
Unit193Reminder about the meeting tomorrow.02:09
skellatMy reports were submitted to the mailing list in case I don't make it.  My morning Thursday is looking to be a bit fluid schedule-wise.02:21
pleia2skellat: thanks :)04:39
Unit193I had action items too, 1. Thanks to the people that tested, and plei, email was sent but heard not a thing back.  2. New ISO spin, 0.0.7 (released 07-14) hasn't hit the system-compositor-testing repo yet, so nothing to do.04:46
micahgI might not be around for the meeting05:01
=== lderan_ is now known as lderan-work
knomelooks like many might not be around.08:44
lderan-workoh knome with the vote linking, is that just for within moin, for the bot09:25
lderan-workwill be able to finish that this evening a put it up for merging :D09:25
JCDany idea why `chown 1:1 /dir/file` does not work?10:03
knomeJCD, please ask the support channel10:10
knomelderan-work, it'd be great if we could link the votes to the html output logs10:10
lderan-workokay sounds good10:11
=== lderan_ is now known as lderan-work
JCDsolved it was the binary itself that was broken12:47
* elfy won't be back in time for the meeting 12:57
bluesabreI'll be here for the meeting, hopefully :)13:24
bluesabr1Screenshots for the user-config app Mugshot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5887544/13:37
=== bluesabr1 is now known as bluesabre
micahgbluesabre: looking forward to your gksu removal trick13:47
bluesabremicahg, sure thing :)13:48
bluesabreits basically my own implementation using pexpect13:48
bluesabreit also seems I should look into porting pexpect to python313:49
knomebluesabre, if you'll be here for the meeting, can you chair?13:51
knomei'm going to miss the meeting as well13:51
micahgknome: reschedule for tomorrow at 15:00?13:52
knomei would have been missing that as well, but our schedules changed today, so maybe... otoh, i might as well miss it then.13:52
knome(rescheduling still in progress)13:52
knomei would say go on with the meeting, and if people think we need another one, we can meet up tomorrow impromptu13:53
knomeso let's say, ping people tomorrow at 15UTC as well if they are around and if they want to discuss further13:53
knomedoes that make sense to you?13:54
bluesabreknome: maybe, never done it before, and I might have something here at work at that time :(13:54
knomeif you can't, np13:54
knomesomebody will13:54
knomeat least do #startmeeting and #chair all team members who are around13:54
bluesabresyntax is #startmeeting Xubuntu team meeting?13:56
knomeand yeah13:56
knomeand if you don't remember the meeting name.. nvm it them13:56
knomei also revamped https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology earlier13:56
bluesabreok, I can probably do that at least :)13:56
knomethat should be pretty clear13:56
knome(and the #chair syntax is: #chair nick1 nick2 nick3...)13:57
knomethat allows others to run the meeting and change topics if you have to go away13:57
bluesabreworks for me13:57
knomeok, bbl13:58
lderan-worki will be here for the meeting, tho intermittent due to work14:31
bluesabrecool, I won't be alone :)14:43
* micahg won't be here14:43
bluesabreochosi: ping14:57
bluesabreUnit193 mrpouit pleia2?14:59
bluesabreanybody else here for the meeting?15:00
bluesabre#startmeeting Xubuntu Community Meeting15:01
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jul 18 15:01:05 2013 UTC.  The chair is bluesabre. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired15:01
bluesabrechair pleia215:01
bluesabre#chair pleia215:01
meetingologyCurrent chairs: bluesabre pleia215:01
bluesabreknome can't make it, or elfy, micahg, and probably ochosi15:01
bluesabreso this will probably be a short meeting at best15:02
* pleia2 nods15:02
bluesabrepleia2, do you want to lead the meeting, this is new to me :D15:03
* pleia2 just woke up15:03
bluesabreI can just paste the things knome usually posts :)15:03
* pleia2 opens last meeting log15:03
bluesabre#topic Items carried on15:04
bluesabre#subtopic Open action items from previous meeting15:04
bluesabre#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings#Xubuntu.2BAC8-Meetings.2BAC8-Archive.2BAC8-Minutes.2BAC8-2013-07-11.Action_items.2C_by_person15:04
pleia2I had one with gridcube to start social media stuff for the desktop wallpaper submissions15:04
pleia2but I haven't heard from him about that yet15:04
bluesabrecool, its been neat to see progress on that stuff :)15:05
bluesabre#info A new app for setting user profile image and details: Mugshot15:05
bluesabre#link https://launchpad.net/mugshot15:05
bluesabrewith a daily ppa:15:06
