
manchickenIs the kubuntu-ppa just KDE stuff?01:40
tsimpsonKDE (SC) and whatever it needs01:41
manchickenI've been running on my VirtualBox at work with no problems at all, but I use my home machine differently, and it's not as easy to roll back my laptop as it is to roll back a virtualbox :)01:41
manchickenAnybody had a chance to review my merge request yet?02:11
* ScottK pokes at JontheEchidna ^^^03:04
manchickenThere's some lovely silliness on #kubuntu right now.03:07
manchickenHoly crap... I forgot that trolling happened on IRC.03:27
manchickenI'm going to have to stop sooner than that.03:27
manchickenI can't do anything to help someone understand that HTML is not a GUI toolkit... I should accept that.03:28
juancarlospacogoogle QMLWeb and maybe it is03:30
manchickenIt still wouldn't be the toolkit.03:30
juancarlospacoits the markup, and its a toolkit03:35
juancarlospacois not THE toolkit03:35
juancarlospacoia a toolkit03:35
ScottKThere is a reason I don't have out in #kubuntu.03:48
=== alpacaherder is now known as skellat
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Quintasanany freaking idea why KDE doesn't have the Set as wallpaper on rightclick on a image file?08:38
Quintasanbetter yet08:38
Quintasanwhy it's STILL not there08:38
Quintasan5 months since last message08:41
Quintasanoh god08:41
=== lordieva1er is now known as lordievader
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=== alpacaherder is now known as skellat
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BluesKajHowdy folks11:54
manchickenIs kwin broken on the kubuntu-ppa?12:07
manchickenOoh, I think that some of the kwin data may be trashed...12:08
tester56hi, does anyone know how to export all of the semantic data, apart from copying whole .kde?12:09
tester56which files/folders are responsible for storing this stuff?12:09
tester56is nepomuk backup meant to do this?12:10
tester56i don't want to lose all my tags, ratings etc. when migrating to a new install12:10
BluesKajdo you have a / partition ?12:12
tester56BluesKaj: i don't get the question12:14
BluesKajthen I don't get what you mean12:14
BluesKajwhere the new install is going12:15
tester56oh ... on a different ssd12:15
manchickenIS there any cache for kwin that I could delete or something?12:15
BluesKajyou could try dd , tester5612:16
manchickenI wonder if it's just that the oxygen window decoration isn't instlled... it's not showing up in the picker.12:16
tester56BluesKaj: I think you miunderstood my question ...12:16
tester56It's not about backing up my data ...12:16
tester56It's about the hidden bits of Akonadi, nepomuk etc. 12:16
BluesKajok,nm , then I have no idea 12:17
manchickenThis is the strangest thing... it's like kwin is functioning just fine but without any decorations.12:17
tester56When I tag somethin in dolphin it gets stored in some place12:17
tester56i wanted to know where it gets stored and how to migrate it without copying whole .kde directory12:17
tester56manchicken: pastebin output of kwin --replace & 12:18
tester56manchicken: pastebin output of kwin --replace & 12:18
tester56manchicken:  try backing up and deleting .kde/share/config/kwinrc12:19
tester56manchicken: be careful: this will reset all you kwin settings12:19
manchickenActivities as well?12:19
tester56manchicken: only kwin settings ... but i am pretty sure it won't help as there seems indeed to be a problem with decoration: look at the line "KWin: The default decoration plugin is corrupt and could not be loaded.12:20
tester56manchicken: try another decoration ...12:21
tester56like Laptop for e.g.12:21
tester56and does it get loaded?12:22
manchickenI had to replace kwin again12:22
tester56and now the decoration works?12:23
manchickenThough many of them don't seem to have a window shade icon. Curse them...12:24
tester56which decoration are you using now?12:25
tester56and what does not work?12:26
manchickenSo it looks like the package in the PPA breaks the default decoration.12:26
tester56could be ... i don't use the ppa12:26
manchickenThe default one, I don't know the name of the default one. I started with default 13.04 and then last night - since I hadn't had trouble with the PPA at work - I installed the PPA on my laptop.12:27
tester56The library /usr/lib/kde4/kwin3_oxygen.so has no API version 12:27
manchickenThat leads me to believe that it's oxygen :)12:28
tester56yeah it is oxygen12:28
manchickenI'm gonna bounce X, see if activities start behaving without kwin being crashed and replaced.12:29
tester56manchicken: try to start the guest session and see if things work there to be sure it is not config related12:45
BluesKajmanchicken, ??12:45
tester56manchicken: if things don't work simply purge the ppa 12:45
BluesKajwth was that ?12:45
manchickenThe theme messed up my other settings, so I had to change some stuff around and restart K, now I'm good I think.12:46
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
