
=== WhereIsMySpoon_ is now known as WhereIsMySpoon
xubuntu963Hello!  I need help upgrading Ubuntu 8.04 to XUbuntu 12.0402:04
xubuntu963I would really like to get on Skype with someone who can talk me through it02:04
xubuntu963Any takers?02:04
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:05
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xubuntu963I am specifically looking to upgrade my EOL Ubuntu 8.04 to XUbuntu 12.04.  I have Xubuntu on a CD.  But don't know what to do next.  I want to make a fresh install of XUbuntu in place of the old Ubuntu system02:16
xubuntu963I need step-by-step cookbook instructions but everything I'm finding implies knowledge I don't possess.02:17
xubuntu963Which is why I'd like to Skype chat with someone who can talk me through it02:17
Unit193Well, it's pretty documented on the wiki, though if you have any targetted questions we're here.02:18
xubuntu963OK on the Wiki, but not finding any links to specific info on how to do what I want to do02:23
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »02:24
maitakeoh wicked link02:25
maitakei usually go sudo crazy and de-junkify my install02:25
Unit193Yep, pity it hasn't been updated for raring, and there's generally cruft to clean out from home too.02:26
maitakeyeah it's okay02:27
maitakemostly under the hood stuff anyway02:27
xubuntu963this isn't going to work, need to talk to someone live02:27
maitakefor me i've found peace with xubuntu + compiz + docky.. got a super sexy minimalist desktop going right now that is absolutely fantastic to use02:28
maitakemacOS has nothing on this setup02:28
Unit193xubuntu963: So, would a reinstall with Xubuntu work?02:28
xubuntu963It probably would, If I had any clue as to how to go about doing it.02:29
xubuntu963I need the steps one-at-a-time, with everything explained and no prior knowledge assumed because there isn't any02:30
Unit193Basically, download the ISO, burn to disk, boot, install.02:30
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate02:30
xubuntu963I unstalled Ubuntu in 2006 and upgraded once to 8.04, and haven't done anything like it since02:30
xubuntu963You're saying !install -- what is that and what do I do with it02:31
Unit193It's a trigger for the bot to link you to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation02:31
maitakeI will say that i've had been luck installing Xubuntu rather than doing what I thought would be more ideal: installing ubuntu minimal and sudo apt-get installing xubuntu-desktop02:32
xubuntu963it is not referring to XUbuntu02:32
xubuntu963Nobody here is on Skype?02:33
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Unit193!es | xubuntu32603:51
ubottuxubuntu326: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.03:51
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=== jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x
xubuntu516привет всем. Кто нибудь может посоветовать, как запретить xubuntu включать блютуз при запуске? Я им просто не пользуюсь, а система автоматом включает05:17
Unit193!ru | xubuntu51605:17
ubottuxubuntu516: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.05:17
bitboxany GRUB/MBR/BIOS gurus in house?06:09
xGrindbitbox, hi06:16
=== jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x
Noskcaj10I've somehow accidentally disabled the shortcuts to swap workspaces, How do i find the shortcuts?09:30
cfhowlettNoskcaj10, settings>Keyboard>Application shortcuts09:32
Noskcaj10cfhowlett, Since nothing there says "switcher", i assume i deleted them09:33
cfhowlettNoskcaj10, try resetting to defaults??09:33
Noskcaj10done, but the switcher shortcuts still don't work09:34
cfhowlettNoskcaj10, sorry then.  I don't know how to reset, but your shortcuts would be in your /home somewhere ... probably a .hidden file09:35
Noskcaj10I'll have to keep looking then, thanks09:35
SysiNoskcaj10: window manager settings09:36
cfhowlettSysi, nice one!  didn't even think to look there.09:37
Noskcaj10Sysi, thanks, i just realised my problem too. I made the two workspaces stacked, rather than side by side09:38
Sysiimportant message http://ubuntuforums.org/announce.html (sorry, it's not about xubuntu support)09:38
