boyoyonglalayes its dual gpu10:08
boyoyonglala<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about optimus10:08
boyoyonglala<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about bumblebee10:09
pogonobounfortunately, no alternate install disk for ubuntu, can I user server install and then install desktop afterwards?10:09
boyoyonglalapressed alt+f2 and screen went black!?!?10:09
dr_willisor use the mini/net installer pogonobo10:09
BRONYFURLYFEbabilen: you new around here bud?10:13
DJonesBRONYFURLYFE: Do you have a support question?10:14
BRONYFURLYFEhow much is ubuntu10:14
BRONYFURLYFEcan I pirate it?10:14
myTentaclesaDripits on sale on steam10:14
myTentaclesaDriplike 7.9910:14
ubuntivityhello again, I've installed build-essential, runned "./configure" and got the following error message: "The popt library used for parsing command line options is required in order for this program to operate correctly. Please check out1 and download2 from the following sites:"10:19
ubuntivitywhat is the "popt" library?10:20
babilenubuntivity: May I suggest a "apt-cache search popt library" followed by a "apt-cache show libpopt-dev" ?10:21
ikoniaubuntivity: what are you trying to build ?10:21
ubuntivityI'm trying to build "pport"10:21
ikoniathat's in the repo isn't it ?10:21
ikonia!info pport10:21
ubottuPackage pport does not exist in raring10:21
ikoniahmm maybe not, I thought that was there10:21
zipper_How do I find which files between rc[0-6].d and rcS.d contain start up scripts? I want to create a symlink from it to a script I want to run at start up.10:22
ikoniazipper_: ubuntu doesn't use system v init10:22
zipper_ikonia where are start up scripts stored?10:23
ikoniazipper_: depends,10:23
ubuntivityI'm now installing libpopt-dev, will that work?10:23
ikoniazipper_: have a quick search upstart ubuntu10:23
ikoniaubuntivity: try it, depends what it's looking for10:23
ubuntivityseems to be working, now waiting for the ./configure script to complete...10:24
ubuntivityFinally, pport is now installed. Thank you all guys :)10:25
ubuntivityOh, BTW: how can I make a .deb file for pport for my specific OS?10:25
DJones!checkinstall | ubuntivity10:26
ubottuubuntivity: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!10:26
ubuntivityI mean can I compile it into a .deb file so that I can easily install it on my other computers running the same server10:26
ubuntivity*same version of ubuntu server10:27
babilenubuntivity: fwiw, I would recommend to install locally compiled software to /usr/local and also to manage such installations with a tool called "stow" -- The latter essentially works in such a way that you install to /usr/local/stow/foo-1.2 and then run "stow foo-1.2" within /usr/local/stow which will setup suitable symlinks in /usr/local -- That way you can easily remove it.10:27
nottHi all10:27
ubuntivityI'm not aiming at removing it, rather I want to install a copy of it on another computer10:28
nottHow can I know if i have private or open drivers in my video card?10:28
babilenubuntivity: You might want to compile other software locally and remove *that* at some point in the future. You don't have to use stow, but I simply found it to be a very nice tool for "managing" these local installations.10:29
flashingpumpkinguys, can here anyone recommend a twitter client that is a) not gwibber b) doesn't install *all* kde dependencies and c) is not a terminal client? :(10:30
babilenubuntivity: The creation of Debian packages is detailed in http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ and I am sure you can find similar documentation for Ubuntu (but seriously, just package it upstream)10:30
DJonesflashingpumpkin: ONly available in a ppa so isn't officially supported, but I use 'polly'10:31
ubuntivitypardon me, but I'm not a native English speaker, so what do you mean by "upstream", babilen ?10:31
nottHow can I know if i have private or open drivers in my video card?10:31
flashingpumpkinDJones, cool, gonna check it out :)10:31
DJonesflashingpumpkin: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/10/twitter-app-polly-adds-ubuntu-12-10-support Thats the first link with info on it I found10:32
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MonkeyDustflashingpumpkin  I don't use twitter or other social media myself, but I found this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/must-have-apps-for-a-new-ubuntu-install10:32
babilenubuntivity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upstream_%28software_development%2910:33
babilenubuntivity: Ubuntu is based on Debian so everything that you package for Debian will end up in Ubuntu, while the reverse is not necessarily true.10:34
ubuntivitythanks babilen. So, a thought just popped in my mind: can I package pport into a .deb and add it to ubuntu repository?10:36
arunhi everyone!10:37
ubuntivityhello arun10:37
arunhi i need some help10:37
arunhi ubuntivity10:38
ubuntivitythat's what this channel is for, arun. just describe your problem without asking :)10:38
ubuntivityI mean without long introductions :D10:38
arunin home folder y the local discs are not showing?10:39
ubuntivityyou mean your hard disc partitions?10:39
ubuntivitythey are usually in /media/ or /mnt/10:40
ubuntivityunless you mount them elsewhere10:40
ubuntivityopen the terminal and type "mount" and show me the output10:40
arunwhat do u mean by mounting?10:40
ubuntivitymounting is making a linking between the physical hard drive and a specific directory on your system, so that you can access files on the drive10:41
arunI opened terminal and typed mount10:41
ubuntivityok, so what did you get?10:41
arunbut I cannot see hard drive names10:42
ubuntivitycan you paste it on http://paste.ubuntu.com/10:42
ubuntivityand give me the link here for your paste.10:43
quuxmanhi, I'm trying to work out an audio problem. I can play audio with a certain aplay command, but pulseaudio, and all Ubuntu apps don't recognize my sound device10:43
aruni have pasted it10:44
quuxmanI don't know where to start with this. I've scoured various audio trouble shooting guides, and made countless google searches...10:44
MonkeyDustarun  then sacve it and paste link in the channel10:45
ubuntivityOK, arun. send me the link for your paste here, please.10:45
ubuntivityI see that your hard drive partitions are not mounted, arun.10:46
arunbut i can access it10:46
ubuntivityhow do you access it?10:46
aruni created folder in that10:46
ubuntivityI can see from your paste that you have only the Linux partition (which is sda7) mounted on / directory10:47
ubuntivityand your /home/arun/ directory is within that partition10:47
aruni recently installed xubuntu along win 710:48
arunwhich time u are available to chat tomorrow10:48
ubuntivitytype in your terminal "ls /dev/sda*" and show me the output, please10:48
snuggl gah10:49
ubuntivityI can't guarantee at which time I'll be available, but I believe you can find many people who can help you in this channel, arun.10:49
snugglso eufi boot partition and bios boot partition was not the same things10:49
aruni gave the link10:50
snuggli guess you cannot recreate the uefi entries from ubuntu either?10:50
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ubuntivityok, arun. let's try manually mounting one of your partitions, ok?10:51
farbodhelp me10:51
farbodi want a postal code for my xbox from usa or germany10:51
ikoniafarbod: sorry that is not what this channel is for10:52
arunok ubuntivity10:52
ikoniafarbod: this channel is for ubuntu support only, please don't ask again10:52
ubuntivityarun: first, type in your terminal "sudo mkdir /mnt/sda6" and press enter. You may enter your password if you were asked for it.10:52
farbodikonia: which chanel is for this?10:52
ikoniafarbod: #ubuntu10:53
arunu mean unix password, which already created10:53
ubuntivityfarbod: try ##xbox10:53
flashingpumpkinMonkeyDust, DJones thanks. Went with Polly, seems to work nicely. :)10:53
ubuntivityarun: your user password on xubuntu10:53
aruni have done it10:54
farbodubuntivity:where can i write ##xbox?10:54
quuxmanmore data: when I boot, I hear the start-up sound, but when I log in, sound stops working. Perhaps it's a permissions issue?10:54
ubuntivityfarbod: type: /join ##xbox10:54
farbodits a chanel?10:54
farbod<ubuntivity>its a chanel?10:54
Nmbr1farbod: yes... you enter it the same way you entered this channel...10:54
jribquuxman: could just be getting muted.  Check pavucontrol and alsamixer perhaps10:55
farbodi cant fouend ##xbox?10:55
quuxmanjrib: pavucontrol doesn't show the device of course, because pulse doesn't recognize it10:55
ikoniafarbod: I'm sorry we can't help you here10:55
quuxmanjrib: list-sinks in pacmd doesn't show my sound card10:56
Nmbr1farbod: type the following without quotes and press enter: "/join #xbox"10:56
ubuntivityarun: now type "sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda6 /mnt/sda6"10:56
tasHi, I'm trying to use diff with wget to compare websites recursively to verify a migration, but can't get the recursion down.10:57
jribtas: -r10:57
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ActionParsniptas: why not use md5?10:58
ubuntivityarun: leave a space between "vfat" and "/dev/sda6" and repeat the command10:58
quuxmanjrib: and alsamixer shows everything at full volume and not muted10:58
tasActionParsnip: I'm open to any number of solutions, but this was the first i'd come up with.  jrib:  I have diff <(wget -r -np -p -k http://www.example.com) <(wget -r -np -p -k - http://www.example.com)10:59
quuxmanjrib: although interestingly, I can't run alsamixer without a card argument10:59
quuxmanjrib: `alsamixer` produces error "cannot open mixer: Invalid argument", but `alsamixer -c 1` works normally10:59
taslol, found my typo, I think i got it to work11:00
taslemme check my output11:00
jribquuxman: I don't know much about that (I just read your scrollback), but I suggest sharing card details.  I was going to suggest verifying the issue persists with a freshly created new user, but I doubt that will be informative (you can still try if you are waiting for better ideas)11:00
quuxmanthe problem seems to me the wrong card is being used by default11:00
ActionParsnipquuxman: then press F6 in alsamixer and set the device11:00
quuxmanjrib: thanks, that's a good idea11:00
aruni think it is with some error11:01
jribtas: doesn't wget -r download the files into some directory structure by default?11:01
ubuntivityyes arun, apparently I've picked the wrong filesystem for your partition because I was guessing it. Do you remember how many partitions you had on windows 7?11:01
tasjrib:  oh good point, i don't have to one line this.....11:02
tasjrib:  I think i'll just pull both copies, and diff the directories, which will be much easier11:03
ubuntivityarun: try this "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda6 /mnt/sda6"11:03
ActionParsniparun: you'll need to run: sudo mkdir /mnt/sda611:04
quuxmanjrib: so audio does work with a new user11:04
ubuntivityhe did it already, ActionParsnip . Thanks for the tip11:04
jribquuxman: at least that means the issue should be relatively straight forward...11:05
arunmkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/sda6’: File exists11:05
ubuntivityyes arun, you already did that earlier, so you don't need to do it again11:06
ubuntivityjust proceed with my latest command :)11:06
arunI am on urge to go to office, can we chat same time tomorrow?11:06
Nmbr1tas: if you just want to confirm a migration has occurred (i.e. the pages changed) and you have a version to compare against the online content why not compress the entire site directory structure for both versions and compare md5's?11:07
ubuntivityno problem arun, and if you have some time to spare, try reading about "how to mount in linux"11:07
arunthank u very much for your time11:07
ubuntivityyou are welcome arun :)11:07
tasjrib: while that would work as a yes/no comparison, it wouldn't tell me where the fault is if there was one11:07
quuxmanwhat config files or other kind of user settings could be messing up my audio?11:07
tasjrib: or if there were more than one11:08
jribNmbr1: ^11:08
Nmbr1tas: yep wasn't sure if you needed to see all the differences or just see if yes/no. my idea won't work :(11:08
jribquuxman: I would start by making a directory called "dots", moving all my dot files in there, logging in again, seeing if audio worked.  If yes, then move back the ones that you doubt cause the issue.  Due this in a few waves.  If it happens that moving all dot files doesn't get you sound, then you have to start looking at other things (maybe groups or permissions like you said)11:09
tasNmbr1: it is the quickest and easiest though:P  I suppose i could use it as a first step and if it fails, dive in w/ the diffs and wgets11:10
quuxmanjrib: ok, I'm digging down to it. For a new user, in the sound settings I see a dummy "loop back" device, and a "built-in audio" device. On my normal user, I see loopback and hdmi. I remember hacking some config somewhere to get the hdmi to appear...11:11
quuxmanthat must be braking it11:11
Nmbr1tas: always helpful to know if you need to do twice the work before you do it... ;)11:11
tasjrib: Nmbr1: ActionParsnip:  thank you guys for your help!  I ended up just pulling it all using wget, and the doing a diff on the resulting directories.11:11
tasNmbr1:  this is true!11:12
tasHave a great night everybody11:12
sssilverHello gentlemen11:13
sssilverI have a strange problem with Ubuntu11:14
sssilverwith any desktop manager I try11:14
sssilvermy X occasionally goes Segmentation Fault11:14
test111hi. i'm trying to use ufw, and it works well, but it doesn't start after reboot, eventhough |ufw enable| responds with "Firewall is active and enabled on system startup"11:14
sssilverand gdm is restarted11:14
MonkeyDust!enter | sssilver11:14
ubottusssilver: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:15
test111it it indeed gets enabled, but doesn't start after reboot11:15
test111the ufw problem is with 12.04LTS11:16
MonkeyDusttest111  after reboot, what does      sudo ufw status      say?11:17
test111MonkeyDust: "inactive"11:17
test111MonkeyDust: i think the upstart script doesn't run, but not sure how to debug it11:19
test111fwiw it's running on an openvz server11:21
test111MonkeyDust: any idea how to debug it?11:22
MonkeyDusttest111  no, not familiar with openvz11:22
quuxmanYAYYAY YAY YAY! `rm -r ~/.pulse; pulseaudio -k; pulseaudio &` problem solved11:23
test111MonkeyDust: assume it's running on a plain system then. how would you debug it?11:23
test111MonkeyDust: e.g. how can i check which upstart scripts run on boot?11:24
zipperWhere can psycopg2 find my postgres socket after installing postgres 9.2.4 from source? I'm using it with django11:24
MonkeyDusttest111  i'm sure someone else can help better, no need to highlight me11:24
BluesKajHiyas all11:25
ubuntivityhello BluesKaj11:25
BluesKajhi ubuntivity11:25
zipperWhere can psycopg2 find my postgres socket after installing postgres 9.2.4 from source? I'm using it with django   I don't have the folder /tmp/.s.PGSQL.543211:26
HankMccoyhow do I open network manager?11:27
zipperNaaah ignore me11:27
DJoneszipper: It might be worth asking that in #postgresql with you having compiled it from source it could be in a different place to the ubuntu repo version11:31
quuxmannow if only my laptop didn't have the crappiest sound card ever. Sounds like it's raining all the time (in windows and Ubuntu)11:33
zipperDJones I thought this was postgres. I've fixed it now. The idea is using /tmp11:34
EaglemanHow can i run a cronjob every 2 weeks on a sunday?11:36
BlizzbobEagleman: with a shell skript11:37
jrib!cron | Eagleman11:38
ubottuEagleman: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto11:38
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jribEagleman: also, « man 5 crontab » has an example for every second saturday in its example section11:41
Eaglemanjrib, every second thursday of the month, but it needs to run twice a month,  run>skip>run>skip11:49
jribEagleman: twice a month is different than every two weeks11:49
Eaglemanevery 2 weeks then11:50
jribEagleman: did you see the example in the man page for every second saturday?11:50
Eaglemanyes, i changed it a bit for thursday, and it worked11:51
jribEagleman: if you want to do "every 2 weeks", you need to do something a little different. Have cron run it every week (every thursday) and then use the test command to test if the week number is odd (or even, whatever you prefer).  That still may cause it to not skip a week at the end of the year, if that matters to you11:52
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jribI don't actually know how the week number is handled when the year changes11:53
OerHeksEagleman, jrib * * * * 0/2  <command> 0=Sunday. /2 indicates every other. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136059911:55
jribOerHeks: ah, I didn't realize that worked in the weekday field11:55
OerHeksso that would surcvive a yearchange11:55
ivavakothere is spammer on this channel, sending private messages after join11:56
jribOerHeks: are you sure that syntax will work in the weekday field?11:57
wilee-nileeivavako, save the info and inform #ubuntu-ops or #freenode11:58
Eaglemanhttp://pastebin.com/1ywhajSj is what i am trying now11:59
Eaglemanwill try your solution OerHeks11:59
jribEagleman: this does not do what you want11:59
jribEagleman: "man 5 crontab": Note:  The day of a command's execution can be specified by two fields — day of month, and day of week.  If both fields are restricted (i.e., aren't *), the command will be run when either field matches the current time."12:01
OerHeksjrib cannot find that /2 command in the manual, although i read it before12:04
jribOerHeks: it's in "man 5 crontab" but I do not think it will be applied in a special way to the weekday (I think it will just mean step every 2 days, so 0/2 = 0,2,4,6)12:05
jrib0-6/2 or */2 would anyway12:05
RyanLI need helo. I wanted to get rid of the partition that I had made for linux since for some reason it installed it on the same partition as windows 7. I restarted and got the error: no such partition grub rescue. So I tried reinstalling ubuntu. Now when I boot I get the error12:06
RyanL"error: unknown filesystem grub"12:06
RyanLI just wanted to remove the grub bootloader and ubuntu and just have it boot straight to windows again.12:06
Eaglemanjrib, OerHeks, its kinda hard to test the cronjob, since it is week 2912:07
jribEagleman: you can change your date :)12:08
Eaglemantrue :P12:08
jribLinux makes time travel possible!12:08
jribRyanL: #windows can help you with that.  In the past you had to run fixmbr from the windows install disk12:09
jribRyanL: erm, ##windows I mean12:09
RyanLI have a windows recovery partition. No recovery disk12:10
EaglemanLets see what happens on 3 JAN 2013 14:09:0012:10
EaglemanLooks like my server does not like the changed date12:11
snugglRyanL: you need a recovery disk12:11
snugglRyanL: which only ca be made from within windows iirc12:12
jribRyanL: ##windows can help you, you have a windows issue not an ubuntu issue12:12
snuggljrib: its ubuntus installer that made the mess12:12
snugglit cannot detect windows 8 installs12:12
snugglso it say the partition has no OS in the parted12:12
jribsnuggl: he wants to boot straight into windows without grub or ubuntu12:13
snuggluninstalling is an important step that needs support too12:13
RyanLThank you snuggl.12:13
RyanLThat's all that I'm looking to do. Is uninstall linux.12:14
jribRyanL: you have uninstalled it, now to setup your windows, ##windows would know best12:14
snugglRyanL: 1. create recovery disk from win8, 2. boot with that, 3. run windows command line tools to recreate windows boot12:14
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Eagleman10               14              *                      *                       4/2                       echo test   does not seem to work12:15
EaglemanIt echo'd on the 3th and 1th of january 201312:16
* w1r3 says Hi12:17
w1r3I need some help with a sed script12:17
exportRyanL: if you have a recovery partition you can boot into that in some cases12:17
RyanLWhere do I get the files to make a recovery disk? I can't boot into either os12:17
RyanLexport: how would I do that?12:17
snugglRyanL: another windows 8 computer12:17
w1r3I have a folder with csv that have trailling commas12:17
jribhe has windows 7 iirc, but please take this to ##windows.  There may be other options that they are aware of there.12:18
jrib!enter | w1r312:18
ubottuw1r3: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:18
snugglRyanL: google for your computer and recovery12:18
snugglfor me its F8 on boot12:18
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cocoing_can i use chinese?12:21
EaglemanOerHeks, it did not work12:21
OerHeksEagleman, sorry to hear that :-(12:21
DJonescocoing_: There is a chinese language support channel #ubuntu-cn This channel is English only12:22
Eaglemanmaybe i should just use 1,14 or something like that12:22
DJones!cn | cocoing_12:22
ubottucocoing_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw12:22
jribEagleman: if you want to do "every 2 weeks", you need to do something a little different. Have cron run it every week (every thursday) and then use the test command to test if the week number is odd (or even, whatever you prefer).  That still may cause it to not skip a week at the end of the year, if that matters to you12:23
jribEagleman: you could also do twice a month on the first and third Thursday instead (and then you'd use a pretty much identical line to the example in the crontab)12:24
pbluzhi..is it possible to install Nvidia drivers in Ubuntu 13.04....my laptop has Intel® 945GM x86/MMX/SSE2 graphics..12:26
auronandacepbluz: if you don't have a nvidia card then you shouldn't be installing nvidia drivers12:27
pbluzthen how can i upgrade it...am trying to play some game stuff and it's sluggish...12:29
snugglpbluz: what game?12:31
snugglthe intel cards arent known for the high fillrate12:31
th0rpbluz, the short answer, it is doubtful you will be able to 'upgrade' your laptop's video. You will probably have to get a better machine12:32
saiarcot895pbluz: make sure you have mesa drivers installed (should be installed by default)12:32
pbluznfs most wanted...12:32
Equinox3if you're using intel video card i think they are default installed since 12.1012:33
AllanDaemon2Hi. I gotta a Ubuntu install with a 250GB LVM partition in ext4, ~95GB used. I was tring to resize it to 100GB. Using "e2resize -p /dev/vg/root 100G", but they said that 100GB was bigger than the original. Running again, I hit with 10G instead 100G, and it worked. Now the partition gotta only 10GB. I'm very scarred and need help to: 1) identify how much data was lost 2) recover all data as possible.12:34
pbluzhow can i check whether  mesa drivers are installed?12:34
jpdspbluz: $ dpkg -l | grep mesa12:34
SonikkuAmericapbluz: or [ sudo apt-cache policy mesa ]12:34
pbluzlemmi check it out...thanx..12:34
Homely_GirlCan anyone help me understand how Unity works??12:34
snugglHomely_Girl: "how" in what context?12:35
verses_unity 2D, I am not going to repeat that stuff ...12:35
Homely_Girlsnuggl: When I minimise stuff I can't find it again!! lol12:35
snugglHomely_Girl: it should be at the left screen edge12:36
verses_Homely_Girl, it's on the left12:36
snugglin a column if button/icons12:36
Equinox3Homely_Girl: use alt+tab to switch through open apps12:36
snugglor alt-tab12:36
Homely_GirlEquinox3: That is very useful, thanks.12:37
Equinox3and alt+` for switching between windows of the same application12:37
Homely_GirlEquinox3: I must say my pc has never run smoother than it is on 12.04, and it's a little dated now!!12:37
Equinox3also try cairo-dock from software-center12:37
exportHomely_Girl, how dated? lol12:38
verses_Ok here it is anyway - when I reboot computer back from the hibernation, it doesn't prompt me for login details( or simply  password) . why? and how can I get this feature on my machine?12:38
snugglcairo-dock was awful slow last time i tried it12:38
Homely_Girlexport: I'm not sure exactly, but I've had it about 4 yrs now 'n it wasn't bought new!12:38
pbluz@jpds am getting some complicated information ending with "i386         Miscellaneous Mesa GL utilities"...what does it mean?12:38
Homely_GirlEquinox3: It looks pretty mind. :)12:39
exporthaha i got a rather ancient P4 that might see unity soon ;) but idk XD the only way i could run unity is with the graphics card i added and some luck12:39
wilee-nileeverses_, In brightness & lock is a password and lock for sudpend I suspect it works for hibernate as well.12:40
Equinox3yes and for me its more responsive than the unity app menu12:40
Homely_GirlNext mission - getting java working in Firefox! I apt-got 'n installed restricted-extras, but still having issues12:40
JustAGuyHello people12:40
Equinox3Homely_Girl: you have to install ice tea version for that12:40
Homely_GirlEquinox3: You're a star, marry me!12:41
yalexhello I have ubuntu 13.04 and gtk2 apps are not showing network shares in the file picker12:41
verses_wilee-nilee, there is .... but nothing is said about hibernate .. would you guide me the exact place?12:42
yalexis there a way I can get network shares to show in firefox?12:42
wilee-nileeverses_, You found the gui?12:43
verses_yes I did12:43
verses_it's in the system-settings12:43
SonikkuAmericaHomely_Girl: It's called icedtea-7-plugin12:43
wilee-nileeverses_, I never use hibernate, I'm assuming if you set the suspend to lock and require a password it will do this for hibernate as well12:43
Homely_GirlSonikkuAmerica: Are you psychic, I was just stratching my head with that! lol12:44
Equinox3wilee-nilee: when i turn my monitor off, it doesn't go to lock screen12:44
SonikkuAmericaHomely_Girl: Nope. Not psychic. Just 3 years of Ubuntu experience. :)12:44
SonikkuAmerica!info icedtea-7-plugin12:44
ubottuicedtea-7-plugin (source: icedtea-web): web browser plugin based on OpenJDK and IcedTea to execute Java applets. In component main, is extra. Version 1.3.2-1ubuntu1.1 (raring), package size 79 kB, installed size 263 kB12:44
Equinox3if i don't it goes to lock-screen after some moments, but if i turn the monitor off. it stays as it is12:45
wilee-nileeEquinox3, Not sure what this has to do with anything without context.12:45
Homely_GirlSonikkuAmerica: So the marriage proposal goes to you instead!! :)12:45
Equinox3thank god12:45
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Homely_Girlequinox: where do I find a terminal windown?12:46
wilee-nileeEquinox3, THe OS has to run the process to lock, not hitting the off switch.12:46
SonikkuAmericaHomely_Girl: I'd accept, but... (a) this is not ##relationships, (b) I dunno who you are, and (c) let's keep it on-topic in here.12:46
Equinox3wilee-nilee: just wondering if it happens to others. thats all12:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:46
