
brycesforshee, heya bug #1166442 has been fixed by a patch in linus' tree posted last week.  I stuck the patch on the bug report.  I've verified it on my samsung laptop backported to the 3.5 kernel; issue affects pretty much all recent samsung laptops I gather.06:52
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1166442 in linux (Ubuntu Saucy) "Elantech clickpad/touchpad lacks multitouch features." [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116644206:52
=== smb` is now known as smb
ppisatiindicators today are in the correct position07:19
ppisatibut when i click on the volume one, nothing pops up07:19
ppisatiso i can't change the volume level07:19
smbYoure lucky sw update worked07:20
ppisatior any other audio-related thing07:20
ppisatiactually NO indicators work today :(07:23
* ppisati -> reboot07:23
* apw yawns07:33
* smb waits on RAOF mentioning some sort of bees07:38
* apw realises he isn't on irc :) [sic] him away07:39
apwthat is like old ...07:40
apwthe bees have takne him away07:40
smbgiant bees07:40
ckingsmb, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/106543407:41
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1065434 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) ""unregister_netdevice: waiting for lo to become free. Usage count = 1" after LXC container shutdown" [High,Fix released]07:41
smbapw, and yous is not on mumble (again). Quick finish breakfast and get dressed before the doorbell rings07:41
smbcking, Ah, thanks... now lets see07:42
ckingsmb, I recall now it was a pain to test because it needed many multiple iterations before I found a way to reproduce it reliably07:43
smbcking, Yeah, the new one mentions "after 6000 or so launches and teardowns..." 07:43
smbbug 119629507:44
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1196295 in lxc (Ubuntu) "lxc-start enters uninterruptible sleep" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119629507:44
ckinghrm, very similar looking, but I do wonder if it's a different issue, I guess it may be, hard to tell07:46
smbFeels a bit like something that happens after many iterations which then prevents proper cleanup... but really hard to tell07:48
cking6000+ iterations is a killer to bisect with07:48
smbAnd even if you could in theory bisect, my experience with network changes is that they make ones life of bisecting even harder07:50
ckingdouble urgh07:50
apwsmb, or lots of them07:53
apwsmb, nope not expecting any builders today, thankfully07:53
smbapw, The fun with the doorbell is that it does even ring when you are not *expecting* it to07:54
smbAnd yes, lots of changes and lots of dependencies between 07:54
apwas long as they are bringing fun things for me, that is fine07:55
smbYeah, the bills they just put into the letter box (strangely)07:55
=== fmasi_afk is now known as fmasi
* smb is glad to see that the software-center maintains a consistent level of quality08:04
apwRAOF, swarms of uber-bumble-bees08:44
* ppisati -> out for lunch10:45
=== fmasi is now known as fmasi_afk
=== fmasi_afk is now known as fmasi
psivaajdstrand: thanks for the fix for bug 1202203, appears to solve the issue. 20+ runs did not see the bug with today's images. 11:48
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1202203 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu) "Connection requests to saucy server VMs from a hosts fail after fresh preseeded VM installs" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120220311:48
=== ara is now known as Guest69887
=== fmasi is now known as fmasi_lunch
nessitahello. Is there anyone available to help me with a potential kernel sound bug? LP: #120152812:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1201528 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[Realtek ALC889] - Audio Playback Unavailable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120152812:38
rtgnessita, you might try restarting pulseaudio when it gets in that state, e.g., http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/tutorials/7130/212:50
nessitartg, yeah, but it does not solve it12:50
nessitartg, the sound gets "dead", and nothing fixes it but a restart12:51
rtgnessita, the fact that audio output lasts for many minutes before stopping kind of indicates that its a pulse issue. diwic might be able to offer some thoughts.12:51
nessitartg, happy to provide any log that could be useful -- currently I can not do any meeting in this computer, all mumble/skype/hangouts will "break"12:52
nessitartg, I was suggested by the support team that this could be a buffering issue12:52
rtgnessita, possibly, but I see no indication in your logs that its a kernel problem. without that there isn't much to go on.12:53
diwicnessita, this is worth trying https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/PositionReporting12:53
nessitadiwic, looking12:54
