rick_h | jcastro: any new word on juju/rackspace than this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/166102/how-do-i-configure-juju-for-deployment-on-rackspace-cloud | 02:07 |
rick_h | jcastro: https://twitter.com/jessenoller/status/355757374906183680 has me kind of curious | 02:07 |
rick_h | morning | 11:14 |
rick_h | sweet, goldieblox in AMZ! http://www.amazon.com/Goldie-Blox-The-Spinning-Machine/dp/B00BCXU3PQ/ | 12:09 |
snap-l | Good morning | 12:50 |
snap-l | Man I want to go back to bed | 12:51 |
rick_h | +1 | 12:52 |
rick_h | neither the body nor mind are willing today | 12:52 |
rick_h | but big day today...going to be a fun ride | 12:53 |
snap-l | Where are you headed? | 12:55 |
rick_h | heh, it's a sit at my desk and watch the show kind of ride | 12:55 |
rick_h | but my 'shed' arrives today as well so party party | 12:55 |
rick_h | get to build something | 12:55 |
snap-l | Ah, so more of a "let things wash over me" | 12:55 |
snap-l | What sort of shedpocalypse hath thou wrought? | 12:55 |
rick_h | heh | 12:56 |
brousch | Knowing rick_h, it's probably a airplane hangar | 13:05 |
rick_h | brousch: no, I had to scale back after getting the camper this year | 13:05 |
rick_h | so it's a small plastic thing big enough for lawn gear and about it | 13:05 |
rick_h | but getting the lawn gear out of the garage will be yay! | 13:05 |
snap-l | plus alternate sleepnig arrangements whenever rick_h is in the doghouse. :) | 13:06 |
rick_h | that's what the camper is for :P | 13:06 |
rick_h | so long guest room! | 13:07 |
snap-l | Assuming Erica doesn't change the locks. :) | 13:07 |
rick_h | psh, she can barely figure out how to unlock it :P | 13:07 |
rick_h | on our second trip she went to the camper and came back with the keys in hand saying she couldn't get it to unlock | 13:08 |
rick_h | there are two locks on there and they move in different directions so she kept unlocking one and locking the other | 13:08 |
snap-l | If it's the camper locks I remember, they were all keyed differently and had a tumbler mechanism that was mostly a suggestion | 13:08 |
snap-l | You had a better chance of picking the lock than of using the proper key. | 13:09 |
rick_h | woot! https://jujucharms.com/ | 14:06 |
rick_h | it's alive! | 14:06 |
snap-l | rick_h: Congratulations! | 14:29 |
rick_h | and there's one bad config value breaking it and we're all chickens with our heads cut off yay | 14:30 |
snap-l | Of course. :) | 14:31 |
snap-l | It wouldn't be a launch without someone forgetting the baking powder. | 14:31 |
rick_h | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mspwQfoYQks for a video put together showing it off | 15:11 |
jrwren | rick_h: congrats. | 15:12 |
rick_h | once you can get past the keyboard typing in the video :/ | 15:12 |
* rick_h gets some popcorn to read the comments section http://techcrunch.com/2013/07/22/ubuntu-smartphone-canonical/ | 15:35 | |
smoser | http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ubuntu-edge/x/4032960 | 15:42 |
smoser | http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ubuntu-edge | 15:42 |
rick_h | yea, I was suckered in and signed up | 15:42 |
rick_h | wasn't planning on it, but the video talked me into it :) | 15:42 |
rick_h | but clearly the updated juju-gui release is a MUCH bigger story than some fancy hardware stuff :P | 15:43 |
rick_h | #poorreleasedateplanning | 15:43 |
smoser | rick_h, so you put in $600 ? | 15:43 |
smoser | i'm tempted | 15:43 |
rick_h | smoser: yea | 15:43 |
rick_h | smoser: if they don't reach the goal it gets refunded and I'm lokoing to buy a new phone anyway | 15:44 |
brousch | geez | 15:44 |
rick_h | I'm getting off verizon when my contract expires in Dec and I want to go the 'buy your own phone' route | 15:44 |
brousch | Can you run Android on it if ubuntu phone sucks? | 15:44 |
rick_h | brousch: yes...yes you can | 15:44 |
brousch | OK | 15:44 |
rick_h | which is part of what convinced me to go ahead and do it | 15:44 |
rick_h | I'll be hoping for some big time xda love | 15:44 |
greg-g | heh | 15:56 |
greg-g | wait, I can fund it, get my phone, then return it within 28 days for a refund? | 15:58 |
greg-g | "What warranties apply to the Ubuntu Edge?" | 15:58 |
snap-l | rick_h: You might want to check that | 16:01 |
snap-l | indiegogo is not kickstarter. There's an option to keep the money if it's not funded. | 16:01 |
snap-l | "This campaign will only receive funds if at least $32,000,000 is raised by Wed 21 Aug 11:59PM PT." | 16:01 |
snap-l | n/m | 16:01 |
rick_h | snap-l: but that option is not in effect. It states it on the site | 16:01 |
jrwren | the thing about charms is they are overly complex for my use case. all I really want is cloud-init wiht some extra help. :) | 16:02 |
brousch | Will Edge work on Ting? | 16:05 |
rick_h | probably not, it's dual LTE and not sure what's behind it after that. | 16:05 |
brousch | expected delivery in May 2014 | 16:05 |
rick_h | though sprint is deploying lte now so who knows by the time it comes out next year | 16:05 |
brousch | That's a long time in phone years! | 16:06 |
snap-l | I'd be highly surprised if it was on Sprint | 16:06 |
snap-l | I think Verizon is the only domestic option at the moment | 16:06 |
