[00:08] Well, figured out the issue. [00:08] Clovertail Atom [00:08] no support in the linux kernel whatsoever. [00:08] thanks to intel. [00:09] So I managed to get the USB stick to boot and try to load Elilo, but when it hit the kernel, it just sits there. === mydogsnameisrudy is now known as monkeyjuice [02:43] hello friends === nono is now known as nono_ === nono_ is now known as devnon_ === cabpa is now known as Guest61576 [05:00] http://www.datamation.com/open-source/ubuntu-vs.-kubuntu.html [07:10] shadeslayer: ping [07:27] How do I disable my graphics card? My laptop has two graphics cards === cabpa is now known as Guest44291 [08:26] hey,how do i completely switch from openjdk to sun java?update-java-alternatives -l doesnt offer any other java, even though its installed. here is the output of update-alternatives : http://pastebin.com/2LaLV6d4 === moji_ is now known as moji === cabpa is now known as Guest84450 === jbracker is now known as Guest54914 === miguel_ is now known as Guest12434 [11:16] anyone have any tips on getting visualizations on amarok? i've installed projectm-libvisual but can't see any options in tools. [11:41] MichaelP, it's exactly the same kde, just because you get system you know working with like ubuntu [11:42] also if you take something like SUSE it has different tools for installing packages etc [11:42] Suse has crap tools to get packages. [11:43] <[Raiden]> zypper\yast not bad [11:43] learning curve for every distro is similar [11:44] except, you don't get as huge community as ubuntu, kubuntu is [11:44] ss_haze: a-hem - Gentoo [11:45] lol [11:46] arch also has installing process that is inevitable + it's bleeding edge (I don't believe in beta, alpha stages) === dcicmis is now known as duskoo === duskoo is now known as dusko === Evpok_ is now known as Evpok [12:46] Howdy all [12:50] hi there [12:50] who's there ? [12:51] :) [12:51] :) you [12:51] and you [12:51] indeed [12:54] so i just did an apt-get update which seemed to include lots of kde stuff and upon reboot i've lost desktop effects.. the opengl compositing has crashed and won't start up [12:55] fractaline: I would go to console and make sure you have all packages needed in the update [12:55] i.e [12:55] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [12:56] what GPU do you have [12:56] i've done dist-update as well [12:56] nothing there [12:56] if you do it now are there no packages ? [12:56] ah ok [12:56] do you have nvidia ? [12:56] um.. gpu intel [12:57] fractaline, have you tried raster rather than native in the Qt graphics ? [12:57] you could try to clear out .kde temporarly [12:58] i.e stop lightdm [12:58] go to console [12:58] mv .kde .kde-old [12:58] restart lightdm [12:58] Just to see if that works. [12:59] (you can move it back after) [12:59] BluesKaj, i've been using raster all along [12:59] i could log on as guest as well no? to check kde? === indymike_ is now known as indymike [13:01] yes or as another user I guess. [13:01] i.e create a temp user [13:05] I've been using the Qt graphics system backend , works well . Check the repos . It might work for you and it places an option in system settings , besides the one in desktop effects [13:11] brb [13:58] ok, i'm in trouble... now i have almost no plasma or kwin... i have a black screen. i have this window and chrome as they were the last ones open when i rebooted. i can use krunner but it's not successfully opening anything. i can't open terminal with hotkey either.. [13:59] yikes... [14:00] what did you do before this ? [14:02] installed the qt graphics system backend config. switched to x11 then switched back [14:04] can you open system settings , the Qt graphics system should be there beside startup&shutdown [14:05] choose raster or whatever works [14:06] i can't.. from krunner it starts to open but fails [14:15] use kdesudo systemsettings , fractaline [14:17] no love [14:23] BluesKaj any other ideas? i got no clue what to do next [14:23] short of reinstalling the os [15:00] In Skype the incoming and self video blocks are rendered black (webcam works ok), on a laptop with integrated intel graphics, Kubuntu 13.04, skype In Kopete the self video works ok. What's wrong? [15:15] hi [15:25] fractaline, getting anywhere ? [15:27] skype video problem solved by a restart. Just like the good ol' Windows days. [15:30] Skype is owned by Microsoft - what do you expect [15:32] if you have an issue any this time before rebooting do [15:32] sudo lsof |grep -i skype === deneme is now known as turgay === christian is now known as Guest12626 === Guest12626 is now known as crodriguez [15:52] hi guys [15:53] Hey hans_ [15:53] hi [15:53] Changing the attributes of files is not supported with protocol mtp. [15:54] thats the problem [15:54] kan de toegangs rechten niet veranderen === spawn[dead] is now known as spawn57 === akshay_ is now known as akshay_r [16:41] hello every one [16:41] i have a problem [16:41] which is ? === moji_ is now known as moji [16:48] hans____: If you describe the problem, someone may assist [17:01] Changing the attributes of files is not supported with protocol mtp [17:01] thats the problem [17:03] cant change acces right of my sd from my phone and hdd of my media centre [17:19] has anyone installed kdm in kubuntu 13.04 ? [17:20] sean__, there's no reason to that i can think of [17:20] i only want to do that as kdm has more themes than lightdm === spawn57 is now known as spawn[dead] === athens is now known as n3tn0 === BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj === wxl_ is now known as wxl [19:16] Hey , I want to know how can I compile framework5/plasma2 ? [19:31] Linux makes me cry sometimes :'( [19:32] No way to make a mouse button do some custom action [19:32] I have been searching for such a long time... [19:36] imwheel would be a good option [19:36] but NOPE, the author decides to not support middle mouse button [19:40] <[Raiden]> try xbindkeys [19:40] <[Raiden]> may be its work [19:42] <[Raiden]> and a very long time since I've seen btnx === mike is now known as Guest18569 [20:23] I take it kubuntu and Ubuntu don't use the same server for there web forums ? [20:26] yeah [20:26] on Kubuntu forums I'm blocked because I have a dynamic IP [20:26] yeah MichaelP , afaik http://www.kubuntuforums.net/content.php hasn't been compromised [20:26] they just blocked the whole range of my ISP [20:27] Ubuntu forums got attacked [20:27] :D [20:27] "Please either 1. Stop the bad behavior, or 2. Cease accessing this system." [20:27] just awesome [20:27] Unfortunately the attackers have gotten every user's local username, password, and email address from the Ubuntu Forums database. [20:28] lol [20:28] no forums for me at all :> [20:29] well i'm not afraid of them getting my email [20:29] BlaXpirit: get on a router.. then your ip addy is what the router gives ya [20:29] a bit more work for the spam filter [20:29] what-what, MichaelP? [20:30] you said Kubuntu forums I'm blocked because I have a dynamic IP [20:30] my whole ISP is blocked, ok? [20:30] does anyone knows what's wrong with k3b in raring? [20:30] ohh [20:31] pepee, haven't used it in a long time... worked nicely the last time i did [20:31] Don't know i useing 13.10 alpha 1 right now [20:31] I've lost a bunch of DVDs, burned and "verified" by k3b... [20:32] Find them then [20:32] D: [20:33] oh these discs are funny things [20:33] the problem can be on so many levels [20:33] pepee: Do they read OK on the DVD drive which created them but nowhere else? [20:33] can be bad discs, bad drive, bad k3b [20:33] so, is there anything I can do to check what's wrong? [20:33] Yep.. I thought burning program was screwed up one time.. here a was a batch of bad dist [20:34] genii, no, not even this drive, I think it's a software thing [20:34] i had a 100 count 40 of them was bad [20:34] BlaXpirit, these were just fine [20:35] I'm pretty sure this is a software thing... [20:35] but again, why doesn't k3b show any errors when verifying? [20:36] anyway, again, what can I do to check this? [20:36] pepee: Are these all different DVD images or one that you keep trying to write over and over again? [20:37] genii, I've tried different configurations, images, etc [20:37] What are you trying to burn? [20:37] a bunch of files [20:37] windows xp drivers [20:37] LOTS of files [20:38] I'll try recording manually... [20:38] Guess get a usb stick [20:39] you are not a good linux user [20:39] you shouldn't be searching for alternatives, but trying to help and fixing things [20:39] well, pepee, have you tried other burning software? [20:39] no BlaXpirit [20:40] that way you can be more sure where the problem is [20:40] It could be just a bath of bad dvd's.. i had a 100 count befor and 40 of them was bad [20:40] or just use that other software if it works properly.. [20:40] and keep wasting time [20:40] what [20:41] try brasero [20:46] this is the log from k3b: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5908912/ [20:53] what is wodim? ffs === no is now known as Guest6937 [20:56] <[Raiden]> wodim is cdrecord [20:57] <[Raiden]> in debian-based distros [20:58] man wodim [20:59] hi [20:59] i want to install fir fox [21:04] D: [21:04] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1106855 [21:04] Ubuntu bug 213215 in Baltix "duplicate for #1106855 Please include original cdrecord (cdrtools) package in Ubuntu" [Medium,In progress] === moji_ is now known as moji [21:05] seriously... === pepee_ is now known as pepee [21:20] that was it [21:20] add-apt-repository ppa:brandonsnider/cdrtools && apt-get install cdrecord mkisofs [21:23] this is really sad. from the bug report, according to this: http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/linux-dist.html , distros are shipping buggy, outdated versions of the software... [21:27] yayy linux [21:27] isn't it cool? [21:34] it is [21:34] i'm so tired of it T_T [21:53] couldn't reach brandon's ppa , packages not found , pepee [21:54] BluesKaj, https://launchpad.net/~brandonsnider/+archive/cdrtools [21:57] thanks pepee [21:57] yw === guilherme is now known as Guest49202 [22:20] No decent twitter client for KDE .... pitty [22:23] Could just use btlbee and funnel it to the irc client of your choice [23:40] lovely ubuntu forums was compromised.... [23:40] You would thyink thyey might using a opoen source solutiuonj rather than vbullletin or saimilar with all these 0days.. [23:52] Is there away to make apt-get install packages faster.. I remember about 5 distros ago useing a command or something. That made it not go thru so much on installing