silv3r_m00nhi, my HP F380 printer does not print properly on Ubuntu, the last time it printed properly was 8.04, after that till today (13.04) i have to do the printing job on windows, the hplip library and all is installed12:46
verses_thanks wilee-nilee , it's set to lock.. but didn't do what it exactly was supposed to. I usually turn off my pc but as I had never tried this feature (hibernation) so I wanted to check if this works :)12:46
Equinox3Homely_Girl: Alt+Ctrl+T12:47
Homely_GirlEquinox3: Thank you.12:47
Equinox3wilee-nilee: but its suppose to check the timer to lock the desktop, isn't it12:47
Homely_GirlSonikkuAmerica: point taken, sorry12:47
verses_Equinox3, do you mean you turn off the hardware button on your monitor?12:48
wilee-nileeverses_, I can't tell where you are at, If you want hibernate with a password to resume I suspect there is an answer, hibernate has to be turned on anyway.12:48
Equinox3no, lock the desktop when i turn the screen off manually12:48
wilee-nileeEquinox3, you are throwing a variable in that is not addressed by the use of the system, the switch on the monitor.12:49
thisotherguyhey guys. i have a problem with some dir created by encfs.12:49
Equinox3wilee-nilee: i don't want the system to turn off the switch12:50
Equinox3sometimes i don't wait for the screen to go blank so i turn the screen off manually. but when i come back and turn the screen back on. it isn't12:50
thisotherguyso i just used encfs ~/Dropbox/.a ~/Dropbox/a to try encrypting my files inside the dropbox12:50
Homely_GirlEquinox3: Thank you for all your help, bye12:50
Equinox3no problem Homely_Girl. :D12:50
verses_Equinox3, by default the checkbox next to - "Require my password when waking up from suspend" is checked so I am sure it should work too12:50
thisotherguywent well first, but after restarting the dropbox daemon (was down during the encfs cmd and some writes to the folders) and after the sync, i cannot access ~/Dropbox/a anymore12:51
Homely_GirlSonikkuAmerica: Thank you too.12:51
thisotherguynot even with root privileges12:51
Equinox3verses_: it does work when the screen is on, not when i turn it off manually12:51
SonikkuAmericaHomely_Girl: You're welcome!12:51
yalexis there a way to share network shares in gtk2 apps like firefox on ubuntu 13.04?12:51
Equinox3weierd, so may be its just me12:51
thisotherguyls -l just shows question marks for the permissions12:51
thisotherguyhow to get rid of that file?12:52
thisotherguyor dir, rather12:52
wilee-nileeEquinox3, Heh, not sure I understand to be honest, if you exspect the computer to auto lock just by turning off the switch on the monitor you are not using the system as it is designed, and assuming the clock based lock time will work in spite of your not using it like it says to.12:52
thisotherguyit doesnt appear on the dropbox website at all..12:52
verses_Equinox3, you've got the rarest of the rare problem12:52
wilee-nileeEquinox3, I think there is a key prompt or cli command to get what you want without the switcheroooooo.12:53
Equinox3wilee-nilee: i don't think you got the problem. i'm not expecting the system to turn the monitor off just for the system to lock after some period of inactivity12:54
Equinox3which doesn't seem to when i turn off the monitor12:55
wilee-nileeEquinox3, Right, I understand, it may be that the sytem lock which puts the monitor into suspend needs that cycle, but you have turned the monitor off manually, just a guess.12:55
Eaglemanjrib, OerHeks, got it working by using 2 cronjobs:  http://pastebin.com/ApzvqtDV12:57
Nmbr1Equinox3: either way wilee-nilee is right. your pushing the power button is not related to your operating system locking. The monitor only video passes data back and forth over dvi/vga, not operating system specific commands (e.g. lock the operating system).12:58
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Equinox3Nmbr1: but it works on windows12:59
Nmbr1Equinox3: on windows when you turn the monitor power off and then turn it back on is your screen saver active?13:00
verses_it's been very long time I worked on Desktops... I don't remember exactly13:00
thisotherguyproblem fixed. i just had to umount ~/Dropbox/a (as root), could delete it afterwards :)13:01
JC-lynksOS detects when imput extra monitor, may be detects when turn off monitor13:01
columbHow do I hide "Ubuntu Desktop" title?  http://i.imgur.com/eU4Crol.png13:01
wilee-nileecolumb, that unity, not sure you can without a hack.13:03
Abhijithi. how can i access a file which i do not have permission to read? this is for one practice interview question.13:04
Abhijiton ubuntu 12.0413:04
wilee-nileeEquinox3, He, windows is not ubuntu.13:05
Abhijitand the user is not in sudoers list13:05
Nmbr1Equinox3: i can only speculate why windows does something that ubuntu does not. that said, in ubuntu i have never heard of or experienced turning off a monitor locking the operating system.13:06
twig111How can I get Ubuntu 13.04 to connect automatically to my wireless network on wake from suspend? My wireless network is secured with WPA2 and does not broadcast the ssid. I already have the credentials saved on each machine. Everything is working fine except that when I wake from suspend I have to manually go to the network indicator, select "Connect to hidden wireless network," then select my network, hit connect, and it connects up. Sometimes it also work13:07
MadTuxCan anybody help me? I seem to have messed up unity.13:07
Nmbr1Equinox3: if what you want to accomplish is locking your computer, not harming your monitor by leaving the display running for long periods of time, and not having to wait for the screen to turn off, i would reccomend setting a screen saver and when  you walk away from your computer using CTRL + ALT + L to lock your screen13:07
SonikkuAmerica!anyone | MadTux13:07
ubottuMadTux: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:07
* wilee-nilee wonders why windows does not keep me virus free like ubuntu, lol never get any badware in windows but you get the point.13:07
usr13MadTux: unity --reset13:07
Abhijithi. how can i access a file which i do not have permission to read? this is for one practice interview question.13:08
wilee-nileeusr13, That command is probably wrong there have been changes.13:08
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Nmbr1!patience | Abhijit13:08
ubottuAbhijit: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/13:08
usr13wilee-nilee: Thanks for the correction.13:09
wilee-nileeMadTux, What release are you using.13:09
usr13wilee-nilee: ... but what do we use now?13:09
wilee-nileeMadTux, user813 http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/how-to-reset-unity-compiz-in-ubuntu-12-10-and-13-0413:10
usr13MadTux: Maybe it is best to fix what you have.13:10
MadTuxI did everything there on OMGUbuntu, but all it did was reset my nice Compiz config.13:11
wilee-nileeusr13, easy mistake that ol unity it be ah changen, lol13:11
d59help me, the internet is not working on one of my laptops13:11
usr13I see:  "unity --reset  was retired in Ubuntu 12.10"13:11
Equinox3d59: what happened?13:11
strangehey guys my audio suddenly stopped working after a reboot13:11
wilee-nileeMadTux, And how was that nice compiz tweak workin for you? Any logouts and reboots to check on it?13:12
usr13(I'm an LTS'er.)13:12
verses_Nmbr1, the black screen I see when computer is left idle , is that a screen saver? Although I close laptop lid when I am away... wondering how it can be set13:12
d59Equinox3: i reset the wireless router13:12
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MadTuxI just noticed, I didn't say that i just installed Gnome, and from the first time logging in to gnome, unity didn't work.13:12
d59Equinox3: it's working now13:13
usr13MadTux: What does it look like?13:13
wilee-nileeMadTux, What gnome did you install, there is the gnome shell or the fallback, the shell install gives you both, and shpuld not effect unity.13:13
Nmbr1verses_: it may be. to change screensaver lock settings you can go to system tools, system settings, brightness and lock13:14
TimmyI would like to ask a question about ext4, does it need to be defragmented like ntfs file systems?13:14
ikoniaTimmy: no13:14
ActionParsnipTimmy: no as it is journalized13:14
ActionParsnipTimmy: you can defrag ext2 but the gains are tiny13:14
usr13MadTux: I use xfce13:15
Timmyso what the fuck is this thing? https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/hdd-ranger/13:15
Nmbr1Equinox3: also if you look under brightness and lock (full location in previous post) you can select "Lock screen after: Screen turns off"13:15
ikoniaTimmy: drop the language13:15
Nmbr1Equinox3: that might just do what you want :)13:15
usr13!language | Timmy13:15
ubottuTimmy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:15
ikoniaTimmy: if you can't talk politly without swearing, you may want to find a channel that allows that sort of rudeness13:15
Timmywhat the hell is this thing?13:15
Nmbr1!language | Timmy13:15
ubottuTimmy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:15
MadTuxI installed gnome 313:15
Equinox3Nmbr1: whoa!!! thanks13:16
ikoniaTimmy: does it need any explictive ? ?? really ?? what are you being taught as manners "what does this mean" is all that's needed13:16
Nmbr1Equinox3: hey no problem, thank verses_ ! his question led to me finding that.13:16
usr13apps.ubuntu.com?  Timmy  I dono.13:16
verses_what did I do?13:17
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Timmywhen ext4 is a journaled FS,then what is this thing? https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/hdd-ranger/13:17
wilee-nileelooks like a pay for fsck13:17
ikoniaTimmy: contact the author13:18
verses_ah I get it :)13:18
usr13Timmy: I don't know.  Looks like something we don't need.13:18
ikoniaTimmy: defragging will not improve the performance13:18
Nmbr1verses_: when i was looking for an answer to your question (is it working now?) i found an answer to a question from Equinox3 - and learned something new :)13:18
wilee-nileeproprietary, they don;t want us to know, lol13:18
Timmythe most important question is, why would it be at the top 10 paid apps in july?13:19
twig111How can I get Ubuntu 13.04 to connect automatically to my wireless network on wake from suspend? My wireless network is secured with WPA2 and does not broadcast the ssid. I already have the credentials saved on each machine. Everything is working fine except that when I wake from suspend I have to manually go to the network indicator, select "Connect to hidden wireless network," then select my network, hit connect, and it connects up. Sometimes it also work13:19
usr13My question is;  Is apts.ubuntu.com  officially Ubuntu?  (That is the first I've seen of it.)13:19
ikoniaTimmy: there are very few apps13:19
feitingenTimmy: defrag on linux is not so useful because often-used files are kept in cache, and will dramatically increase performance way more than defrag ever can13:19
ikoniaTimmy: I'd consider asking the author while he feels it important13:19
ikoniaTimmy: people also buy things without researching13:19
k1l_Timmy: because people still got that windows-thinking to defrag their hdd and to download everything from the internet.13:19
wilee-nileeTimmy, If it was a true defragger it would say, and use on your windows installs, it is a proprietary fsck you pay for that can be run for free is my guess.13:20
verses_Nmbr1, no, I am still searching.... reading some man pages http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man5/hibernate.conf.5.html  ... don't know if they lead me to what I was expecting out of it13:20
ActionParsnipTimmy: no idea what that is but its hilarious13:20
Nmbr1verses_: are you wanting to select a screensaver and set when the computer locks?13:20
Nmbr1verses_: or did i misread your question?13:21
Timmywho is responsible for this question? I would ask the one who manages the apps in software center13:21
verses_no, actually ubuntu didn't ask me login credentials after waking up  back from hibernation13:21
wilee-nileeActionParsnip, Needs the "best linux defragger around"13:21
QojSomeone want to help me install unbuntu onto my ultra book13:22
Qojthis is my first time13:22
PiciTimmy: This is a commercial app in the software center, Ubuntu itself does not create these.13:22
ikoniaTimmy: you need to ask the app author13:22
PiciTimmy: ext3/4 doesn't fragment like ntfs/fat does. You might want to look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3#Defragmentation13:23
Nmbr1verses_: in sytem tools, system settings, brightness and lock, do you have the box "Require my password when waking from suspend" checked?13:23
wilee-nileeQoj, This a dualboot, and if so what is the other OS?13:23
TimmyPici: yes, but someone should manage these things,13:23
verses_Nmbr1, yes, it's checked!13:23
PiciTimmy: It *is* possible to defrag ext3/4, but like I said, its not needed.13:23
Nmbr1verses_: hm... do you have it set to lock when the screen turns off?13:23
Qojwilee-nilee, Windows 813:23
QojI have a 64 gb flashdrive ready13:23
verses_Nmbr1, yes that too  set on13:23
wilee-nilee!uefi | Qoj13:23
ubottuQoj: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:23
Nmbr1verses_: by nature suspend should turn the monitor off as there will be no input to the monitor13:24
Naughx"Linux ext2, ext3, and ext4: Much like UFS, these filesystems employ allocation techniques designed to keep fragmentation under control at all times."13:24
Qojwildc4rd, what?13:24
Qojwilee-nilee, ?13:24
Equinox3Qoj: you are supposed to read that link from ubottu13:25
wilee-nileeQoj, YOU may need this as well, if this is a OEM W8 you have a uefi setup. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729513:25
Timmyhow can I find the developer/owner of https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/hdd-ranger/ to contact him/her?13:25
verses_Nmbr1, we have a great confusion here I guess... ubuntu is not asking me for password after waking up from hibernation ... that's my issue. :)13:25
QojWoah last time I checked13:26
Qojyou didn't have to do all this stuff13:26
QojWhy do I need to do this uefi thing?13:26
wilee-nileeQoj, Read the links, I have a feeling you have never heard of this new partitioning schema.13:26
Nmbr1verses_: um... it certainly should if you have those settings as we noted above13:26
QojI haven't13:26
QojLike I said, i'm new to this13:26
Nmbr1verses_: give me a few minutes and i will see if i can find something13:26
PiciTimmy: Thats a good question.  And I have no idea.13:26
verses_Nmbr1, thanks13:27
QojPlease save all the jargon and give me simple instructions13:27
wilee-nileeQoj, IF you don't want to mess with it use a virtual.13:27
QojI do13:27
QojJust instead of using all these technical terms13:27
Qojexplain it13:27
wilee-nileeQoj, There is no simple answer here, the uefi thing is different per manufacturers computers to some extent13:28
QojI would like to just dual boot through usb 13.04 ubuntu on my laptop13:28
QojBut i've looked into this before13:28
Qojand it never mentioned uefi13:28
QojIs this new13:28
Qojor something you are recommending13:28
Nmbr1verses_: you aren't alone and one person just does it from terminal (it would be simple to make it a shell script) "sudo pm-hibernate; gnome-screensaver-command -l"13:28
Frogging|workIs there any way to disable or tone down desktop effects? I remember about 3 years ago there was a section of Appearance settings that allowed you to select "Fancy", some other option, or "None"13:29
wilee-nileeQoj, Without this new setup in windows it is straight forward it is not now, uefi is windows baby in this setting13:29
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auronandaceQoj: if your computer came with win8 then it uses uefi instead of legacy bios (hence why you were directed to that wiki page)13:30
Qojall you needed to do was tell me that13:30
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:30
wilee-nileeQoj, If you read the link you would know we don't lead everyone around on a leash.13:30
mm12hey wilee-nilee wsup13:31
verses_oh Nmbr1 , so we are tricking the machine to force user ask login credentials (using gnome-screensaver-command)  after waking up from hibernation , right? thanks13:31
verses_just a two line script, no more hassles .. let me see if it works13:32
Qojwilee-nilee, do I do the "Installing Ubuntu Quickly and Easily via Trial and Error" or "Installing Ubuntu in EFI mode"13:32
Nmbr1verses_: still looking - can you paste the output of "cat /etc/default/acpi-support" ?13:33
UbuntivNeed some info regarding the laptop "Lenovo Mini Schoolmate-A14", can't find any useful resources online.13:33
Frogging|workOr maybe they removed that option for the same reason that they're spewing utter nonsense about "sophisticated graphical effects that modern desktop users have come to expect."13:33
wilee-nileeFrogging|work, You can mess in compiz to change the effects.13:33
pacaolBom dia.13:33
Frogging|workwilee-nilee: Yeah, but that would involve installing compizconfig or something. I was wondering if the one-click option to turn it off was still around somewhere13:34
NaughxThat's why I like kde more.13:35
verses_Nmbr1, http://pastebin.com/GgStq4dG13:35
wilee-nileeFrogging|work, Not that I know of compiz is installed unity is a plugin in it.13:35
thorusis there a way to show the current config of the kernel(.config)? in ubuntu12.0413:35
Frogging|workUbuntu has seriously lost its way... The GUI lags my laptop (it's choppy). Where did this whole thing go so wrong...13:35
jribEagleman: you can reduce it to one, just use "1-7,15-22" for example13:35
wilee-nileepacaol, #ubuntu-pt for Portuguese13:35
Frogging|workAnyway, I'll check that option out13:35
pacaolNão sei   se estou fazendo a coisa certa: listei a rede, escolhi ubuntuserves e escolhi ubuntu-br-rj. alguém ppode  me orientar?13:36
jribpacaol: escreve: /join #ubuntu-br13:36
wilee-nileeFrogging|work, The more you criticize and spout rhetoric your help group gets smaller.13:36
verses_Nmbr1, I think the commands you have me should work fine13:36
pacaolmeu nome está aparecendo na lista ao lado13:37
Pici!br | pacaol13:37
ubottupacaol: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.13:37
jribpacaol: neste canal so falamos ingles.  Se tu queres ajuda em portugues, deves ir para o canal #ubuntu-br.  Para entrar la, podes escreevr: /join #ubuntu-br13:38
Nmbr1verses_: if the commands will do what you want and you are fine with that great. If not, let's try chaning "ACPI_SLEEP_MODE=mem" to "ACPI_SLEEP_MODE=standby" restarting and trying suspend13:38
pacaolDesculpe vc já havia falado comigo, mas não entendi.13:38
cjdaviesI'm trying to follow these instructions to get my bluetooth adaptor working, however the install command fails with 'install: target `btusb' is not a directory' --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MedialinkBluetoothAdapterWithAppleMagicTrackpad13:38
cjdaviesany ideas?13:38
levengliHi Guys, I'm trying to load ubuntu on to my new Asus S56C. I went through the process of safeboot, fastboot and UEFI. While I'm no longer getting the kernel in panic mode, all I am getting is a blank screen13:39
pacaolmais esse  não é o ubuntu-br-rj?13:39
verses_Nmbr1, the first approach is fine, that is with the command... in fact I made that 2 line script already. Thanks for your time :)13:39
ubottupacaol,: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.13:39
Nmbr1verses_: no problem13:39
jribpacaol: este canal e #ubuntu no Freenode.  Eu ja te disse como tu podes ir para o #ubuntu-br...13:40
afflictoHey all. I seem to have a lot of flickering on youtube and many video applications. 64bit 13.04 with gnome shell and a ATI graphics card. Is this a common problem?13:40
wilee-nileelevengli, I assume you have read the uefi wiki, here is more in general. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2147295  It may be that you need nomodeset used from the gui to choose the boot of the live enviroment.13:41
pacaolestou vendo na lista a minha esquerda que não vou sair e fazer todo o procedimento..obrigado e mais uma vez desculpe13:41
Naughxafflicto; change your refresh rate?13:41
wilee-nileenot sure I have not seen the uefi guis13:41
Naughxwith xrandr13:42
JC-lynkskick it13:42
columbHow do I unzip only 1 file from .zip archive without decompressing everything? Without GUI.13:42
jribcolumb: unzip file.zip file13:42
JC-lynksjrib: only one file contained in zip13:43
NaughxOh misunderstood.13:43
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Naughxhello agus :)13:50
NK`hi there13:50
NK`I'm having problem with enabling remote loging on my rsyslogd13:51
NK`I 've set up my rsyslogconf for udp listening13:52
NK`and rsyslogd options in /etc/default13:52
NK`but I still can't get rsyslod to listen13:53
NK`anyone have an idea/ can help about this ?13:53
=== rantic_ is now known as rantic
boyoyonglalahi guys can't figure how to fix boot issues on ubuntu for lenovo z480 .... dual video card nvidia / intel ...13:54
boyoyonglalacan anyone help me13:54
wilee-nileeboyoyonglala, Is the other OS a OEM W8?13:55
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* cfhowlett ... bets $5 on uefi issues ...13:56
boyoyonglalano OS on the disk13:56
afflictoNaughx: how do I do that? change my refresh rate.13:56
NaughxNo, it was my bad.13:57
wilee-nileeboyoyonglala, Okay did it have W8, do you see where we are going here?13:57
NaughxIt has nothing to do with your problem13:57
boyoyonglalaits win7 before @wilee-nilee13:57
wilee-nileeboyoyonglala, with the live cd get bootrepiar and run the bootinfo summary only and post the url to the generated script.13:58
boyoyonglalaubuntu live cd right?13:58
wilee-nileeboyoyonglala, Yeah, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair13:58
boyoyonglalaok wait i'll do that13:59
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boyoyonglalaah question14:00
wilee-nileeboyoyonglala, yeah.14:00
boyoyonglaladoes it matter if im using not the x64 version of ubuntu14:00
boyoyonglalasince im on 8gb ram14:00
wilee-nileeboyoyonglala, in what context?14:00
wilee-nileeboyoyonglala, YOu mean to use the too on a 32bit, it is fine.14:01
boyoyonglalai mean should i be using the x64 instead of x86?14:01
boyoyonglalaahhhh 32bit is fine as well ic14:01
wilee-nileeboyoyonglala, yeah, your choice really.14:01
boyoyonglalaomg i've been on this the whole day T_T14:02
boyoyonglalahope the hard disk doesnt fail me14:02
serviscope_minorGood afternoon. I have a very odd problem, which seems to be ungooglable. Essentially, I have a 12.04 LTS machine set up as a server. I recently installed the latest updates. It seems that the initrd in the latest upgrade is making it try to mount a root NFS and failing. Booting an older kernel with the older initrd works fine. FWIW, the server does serve up NFS root filing systems to a bunch of diskless PXE machines on a private network interf14:03
wilee-nileeboyoyonglala, boot problems are troubling id you are not used to fixing it, there are other variables that can make it tough, like bits of a erased gpt still there14:03
serviscope_minorI believe it's the initrd since it never seems to enter the boot scripts on the main root disk.14:03
serviscope_minor(as far as I can tell)14:04
boyoyonglalaic sounds tough... im really new on this @wilee14:04
serviscope_minorhas anyone got any idea why this is happening? I've not seen the like before14:04
serviscope_minorThe problem is ungooglable (at least to me so far) because it brings up many hits for how to netboot an ubuntu setup, not why a setup might try to netboot by accident.14:07
boyoyonglala@wilee would this fix the inconsistent boot14:08
boyoyonglalasometimes i can login sometimes i cant14:08
boyoyonglalasometimes it just hangs on _14:08
boyoyonglalaearlier there were some guys helping me telling me about because of graphic card issues14:09
boyoyonglalasince it has 2 vid cards14:09
boyoyonglalanvidia and intel14:09
adamkI'm not sure why having two GPUs would cause that particular problem...\14:10
boyoyonglalaT_T i'm really lost here14:10
boyoyonglalaof the wifi card aint working now so can't install the boot-repair thingy14:11
wilee-nileeboyoyonglala, Ah more info you are actually booting, but the login is a problem, the script does not apply here then, I have no idea whats going on.14:11
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boyoyonglalabanging my head on the wall on this problem T_T14:11
boyoyonglalai did not have this problem on my other machines14:11
boyoyonglalai wonder why it's like this on this machine lenovo z48014:12
wilee-nileeboyoyonglala, Not a boot problem so be sure to be specific. ;)14:12
boyoyonglalais 12.04 lts better than ubuntu 13?14:12
boyoyonglalaahhh sorry14:12
Lanseradamk: Multiple GPUs causing problems is quite troubling and confusing.14:12
wilee-nileeno biggie. ;)14:12
usr13serviscope_minor: I would just un-install that last kernel for now.14:12
ActionParsnipboyoyonglala: its a matter of opinion. Is red better than blue?14:12
LanserActionParsnip: I'd go for 13.14:13
LanserEven though, I use ArchLinux.14:13
boyoyonglalasorry actionparsnip i did not get that14:13
ActionParsnipboyoyonglala: I'd say 12.04 was 'better' simply because of the support length14:13
ActionParsnipLanser: ^14:13
ActionParsnipLanser: 13.04 is only supported til January 2014. Not great for the average user really14:13
boyoyonglalathanks for that info parsnip14:14
boyoyonglalaanythoughts more guys? for this weird sometimes i can boot sometimes i can't?14:14
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usr13serviscope_minor:  ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image*list   #For the list.14:15
adamkLanser: But there is no reason for his laptop to sometimes let him login and sometimes not simply because it has two GPUs if he's not actually doing something different each time the computer boots up.14:15
boyoyonglalaits a complete fresh install14:15
guga_baI had the same problem yesterday14:15
serviscope_minorusr13: I'm currently booting to the old kernel. I haven't set it as the default because I had to hand edit one of the grub DO NOT EDIT files. The reason for that was that GRUB seemed to always set a screen mode that none of mu monitors could cope with so I had to boot up an install disk and tweak the grub config by hand to get a text mode boot to see what was going wrong.14:15
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serviscope_minorusr13: thanks, I'll nuke it when I'm next there. Seems a peculiar problem though. Has me scratching my head a bit. If no one's seen it before, then I'll break open the initrd and see what's going on.14:17
usr13serviscope_minor: That's interesting.  Basically, it is just a grub problem.  Hummm... Looks to me like a bug-report might be in order. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs14:17
usr13serviscope_minor: You have thin-client setup?14:17
ollasmpgrep mon_prg ne retourne rien14:18
