
=== 65MAANWI2 is now known as tvoss
SaviqMacSlow, hey, thanks for the update - got the VM running here, too07:02
SaviqMacSlow, was missing a dep autopilot should be pulling in07:04
MacSlowSaviq, np yw... so I can skip the minimal-based VM?07:45
SaviqMacSlow, yeah07:45
SaviqMacSlow, I'm trying out some things now07:45
SaviqMacSlow, but it seems to be working, more or less07:45
SaviqMacSlow, since you're here, can you check https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/upstart-run-on-device/+merge/175663 please?07:46
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MacSlowSaviq, on it08:25
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SaviqMacSlow, 116 vs. 117 is my fault10:41
SaviqMacSlow, I've been restarting the jobs without looking at the revision properly10:41
SaviqMacSlow, just restarted the job with r11710:41
MacSlowSaviq, ah... phew... thought jenkins picked it10:42
MacSlowSaviq, what strikes me as odd with the failing test, is that there's no real result printed10:42
SaviqMacSlow, indeed10:43
SaviqMacSlow, just trying here10:43
MacSlowSaviq, locally certainly working10:43
SaviqMacSlow, is it using the palette maybe?10:44
MacSlowSaviq, yes... gradients for the buttons actually10:44
SaviqMacSlow, ok, let me try something10:44
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mhr3didrocks, there's something super odd here https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-saucy-amd64-autolanding/126/console10:50
didrocksmhr3: hum, this is a question for gema I think? (the QA team?)10:51
didrocksmhr3: it seems that it's trying with the fake xorg10:51
didrocksthat andyrock worked to have tests passing in headless chroot10:51
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, passes on VM, too10:51
mhr3didrocks, are these expected?10:52
mhr3Failed to create file '/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled.5VJJ0W': Permission denied10:52
SaviqMacSlow, let's see what jenkins says (sic!), maybe it didn't have the latest UI toolkit or something10:52
MacSlowSaviq, maybe a missing package-issue we don't see10:52
mhr3didrocks, and why do we run both headless and non-headless tests?10:52
MacSlowSaviq, was also thinking of a too old ui-toolkit package being used10:52
didrocksmhr3: because andyrock enabled and merged that?10:54
didrocksand, it was Trevinho, but andyrock talked to me about it :)10:55
didrocksmhr3: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/revision/342010:55
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mhr3didrocks, i still don't see why does it run twice, the second run is even after dh_install11:04
didrocksmhr3: the first run is done by the upstream merger11:06
didrocksmhr3: francis needs to disable them11:06
mhr3eeeh, i see what's wrong now11:13
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mhr3apparently 180seconds isn't enough for tests that run 50seconds11:13
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greybackSaviq: glad you're happy :)12:09
Saviqgreyback, :P12:09
* greyback goes out for lunch, back in an hour12:10
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
Trevinhomhr3: you should use my script :D12:41
Trevinhomhr3: it never failed with it, a part the fact that some tests were buggy12:41
mhr3Trevinho, the build process is being weird... there was a failure before that yet it decided to continue12:42
mhr3Trevinho, i suppose your nux abi branch needs to land before anything else can?12:43
Trevinhomhr3: un theory unity should compile and run well with it or without it,...12:47
mhr3time to go to approve spree then :)12:51
Trevinhomhr3: want to re-approve it? Howevr, depending on a timeout is not the best thing... I'd increase it even more12:59
mhr3Trevinho, the weird thing is that the test takes 15seconds to execute and 180seconds wait isn't enough13:00
Trevinhomhr3: yeah,. you know jenkins is a whole new world13:00
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greybackkgunn: ping13:04
