
roaksoaxcjwatson: still around? can you check where my iupload for crmsh go?00:27
roaksoax(it is a new package)00:28
roaksoaxuhmmm weird, I might have messed up and uploaded it somehwere else00:32
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TheMuso@pilot out03:32
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: barry
pittiGood morning04:14
pittirobert_ancell: I am now04:14
robert_ancellpitti, I emailed you a question about apport. No rush though04:14
pittirobert_ancell: ah, good04:14
pittirobert_ancell: I responded in bug 1204284, is that what you want to know?04:53
ubottubug 1204284 in mir (Ubuntu) "Apport hook not packaged" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120428404:53
pittirobert_ancell: ah, I'll respond to your mail as well, there was a different q04:53
robert_ancellpitti, thanks, that looks like it04:55
pittirobert_ancell: responsed to mail as well, that might be an interesting alternative04:58
pittiwgrant: ooh, a saucy langpack! thanks04:59
wgrant_pitti: Oh, earlier than I expected.06:38
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cjwatsonroaksoax: It was unlucky enough to coincide with a brief period yesterday when there was a problem on the Launchpad database server, and so failed.  I've asked for the upload to be reprocessed06:51
pittiinfinity: I built the first saucy langpacks, just testing07:20
pittiinfinity: would this be a bad time to throw 800 packages at the buildds for some reason?07:20
pittiinfinity: maybe you can update the chroots before?07:21
pittiinfinity: (all build queues empty)07:21
diwicTheMuso, around?07:24
dholbachgood morning07:45
pittiinfinity, lamont: FYI, temporarily recruiting allspice and roseapple for i386 duty07:48
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infinitypitti: Might not have been the best time since there's an Alpha in progress, but meh.08:46
pittiinfinity: yeah, I was originally hoping to get them into the images, but there were some delays in the LP export side; I guess they'll just wait in -proposed until after the freeze08:47
infinitypitti: Assuming they're in the block of doom.08:47
infinityAhh, which they are.08:48
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cjwatsonThe new sources probably aren't, but hey.08:52
seb128sarnold, hey, do you have any estimate on when you are going to review bug #1186553? it has been waiting for security review for 8 weeks, would be nice to get that unblocked so we can update webkit...08:57
ubottubug 1186553 in libwebp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libwebp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118655308:57
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henrix@pilot in09:18
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: henrix, barry
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Laneyev: do you know when we'll get the new activity-log-manager?10:05
seb128Laney, ev: oh, yes, please don't make the system settings conflict with ubuntu-desktop (don't add that new depends until the conflicts is resolved by updating alm in saucy)10:08
evLaney: I'll sort that out now unless there are objections10:09
Laneyev: Change the depends or update a-l-m? Either is fine by me if it works :-)10:09
evupdate a-l-m. Change what depends?10:10
Laneyu-s-s -> activity-log-manager | whoopsie-preferences10:10
LaneyAlso, good job on finding QDBusWatcher - works well!10:11
evoh right10:11
evand cheers10:12
LaneyI didn't manage to dig that one up10:13
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dokotkamppeter, ping10:52
dokotkamppeter, why does ghostscript build with the embedded openjpeg?10:53
dokotkamppeter, and please check if it links to the external lcms2 now10:54
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tkamppeterdoko, GS uses internal openjpeg due to fixes which were not upstream that time and internal liblcms2 due to an API addition (for threaded use) which was not upstream that time (see debian/changelog, versions 9.06~dfsg~20120803-0ubuntu1, 9.06~dfsg-0ubuntu1, 9.07~dfsg-0ubuntu1, 9.07~dfsg2-0ubuntu1). I will re-check with the next upstream release (9.08) which will get released before FF end of August.).11:20
diwiccking, ping11:37
ckingdiwic, pong11:37
diwiccking, I'm getting questions from Intel about our power management policy11:38