nessitatrying with "options snd-hda-intel position_fix=1" and rebooting, brb12:57
=== ssweeny` is now known as ssweeny
nessitadiwic, hello, I'm back, So, audio worked for a while and stopped working again. I think I noticed the following pattern:13:08
nessitaif I adjust volume levels using pavucontrol, it usually ork13:09
nessitabut if I use the control dialog below the sound icon in the indicator menu, it breaks immediatly13:09
diwicnessita, hmm13:10
nessitadiwic, I alos note that the device for inout gets constantly reset to the S/PDIF option: I keep chooise the "regular" one (Front Microphone), but every time I close and open the volume control app, the input device is set to the S/PDIF one13:11
=== fmasi_lunch is now known as fmasi
nessitadiwic, want me to try with "options snd-hda-intel position_fix=2" noe?13:12
nessitapuf, I'm typing pretty bad today13:12
diwicnessita, what have you tried so far? both "position_fix=1", "position_fix=2" and "tsched=0" is worth a try13:13
diwic(and a reboot between each one)13:13
nessitadiwic, right, so far only tried the first one, but I wanted to mention the "pattern" (audio does not break until I open the app in the sound indicator, and input device gets "reset")13:14
nessitadiwic, will try the other two13:14
* nessita reboots13:14
nessitadiwic, hello again! well, seems like position_fix=2 fixed it (well, at least I tried all I tried before and the audio playblack kept working)13:27
nessitawill comment on the bug13:28
diwicnessita, all right, interesting13:29
nessitadiwic, FYI, the app below the sound indicator keeps "resetting" the input device to the S/PDIF one, but changing it to the Front microphone allows me to use the mic (otherwise mic does not work)13:30
diwicnessita, you mean the gnome sound settings?13:31
nessitadiwic, the app title is "Sound", but I think is that, yes13:32
nessitais the section under All settings -> Sound13:32
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-afk
nessitadiwic, ping again, when you can. So, audio died, not sure when.13:53
nessitadiwic, any more ideas what can I try?13:54
diwicnessita, well, the tsched=0 one. Remove the nonworking position_fix first13:55
nessitadiwic, ack, will do13:56
nessitadiwic, just to be sure, the line I have in /etc/pulse/default.pa is "load-module module-udev-detect use_ucm=0"14:00
nessita(the wiki says "load-module module-udev-detect" without the use_ucm=0)14:00
=== fmasi is now known as fmasi_afk
=== fmasi_afk is now known as fmasi
diwicnessita, you can keep the use_ucm=0 too, it doesn't matter much14:01
diwicfor your hardware14:01
nessitaok, so, reverted options snd-hda-intel position_fix=2 and added the tsched=0, rebooting14:01
rtgppisati, can you install https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ppa/+build/4806723 on calxeda as a test ?14:09
ppisatirtg: i'll do14:09
nessitadiwic, so far working, will report back if audio playback stops working14:11
diwicnessita, you're using standard stereo profile, right? Nothing surround related?14:12
nessitadiwic, standard stereo setup, and in particular nothing changed in my setup since precise (where audio worked with no glitches)14:13
nessitadiwic, not sure if it's worth noting that the "only" thing that breaks is audio playback, mic keeps working without issues (even if I can not hear anything)14:13
diwicnessita, yeah, every time we try to improve the stack for some set of users, it's easy to break for another, as we don't have the ability to test > 1000 machines every time something is changed14:14
rtgapw, overlayfs is the only thing standing between me and switching over to 3.11-rc2 in the archive. Is that readdir issue still on your todo list ?14:15
apwrtg, yes on todays indeed14:15
rtgor, are you gonna make _me_ learn it ?14:15
apwheh no, i wouldn't do that14:15
rtgprolly wouldn't hurt14:16
rtgwell, it would _hurt_ a lot, but I should learn it14:16
apwrtg, next time14:17
ppisati[   12.075144] RAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at 0.14:23
ppisati[   12.082461] VFS: Cannot open root device "UUID=608a7f64-20e8-400f-97b0-fb34d06bf327" or unknown-block(0,0): error -614:23
ppisati[   12.092984] Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:14:23
ppisatirtg: ^14:23
ppisatirtg: uhmm....14:23
rtgppisati, FIIK14:24
ppisatirtg: that's weird14:24
ppisatirtg: it's the same node as yesterday14:24
ppisatirtg: so that UUID should be valid14:25
rtgppisati, missing device driver ? It _is_ a completely different kerenel version14:25
ppisatirtg: well, there're two weird things:14:25
ppisati1) [    3.035132] RAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at 0.14:26
ppisati2) the uuid thing14:26
ppisatiactually 2 could be a consequence of 114:26
rtgppisati, as I am totally distracted by some other issues, I'll leave this problem in your capable hands.14:26
ppisatirtg: ack14:27