TrevinhoHowever, armhs build can't take so long... I'd bet it would be faster to just cross-compile it and run make check on that tree over a qemu vm...13:04
sil2100Trevinho, mhr3: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/120297213:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1202972 in Unity "Nux ABI break without Unity dependencies bump" [High,New]13:05
Trevinhosil2100: actually I've a branch for that, it's just taking ages to compile...13:05
Trevinhosil2100: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity/memory-fixes/+merge/17570313:05
Trevinhosil2100: it was already in queue last night, I really was hoping that today it was merged...13:06
Wellarkgreyback: I'm now working on a new .desktop file parser13:06
greybackWellark: \o/ having fun?13:07
Trevinhosil2100: but... armhfs buids... 2 hours each minimum :/13:07
Wellarkgreyback: it is flex to tokenise the file, so I't super fast ;)13:07
sil2100Trevinho: this is exactly what I would need to land! Ah, yes, that's a big bother ;/13:07
Wellarkgreyback: and does not do any unnecessary string comparisons13:07
greybackWellark: impressive13:07
Trevinhosil2100: yeah, I know... I did the branches in parallel... but unfortunately they land async13:07
Wellarkgreyback: so perfect fit to live inside the shell13:07
greybackWellark: have a branch for it so I can check it out?13:08
mhr3Trevinho, since when do also IconLoader tests fail?13:08
sil2100Eh, pandaboards13:08
Wellarkgreyback: not yet. still need to finish it13:08
Wellarkgreyback: but now, it was at least able to lexer all the .desktop files under my /usr/share/applications13:08
Trevinhomhr3: sometimes it fails... as i needs looong time to load some thumbnails13:08
greybackWellark: ok, no rush. I can survive with what I have for now. Will it have Qt bindings?13:08
Trevinhomhr3: i increased the timeout a lot, however13:08
Trevinhomhr3: also I fixed some errors it caused other tests to crash (i.e. it wasn't disconnecting the handlers)13:09
Wellarkgreyback: it only has Qt for now. I am aiming it directly for the DesktopfileReader class13:09
mhr3Trevinho, hmm, at least it's not a race, just hardware being slow13:09
greybackWellark: suits me perfectly.13:09
Trevinhomhr3: yes... just that13:09
greybackWellark: note DesktopFileReader API isn't final or anything, you're welcome to adjust if if you see fit13:10
Trevinhomhr3: I see you also fixed deeeeeee13:10
Wellarkgreyback: already have :)13:10
greybackWellark: good13:10
Wellarkgreyback: it will have:13:11
mhr3Trevinho, there's still one race :/13:11
WellarkactionGroup and customGroup take a name of the group13:11
Trevinhomhr3: probably people is hating me bcause unity is not landing due to the tests being enabled, but I actually think it's a win to fix all these edge bugs we're catching :)13:11
mhr3Trevinho, yes, and yes :P13:12
Trevinhomhr3: ehehe13:12
Wellarkgreyback: those functions return a DesktopfileReader::Group class (or special subclass)13:12
* sil2100 doesn't hate13:12
greybackWellark: makes sense, nice13:12
didrocksTrevinho: mhr3: I want to be able to hide and show my launcher again :p13:12
didrocksand the fix is stuck for a week because of that ;)13:12
Wellarkgreyback: and from the Group you can access all the fields defined in the spec with fast lookup. and in addition any custom entry13:13
Trevinhodidrocks: what?! You want to hide that awesome bar? You don't have, your eyes should always see that fantastic example of software!13:13
didrocksTrevinho: hum, I paid for pixels! I want them all for my apps :)13:14
greybackWellark: cool. Let me know when you've a branch to show me13:15
Trevinhodidrocks: ehehe13:15
Trevinhomhr3: don't get... should I re-approve ~mhr3/unity/fix-scope-tests or you're waiting dee to land or something else?13:15
didrocksTrevinho: give me my pixels back, NOW! :)13:15
mhr3Trevinho, you can, but sil wanted the bump first13:16
mhr3where first == in ~10hours13:16
* Trevinho is bzr branch lp:unity; bzr merge lp:~unity-team/fix-didrocks-launcher; bzr push lp:unity.... ops13:16