bluesabre#link https://launchpad.net/~mugshot-dev/+archive/daily15:06
bluesabreand screenshots:15:06
bluesabre#link http://paste.ubuntu.com/5887544/15:06
bluesabreDo we want something like this in xubuntu?15:07
pleia2#action pleia2 and GridCube prepare the social media broadcasting for desktop showcase15:07
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 and GridCube prepare the social media broadcasting for desktop showcase15:07
pleia2so the installer used to have (still has?) the thing where it takes your picture15:08
pleia2is that what this is meant to address?15:08
bluesabreyeah, but there is no way to change it after you install15:08
pleia2ah, gotcha15:08
bluesabreand since lightdm-gtk-greeter now supports and shows user profile images, it makes it easy to change that15:08
pleia2I think it's a good idea15:09
pleia2even chromeos has one, and it's barely got anything :)15:09
bluesabre#action bluesabre to discuss with team possible inclusion of mugshot15:10
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre to discuss with team possible inclusion of mugshot15:10
bluesabresince nobody is here :D15:10
pleia2yeah :)15:11
bluesabre#action bluesabre to possibly coordinate testing mugshot with elfy15:11
meetingologyACTION: bluesabre to possibly coordinate testing mugshot with elfy15:11
bluesabreanything else for previous action items?15:12
pleia2seems like that's it15:13
bluesabre#topic Team updates15:13
bluesabreother than mugshot, nothing new from me since last week15:13
bluesabreochosi has been working on a new alt-tab switcher update for 4.1215:13
pleia2#info We now have stickers available for shipment worldwide via Unixstickers.com15:13
pleia2#link http://www.unixstickers.com/xubuntu15:13
pleia2they've been awesome :)15:14
bluesabreI'll order some when I get paid tomorrow15:14
pleia2in return they'll be sending me stickers every so often (usually they do profit sharing, but it's difficult for us to accept)15:14
pleia2so sticker sharing!15:14
bluesabrethats pretty awesome15:15
bluesabre#info ochosi has been working on a new alt-tab switcher update for 4.1215:15
bluesabreand I don't know what anyone else has been up to15:16
pleia2#info knome has been working on some theme improvements to xubuntu.org15:16
bluesabrethats exciting15:16
pleia2#info we're launching our "Xubuntu at..." series of interviews with orgs using Xubuntu tomorrow15:16
pleia2if anyone has suggestions on orgs to interview, let me know :)15:17
lderan-workooo that is cool15:17
bluesabreI'll probably bug folks on g+ about that15:18
bluesabreanything else?  did we talk about the SRU docs update at the last meeting?15:18
pleia2yeah we did, I did a call for writing them15:20
pleia2#info jjfrv8 has been doing great work on the backport of 12.04 docs, we're on schedule to complete by Aug 1st15:20
bluesabreready to move to announcements?15:21
slickymaster_pleia2, sorry if it's off-topic, but in the last meeting it was decided, regarding the Mir tests in a VM setup to report any bugs/crashes to you. How do we do that, through the mailing list?15:21
pleia2slickymaster_: so we've already finished that - collecting info was for a report sent to the list and Jono to get some eyeballs of a Mir developer on it15:22
pleia2unfortunately we haven't heard anything back yet :( so for now I think testing is paused until we can get some kind of feedback on how to move forwards15:23
slickymaster_pleia2, OK. Thanks, anyway15:23
slickymaster_pleia2, yes and the clock is ticking15:24
pleia2slickymaster_: thank you though! your efforts will be valuable in the very near future :)15:24
pleia2I should probably follow up with Unit193's email, it's been almost a week15:24
pleia2#action pleia2 to follow up with Mir email asking for an update15:24
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to follow up with Mir email asking for an update15:24
slickymaster_pleia2, you're welcome15:24
bluesabreanything else for team updates?15:25
pleia2I think that's it :)15:26
bluesabre#topic Announcements15:26
bluesabreanything to add here?15:26
pleia2nothing from me15:27
bluesabreme either15:28
bluesabremoving on...15:29
bluesabre#topic New and emerging items15:29
bluesabre#subtopic Proposal for more structured handling of Xubuntu bugs15:29
bluesabreI figured this one is postponed until next meeting15:29
pleia2skellat: sent a note to the list15:30
pleia2but now I can't find it in the archives O_o15:30
pleia2I think something changed with mailing list archives, they used to show up pretty much immediately but now they're lagged a lot15:31
pleia2I'll pastebin it for now15:31
pleia2#link http://paste.ubuntu.com/5887901/15:32
