
gmagGolfgeo, try to go to BIOS, then leave BIOS and then press shift00:17
Golfgeokrytarik: found the awnser00:36
Golfgeogmag: found the awnser00:36
GolfgeoThanks though! :-)00:36
gmagGolfgeo, share00:38
Golfgeoin the /etc/default/grub file add a # before the hiden time out= some number of seconds00:45
Golfgeoand then run the update-grub command00:45
Golfgeonot to find out which kernel version is giving me a hard-lockup haha00:46
Golfgeogtg people00:54
S1llyhello, could someone help me here01:05
S1llyi want to copy some archives using the terminal01:05
S1llyi want to copy the files from this folder01:05
S1llyto this one01:05
S1llycould someone tell me how to do it01:05
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Unit193The second one is a file, can't copy a folder to a file.  But, cp /path/to/file (and just type Carpe then hit tab for the file) and then the location you want it at, so cp /home/yovani/Desktop/Cap<tab> /opt/WorldOfGoo/libs32/01:07
S1llyexcuse me01:12
S1llyi got another question01:12
S1llywhy when i hit alt + f201:13
S1llyand enter this01:13
S1llygksu nautilus01:13
S1llywhy doesn't it open the root window ?01:13
Unit193Because nautilus isn't installed by default, try thunar.01:13
S1llylet's see01:13
SonikkuAmericaS1lly: Also because you should be using gksudo!01:13
Unit193SonikkuAmerica: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Oct 18  2012 /usr/bin/gksudo -> gksu01:14
SonikkuAmericaSometimes I forget myself, but that's key to understanding XFCE: XFCE != GNOME01:14
S1llywell has always work with that01:14
S1llyso no need to be angry :P01:14
S1llythx! Unit19301:15
SonikkuAmericaUnit193: Apparently when my back was turned they merged the 2 commands into 101:15
Unit193SonikkuAmerica: No, you're thinking sudo and gksudo/gksu.01:16
SonikkuAmericaOr maybe that too.01:16
SonikkuAmericaI was told "Never ever as long as you live use "su" or "gksu" in Ubuntu (for obvious reasons).01:16
S1llythank you so mutch unit19301:19
S1llyi got it working now01:19
S1llythx for you're support01:19
S1llyand bey01:19
S1llyuhm hi again Unit19301:28
S1llyexcuse me sir01:28
knome!enter | S1lly01:28
S1llydo you know why don't i have sound when playing quake 3 arena01:28
knomeS1lly, i'd look at the wine appdb to see if it's supposed to work01:29
knomeS1lly, and for support and ideas01:29
S1llydon't have it by wine01:29
S1llyhave it from linuxq3apoint-1.32b-3.x8601:29
knomeS1lly, i have no experience on that. i'd recommend looking on google or the ubuntu forums while you wait for somebody who knows to maybe pop up01:32
S1llyyou know someone who might know?01:33
S1llyis their a xubuntu channel in quakenet that could help??01:34
knomeS1lly, i'm pretty sure there are people who know it, but i can't guarantee they will be on this channel in the near future, which is why i recommended to look elsewhere01:34
S1llyyes i know01:34
knomemight or might not be01:34
S1llythank you anyways01:34
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:35
S1llythx! looks helpful01:36
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RyanLHey I need help :S11:47
RyanLIs there anybody out there?11:47
lderan_RyanL: what is your problem?11:49
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RyanLMy grub is messed up. Can anyone explain to me how to just remove it and the ubuntu installation?11:51
lderan-workare you duel booting and wanting to remove the ubuntu partition and return to your other os?11:52
RyanLwell what happened was that I was dual booting. I wanted to get rid of the partition that I had made for linux since for some reason it installed it on the same partition. I restarted and got the error: no such partition grub rescue. So I tried reinstalling ubuntu. Now when I boot I get the error11:56
RyanLerror: unknown filesystem grub11:56
RyanLI just wanted to remove the grub bootloader and ubuntu.11:57
RyanLany ideas?12:01
lderan-workRyanL: well if your other os is windows then the recovery cd will replace grub then you can remove the ubuntu partition. This is the support channel for xubuntu, so you may find more help in #ubuntu12:01
RyanLI have a recovery partition. No recovery cd12:02
stoeptegeldoes anyone know when we can buy the new ubuntu phone12:22
xubuntu437Alguien de aquí habla español?15:14
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.15:15
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xubuntun00bHi everyone. I was wondering if someone could help me with my MSI WIND L2100 NETBOOK and Xubuntu 12.04 LTS. Everything is working except audio20:24
xubuntun00bcan someone help me pls20:26
num7Hi i just install sauerbraten its a 3d shooter, but i can start it i just popup for a second and close. This is the message i can see in the terminal: http://pastebin.com/s9CxbbzC There was some libaries missing but i search them with "apt-file search" and installed them. The same game is running on the same machine on ubuntu. I hope anybody can help me out, please.20:27
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
xubuntun00bHi, I just downloaded Xubuntu 12.04 LTS and my audio is not working. Can someone help me pls :)20:29
knome!patience | xubuntun00b20:29
ubottuxubuntun00b: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/20:29
num7xubuntun00b, i'm just quite nooby 2 but maybe i can help you a little. Is the sound not working at all?20:30
xubuntun00byeah, none at all. On older versions of Ubuntu it was fine, but since there was not a good LTS I went to Xubuntu which I like a lot aside from this audio issue20:32
num7xubuntun00b, stupid question :P Have you checked "Sound Settings" (Volume Control), accessed by clicking the speaker icon in the panel?20:32
xubuntun00bis this the same as "PulseAudio Control" if so then yes20:33
xubuntun00bit reads my hardware and everything. There is just no sound. The function keys even turn the volume up and down as if there is sound but none even when I boost the decibels20:33
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
num7xubuntun00b, maybe that will help you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/25430/audio-not-working20:36
xubuntun00bFor the "ALSA-Plug-in[plugin-containter]: ALSA Playback on" under input devices I have Radeon X1200 Series Audio Controller Digital Stereo HDMI Selected but if I change it to "built in analog stereo" the sound works, but function keys don't work20:37
xubuntun00bill check the link, thanks for your help20:37
Sysixubuntun00b: http://xubuntugeek.blogspot.fi/2012/05/fix-adjust-sound-with-multimedia-keys.html20:38
num7np i have to go now, sorry. good luck with your sound20:38
xubuntun00bThank you Sysi ill try that20:39
xubuntun00bHi Sysi, I don't understand this step "Annotate the device's name, leaving out spaces and all characters from this list: ()[]-/"20:45
xubuntun00bthat fixed my sound sysi thank  you, but now my function keys dont do anything :)20:57
xubuntun00bfor audio that is20:58
MonXubooHi, my audio multimedia keys are not working21:24
MonXubooCan anyone help me with my multimedia key problem? they work but there is no volume.21:40
MonXubooor my function keys i mean21:41
FoxyRK9I need help22:39
FoxyRK9my wifi won't turn on22:39
hsnmonsterwhat is up ?22:39
hsnmonstersorry , you can't count me in22:39
FoxyRK9there is a button on my laptop for Wifi, earlier when  installed Xubuntu22:39
FoxyRK9it was fine, but after the 250 updates and a restart its not turning on22:40

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