Trevinhomhr3: ah, i see.. it's on queue btw so let's put this back, if it will ever go in13:17
mhr3didrocks, sil2100, would it make sense to push stuff to trunk and have AP testing crounch through it?13:17
mhr3cause this is pretty insane13:17
didrocksmhr3: well, AP won't work13:17
didrocksmhr3: as we can't build the package, right?13:17
didrocksmhr3: I would have hope that tests were enabled only if they pass13:17
didrocksotherwise, revert them13:17
didrocksand only merge once they pass :)13:17
Trevinhodidrocks: they actually pass... but some dbus stuff is a little unstable, but having them enabled ensures us to that we care about fixing the issues without forgetting about them (as it happende for years)13:18
TrevinhoI'd use that strategy if really we can't do anything13:18
mhr3didrocks, they always have to pass to be merged, but yey races!13:19
Trevinhomhr3: is the dee change fixing the test you've disabled or is it somethnig else?13:19
mhr3yea, should fix it13:19
Trevinhomhr3: so, can you re-enable it safely or not yet?13:19
mhr3Trevinho, i'm more inclined to not enable anymore tests until we have a release to s13:21
Trevinhomhr3: ok13:21
* Trevinho wore more pandas... or less pandas and more cross compilers13:25
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Saviqdednick, standup?13:30
Trevinhofginther: have you checked that ccache thing I told you about armhf? As it's still seems impossible to me that it takes so long13:31
SaviqMacSlow, start without me13:32
dandraderSaviq, turn it off, and then on. try again13:33
fgintherTrevinho, no, we haven't had time to take a look yet13:34
Trevinhofginther: ok,13:35
fgintherTrevinho, I did file a bug for it, trying to find it13:36
fgintherTrevinho, well not a bug, but an item in a blueprint whiteboard- https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/qa-s-ps-qa-ci13:38
dandraderdednick, Saviq any of you guys fancy reviewing this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/lp1116207/+merge/175163  Jenkins is finally happy with it!13:40
Trevinhofginther: cool13:40
greybackMacSlow: before I played with cgroups to try to reproduce fails on Jenkins locally. Sometimes I suspect race conditions cause a fail on jenkins as it is slower than your machine. You can use cgroups to limit the cpu available to the tests, so they'll run slower, and maybe you can trigger the fail. Here are my notes: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5890797/13:40
Trevinhofginther: but doing crosso compiling + qemu for testing would be slower or somewhat possible?13:40
greybackMacSlow: not a guaranteed way to repro the fail, but might be worth a shot?13:40
WellarkSaviq: is the HUD working (not blocking unity8 at start-up) on the desktop now?13:40
MacSlowgreyback, sure thing... thanks... looking at it now13:41
Trevinhoor also real hw.. at that point13:41
SaviqWellark, yeah, I didn't see it again13:41
Saviqdandrader, did you ↑↑?13:41
fgintherTrevinho, the real answer is just get faster hardware, which we have now. It just needs a few weeks to be setup and finish some break-in testing13:42
dednickdandrader: sure. lunch first though :)13:42
dandraderdednick, ok, thanks!13:42
Trevinhofginther: ah, ok... That's better, also if I bet it wouldn't beat cross compiling anyway...13:42
fgintherTrevinho, cross compiling is possible, but I know I've run into tests suites that segfault on qemu13:42
MacSlowgreyback, the odd thing is... the assertion that's failing isn't printing any values from the checks at all... result-strings are must empty, which is making me guess jenkins might be using an older ui-toolkit package.13:43
MacSlowgreyback, but I'll give that CGroups a try13:43
fgintherTrevinho, if the hardware doesn't work as promised, we will definately revisit these tasks13:43
greybackMacSlow: I would expect jenkins to use the last release of uitk13:43
Trevinhofginther: mh, the segfaulting may have been possible also due to problematic tests actually... We recently found some memory issues and possible crashes.. in theory it should be safer now13:44