pleia2so I *think* what he means is that we shouldn't have our own bug team, but instead maybe just convince more folks to look at joining bug squad?15:32
bluesabrethat's what I get from it as well15:33
bluesabreis the bug squad bug finders or bug fixers?15:33
bluesabre(or bug makers)15:34
lderan-workthink they are bug fixers15:34
pleia2triage and possibly15:35
lderan-worktriagers of the bugs?15:35
pleia2I think mostly keeping an eye out on what's there, bringing things to our attention15:35
pleia2lderan-work: yes15:35
slickymaster_IMO, I think they have a wide scope, from bug finders to bug triagers and to bug fixers15:35
pleia2I think the trouble is now we have a big list of bugs, and only our devs are looking at them (and they have precious, valuable time :))15:36
bluesabrelots of bugs, few devs with fewer resources15:36
bluesabreanything else we want to add to this, or other new items?15:38
pleia2I'm done15:38
bluesabre#subtopic Schedule next meeting15:39
bluesabrepleia2: I leave this to you :)15:39
pleia2we should hold off on this until more folks are around :)15:40
pleia2and I'm not going to be here next week anyway15:40
bluesabrewe can be cruel and schedule this for a time convenient to us in the US15:40
pleia2knome never sleeps, it'll be fine15:40
bluesabre#nick team15:41
bluesabre#info team to schedule next meeting when more of the team is around15:41
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jul 18 15:41:45 2013 UTC.  15:41
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-07-18-15.01.moin.txt15:41
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2013/xubuntu-devel.2013-07-18-15.01.html15:41
pleia2thanks bluesabre! :)15:41
bluesabrethanks pleia2, slickymaster_, and lderan-work!15:42
slickymaster_thanks bluesabre, pleia215:42
slickymaster_oh, and lderan-work15:42
lderan-worki did nothing so \o/15:43
slickymaster_see you all15:43
bluesabreknome will do some fancy stuff with the minutes later (maybe/probably)15:43
elfybluesabre: just shout when you want to catch up with ^^ - just not yet :)16:12
* skellat is finally back from an unplanned jaunt into Lake County16:13
skellatpleia2: It was late when I wrote the e-mail.  We don't have the resources to have our own dedicated team.  People can proceed on their own **but** that is about all we can do at this point.16:14
skellatpleia2: So yeah, you broke through my regrettable lapse into corporate-hack jargon with relative ease16:15
* skellat wanders off to get hands-on with a Raspberry Pi for surgery16:15
bluesabreskellat, that sounds dangerous16:25
bluesabreelfy, sure thing, now's not best for me either, but let me know what info you need16:26
Unit193Thing is, if you do bugsquad you get tons more {email,notifications} than just the Xubuntu related stuff, but maybe that's me.  Mir team didn't see VM support as something that has to be there for 13.10, but recently got a bump for a Unity dev about it.17:04
knomei'm back.18:19
=== synaptix is now known as caboose85S
knome+1 for mugshot18:20
knomepleia2, can we do a template for the "Xubuntu at..." series? a wikipage would serve the purpose fine18:21
knomere: bug squad, some of us are already part of that via indirect memberships from other teams18:23
knomemaybe not the top-level team that has control over everything, but i think at least me and pleia2 can do bug importances18:23
knomeand all of our devs too18:23
pleia2"You are not a member of this team." ha ha! not even indirectly!18:27
pleia2(i am a member of everything else somehow)18:27
Unit193I just have the ubuntu-docs bug spamming me. :P18:28
=== caboose85S is now known as synaptix
skellatknome: Noskcaj and I are recent direct members of bug squad FWIW18:34
knomeskellat, that's good18:35
skellatYeah, we're not top-level controllers which are the ones who can set importance18:36
skellatThat would be you and pleia2 however you have that access via indirect membership18:36
elfy<knome> re: bug squad, some of us are already part of that via indirect memberships from other teams - that'll be why I suddenly get mails for bugs that mean nothing to me then 18:37
knomeelfy, lol, probably18:37
knomeelfy, just filter them out ;)18:37
knomei'm filtering out a lot of stuff18:38
knomesome of it might be semi-important, but people will let me know i missed something18:38
knomei missed the sponsorship granted -email for the first UDS, so...18:38
knome(went to spam)18:38
elfyI do the filtering with a cup of tea - ignore, ignore, ignore ... 18:38
knomei have a few dozen filters in thunderbird18:38
elfyyea - me too18:39
bluesabrewhat, I figured you were a claws or silpheed user knome18:40