Noskcaj10by now, i think we've all seen that 500 times09:38
Sysihope so09:39
=== Noskcaj10 is now known as Noskcaj
akoviaHi, I keep having troubles with my usb mouse locking up. It could be a hardware issue, (not sure) but I'm looking for a way to reset it without rebooting.11:56
bekksakovia: Did you change the batteries yet?11:57
akoviaThe solution I found by searching was to sudo /etc/init.d/hotplug restart, but hotplug doesn't exist on my machine11:57
akoviano batteries11:57
akoviabtw, I'm on 12.04LTS with my mouse plugged directly into my usb11:58
akoviaI wonder why hotplug isn't installed, is this an xubuntu thing? Is there an equivalent command I could try?12:03
bekksWasnt hotplug replaced by udev, very long ago?12:05
akoviai don't know, most info I can find on resetting a mouse only refers to hotplug. I will search using udev and see what I get12:11
akoviaof course ubuntiforums is down =/12:14
knomeakovia, you should be able to access most of the pages cached via google though12:15
akoviai am, just a pain12:15
akoviastill not getting any hits on just resetting mouse though12:16
akoviastill looking12:16
akoviawhat's strange is that my mouse is plugged into my keyboard but it never stops funvtioning12:17
akoviainserting any usb device after the mouse quits doesn't do anything, no matter what usb port I use12:18
akoviawhich leads me to think it's a usb driver problem. resetting it, even if I figure how, is only a temp fix. I wish I could figure out how to troubleshoot it further12:19
bekksThen your USB bus freaks out, not your mouse.12:20
bekksSounds like faulty hardware.12:20
akoviamight be, just curious why everything else in the bus still functions when it happens12:20
UnHolyTerrorakovia, have you tried plugging mouse directly to computer instead?12:30
akoviaJust tried that, guess I won't know anything unless it fails again.12:30
akoviajust wanted to look for a way to recover it if/when it fails since rebooting is such a pita12:31
akoviaguess I can try sudo reload udev12:32
UnHolyTerrorWhat version xubuntu are you using?12:32
UnHolyTerrorno, duh... find System->Preferences->Keyboard12:34
akoviai'm there12:35
xubuntu077hi. I cannot install opera browser on xubuntu 13.04.13:06
toraxxubuntu077: what did you tried to do?13:09
xubuntu077I dowloaded deb package then tried with deb installer , terminal but13:09
xubuntu077ı cant13:09
xubuntu077in software center there inst any package of opera too13:10
toraxwhat happens when you just double-click on the .deb ?13:11
xubuntu077ıt says broken pack13:11
xubuntu247hi, is thre anybody around?13:14
baizonhi xubuntu24713:15
xubuntu247hi, I was wondering which distribution of ubuntu to download for my old pc. it's ad AMD at aroung 600Mhz (not sure, I need to double check). can you help me?13:17
baizonxubuntu247: http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ <- there you have "Minimum system requirements"13:18
baizonxubuntu247: else you can try Lubuntu (system requirements are here-> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu )13:19
xubuntu247grat thanks :) would it be possible to get ubuntu aswel?13:21
xubuntu247but main question: may be possible to install it from ad usb device?13:21
baizonxubuntu247: you can install every *ubuntu from a usb drive13:22
baizonxubuntu247: not really, you need at least a 700MHz CPU (source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements )13:23
xubuntu247ok, no problem! should I boot the system from usb to install it from there? my problem is that I cannot load windows since I forgot the admin password.13:24
baizonxubuntu247: yes13:25
baizonyou can boot from the usb drive13:25
baizonbut you have to create it first of course13:26
xubuntu247so I only have to download it and move the dowload to an usb and start the old desktop from the usb drive right?!13:26
baizonxubuntu247: no, you have to do it like this... http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows13:28
xubuntu247wonderful! thanks a million!! :)13:29
baizonno problem :)13:30
akoviaThanks for the help UnHolyTerror!13:55
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xubuntu592hello xubuntu kicks a**14:05
knome!language | xubuntu59214:05
