
pittixnox: wow -- what is that, a VVVM? :-)05:12
pittiGood morning05:12
DanChapmanGOod Morning all :-)05:45
pittihey DanChapman06:02
DanChapmanpitti, o/06:27
jibelgood morning06:28
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
slickymastergood morning all08:49
DanChapmanslickymaster, morning08:49
slickymasterDanChapman, :)08:49
Noskcajevening slickymaster, DanChapman08:51
slickymastermorning over here, Noskcaj ;)08:58
slickymasterNoskcaj, yesterday I've pushed this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/1574_xfce4settings/view/head:/testcases/packages/Xfce/1574_xfce4settings%20tests08:59
slickymasterNoskcaj, but what elfy got to review was this https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/ubuntu-manual-tests/1574_xfce4settings/+merge/17569709:00
slickymasterdo you have any idea of out is going on, Noskcaj?09:00
slickymasterof out is going on -> of what is going on09:02
Noskcajslickymaster, The test was already made, and it appears you weren't updating it, you were making a new one09:03
slickymasterNoskcaj, well, I now it was already merged, but I was under the impression that I could still work on it and that by the time I finished it I simply had to push it again09:04
slickymasterI know09:04
Noskcajslickymaster, you can, just make sure you are using the current version of the trunk and you work in the same file09:05
slickymasterNoskcaj, ok, got it, but now is there any way to circumvent it in order to get the right file merged?09:06
Noskcajbranch the current trunk, then edit the current test file to include the changes, the commit and push09:08
slickymasterNoskcaj, as always you're really helpful. I'll do it by lunch time, at home. Presently I'm "working for the man" and behind a proxy and thus unable to bzr09:10
Noskcajok. as always, it great how much work you're doing for xubuntu and ubuntu.09:11
slickymasterNoskcaj, thanks :)09:12
NoskcajI'll try and merge tomorrow, if i have time09:12
DanChapmanNoskcaj10, I see you made a start on an autopilot test for transmission a while back, how you been getting on with it?09:47
Noskcaj10No, i could not understand autopilot. i really need to delete that09:48
DanChapmanlol ok then09:51
DanChapmanjibel i see there is finally no fails for firefox now :-)09:52
jibelDanChapman, Excellent \o/10:05
xnoxpitti: jibel: well, the autopackage test runs, but seems to hang at the end. I had to bump the RAM and DISKSIZE parameters for $ ./bin/run-adt-test -S lp:~xnox/ubiquity/autopilot ubiquity     , to start up successfully.10:44
xnoxit's a bit hard to troubleshoot, as there is no direct forwards for vnc and/or ssh into the inner qemu.10:45
=== om26er is now known as om26er|away
xnoxDanChapman: the ubiquity test at the end, seems to loop around checking for warning_dialog  or error/critical _dialog. Is that towards the end of the test? and it doesn't seem to stop, does it mean an error was encountered?10:46
DanChapmanxnox, the test should terminate if one of those dialogs appears. The loop is running on the progress bar while waiting for the 'Installation complete' dialog appears and while in that loop it checks that those dialogs have not popped up by asserting that the visible property is not 1 if it is 1 then test 'should' fail.10:56
xnoxDanChapman: ok, thanks for info. I wonder if the test is setup to display them, or i didn't wait long enough. (it was running for 30minutes or so)10:57
xnox(test as in my testbed environmet)10:57
DanChapmanxnox, hmmm i wonder if its taking longer through the install before it gets to the progress bar. As the progress bar runs twice 1st for 'copying files' then again for the install. But if it takes a while to get to the progress bar. It might miss the first one. and loop on the second thinking its the first. I'll add a patch to check after the first loop that its going to run again or has install completed11:05
DanChapmanxnox, i ran it on the smallest vm i could i think it had 384MB ram and 1 core anything smaller and it wouldn't run at all and it passed ok. anyway i'll sort that now see if it helps11:08
xnoxDanChapman: not sure if ram/cpu is at stake here, fast IO will result in "installation" seeing the second progress bar straight away.11:11
=== om26er|away is now known as om26er
DanChapmanxnox, are you able to get the output from the test? it should show which loop it was on11:14