ollasmalors que pidof mon_prg return un pid14:18
ollasmcomment celà s'explique?14:18
ubottuollasm,: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:18
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fastputtydump question, if i got 5000GB, what would be the average mb/sec to not exceed it?14:20
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boyoyonglalaand to add14:22
boyoyonglalawhen booting the LIVE CD14:22
boyoyonglalait sometimes stucks on _14:22
boyoyonglalaas well14:22
Ohgahi. I am using the -X arg for tar. I want to exclude the "dynmap" directory in the root of the source directory, but not any other files or directories with that name..14:24
Ohgawhat pattern do I need?14:25
serviscope_minorusr13: the server is the thing failing to boot. It has a bunch of thin clients hanging off it on a private network. When the server boots, the thin clients all come up OK.14:26
serviscope_minorusr13: I looked at what grub was passing to the kernel and it seemed pretty reasonable. I can try and diff the boot lines for the different kernel versions.14:27
SebkirllerHey chat. Can someone help me on how i can remove a program that crashes my pc?14:28
ubottuSebkirller,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:28
Jagst3r15are the non-LTS releases beta?14:29
elgatonHi all, trying to install OpenDKIM from precise-backports on Ubuntu Server 12.04, "sudo apt-get install opendkim/precise-backports" tells me: "E: Release 'precise-backports' for 'opendkim' was not found". Backports repo is enabled in sources.list and the package is indeed in that repo (checked on packages.ubuntu.com). Any ideas?14:29
serviscope_minorusr13: but good point. I'll file a bug report when I figure out something sensible to say. Also, debugging is a pain, since the server is in use.14:29
cfhowlettJagst3r15, no they are fully stable releases, but NOT supported for 3 - 5 years as LTS releases are14:30
SebkirllerI have lately install a power save application from ubuntu software center but after the installation my computer shut down and now refuses to boot anymore. I am usin ubuntu 1314:30
Jagst3r15cfhowlett but sometimes they lack complete features14:30
Jagst3r15the LTS releases seem to be more complete14:30
Ohgaoh, figured it out..14:30
Jagst3r15non-lts seem to contain features that are only like half done14:30
cfhowlettJagst3r15, good reasons to use LTS only then14:30
Jagst3r15like the lens thing14:31
Jagst3r15they were not finished with it14:31
Jagst3r15so they push back14:31
LanserJagst3r15: People still use Ubuntu 9 these days?14:32
cfhowlettSebkirller, what program?14:32
LanserUbuntu 9 was the best distro of the Ubuntu series, I believe.14:32
Jagst3r15I use 12.04 sir14:32
LanserIf you want to have the ability to entirely customize your distro the way you want: get Ubuntu 9 (or archlinux)14:33
utfans05isnt 9 EoL?14:33
Sebkirllercfhowlett, don't realy remember the name and can't find it wirh my live usb14:33
Jagst3r159 is not eol, its completely dead14:33
cfhowlettSebkirller, well that does make it ... pretty darn difficult to fix then14:33
utfans05EoL=no support....14:33
Jagst3r15smae thing then xD14:33
wilee-nilee9 is in the pasture decomposing14:34
Sebkirllercfhowlett, If you are on ubuntu could you maybe lookup the app for me?14:34
elgatonNevermind, seems to be missing from all mirrors.14:34
cfhowlettSebkirller, give me more details and I'll try ...14:34
Sebkirllercfhowlett, Okay I seachs for "Power save" and the checket "Show technical items" And the I belive i got 12 ratings14:36
wachpwnskiIf I install 9.10 can I upgrade to 12.04?14:36
Lanserwachpwnski: surely.14:36
wachpwnskihow do I do that? apt-get dist-upgrade?14:36
auronandacewachpwnski: 9.10 is no longer supported14:36
cfhowlettwachpwnski, there is no upgrade route from 9.10 to 12.04.  just install 12.04 directly14:36
wachpwnskiI only have an install for 9.10 server14:36
wachpwnskiI want to go to 12.*'14:36
wachpwnskiSo if I install 9.10, I can just do dist-upgrade to 12.04 right?14:37
cfhowlettwachpwnski, nope.    no no no14:37
AG0Xneed some help here please, configuring munin, i got the graphics but got no data inside, any tips ?14:37
cfhowlettwachpwnski, download the 12.04 iso and install it14:37
cfhowlettSebkirller, powernap?14:37
Sebkirllercfhowlett, Hmm no I don't think so. It has 4 and a half stars I belive14:39
cfhowlettSebkirller, sorry, not seeing it.14:39
SebkirllerCould I maybe remove the latest installed with my live usb?14:40
AG0Xneed some help here please, configuring munin, got no data on the graphics, any tips please!14:40
cfhowlettSebkirller, so you installed this thing and now no boot at all?  What other behavior?14:40
ubottuagox: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:40
Sebkirllercfhowlett, Well when I have entered my decryption password like normaly it just comes up with a lot of text and won't get any further.14:41
cfhowlettSebkirller, can you boot into recovery mode?14:42
AG0Xusing munin with ajenti, have configured it like the munin tuturial said, like ajenti said, i have the graphics on ajenti but i don t have any data on the graphics nor errors on munin logs. using ubuntu server 12.0414:42
Sebkirllercfhowlett, Sorry I'm kinda new to linux, so how can I boot into recovery?14:42
cfhowlettSebkirller, wait 114:43
nimeshdoes anyone know of a good screen and voice recorder for low end laptops with low cpu usage14:43
Sebkirllercfhowlett, what?14:43
cfhowlettSebkirller, one minute14:43
darghorag0x, did you have check the munin faq? They have some information about this issue14:43
Sebkirllercfhowlett, okay14:43
AG0Xdarghor: my munin-check is ok14:45
AG0Xno problem on it every permissions are ok14:45
cfhowlettSebkirller, see the following http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/09/recover-lost-passwords-in-ubuntu-12-04-recovery-mode/14:47
Sebkirllercfhowlett, okay ty14:47
nimeshdoes anyone know of a good screen and voice recorder with low cpu usage14:47
usr13nimesh: I just use recordmydesktop  I dono14:48
darghorAG0X, do you have any plugin on /etc/opt/munin/plugins (or on your installation path, of course) ?14:48
Sebkirllercfhowlett, Just give me a min14:49
anoneehello roomies, using the GNOME 3.4 in fallback mode, I wanna modify the panel icons alone, which files should I alter?14:49
darghorAG0X Another tip, is ran 'munin-node-configure --shell | sh -x' to check the symlinks.. (remember to do a restart on munin service after this)14:50
AG0Xdarghor: i am checking evey configuration one by one14:51
doodlesNimesh: i use kazam14:52
ActionParsnipanonee: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue14:53
leemeshi guys, I just asked on the qt channel and have been redirected to you. I currently am using qt5 from the ppa "canonical-qt5-edgers". It seems like it's outdated and you have a new ppa. Is it true and if yes, which is it? thx14:54
wilee-nileeanonee, this video might be helpful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyd5kiGPmbE14:54
ActionParsnipleemes: i suggest you contact the PPA maintainer14:55
auronandaceleemes: we don't support ppas here14:55
wilee-nileeicons I'm  not sure14:55
faLUCEhello. I have two monitors on the same pc, with ubuntu (12.10). Is it possible to set two different displays for them? I want a "terminal" display for monitor 1 and a desktop display for monitor 214:55
Ace[Laptop]hey, does anyone know of an minimal installation method (a la mini.iso) that supports UEFI booting?14:58
Ace[Laptop]like, is there a way to override the ubuntu-desktop install to do a minimal install instead?15:00
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:00
usr13faLUCE: Depends on your display adapter and the driver software it uses.15:01
SebkirllerHey Ubuntu chat can anyone help me with this error screen when I boot my computer https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31289715/IMG_20130718_165528.jpg15:01
Ace[Laptop]BluesKaj, "ote: While the mini ISO is handy, it isn't useful for installing on UEFI-based systems that you want to run in UEFI mode. The mini lacks the proper files for booting the computer in UEFI mode."15:01
Ace[Laptop]BluesKaj, hence, my original question15:02
anoneeActionParsnip I'm so sorry, disconnected :(15:02
adamkSebkirller: Your wireless drivers are crashing your kernel.15:02
chrisanI have a local development VM of 12.04 LTS, I'd like to disable sudo passwords.  via `sudo visudo` I entered `chris   ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL` however after relogging I still get prompted for a pw, is there another place this gets enforced?15:03
Sebkirlleradamk, Uhm do you might know a way to fix it?15:03
ActionParsnipanonee: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue15:03
anoneeActionParsnip it's Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l15:03
ActionParsnipchrisan: that is not a good idea15:03
usr13Sebkirller: You might try memtest15:03
anoneeActionParsnip and using GNOME Classic 3.415:03
ActionParsnipchrisan: unless you want zero security in your OS15:03
adamkSebkirller: Test your memory and try a different kernel.15:04
BluesKajok Ace[Laptop]15:04
adamkSebkirller: Preferably a kernel that isn't tainted.15:04
chrisanActionParsnip: its a local dev box, nothing connects to it15:04
ActionParsnipchrisan: does it connect to the web?15:04
usr13Sebkirller: I may be on the wrong track, looks like adamk has an idea that may be more relevent.15:04
ActionParsnipanonee: the icons are set in the .desktop file for the app in /usr/share/applications15:04
Sebkirlleradamk, Well I just install ubuntu a week ago so not realy familiar with kernels. Also recovery isn't working on my laptop :/15:05
Ace[Laptop]BluesKaj, from what I can tell, the closest option I have available right now is an ubuntu-server iso when I then "de-server" before I start the rest of my install15:05
chrisanActionParsnip: only via apt-get to install/upgrade, and if somehow the primary repo of ubuntu gets infected I can delete the vm and restart a new one15:05
adamkusr13: Your advice is good in this case. memory faults can cause all sorts of problems, including  kernel panics.15:05
Sebkirllerusr13; okay I'll try :-)15:05
Ace[Laptop]Anyone else have an ideas as to how to do a minimal UEFI install?15:06
papaburI am having some issues with RepetierHost staying connected to my 3d printer on Ubuntu 12.0415:07
papaburseems to break the connection mid-print15:07
usr13adamk: Ok, well, didn't know for sure, but I've seen lots of RAM problems, so...15:07
BluesKajAce[Laptop],is there no uefi mode option to install with the mini ?15:08
anoneeActionParsnip it's now more difficult15:09
Ace[Laptop]BluesKaj, see link you pointed me at, the NOTE right above "32-bit PC (x86)"15:10
rybeau4013.04 uses unit as well right?15:10
saiarcot895rybeau40: yes15:11
rybeau40do people still use that interface on a desktop or swap out unless it's on a mobile?15:11
BluesKajAce[Laptop], url ? must have been someone else '15:11
holsteinrybeau40: 13.04 is the release.. main ubuntu uses unity.. there are other options.. xubuntu 13.04, or just 13.04 running whatever software you choose, if that is unity or not15:12
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Ace[Laptop]BluesKaj, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD the "Note:" at the end of the introduction15:12
hadifarnoudwhen I ssh to my ubuntu box, I get ^[[A^[[B^[[C^[[D for arrow keys15:12
rybeau40Just using the LTS 12.04 right now15:12
basiclas-hey guys, which was the last version of ubuntu before the integrated amazon advertising? I want to upgrade to the version just before that15:12
papaburAnyone might know whats causing this: http://pastebin.com/XxaxXyBi15:12
rosco_ybasiclas-: I think you can turn the advertising off, but I never saw it in 12.04 LTS15:13
papaburim running a 3d printer through repetierhost and this error happens randomly15:13
basiclas-ah ok , that's what i'm running now ^ ^15:13
BluesKajoh the factoid , yeah , I didn't really look at it Ace[Laptop]15:13
rybeau40Would you recommend just 12.04 for newer Ubuntu users or another flavor of Ubuntu?15:13
saiarcot895basiclas-: there's a setting in 13.04 that allows you to turn online results off15:13
holsteinbasiclas-: why not use use the most recent without the packages you want to avoid?15:13
Ace[Laptop]BluesKaj, so, looking for an alternate method of getting a minimal install going15:14
holsteinbasiclas-: xubuntu has no amazon lense, if you dont want it15:14
basiclas-holstein: ok thanks, im not super linux-literate, but ill give it a go. Would i remove the packages post-install?15:14
holsteinrybeau40: 12.04 is LTS.. i recommend the LTS if you want LTS.. 13.04 is more recent.. i recommend that if you want more recent15:14
rybeau40doesn't matter I suppose since I'm only using it via VM15:15
holsteinbasiclas-: you can.. but, xubuntu for example wouldnt have it by default15:15
hadifarnoudwhen I ssh to my ubuntu box, I get ^[[A^[[B^[[C^[[D for arrow keys. how can I fix it?15:15
holstein!patience |  hadifarnoud15:15
ubottuhadifarnoud: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/15:15
rosco_ybasiclas-: http://lifehacker.com/5953180/how-to-remove-amazon-ads-from-ubuntu-121015:15
rantichadifarnoud: What're you remoting in with?15:15
hadifarnoudrantic: yes. SSH15:15
rantichadifarnoud: I mean what are remoting in with in terms of an applicaton ... Putty for example?15:16
hadifarnoudubottu: gotta15:16
basiclas-holstein: I might just jump right in with crunchbang, as i want to play with network tools :)15:16
bushcat i have installed OS4 and not sure what firmware i need for wireless15:16
hadifarnoudrantic: OSX terminal15:16
badseriiHello. I want to do `tail -$variable somefile`, but the variable is not interpolated. Anyone knows a solution?15:16
ranticbushcat: me neither15:16
holsteinbasiclas-: http://askubuntu.com/questions/192269/how-can-i-remove-amazon-search-results-from-the-dash15:16
localh0stHello. Is there any chance to do dist upgrade with removing all conf files? I mean I want make my system clean like after dist installation15:16
holsteinbasiclas-: the reason to "jump to crunchbang" is to use crunchbang.. the same networking tools are in the ubuntu repos15:17
hadifarnoudrantic: its fine when I ssh to any other server. I assume it's my ubuntu bash profile?15:17
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afflicto_Hey all15:17
rosco_ylocalh0st: why not just do a dist install?15:17
holsteinbasiclas-: i have default ubuntu 12.04 installed, and actually use openbox and most of the default configs from crunchbang15:17
afflicto_Can you guys see me?..15:17
saiarcot895badserii: with the - in there?15:17
basiclas-afflicto_: yurp15:17
rosco_yafflicto_: :)15:17
rantichadifarnoud: It sounds like you don't have a default shell set, is this ubuntu server?15:18
holsteinafflicto_: if you have a support question, ask15:18
hadifarnoudrantic: yep15:18
badseriisaiarcot895, let's say $variable is 300. I want to do tail -300. How to put variable in there?15:18
rosco_yI'm using 13.04, and every time I boot I need to open up my unity-tweak-tool and reset my preferences--does anyone know how to make this more prermanent?15:18
afflicto_ok good xD I'm stuck! I installed System Monitor extension for gnome shell and it froze my screen. so I did CTRL+ALT+F2 and hopped on IRC on IRSSI. I can't restart my PC I'll lose stuff. what do I do? xD15:18
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holstein!info unity-tweak-tool15:19
localh0strosco_y: i've got windows installed on the other partition, I wont loose access to. Im afraid about mbr and problems with GRUB15:19
ubottuunity-tweak-tool (source: unity-tweak-tool): configuration manager for Unity desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.4ubuntu0.1 (raring), package size 414 kB, installed size 2139 kB15:19
rantichadifarnoud: Can you usermod -s /path/to/shell username15:19
saiarcot895badserii: first, make sure the variable is set15:19
holsteinrybeau40: i havent tried that tool.. what is not persisting?15:19
saiarcot895badserii: second, if that doesn't work, try -''$VARIABLE15:19
rantichadifarnoud: More than likely you'd want /bin/bash, but i don't know your preferences15:19
badseriisaiarcot895, let me try, thanks15:19
Bushmasteris there anyone who can help me with wireless connectvity issue15:20
usr13Bushmaster: Sure15:20
basiclas-holstein: oh nice! i may do that also. How is the switch from unity to openbox? like flipping a switch?15:20
rosco_ylocalh0st: ic.  You can pick which partition you want to install to when you do a dist install, and manually tweak grub after, but I'm not a fan of the new grub15:20
hadifarnoudrantic: I'm confused15:20
afflicto_I guess what I need is to disable that extension somehow. But I dno how. Is there a #gnomeshell channel on freenode?15:20
holsteinBushmaster: share your hardware information and *exactly* what is going on15:20
hadifarnoudrantic: when I type bash, it's fixed15:20
rantichadifarnoud: open a terminal on your Ubuntu Server or SSH, and type usermod -s /bin/bash username15:20
holsteinbasiclas-: its like choosing at login15:20
Bushmasterholstein,  hold on15:21
basiclas-ah yeh i remember now15:21
rosco_ythanks holstein15:21
localh0strosco_y: me too, I know this new one makes issues with configuration itself15:21
rantichadifarnoud: Replacing username with the account you remote in with15:21
hadifarnoudcheers rantic15:21
rantichadifarnoud: Everything is OK nwo/15:21
badseriisaiarcot895, worked with -"$VARIABLE"15:21
Bushmasterholstein, 0c:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY [14e4:4315] (rev 01)15:22
saiarcot895badserii: you're welcome15:22
rosco_ylocalh0st: it is possible though, I hacked my way through that kind of problem once, using google in one hand and vi in the other15:22
holstein!broadcom | Bushmaster15:22
ubottuBushmaster: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:22
basiclas-holstein: for general stability should update to latest ubuntu before modding? Or just reinstall 12.04. (Im reinstalling anyway because i screwed up some files)15:22
holsteinbasiclas-: i wire up to internet and install "sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer"15:22
ranticDoes anyone know if the amazon shopping lens is enabled by default in the upcoming 13.10?15:23
hadifarnoudyes rantic :)15:23
holsteinbasiclas-: "stability" is not really the reason to choose.. it can be this simple.. 13.04 is newer than 12.04.. 12.04 is supported much longer.. do you want newer pacakges? or a longer support term?15:23
Bushmasterhold on ubottu15:23
basiclas-holstein: thanks, 12.04 it is then15:24
holsteinrantic: AFAIK, its enabled in unity .. ubuntu is really the entire community and group of official distros, where the amazon lense is only part of the one flavour15:24
EsluHey, this isn't exactly ubuntu related but whats the best option here for best 3d performance? I've added xorg-edgers ppa for latest drivers, but choosing the right one is mind boggeling15:24
Eslusec getting photo15:24
Gh0sTDoes anyone know a decent spreadsheet program to emulate MS office? I have Kingsoft office atm, but when I click the "print" macro button that I need to use, nothing happens15:25
usr13holstein: Sometimes older is more stable, not always, but sometimes.15:25
holsteinEslu: "best" is a matter of opinion and use case, and hardware support.. ppa's are not officialy supported15:25
Gh0sTmacro buttons dont even show up in libre :/15:25
Esluuse case would be games15:25
usr13Gh0sT: libreoffice is good.15:25
holsteinyes, like usr13 says.. "older" is not always stable.. its just about the support term vs fresher pacakges15:25
holsteinnot always "more" stable15:26
Gh0sTYeah, but the buttons don't even show up in libre office. they show up in kingsoft, but are unclickable15:26
* holstein likes libreoffice15:26
holsteinGh0sT: are you creating or opening an already existing document?15:26
saiarcot895holstein: thing is, as per errors.ubuntu.com, the LTS is marginally more stable than 12.10 or 13.0415:26
Ace[Laptop]saiarcot895, this is bug I believe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/96427015:26
rosco_yI think it happens on a case-by-case basis, but I'm finding 13.04 to be more stable than 12.04 LTS15:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 964270 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu forgets keyboard shortcuts after a restart" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:26
holsteinGh0sT: you can ask for a friendlier format from the creator15:26
usr13Gh0sT: I've used openoffice and libreoffice quite a bit, and supported others with it and I don't find anything lacking.15:27
Gh0sTopening an existing document holstein, it is something required for a timesheet15:27
holsteinsaiarcot895: but why? because its more stable? or supported longer?15:27
holsteinsaiarcot895: had longer to look at the code, and bugs? or becuase its the LTS with more manpower on it?15:27
Gh0sTand we have to use the "print button" macro to print it out... but  libre office is missing all of the buttons, and kingsoft just makes them unclickable :S15:27
Gh0sTI'll just have to use windows in a VM i think15:28
holsteinim just saying, i dont choose 12.04 because its more stable.. i choose it becuase its supported longer15:28
holstein13.04 is not a "testing" release15:28
saiarcot895holstein: no idea. For all I know, it could be because the users on 12.04 don't use other packages as much and instead use the default packages and skew the numbers down15:28
holsteinsaiarcot895: thats possible, as well15:28
saiarcot895holstein: I take that back15:28
saiarcot895holstein: 12.10 is lower than 12.0415:28
usr13Gh0sT: What do you mean the "print button"?15:29
Gh0sTOne, second.15:29
usr13Gh0sT: (Just because it is different, does not mean it is broken.)15:29
Gh0sTYeah, but I've tried a few things on getting it to work.15:29
compdoc12.04 works better than 12.10. But the newer releases seem good15:29
usr13Gh0sT: Getting what to work?15:29
Gh0sTWe are not supposed to print it out using the file -> print method, instead there is a macro button for printing15:30
ranticI'm just not  a fan of the send my data by default policy15:30
usr13Gh0sT: I just use Ctrl-p mostly15:30
Gh0sTYeah but it is a timesheet for a university, so they have this special format it needs to be printed in15:30
usr13Gh0sT: But what is wrong with file -> print ?15:30
holsteincompdoc: "better" is a matter of opinion, and a piece of hardware that is supported in 12.10 and not in 12.04 by default would change that opinion quickly for some users15:31
Gh0sTwhich is why they provide a print button within the spreadsheet15:31
usr13Gh0sT: What format is that?15:31
Gh0sTthe document is .xlsm15:31
Gh0sTusr I will PM you15:31
holsteinGh0sT: you will need to do what they require then.. or ask for something that will work more "generically"15:31
zekoZekois there a way to print a list of installed packages in a specific section (for instance games)?15:31
saiarcot895usr13: I think he means it's the university requirements, and they might do some formatting before printing15:31
usr13Gh0sT: I guess I'd have to see.. ok15:31
saiarcot895zekoZeko: I think the Ubuntu Software Center can do that15:32
compdocholstein, 12.10 was screwed up, and Im not the only person to think so15:32
ranticIt was rushed :P15:33
anders_I think 13.04 is a vast improvement.15:33
nimesh_i need urgent help after installed ubuntu my laptop fan has stopped15:34
holsteincompdoc: sure, but in your statement is my only point .. the word "thinks".. why did you think that? the desktop? unity? it was early then...15:34
ActionParsnipcompdoc: 12.10 was ok, raring seems beter but with 4 months support15:34
ActionParsnipcompdoc: 4 months less support15:34
holsteinim just saying, the non-LTS releases are not "development" releases.. they are meant to be, and are as stable as possible15:34
holsteinsome are going to be "better" than others.. or preferred.. and the LTS's are usually tailored to be more "stable".. but i wouldnt say that 12.10 was tailored to be less stable15:35
nimesh_i need urgent help after installed ubuntu my laptop fan has stopped15:35
holsteinnimesh_: please dont repeat15:35
nimesh_the cpu will fail i need help15:35
anoneeActionParsnip please take a look at this, these are the icons that I wanna change, and btw if there's anyone in the room who can tell the name of this (unknown) icon set it would be even better. http://imageshack.com/my/albums/vJXF15:35
nimesh_or will burn out15:36
holsteinnimesh_: what do i do? remove the hard drives and anything else that can be damaged, and test.. carefully15:36
saiarcot895anonee: you might need to make a shareable link15:36
ranticanonee: That's redirecting me to imageshack.us,not sure if I'm the only one15:36
holsteinnimesh_: if you have bad hardware, you will need to replace it.. operating systems cant compensate for bad/damaged fans15:36
nimesh_it work in xp but not in ubuntu15:36
ActionParsnipanonee: link doesnt work here dude, just goes to the main imageshack page15:37
holsteinnimesh_: it?15:37
ActionParsnipnimesh_: your CPU will clock down or tun off to save itself. Its 2013, CPUs have failsafes to make them not burn out15:37
holsteinnimesh_: could be the fan is just not needed in the ubuntu install.. is it getting hot?15:37
anoneethe (unknown) ones http://imageshack.com/a/img194/6163/gw42.png15:38
nimesh_it's from 2002/0315:38
ActionParsnipnimesh_: what is the output of: lsb_release -a15:38
anoneeAwOkenWhite (current theme) http://imageshack.com/a/img6/5848/jr11.png15:38
nimesh_No LSB modules are available.15:39
anoneeUbuntu mono dark (not bad, but I think the first looks better) http://imageshack.com/a/img35/4310/1og1.png15:39
ActionParsnipanonee: looks fine to me, what is the issue?15:39
ActionParsnipnimesh_: and the rest....15:39
nimesh_Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 11.10 Release:11.10 Codename:oneiric i know it is not supported but ?15:40
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 9, 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.15:40
ActionParsnipnimesh_: Oneiric is no longer supported in any way15:40
holsteinnimesh_: upgrade to 12.04 or 13.0415:40
nimesh_i know this15:40
saiarcot895nimesh_: is there any reason you can't upgrade to 12.04?15:41
ActionParsnipnimesh_: I suggest you either upgrade to Precise online, or a clean install of Precise from scratch15:41
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nimesh_it randomly turn off15:41
holsteinnimesh_: it?15:41
nimesh_so the install could fail15:41
holsteinnimesh_: 11.10 is EOL15:42
nimesh_i have a fan on full blast next to me to keep it cool15:42
nimesh_what is EOL15:42
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holsteinnimesh_: end of life.. no support15:42
Gilligan94is there any other IRC channels for WINE other than WINEHQ? noone is active there and I'm seeking support15:42
ActionParsnipnimesh_: its not supported, no community support, no packages for updates. Nothing15:42