diwiccking, in particular, why power management is disabled when AC power is connected11:38
ckingdiwic, can you forward me those questions from intel?11:38
diwiccking, i e, /sys/devices/.../power/control is always on11:38
ckingdiwic, which release?11:39
diwiccking, I think he's on 12.0411:39
ckingdiwic, can you send me the emails and I will get onto it sometime this week11:39
diwiccking, forwarded, but it's more of a generic "Does anyone know the Ubuntu power-policy on laptop?" question11:40
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smoserok... odd question for this channel.12:23
smoseris it possible to get genisoimage for osx ? if not that then how about mtools12:23
slangaseksmoser: there's certainly nothing fundamental in genisoimage that prevents it building on osx.  I don't know if anyone provides builds though, if that's what you're asking.12:32
smoserslangasek, thtas what i'm asking. having never used it. i have no idea even what to google for.12:35
smoser"osx genisoimage" didn't help much12:36
ogra_smoser, first hit for me http://www.brucedavidson.me/install-cdrtools-on-mountain-lion/12:36
ogra_(though i used "mountain lion" replacing "osx"12:37
slangaseksmoser: "fink genisoimage"?12:38
slangasekor what ogra_ said12:38
smosersee, i'm so uphip to apple that I don't know if slangsek's "fink" comment was a joke or not.12:39
smoserbut, thanks ogra_ .12:39
slangaseksmoser: fink has nothing to do with being hip to apple, it's an apt-get for OSX ;)12:44
ogra_wasnt that UNIX in general ?12:45
* ogra_ think he remembers using it on old SGI machines 12:45
slangasekogra_: fink was a project for OSX12:48
slangaseka port of apt-get12:48
slangasek(well, 'apt')12:48
ogra_hmm, then the fink i thinnk about might have been another project12:49
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roaksoaxcjwatson: coolnthanks!13:13
evmpt: meet the thing that's going to solve all our problems: http://www.acunu.com/acunu-analytics.html13:37
everr http://www.acunu.com/uploads/1/1/5/5/11559475/070913_aa_datasheet_v5.pdf13:37
pittiLaney: OOI, did you force the propagation of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/1.17.2-0ubuntu3?13:44
Laneypitti: not me13:44
Laneycheck bzr log of the hints branch13:44
pittiLaney: gvfs' tests fail because it cannot modprobe scsi_debug, apparently some weird kernel regression13:44
Laneywas it a -4 thing?13:44
pittiLaney: ah, I was wondering how it propagated13:44
LaneyI guess /someone/ did, but it wasn't me :-)13:44
pittiLaney: could be; I'll re-run the test now13:44
pittiLaney: "the hints branch"?13:45
* pitti checsk https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release13:45
pittiah, there13:45
LaneyAlso, that reminds me. I got an email for that failure but I was the sponsor - shouldn't the uploader have gotten it (as well? he wasn't in To:)13:45
pittiLaney: ah, there we go, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/hints-ubuntu/revision/26913:46
tedgcjwatson, With click 0.2.6 I'm getting an exception when trying to install packages.13:46
pittiLaney: in theory, yes; jibel, is that a bug of that particular uplaod (jbicha does have public mail addresses in LP), or we don't do that in general?13:47
cjwatsontedg: traceback?13:48
tedgcjwatson, Ah, I think I got it... it seems to be that the package needs a path?13:48
cjwatsontedg: I don't know, what are you running?13:48
tedgcjwatson, hmm, no.  It might be just me.  But in my ~/Desktop directory they won't install.  But copying to /tmp makes things happy.13:49
tedgcjwatson, Seems like root should have access to Desktop... but eh, not a click issue.13:50
cjwatsontedg: Could I please have an actual example and traceback and stuff? :)13:50
tedgcjwatson, heh, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5907638/13:50
tedgcjwatson, command: $ sudo click install --force-missing-framework com.ubuntu.ubuntu-clock_0.5_all.click13:51
JackYubarry, hi, we have updated the source code at bug #1203931, would you please check it again for us:)?13:52
ubottubug 1203931 in UbuntuKylin "[needs-packaging] unity-china-video-scope" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120393113:52
barryJackYu: i've put it on my list (a.k.a. browser tab :)13:52
JackYubarry, wow, great, tks.13:53
cjwatsontedg: Missing --user=tedg (or similar)13:55
cjwatsontedg: Or use pkcon13:55