ubottuxubuntu592: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:05
xubuntu592sorry super bot with chipset brain14:06
xubuntu592all asleep dudes14:07
xubuntu592still all asleep????14:08
Unit193Did you have a support question?14:08
xubuntu592no sorry, oh yeah gma500 video card i can't get descent playback youtube awfull14:09
xubuntu592but i know poulsbo and stuff14:10
xubuntu592but i got the sound problem fix with searches14:10
Unit193You check for Additional Drivers in the Software Sources application?14:11
xubuntu592technology asks too much ressources we should reduce ressources instead of making more14:12
knomexubuntu438, would you please concentrate on the support issues on this channel? if you want to have random chatter, join #xubuntu-offtopic14:13
xubuntu592no imo xubuntu 13.04 are good just add -vaapi but doesn't fix youtube14:13
xubuntu592im going off topic14:15
xubuntu438hello i have intel graphics media accelerator x3100 but i dont have the drivers for xubuntu . can anyone have a download link?14:15
Unit193xubuntu438: Hey, you should check the Drivers tab of "Software Sources"14:16
xubuntu438and after that?14:17
UnHolyTerrorxubuntu438, https://01.org/linuxgraphics/14:24
keijo_how i can give full permissions for Firefox? i need addons etc..14:40
knomekeijo_, you should be able to install addons to firefox from the addons manager normally14:41
keijo_knome: last night i try xubuntu first time and i couldent14:45
knomekeijo_, what was the error message?14:46
keijo_i didnt have right to install addons ..14:47
keijo_im reinstalling now and i try again14:48
keijo_Plugin findr15:10
keijo_i go to youtube, install missing plugins, Plugin Finder Service215:11
keijo_searching and searching nothing happen15:11
keijo_only option is to cancell15:17
keijo_i go to adobe Flash Player download page there is APT for UB15:19
keijo_Ubuntu 10.04+15:19
xubuntu247him I have a little doubt: may I download an ubuntu distribution on my laptop with windows vista and install it ot remove the windows OS? or I can only do it by a bootable dvd?15:30
TheSheep!install | xubuntu24715:32
ubottuxubuntu247: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate15:32
keijo_how to install oracle java15:42
baizonkeijo_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java15:43
keijo_how i can make panel 2 like osx16:04
peyamkeijo_, google16:05
peyamkeijo_, http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2008/02/15/design-your-own-desktop-with-xfce-44-part-2/16:07
xubuntu849hello a silly question but it is possible to make a xubuntu usb live and have the possibility to act as a partition where i can save my changes to some applications or store a few files in the reamining free space of usb?17:14
Rileyxubuntu849 yes17:17
Rileyyou can use unetbootin to do that17:17
xubuntu849i know the tool but i mean i dont have to make any special setting right? i am choosing the iso of xubuntu17:18
xubuntu849and the usb storage stick17:18
Rileyno theres just an option in unetbootin were u can allocate space seperatly17:19
Rileyso any changes u make witht the live cd will stick when you reboot17:20
xubuntu849oh thank you so much ;) i ll check it then!17:20
Rileyjust make sure the usb is formated to fat32 or ext17:21
xubuntu849yeah i know it...it is formated to fat32 but maybe better to format it at ext4 via my install xubuntu on another laptop?by they way how i am doing it this? :P17:22
Rileyfat32 is fine17:23
xubuntu849ok thank you ;)17:24
keijo_how to make xfce in xubuntu more beatiful easyly17:42
xubuntu849you can try cairo dock application but you have to remove your bottom panel of xfce17:43
xubuntu849omg how you made it like this? lol17:44
Rileycairodock and conkys17:46
=== moondog is now known as moondoggie
Rileytheres several videos and tutoirals on how to theme xfce keijo_17:49
keijo_im logged as root in terminal tell me commands17:50
hplcstarted up xubuntu as live cd, want to install, but first setup raid0, on the 2 HDDs, how do i do that?17:50
keijo_if you can help17:50
Rileyits not that simple lol17:50
knomekeijo_, tell you what commands?17:58
keijo_knome: i want make my dock more beatifull18:05
keijo_somethink like this18:06