xnoxDanChapman: right. i'll get that to you, next time, wiped clean.11:16
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jibelDanChapman, balloons xnox https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot_ubiquity-saucy/12:20
jibelwith video recordings please :)12:21
jibelsome results are odd, it's like the test aborts suddenly12:24
DanChapmanjibel, you got it going. :-) Its strange how its not picking up that the button.sensitive goes to 0 when clicked. I adjust it slightly and see if that helps12:39
jibelDanChapman, ubiquity_lvm_encrypt failed with a timeout and the VM was too small to create the archive with the videos12:40
jibelI reduced the timeout and increased the disk size12:40
jibelDanChapman, for the moment the job is started manually, but I'll update it later to start when a new image is available12:41
DanChapmanjibel jus gotta get my boy from school then will dig into it12:44
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DanChapmanjibel looking at the results for all the tests it looks like they timedout on the same thing for all the tests just in different places. Will sort a fix for it now13:34
jibelDanChapman, the latest version of the code of the runner is in my junk folder https://code.launchpad.net/~jibel/+junk/ubiquity-autopilot-runner13:35
jibelDanChapman, there is no doc of course :) all you need is an iso then run with ./run-ubiquity-test -t TESTNAME ./saucy-desktop-amd64.iso13:36
jibelDanChapman, if you want to see what's happening in the VM remove the option "vnc" from qemu command line13:36
DanChapmanjibel, cool cheers mate.13:37
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-afk
DanChapmanjibel i'm getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5890986/ when starting the runner14:39
jibelDanChapman, could you rerun with bash -x ?14:40
jibeland paste the output here14:40
jibelnot here, in a pastebin :)14:41
DanChapmanyep 2 secs14:41
DanChapmanjibel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5890995/14:42
jibelDanChapman, unless port 43210 is already used I don't see what's wrong with the command. Is there a previous instance of qemu already running on and using this port?14:49
jibelit could be that clean up didn't kill a previous run14:50
DanChapmanjibel how do i get a list of running instances? i can't find it in the man14:56
xeranas_good evening15:00
jibelDanChapman, ps aux|grep qemu15:00
jibelDanChapman, ps aux|grep qemu15:03
WebbyITdpm: about this MR, I asked to mihir to do font bigger, because in design is bigger15:11
WebbyITsorry, wrong chan :-/15:11
elopioballoons: the status of the emulators is that I've finished bringing back the old branches with all tests passing.15:30
elopioI've just asked jppiiroinen to review them.15:30
balloonselopio, wa-hoo!15:30
SergioMeneseselopio, awesome15:30
* SergioMeneses hugs balloons and elopio 15:30
DanChapmanjibel, hey i'm getting /var/local/autopilot//autopilot.log: timeout: invalid time interval ‘./autopilot’ and then it starts cleaning up ive tried for all tests and its the same15:33
DanChapmanballoons, hey o/15:34
balloonsDanChapman, hey hey15:35
jibelDanChapman, I forgot to commit the fix15:35
jibel-        timeout -s 9 -k ./autopilot run $testname $AP_OPTS -o $AP_RESULTS/${testname}.xml15:35
jibel+        timeout -s 9 -k 30 $TIMEOUT ./autopilot run $testname $AP_OPTS -o $AP_RESULTS/${testname}.xml15:35
jibelDanChapman, you can pull r2915:36
DanChapmanjibel, :-D sweet15:36
jibela duration for a timeout is a nice feature :)15:37
elopioballoons: do you know who can help me to write a scope in python?15:46
balloonselopio, write  a scope in python? for unity?15:47
elopioballoons: yes. Well, for some unity tests. With no real functionality, some hardcoded values.15:47
balloonselopio, well, afaik they've moved away from python scopes. That said, yea, I could probably point you towards someone15:48
elopioballoons: yes, I think it wouldn't be so clear if I write it in C, because the autopilot test code is in python.15:49
elopioI don't care a lot about speed, just readability.15:49
balloonselopio, gotcha gotcha.. actually, let's just ask mhall119 , he's probably more up to date than me15:49
balloonsmhall119, who's the best point of contact for scope writing today? specifically python scopes however :-)15:50
DanChapmanjibel this is awesome. Wish i had this when i started working on the test. :-) anyway the default ubiquity test just passed no probs15:51
