[02:21] Is mythweather already installed? [04:27] hey all [04:27] anyone here have issues updating 12.04 from 0.25 to 0.26/ [04:28] I've added 0.26 PPA but cannot seem to do the actual upgrade [04:28] when I try to install mythtv it just says that the newest version is already installed [04:29] Zinn is has the channel died? [04:29] Hi Tick, something I can help you with today? I am a bot, use !help to see what I can do. [04:29] guess not [04:29] anyone around? [04:29] echhooo === hpeter_ is now known as hpeter [12:10] !help [12:10] !help For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. === hpeter_ is now known as hpeter [13:51] Hey all [13:51] Have any of you had issues upgrading from 0.25 to 0.26? [13:51] I've added 0.26 PPA and it seems to hit it when it updates [13:52] but when I try to install mythtv it says that the most current version is already installed. [13:53] I found a couple forum threads with people having an issue that sounded similar and they were sovled by executing the install with a couple different options enabled.. I tried but that did not work. [13:56] When I look at my media library (videos) in gallary view, it flashes a message that there are no videos in the directory and sends me to /mnt. I navigate manually and there they are. It seems my videos path is correct. What else could be wrong? [13:57] verify your path is correct [13:57] if it is then I might try reinstalling if I were in your shoes [13:57] I always get nervous doing that kind of thing though [13:58] what version of myth are you running? [14:06] DrFoo, permissions [14:09] am I the only one that sets my movie dir to 777/ [14:15] jKlaus, probably. I set the proper permissions on mine [14:16] Yeah.. I should probably start doing that [14:16] but the Mythbox is only used for myth [14:16] as is mine ;) [14:17] ohhh well aren't you just on top of your game lol [14:17] I used to keep on top of that stuff a lot more than I do anymore.. I just don't have the time. [14:18] When I graduated college I thought I would really start contributing to open source but now after getting home from working 10-12hrs programming all day the last thing I want to do is continue programming. [14:19] tgm4883, what do you do for a living? [14:19] linux system admin [14:20] that wouldn't be so bad.. at least then you're staying in the same system [14:21] I'll try to get you the logs tonight if you'll be on. [14:21] i'm usually around [14:21] alright, thanks man [14:22] I have to stop chatting on here and get ready for a meeting :-\ [18:29] tgm4883: permissions are good. read+write by the current user. It is a mounted cifs share, would that cause issues? It's fine when I manually navigate, it just has issues when it tries to go to the folder directly (when I click watch videos) [18:30] DrFoo, depends. It needs to be readable by the mythtv user. A good way to test is to 'sudo su mythtv' then see if you can cd into that directory and see whats there [19:02] tgm4883: mythtv can read the directory. [19:03] Do you know how to get coverart for videos such as home movies? [20:36] I'm testing out some of the major features in a VM. Will I be able to migrate the metadata, screenshot, coverart, etc. folders to the production machine without loss? (The video folder will remain untouched.)