rtgat least the tool chain seems functional14:27
apwrtg, just pushed a rules change to master-next and unstable to make a new udeb for use in the seeds14:35
rtgapw, did you catch the unstable rebase I pushed just a few minutes ago ?14:36
apwyeah i fetched 10s before14:36
rtgapw, cool14:36
apwand when i pushed it was linear14:36
apwinfinity, i've commited that udeb change for saucy both ... for whenever we upload that14:37
infinityapw: Feel the urge to push that to Ben's branch too?14:38
apwinfinity, will do in a bit indeed14:38
infinity(If not, I'll talk to him about it $later)14:38
hallynapw: hey - have you used git-send-email through smtp.canonical.com recently?  I thought it used to work (with the expected obvious arguments) but i'ts failing me right now...  wondering if htere are any new tips and tricks14:56
apwhallyn, i think i did it a couple of days ago, nothing different then that i know of14:57
hallynhm, ok.  actually maybe this is a bug in the saucy git-send-email.  it also won't honor --smtp-debug14:57
apwhallyn, oh, no i have switched to gmail14:57
hallynjust keeps telling me to use --smtp-debug :)14:57
hallynoh, right.14:58
hallyni've been thinking maybe i'll give in and do that.14:58
hallynthough i figure they'll just disable imaps access soon now that jabber and rss are gone :)14:58
apwi think we are paying for it, so they had better not14:59
hallynall right - thanks.  i guess i'll just send by hand and get on with actual work14:59
hallynah - was specifying port 587 without thinking - should be 465 (or just unspecified)15:03
rtgapw, infinity: so you're gonna use linux-udebs-generic in the debian installer ?15:08
apwrtg, in the seeds15:09
apwrtg, so a simple fix for overlayfs for the moment might be to revert the removal of readdir15:14
apwand then we can work on the replacement or wait for it from upstream overlayfs if it is coming15:15
apwanyhow i am working on it15:15
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
nessitadiwic, so, bad news. Audio playback no longer works. More info: as per the debugging I was first requested in the bug, I had set pulseaudio to autospawn = no, so I could gather more verbose logging (which is attached to the bug). Noticing that the latest attempt may have worked, I resetted that setting (ie, I removed the .pulse/client.conf) and restarted the computer. Now, opening more than one thing that access pulseaudio (mplay15:16
nessitadiwic, another debugging info is that now, mplayer can not play a video, it gets absolutely blocked 15:16
nessita(ie, the first video frame appears and then nothing else happens)15:17
diwicnessita, okay. I'm afraid I don't have time to help you right now, and I don't have any good ideas either.15:17
nessitadiwic, do you think that moving to saucy could fix this?15:17
diwicnessita, you could also try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/UpgradingAlsa/DKMS15:18
rtgapw, is the removal atomic ? I thought it touched a bunch of file system drivers,15:18
diwicnessita, that would be even better to try than saucy 15:18
apwrtg, he added the new interface, moved everything over to the new one, and removed the old15:18
apwso in theory we could revert the last bit and be ok for now, maybe15:18
apwi'll have a play with it15:18
apwahh no he may have removed the infrastructure we use as welll ... hmmm well see15:19
nessitadiwic, will try that, thanks.15:19
nessitadiwic, shall I remove the "load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0" tweak?15:20
diwicnessita, yes, remove it15:20
nessitadiwic, so, if you have more ideas what else could I try, I will appreciate those, since even after updating dkms my audio playback dies. I know you mentioned you can't help me debug now, but perhaps you can indicate another person that could help or guide me?15:37
nessitaI have pulseaudio set to be verbose (at system level), I keep getting these 3 lines in syslog:15:38
nessitaJul 19 12:38:37  pulseaudio[2636]: last message repeated 10 times15:38
nessitaJul 19 12:38:37 dali pulseaudio[2636]: [alsa-sink] ratelimit.c: 15 events suppressed15:38
nessitaJul 19 12:38:37 dali pulseaudio[2636]: [alsa-sink] alsa-sink.c: Underrun!15:38
diwicnessita, yeah, the "Underrun!" is unusual actually15:39
diwicnessita, does it happen only with low latency - sound settings, mumble, skype etc, if you only use say some music player, does it still crash?15:40
nessitadiwic, I use sonata which is a GUI client for mpd, the music server. I never got those to work since I updated to raring15:40
ppisatirtg: what's happended to linux-lts-raring - 3.8.0-27.40~precise2? i see there's a new one in the pipe (~precise3), any chance i can get the previous one?15:40
diwicnessita, I wonder if the "Underrun!" is due to wrong position reports or system scheduling issues15:41
nessitadiwic, I even tried uninstalling those two (sonata and mpd), and using rhythmbox, but audio playback eventually dies no matter what15:41
