[02:20] I'm confused: Can I install a hook by placing it somewhere in the branch's .bzr folder? [02:21] in some places in the docs it says hooks need to be installed via ~/.bazaar/plugins, and in other places it seems to suggest tat you may be able to install the hook into the branch/repo directly [03:00] thomi: you cannot install them in the branch/repo [03:00] :( [03:00] thomi: it would be a huge security hole to run arbitrary code in something you clone; we permit /config/ but not /install/ there. [03:00] thomi: if you want a plugin active for just one repo, the plugin should consult config in that repo. [03:01] as in, branch.get_config() and drill in from there. [03:03] lifeless: I want to make peopel contributing to a particular project unable to commit code unless pep8 passes - it sounds like I can't do that without them having to install the plugin manually [03:03] I guess I can do it at package build time instead. [03:03] * thomi is feeling draconian today [03:04] you could put the check in your test suite [03:06] lifeless: yup, but I'd still need to trust the developers to actually run the tests :-/ [03:13] thomi: ... [03:13] thomi: your CI system should reject their merges before you see them, no? [03:15] Yeah, I'll implement the check at the CI level === wgrant_ is now known as wgrant === tim___ is now known as vorpalbunny === vorpalbunny is now known as thumper === thumper is now known as thumper-afk === thumper-afk is now known as thumper === Jip_ is now known as Jip === Guest85887 is now known as LoganCloud [19:46] Hello, I'm having some trouble with a bazaar repo i'm trying to get working. I'm trying to install a launchpad instance on a virtual Ubuntu Server, however while i'm downloading a repo to install Launchpad, bazaar is erroring out saying the repo is corrupt. I do not want to redownload 400+ mbs of data, is there any way to "fix" the repo? [19:59] dlpenguinlover: I'm not exactly sure what you ended up with, but if you have a bzr branch in an accessible state, you can bzr check it [20:00] it will do so some sanity checks and tell you if/what issues there are [20:04] "No working tree found at specified location." [20:07] dlpenguinlover: bzr check --repo and possibly --branch [20:10] mathrick: $ bzr check --repo --> Checking repository at 'file:///home/david/launchpad/lp-brakches/'. ---- [20:11] yes [20:11] it will take time [20:11] checked repository file:///home/david/launchpad/lp-branches/ format RepositoryFormat2a() -----> 0 revisions 0 file-ids [20:11] uh [20:12] $ bzr check --branch -------> No branch found at specified location. [20:12] then it hasn't actually downloaded anything it seems [20:12] dlpenguinlover: what does "du -hsc file:///home/david/launchpad/lp-branches/" say? [20:12] err [20:12] without file:// [20:13] 237M /home/david/launchpad/lp-branches/ 237M total [20:14] well, not sure how to help you with that [20:14] but it seems to be broken completely [20:14] dlpenguinlover: how exactly did it error out in the first place, and is it consistent? [20:16] mathrick: well, the launchpad installer (called rocketfuel-setup) was the one executing the bzr commands, but this is what it outputted. "bzr: error: No WorkingTree exists for "file:///home/david/launchpad/lp-branches/devel/.bzr/checkout"/ ERROR: Your trunk branch in /home/david/launchpad/lp-branches/devel is corrupt. Please delete /home/david/launchpad/lp-branches/devel and run rocketfuel-setup again." [20:17] and did you do that? [20:17] Yes, and it gives the same error message. [20:20] dlpenguinlover: aight, so you have sub-branches under that dir [20:20] what does bzr info file:///home/david/launchpad/lp-branches/devel give you? [20:30] hi mathrick [20:30] mathrick: there is also "co:" which behaves similarly to "colo:" [20:43] jelmer: oh, I couldn't find that mentioned anywhere [20:44] mathrick: it's undocumented - don't use development-colo, as it is unfinished [20:44] (hence the "development-" bit :-) [20:44] jelmer: I know, but it kinda beats having mysterious path errors when cloning colocated branches across OS [20:47] mathrick: okay, up to you :) Just be wary of bugs [20:47] I am! [20:48] jelmer: in fact I ran into a couple where various things get horribly confused when I ask them to compare colocated branches [20:48] diff says no changes, missing doesn't even understand what I'm asking it to do, etc. [20:50] mathrick: please file bugs and tag them "colocated" [20:50] OK === qengho_ is now known as qengho