=== SpamapS_ is now known as SpamapS === tkd_ is now known as tkd [15:44] xnox: flirting with a 5-digit LP bug eh? ;) Nice work on the reload signal stanza :) [15:47] SpamapS: i think i did get a 4-digit one last year in installer, need to check =)))) [15:47] SpamapS: but yeah, needs review from jodh, as the dbus unit tests are a bit crazy. They fork a dbus server & client and make them talk to each other from a single source-code...... [15:49] I love that [15:49] but, I'm a fan of fakes :) [16:54] jodh: any comments / help with above dbus tests for https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/upstart/reload-signal/+merge/176099 are appreciated =) [16:56] stupid user question: how does upstart track a process? i'm trying to get it to start a process (redis) and only as root. I can get it to start but not status nor shutdown. Simply the script says exec redis-server config.file . The pid file is created in /var/run/ . [16:57] daguz: "redis upstart" gives me https://gist.github.com/bdotdub/714533 [16:58] daguz: but looking at the jobs, this one is better https://gist.github.com/twoolie/4617553 [17:00] I'll try the second one. I tried a number of versions I saw when searching. [17:00] xnox: ack - I'll take a look tomorrow. [17:00] cool. === JanC_ is now known as JanC