
saiarcot895If a bug turned out not to really be a bug and just something in the user's home directory, should the status be Invalid?03:18
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sudheerahello, can I get some help?06:57
pmjdebru1jnpeople are here at different times07:05
pmjdebru1jnplease state your problem and have a little patience for people to respond07:05
sudheeraI added a new directory to my repo (copy and paste) but when I commit it doesn't list the new dir in the list. do I need to do something else before commiting?07:25
pmjdebru1jn"a new directory"?07:30
pmjdebru1jnyou mean a new PPA?07:30
pmjdebru1jnsudheera: how did you call the new ppa? maybe any special character that could be a problem?07:31
* pmjdebru1jn is just thinking out loud07:31
sudheeranope I think I got it. I just executed "bzr add" and now it get the new dir.07:32
pmjdebru1jnoh, bzr repo07:32
* pmjdebru1jn thought you mean a package repo :D07:33
pmjdebru1jnmy bad07:34
pevmaI was wondering if someone could point me to the rifght direction - I have a package revipe on launchpad. When i use pbuilder on my machine to test build the package it goes fine - no problems. When I request build on Launchpad it fails:08:18
pevmadpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: debhelper (>= 7) autotools-dev zlib1g-dev08:18
pevmawhat am I missing?08:19
pevmathe dependancies are in the control file. Whe i test it with pbuilder it builds fine (on precise) and I can install the package no problem.08:21
pmjdebru1jnare you pushing the package for precise as well?08:23
pmjdebru1jncould you put the control file on a pastebin? and maybe the last entry of the changelog08:23
pmjdebru1jnpevma: particularly the last (the topmost) debian/changelog entry is of relevance08:26
cjwatsonpevma: please post the +build link to the failing build on Launchpad08:26
cjwatsonThat's much quicker than playing twenty-questions asking for specific details about the build08:27
pevmayes, i request build it on precise08:27
cjwatsonhm, that's useful but not quite what I asked for08:28
cjwatsonthere should be a URL somewhere in your failure mail that contains the substring /+build/08:29
pevma* State: Failed to build08:29
pevma * Recipe: oisf/suricata-libhtp-0.5.x-daily08:29
pevma * Archive: oisf/suricata-beta08:29
pevma * Distroseries: precise08:29
pevma * Duration: 3 minutes08:29
pevma * Build Log: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/145325339/buildlog.txt.gz08:29
pevma * Upload Log:08:29
pevma * Builder: https://launchpad.net/builders/charichuelo08:29
pevmais this what you had in mind?08:30
cjwatsonNo, but it allows me to find it08:30
cjwatsonIt was +recipebuild in fact - https://launchpad.net/~oisf/+archive/suricata-beta/+recipebuild/50315908:30
pevmahere is the control file - http://pastebin.com/0jrLr7ec08:31
cjwatsonThe build-dependencies look very overspecified to me, so it's possible that you've managed to confuse apt by giving it too many constraints08:32
cjwatsongenerally you don't need to specify runtime libraries there in addition to -dev08:32
pmjdebru1jnDepends: ,08:33
pmjdebru1jntypically you'd some variables there08:33
cjwatsonHowever, it seems to work locally ...08:34
cjwatsonpevma: um - http://pastebin.com/0jrLr7ec doesn't match http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oisf/suricata-daily-git-test/suricata-packaging-git/view/head:/debian/control which is what the recipe seems to be using?08:34
pevmahmm my chnage log looks wired - could that be the issue? - http://pastebin.com/fXng8fXB08:35
cjwatsonAh, never mind, I'm looking in the wrong place08:35
cjwatsonpevma: no08:35
cjwatsonBy all means fix it but it doesn't matter here08:35
pevmathe package tha i am trying to build is from a git branch import, so i run dh_autoreconf as well in the rules file. However when i build it from source (not from git import) with the very same control file it works both locally and on Launchpad PPA08:37
cjwatsonoh, I see08:37
cjwatsonpevma: There is a blank line at the start of debian/control - remove it08:38
pevmadon't tell that is it08:38
cjwatsonCuriously it doesn't appear in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oisf/suricata-daily-git-test/suricata-packaging-git/view/head:/libhtp/debian/control - I had to check out the branch locally to see it08:38
pevmai will give it a try now.. brb08:39
cjwatsonregarding your Depends, you probably want libhtp1 to Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}08:39
cjwatsonin fact, Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}08:39
cjwatsonThat would be usual08:39
pevmaaaand i can't request more builds ! exceeded the quota ..08:43
pevmafor the day08:43
pevmaok, well I will try tomorrow again. Thanks a bunch guys !08:47
pevmacjwatson: regarding " Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}" - what woudl that mean (forgive the silly question if such) ?08:52
cjwatson${shlibs:Depends} - automatic dependencies for any shared libraries you link against.  ${misc:Depends} - various miscellaneous dependencies generated by debhelper (should generally go in Depends for all binary packages in sources that use debhelper)08:54
cjwatsonpmjdebru1jn: FWIW, this is why I always ask for the build link from LP rather than a pastebin of the control file - in this case the pastebin lost the information about the blank line at the start of the file, and generally it's far too easy to hide mistakes by accident that way08:55
pmjdebru1jnfair enough08:58
pevmacjwatson: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oisf/suricata-daily-git-test/suricata-packaging-git/view/head:/libhtp/debian/control - looks better ?08:59
cjwatsonpevma: Yes.  I'd recommend adding ${misc:Depends} to libhtp-dev's Depends too, but that won't block building09:00
pevmaok, thank you09:01
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