KombuchaKipTo everyone: Ubuntu Forums hacked: http://ubuntuforums.org/announce.html18:06
Myrttipeople who care about the forums probably have already noticed ;-)18:08
Rileykeijo_ please stop pming people without asking and demanding to tell you commands18:08
hplchacked? in what way? graphics changed?18:12
Rileypasswords and accounts were compromised18:12
hplcso it was not meant to offend and or ridicule?18:13
Rileythey stole passwords18:13
hplchow can that be detected so fast?18:14
hplci.e less than a day?18:14
knomeok, enough of the forums discussion18:15
knomethe forums domain tell you what you need to know18:15
Rileythank you knome18:15
Rileyare there not any mods in this channel18:15
Myrttisure there are18:16
keijo_moi Myrtti18:18
keijo_Suomi Finland PERKELE18:19
knomekeijo_, english only; and please watch your language. consider this the last warning.18:19
keijo_=) ok18:19
knomekeijo_, i have no idea what dock that is - you might want to google for docks that work with xfce18:20
keijo_knome: panel 218:21
keijo_i want make it more cool18:21
Rileyknome its cairo18:21
ubottuTämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)18:21
keijo_where is linus torvalds18:23
knome!offtopic | keijo_18:23
ubottukeijo_: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:23
Rileynet split19:02
=== clearskies is now known as Guest791
xubuntu247hi all,19:45
xubuntu247I'm trying to install xubuntu via usb created with unetbootin, but it doesn't work: I get a black screen with some letters flashing on it and the boot doesn't gets stuck19:46
xubuntu247has anybody ever experienced this behaviour?19:47
Rileyxubuntu247 was that u here earlier19:49
Rileyon unetbootin did it boot to the live cd there should be a feew options19:49
xubuntu247it's me... still trying19:49
Rileywitch iso did u use19:50
xubuntu247xubuntu 12.4 or something!19:51
xubuntu247I selected one I had previously downloaded myself19:51
Rileywas the usb formated before u ran unetbootin19:52
xubuntu247yep: FAT3219:52
nukkexubuntu247: you can try using Universal USB Installer. it's a freeware program similar to Unetbootin, but a bit more straightforward.19:53
=== Htbrdd- is now known as Htbrdd
xubuntu247does it run on win2000?19:55
nukkexubuntu247: yes. here's the website: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/19:55
nukkexubuntu247: sorry, it doesn't work with Windows 2000. I read wrong.19:56
xubuntu247ah!!...no problem. I had already tried it.19:56
xubuntu247I don't know it might depend on the booting system: my BIOS offers me to boot from USB FDD or USB ZIP. none of these works!19:58
xubuntu247any suggestions?19:59
Rileyor win32 usb19:59
Rileyit should have a 32bit version19:59
Rileyman so i guess freenodes still getting atacked19:59
Rileydo you have a blank dvd xubuntu24719:59
xubuntu247unfortunately not right know. I need to double check but I believe not.19:59
Rileythat must be an ancient computer20:00
xubuntu247quite a bit! eh eh eh ;)20:01
xubuntu247but good news: I have found a DVD RW and I have an external DVD burner!!20:01
Rileyi still have a couple ubuntu 10.04 cds lol20:02
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=== maitake is now known as KetoTurds
pytr0nHello everyone! I was hoping somebody could help me with Geany. I installed version 0.21 and installed themes for Syntax highlighting as the README describes, but I have no idea how to select the theme. Could somebody explain to me how I change the color scheme?20:51
TheLordOfTimewhere's the user's trash directory stored in Xubuntu?21:33
TheLordOfTimein Ubuntu, it's ~/.local/share/Trash/* but I am curious what it is in Xubuntu21:33
TheLordOfTimeUnit193:  within the user's home directory, right?21:34
Unit193Of course.21:34
TheLordOfTimesuch that /home/$USER/.local/share/Trash/*21:34
TheLordOfTimeUnit193:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/322687/theres-a-file-in-my-trash-that-cant-be-deleted <-- any ideas then?21:35
TheLordOfTimebecause they say said folder there is missing21:35
xubuntu743Can anyone help? I want to know how to make my fonts look like they do in Windows.22:01
bekksxubuntu743: We dont know how they look in Windows :)22:01
nukkecan you be more specific?22:02
