
victor__hey is anybody here?02:40
LailaSomeone can help me with Ardor?18:38
holstein!ask | Laila18:38
ubottuLaila: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:38
holsteinalso, try #ardour or #opensourcemusicians18:38
LailaOh! YEs,m18:39
LailaSorry* I tryi18:39
LailaThere is no one in #ardor, i'm going to try #opensourcemusicians, thank you!18:40
holsteinLaila: you are spelling it incorrectly18:42
holsteinLaila: the channel is #ardour18:43
LailaOh! Thanks!18:44
MaynardWaters!patience | Laila19:02
ubottuLaila: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/19:02
holsteinlaila is gone :19:03
holsteinnever asked the question19:03
MaynardWatersLaila, you should make some comments about peace love and understanding within patience19:03
holsteinMaynardWaters: laila is gone, friend19:04
MaynardWatersohhh, I see the | directed the response from ubottu to Laila19:04
* MaynardWaters isn't used to the bots, and plays around like a infant when he sees a new use19:04
MaynardWatershow you doing today holstein ?19:05
holsteinMaynardWaters: this is a great place for playing around19:05
holsteinMaynardWaters: not bad. tired, and have a half day19:05
holsteinwell, only 1 show, not 219:05
MaynardWatersnice, yea I got back from a 4 day last night so I'm a little tired too19:05
holsteinMaynardWaters: how far did you travel? did you drive?19:06
MaynardWatersby show, you mean you were playing out for people in a public place?19:06
MaynardWatersI did drive, about a 3 hour car ride, not too bad, but after 8 hours of teaching, its a long day19:06
holsteinits a theater job19:06
holstein8 shows a week for 6 weeks19:07
MaynardWatersoooOOOooo, did wolverine make an appearance?19:07
holsteinnot unless thats a euphamism ;)19:07
MaynardWatersholstein: use mixxx much?19:10
holsteinMaynardWaters: nope.. i have only tested it years ago19:11
MaynardWatersuse any midi/usb devices as controlers?19:11
holsteinMaynardWaters: for sooperlooper19:12
MaynardWaterswhats the hardware?19:12
holsteinMaynardWaters: whatever i have that sends midi19:12
holsteinMaynardWaters: pedals via usb midi controllers19:12
holsteinsome crap maudio keyboard19:13
lumpyello ello23:56

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