Trevinhoor at least as soon as they merge :)13:44
SaviqMacSlow, fginthercan give you direct access to a jenkins machine - maybe that would be best?13:45
dandraderSaviq, Wellark I'm getting the blocking hud right now, actually. But I think it's related to hud libraries being udated (i just dist-upgrade). Last time I got it, a reboot solved it13:45
MacSlowSaviq, as long as I'll not be further tormenting panda-boards. I don't know how jenkins looks under the hood.13:46
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, that'd be on a multi-cpu VM13:47
SaviqMacSlow, and that's where it's failing, btw13:47
SaviqMacSlow, in the local VM I have it passed, so it's probably the only way13:47
Saviqfginther, could you unhook a VM for MacSlow to debug a test failure?13:47
MacSlowSaviq, ok... so if fginther can grant me accsss that would be welcomed13:48
fgintherSaviq, MacSlow one moment please13:54
MacSlowfginther, sure np13:54
MacSlowSaviq, btw... just checked what a failure of the button-tint assertion looks like locally... it's normal that the result-strings are empty.14:01
SaviqMacSlow, ah? what are they?14:03
SaviqMacSlow, maybe one is null and the other an empty string or sth?14:03
MacSlowSaviq, gradients... I wonder if there's a better way than compare() to check them14:03
SaviqMacSlow, that's probably why14:04
SaviqMacSlow, are you comparing with Theme directly?14:04
MacSlowSaviq, I might be able to check every color-component individually14:04
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, we shouldn't do that14:05
MacSlowSaviq, compare(buttonAccept.gradient, data.buttonTinted ? UbuntuColors.orangeGradient : UbuntuColors.greyGradient, "button has the wrong color-tint")14:05
SaviqMacSlow, I think that we shouldn't even test that, really14:05
MacSlowSaviq, well I changed something, which can be tested... so I wrote a test for it... the tint is only meant for core/system snap-decisions14:07
SaviqMacSlow, and definitely not if we need to "drill into" the gradient, that'd be wrong14:07
SaviqMacSlow, try verify(buttonAccept.gradient === UbuntuColors...)14:08
MacSlowSaviq, verify() make the test stall there14:12
SaviqMacSlow, interesting...14:16
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kenvandinejibel, can you please add jenkins views for 2 new cu2d stacks?  click-package and thin-client14:24
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sil2100greyback: ping!14:33
greybacksil2100: hey14:34
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Saviqdednick, can you think of a workaround for the home vs. apps issue?14:47
Saviqdednick, other than a timer, that is ;)14:47
Saviqdednick, it's breaking autopilot tests, I'm afraid14:48
dednickSaviq: there must be a way to make it create at that size.14:48
dednickrather than resizing it14:48
Saviqdednick, where are we resizing?14:49
dednickSaviq: i'm guessing that's where it's going wrong. could be wrong i guess14:50
olli_Saviq, greyback where are we at with u8/mir14:52
greybackolli_: I'm starting to integrate my qml-demo-shell work into unity8 now14:52
greybackolli_: am hoping to have something to show for next week14:52
olli_greyback, so no early demo build today?14:53
greybackolli_: sorry, no14:53
kgunnMacSlow: hey....just heard a report of this15:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 1203080 in Unity 8 "notification queue needs to show hi priority notif (e.g. phone)" [Critical,Triaged]15:03
kgunnso i filed a bug15:03
kgunncan you please prioritize a look into this ?15:03
kgunnwould be good to know by eod Monday15:03
kgunnwhether or not its valid15:04
MacSlowkgunn, ok15:04
kgunnjust test it locally....with intent to eventually fold in a test into our ci process somehow15:04
kgunnthanks!....that's a potential "egg on face" bug :)15:04
MacSlowkgunn, *sigh* if only the interaction/callbacks would work already with the ap-tests15:08
kgunnMacSlow: yeah...but like i said, please test locally until your totally confident (we need to move on it...regardless of ap)15:09