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ActionParsnipnimesh_: Think of EOL like the support for Windows 9815:43
holsteinnimesh_: you are on your own in 11.10, and if you are having issues with it, i suggest upgrading to 12.04 or 13.04 for support15:43
nimesh_so its upgrade or laptop gone15:43
Guest64715i made a mistake and flashed ubuntu touch on my galaxy nexus without backing up the android image. how can i get android back on the phone?15:43
ActionParsnipnimesh_: 'gone' in what way?15:43
holsteinnimesh_: this it the operating system we are talking about.. not the hardware15:43
nimesh_i have no windows disks15:44
nimesh_ubuntu took xp off the boot list15:44
anoneeActionParsnip as u can see, the AwOken Icons are blurred and look like someone drew them with chalk, while these http://imageshack.com/a/img194/6163/gw42.png are sharp and beautiful, this is the case only for these tray icons but when it comes to the rest of the system, AwOkenWhite look better here.... the questions are: 1. anyone can tell the name of the icon set in this link?  2. how can I manually change these tray icons?15:44
holsteinnimesh_: its literally this simple, friend.. 11.10 is no supported anymore.. so you need ubuntu 12.04 or 13.0415:44
ActionParsnipGuest64715: how is this an ubuntu issue?15:44
nimesh_ok i will do the upgrade15:44
ActionParsnipanonee: ten contact the theme developer15:44
Frogging|worknimesh_: What is the problem you are having?15:44
ActionParsnipnimesh_: then the laptop isn't gone, just because you have no windows disks15:44
holsteinGuest93057: i would ask the phone manufacturer.. or try an android support venue.. this is for ubuntu support.. thanks15:45
nimesh_the cpu fan dosn't work15:45
ActionParsnipnimesh_: XP has less than 300 days support left itself, I wouldnt bother with it15:45
nimesh_it worked yesterday15:45
holsteinnimesh_: get an ubuntu 12.04 or 13.04 live CD15:45
ActionParsnipnimesh_: install Precise, wipe the old OS out and see how it runs15:45
nimesh_i have one preped15:45
Frogging|workWait guys, why exactly would upgrading Ubuntu fix a problem like that?15:45
holsteinnimesh_: if you have bad hardware, software wont fix that15:45
nimesh_it worked yesterday15:45
ActionParsnipFrogging|work: later kernel, drivers, xorg, loads of stuff15:45
anoneeActionParsnip I don't think this is possible, thank you for the effort anyway.15:46
ranticGuest93057: You should really try to prepare for events like this in the future. I'll throw this link out but that's about as far as support goes. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Restoring_Android15:46
basiclas-current difference between latest ubuntu and xubuntu? bloat and GUI?15:46
ActionParsnipFrogging|work: its also required if community support is desired15:46
ActionParsnipbasiclas-: default applications, desktop and window manager15:46
Frogging|workActionParsnip: How long have you been here, btw? I remember asking for support in 2010 and you helped me :)15:47
nimesh_i am testing my live usb now15:47
holsteinbasiclas-: they GUI's are different.. that is all.. xfce instead of unity.. other differences of course15:47
ActionParsnipFrogging|work: on ubuntu since 2007, but Linux since 2002 or so....15:48
ActionParsnipholstein: you can run Unity in XFCE, XFCE replaces Gnome in Xubuntu15:48
ranticit should also be noted that Xubuntu looks disgusting out of the box and requires severe tweaking to stop the retinas from bleeding15:48
basiclas-lol ok15:48
basiclas-i was going to xubuntu, then openbox if not satisfie15:48
columbIs it possible to install ubuntu from ubuntu to other drive?15:49
holsteinActionParsnip: xfce was always in xubuntu...15:49
th0rrantic, you have some interesting opinions15:49
Frogging|workWhy is there an Amazon link by default in the Unity hotbar? Corporate sponsorship?15:49
holsteinActionParsnip: unity replaced gnome2, though gnome is still in the repos15:49
holsteinFrogging|work: sure.. money. clicks.. linksbacks.. would you like to remove it? or run another DE?15:50
columbAnd is there any ubuntu build with latest linux kernel?15:50
ranticth0r: I just can't stand ugly defaults .. like the choice to have a dark blue background with grey text for the terminal.15:50
Frogging|workEh, I can remove it. Just curious about why they put it there :)15:50
holsteincolumb: ubuntu is not a rolling release15:50
ranticcolumb: You could grab the ubuntu 13.10 daily released, but you can always upgrade to the latest kernel in any release yourself15:50
ranticcolumb: May I ask why you need the latest kernel?15:50
Frogging|workIs Canonical for-profit or?15:51
ranticFrogging|work: Yes15:51
columbSome various ext4  optimisations.15:51
holsteinFrogging|work: its a company, yes.. ubuntu is the community.. and you, as a community member can opt out.. would you like to?15:51
holstein!nounity | Frogging|work15:51
ubottuFrogging|work: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:51
nimesh_when i do the upgrade will my pakages stay on the system15:51
Frogging|worknimesh_: AFAIK. yes15:51
holsteinFrogging|work: http://askubuntu.com/questions/192269/how-can-i-remove-amazon-search-results-from-the-dash15:51
Frogging|workExcept the ones that aren'ts upported anymore15:51
Pici!adlens | Frogging|work, holstein15:52
ubottuFrogging|work, holstein: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ15:52
holsteinPici: thanks15:52
jdalehi all15:52
nimesh_i will do the upgrade and tell you the situation after15:52
nimesh_see ya15:52
holsteinnimesh_: good luck!15:52
Frogging|workGood luck15:52
=== Frogging|work is now known as Frogging101
ranticyou and I both know he probably won't make it back here15:53
ranticpoor little nimesh15:53
Frogging101heh, why's that?15:53
ranticI just have a feeling .... something will go awry15:53
holsteinrantic: i just hope its not hardware issue that damages the CPU and/or hard drive..15:54
ranticholstein: Well he is smart enough to realize the fan stopped and that damage can be done so I don't _think_ he'll continue to use 11.04 until it's resolved.15:54
Frogging101I still don't know how upgrading software could do anything to fix a stopped fan15:55
holsteinFrogging101: its just that 11.10 is not supported15:55
ranticFrogging101: because a lot of that software interacts with hardware15:55
twig111How can I get Ubuntu 13.04 to connect automatically to my wireless network on wake from suspend? My wireless network is secured with WPA2 and does not broadcast the ssid. I already have the credentials saved on each machine. Everything is working fine except that when I wake from suspend I have to manually go to the network indicator, select "Connect to hidden wireless network," then select my network, hit connect, and it connects up. Sometimes it also work15:55
Frogging101I thought stuff like fans were handled by a much lower-level software layer than the OS15:55
zekoZekosaiarcot895: thanks for that, but i need a list i can import/install on another computer. something along the lines of dpkg --get-selections, but only for packages from a specific section.15:55
holsteinFrogging101: can be, but you cant ask the user to even upgrade the packages if the OS is EOL15:56
snugglFrogging101: it is, but that software is controllabe by the OS15:56
ranticFrogging101: you can control fan speed and operation through a subset of packages and lm-sensors etc15:56
zekoZekosaiarcot895: neverming, I already did it the hard way (loop over the list of installed packages, do dpkg -p package on each and if they're in section games, write the package name out.15:56
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wolrahtwig111: thats probably for security, so your laptop isnt broadcasting asking for your hidden ssid every time it wakes15:57
wolrahwhich is the usual flaw with hiding ssid15:57
wolrahdont bother hiding it if its wpa215:58
wolrah there is zero security benefit15:58
twig111wolrah: it connected automatically on 12.10. So maybe it's a new feature and not a bug.15:58
wolrahanyone who can break wpa2 can paasively monitor wifi and sees your network anyways15:59
ranticYou also lose the ability to publicly broadcast something funny like "Surveillance Van 12" to neighbors15:59
usr13twig111: http://askubuntu.com/questions/189548/wifi-cant-connect-after-suspend15:59
twig111wolrah: I've gathered that there isn't any real security benefit to keeping the ssid hidden. I guess I'll unhide it and see if that fixes the problem.16:00
usr13twig111: http://askubuntu.com/questions/19171/slow-wireless-reconnect-after-suspend16:00
twig111usr13: this is not my problem. It connects fine and stays connected, it just doesn't do it automatically16:00
columbI purchased ssd recently and would like to move my  system to it (farewell, wubi). Is it possible to make from my current system? Without CD/DVD/sticks?16:01
wolrahfor some reason the myth that hiding the ssid or using mac filtering actually helps anything persists16:01
Jagst3r15is a new icon theme ever landing in ubuntu?16:01
twig111wolrah: well I read it on the internetz, sooooo...:)16:02
usr13twig111: lspci | pastebinit  #Show us.16:02
wigumsim running 12.04 and even though i have wireless turned off in that icon in upper right of screen everytime my neighbor turns on his 4g hotspot it still supersedes my wired connection, what am i missing? i dont even have my wireless card configured in networking app16:03
twig111usr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5887998/16:03
ranticJagst3r15: I saw a few posts in bug reporting that changes are expected to unify the look between ubuntu and ubuntu touch, but i imagine it would be a touch up as opposed to a new theme16:03
zerefost ppa found in config16:03
zerefhi guys, i'm trying to upload a package to my ppa, from a debian machine, but i keep getting a: No host ppa found in config16:03
zerefthe ppa section in the dput.cf file looks like the dput.cf on my ubuntu machine.16:03
Guest67563Hello, had anyone here tried coding objective-c on Geany?16:03
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wigumsand i have disabled wireless16:03
ranticGuest67563: How is that Ubuntu related?16:04
Frogging101rantic: Are you serious? That is exactly what dragged Windows 8 down.16:04
holsteinzeref: im not sure where to go for official ppa support16:04
Frogging101Trying to create a UI that's good for touch and running it on a desktop.16:04
ranticFrogging101: Serious about what?16:04
zerefhi guys, i'm trying to upload a package to my ppa, from a debian machine, but i keep getting a: No host ppa found in  config16:04
Frogging101About them unifying the look between ubuntu and ubuntu touch16:04
ranticFrogging101: The entire reason Mark Shuttleworth refuses to allow people to move the dash on the left side is because of this.16:04
wolrahtwig111: not meant to be an attack on you, enough theoretically trustworthy places repeat that junk that I can't blame anyone for believing it16:05
ranticFrogging101: The plan is that the phone, tablet and desktop version of ubuntu look and behave almost identical16:05
usr13twig111: Use a wireless bridge16:05
ranticFrogging101: If it makes you feel better at all, it's like the unity interface suffers the same usability problems that Windows 8 does.16:05
ranticso it's already in a better spot16:05
ranticnot like*16:06
usr13twig111: I dont even see your WiFi device listed in the output of lspci  What is it?16:06
zerefthe ppa section in the dput.cf file looks like the dput.cf on my ubuntu machine.16:06
twig111wolrah: theoretically, hiding the ssid could prevent some opportunistic attacks, for example in a rural area where the neighbor kid never thought to look for any nearby hidden networks but now he sees it and starts messing around.16:06
usr13twig111: Is this a laptop or desktop?16:06
ranticusr13: It might be USB, ask him to lsusb16:06
wolrahtwig111: but if it's WPA2, he can't do that.  If he's capable of breaking WPA2, I'm sure he was already aware of Kismet16:06
sintrix2does 12.04 have cifs-utils by default?16:07
twig111usr13: 0c:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation WiFi Link 510016:07
ranticAnyone capable of "hacking" a wireless network would be searching for hidden networks in the first place, or use tools that display them regardless16:07
Frogging101rantic: True. But I'd still like to know how he could think this is a good idea... Phones and tablets are a totally different world from desktop computers. Interface-wise they're not even on the same plane of existence.16:07
usr13twig111: Oh yea, I see it.16:07
twig111wolrah: right, unless you did something else stupid like used a weak password.16:08
usr13wolrah: twig111 I think we are all a bit too paranoid.  I'd just turn off encryption and let it show the essid16:08
ranticFrogging101: I don't like it either ... I can see how unity translats to a tablet for sure ... the phone would be tricky as well.16:08
wolrahrantic: I disagree on unity's usability vs. Win8.  I can at least tolerate Win8, but Unity is so bad I avoided booting to Ubuntu unless I needed Linux for something until I found Cinnamon16:08
usr13wolrah: twig111 There's a lot more chances of malicious attacts on the internet, (rather than on your LAN from a neighbor).16:09
daleusquestion on NFS shares, when mounting using "mount -t nfs ..." how do I specify that the mounted folder can be readable by all rather than just-root?16:09
wolrahusr13: totally agreed there, unless you're in an apartment complex16:09
holsteinwolrah: ubuntu is not unity.. you can use any other DE you like..16:09
ranticwolrah: I believe from the perspective of the average person, they'll better navigate and use Ubuntu Unity over Windows 8 Metro. but who knows16:09
holsteinwolrah: main ubuntu ships unity by default, but you can use whatever you prefer16:10
wolrahwhen I lived out in the boonies I used to keep my wireless wide open.  If you could see it you were already on my property, so who cares16:10
Naughxyeah, kubuntu doesn't use unity16:10
francisbeahi everybody16:10
francisbeaHow can I make a USB bootable?16:10
wolrahholstein: I know, but I prefer GNOME-style environments and it was a pain in the ass to get rid of all the Unity stuff without going KDE or other16:10
francisbeaif it has Ubuntu on it16:10
DarkDexhey anyone know how to link a css stylesheet to an index page? i've got <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="cssstylesheet.css"/> set up but there's no change when viewing in browser..16:10
ranticfrancisbea: You've already formatted a USB for Ubuntu and now you can't use it on your computer?16:11
usr13wolrah: I have neighbors on either side and across the street that might hack into my network, so what.  I doubt that they will be able to do anyting to my PCs, (I can protect against it anyway, so...).16:11
francisbearantic: I haven't used it16:11
NaughxI like KDE :P16:11
ranticfrancisbea: I don't understand what you want16:11
Surbwolrah, if you are adventurous try tiling tiling WMs :)16:11
francisbearantic: but I am asking, if I use unetbootin to burn a Ubuntu 13.04 iso into the USB, and when I boot, will the USB work?16:11
wolrahfrancisbea: yes, that's unetbootin's purpose16:11
ranticfrancisbea: If your computer is set to boot off a USB device, yes16:11
twig111usr13: wolrah: right. Especially my neighbors. I don't have many, and I know most of them, and if they are hiding any hacking abilities, they're probably working for somebody much bigger and a broadcast ssid is the least of my problems in that case.16:11
Naughx@francis, if your bios suuport it.16:11
jribDarkDex: /join #css16:12
francisbeawolrah, rantic: do I need to set something in my grub.conf to make it bootable? or does unetbootin deal with everything?16:12
DarkDexjrib: thanks man16:12
ranticfrancisbea: I don't understand what you want to do16:12
wolrahfrancisbea: the copy of grub on your hard drive has nothing to do with anything booting from USB16:12
adamkfrancisbea: unetbootin makes the USB flash drive bootable.16:12
Naughxunetbootin deal with everything.16:12
adamkfrancisbea: That's its purpose.16:12
ranticfrancisbea: I thought you wanted to create a bootable ubuntu USB to install on your system, but now you talk about a pre existing grub config?16:12
kirankumarplease give me information how to connect  dongel ?16:13
SurbNaughx,  I used unetbootin to install DSL(Damn Small Linux) on my USB. :)16:13
rantickirankumar: Give me information for how to help you?16:13
twig111usr13: are you advocating just opening up the network completely? Cause that ain't happening here.16:13
usr13twig111: Oh well.  (I live on 5 acres, so...)16:14
kirankumarsir i want to connect my idea 3g dongel.16:14
jimy_How the system backup16:15
twig111usr13: Ha. I live on over 100. I still want to know for sure who's on my network.16:15
usr13twig111: If it is a desktop, you might consider a wireless bridge.16:15
rantictwig111: Let me have a laptop lan party in your fields16:15
jimy_UBUNTU How the system backup16:15
usr13twig111: Knowing who is on your network and having encryption and hidden essid are separate issues.16:16
ranticjimy_: You backup the system, there are a million options.16:16
wolrahkirankumar: we'll at least need to know what make/model of dongle and/or a paste of lsusb when the dongle is plugged in16:16
Naughxyou can backup your entire partition with dd16:16
usr13twig111: I use a dd-wrt router.16:16
NaughxSo yeah, there is multiple ways16:16
twig111usr13: well I guess it depends what you mean by encryption. I understand the pointlessness of hiding the ssid but I dont' want people to get on the network without a key.16:17
usr13twig111: And if you have a spare router that id dd-wrt compatable, you can set it to client bridge mode.16:17
ranticjimy_: Do you want to backup the entire system or specific files and directories?16:17
kirankumarwolrah sir, huawei e 1732 model16:17
wolrahwarning of course with the "dd" backup method is that it doesn't care if there's a file or not.  It'll make an exact copy of the disk end-to-end, meaning all the blank space will also be there.16:17
dr_willis!info fsarchiver16:17
ubottufsarchiver (source: fsarchiver): file system archiver. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.16-1 (raring), package size 96 kB, installed size 281 kB16:17
ranticjimy_: That wasn't a yes or no question :(16:17
usr13twig111: *is not id16:17
wolrahso a backup of a 250GB disk will be 250GB regardless of if it's full or freshly formatted16:18
ranticjimy_: I believe we're hitting an english barrier16:18
twig111usr13: I'm running dd-wrt on mine too. But what is the objective of using a bridge in this case?16:18
usr13twig111: It would solve your problem.16:18
whoeverwolrah: there is a way around that, i don't remember off the top of my head , but it will skip blank space16:18
wolrahkirankumar: this guy seems to indicate it should "just work" http://www.modemunlock.com/how-to-set-up-huawei-data-cards-on-ubuntu-linux-no-commands-needed.html16:19
Blizzbobso how to use the 'dd' command ??16:19
daleusdd if=XX of=XX16:19
daleusif = from, of = to16:19
wolrahwhoever: the typical way I see that done is to just send the dd output straight to gzip or similar16:20
Naughxtry "man dd"16:20
Blizzbobthank you guys16:20
youtahi <3 dd16:20
twig111usr13: I am always operating at the limits of my skills and knowledge, so I guess you're going over my head. how exactly would a bridge solve my problem?16:20
jimy_oh mygod16:20
daleuseveryone <3's dd16:20
localh0stive got two video cards in my notebook. how can i check which one is actually used?16:20
usr13twig111: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Client_Bridged http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Client_Mode16:20
wolrahtwig111: it wouldn't "solve" the problem, but it would work around it if this is a desktop we're talking about simply by managing the wireless separately from the computer16:21
wolrahyour computer then sees it as a plain old ethernet link16:21
whoevertr -d '\000' < file1 | dd of=/dev/diskname16:21
wolrahwhich is just there and doesn't need to be reconnected to16:21
wolrahif it's a laptop, obviously that's not ideal16:22
usr13wolrah: I've asked him if it laptop or desktop but he has yet to answer.16:22
adamklocalh0st: Check the output of 'glxinfo' and/or your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.  It's probably an onboard intel GPU that is being used unless you did something to specifically let you use another GPU.16:22
kirankumar thank you.16:22
whoeverwolrah: check out the string i posted, if you hadn't already16:22
twig111wolrah: usr13: OK I understand. So the bridge would be always connected and the desktop's sleep cycles would have nothing to do with it. By the way, the issue is with a laptop. Sorry, I forgot you asked that. It was in my original question.16:23
wolrahwhoever: that's an interesting one, I'm going to have to fiddle with it when I get home16:23
wolrahwould be nice to speed up my customer disk dumps16:23
whoeverwolrah: ok16:23
usr13twig111: Sorry I missed it.16:24
youtahSo, in Ubuntu16:24
whoeverwolrah: what is he tring to dd? an entire os, disk {16:24
youtahhas /etc/rcS.d been replaced with rc1.d?16:24
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usr13wolrah: It's pretty easy.  I just use a spare router for our BlueRay box at my VFW post. It only took a couple minutes to configure it.16:25
youtahReading these instructions I am unclear. It says that S was replaced with 1 later versions of Ubuntu16:25
wolrahwhoever: I'm usually just dumping an entire disk image before working on a customer machine, to make sure if something's lost I can restore it16:25
youtahs/I am unclear/it's unclear and I am confused/16:25
whoeverwolrah: i use clonzilla16:26
wolrahusr13: sorry, I don't follow, where'd we get on to bluray?16:26
whoeverso i can set it and forget it16:26
whoeveralso clonezilla use dd16:26
wolrahwhoever: I used that a lot in the past, I forget why I stopped16:26
usr13wolrah: For YouTube, Netflix etc.16:26
wolrahprobably should check it out again16:26
usr13wolrah: I used an old WRT54G v616:27
columbhttp://i.imgur.com/LLm4KKn.png This is why wubi is terrible.16:28
wolrahusr13: Ah I got it, to get wireless to the bluray player16:28
usr13wolrah: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/images/thumb/7/7d/Client_Bridge.jpg/660px-Client_Bridge.jpg16:28
twig111usr13: wolrah: broadcasting the ssid does seem to work, so I guess it was a self-inflicted problem. Thanks for the advice!16:28
wolrahsorry, I don't usually think that way, in my setups wireless is for laptops and phones, anything fixed position gets wired16:28
wolrahso i was lost16:29
usr13twig111: Change your key often for added security ;)16:29
wolrahtwig111: glad to hear it16:29
wolrahand that too16:29
usr13wolrah: Or use a big one.16:29
wolrahalso make sure your SSID isn't something standard like "linksys"16:30
usr13wolrah: "get-your-own"  ;)16:30
wolrahthe password exchange uses the SSID as a salt, so standard SSIDs make you vulnerable to rainbow tables16:30
whoeverwolrah: it may had been that you couldn't get the backup to ssh working, but back up to a  smba share or locale hd works fine16:31
usr13wolrah: or "555-409-1234"  (The phone number to your ISP.)16:31
utfans05which file do i need to add to in order to set a resolution on bootup16:31
wolrahwhoever: yes! that was it.  that question was going to bug me all day.16:31
deepsoulstarNewbie here, seeking help: Is it possible to give someone sudo rights, with the exception of one program?16:31
twig111wolrah: OK, that's good to know. I would never use the default ssid anyway, for aesthetic reasons. It just looks amateur.16:31
wolrahusr13: haha, good one16:31
usr13utfans05: xorg.conf16:32
NeoKarnaApart from Amazon search results is there any other bad thing  in Ubuntu ?16:32
twig111wolrah: but I would never have thought about the rainbow tables vulnerability.16:32
Dr_willismy wifes loves the amazon search features.16:32
clue_hNeoKarna, well i purged all that, everything else works great16:32
usr13utfans05: Or you could have an xrandr command in /etc/rc.local16:32
utfans05thats the one i was looking for, thanx usr13. i couldnt remember which one it was16:33
NeoKarnaclue_h,  I did the same (:-)), but I am asking is there any other malicious feature ?16:33
utfans05im using bodhi which is a deritive of ubuntu so. extremely similar16:33
Dr_willisxrandr in rc.local? Hmm. you may have to have rc.local sleep for a bit  foer that to work to make sure X was running.16:33
clue_hNeoKarna, aside from the user themselves?16:33
usr13utfans05: Oh wait, in /etc/rc.local it is root commands, so would need to be a user startup script.16:34
Dr_willisNeoKarna,  its not malicious, so stop spreading 'fud'16:34
whoeverwolrah: i have no idea why the ssh option is even there, it rarly if ever works, i think i found maybe one version that it worked in, but then when it come to useing it with wifi, you will end up having to roll your own iso , clonezilla se, fails to wait for you to enter user name, and password to connect16:34
usr13Dr_willis: That was a bad idea, I take it back.16:34
utfans05so in /home/dave/.bashrc?16:34
utfans05or .profile16:34
NeoKarnaDr_willis,  it may not be malicious to you but to me it is, because I don't do online shopping.16:35
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usr13utfans05: .autorun/something-or-other  #Depending on your DE16:35
whoeverwolrah: if you just have to use ssh , you could probably do it in cli but that is slow even on LAN16:35
Dr_willisNeoKarna,  your comments are still spreading 'fud'16:35
utfans05im running E16:35
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Dr_willisNeoKarna,  next release i hear is to have several hundred more shopping lens  added. ;)16:35
NeoKarnaDr_willis,  its just a matter of perspectives. :)16:36
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Dr_willisthe fact you dont 'need' a feature does not make it 'malicious'16:36
NeoKarnaDr_willis,  me too ! I like lenses but not spying. Actually none does ;)16:36
wolrahwhoever: yea these days I just use SMB and I'm all wired, usually PXE booting when doing these images16:36
usr13utfans05:  Each DE has a gui menu that you can place startup commands in.16:36
wolrahthanks though16:36
Dr_willisand its not spying.. this channel has a LONG history of discussions on this topic with people ranting way too much about it.16:37
whoeverwolrah: i don't pxe, i use usb or cd, pxe  seems pointless on a small LAN16:37
usr13utfans05: (In xfce it is Settings ->  Sessions and Sartup -> Application Autostart )16:37
kingbeastNeoKarna, well you can choose between a simple shopping lens or go to the OS that gives the government any of your information they ask for16:37
utfans05ok ill try it there. thanks16:37
Dr_willisutfans05,  you may want to put a script in  .config/autorun/ *i think*16:37
whoeverwolrah: np16:37
usr13utfans05: ... from there, you just click +Add and type it in.16:38