bluesabreor elm18:40
knomebluesabre, nah18:40
knomei have a very customized TB though18:41
* ochosi uses claws-mail (which might also be a reason why there are two nice icon-themes for it ;))18:42
Unit193bluesabre: Use alpine!18:42
bluesabreUnit193: do you even use a graphical env? :D18:42
bluesabreoh yeah, xombrero18:42
knomeanything that does the job is fine18:43
pleia2(just kidding, I don't use it that much anymore)18:43
Unit193bluesabre: I'll have you know, I have 4 terminals (3 with screen, 1 tmux), pcmanfm, firefox, and skype open. :P18:43
pleia2ochosi: lmk if you'd rather send info to Sonny, you're the only address I'm waiting on before I send the batch over to him18:43
knomepleia2, i sent his18:44
knomepleia2, you got CC18:44
pleia2I don't read your emails18:44
bluesabreright to /dev/null18:45
pleia2I assumed you were sending your address, I didn't think to actually read it :)18:45
knomeyeah, talking about filters..18:45
ochosipleia2: so wait, you need my address again? i can quickly PM it18:45
knomemy address will be in the form18:45
knomeochosi, she doesn't18:45
pleia2alright, then we have them all then18:45
pleia2ochosi: sorry, thanks anyway :)18:45
ochosinp ;)18:46
ochosisorry i missed the meeting18:46
ochosiwasn't really foreseeable18:46
knomeheh, same here18:46
knomeexcept that it was18:46
knomei just didn't remember that astraljava et avec were coming here today :P18:47
ochosiyeah, i just returned from germany, so i had some stuff to take care of18:47
pleia2knome: you haven't sent form yet, right?18:51
Unit193pleia2: You haz reply, they don't like me. :(18:51
knomepleia2, no, but it's on my todo list for today18:52
pleia2k thx18:53
pleia2Unit193: I think they just needed an Action Required nudge :)18:53
pleia2easy to forget that we were left hanging18:53
Unit193(Kidding.)  Well, I don't even see 0.0.7 in there yet, but if you *really* want, I can spin one up...  I did just lose my secondary buildd/generator/etc a few minutes ago, though. :/18:54
bluesabremake a TODO file with "help xubuntu", then do a merge request with that to their trunk18:55
knomeok, sent the form18:56
* pleia2 gives knome a gold star18:56
knomeit was ready, all done, for like weeks18:56
knomebut didn't get to email it18:56
pleia2Unit193: if you want, I'm inclined to just do a vanilla install myself and then follow the instrcutions on http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/installing_prebuilt_on_pc.html18:57
knome3rd of June.18:57
pleia2yeah I do that all the time18:57
pleia2paperwork is boring18:57
elfybluesabre: "but let me know what info you need" - what it is, where it is, is it working now, what do you want the test to do 18:58
elfyabout sums it up :)18:58
elfyI'll look in here tomorrow18:59
bluesabreelfy: it's an app that lets you change your user profile image (as seen on the login screen), user details (as seen with the finger command), (some) libreoffice user settings, and pidgin buddy icon19:00
ochosieh, too late :}19:00
bluesabreit does work now, will release 0.1 tonight19:01
bluesabreyeah I know19:01
Unit193Not for forestpiskie.19:01
bluesabreI'll tag forestpiskie a few times :)19:01
knomeochosi, not really, forestpiskie is here19:01
ochosiright, forestpiskie ...19:01
bluesabre(or you guys can do it for me)19:01
ochosihopefully he won't get cocky with so much attention/highlighting going on!19:02
bluesabreforestpiskie: testing would be good to make sure functionality is good for multiple people, including webcam-support19:02
bluesabreusage details can be seen with the built-in help button (which depends on yelp for now, but there are many who would prefer otherwise)19:03
bluesabreforestpiskie: I'll probably also write a blog post later with lots of details19:17
knomepleia2, GridCube: checked the url i sent earlier?19:25
pleia2knome: that's nice19:26
GridCubeoh :D i like it19:27
GridCubevery professional looking :)19:27
knomegood - then go use it19:28
pleia2then we should announce this thing soon19:28
pleia2poor xubuntu.org, months without posts and then I'm flooding it19:29
knomewe also need to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing/ (or create a subpage) with dA19:29
pleia2and stickers19:30
knomei would probably do a simple frontpage with marketing audience19:30
pleia2I shall create a bug, because right now I am working19:30
pleia2for the website19:30
knomethen link to projects / social media / ideas19:30
GridCubedone :)19:30
knomei can update the wiki now19:30
knomepleia2, ^ does that sound sensible?19:30
pleia2knome: yep19:31
knomeoki, i'll go ahead19:31
