
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
=== tasdomas_afk is now known as tasdomas
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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ricotzhello, the ppa builder "alphard" seems to be broken10:04
ricotzStevenK, hello :) ^10:05
StevenKricotz: O HAI10:05
StevenKLet me have a poke10:05
StevenKricotz: alphard has hopefully been told to love life10:16
czajkowskiStevenK: peeka booo :)10:16
StevenKIt does love life now10:19
mrevellHow's it going, Launchpadders?13:12
StevenKmrevell: Okayish? :-)13:12
StevenKGiggling at wgrant failing at his laptop13:13
czajkowskimrevell: boo13:13
czajkowskiStevenK: I shall be seeing you later13:13
czajkowskihave either of ye poked jelmer13:13
StevenKczajkowski: No, we have not13:14
mrevellStevenK, Are you in London as well? How long are you chaps over for?13:14
StevenKmrevell: Until Saturday night13:15
czajkowskimrevell: peeka boo13:40
pmatulisis it normal to not be able to report a kernel bug with ubuntu-bug on the dev release?13:43
StevenKpmatulis: That's an old kernel, and has been superseded13:44
pmatulisStevenK: i tried an update, nothing available13:44
StevenKpmatulis: I am running 3.10.0-5, for instance13:44
pmatulisi have 'deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy-updates main restricted'13:46
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StevenKpmatulis: Er, only?13:47
pmatulisStevenK: no13:47
Ursinhahey mrevell :)13:48
StevenKsteven@sandblasted:~% zcat ~/Downloads/Packages\ \(1\).gz | grep -e 'Package: linux-image.*-generic'13:48
StevenKPackage: linux-image-3.10.0-4-generic13:48
StevenKPackage: linux-image-3.10.0-5-generic13:48
StevenKpmatulis: ^13:50
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pmatulisStevenK: that's fine, but that doesn't really help.  i have a freshly installed saucy that can't update its kernel.  changing from 'us.archive...' to just 'archive...' also doesn't help13:52
StevenKpmatulis: This is clearly not a Launchpad problem, though. The kernel you have installed is too old for LP to allow you to file bugs against it, so I suggest you try and debug why upgrading doesn't give you the latest kernel -- perhaps a proxy?13:53
cjwatsonMake sure you have the linux metapackage installed.13:54
cjwatsonIf you've somehow lost that then an upgrade won't install the new package name.13:54
StevenKThat's a good point13:54
cjwatson(But, as StevenK said, this is indeed not an LP problem.)13:54
pmatulisindeed, 'linux' wasn't installed, installing it, however, doesn't help.  i realize it's not *now* a LP problem.  the problem morphed13:59
StevenKpmatulis: Install it, and then upgrade14:00
pmatulisStevenK: i tried, it doesn't help14:00
StevenKpmatulis: Did it install -5?14:00
pmatulisStevenK: yes14:00
StevenKpmatulis: It might possibly be getting confused because you're still running -2? Reboot into -5?14:01
pmatulisStevenK: ah, no, it did not install -5.  i meant the metapackage installed14:01
cjwatsonlinux doesn't depend on a particular version of linux-generic, so try upgrading linux-generic14:02
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ahasenackhi, is there a way for a build to know if it's happening inside a ppa builder?14:41
ahasenackI would like to disable a test conditionally, because it requires a launchpad login and network access14:41
ahasenackI was wondering if there was some env var that I could check maybe14:41
dobeyahasenack: i don't think there is a reliable way for that. i'd say the best solution for that is to not write unit tests that require network, and especially not ones that require valid credentials. I'd use mock for that test, or move it out into a separate script that is run independently of the test, to test that one thing manually when it needs to be.14:48
ahasenackdobey: ok14:48
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=== tasdomas is now known as tasdomas_afk
=== Guest85887 is now known as LoganCloud
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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thomiHello launchpaders, I wonder if someone could explain why my package isn't getting uploaded to my PPA? The log is here: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/145746151/upload_4821671_log.txt20:46
thomi...but I don't understand what it means. It all used to work fine, not the last three builds have all failed for amd6420:46
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
lampe2 hey i was looking for a way to get all bugs to a specific project with the rest api but i cant find a entry for that. can someone help?22:21
tsimpsonlampe2: projects have a searchTasks() method22:31
lampe2tsimpson: but how would look the link? https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/project/<name>?searchtask=<????> ?22:33
tsimpsonjust don't do that with a project with lots of bugs or you'll probably get a timeout22:35
lampe2tsimpson: for example https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/gala?ws-op=searchTasks22:36
tsimpsonwell something like that, I'd just use the python API22:36
tsimpsonlampe2: yeah, that link should work22:39
tsimpsonlampe2: oh sorry, it's ws.op not ws-op22:40
lampe2but why are bugs called tasks22:43
tsimpsonbecause a bug can affect multiple projects22:44
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