
cjohnstonIs there a way to automatically clear launchpadlib cache when there is an issue with it (outside of a cron)?02:42
cjohnstonI believe it is messed up due to a timeout from LP02:43
lifelessrm -rf ?02:45
cjohnstonlifeless: I get that... We have a cron that runs for reports.qa.u.c... every once in a while it gets a timeout from LP, and then we stop getting updates due to I guess a corruption.. Without having to login to determine if this is the problem, or setup an rm cron, I was wondering if there was a fix02:46
lifelesshave you filed a bug about the corruption?02:47
cjohnstonno. against launchpadlib?02:47
cjohnstonack. will do02:48
cjohnstonlifeless: bug #1014621 is the same traceback02:50
_mup_Bug #1014621: cache corruption on api.launchpad.net,1.0,-application,vnd.sun.wadl+xml,fc06437932a618a4b30d0d0417f9234c <api> <launchpadlib> <launchpadlib :Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1014621>02:50
StevenKwgrant: Based on my searching, Django doesn't seem to support switching databases for a test case :-(04:45
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