pleia2knome: oh, and we actually have to create the page on our website that showcases the showcased images ;)19:32
bluesabreGridCube: just sent a join request :)19:32
pleia2and figure out how GridCube should send them to us (dA link each week?)19:32
knomeif you want, you can file a bug19:32
pleia2I will file bug19:32
knomeor look at the permissions and make people do it themself19:32
GridCubebluesabre, as member? its auto accepted :) but if you want i can make you an admin19:33
bluesabreI'll just be a member for now :)19:34
bluesabreah, cool :)19:34
ochosiGridCube: looks cool! great initiative19:35
knomeGridCube, do you still want to be linked with your nick or is realname ok?19:35
knome+ can you send or point me to a full list of other admins for the wikipage19:36
GridCubeknome, either way im ok19:36
knomeok, thanks19:36
GridCubeknome, http://xubuntu-showcase.deviantart.com/aboutus/19:37
knometa ta19:37
GridCubepleia2 never filled the about us page tho P:19:37
* pleia2 does so19:37
GridCubeneither did M-Jae19:37
knomedo we know M-Jae's real name / is it ok to have that on the wiki?19:39
GridCubei guess its ok, let me search the mailing list19:39
knomeoki, ta19:40
knomefeel free to link yourself19:40
knomepleia2, is G+ accurate / is knez active?19:40
bluesabrepleia2 seems to be in charge of everything19:41
GridCubeher name is Joan Advincula19:41
pleia2knome: he's still the ruler, semi-active19:41
GridCube:) done knome 19:43
knomewiki is lagging for me again19:44
pleia2Noskcaj: have you emailed Sonny your payment forms?19:44
pleia2you keep saying you would, he keeps telling me you havne't ;)19:44
Noskcajpleia2, no. I've kept forgetting.19:45
pleia2Noskcaj: please do it ASAP19:45
pleia2you're the only one he doesn't have any info for, I don't want this to keep dragging on :)19:45
knomeyeah, even i got around to send the form after filling it 6 weeks ago19:46
knomeGridCube, since there are no featured images on dA, maybe we could prefill that with a default shot from 13.04 ?19:46
GridCubesure 19:47
GridCube:) im uploading it 19:48
knomepleia2, re: wiki + Marketing/Products (+projects), we should get the finished stuff to xubuntu.org and clean up the wiki as we move the stuff19:48
* knome slaps the wiki19:50
knomeare they caching wiki edits too so they show up two days later?19:50
GridCubewhat version of greybird comes default in that picture?19:51
GridCubesubmited, now it needs aproval, pleia2, lderan :D if you can aprove the one i just sent please20:04
lderansure :D20:04
knomelol, there is no super button to approve things sent by admins?20:06
knomeway to go20:06
GridCubeknome, P: i set myself to the same standards 20:13
GridCubei could autoaccept myself20:13
GridCube¬¬ probably should do that now on20:13
knomewell at least when you're uploading default setting shots ;)20:14
knomedevian tart20:17
GridCubeso i cheated P: i changed my own setting not to auto acept, but to need one vote, so i can vote P: so i have a buffer against errors20:18
lderancunning :P20:19
knomehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing is now updated20:20
knomenote that i did move some pages20:21
knomeso you might want to update bookmarks if you had those20:21
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
bluesabrepushed my first submission to the group :)20:36
* knome goes laughing once it's approved20:37
knomei mean, oops20:38
lderanbluesabre, 2 more votes and its in :D20:50
* bluesabre slaps knome20:56
bluesabreget a hold of yourself man!20:57
gian1regarding the absence of replies on the topic of XMir; before you go poking the devs, has a xubuntu-devel list admin checked for any blocked messages lately?21:43
knomethere's a message from tonight.21:44
knomebut i'm pretty sure that's after the poking.21:45
Unit193Yep, poked by mail and response was had.21:45
knomeyeah, 10min after the poke from our side21:45
pleia2ah sorry, when I checked the queue after the mail came in it wasn't there21:46
pleia2then again mailman is having some trouble today, there is a ticket with IS21:46
knomeno kidding21:46
Unit193Meh, for anyone that actually cares, changes from 832 to 848 are what's different from last PPA package and the current one: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/trunk/changes/848?start_revid=83222:08
bluesabreGridCube: Updated my details :D22:24
skellatUnit193: Do you want to start up a rebuild of the test disc or do you feel it isn't time yet?22:27
Unit193As I said last night, 0.0.7 isn't in repo, nothing to do.22:33
skellatGood enough22:34
Unit193jjfrv8: Welcome back.23:24

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