
s1lenceFlannel, no canonical in here?20:45
FlannelWow, I had no idea this channel had so few people.20:47
Flannels1lence: There may be canonical folks here, but this is the community team, not a place for cannonical efforts. Correct.20:47
s1lenceFlannel, any idea how i could alert somebody at canonical that their publicity images for ubuntu edge were mirrored to imgur?20:48
s1lenceie. so they can file a takedown request if they need to. :/20:48
Flannels1lence: the only real canonical presence on IRC is #canonical-sysadmin, but I think an email (don't know where) would be more robust.20:49
s1lenceoh wait i think i may have canonical's legal team email somewhere20:50
s1lenceFlannel, I just messaged xnox and it looks like it's under control 20:56

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