xubuntu743EVERYTHING uses the default font, even on websites.. That isn't what I want.22:03
knomexubuntu743, rather than telling what you don't want, what if you told what you want?22:03
bekksknome: "something else" :)22:04
SunStar96 dpi Segoe UI 9pt regular22:05
bekksThen configure your system to use that specific font.22:05
xubuntu743What i'm trying to say is that when browsing websites, only the default font is used for everything, and not the MS web core fonts I installed.22:07
SunStarif the website doesnt specify a particular font then it uses system default font, you can change the system fonts, you can also change the fonts and colors in your browser's prefrences22:07
knomexubuntu743, you can change the firefox preferences to change that behavior if you wish22:07
knomefont rendering will most probably be an exact match with windows though22:08
knome(even if one used the same fonts)22:08
xubuntu743I've tried in firefox, and chrome. Still the same results. I'm not trying to pester, it's just I don't understand what the problem is.22:11
knomeas i said, font rendering most probably differs whatsoever22:11
knomei'm pretty confident you can't have 100% the exact same looks22:12
xubuntu743Well, thanks anyway..22:14
knomexubuntu743, it isn't a solution, but my suggestion is to not worry too much about it - you'll get used to it22:14
xubuntu743I suppose.22:14
SunStarperhaps you should file a bug report on the issue?22:16
knomeif he's changed the default fonts in firefox as the MS fonts, there's no bug22:17
knomeit's as much a bug as "there's no C:-drive in xubuntu"22:17
SunStarfirefox has a bug reporting system as well. ubuntu is not special.22:18
knomeSunStar, no, but firefox can't affect ubuntu's font rendering22:18
SunStari suppose i'm just not understanding the issue as you are22:19
knomeas far as i know, font rendering on same firefox version in windows an linux differs22:20
knomesure, you can use the saem font and it looks pretty much the same22:20
SunStarsounds to me like xubuntu743 is changing the font, and the font, and the correct font is not being displayed22:21
knomebut there's no way to make sure the rendering is exactly the same - which in most cases is the reason why people think there's something wrong with the  fonts22:21
nukkexubuntu743: have you tried changing the Xfce font settings?22:21
keijo_i installed cairo-dock and i cant see firefox fullscreen22:24
keijo_there is under space22:24
xubuntu743the xfce font settings are the only settings i've changed. I've changed nothing in either browser. They should allow the website to display their own fonts by default. Which is my concern.22:24
knomexubuntu743, if a website defines fonts, they are able to use them22:24
knomexubuntu743, they can also define "sans" or "sans-serif", which in the xubuntu firefox fall back to non-MS fonts22:25
knomexubuntu743, that's why you should also see firefox's font settings, if you want sites to be able to use MS-fonts even when they use "sans", "sans-serif" etc22:26
keijo_i installed cairo-dock and i cant see firefox fullscreen, there is under free space, i want full screen22:28
knome!patience | keijo_22:29
ubottukeijo_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/22:29
xubuntu743I'll figure it out, if not, it's not a big deal.22:32
knomexubuntu743, good luck22:32
xubuntu743Anyway, can I get a login manager like this http://i.imgur.com/61BiC3v.png ? It's slim, isn't it?22:37
knomeif you find such theme for lightdm, sure22:37
xubuntu743I can't use slim instead of lightdm?22:39
knomeum, right. most probably, yes22:39
knomethe first thing i'd check is if it's in the repositories22:39
knomeif not, it can get a bit harder22:39
=== shock is now known as Guest62589
=== brainwas- is now known as brainwash
keijo_i need software to download from youtube23:23
lderankeijo_, im sure you could find ways to do that on google, if the video isn't of copyrighted content that is23:25
lderanalso a bit offtopic23:25
xubuntu557i have xubuntu going in on a 4gb ssd, it is fitting okay!23:30
SunStarkeijo_,  have you tried a site like www.keepvid.com ?23:30
=== KetoTurds is now known as maitake

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