usr13Dr_willis: Yea, that's it .config/autorun/   Thanks for jogging the 'ol memory.  ( utfans05 )16:39
wolrahwhoever: I'm a "because I can" type geek. My home router has a Core i3 and 4GB of RAM.  PXE is just nice to not have to hunt for USB sticks, I boot, select the PXE option, and there's memtest, DBAN, etc. all waiting for me16:39
NeoKarnaDr_willis,  that's well said ! But you can't lure me :)16:39
utfans05so i put it in /home/dave/.config?16:39
Dr_willisNeoKarna,  final word..   'if apple had came out with the feature - it would be hailed as the greatest thing since their "sherlock" app'   ;P16:39
NeoKarnaDr_willis,  can you please explain how is it not spying, cause I heard RMS saying that it is.16:40
usr13utfans05:  .config/autostart/16:40
wolrahI'm actually putting together a package of sorts that's basically an easy PXE environment.  Dump it on a TFTP server, add the two relevant options to DHCP, and go16:40
Dr_willisNeoKarna,  rms is wrong, his definitions of spying are incorrect.16:40
rosco_ythe changes I make with my unity-tweak-tool aren't permanent (I have to reset them whenever I login) Does anyone know how to fix this?16:40
twig111kingbeast: NeoKarna: Right, and it's a shopping lens with an easily-located OFF switch. I can't imagine complaining when the whole point is getting people to switch from systems that really DO malicious things with your data.16:40
afflictoWhat's a good MySQL GUI tool like HeidiSQL for linux?16:40
xyz_can someone help me with this small bash script? http://pastebin.com/6QuXpFkF issue is i get error msg on line 716:40
wolrahxyz_ #bash16:41
NeoKarnatwig111, yeah !16:41
NeoKarnaDr_willis,  can you please explain ?16:41
kingbeasttwig111, you wouldn't consider stolen data malicious?16:42
usr13xyz_: Doesn't look like you set anyting for check16:42
Dr_willisNeoKarna,  its been discussed in the forums and the old logs here to death.  #ubuntu-offtopic may be a better place, i dont care to repeate old arguments. Its like argueing over the 'moon landings fake or not' to some people..16:42
NeoKarnaDr_willis,  as you like it.16:42
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ16:43
Dr_willisthe blog entry there would be the place to begin reading i guess.16:43
donnaclusUm, hello. May I have help with something?16:44
clue_hi just hope the os doesnt turn into a big web browser16:44
usr13donnaclus: yes16:45
NeoKarnaubottu,  thanks but I think it has already been removed !16:45
ubottuNeoKarna: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:45
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usr13clue_h: They all will, sooner or later  ;(16:45
Dr_willisclue_h,  thats been a trend towards that for years...16:45
clue_hfirefox is ahead in that respect lol16:45
usr13clue_h: ... but not mine! :)16:46
NeoKarnaubottu,  does privoxy affect the lenses ?16:46
ubottuNeoKarna: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:46
rosco_yinad922: :)16:46
FroMasterWhat's the fastest and easiest way to blow away my partition table including LVM partitions?16:46
NeoKarnaubottu,  :)16:46
inad922How do I make a service automatically started on system startup?16:46
inad922rosco_y, ?16:46
Dr_willisFroMaster,  dd to zero the hard drive would delete everything.16:46
rosco_yinad922: hello...16:46
inad922rosco_y, hello :)16:46
Dr_willisinad922,  what service? Most do that by default.16:46
inad922Dr_willis, mysql16:46
Dr_willisinad922,  when i install mysql here it definatly set itself to auto start at boot.16:47
usr13FroMaster: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512  or domething like that.16:47
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inad922umm ok16:47
donnaclususr13: So, to put it simply, I want a .desktop file to run a terminal with an command It isn't working.16:47
inad922Dr_willis, How do I do that for something that doesn't do that16:47
FroMasterusr13: will that delete the partition table?16:47
Dr_willis!upstart | inad92216:47
ubottuinad922: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/16:47
twig111kingbeast: Not sure what your question means, but I don't call a feature with straightforward documentation and a documented one-click process for disabling it "stolen data." I always turn it off as soon as installation finishes, but I know lots of people who broadcast on facebook every time they use the bathroom or read an article, and if they find the shopping lens handy and they're helping generate revenue to keep ubuntu free, I'm happy they have the opt16:47
usr13donnaclus: Ctrl-t  doesn't work for you?16:48
rosco_yI think if you "stop mysql" in a terminal, then it doesn't automatically start until you "start mysql" (very limitted experience with that--but it seemed that way to me)16:48
Dr_willisinad922,  its more likely its starting , then failing,crashing, so it exits.. how did you install mysql?16:48
Dr_willisrosco_y,  it should restart at the next reboot.16:48
usr13donnaclus: (Ctrl-t is what I use...)16:48
rosco_yDr_willis: I suppose you're right then, it just appeared to act like that one time for me16:48
donnaclususr13: Not exactly sure what you mean. Sorry, It16:49
usr13doodles: You may just need to chmod +x  it16:49
goddardwhat is the calender applet called?16:50
donnaclusIt's been a while since I last installed Ubuntu.16:50
vixerhi everyone16:50
rosco_yhi vixer16:50
NeoKarnaubottu,  I checked out the links you gave. I already knew of the first one . Checking the second one ...16:50
ubottuNeoKarna: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:50
vixerI want to know how to install steam16:50
rosco_ygoddard: there's likely many calendar applets16:50
NeoKarnaubottu,  stop it. :)16:50
ubottuNeoKarna: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:50
usr13donnaclus: pastebinit ~/Desktop/file.desktop  #And we'll have a look.16:50
vixersome one can help me16:51
goddardwhat is the calender applet called in Ubuntu Unity the operating system this channel is for16:51
usr13donnaclus: ( Ctrl-t  [should] start a terminla)  Ctrl-t is a hot-key combo16:51
usr13goddard: cal ?16:52
saiarcot895usr13: Isn't it Ctrl+Alt+t ?16:52
Frogging|workgoddard: Unity isn't the operating system, Ubuntu is :)16:52
goddardFrogging|work: duh16:53
Frogging|work"Ubuntu Unity the operating system this channel is for"16:53
goddardFrogging|work: good job you know how to use quotes16:53
thunder1212whats mir?16:54
goddarddisplay manager16:54
rap424thunder1212: mir is Canonical's replacement for X-server16:54
auronandace!mir | thunder121216:54
ubottuthunder1212: Mir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir16:54
Gh0sTthat is to replace lightdm?16:54
Frogging|workthunder1212: Some dumb new display manager that Canonical wants to replace X server with, because apparently X server can't do enough fancy effects for them16:55
Dr_willislightdm runs on TOP of the X server. (mir is repleaceing the X server)16:55
Jagst3r15what is the new ubuntu site?16:55
Jagst3r154 days till what?16:55
Dr_willisFrogging|work,  nice spreading of misinformation.16:55
PiciJagst3r15: We don't know. No one tells us.16:55
Dr_willismost of us dont even look at the site Jagst3r15  ;P16:56
Jagst3r15DR_Willis i do :(16:56
Dr_willisJagst3r15,  last time they had the big countdown.. it was like a countdown till some anouncement,, about somthing that was supposed to come out in the future... rather anti-climatic16:57
Jagst3r15Dr_Willis I think this is for a phone16:57
Jagst3r15Ubuntu Edge Phone maybe16:57
mikedisneywhere is a good place to discuss pbuilder and packaging? Having a really weird problem..16:57
Frogging|workdr_willis: My mistake, that was what The Register said, not what the devs said16:57
Dr_willisJagst3r15,  most likely some anouncement about some partner comming out with a phone in some very future date. ;P16:58
usr13saiarcot895: Yes, sorry, that's what I use.16:58
Jagst3r15dr_willis 201516:58
Jagst3r15or something late :d16:58
Jagst3r15they always do that16:58
donnaclususr13: http://pastebin.com/mM3F6xWM16:58
liquidmetalany ergonomic keyboard suggestion? other than microsoft16:58
Jagst3r15"we have an exciting annoucent about something that will be here in 5 years"16:58
Frogging|workBecause a phone is totally related to Ubuntu...16:58
Dave451Anybody planning on actually buying an Ubuntu phone?16:59
Jagst3r15why not?16:59
ranticDave451: I plan to at least try it on my nexus 4, no purchases though.16:59
Jagst3r15as long as its with Verizion and is not 300 dollars16:59
Dr_willisDave2,  if in a year+ when my N4 is avail for upgrade. i may look at them.16:59
Blizzbobmaybe later16:59
Dr_willisI  dont really see a lot that the U-phone will do that i dont allready got covered. :P17:00
Frogging|workNot unless they realize that unifying the phone and desktop interface is a bad idea.17:00
ranticanyone know what its compatibility will be with android applications?17:00
Dr_willisUnless apple comes up with the idea.. then it would be the greatest thing in the world..  (oh wait they are allready pushing that way)17:00
Dave451probably zero is my guess, but I haven't heard17:00
ranticI can't stand these constant sandbox forks17:01
Frogging|workdr_willis: No matter who does it, it's a bad idea becase they're totally different interfaces17:01
donnaclususr13: um17:01
Dr_willisIve seen so many failures of new/innovative hardware over the years.17:01
Frogging|work...why is that underlined17:01
Jagst3r15dr_willis this wont fail though17:01
wolrahrantic: It's Android-ish underneath (core OS and driver support is based on CyanogenMod) but none of the higher-level layers are there so zero is pretty sure17:01
Frogging|workJagst3r15: I kinda hope it does17:01
Dave451Yeah, I think it's a neat idea, but most devs can only support so many platforms17:01
Dr_willisJagst3r15,  ive seen many fails over the years. ;)17:01
Jagst3r15because who expects anything from whatever it is17:02
Jagst3r15frogging is anti phon17:02
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ranticwolrah: In other words ... they would somehow have to convince all major app providers to build specifically for Ubuntu OS17:02
Frogging|workDespite that being a wild guess, you're kinda right, Jagst3r1517:02
wolrahrantic: correct17:02
Jagst3r15go use Debian then :D17:02
Jagst3r15or just Free BSD17:03
ranticWindows Phone 8 and BlackBerry 10 still don't have most major applications ported17:03
wolrahto my knowledge it basically uses the GPL parts of a normal Android distro, but the actual Android parts are replaced with Ubuntu17:03
ranticand they have money to throw around17:03
Frogging|workJagst3r15: Why? Ubuntu isn't a phone OS. Unless of course Canonical forgot what they're doing.17:03
Dr_willisBlackberry is getting some sort of android-layer17:03
Jagst3r15they can do whatever they want though17:03
Dr_willisUbuntu is becoming a Phone os.. thats sort of the move they are making..17:03
ranticDr_willis: I tried the emulation with a few applications, it's extremely hit and miss17:03
wolrahDr_willis: BB's already had it for some time now17:04
Jagst3r15unity 8 will be like ubuntu touch I think..17:04
Dr_willisand the Phone is becoming your PC (or so the future seems to be heading)17:04
wolraha good number of the apps on the official Blackberry store are actually Android apps17:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:04
Frogging|workTherefore, the future sucks.17:04
Dr_willisif we had gone  to the 'the os is a browser route' the os wouldend matter now. ;P17:04
ranticFrogging|work: You understand how little the average person uses their machine :P17:04
usr13donnaclus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5888166/17:05
Jagst3r15idk alls I will say is some buzz for Ubuntu isn;t bad17:05
DoverMoFrogging|work, if the future is scary, then move to some super old distro that's like on 2.4 kernel17:05
Dr_willisCP/M  for the old timers.17:06
jimy_hello everybody17:06
ranticI just can't imagine them convincing app developers to port to a 4th mobile operating system and maintain that as well17:07
Frogging|workThere are others out there like me, and that is why PCs will not die.17:07
ranticI feel like whatever the end result is for Ubuntu Phone, it will be extremely limited17:07
jimy_how the ubuntu backup?17:07
Dr_willisrantic,  or they will use the  'our app is actually running in a little browser'  type solution i see often.17:08
usr13donnaclus:  You can delete lines 8 & 9 and it will still work, (I'm pretty sure.) http://paste.ubuntu.com/5888166/17:08
DoverMorantic, ofc. linux isn't app dev friendly17:08
ranticjimy_: Stop re asking the same question, people answered you yesterday : /17:08
ranticjimy_: and toay17:08
Dr_willis!backup | jimy_17:08
ubottujimy_: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:08
ranticDr_willis: Indeed17:08
wolrahFrogging|work: Don't think about it as attempting to kill PCs, think about it as refocusing PCs back on what they're good at17:08
wolrahget the casual users on to what they really want, a worry-free appliance17:08
Dave451rantic: that's why they're pushing html517:08
wolrahand leave the open computing machines to those who can actually handle them17:09
wolrahmost users, as the malware situation can clearly show, are not competent enough to operate a computer17:09
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ranticThat became a very painful reality when I started working as a Help Desk tech17:10
dtigueis there some memory leaks in Ubuntu 13.04? ever since I upgraded my machine it seems like over time my machine starts running slower and slower, I have 8GB of RAM, I see no reason why it should be running so slow.17:10
wolrahis your memory fillling up as this happens?  if not, nope.17:11
adamkdtigue: Use "top" to see what, if anything, is using your ram.17:11
ikoniadtigue: what is reason you feel it's running slow, everything or specific things ?17:11
Frogging|workdtigue: Perhaps there is a program running that is causing this? Use system monitor or top to check if stuff's using up all your RAM.17:11
dtigueadamk: yea I've tried looking in to it with top. htop and glances and nothing is really eating up a bunch of ram or CPU17:11
Frogging|workdtigue: Then it's not a memory leak17:12
dtigueikonia: the entire system seems to slow down after the machine has been running for awhile17:12
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usr13dtigue: Could it be a heat problem?17:12
ikoniadtigue: do things process slower, or is it a visual slow down17:12
Frogging|workdtigue: Could be poor cooling/heat issue...17:13
ranticor you're in windows and didn't realize17:13
clue_husr13, it could be his hard disk and too much swapping17:13
ikoniarantic: thats just stupid comment to make and not helpful17:13
wolrahrantic: not useful17:13
dtigueFrogging|work: yea thats what I was thinking, but man it sure does seem slow at times, the system will lock up for a few minutes and then start working again, its no a heat issue, the machien sits right in fron t of the A/C vent17:13
usr13dtigue: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit17:13
dtigueikonia: its seems as if things are more of a visual slow down, but I'm not sure17:14
ikoniadtigue: what video card do you have ?17:14
wolrahrantic: sorry man, but random digs at other platforms are annoying. if there's a technical reason to, sure, but it's not like any other major OS is any better or worse at the topic being discussed17:15
wolrahI'm sure many of us here are multiplatform users who really don't care other than the best tool for the job17:15
dtigueikonia: it is a ati card, give me a minute and I'll get the specifics17:15
ikoniadtigue: that's enough info17:15
dtigue01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Cedar [Radeon HD 5000/6000/7350 Series]17:16
ikoniadtigue: as you said it's only happened after an upgrade, I'm wondering if the video card drivers maybe the problem17:16
ikoniaand it's visual rather than slow down on processing17:16
holstein!minimal | wolrah did anyone suggest starting with these? and adding just what you want17:16
ubottuwolrah did anyone suggest starting with these? and adding just what you want: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:16
dtigueikonia: it might be, i can't really tell if its anything to do with processing because the screen freezes up when its happening17:16
clue_hdtigue, I have a card in the same range, the open source driver worked better for me are you using flgrx?17:17
ikoniadtigue: run "vmstat 5" and "iostat 5" in two seperate xterms, keep them on the desktop, see how they respond when the machine hangs17:17
clue_h fglrx*17:17
dtigueclue_h: yea i'm using flgrx, whatever the recommended one is17:17
wolrahthanks holstein, I'm aware of minimal, but I tend to use Ubuntu where I'm looking for a more complete "install and go" OS.  I start from a Debian businesscard when I'm feeling like building from the ground up.17:18
usr13dtigue: pastebinit /etc/fstab17:18
wolrahas I mentioned earlier I'm not an OS evangelist, so it's easier for me to just reboot in to something else that gets the job done rather than bothering with reworking things17:19
dtigueThis is my office machine too, so freezing up on me is a huge problem17:20
dtigueIf I am unproductive my boss will start suggesting moving to Windows, the funny thing is I'm a Sys. admin17:21
tannerrrhey how does i relaunch my unity launcher. It's being buggy.17:21
clue_hdtigue,  if it's not the disk and as you say it seems visual i recommend looking at this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver if all else fails17:21
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usr13dtigue: Could it be heat related?  (When is the last time you serviced it?)17:23
dtigueclue_h: thanks, i'll check it out, I feel rather dumb being a sys admin and having to ask for help, but all the machines i administer are headless so I typically don't deal with video card issues, i hope that is what it is because if it is something simple that i just overlooked i will really feel dumb17:23
dtigueusr13: its sitting in front of the A/C vent so i wouldnt think it would be heat related, but since you mentioned it I guess I will blow everything out and put some new thermal paste etc. on it tonight after hours17:24
usr13dtigue: First thing I do is rip it apart, clean/dust it out and put on new thermal grease.17:24
usr13dtigue: Yea, do that first.17:24
tannerrrAnyone know how I can relaunch the unity sidebar?17:25
dtiguetannerrr: login/logout would be an easy way of accomplishing that17:25
ActionparsnipTannerr: run: unity --replace17:25
usr13dtigue: I just had one that I noticed was pretty slow and I found that I forgot to fasten down the heat sink.  It was just sitting on top of it but not tight.  The thermal grease was hardened and was over-heating.  And besides that, the thermal grease does not last forever either.17:26
tannerrrActionparsnip: thanks that did it17:26
tannerrrAlso is there anyway to make it less purple?17:26
ActionparsnipTannerr : no worries17:26
tannerrrlike ubuntu. all of it17:27
Actionparsnip Tannerr : themes17:27
dtigueusr13: yea, it's a work machine so its probably never been serviced, I KNOW it hasn't in the last 4 years i've been using it. you know its kinda like a plumbers house, his toilet never works right17:27
dtiguetannerrr: changing the wallpaper will change the launcher17:27
_ffio_raedov: yes ?17:28
dtiguetannerrr: the launcher tries to blend with the wallpaper you choose, which is actually, imo, a really nice feature of unity17:28
clue_hI like that too17:28
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
dtigueI'm sure it will be yet another feature windows tries to rip off17:29
saiarcot895dtigue: it kinda has17:29
ActionparsnipIts the only thing I like about unity17:29
docmurHow do I attach a subject to sendmail in bash script.  I'm trying echo $body | sendmail $message -s $subject and I've tried with out the -s but I can't get it to work.  I searched the man page for subject but didn't find it17:29
tannerrrdtigue: new iOS does a lot with translucent overlays17:30
saiarcot895dtigue: The start menu bar in Windows 7 is partially transparent, as are the windows17:30
afflictoIn a terminal/bash. I have a "command" or "script" that's taking a long time. Is there a way to "minimize it" just like CTRL+C but let it continue do it's work?17:31
holsteinwolrah: i have no problems customizing for myself, but what i miss, is something i can just install for other users.. family members for exmple.. i find xubuntu a nice compromise17:31
ActionparsnipDocmur: fixunix.com/unix/82876-how-specify-subject-line-sendmail-command.html17:31
=== qos_ is now known as qos_|away
ActionparsnipAfflicto: if you install and run guake (or yakuake in KDE) you can show and hide the terminal with a hotkey (F12 by default)17:33
wolrahafflicto: also, look at "screen"17:33
clue_hi was messing with the side bar getting it to restart but it froze, kill -s CONT 1705 [pid of unity-2d-shell] fixed it though luckily lol17:33
wolrahwon't help for something already running17:33
ActionparsnipAfflicto : also supports tabs and transparency. I recommend you try it17:33
wolrahbut if you know you're going to start something long you can start it in a screen and then disconnect from that screen17:34
wolrah"screen -S whatever_name_you_want" to launch, "screen -r name" to reconnect, "screen -ls" to list the current screen sessions for your user17:34
wolrahor you can just launch with "screen" and it'll get named the PID of the screen process17:35
=== jack is now known as Guest56811
ActionparsnipWolrah: does screen support other users connecting to the same session like tmux does?17:36
wolrahactionparsnip: yes, but it requires some configuration voodoo so I only did it once to see that I could17:37
ActionparsnipWolrah: gotcha.  Thanks17:37
wolrahbeen actually looking for something that did that more easily to help with training new people17:37
Actionparsnip Wolrah : tmux dude :-)17:38
=== benbloom_ is now known as benbloom
wolrahI like what I see at first glance, bookmarking for later17:39
localh0stcound anybody can help me with it? http://pastebin.com/v3ZRR4qc17:41
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
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usr13What is the recommended way to keep a script run from crontab from generating mail?  exec my-script > /dev/null 2>&1    Is that what I need to be using?17:44
ActionparsnipLocalh0sh: I suggest you contact the PPA maintainer17:44
Frogging|worklocalh0st ^17:45
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Piciusr13: Yes. You might be able to also do it via setting an environment variable at the top of the crontab, but I personally haven't looked into that.17:45
ActionparsnipUsr13: surely it only generates email if you pipe to xmail / sendmail etc....17:45
Frogging|worklol, that's what I was thinking17:46
ActionparsnipLocalh0st: if you start adding third party package sources, don't be surprised if you get issues.17:46
jason_hudsonHi everyone, I have a question. When a package is submitted to Ubuntu's repos, be that an update or some new stuff inside them, is there a Canonical person that actually verifies it when this is not included in "Caninical supported" software?17:47
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jason_hudsonLet's consider a random package, the Chromium browser, assuming some random guy submitted an update to it, would there be someone from Canonical looking it up?17:47
jason_hudsonA legal person, if you will.17:48
Picijason_hudson: Theres no way for 'some random guy' submit an update?17:48
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ActionparsnipJason_hudson: there is package testing if that is what you mean17:48
jason_hudsonPici, right, I never considered it, thanks. What about actual well known contributors? Let's assume I was one, would anyone from Canonical veto my package submission?17:48
Actionparsnip Jason_hudson : randlms cannot push new packages to the repos17:48
Picijason_hudson: MOTUs take care of the repositories.17:49
ubottumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU17:49
jason_hudsonActionparsnip, who does the testing and what kind of testing is it? I read somewhere that packages not directly supported by Canonical have no security scrutiny, what does that mean exactly.17:49
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localh0stActionparsnip: then how can I install this driver?17:49
jason_hudsonPici, so besides them there's noone to verify the packages? Are the MOTUs always trusted?17:49
ActionparsnipLocalh0st : you have added a PPA which is causing the problem. I suggest you contact them and they will be able to advise17:50
Picijason_hudson: They've been vetted by a board of developers.17:50
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jason_hudsonPici, could you define "they"? The packages or the MOTUs?17:50
Actionparsnip Localh0st : I suggest you stick to the main repos in future17:50
Picijason_hudson: The MOTUS.17:51
Actionparsnip Localh0st : you will have fewer issues and more support17:51
jason_hudsonPici, so that's it, with supported stuff Ubuntu generally has Canonical employees vetting the packages while with non supported ones only MOTUs do it?17:51
netlarCongratulate me, I got the AMD driver to work17:51
ActionparsnipNetlar: wtg17:52
netlarFinally found something about the letter box , had to configure it for my screen, and woo hoo, perfect17:52
Picijason_hudson: Not necessarily canonical employees.  We mainly sync from debian, which also has strict policies regarding uploads.17:54
jason_hudsonPici, that's clear enough, many thanks for your time and patience.17:54
ActionparsnipJason_hudson : why'd you ask?17:54
jason_hudsonActionparsnip, you too.17:54
jason_hudsonActionparsnip, just out of curiosity. :P17:55
ActionparsnipJason_hudson : you are patient and civil so I have all the time:-)17:55
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smw_Hi all, a process called [jbd2/sda3-8] is using > 90% of my io. What can I do to fix it?18:02
smw_I know jdb2 is a kernel process doing journalling... but it shouldn't all my IO18:03
smw_hm, I think virtualbox was causing jdb2 to go crazy18:05
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
infexionOnce you press CTRL+ALT+F2 and you get to the command prompt, is there any way to get back to the GUI?18:09
infexionWithout rebooting18:09
shadejI having a trouble using java applets on ubuntu18:11
anoneei have ubuntu using trouble18:11
histoinfexion: ctrl+alt+F718:12
histosmw_: you could disable journaling but I would let it just finish updating. A sync command may help18:12
anoneereally, lol I'm sorry but I'm still suffering with locales... can anyone please tell me an easy way to learn more about i18n and locales?18:12
histo!locale | anonee18:13
ubottuanonee: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/18:13
anoneeubottu are you single?18:13
ubottuanonee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:13
histoI guess the bot should answer yes to that.18:14