MacSlowkgunn, already on it15:10
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Wellarksil2100: hi! to answer your question from yesterday, the nohud branch of unity-action-api is only to support P Q and R as ui-toolkit supports them15:15
Wellarksil2100: the branch lands only to the ui-toolkit ppa for those ubuntu releases15:16
sil2100Wellark: ah, so there's no daily-releasing for S planned then?15:16
sil2100Wellark: ACK15:16
fgintherMacSlow, i386 VM ok?15:19
fgintherthe amd64 and i386 VMs are setup the same15:19
kgunnMacSlow: thanks!15:19
didrockssil2100: move it then!15:22
nic-doffaygreyback, do you know where the flicking motion between the scopes is handled?15:22
sil2100didrocks: done!15:22
didrockssil2100: I saw that, good job ;)15:22
greybacknic-doffay: DashContent.qml15:23
nic-doffaygreyback, ta15:23
MacSlowfginther, well I guess so... but just now a critical bug was assigned to me, so I'll have to leave the test-debugging at the side for now15:36
fgintherMacSlow, ok, ping me when you need it again. I'll leave it in the pool for now15:37
MacSlowfginther, sure... I'll email you once I can address debugging the test again15:38
sil2100mhr3: btw. since I think I fell out of the loop - did those fixes resolve the DBus issue we had in Unity?15:40
mhr3sil2100, yes15:40
sil2100fginther: hi!15:41
sil2100fginther: there's a unity merge that's Approved for merging for 3 hours already and nothing15:43
sil2100fginther: https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/unity/memory-fixes/+merge/17570315:43
sil2100fginther: we would need this merge in, as it's resolving the ABI break issue we had15:43
dednickSaviq: i think i've found a way though it, but it's a bit of a journey15:53
dednickalthough not too overly complicated.15:54
Saviqdednick, better than a timer? :)15:54
dednickSaviq: somewhat :)15:54
dednickSaviq: using a singleton to pass the command line geometry arguments to the qml so it can set the window with the correct geo.15:55
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Saviqdednick, singleton, or context prop?15:57
dednickSaviq: guess we could use a context prop15:57
Saviqdednick, sounds simpler15:58
dednicki was just testing with singleton15:58
Saviqdednick, I wonder if we didn't set width/height in Shell.qml16:04
dednickSaviq: it's possible. setting them in Dash[Content].qml also screws it up.16:05
dednickit first goes to the one set in the file, then the one overridden in parent.16:05
Saviqwell, atm if I don't set them, there is no dash at all...16:05
Saviqthat's interesting, btw16:07
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
dednickSaviq: yeah. should follow the view. hm16:08
Saviqdednick, well, the shell itself does follow the view16:08
Saviqdednick, but dash doesn't...16:08
Saviqdednick, but it still goes 400x710 → 0x-32 (sic!) → 1280x76816:09
dednickSaviq: yeah, i just saw that. i forgot to use the explicit geo.16:09
Saviqdednick, ok, let's go with a context prop for now16:09
Saviqdednick, and we'll investigate later16:12
dednickSaviq: ok, let me just clean up and i'll put in an MP16:12
Saviqdednick, cheers16:12
dednicklarsu: ping16:24
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larsudednick: hey16:31
dednicklarsu: hey. question about indicator actions. why are they prefixed with indicator.* in the gmenumodel, but not in the actiongroup?16:34
dednicklarsu: or rather some of them are.16:34
Saviqdednick, I thought you'd just pass shellWidth/shellHeight in context props16:34
dednickSaviq: still need to check if they exist.16:35
Saviqdednick, no, just drop the "tablet" prop16:36
dednickSaviq: we dont use it?16:36
Saviqdednick, no16:36
Saviqdednick, and pass the correct values from C++ already16:37
Saviqdednick, only thing is... gridunits...16:37
dednickSaviq: yeah.16:37
Saviqdednick, so just pass 0 if not set on command line16:38
Saviqdednick, but drop the tablet prop anyway - better to use the -geometry arg anyway16:38