mhall119balloons: mhr3 or davidcalle15:53
mhall119but python scopes are out, C scopes are in15:53
balloonsmhall119, indeed, we had that conversation.. ty mhall119 !15:54
balloonselopio, ^^15:54
elopiogot it. Thanks mhall119.15:54
DanChapmanjibel, sorry to bother you again. Can you check this out http://paste.ubuntu.com/5891271/ i spoke to prematurely before it failed right at the end16:14
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DanChapmanDoes anyone know what ubuntu kernel: [  445.307692] serial8250: too much work for irq3 means?17:04
jibelDanChapman, that's because autopilot outputs too much data too /dev/ttyS017:06
jibelDanChapman, it's harmless17:06
jibelabout http://paste.ubuntu.com/5891271/, looks like the FS got corrupted17:07
jibelmaybe it didn't like eatmydata17:07
jibelit avoids hammering the disk drive too hard17:07
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TheLordOfTimey'all don't mind if I comment on the wiki formatting email on the ubuntu-quality mailing list do you?  Even though I'm not on the QA team.  :)18:06
balloonsTheLordOfTime, ofc not :-p18:14
TheLordOfTimeballoons:  good, because i gave a suggestion just now :)18:14
* TheLordOfTime signed as Ubuntu Member and Ubuntu Bug Triager so people know he's not a tester :)18:14
=== om26er|afk is now known as om26er
DanChapmanjibel, does the jenkins test pull the tests from ubiquity trunk or from lp:~dpniel/ubiquity/autopilot?? i see on this runner that its my branch but wasn't sure if you set it the same for jen18:20
slickymastergot go guys, cy18:51
Noskcajballoons, When are we going to be able to run autopilot on ubiquity for ourselves? And does it work with the flavours?20:18
balloonsNoskcaj, you can run it yourself if you wish, but there isn't a reason to20:19
balloonsand yes, you could modify it to work with flavors20:19
balloonsNoskcaj, well, it's running now on jenkins, so it will be run for each iso20:20
NoskcajI saw that from the twitter link.20:20
balloonsif your installing on your physical box, setting up the test isn't worth the time, well.. imho.. Are you wanting to basically plug in a usb drive and have it run through all the iso tests on your phsyical device?20:20
NoskcajIn a VM. I was wanting to see how hard it would be to get all the flavours working20:21
balloonsNoskcaj, if you just want to try it in a VM go for it20:22
balloonsare you confused as to how to do it?20:23
balloonsboot up a live iso into a vm20:23
balloonsinstall autopilot20:23
balloonsgrab dan's branch and kick off the test20:23
Noskcajyes, so continue explaining20:23
NoskcajSounds simple enough.20:24
balloonsNoskcaj, that's pretty much it.. here, let me find the detailed version20:25
knomehallo balloons20:28
balloonsknome, hello20:28
balloonsI saw your email to stephane, good stuff :-)20:29
knomegood good20:29
xnoxNoskcaj: DanChapman sayed it worked fine with other gtk-fronented based flavours, i think he did test xubuntu for example.20:31
xnoxjibel: i was merging your runner into the ubiquity codebase, and tests as well. I was thinking to package it as a deb, such that one just need to install ubiquity-autopilot-gtk to have "everything": the tests and the runner. Or do you just need the runner in lp:ubiquity and just the "inner" vm autpilots tests & helper scripts in a package?20:33
* Noskcaj wonders if testdrive could somehow automate setting up autopilot20:33
xnoxjibel: i also had to tweak your runner a little bit, changes committed in lp:~xnox/ubiquity/autopilot in autopilot subdir, to e.g. properly enable universe component and update ubiquity from -proposed before running the test.20:34
xnoxNoskcaj: no, it won't. but you can use anything. jibel's script simply launches qemu with the cd image, but additionally setups vnc and ssh forwarding and serial consoles to collect the VM logs from boot to shutdown (console/kernel messages, syslog and autopilot results)20:35
jibelxnox, ah super! a separate package is fine I think.  Did you change the branch name in custom-installation/iso-override/usr/local/bin/run-autopilot.sh because it used Daniel's personal branch20:36
jibelthis code is also highly experimental, I wrote it during the time it takes to flash phones :)20:38
balloonsjibel, :-p20:40
xnoxjibel: not yet, but since i used "$ bzr join" to include full history of your branch, I can actually pull your updates in ;-) with bzr pull20:41