clue_hanonee, she's lying18:14
infexionhisto: Thank you18:15
histo!details | shadej18:16
ubottushadej: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:16
dgaHi, I just installed lamp per the instructions at the ubuntu help website and I can't get PHP to work in my webpages. It just displays the PHP code in the web browser. Any ideas on how I can fix this?18:16
histodga: make a php test page per the instructions18:17
dgahisto: I did.18:17
histodga: most likely your issue maybe that apache isn't hosting whatever.php but will host whatever.html18:18
cixmananyone using vmware with ubuntu?18:18
histo!anyone | cixman18:18
ubottucixman: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:18
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ranticcixman: yes18:19
dgai made a this as a test page: <?php echo 'hello'; ?> and it prints exactly that in the browser18:19
histodga: okay so what's the issue?18:19
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dgabut I can interpret the file fine at the commandlien18:19
ranticdga: Stupid question but is the file actually a .php ?18:19
histodga: try it as .html18:20
clue_hdga, is the source of the page html havning <html> <body> etc?18:20
histodga: I believe the default apache config is only to host html files not php files. So the server doesn't know what index.php is but it will host index.html.Hopefully that makes sense18:20
dgawhen I make it .html, it doesn't print anything for the PHP code18:21
shadejhow to run java applet on ubuntu?18:22
dgalike it ignores everything between <?php and ?>18:22
ranticanother good question is how you did setup this LAMP configuration?18:22
kunosometimes my ubuntu bars disappear, is there a way to bring them back without restarting??????18:22
dgarantic: with tasksel18:22
dgafrom that page18:23
kunoI mean the bar in the top and the bar in the right with all the programs, sometimes they just disappear18:24
dgayeah not sure why it's not working..18:27
StarsongHey there18:30
LanserI have a question.18:31
Starsongwould anyone mind heloping me with something here? sorry about this but i made a VM of ubuntu yesterday... it installed and all but it won't run for some reason18:31
LanserIs Ubuntu really a fraud? http://www.linux.com/component/content/article/135-distronews/677574-richard-m-stallman-joins-eff-calls-ubuntu-a-spyware18:31
LanserRichard Stallman says Ubuntu is ruining your privacy.18:31
=== caboose85S is now known as synaptix
tab1293according to http://goo.gl/CE3SC, firefox supports mp3 depending on the OS you are running. I am running ubuntu and html5 <audio> tags in firefox do not play mp3. can I fix this?18:31
dgaphp5_module is loaded too. I can't see what can possibly be the problem.18:32
SwedeMikeLanser: Richard Stallman is a puritan. He's right on principle.18:32
Starsongit's open source18:32
Starsongso no it's not18:32
LanserStarsong, check out http://www.linux.com/component/content/article/135-distronews/677574-richard-m-stallman-joins-eff-calls-ubuntu-a-spyware18:32
Starsongjust did, it's ovbiouslly falce18:32
kostkon!ot | Lanser18:32
ubottuLanser: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:32
Starsongand anyway, could use some help18:33
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:33
Lanser"Richard is an ass, but in this case he's completely right. Canonical desperate attempt to make some money out of Ubuntu is killing it. At some point, Mark Shuttleworth will stop investing in Canonical and Ubuntu will die."18:34
kostkonLanser, you are in the wrong channel18:34
Starsong ^18:34
Lanseri'll go to #offtopic18:34
kostkonLanser, #ubuntu-offtopic for discussions18:34
ss_hazeLanser #ubuntu-offtopic18:35
Frogging|workI'll go there too, because I'm also worried about the future of Ubuntu as a result of this, Lanser18:35
ranticFrogging|work: Ubuntu will always have a future in the form of the 18 forks that would spread the day it was discontinued18:36
StarsongBut yeah, anyone mind assisting me? it's a problem with a VM, VM box specificly18:36
icerootStarsong: #vbox18:36
Starsongah thank you!18:37
ranticStarsong: You haven't told me anything I could use to help you :p18:37
=== allen is now known as Guest10971
w30Is there any way to keep Unity from ripping off the menu bar of an application and sticking it in the top panel? This wrecks the whole  Unity experience.18:37
Starsongwell essentally it just opens... pulls up a command line, i type start in... black screen and eventually a crash18:38
ss_hazew30 there is ubuntu-tweak, but use it with caution18:38
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ranticStarsong: You haven't told me what virtualization software you're using or what version of ubuntu you're installing18:39
w30ss_haze, I can't find anything like that in either tweak tool18:39
ss_hazew30, there should be an option to not use global menu18:40
dgaphp works if i put the file in /var/www but not in my user/public_html directory18:41
dgabut it servers regular html files fine18:41
dgaso i am thinking maybe i need to add something to userdir.conf18:41
dgaor something18:41
Starsonguhm ubuntu bata i beleve, ad vbox18:42
linux_hackscan you verify the php configuration to point to a differnet document root?18:42
Starsong... what?18:42
dganot sure18:43
ss_hazeStarsong, be more specific with your question, use grammar, punctuation and context in order to make succesfull question18:43
Starsong... i don't know what more i can ask18:43
Starsongor detail18:43
OerHeksdga for security reasons i would not advise putting data in your home, to solve this give www-data access to your /home/$USER/folder/with/data/18:43
ranticStarsong: do you have a file called /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf18:44
tab1293anyone know why audio tags don't play mp3 files in firefox on ubuntu?18:44
Starsonguhm, not sure18:44
Starsongwhere would that be?18:45
ranticStarsong: Well I cant check for you ... can you take a look? :)18:45
usr13tab1293: What version?18:45
ss_hazerantic, he doesn't have a problem with php18:45
ranticStarsong:That is the filename and path18:45
ranticss_haze: I know he doesn't18:45
Starsongfrom virtual box?18:45
tab1293usr13, of ubuntu or firefox?18:45
linux_hacksmay be this might help http://support.nacspl.com/hesk/knowledgebase.php?article=8318:45
dgarantic: was that directed to me?18:45
usr13tab1293: both18:45
ranticwhich one of you can't see php files again? someone remind me18:45
tab1293usr13, firefox 22 and ubuntu 13.0418:46
ranticdga: do you have a file called /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf18:46
dgarantic: when i put the file in /var/www it works fine, but not in /home/dga/public_html18:46
dgarantic: yeah18:46
usr13tab1293: So what you are saying is that firefox won't play mp3s?18:46
ranticdga: Open it pleaseee :p18:46
creepypgrandpahello guys anyone who can help me with dpkg?18:46
tab1293usr13, yes when a page has an audio tag sourcing an mp3 file it wont play18:46
tab1293i have restricted extras installed too18:47
kostkoncreepypgrandpa, just ask the real question18:47
linux_hacks@creeoygrandpa.. Yes18:47
dga<IfModule mod_userdir.c>18:47
dga    <Directory /home/*/public_html>18:47
dga        php_admin_value engine Off18:47
dga    </Directory>18:47
FloodBot1dga: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:47
dgathat should be all i need right>?18:47
creepypgrandpaokay when i try to "apt-get update it says "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"18:47
kostkondga, you could use a pastebin next time :P18:48
ranticdga: comment out all of those lines with a # sign18:48
kostkon!paste | dga18:48
ubottudga: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:48
creepypgrandpai have tried "apt-get autoremove" don't work18:48
tab1293usr13, any ideas?18:50
dgai think i fixed it18:50
linux_hacks@creepygrandpa try with -f18:50
ranticdga: Comment out all those lines, restart apache and things _should_ work.18:50
dgathank you, rantic18:50
jab_Hello ubuntu user18:51
usr13tab1293: No.  Was looking at my firefox, Edit -> Preferences -> Applications and do not see any reference to mp3 but...18:51
ranticdga: No problem. There are some risks involved in allowing php files to be executed from a users public_html directory ... so I'd advise not to use this with a public facing server.18:51
alenaaww i got problems with skype again.who can help me?what should i do if new folder didnt work...18:52
creepypgrandpalinux pm18:52
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jab_does anyone know how to install enlightenment  ?18:53
ranticalena: I don't know how to help you unless you explain clearly what's wrong18:53
alenawhen i call a person the programme closes18:54
alenaand like this always18:54
ranticjab_: If I google "ubuntu install enlightenment, would I find anything?"18:54
jab_ty rantic I tired that already18:55
usr13tab1293: http://imagebin.org/26495618:55
ranticjab_: The second result was your answer? http://www.itworld.com/software/358050/install-enlightenment-e17-desktop-ubuntu-130418:55
Pici!google | rantic18:56
ubotturantic: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:56
ranticI gave him the answer ..18:56
jab_Yes he did :-D18:56
jab_Thanks rantic18:56
alenathank you for no helping18:57
ranticI was asking in a non-sarcastic way if he was able to find it on google by typing that in18:57
usr13tab1293: May be the gecko-mediaplayer but I dono.18:57
tab1293usr13, those apps are for embed objects im talking about the audio tag18:57
jab_rantic  you are very funny :-P18:57
masteringErrors were encountered while processing:  libjpeg8_8d-1_i386.deb whats that error18:57
ranticjab_: I didn't mean to come off as rude I apologize18:57
usr13tab1293: Can you give me an example?  (A site)18:57
w30ss_haze, no such thing as ubuntu-tweak in my repos; can you elaborate?18:58
usr13tab1293: see my pm18:58
w30 18:59
jab_this is  such a fun room I might come back :-D18:59
ranticw30: It's not included by default in the ubuntu repositories, you can find it here -- http://ubuntu-tweak.com/18:59
ss_hazew30, I think google can be your best friend, but http://ubuntu-tweak.com/18:59
w30thanks ss_haze  and rantic19:00
OerHeksunity-tweak is in the repos w3019:00
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mastershakeHello #ubuntu! i am looking for some info on the issue of Ubuntu vs. Gentoo. Which one is better, and why? Show your work.19:00
ranticmastershake: I wouldn't even attempt to put them in the same category because they serve two different purposes19:01
OerHeks!poll | mastershake19:02
ubottumastershake: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:02
mastershakerantic: what purpose does gentoo serve?19:02
ranticmastershake: It's entirely source based so it's up to the user to decide what the system becomes19:02
mastershakeoh jesus19:03
ranticmastershake: That would be more appropriate for #gentoo19:03
dgarantic: out of curiosity, why is it a security risk?19:03
ranticdga: if malicious code ever hits your lamp server, then it would have the ability to execute php inside of your home directory ... thus accessing many of your personal files19:04
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ranticdga: it's not likely but it can occur ... especially if you're new to web development and don't know how to properly lock down your web server environment.19:04
dgarantic: ah ok19:09
=== rbxs is now known as rbxs|Zzzz
anaohi@all does anyone know more on the current gvfs-smb bug of 13.04 with nautilus19:11
cheeseboydoes ubuntu have any recommended laptops?19:18
xangua!hardware | cheeseboy19:18
ubottucheeseboy: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:18
pelurcould anyone running 13.04 and gimp 2.8 try if 'open location' or dragging images from firefox into gimp work?19:21
pelurbecause they don't for me and I'm trying to track down why, but I'm running gnome-3.8 from the ppa and was wondering if that breaks the feature in gimp for some reason19:22
=== bfiller_afk is now known as bfiller
usr13Why does only google-chome play the mp3 file from http://bergerserver.info/audio.html (and firefox does not)?19:24
saimanojpelur: Yes, it works for me.19:26
saimanojpelur: I am using Ubuntu 13.04 and Gimp 2.819:26
pelursaimanoj, ok, thanks a lot. i guess that means the gnome-3.8 ppa broke it for me19:27
klrr_why does ubuntu use upstard and not sysv?19:30
klrr_why will it switch to qt?19:30
acissejQuestion: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my Acer aspire 5050 becomes really really slow sometimes with grey screens e.g.. This start happening a week ago. Last week Ubuntu was working fine.  I have searched on the internet and I suggest it has something to do with my graphic card (not sure...). I'm quiet new to ubuntu and am not able (yet) to figure this one out.19:32
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/19:32
usr13OerHeks: I guess he's gone already.19:33
=== ese is now known as esse
=== esse is now known as ezze
usr13tab1293: Did you see the answer?19:36
tab1293yeah i did19:36
tab1293not a very good one19:36
usr13And the link?:  https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/HTML/Supported_media_formats19:36
usr13tab1293: may not be a very good one, but the only one so far.19:36
usr13tab1293: Or, not the answer you wanted to see.19:37
usr13... but it's better than what I came up with, (which was nothing).19:37
NK`tab1293: afaik codecs are not precised in html5 standard19:37
NK`which make any browser implements those they want19:38
NK`I didn't check but i would be afraid mp3 is not managed by firefox.19:38
NK`that would not be a big surprise, i'm pretty sure it can handle ogg though19:38
FroMasterWhat's an up to date build guide on how to make a .deb package for private use? I need to make a package on one machine and install it on a dozen others that don't have internet access (just going to copy it via usb)19:39
LanserCan I ask questions about Netrunner here?19:39
LanserNetrunner is just like Ubuntu, only the name is different.19:40
Lanserthe only thing is, Netrunner is the KDE-version of Ubuntu.19:40
OerHeksLanser, no, we do not support derivates with their own issues.19:40
Lanserand uses Ubuntu's repo.19:40
ravingHello everybody; I'm using 12.04 and am trying to install bioperl through the package manager. However, all of the perl modules appear to be missing. Is there another package I need?19:40
linux_hacks@raving: how do you know they are missing?19:40
LanserFroMaster: You can use GDebi Package Manager. :)19:41
ravinglinux_hacks, i'm about to post the output of dpkg -L to demonstrate that19:41
NK`OerHeks: so far he is just asking to talk about it, not for support19:41
FroMasterlanser: I need to build the package first...19:41
ravinglinux_hacks: see here: http://pastebin.com/6QT2xQJ619:42
LanserFroMaster: Use ark then.19:42
Lanserapt-get install ark19:42
NK`action not really talk, to ask question but i don't see evil in it19:42
Lanserif you don't have internet on the machine you're trying to install it in, you can always take Ark's .deb package off their website, put it into a USB, and then install it on the other machine.19:42
linux_hacks@raving: what are the modules you are looking for?19:42
ravingIt looks like there are several frontend scripts but no perl modules. Manual inspection of /usr/share/perl and /usr/local/share/perl don't seem to yield the modules, either19:42
linux_hacksdid you try perl-devel19:43
ravinglinux_hacks: the perl modules that come with bioperl.19:43
ravingSo I can program against it19:43
Lanserraving: bioperl is troubling.19:43
ravingI can of course get bioperl out of CPAN but I was making sure there wasn't a package in apt that I was missing19:44
FroMasterI have 12 machines that have a minimal set of packages installed. I need to build a piece of software that requires a ton of deps and just package up the finished package. Is that possible?19:44
linux_hacksThis might probably help you19:44
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD19:44
OerHeksI would choose apt-on-cd19:44
ravinglanser, yeah, the package is somewhat named unintuitively19:44
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LanserOerHeks: How can I install wvdial & gnome-ppp on a machine which has no internet connection?19:45
ravinglinux_hacks, that was the way I was going to do it if there wasn't a package I was overlooking; at this point, it looks like the way I should do it19:45
linux_hacks@raving: hmm..19:46
OerHeksLanser, see the !offline factoid from ubottu19:46
xibalbaanyone here know NetCat ?19:46
xibalbaI want to tail -f file.log and pipe it over to another box via netcat19:46
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD19:46
afflictoHey all. I accidentally did "sudo apt-get remove compiz", I then did "sudo apt-get installl compiz && sudo apt-get install unity". Now, when using unity as well as gnome shell The PC completely freezes. Any idea?19:46
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afflictoit seems to freeze at random times quite frequently*19:47
ravinglinux_hacks: I suppose the best thing I should do is post a bug report or something, and in the interim use cpan19:47
linux_hacks@raving:yep, thats what I would do19:47
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xibalbabekks, know the answer?19:48
bekksxibalba: You didnt ask a question yet :)19:48
xibalbasickies, i just got it working19:48
Lanserxibalba: Should I get PearLinux or Netrunner?19:49
xibalbaLanser, who are you?19:49
Lanserxibalba: Lanser.19:49
Lanseraka MacLanser.19:49
LanserI am currently in my unstable form.19:50
LanserI transform into MacLanser at midnights.19:50
ravingLanser, there can only be one.19:51
Lanserraving: Do you really think so?19:51
=== harrymoreno_ is now known as harrymoreno
LanserI am Lanser, a robotic human sent from outer-space to Planet Earth.19:52
LanserMy main objective is contributing to the Ubuntu project.19:52
PlastikSporkI am trying to dual boot Ubuntu 13.04 with Windows 8 on a Samsung DP500A2D-A02UB.  After shrinking the Windows partition I rebooted and installed Ubuntu on that partition.  When I go into the UEFI bios and select to boot from Ubuntu the Grub boot loader comes up and I am able to boot into Ubuntu, but when I select Windows 8 it will not boot.  I have to go back into the UEFI bios and select Windows for it to boot.19:53
linux_hacks@afflicto: next time run compiz from the command line by logging to a file or look at the compiz logs to find more infor19:53
OerHeksLanser then use ubuntu, not a flaky derivate19:53
LanserOerHeks: What do you mean by that?19:53
OerHeks<Lanser> My main objective is contributing to the Ubuntu project.19:54
LanserUbuntu is much similar to Windows.19:54
LanserMaking money out of it.19:55
LanserI can say, that Mark Shuttleworth is no different than Steve Balmer & Bill Gates.19:55
Lanserbut anyways, we can take this to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want.19:55
ranticIf you took the windows 7 taskbar, threw it on the left side of your screen, you'd pretty much have this groundbreaking unity dash thing.19:55
ravingLanser, yeah, well if you're Lanser MacLanser anyway.19:55
DJones!ot | Lanser19:55
ubottuLanser: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:55
Lanser!ot | raving19:56
ubotturaving: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:56
LanserYou don't talk about Windows in #ubuntu, sir.19:56
DJonesLanser: Sorry, you must have mentioned offtopic as I was typing19:56
Lanseryes, I'll take this discussion to #offtopic19:56
Frogging|workYes, please do. I was already talkinga bout this there actually...19:56
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LarsNover the last couple of days My flash player plugin appears to have broken.20:01
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LarsNwhat's the "best" way to remove and then re-install flash on 13.04 X86_64?20:01
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linux_hacks@LarsN see if it helps20:06
kaddisooo the frontpage of ubuntu.com? Is that about the phone? Or what am I missing?20:10
clientCan anyone tell me if an operating system can affect the wifi?20:11
usr13client: How do you mean?20:11
usr13client: (ELaborate on that for us.)20:11
Hammerhead2011-SHey all, I want 3 monitors. I have 2, with a USB to dvi adapter....and have another one of these adapters laying around has anyone been able to use these usb adapters in this fashion....2 of them with a main display off the VGA out on a laptop?20:12
clientusr13 I noticed recently on my firefox browser using xubuntu 12.04 that sometimes the pages take long to load. By this I mean: in FF u get the red spinning circle and the grey spinning circle in the favicon. My grey spinning circle spins for a very very long time.20:12
clientIt sometimes leads to the loading getting timed out.20:13
usr13client: iwconfig | pastebinit  #Let's have a look.20:13
usr13client: Also:  pastebinit /etc/resolv.conf   #And show us the URL20:14
clientusr13 here is the iwconfig output: http://pastebin.com/KEv5QxZj20:16
usr13client: Ok, the link quality that your wifi device is reporting looks ok.  So what nameserver(s) are you using?20:18
clientusr13 nameserver
usr13client: Ok, well we need something more.20:19
usr13client: change to
usr13client: And see why your router is not giving out a nameserver.20:19
clientwhen you say link quality are you referring to the bitrate?20:19
usr13client: no20:19
clientusr I see it now: Link Quality=72/10020:20
usr13client: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf  and change nameserver  to nameserver
usr13client: ... and see why your router is not giving out a nameserver.20:21
usr13client: Anyway, that should fix it.20:21
clientusr13 will it be ok to edit that resolv.conf file. It says: #     DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN20:21
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usr13client: Yes, (and that is why I said to see why your router is not giving out a nameserver.20:22
LanserHow can I know which graphic card is installed in my linux distro? and how much video memory I currently have?20:22
clientHow will I check that? usr1320:22
auronandaceLanser: lspci20:23
usr13client: Alternately, you can go into your network manager and tell it to just use a nameserver of your choice, (and not download what your router apparently does not give).20:23
usr13client: Most routers have a web-based GUI interface. Let's say your router is at, just direct firefox to it;  firefox  and login and change settings as needed.20:24
columbHow to open application in unity dash without popping up this menu? http://i.imgur.com/vbDIM4I.png20:24
ozzloyi hit control+shift+f5 in byobu and now my status line is gone, how do i get it back?20:24
LanserWhich one is better? Intel GMA 945 or ATI Technologies Inc AMD Radeon HD 6310 Graphics Card?20:24
clientOk, so what you're saying is that I'm using an incorrect (or generic) ip address? usr1320:25
columb*Ubuntu 13.10, 64-bit.20:25
clientlanser do you want to compare those graphics cards?20:25
usr13client: No.  I said that you are not getting a valid nameserver IP from your router.20:25
Lanseryes, client.20:25
xentity1xHi I'm having trouble with the integrated graphics card on my w530 lenovo laptop20:26
clientLanser may I recommend you visit www.tomshardware.com20:26
xentity1xIt only displays at 640x48020:26
Lanseralright, client. thanks20:26
xentity1xCan anyone help. It basically makes the computer unusable.20:26
clientusr13 are you referring to a situation where my connection doesn't work at all?20:26
clientxentity1x by unusable, what do you mean?20:27
xentity1xclient, the resolution is way too low. Most windows can't even fit in the screen.20:27
clientYou mean its something like 400x600 ?20:28
xentity1xclient, yes20:28
usr13client: Did you change the nameserver IP and verify that it works better?20:28
clientOk would you like a terminal fix or a settings fix? and what version of ubuntu are you using?20:28
xentity1xclient, it's 640x480 to be exact20:28
xentity1xclient, I tried going to display settings and it won't allow me to set it any higher20:29
clientyeah that's a terrible resolution.20:29
xentity1xclient, im on 13.0420:29
clientoh ok. so you know where to change it.20:29
clientlet me look for a sudo solution for you.20:29
xentity1xi think it has to do with the ubuntu not detecting the correct refresh rates of the monitor20:29
xentity1xi found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120641620:30
xentity1xwhich tells you how to manually set them20:30
xentity1xbut i'm can't find the allowed refresh rates for my monitor anywhere20:31
xentity1xso im afraid to damage it20:31
clientTry this code in your console: sudo hwinfo --framebuffer20:32
justincormackanyone know why raring appears to be missing qemu-bridge-helper? It seems I am not the only person missing it... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=216280620:32
clientit looks like this guy is having the same issue as you xentity1x. Take a look here: http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/340768-how-to-change-terminal-resolution-in-ubuntu-server-13-0420:34
clientjustincormack may I ask what raring is?20:34
SazpaimonI just got a BCM4352 802.11ac card, is there any open/closed driver available for linux for it?20:34
wolrahclient: raring = Ubuntu 13.04 "Raring Ringtail"20:35
xentity1x hwinfo --framebuffer gives me an error20:35
clientSazpaimon you can check for additional drivers in: Settings > Additional Drivers20:35
Sazpaimoni havent recieved the card yet20:35
clientdid you sudo it? xentity1x20:35
SazpaimonI'm just wondering what to expect20:35
clientSazpaimon I'm confused. You said: I just got a BCM4352 802.11ac card20:36
k1l!broadcom | Sazpaimon20:36
ubottuSazpaimon: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:36
Sazpaimonclient, as in, I just bought it20:36
clientoh thanks wolrah.20:36
LarsNWhat's the best way to completely remove, and reinstall the Flashplugin on 13.0420:36
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Sazpaimonk1l, so I assume since my card is not listed there, it isn't supported at all20:37
subman_Anyone familiar with how to get OpenCL to work under ubuntu using an Nvidia card?20:37
clientLarsN take a look here: http://www.google.co.za/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=how%20to%20completely%20remove%20flash%20plugin%20ubuntu%2013.04&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCkQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.n00bsonubuntu.net%2Fcontent%2Fhow-to-install-the-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-13-04%2F&ei=-1HoUc7UN4uGhQfL-ICYDw&usg=AFQjCNFGsEcCyC4SJimTKJVOFI9EFhzsjg20:37
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clientoh crap. long link20:37
LarsNthanks Client. :)20:37
clientI mean here: http://www.n00bsonubuntu.net/content/how-to-install-the-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-13-04/20:38
clientSorry LarsN20:38
LarsNthe google passthrough worked20:38