larsudednick: the prefix tells the you which action group to use16:39
fginthersil2100, that branch should start building shortly16:39
sil2100fginther: \o/16:39
sil2100Trevinho: can you make sure your branch with the nux dep-bump in unity is merged in?16:40
larsudednick: in the case of the indicator, we only have one action group, but we thought it's better to include a prefix anyway in case we decide to add another one at some point16:40
sil2100Trevinho, fginther: thanks guys!16:40
larsudednick: the unitymenumodel I've been working on a while ago handles this all for you, but I didn't get around to finishing and MRing that yet16:40
Saviqdidrocks, idea: could daily release drop an empty, bumped entry in debian/changelog?16:46
didrocksSaviq: you mean rebuilding daily even if there is nothing to publish?16:47
Saviqdidrocks, no no16:47
dednickSaviq: has to be a qobject16:47
Saviqdednick, right16:47
Saviqdidrocks, just a "next" entry in debian/changelog so that when you build locally it's higher than released16:47
Saviqdidrocks, but I'm probably overthinking it :)16:48
=== fginther is now known as fginther|lunch
didrocksSaviq: hum, I think it's more a feature in fact to have the same version16:48
didrocksSaviq: it enables to rollback easily16:48
bschaeferdednick, ping16:48
MacSlowkgunn, with my manual testing sofar (filling the queue) I could always get a snap-decision displayed right away when I triggered one... I'll keep looking further into it16:48
dednickbschaefer: howdy16:48
bschaeferdednick, hey, hows it going?16:48
dednickpretty good thanks. you?16:49
didrocksSaviq: the issue with dropping a "next" version is if someone already started that between the snapshot and the duplication16:49
kgunnMacSlow: makes me feel much better...keep tinkering16:49
didrocksyou will start having merge conflicts16:49
bschaeferdoing well, except im looking at removing some code here: https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/unity/lp.1201631-fix/+merge/17567016:49
didrocksand you don't know what good "next" version is (you are not sure to have a daily tomorrow :p)16:49
bschaeferdednick, and I want to make sure I don't cause any regressions, you mentioned that it was to get focus in the dash on start up16:49
MacSlowkgunn, I've sofar only used my (extended) python-examples to test-drive this...16:49
Saviqdidrocks, well, the next daily would be higher always16:50
MacSlowkgunn, I'll try messing around with the phone-app directly16:50
bschaeferdednick, but its been working fine for me removed...but still wanted to double check with you :)16:50
Saviqdidrocks, so a 20130720~ would be dropped the "next" for today16:50
MacSlowkgunn, who reported this anyway?16:50
Saviqdidrocks, but I know, overthinking :)16:50
didrocksSaviq: I'm more worried about potential merge conflicts when merging back16:51
didrocksbut yeah, will think about it16:51
Saviqdidrocks, cheers16:51
MacSlowkgunn, fyi... I've been doing that directly on the phone with the latest image and pulled updates16:51
Saviqdednick, can you please push your branch under ~unity-team and resubmit just in case16:51
SaviqMacSlow, don't we have a test for that in lp:unity-notifications btw?16:52
MacSlowkgunn, I'll also update the bug-entry once I've more data collected16:52
kgunnMacSlow: thostr_ said it happens to him....but he seemed to have some debug data behind it as well16:52
kgunnso not sure if he had experienced directly16:52
dednickSaviq: sure16:52
MacSlowSaviq, afaik yes16:52
kgunnor if he was reporting something from phonedations/phone app team16:52
Wellarklarsu: what is unitymenumodel?16:53
dednickbschaefer: i cant remember the conditions where we werent getting focus, but i remember putting it in.16:53
bschaeferdednick, the commit message on annotate mentioned on start up...but is causing the DashView/ScopeView/ScrollView to be SetVisible(true) when nothing is renderering16:53
bschaeferdednick, ill do some more testing to make sure im not doing anything crazy though... I would love to avoid a regression :)16:54