rtgppisati, infinity re-uploaded to use an orig tarball. dunno if the original still exists.15:41
diwicnessita, hmm, okay15:41
diwicnessita, for further troubleshooting I guess you would need a special pulseaudio build with DEBUG_TIMING on 15:42
nessitadiwic, I'm not sure about "wrong position reports or system scheduling issues", I don't know what those mean :-)15:42
nessitahappy to try saucy this weekend, though I see pulseaudio version (mayor) has not changed15:43
diwicnessita, we have PA 4.0 in a PPA, but I doubt that would make a difference15:48
=== rtg is now known as rtg-afk
diwicnessita, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/pulse-testing <-- PA 4.0 is here, and you're welcome to test it, but I doubt it'll help 15:49
nessitadiwic, your doubts makes me doubtful :-)15:49
nessitadiwic, not sure if this helps, but is the output of pulseaudio log in syslog when I try to play a video (audio playback does not work and video speed is off, frames are shown too fast, something like 1.5x) https://pastebin.canonical.com/94733/15:49
nessitawithout understanding the output that much, lines that call my attention are "Scheduling delay of 6.33ms, you might want to investigate this to improve latency..."15:50
nessita"Have to rewind 65276 bytes on render memblockq"15:50
diwicnessita, yeah, scheduling messages with >= 20 ms is not optimal, I saw you had one of those, but not enough to cause constant problems15:54
nessitadiwic, since you're busy, in order to stop interrrupting you, is there someone else I can ping for debugging further?15:55
diwicnessita, not really...unfortunately15:57
nessitadiwic, would it be better if I ping you again next week? I kind of need audio to work (meetings and all)15:59
diwicnessita, what time zone are you in?16:01
nessitadiwic, GMT-3 (is 1pm for me now(16:01
diwicnessita, hmm, that sounds like Brazil or something16:02
nessitadiwic, yeah, Argentina16:02
diwicnessita, anyway, yeah, try pinging me on Monday. You could try TheMuso too, but he's in Australia so I doubt you and him will find a time that works for you both16:03
nessitadiwic, will do, thanks for your time today16:04
* nessita reboots one more time16:05
diwicnessita, yw16:06
nessitadiwic, one more interrupt (last one!). When rebooting the computer (first reboot since I installed the new dkms), computer will not shutdown, had to sysrq+b to have it rebooting. Error shown in screen was http://ubuntuone.com/5crDl5mdauSvTF0BjnQrQk16:19
* apw breaks out a beer16:21
apwrtg-afk, t16:22
apwrtg-afk, t16:22
apwrtg-afk, this is going to take some porting me thinks, now do remember if aufs is working that will be used anyhow, so we don't need overlayfs per-se.  so you might upload it to the PPA so that the dkms people can start their grinding16:22
=== fmasi is now known as fmasi_afk
jsalisburyapw, rtg-afk, do you think this one should be hot listed: bug 120288716:33
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1202887 in linux-manta (Ubuntu) "'binder: RLIMIT_NICE not set' when using binder from the ubuntu side" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120288716:33
ppisatiubuntu@c16:~$ uname -a16:36
ppisatiLinux c16 3.10.0-4-generic #13~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 18 23:37:03 UTC 2013 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux16:36
ppisatiubuntu@c16:~$ lsb_release -a16:36
ppisatiNo LSB modules are available.16:36
ppisatiDistributor ID: Ubuntu16:36
ppisatiDescription:    Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS16:36
ppisatiRelease:        12.0416:36
ppisatiCodename:       precise16:36
ppisatirtg-afk: ^16:36
ppisatirtg-afk: the new vmlinuz was too big and was overwriting part of initrd (that resulted in garbage)16:36
ppisatirtg-afk: shuffling the things around, made it boot16:36
ppisatirtg-afk: but i still need to tweak it to make it automatic now16:37
* ppisati -> EOW16:40
=== rtg-afk is now known as rtg
rtgjsalisbury, I'll have a look at bug #1202887. No need to hot list it.18:02
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1202887 in linux-manta (Ubuntu) "'binder: RLIMIT_NICE not set' when using binder from the ubuntu side" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120288718:02
jsalisburyrtg, thanks18:03
apwjsalisbury, we should keep an eye yes19:42
rtg_apw, do you understand that bug ? 'cause I'm not seeing the problem.19:43
rtg_on the other hand, nice seems unreasonably complicated.19:44
rsalvetirtg: apw: bug 1203173, in case you guys got a maguro as well20:09
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1203173 in touch-preview-images "[maguro] broadcom dongle host driver sometimes fails to load the correct mac address" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120317320:09

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