columbHow do I shutdown/suspend  without  terminal? I can't find "cog" in the upper-right portion of the screen.  13.10.20:38
clientok cool20:38
LarsNI'm removing flashplayer-installer and will re-install shortly.20:38
clientcolumb you can hold down the power button for 3/5 seconds until the system shuts down20:39
lpvbso what's the front page of ubuntu about?20:39
clienton some systems (laptops) you can press the power button and the shutdown menu "may" appear20:39
columbYeah, also good way to do it. But how do I get "cog" back?20:39
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OerHekslpvb, you will find out in 4 days.20:39
clientis the upper-right corner the toolbar?20:39
columbYeap. It's missing. For some reasons.20:40
lpvbIs it a secret?20:40
clientTry right-clicking and adding it again20:40
clientright-click on the toolbar20:40
k1llpvb: just wait 4 days20:40
clientlpvb I suspect it has something to do with ubuntu mobile and the pc version20:41
client2 surfaces meet20:41
SazpaimonOk then I guess I'm not using ubuntu on my laptop until this card is supported20:41
Zoiaguyvercolumb: Have you removed any "app indicators"?, the default "cog" is indicator_sessions (think thats the right one)20:41
clientSazpaimon how good is your older graphics card?20:41
Sazpaimonclient, what older graphics card?20:42
columbHow do I check it? I don't think that I did (installed system like 2 hours ago) but just to be sure.20:42
Sazpaimonyou mean my wifi card?20:42
Sazpaimonmy wifi current card is supported, but this new card is 802.11ac20:42
clientOh you don't have any other graphics card in your laptop? Sazpaimon20:42
Sazpaimonclient, i never said anything about graphics20:42
clientoh my apologies Sazpaimon20:43
k1lSazpaimon: have a look here: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b4320:43
ZoiaguyverYou can check in Synaptic is the easiest way (if you dont have synaptic installed you can do a CTRL+ALT+T then sudo apt-get install synaptic20:43
clientI confused you with the other guy asking about the graphics card comparison20:43
mfrCan someone help me setting up wirless on laptop via command line in Ubuntu 12.04?  Looks like it is connected to Essid but "not-associated" tp access point20:43
Sazpaimonk1l, BCM4352 is listed as unsupported, so I guess it's not happening20:43
* Sazpaimon shrugs20:43
k1lSazpaimon: if its very new its most times a problem with linux20:44
clienttrue k1l20:44
k1lSazpaimon: but as you can see there are cards that are supported very well. better check before buying stuff20:44
SazpaimonI already have a supported linux card20:45
mfrCan someone help me setting up wirless on laptop via command line in Ubuntu 12.04?  Looks like it is connected to Essid but "not-associated" to access point20:46
clientDo you need remote internet access? otherwise you could use ethernet20:46
SazpaimonI'm not always near an ethernet port20:46
clientdefine "always" ?20:47
Sazpaimonusually around my house20:47
Sazpaimonbecause I have, you know, a laptop20:47
Sazpaimonagain, I'll wait until the card is eventually supported before going back to ubuntu20:48
mfrCan someone help me setting up wirless on laptop via command line in Ubuntu 12.04?  Looks like it is connected to Essid but "not-associated" tp access point20:51
columbZoiaguyver, it's still here. http://i.imgur.com/9syyrbz.png20:52
xentity1xclient, I found the solution. I had to change the horizontal refresh rate in the xorg file to 67.5. It was stuck at 33 for some reason. Thanks.20:53
wolftuneHi, i am wanting to install on a laptop with a 500GB/24GB hybrid drive. what's the best partition scheme?20:54
wolftuneI should install system and boot on the smaller ssd drive/20:54
wolftune right?20:54
bekksYou cant install anything on the hybrid area.20:54
wolftuneI can't?20:55
bekksThat area is used as a cache for the 500GB.20:55
bekksThats why it is called "hybrid".20:55
wolftuneOh. So a hybrid drive offers some advantages over regular but really isn't anything like a full SSD then?20:55
bekkswolftune: Correct. It isnt an SSD.20:55
bekkswolftune: It just has a somehow big flash cache.20:56
wolftuneIt isn't an SSD? But they say that the 24GB part is SSD…20:56
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bekkswolftune: Then "they" just dont know what they are talking about.20:56
k1lwolftune: its an ssd to make the performance of that hdd better20:57
wolftuneIt is actually SSD technically, right?20:57
k1lwolftune: think of it as in a toyota prius. the electric engine helps that fuel engine20:57
bekksOne basic characteristic of a SSD is "I can store data on it".20:57
wolftuneOk, so I just effectively ignore it, then, yes?20:58
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bekkswolftune: Yes.20:58
k1lwolftune: yes.20:58
k1lwolftune: the reason for the ssd-part is, that if you write big files they get written on that ssd (very fast) and then get stored on the slow hdd. so for you it looks like its writing very fast20:59
wolftuneok, so I want to clarify one more thing: I want to separate my / and /home, and I've done that before, but sometime in the past I failed to specify boot separately20:59
submanAnyone familiar with how to get OpenCL to work under ubuntu using an Nvidia card?20:59
bekkswolftune: Technically, you dont need a separate /boot20:59
wolftunebekks: that's what I thought21:00
bekksThats what I know :)21:00
wolftuneexcept I once had an issue on install and had to run a boot repair thing21:00
bekkswolftune: You dont need a separate /boot21:00
bekkswolftune: And a separate /boot will not solve "issues on install".21:00
wolftuneso if I use gparted, make three parts within an extended partition, yes? / /home and swap?21:00
wolftuneand that's it21:01
bekkswolftune: Yeah, thats enough.21:01
wolftuneand I should just delete all the existing Windows-connected partitions right? (I actually wish to run a couple Windows programs but the whole thing is pissing me off and I never actually want to deal with it and I don't want to click accept on the bullshit Windows license terms)21:02
bekksWhy do you want to delete something?21:02
bekksAnd watch your language please.21:02
wolftunebecause the refurbished machine I bought is set up for Windows 8. sorry about language21:02
wolftuneThere are just a couple programs I wish to ever run that don't work in GNU/Linux, but I don't actually wish to ever use windows. I should probably just decide to make it clean and delete all the existing windows partitions…21:03
k1lwolftune: if you take a live system to install you can wipe that hdd anyway21:04
savidI'm seeing a weird problem with my tab completion when using "dd".  If I type "dd if=/path/to/file", and hit tab, it removes the "if=" part and displays "dd /path/to/file".  Any ideas why that happens?21:04
wolftunek1l: right, I'm on a USB21:04
wolftunefor installing21:04
gniteCould someone please tell me, how to change the actual resolution of my crt monitor? I can change it in system settings just fine, but while everything gets smaller, the actual resolution of the monitor remains unchanged, so everything becomes just fuzzy.21:04
DoverMoubuntu isn't loading nvidia's xorg.conf. this worked the last time I used the nvidia drivers, but not currently21:05
bekkssavid: tab completion does not work with dd.21:05
savidbekks, why not?21:06
bekkssavid: Because its not implemented.21:06
savidbekks, ubuntu has a dd bash completion script21:06
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bekkssavid: Then it seems to be broken :)21:06
DoverMorestarting to see if this works21:06
savidbekks, gee thanks captain obvious21:07
bekkssavid: You're welcome :>21:07
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wolftunebekks: gparted does appear to allow me to do things with the SSD part of the hybrid drive21:07
wolftunewhat's with that?21:07
bekkswolftune: Do you see two drives or just two partitions?21:07
wolftuneand it is split between two unknown systems already21:07
wolftuneI see two drives21:07
wolftunesda sdb21:07
FranciscoRamonTem br ou pt ai?21:08
PrufrockHi all21:08
bekks!pt | FranciscoRamon21:08
ubottuFranciscoRamon: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.21:08
PrufrockHow can I safely update my Pulseaudion from version 3.0 to 4.0?21:08
wolftunesdb has a 15GB and a 7GB partition both with unknown file systems, well, unable to detect or missing file systems21:08
DoverMook the nvidia config sitll isn't loading21:09
DoverMogonnat ry gksudo21:11
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mfrCan someone help me setting up wirless on laptop via command line in Ubuntu 12.04?  Looks like it is connected to Essid but "not-associated" t0 access point21:12
sha_hey does anyone else know how to make mozilla actually clear everything when clearning histroy+cookies+stuff?21:17
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savidCan anyone else please confirm this behavior?  Just type "dd if=/home" followed by tab21:17
wolftunebekks: according to a forum post someone did exactly what I'm saying and used the SSD part of hybrid for the system: http://www.linlap.com/lenovo_thinkpad_twist21:17
icerootsavid: auto-completion is working fine21:18
icerootsavid: if that was your question21:18
savidyeah. just can't figure it out, it's really annoying me :-/21:18
saviddoing a lot of disk imaging and it's annoying not being able to tab complete21:19
icerootsavid: using bash? and bash-completion is installed?21:19
icerootsavid: maybe you disabled bash-completion in your bashrc21:20
savidiceroot, yeah it's installed.  It only happens with "dd"21:20
[snake]is this a place I could ask about electronics? like circuits and stuff?21:20
DoverMook xorg.conf still not loading. Dunno what changed21:20
savidiceroot,  if I type "dd if=/path/to/dir" and hit tab, it turns into "dd /path/to/dir"21:20
iceroot[snake]: what do you think if this channel is called #ubuntu?21:20
we6jboI have a question21:21
[snake]iceroot, I figured I'd hear someone complaining that I'm off topic lol. so just to confirm: would that be a problem?21:21
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iceroot[snake]: of course because it is offtopic, why do you think it is ontopic...21:21
we6jboIs there a way to start Empathy as 'online' or to set it manually from the command line?21:22
savid[snake], ##electronics21:22
[snake]iceroot, I never said that. :P21:22
[snake]savid, thankyou21:22
icerootsavid: try a set -x first and then do the completion to see what bash is doing21:22
icerootsavid: set +x to disable the debug again21:22
savidwoah output21:22
icerootsavid: it will show everything the bash is doing on that step21:22
savidok, I suppose I'll look into that21:23
icerootsavid: there should be something like ++ compgen -f -X '' -- /home/21:23
iceroot+ x=/home/michael21:23
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akurilinIs there a way of listing all the TTYs I have opened at once?21:37
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cipherboyakurilin: by default, ttys are F1-F7, why?21:38
akurilincipherboy, Well, lightDM froze up a few times and I ended up opening a separate TTY to kill it and log back in. Then when ligtdm froze again (this is always when I lock the screen), I realized you could just switch to the F1 tty and bypass any sort of login.21:39
PrufrockHow can I safely update my Pulseaudion from version 3.0 to 4.0?21:39
akurilincipherboy, So I think it'd be worthwhile to kill ttys that I'm not actively using so you can't just unlock my box whenever you feel like it.21:40
cipherboyakurilin: you can only log in with a username/password combination.21:40
akurilincipherboy, yes, but if you do ctrl+alt+f1, sudo stop and sudo start lightdm and then lock the OS, you can still use ctrl+alt+f1 to go back to that tty you had opened.21:42
akurilinBecause I don't think it was closed.21:42
cipherboyakurilin: sorry, let me explain more clearly: in order to use a tty, you have to sign in. If you leave one signed in, that is a different thing--not actually sure if you can automatically sign out of those after a while. However, if you are done using it, go back to it and type exit.21:42
akurilincipherboy, I'm using tmux so every tty is sharing the same session, thus I can't just exit. Should I be killing the tty process at that point?21:43
cipherboyakurilin: sorry, not actually familiar with tmux, but with screen you can leave screens "running" and but exit the screen viewer and then close out the tty with exit.21:45
cipherboyOther than that, not entirely sure what to do there.. iirc, ttys aren't just a simple 'kill', but I could be wrong.21:46
cipherboyMy bad they are.21:46
savidiceroot, here's the part of the output that has ++ compgen -f -X '' -- /ho :   http://sprunge.us/OZHh21:46
OerHeksPrufrock, not yet, i see no PA-4 in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/ppa21:47
savidI'm just not sure I understand why bash completion deletes stuff before the cursor. I've never seen it do that.21:47
cipherboyakurilin: I suppose you could run ps aux | grep tty and find them.  Have to run though, sorry.21:47
PrufrockOerHeks, I see. Because to be honest, I have a sound problem with Skype. And I read there's a solution for it in Pulseaudio 4.0.21:48
jribakurilin: you need to lock your virtual console if you want to prevent access to it; it's the same as walking away from an X session21:48
akurilinjrib, the prob is that usually I can't see that console any longer as soon as I run sudo start ligtdm21:48
akurilinjrib, can I go back to it, lock it, and then return to lightdm?21:49
bekksakurilin: Yes.21:49
snugglakurilin: ctrl-alt-number21:49
jribakurilin: you can, sure21:49
OerHeksPrufrock, carefull, PPA's might break your system, i found the testing ppa >>> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/pulse-testing21:49
snugglakurilin: ctrl-alt-7 is your X session, the 6 first are consoles21:49
jribakurilin: you can either log out or if you're already using tmux in it, tmux has a built-in mechanism to lock itself21:49
OerHeksPrufrock, but ppa-purge can reverse the installation, backup your data before using this ppa21:49
akurilinany way I could just close that console altogether?21:50
jribakurilin: sure, just exit21:50
akurilin(totally didn't know about F7 for X, that's super useful)21:50
PrufrockOerHeks, Oh, I prefer to wait until there's a perfectly safe way to fix this problem then. Thanks. :)21:50
OerHeksPrufrock, good idea21:50
irssi-mikeI compiled a program (crunch) and I noticed it wasn't usable by simply typing "crunch" so I moved it into /usr/sbin/ and that worked but now it wants to use a file "charset.lst" Is there someway to add this dependency to the path or something.. I'm coming from windows \( ._. )/21:51
jribirssi-mike: /usr/sbin/ is usually meant for administrative programs21:52
irssi-mikejrib: I'll move it to usr/local/bin but in the meantime21:52
akurilinbekks, snufft, jrib - Ok I figured this out. Go to the open tty, and use tmux's :detach command to basically detach from the tmux session and go back to the CLI. Thanks, that's very helpful.21:52
jribirssi-mike: did you have your "charset.list" issue before you moved it?21:52
jribakurilin: are you starting tmux in your shell's rc file or somethig?21:53
PrufrockOerHeks, Yup ;)21:53
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irssi-mikejrib: it worked when i did ./crunch <options> etc., it's just that that "charset.lst" was in the same folder as crunch. I'm coming from Windows so I dropped it into /usr/sbin with crunch hoping that would clear it up21:54
irssi-mikejrib: but it didn't work to what i thought it should do \( ._. )/21:54
tacorwin1Hello All! I am curious about getting a Ubuntu Membership. Could anyone help me?21:58
aboudreaultcan I stop the automatic behavior when plugin a hdmi on my laptop?21:58
holsteinaboudreault: whats happening?21:59
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership21:59
k1l!membership | tacorwin121:59
ubottutacorwin1: please see above21:59
aboudreaultholstein, it tries to enable the screen somehow and of course... it fails :)22:00
icerootsavid: i dont see an issue there, its completing /ho to /home22:00
aboudreaultsometime I lose everything22:00
savidiceroot, yes, but it's removing the "if=" part22:00
savidit's changing  "dd if=/ho"  to "dd /home"22:00
tacorwin1Thank you k1l22:01
aissucould anyone help me with oracle on ubuntu ?22:04
holsteinaissu: what what oracle product?22:05
aissuI've converted the rpm package  to .deb using alien and installed it22:05
holsteinwith what*22:05
wolftunebekks: you're mistaken. My Hybrid drive worked as separate regular HDD and SSD, I installed root on SSD small portion and it fully worked22:05
holsteinaissu: in a larger scheme, what are you doing?22:05
aissui was following a tutorial22:06
aissuafter installing the .deb package22:06
aissuit says I had to go22:06
holsteinaissu: i mean, what are you tring to do, overall..22:06
aissucd /etc/init.d/ and after  ./oracle-xe configure22:06
aissuim trying to conect to the oracle db installed22:06
aissubut when i try ./oracle-xe configure it says i have no permission22:07
aissuim sorry if i was not clear, im new to ubuntu22:07
holsteinaissu: what im tring to sort out is, do you need an oracle database? is there something more readily available in the repos that do the job22:07
aissui need it cause its a work at university22:08
aissuI really need it to be oracle22:08
aissuand I wouldnt like to use windows anymore22:08
aissuI have to create tables, do inserts and this sort of things22:09
aissuto show my teachers it is working after all22:09
holsteinaissu: sure, just keep in mind, computers dont really care what you like.. its really up do oracle to support you here with that pacakge you are using..22:09
holsteinaissu: i found https://oss.oracle.com/debian/dists/unstable/main/ which i would try before using an rpm22:09
Jordan_Uaissu: What guide have you been following?22:09
holsteinaissu: if you are new to linux and ubuntu, using an unsupported package from an "alien" distro is not a great way to get started22:10
aissuI was reading a guide in portuguese22:11
Jordan_Uaissu: Please link to it none the less.22:11
aissuyeah, and cause im new, i have no idea what to do with the link you sent me22:11
holsteinaissu: the link i sent?22:11
aissuthis one22:12
holsteinaissu: looks like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Oracle%20Instant%20Client suggests using the .rpm22:13
aissuJordan_U,  didnt understand what you meant, sorry22:13
Jordan_Uaissu: Please tell us the URL of the guide you have been following.22:15
histoaissu: what areyou trying to install?22:15
akurilinDesktop Manager glitching out after Lock Screen, would appreciate if you dealt with something similar in the past and could check this out: http://askubuntu.com/questions/321667/12-04-screen-glitches-freezes-after-lock-screen22:16
aissuhisto, Jordan_U  im trying and entire new one, just a minute22:18
holsteinakurilin: what graphics driver are you using? are there other options?22:19
histoakurilin: I would poke around in /var/log some more. You messages and the X logs may be of use22:19
aissuthe guide Im following is in portuguese so im gonna tell you what I did till this moment22:20
aissudownloaded the .rpm and converted to .deb using alien22:21
aissuafter, installed the .deb22:21
aissuwent to /etc/init.d/ as suggested in the guide22:21
akurilinholstein, I'm not using anything custom, only whatever came with the system.22:21
holsteinaissu: share the link, friend22:21
akurilinhisto, is there a core X log file that I should check out?22:21
aissuthen I tried ./oracle-xe configure  as suggested22:21
aissuand got an error22:21
holsteinakurilin: what hardware?22:22
histoakurilin: /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:22
aissubash: ./oracle-xe: Permission denied22:22
histoaissu: what are permissions on the file?  ls -l oracle-xe22:23
aissu here it is http://www.vivaolinux.com.br/dica/Instalando-Oracle-10g-xE-no-Ubuntu22:23
aissu-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19592 Ago 29  2011 oracle-xe22:23
histoaissu: chmod +x oracle-xe22:23
akurilinholstein, intel's on-chip HD460022:24
aissuhisto,  wow, got it !22:24
aissuthank you22:24
aissuholstein, histo, Jordan_U thank u! Done. Installation completed successfully.22:26
tacorwinI have a question for anyone that is willing to answer. What is your most favored application that you use(d) on the Windows platform that is not on Ubuntu?22:26
pelurso aissu do you know now what was the problem? :) not sure what your experience level was22:26
holsteintacorwin: i would try the #ubuntu-offtopic channel22:27
histotacorwin: I don't have any however itunes is a big one for a lot of people that come here.22:27
piccatacorwin: DrWatson22:27
tacorwinholstein: I didn't think of that. Sorry!22:27
tacorwinhisto: I will look into that one. Thanks!22:28
holsteintacorwin: no worries.. i used to miss winamp22:28
kellyguys i want to make a backup for the whole hard drive with clonezilla , should i format the external hard driver that i will save a backup on it ?22:28
tacorwinpicca: I will look into that too. I haven't head that one yet.22:28
kellyhard drive* sorry22:28
piccatacorwin: i was only joking :)22:28
wilee-nileekelly, Clonezilla save is packages.22:28
tacorwintapper: I think you can use Visio, i just need to test that a bit.22:28
holsteinkelly: i just follow the prompts in clonezilla22:28
tacorwinholstein: winamp?22:29
holsteintacorwin: when i switche to linux, i missed winamp22:29
kellywilee-nilee, thats mean i can use the externel hard drive without format it ?22:29
tacorwinpicca: Haha. Alright. :)22:29
anoneeI'm trying to install this script http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/where-is-this-icon-nautilus-script-ubuntu on ubuntu 12.04, I'm using GNOME 3.4 in fallback mode (GNOME Classic) and Nautilus 3.4.222:29
tacorwinholstein: I don't know what that is... haha! but i will look into it.22:30
wilee-nileekelly, Has to have a partition ntfs or ext does not matter, it does not write partitions, but saves packages to one.22:30
holsteintacorwin: that was years ago..i dont use winamp or windows anymore22:30
kellyaha i see thanx wilee-nilee22:30
aissupelur, i know chmod changes permissions, but i dunno what they were before and what they are now22:30
anoneebut when I right-click something, the "scripts" item is not showing22:30
tacorwinThanks for everones answer (joking or not). I will make sure to test most of them. I am part of the Ubuntu Manual team and I am creating an unofficial Wine on Ubuntu manual! :)22:31
yabbandroidi judt discovered that not all software from the ubuntu software center is in linux mint.. i was wondering how i could change that :s22:31
wilee-nileekelly, However I have seen a person use it to image a partition, not sure how to be honest.22:31
wilee-nileeit is a imager but in packages stock22:31
holsteintacorwin: i think office and itunes are the only ones to bother with.. and netflix22:31
k1lyabbandroid: use ubuntu and not mint22:32
yabbandroidyeah.. i used to22:32
tacorwinholstein: Office 2000-2010 work for the most part, give or take a few issues. iTunes is a failure. and i haven't tried Netflix.22:33
yabbandroidi know this is prolly not the place here just if anyone has an idea22:33
donnaclusUm I have a problem here22:33
donnaclusI can't see the menu or the launcher at all22:33
k1lyabbandroid: there is no more to discuss :/22:33
tacorwinjoin #ubuntu-offtopic22:33
tacorwindarn... i forgot the /22:33
holsteintacorwin: those are the 'deal breakers' i hear about.. and the other obvious pro apps. protools, lightroom, photoshop.. etc22:33
donnaclusanyone can help?22:34
tacorwinholstein: I will work on it.22:34
holsteintacorwin: i have landed at.. anyone can write software for linux/ubuntu.. and should if they want to22:35
holsteintacorwin: i dont feel like wine is something i can leave a new user with..22:35
usr13holstein: You can't use libreoffice and gimp etc.?22:35
holsteinusr13: i do.. im sayinf for those users who want/need office for example22:36
tacorwinholstein: If you look at the "Advanced Topics" or the Ubuntu manual, there is a minor section that i added about Wine.  I believe a new user can be left with it, as long as they know that not all software will work.22:36
donnaclusGuys, seriously I need help here...22:37
reisiodonnaclus: I believe you22:37
usr13holstein: There are no tricks to using wine, but I find very little need for it.22:37
donnaclusreisio: um, thanks22:37
usr13donnaclus: Unity?22:37
reisiodonnaclus: you're welcome22:37
wilee-nileeholstein, If you don't my asking, what is a good equalizer in raring, I just got some cool speakers and want to utilize them.22:37
donnaclususr13: I cannot see any sort of desktop environment.22:37
holsteinusr13: sure.. what im saying is, for example, my father *must* have office for work. i would not feel comfortable leaving hime in ubuntu, new, with wine for that purpose22:38
usr13donnaclus: Unity?22:38
donnaclususr13: had to open the terminal to access the chat22:38
tacorwindonnaclus:  key: "Ctrl+Alt+T"22:38
tacorwinthen key: compiz --replace22:38
reisioholstein: hrmm?22:38
usr13holstein: Why can't he use libreoffice?22:39
holsteinwilee-nilee: the stuff i use is overkill.. JACK audio stuff.. i would try the one in a player, or something iwth pulse... VLC has something22:39
wilee-nileetacorwin, from 12.10 up that command is wrong22:39
holsteinusr13: its for work.. i have had this talk with hiim for years.. he cant22:39
wilee-nileeholstein, Thanks. ;)22:39
reisioholstein: okay, so he refuses :p fair enough22:39
tacorwinwilee-nilee: I did not know that.22:39
reisioholstein: so what's the problem?22:39
holsteinusr13: we have tested.. its literally not an option til the workplace changes22:39
donnaclustacorwin: Now the windows are borderless.22:39
holsteinreisio: there is no problem22:39
reisiooh nice22:39
wilee-nileetacorwin, Easy mistake with compiz changing22:39
FranklerIf i were to download music off the internet do i at all need to worry about getting a virus? I'm using 12.0422:40
usr13holstein: I'm not really sure what the problem is. Lots and lots of us are using libreoffice and are find with it.22:40
reisiodonnaclus: that isn't necessarily abnormal with compiz, run the ccsm and add decorations22:40
tacorwindonnaclus: What does ther terminal say?22:40
reisiowilee-nilee: what is it now?22:40
reisioFrankler: essentially no22:40
holsteinusr13: sure.. but the bosse arent.. so he gets files that dont work.. i have seen them, and tested, and tried them. first hand.. on *many* versions of openoffice and libreoffice and googledocs22:40
reisioFrankler: even for Windows systems, true audio files rarely carry badware22:40
holsteinusr13: its not an option for what he is forced to use22:41
donnaclustacorwin: apparently it cannot find the opengl plugin. oh.22:41
wilee-nileereisio, here is one link. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/how-to-reset-unity-compiz-in-ubuntu-12-10-and-13-0422:41