MacSlowkgunn, odd that thostr_ didn't mention this issue to me when I had a mumble-session with him this morning16:55
bschaefercause you know nux can't tell if something is rendering or not, just if someone set the view to visible or not, which doesn't do much either...16:55
larsuWellark: qmenumodel v216:55
MacSlowkgunn, just called myself with the queue being full of notification... snap-decision showed right up and I could pick up.16:57
dednickbschaefer: i have a feeling that it's the first time you ever open the dash16:57
MacSlowkgunn, really curious how they managed to run into this issue.16:57
bschaeferdednick, yup, which I checked for, and its getting focus16:57
bschaeferbut i just want to try a few more times...as it could be some sort of race condition16:57
kgunnMacSlow: maybe someones using or thinking of something old ?16:58
dednickbschaefer: after a reboot you mean?16:58
bschaeferdednick, just wanted to double check with you if there was more to it, thats all :)16:58
bschaeferdednick, yeah16:58
bschaeferand on a compiz --replace ccp16:58
kgunnMacSlow: so from above...we already have a test in place for full q & priority shuffling?16:58
MacSlowkgunn, at least for the moment my weekend seems not as grim as I envisioned it just an hour ago :)16:58
kgunnMacSlow: \o/16:58
dednickbschaefer: there are a few bugs logged against dash focus issues. may be worth sifting though them.16:59
dednicktagged with 100scopes most likely16:59
bschaeferdednick, o nice, yeah I can look for those, thanks!16:59
MacSlowkgunn, there's a test for full-queue... but nothing for checking if a snap-decision can still be inserted17:00
kgunnMacSlow: might be worth adding17:01
MacSlowkgunn, certainly... I'm always keeping my list with "tests to add" up to date with such findings17:01
MacSlowkgunn, so from my testing we're good... everything seems to be fine17:03
kgunnMacSlow: sure...just update the bug....and i'll circle back on strehl17:03
kgunnsee where he was hearing that from17:03
MacSlowkgunn, I'm switching the bug from "In Progress" to "Incomplete" (needing more info)17:03
MacSlowkgunn, and will also comment with my findings sofar.17:04
dednickSaviq: done.17:04
Saviqdednick, yeah, thanks!17:06
Saviqdednick, have a good weekend peepl o/17:06
dednickSaviq: you as well17:07
Wellarklarsu: ok, is it something I need to know about at this point?17:07
Wellarklarsu: does it support two way communication though the menuitems or is it still publish only?17:08
MacSlowHave a cool weekend everybody!17:09
larsuWellark: I don't know if you need to know about it :)17:09
larsuWellark: what do you mean by two-way communication? Activating actions etc.?17:09
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larsuSaviq: I've added you as a reviewer for the QGSettings API, hope that's okay with you :)17:22
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Trevinhofginther: when a package is merged by autolander, isn't it available for other projects immediately? I.e. isnt't there a local repository to be used, or it rely only on the ppa?17:48
Trevinhofginther: see https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-saucy-amd64-ci/152/console libdee 1.2.6 has auto-landed but it's not on the ppa yet but unity depending on it isn't building yet17:49
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Trevinhodidrocks: dead lock? ^ :)17:49
fgintherTrevinho, there is not a local repository that is shared by all projects. unity/compiz/nux share one, but dee is not in that group17:50
Trevinhofginther: ah i see...17:50
Trevinhofginther: so we only can wait...17:50
fgintherTrevinho, if it's urgent we can put dee in the same in the same local archive and rebuild, but it's a little bit of work to do17:51
fgintherTrevinho, and I'm swamped:p17:51
Trevinhofginther: eheh... no worries... let's avoid for now17:52
fgintherTrevinho, thanks17:52
Trevinhofginther: in case that it doesn't reach the ppa I'll re-approve tomorrow..17:52
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