snap-l | Honestly I'll be surprised if this funds at all | 16:08 |
rick_h | att/t-mobile | 16:08 |
snap-l | When did they sign up? | 16:08 |
* snap-l is out of the loop apparently | 16:08 | |
rick_h | they didn't but tech wise it should work | 16:08 |
rick_h | and CAG does not mean anything about phone working | 16:08 |
snap-l | I see no mention of the FCC on this page. That concerns me | 16:10 |
greg-g | oh come on, snap-l, just trust Canonical FOR ONCE! | 16:14 |
snap-l | Keeping my mouth shut and waiting for miracles. | 16:18 |
snap-l | I've been proven wrong before. :) | 16:18 |
rick_h | heh, well odds are it won't happen and this is a cheap publicity stunt. If it does go through, then unique toys for some people | 16:28 |
snap-l | http://www.amazon.com/review/R2VAJTQQ1CV86X/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00D624AQO&linkCode=&nodeID=&tag= | 17:04 |
rick_h | lmao | 17:05 |
rick_h | I suppose 'functional' is a loaded word for non-programmers | 17:05 |
snap-l | Apparently. | 17:05 |
rick_h | lmao, and of course we deploy without setting the deploy config flag. #LaunchFail | 17:24 |
rick_h | man, what a Monday | 17:24 |
greg-g | hah | 17:26 |
rick_h | 1) Deploy months of work ...check | 17:26 |
rick_h | 2) Get completely overshadowed by other company release ... check | 17:26 |
rick_h | 3) Find giant bug in newly deployed production ... check | 17:26 |
rick_h | 4) Find out production wasn't deployed correctly and make everyone download 275 requests to load a single web page ... check | 17:27 |
greg-g | lol | 17:27 |
greg-g | you sound like WMF! | 17:27 |
rick_h | woot! | 17:27 |
* rick_h gives WMF a hug | 17:27 | |
snap-l | Whaddya mean we left debugging on? | 17:28 |
rick_h | yep | 17:28 |
rick_h | gotta love it | 17:28 |
rick_h | now where's my EOD so I can get myself a post-release beverage? | 17:28 |
snap-l | This is why I hate deploy events that are only once a perioud (month, etc) | 17:28 |
greg-g | weekly ftw! | 17:28 |
rick_h | yea, well after this it'll be weekly I think? Maybe more. but we're doing a bit swtich, moving two domains around, etc | 17:29 |
rick_h | so it's a big initial 'release' | 17:29 |
* greg-g nods | 17:29 | |
snap-l | I like the "as needed, but everyone gets on the horn and things get worked out" | 17:30 |
snap-l | But yeah, once a week is a good target | 17:30 |
snap-l | but if stuff is broken, or suboptimal, release as needed | 17:31 |
rick_h | yea, we try to follow a 'release when there's something that's done' model vs regular schedule | 17:33 |
rick_h | that way we're not rushing to hit a release window and each little feature lands as it's ready to go for prompt feedback/etc | 17:33 |
greg-g | for smaller projects that makes sense, for MediaWiki, we have to release more often and force people to use "feature config flags" to disable code that isn't ready for prime time but needs to be tested | 17:36 |
greg-g | too many moving pieces | 17:36 |
rick_h | yea, we do that as well | 17:38 |
rick_h | https://jujucharms.com/:flags:/serviceInspector for instance | 17:38 |
rick_h | but once the flag is cleared to be removed, we'll update production that day vs waiting for release day | 17:39 |
rick_h | kind of idea | 17:39 |
snap-l | At least it isn't Chrysler where you had one day a month to launch (5:00am on x Thursday of the month) | 17:42 |
snap-l | and if stuff broke, it got backed out | 17:43 |
snap-l | (This was FieldConnect, and it sucked) | 17:43 |
snap-l | But it was also the direct result of people promoting shit code that caused Dealer Connect to go boom (and was subsequently escalated all the way to the CEO) | 17:44 |
rick_h | who asked wtf 'code' was :P | 17:44 |
snap-l | rick_h: I believe the terminology was irrelevant, and the conversation went a little like this "fix yo shit" | 17:49 |
snap-l | Probably in a very jaunty German accent | 17:50 |
snap-l | Mock me | 18:26 |
snap-l | For I am mocking objects, poorly. :) | 18:26 |
rick_h | hah | 18:26 |
jrwren | 275 reqs!!! | 18:38 |
jrwren | that is a lot even to bundle up | 18:38 |
rick_h | well, ends up around 70 total but 1/3 of those are the same .svg image file | 18:39 |
rick_h | https://jujucharms.com/fullscreen/ and check out the network graph. Should hit nicely after first load | 18:39 |
rick_h | still some more combining can happen, so it's not perfect yet | 18:40 |
greg-g | holy shit, when I opened the ubuntu edge campaign this morning it was $70k, I think, now it is $765k! | 18:48 |
rick_h | yea, two people have signed up for the $10k phone | 18:49 |
greg-g | fuck | 18:50 |
jrwren | still, $14M$ is A LOT | 18:51 |
rick_h | yea | 18:51 |
snap-l | Apparently Canonical is 3.1% of the way towards funding this Edge | 20:35 |
snap-l | That's further than I thought they'd be | 20:35 |
snap-l | Though it'll be interesting to see if the momentum will last past the initial push | 20:35 |
brousch | It'll take 30 days for corporations to get approval | 20:36 |
snap-l | http://theneologist.bandcamp.com/album/the-greatest-heavy-metal-cover-album-in-the-galactic-history-of-the-planetary-solar-system-2 | 23:14 |
snap-l | http://motorheadtribute.bandcamp.com/album/motorhead-tribute-india | 23:30 |
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