usr13holstein: That's funny, I haven't.22:41
reisiowilee-nilee: so it's unity --reset instead of compiz --replace, or?22:41
usr13holstein: It seems to me that people imagine these problems.22:41
Franklerreisio:: same for video files? i know those can carry them, but would it do anything?22:41
holsteinusr13: yup.. and i said "no way,, give me those files" and they dont work22:42
foobar80i added "export PATH=${PATH}:/root/android/kernel/bin/ct-ng" to ~/.bashrc but when tried ct-ng , got command not found22:42
wilee-nileereisio, There are several commands you can rest unity just a few other things in the command I believe, I use the shell, so don't use it often.22:42
usr13holstein: Show me a file you have a problem with, let me see the problem.22:42
marsfligthDoes someone tried to use 'zfs' instead the default 'ext4'?22:42
reisioFrankler: I've never seen that, but you can make an executable (not a video) file _appear_ to be a video file in a number of trivial ways22:42
tacorwindonnaclus: not exactly sure if this is correct (someone confirm this please...), but in the Terminal, key: sudo apt-get install opengl22:42
holsteinusr13: i dont have them here.. im not at home22:42
wilee-nileereisio, Sorry you can reset compiz itself22:42
reisioFrankler: anyways, even if it were common, the chances you'd run into one that would be trouble to a Unix system is immensely small22:43
holsteinusr13: rendering in spreadsheets, etc22:43
reisiowilee-nilee: oh, what were you saying was changed, then?22:43
usr13holstein: Show me one.22:43
reisiomarsfligth: lots of people have22:43
holsteinusr13: its not a linux problem.. or a libreoffice issue..22:43
donnaclustacorwin: I think I will just need to pick a different graphics driver. :/ Any idea on how to access system settings from a terminal?22:43
holsteinusr13: i dont have them in front of me, friend22:43
reisioor an Ubuntu one :p22:43
wilee-nileereisio, with dconf behind dconf reset -f /org/compiz/22:43
usr13holstein: Ok22:43
holsteinusr13: i assure you, if i could switch him, i would have.. he cant use it at work22:44
reisiowilee-nilee: oh okay22:44
reisiohe should get a new job :) </conversation>22:44
wilee-nileereisio, I like unity I just use the shell, so I forget the commands other than the old ones do not work. ;)22:44
reisioyeah I didn't know you were talking about dconf :)22:44
reisioI don't use that, either :D22:44
marsfligthreisio: Is it stable/affordable?22:45
reisioshould be fun when GNOME adds another redundant configuration system22:45
holsteinreisio: that wasnt the point, anyways.. the point was, assuming a legitimate reason to use windows applcations, which is arguable, but not being debated.. i dont feel ike a new user can use wine22:45
reisiomarsfligth: zfs? It's gratis and open source, and quite stable, many enterprises prefer it22:45
holsteini dont feel comfortable leaving a new user with an application to run in wine like that..22:45
wilee-nileeyeah, like fallback 1, 2, 3, lol22:46
reisiomarsfligth: there's a learning curve if you want to maximally exploit it, but that's another matter :)22:46
usr13holstein: We can't solve any problems if you can't show them to us.22:46
marsfligthreisio: about performances is similar to ext4?22:46
holsteinusr13: there are no problems, friend22:46
reisioholstein: I think you said that already22:46
reisiomarsfligth: no it should be better, hence the preference22:46
PandeeHello, i am brand new with ubuntu so please forgive my trivial questions. I am trying to follow these instructions: http://howto.py.cz/english/app_a.xhtml step A.3 $HOME environment. It said to go to the home directory and mkdir bin lib and mkdir lib/python. I am looking at the folder and they aren't there nor are they hidden folders, and now when I try to make the folders again it says they already exist. Anyone know how this could be?22:46
tacorwindonnaclus: just type:  gnome-control-center22:46
holsteinusr13: this is not the libreoffice channel anyways.. and i dont consider it to be linux or libreoffice's job to replace office, nor deal with its files22:46
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donnaclustacorwin: done, thanks22:46
holsteini am not force to use office though22:46
tacorwindonnaclus: no problem :)22:47
reisiomarsfligth: ZFS has a license which is incompatible with the GPL (what GNU and Linux are licensed with) which makes it annoying to offer as a default22:47
reisiomarsfligth: it also has features that are quite excessive for most users22:47
jribPandee: it is better to pastebin actual commands and full output instead of just describing commands and output in your own words22:48
foobar80any comment >?22:48
reisioholstein: and yet they have replaced them :)22:48
reisiofoobar80: about?22:48
Pandeejrib: I could do that but it's only mkdir bin, i didnt want to make someone go to a new link for that22:48
jribPandee: you also say you don't see it.  What did you run and where that led you to that conclusion?22:49
marsfligthreisio: I read a bit about futures and I'm very interested on22:49
cjosephsoncan anyone here help with pulseaudio stuff in 12.04?22:49
histo!anyone | cjosephson22:49
ubottucjosephson: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:49
Pandeejrib: I was just trying to make the directories from the terminal, if that's what you mean22:49
jribPandee: pastebin actual commands and output22:49
marsfligthreisio: sorry, a question, ext4 is not GPL?22:49
reisiomarsfligth: it's easily the most generally preferred FS for enterprise solutions ATM22:49
histoPandee: Perhaps you made them in a different directory?22:49
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reisiomarsfligth: EXT4 is GPL22:49
jribPandee: I do not mind links to pastebin because it avoids playing twenty questions22:50
reisiomarsfligth: and is therefore included within the kernel itself22:50
histoPandee: if you mkdir bin   it will be there unless you receive an error22:50
foobar80reisio, i added "export PATH=${PATH}:/root/android/kernel/bin/ct-ng" to ~/.bashrc but when tried ct-ng , got command not found22:50
cjosephsonI'm trying to capture audio destined for the sound card, but nothing is being captured22:50
Pandeehisto: allen@ubuntu:/home$ sudo mkdir bin lib22:50
Pandeemkdir: cannot create directory `bin': File exists22:50
usr13holstein: I've been using Linux and openoffice/libreoffice and gimp and all the other open-source applications for a long time.  I have been in and out of these discussions many times, you can either believe me or not, but I've shifted a lot of people to linux and they've done just fine, as I have.22:50
usr13holstein: When you finally realize the advantages to open-source software, you'll be fine.22:50
Pandeeok, i'll put it in paste bin22:50
reisiofoobar80: sounds like an Android problem22:50
jribPandee: /home is not your $HOME and you shouldn't even have permission to mkdir there22:51
reisiousr13: also, avoiding proprietary binary formats in the first place helps22:51
cjosephsonI suspect it may be because there are no levels in the playback tab of pavucontrol... yet somehow sound plays. so I'm not sure where the audio is actually going22:51
usr13holstein: When you get over the "it's too hard for me" and "it's broke because it's different" ideas, you'll be fine.22:51
histoPandee: ls -l  and you will see bin22:51
marsfligthreisio: last question, in case of lost partition or data, has it tools to fix/re-construct the lost FS?22:51
holsteinusr13: i have to, and i cant switch him.. i will be glad to get you the files in question fom the last time i tried.. but its not me you need to convincee22:52
wilee-nileeusr13, You are an idiot22:52
jribwilee-nilee: please refrain from that22:52
holsteinusr13: i dont use office. and i dont want to, but i assure you my father has to for work22:52
foobar80reisio, I've tried ./ct-ng and it works without issue22:52
reisiomarsfligth: yes it has its own implementation of something very much resembling raid, although raid is not really a backup solution22:52
usr13wilee-nilee: Thank you.  Would you care to elaborate on that just a bit?22:52
Pandeejrib: Oh, by home they meant just /22:52
holsteinusr13: the point im making is the user-friendliness of wine.. nt that i have a way to "fix" that22:52
reisiomarsfligth: nor is that really the purpose of an FS22:52
reisiomarsfligth: talk to #zfsonlinux22:52
jribPandee: no.  $HOME means your home directory which is usually /home/username22:53
Pandeejrib: oh i see22:53
wilee-nileejrib, No problem however passive aggressive pseudo hierarchical abuse is an idiots game.22:53
jribPandee: you can « echo $HOME » to see its value22:53
Pandeejrib: I'll give that a shot really fast22:53
usr13holstein: Wine either works or it doesn't. I don't see any user-friendleness involved.22:53
marsfligththank for all your help22:53
reisiomarsfligth: you might also look into btrfs, which has the theoretical potential to be all that ZFS is and more22:53
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reisiobut is much less mature22:53
lolcatreisio: no22:53
jribwilee-nilee: well you can dispute the argument (I wasn't actually reading before your comment) but no need to attack the person22:53
reisiololcat: plantain22:54
tacorwinholstein: There are many problems for using wine, but it can be helpful to some users that would like to use some common programs from Windows on Ubuntu.22:54
holsteinusr13: this is far past on topic.. i can discuss it in the offtopic channel if you want.. wine is not something i leave a new user with22:54
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histoPandee: also don't use sudo to create teh directories in your home22:54
lolcatreisio: btrfs people will even tell you they have completly diffrent use cases22:54
reisiololcat: they'd be wrong22:54
Pandeehisto: okay22:54
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lolcatreisio: They made the derp22:54
usr13holstein: Ok.22:54
Pandeehisto: i had thought it might've been a permissions thing22:54
reisiofew selections of two FSes have completely different use cases :p22:54
reisiololcat: who did? People in an irc channel? :p22:54
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marsfligthreisio: can I use 'btrfs' on Ubuntu precise?22:54
reisiomarsfligth: if you want22:55
lolcatWhat is the best way for me to play Age Of Empires II on ubuntu? I need lan functionality22:55
lolcatreisio: yes22:55
reisioyou can use pretty much any FS with pretty much any Unix system to varying degrees22:55
usr13wilee-nilee: See my PM22:55
reisiololcat: uhuh :p22:55
Pandeehisto: This OS environment is very very different from windows!22:55
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jriblolcat: check appdb?22:55
jrib!appdb | lolcat22:55
Pandeehisto: but i think i like it22:55
ubottulolcat: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:55
jrib!terminal | Pandee22:55
ubottuPandee: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:56
reisioPandee: it can be the same if you want it to be, but do you? :p22:56
jribPandee: I'd suggest some of the tutorial listed in that link to get a little more comfortable on the command line22:56
lolcatjrib: wine is pretty much gardbadge for lan play22:56
checoimgWhat's the advantage of BTRFS ?22:56
jriblolcat: ok22:56
tacorwinlolcat: true. very true22:56
reisiochecoimg: over what?22:56
jribchecoimg: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Btrfs22:56
usr13holstein: I do not recommend using wine to run MS Office, if you really think you need it, I'd run MS Windows in VB.22:56
reisiololcat: garbage how?22:56
holsteinlolcat: do they make a native linux version?22:57
reisioholstein: meaning VirtualBox22:57
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checoimgAFAIK Ext4 does a Great work22:57
holsteinusr13: sure. and i dont think either is something a new user can appriciate22:57
lolcatreisio: In the sense that it won't really work at all over LAN22:57
reisioext4 is quite good22:57
checoimgOver Ext422:57
reisiobut it's a minor improvement over ext3, which is a minor improvement over ext2, which is quite an old design22:57
usr13holstein: Nothing hard about virtualbox22:57
tacorwinWine can be helpful, but is a pain22:57
reisiololcat: what errors do you get?22:57
histochecoimg: no advantage at the moment22:57
holsteinusr13: its not "normal".. and its not something a user had to deal with in windows previously22:58
jribreisio: the wheel is a pretty old design ;)22:58
reisiothe advantage of btrfs is that it's GPL :)22:58
columbHow do I know which system packages was affected by "sudo apt-get purge vk*"? Accidentally done it...  Console screen is wiped.22:58
usr13holstein: ... it's like moving from one application to another, (only it's one set of applications to another set).  Nothing hard or mysterious.22:58
reisiojrib: the wheel is a pretty old concept22:58
checoimgWhat I recall is that Ext4 can have 16 TB files22:58
reisiojrib: modern designs are quite different22:58
Pandeejrib: Thanks jrib22:58
holsteinusr13: it doesnt work when i set that up for a new user.. i have.. and it doesnt work, unless i launch it for them each time22:58
reisiojrib: making a wheel from scratch out of wood and aluminum are different22:58
checoimgmaybe a grep vk*22:58
checoimgI dunno how to use grep22:59
checoimgbur last I recall it gets names22:59
DrekAlotsis there a way to the app launcher from the left side of the screen to say the bottom?22:59
reisiochecoimg: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems22:59
jribreisio: current wheel design came from minor improvements though.  Anyway, I don't agree with the argument that something be old is necessarily bad.  But I also wasn't being completely serious :P22:59
Jordan_Uchecoimg: histo: I would say that there are manyu advantages to running btrfs over ext4 (checksumming, snapshots, cp --reflink, background scrub) but there are also large disadvantegs (stability, needing to keep up with the latest kernels).22:59
aaron_I just installed and all works except wifi, broadcom driver listed in Additional Drivers, but error on install23:00
reisiojrib: I already said it was good :p23:00
histoJordan_U: lvm23:00
aaron_I searched web for answers first23:00
aaron_need some guidance23:00
reisioit's also a very old design, and consequently fundamentally less efficient23:00
lolcatreisio: just cant connect23:00
reisiocomputer software isn't the same as everything else23:00
lolcatreisio: Guess it has been a while since I tried23:00
histoaaron_: maybe if you let us know the error we could help you?23:00
reisioit may well be that human beings are most efficient hunting and gathering in the woods, for example23:00
jribchecoimg: didn't apt-get tell you what it was going to do?23:00
checoimgAnd BTRFS is trying to match NTFS but I don't use NTFS because it loses files when a large amount of files are in the HDD23:00
Jordan_Uhisto: Doesn't provide checksumming, cp --reflink, or background scrub, and its snapshots are much less efficient.23:00
reisiobut computer software is less complicated23:00
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
reisiololcat: read all the comments at http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=4184 ?23:01
checoimgI think it does install23:01
checoimgIf you tell it sudo apt-get install vk*23:01
checoimgthen it install but let me try23:01
Jordan_Uchecoimg: Btrfs is not trying to match ntfs in any way. Ntfs has nothing like the capabilities of a true copy on write filesystem (like btrfs and zfs).23:01
aaron_histo, says to check jockey.log, and that shows:23:02
aaron_WARNING: /sys/module/wl/drivers does not exist, cannot rebind wl driver23:02
aaron_2013-07-18 15:58:57,306 DEBUG: BroadcomWLHandler enabled(): kmod disabled, bcm43xx: blacklisted, b43: blacklisted, b43legacy: blacklisted23:02
sixyearsofdreamswhoooo livesss in a pinaple under da seaa! ;d23:02
checoimgYeah Copy-on-write, What is that exactly  ?23:03
checoimgI remember you can have snapshots of the File System23:03
DrekAlotsis there a way to the app launcher from the left side of the screen to say the bottom?23:04
reisiochecoimg: wikipedia knows23:04
reisioDrekAlots: yes there is, but I don't know an easy way to tell you :)23:04
reisioDrekAlots: you might check with the tweak tool23:04
checoimg:P Yeah I'm checking there now23:05
tacorwinDrekALots: the only way i can think is installing XFCE or LXDE, and customizing it a bit.23:06
reisioalthough at that point it'd be fairly different from Unity23:06
reisiosome would say23:07
DrekAlotshm. ok.23:07
tacorwinIt would be, yes.23:07
* DrekAlots has issues with that bar on the left.23:07
reisiodepends on how attached you are to the smaller details23:07
tacorwinI found a way...23:08
reisioit would still have panels and windows, some people only notice those bits23:08
=== lux_ is now known as Guest71949
tacorwinIt's a little out dated, so i dont know if it will work, DrekAlots23:08
DrekAlotsi'll look into that.23:08
tacorwinDrekAlots: what version of Ubuntu are you using?23:09
tappercolumb: grep purge /var/log/dpkg.log23:10
tacorwinDrekAlots: heres an updated version: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/11/install-ubuntu-unity-bottom-launcher.html23:11
cc0dehi there23:11
=== pau8_ is now known as petau
pentestrI have a macbook air. I was able to make a bootable usb drive. How do you make is persistent?23:11
reisiocc0de: hi23:12
cc0de=) i'am new here ! LOL > Reisio23:12
reisiopentestr: all of it?23:12
reisiocc0de: hi again, then ;)23:12
cc0deLol, thanks :D23:12
checoimgI dunno about how the persistence is working this days23:13
cuddylierI am using a program that uses MySQL but it keeps saying: WARNING Setting daemon info failed, please update your database.23:13
cuddylierAnyone know what that might mean?23:13
histo!persistence | pentestr23:13
ubottupentestr: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence23:13
checoimgBut you can install Ubuntu in the USB23:13
histo!usb | pentestr23:13
ubottupentestr: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:13
histocuddylier: The program might not be communicating with mysql properly23:14
aaron_can anyone advise me about the wireless driver install I mentioned above?23:14
cuddylierI have other instances of the program connecting to the database fine23:14
cuddylierI tried flushing hosts already23:14
cuddylierIs there anything else I should try?23:14
reisioaaron_: above?23:14
aaron_It's similar to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jockey/+bug/94920623:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 949206 in jockey (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 12.04 fails to install broadcom STA drivers" [Undecided,Invalid]23:14
aaron_But I see multiple solutions and then some note about things being superseded23:15
aaron_I don't follow that thread and need guidance about what to do23:15
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
pentestrthanks for the links23:19
zengrhello is it possible to continuously rsync a remote from the local machine?23:31
reisiozengr: cross posting kills hot women23:35
reisiodo you want that on your conscience?23:35
=== uriah is now known as Guest36781
g3org3shey all , quick question i am using ssh to connect to my ubuntu server. i just want to save a file from the server to my local computer. i saw some scp commands but i dont think my computer is listening on ssh. any ideas ?23:36
Guest36781I need help, anyone know Musix GNU?23:36
reisioGuest36781: what do you need help with?23:37
Guest36781Installing new programs23:38
reisiog3org3s: scp user@remote.ip.here.man:path/to/file ./local/path/optional23:38
reisiog3org3s: or just use sshfs and make your life simpler23:38
reisioGuest36781: what part is causing trouble?23:38
Guest36781What do I use, I can't find a prgram to run .deb files or .tar.bz23:39
reisioGuest36781: dpkg, the Debian package manager23:39
aaron_someone please help, I can't get the broadcom drivers to install on my 12.04 installation23:39
reisioGuest36781: but why aren't you installing from a repository23:39
Guest36781Where/how would I do that?23:40
Metatron_What utility can I use to search the web with keywords, and then download the top hits from that search engine. I was thinking of integrating wget somehow, but not doing the manual command line entering of each url to download each page hit.23:40
g3org3sreisio it says transfered, but i cant find the file on my local pc :s can it be blocked somehow ?23:40
k1lGuest36781: why dont you use the programs that ubuntu ships?23:40
euxnekshowdy all, what's the best way to open a port on my wireless connection without using a CLI?23:40
reisioGuest36781: with any number of package manager frontends: apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, software center23:40
euxneksI'm lazy23:41
reisiog3org3s: it's wherever you said for it to go23:41
reisiog3org3s: what command did you run?23:41
Guest36781What about Sudo, is that supported on Msuix?23:41
k1lGuest36781: you are mixing things23:41
g3org3sscp root@ip:file.abc /root/Desktop23:41
reisioGuest36781: sudo works on any GNU/Linux system23:42
Metatron_Reading about libferris right now.23:42
=== misty is now known as Guest61598
reisioGuest36781: but as k1l suggests... sudo is one (silly) way of getting root privileges _so_ you can use a package manager23:42
k1lg3org3s: you did work as root or with sudo.23:42
g3org3sk1l yes i did, i can even see transfer bar saying its done, i just cant see the file23:43
k1lg3org3s: and to put stuff on that desktop of root is a bad idea. you shouldnt be running a gui as root23:43
Guest36781And one more thing, which folder do I look in to find Program files like Hydrogen Drum Machine? I'm trying to transfer my Drumkits to my USB flash but I can't find them.23:43
clue_hHi, I'm thinking of setting up an bootable usb with an iso for windows but from within ubuntu. I want to do this so i can flash my BIOS. Is it possible to do this by partitioning the usb, placing iso files in one as to install on the second23:43
clue_hif not i will try something more sensible23:44
k1lg3org3s: that is the problem with the misuse of sudo and root. you give stuff rights they dont need.23:44
clue_h[no cdrom]23:44
Metatron_Something like this: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Other-Internet-Related/Web-Page-Search-Tool.shtml23:44
g3org3sk1l its just a debian distro that i use really occasionally23:44
euxneksis ubuntu still using iptables?23:44
Guest36781Clue_h: Yeah, unplug the HDD from the computer and plug in the USB and see reboot your computer with the windows disk inside23:44
k1lg3org3s: its bad behaviour.23:44
g3org3sk1l is there any other solution?23:45
k1lg3org3s: learn to use your stuff like its meant to be. you put it into /root/Desktop, where your user is not allowed to read23:45
=== Aww is now known as [[Aww]]
=== Guest36781 is now known as Mudack
uwhi movie player has crashed and i cant close the window23:46
uwhow can i close this>?23:46
uwwhat process should i kill?23:46
clue_hps ax  | grep movieplayer23:46
Metatron_Got it, http://www.httrack.com/page/1/en/index.html thanks for the help chaps :)23:46
clue_huw, then find the pid, kill -9 PID23:46
g3org3sk1l ur not being very helpful , i am asking for a solution , not morals23:47
uwclue_h, nothing is shown for grep movieplayer or movie*23:47
uwi must be called something else23:47
clue_huw, the name of your program will be slightly different to 'movieplayer'23:47
clue_huw, system monitor23:47
k1lg3org3s: i told you that its in /root/Desktop23:47
clue_huw, from the hud23:47
MudackMy terminal is being a jerk, please help23:48
cstewartthis might help http://askubuntu.com/questions/13441/how-to-kill-applications23:48
clue_huw, and PID is the process identifier number23:49
g3org3sk1l i found the problem, i was running the command from the ssh, while I should have been running it from console on local pc.... thanks for the help anyway23:49
k1lg3org3s: you can copy it from there with sudo into your users /home folder. you will need to set the rights properly with chown23:49
MudackMusix GNU + Linux 2.0, anybody know why I can't have new applications?23:49
uwthanks clue_h  turns out it was called "totem"23:49
uwwtf would they name it that then call it "movie player" in the top of the window, beats me23:49
clue_huw, ah i see now lol23:50
uwi saw the movie icon in system monitor, like you suggested23:50
uwthat worked23:50
semitonesuw: yeah for lots of things it helps a lot to know the real name of the application. I don't know why they insist on making it confusing23:50
uwthanks again and take care clue_h23:50
uwsemitones, beats me too23:50
clue_huw, cool hope that program behaves in future23:50
MudackAnybody know Musix GNU 2.0?23:52
clue_hMudack, thanks for earlier, i think i'll do it that way instead of using an .iso23:53
reisioyeah I know Musix GNU 2.023:53
FranklerShould I install any other media players besides parole? All i need to be able to do is play mp3s, cds, and watch dvd23:53
reisiofool owes me $5023:53
reisioFrankler: umm... does it do those things?23:53
semitonesreisio: I heard he skipped town23:54
reisioif yes { question answered }23:54
clue_hFrankler, mplayer is good from bash, and vlc is good23:54
reisiosemitones: I heard that, but I heard it was two of 'em23:54
MudackClue_h: No problem, that's how I got Ubuntu23:54
Franklerclue_h do they do anything better than parole? I'm just wondering if I need multiple ones23:55
reisioclue_h: and doesn't use gstreamer $23:55
Mudackreisio: DO you know how to get new programs to work on it? I can't seem to win with this thing.23:55
reisioFrankler: need, no23:55
reisioFrankler: mplayer is nice to have, 'cause invariably you will find that it does something no other player does :)23:55
reisioFrankler: but just for those things you listed, almost any will do23:55
Franklerreisio: what is it that mplayer does? haha23:55
reisioMudack: like which program?23:55
reisioFrankler: mplayer? mplayer does my laundry and bakes me pies, man23:55
MudackSkype specifically23:55
reisioit does it all23:55
clue_hmplayer, is a nice thing to have, it does a lot23:55
reisioFrankler: if you used gnome-mplayer as a frontend, you could use virtually _just_ mplayer23:56
reisioand still have the commandline mplayer there, too23:56
reisioMudack: that should be in some repo if it's an Ubuntu distro23:56
reisioMudack: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype23:56
Franklerreisio: sounds like too much power for 1 program23:56
Mudackreisio: thanks for the help, i'll be in touch, soon hopefully.23:57
Franklerclue_h: thanks!!23:57
reisioFrankler: it is23:57
reisiosometimes I have to use an mplayer process to curb the power of other mplayer processes23:58
reisiothe only thing strong enough to stop it is itself23:58
Franklerreisio: does that mean not even the NSA can shut it down?23:58
Mudackreisio: Thank you, it's working now.23:59

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