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
phillwballoons: you about?20:48
phillwballoons: 2013-06-14  Testing/QATracker 20:26 nskaggs marked as deleted by you (I've just pulled up the audit log)20:50
balloonsphillw, where did that page go? I'm super confused20:50
phillwit was marked as deleted... it didn't "go" anywhere... you requested its deleteion20:51
balloonsphillw, lol, ok.. well, I just was at that page.. clearly it went somewhere20:51
phillwballoons: scroll down https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecentChanges?max_days=90 to 2013-06-14 It is there on the log.20:52
balloonswell.. can we get it back?20:52
phillwthe icon means it was deleted.20:52
phillwafaik, they do not hold deleted pages... they go 'poof' into star dust.20:53
* balloons mind blowm20:55
balloonswell, think hard.. any copies anywhere?20:56
Noskcajmaybe in one of the classroom sessions?20:57
balloonswell google still has it20:58
balloonsbut the images are all gone20:58
phillwI've gobe through the entire logs of 90 days, that deletion entry is all that is there :(20:59
balloonsI made a video a couple weeks ago and visited that page.. it just doesn't make sense21:01
phillwballoons: I renamed my master page last night and it went 'poof'.... motto of the story is not use rename. I will file a bug early next week if I can get it to recreate. Fortunanately I had made a mistake earlier and there was a pretty decent recent copy on another page.21:03
phillwballoons, I can recreate the page to a large degree from that cache image if you want.21:04
balloonsthat would be most helpful21:05
phillwBut, most of it is already in the new area.21:05
balloonsI'm just surprised and shocked a page can dissappear like that21:05
balloonsphillw that page had the info on the tracker and how to use it with pics..21:06
phillwthe pics cannot be retrieved, I know that from past experience of a saddo deleting attached images.21:07
phillwdoes the link to the video still work, as that is not in the new area.21:08
slickymastergood night all22:37
slickymasterknome, hi, you got a minute?22:38
slickymastertk, thing is I'm trying to push a testcase to my branch but i get this error: bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.22:39
slickymasterknome, any thoughts on how to solve it?22:39
knomeslickymaster, have you bzr pulled before trying to push?22:39
slickymasterknome, no I just bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual-tests22:40
slickymasterthen I bzr commit22:40
knomeslickymaster, did you do that recently or some time ago already?22:40
slickymaster5-10 minutes ago22:41
knomeok, then it's a weird error message22:41
knomebut it might be correct; before pushing, try pulling22:41
slickymasterknome, do you think I should wait until tomorrow and ask balloons or Noskcaj?22:42
knomethat's a bzr issue, not testcase-repository22:42
slickymasterknome, can you type the pull command22:42
knomeslickymaster, bzr pull22:42
slickymasterknome, just that, not my branch after pull?22:42
knomein your branch, after your commit22:43
knomeand no, not your branch22:43
knomebecause you want to pull from the main branch22:43
slickymasterok, Thanks. I'm going to try it22:43
slickymasterknome, I get Using saved parent location: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu-manual-tests/22:47
slickymasterNo revisions or tags to pull.22:47
slickymasteris this expected?22:47
knomeyes and no22:47
knomewhat does bzr status say?22:47
slickymasterknome, nothing22:47
knomeand bzr push still says diverged branches?22:48
knomeare you *sure* you're pushing to the correct location?22:48
slickymasterknome, haven't tried it22:48
slickymasterdoing it22:48
slickymasterknome, still the same: bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  See "bzr help diverged-branches" for more information.22:49
knomethe problem you're having is that bzr thinks that you have something that's not coming from the branch you are pushing to22:50
slickymasterknome, damn bzr. Any advises?22:50
knomeslickymaster, 1) make sure the push location is correct (specify if needed)  2) read bzr help diverged-branches if it offers you any good ideas22:51
slickymasterok, I want steal your time, for now22:52
slickymasterknome, thanks22:52
knomegood luck22:52

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