yofeltester56: when it comes to akonadi, it stores the data in .local/share/akonadi/ (or whatever else $XDG_DATA_HOME is set to), nepomuk's virtuoso database is in .kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/data/virtuosobackend/ but I don't know if that's all13:12
tester56yofel: i have found a nice method: in any pim application for e.g. kmail you have a menu entry "Export Kmail Data" (under tools) ... now you can export them .. you need to install mysql-client-5.5 though otherwise you get an error 13:14
yofelah, nice13:14
tester56yofel: but do you know how nepomuk backups works?13:14
tester56i can't get it working :-(13:15
yofelnot really, I never tried13:15
tester56I want wo export all my nepomuk data ... but the files seem empty 13:15
tester56i wen to systemsettings / Desktop Search / Backup /Manual Backup and typed in a zip archive name 13:16
tester56it says: successfully exported but ark can't see any files inside the  zip13:16
tester56it seems empty .. gunzip does nothing (it's gzip compressed)13:17
tester56does it work for you?13:17
tester56thx :-)13:21
yofeltypical... http://paste.kde.org/pdfaa4edc/13:23
yofelnext try13:23
tester56yofel: are you using 4.11?13:25
yofelyes, on 13.1013:25
tester56i have never got that crash ... so basically you can't even export?13:26
yofelwell, now it didn't crash. But it didn't export anything useful either :S13:26
tester56what did it export?13:26
yofela 4K file with nothing human readable inside13:27
tester56mine has 1,2 kb13:27
tester56how did you determin the content?13:28
tester56i can't even see whats inside 13:28
tester56looks like nothing 13:28
tester56yofel: ?13:34
yofelopnened it in vim. But all I see is 4KiB of garbage.13:35
tester56the zip file? or did you use another format?13:35
tester56i could not find documenation for this backup application ... how should it be handled?13:36
yofelI didn't see where I could set the format, I just choose a file and pressed next13:39
yofelhm, if I don't press finish, it keeps filling my xsession-errors with13:40
yofel15:39:24 nepomukbackup(2530)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::processPendingUpdates: "/tmp/_CACHE_CLEAN_"13:40
yofelit's stuck on my firefox cache that I put into /tmp o.O13:40
yofelanyway, warrants a bug report13:43
yofellater anyway13:43
* yofel off13:43
* apachelogger_ looks at JontheEchidna15:31
* apachelogger_ mentions https://code.launchpad.net/~manchicken/kubuntu-debug-installer/kubuntu-debug-installer/+merge/17491515:31
* apachelogger_ leaves again15:31
* genii sips and ponders this manchicken15:32
tester56yofel, are you here again?15:51
Riddellbonsoir a paris16:23
Riddellshadeslayer: where are you?16:31
shadeslayerRiddell: Munich16:31
Riddellooh, home of the large Kubuntu rollout :)16:31
shadeslayerindeedly :)16:31
Riddellquick find a government office and take a sneaky look16:31
shadeslayercan't get out of the airport16:32
shadeslayerflight in another hour16:38
shadeslayermaybe I should go and check boarding16:39
shadeslayerRiddell: you didn't upload RC1 :(16:46
Riddelldidn't I?16:47
shadeslayerdon't see RC1 in http://pad.lv/u/kde4libs16:48
shadeslayerit seems you didn't upload kde4libs? :O16:48
tester56yofel: i tried exporting and importing on another install (with same home content) and the tags were not found 16:49
yofelfile a bug please16:49
tester56yofel: what should i write about: writing it does not work is not enough ...16:50
tester56i can't debug that stuff :-(16:50
yofelwell, vHanda_ will know more, but for starters you could enable kdebug output just for nepomuk* and attach the log to the report about backups being incomplete16:51
tester56yofel: okay thanks for your help16:52
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
littlegirlHey there, I just filed a bug report at https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=315380 on a bug that's apparently already considered resolved even though I can still consistently repeat it. When I asked the KDE people why it's considered resolved they said the software is obsolete. I'm just curious why there's obsolete software in the LTS. (:18:04
ubottuKDE bug 315380 in general "Rekonq "crashes" when closing application." [Crash,Resolved: unmaintained]18:04
littlegirlOh, and hi. I haven't been in here in a while. (:18:05
macopresumably it wasnt obsolete when it was put into the LTS18:15
macoif it has gone obsolete since then, it falls to the distro to maintain it18:15
macothough if it's in universe, not main, it still might not get much attention18:15
Quintasanlittlegirl: Look, the bugreport says everything, 0.x branch is deprecated18:26
Quintasanlittlegirl: I do not think we can update packages there now.18:26
QuintasanBut I'm wondering if we don't actually have an update in ppa18:26
yofelnewest is in the backports PPA18:26
yofeland 1.0 in precise-backports18:27
yofelI think that was about what we were able to do18:27
littlegirlOkay, thanks, that makes sense. (:18:31
juancarlospacofor some reason kubuntu its not installing on SSD right now  :(21:56
ahoneybunhey guys22:27
* genii immediately suspects a Vertex222:35
Riddellhi ahoneybun 23:49

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