cjwatsonThough indeed that's unrelated to this tb13:56
cjwatsonDunno why root wouldn't have access to ~/Desktop/13:56
tedgcjwatson, Is it because of dpkg --force-not-root ?  Does that put it as a different user that might not have access?13:58
tedgOr is that "not root directory"13:58
pittiwgrant, StevenK: I'd appreciate a quick assessment how much work bug 1201485 would be for a proper LP fix13:58
ubottubug 1201485 in langpack-o-matic "Need to import translations for the unity daily builds" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120148513:58
JackYubarry, I'm not clear about the ' It's confusing to also include the source since the tarball will be downloaded.'. Do you mean we not include the debian/ in the source tarball?13:58
cjwatsontedg: No, it's not --force-not-root, although now that I think about it, the install runs as user clickpkg, not root14:00
cjwatsontedg: So maybe we need to arrange to copy the .click file first, or to pipe it in, or something14:01
cjwatsontedg: Could you file a bug on click?14:01
barryJackYu: my own personal suggestion is to have two separate branches, one for what will turn into the "upstream tarball", essentially the thing that will create the tar.gz you upload to LP, and a second branch which only includes the debian/ directory for packaging.  the former wouldn't include a debian/ and the latter would *only* have the debian/ dir14:01
barryJackYu: kind of like these:14:01
tedgcjwatson, Sure, will do.14:01
wgrantpitti: We'd need to copy an additional type of custom uploads. I think that should be relatively easy, but I'll have to investigate a bit.14:02
cjwatsonYeah, following the refactoring I did for UEFI copies I think it should be easy enough14:02
JackYubarry, wow, I see... You mean in different branches.14:03
barryJackYu: right.  it's not a requirement, so do what works best for you guys.  it's just that i've tried a bunch of different arrangements, and this separation works best for me.  i think it will also be more conducive to creating a ppa recipe and such.14:04
JackYubarry, it's a good suggestion:).14:04
barryJackYu: :)14:04
barryJackYu: it also makes it so much easier to review and sponsor14:05
barry(for me anyway)14:05
JackYubarry, yep, it make work easier. I will discuss this with our team.14:06
barryJackYu: sounds great.  just ping me when you decide and/or have the new branches ready14:06
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ahasenackhi, is there a way for a build to know if it's happening inside a ppa builder?14:36
mptev, "roll-up cubes on data" sounds delicious.14:36
ahasenackI would like to disable a test conditionally, because it requires a launchpad login and network access14:36
ahasenackI was wondering if there was some env var (ok, it's a launchpad question, not strictly ubuntu-devel)14:36
JackYubarry, we will create debian/ branch for these two projects  tomorrow (since it's almost middle night here:) ).14:37
JackYubarry, I have updated the tarballs, please check if they are good when you are availably, thanks in advance:).14:38
evmpt: lol14:40
henrix@pilot out14:41
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: barry
barry@pilot out14:41
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
barryJackYu: sounds good!14:42
barryJackYu: have a good night14:42
lfaraoneso while trying to fix LP #1204195 on raring, I noticed that for some reason all of the changes in various patches are being collapsed into a single debian-changes by the builder, despite not happening when I run debuild -S locally. see https://luke.faraone.cc/pub/openafs_1.6.1-2ubuntu2.1_amd64-20130723-2115.build14:51
lfaraonewhy might this be happening / what should I do to fix this?14:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1204195 in openafs (Ubuntu Saucy) "OpenAFS Security Advisories 2013-0003 and 2013-0004" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120419514:51
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lfaraonethis strangely did not happen on precise, https://luke.faraone.cc/pub/openafs_1.6.1-1+ubuntu0.2_amd64-20130723-2113.build15:01
cjwatsonThat's part of your source package, not done by the builder15:03
cjwatsonI mean, not done by Launchpad builders15:04
cjwatsonIn that log you're building the source package too15:04
lfaraonecjwatson: sure. but why don't I get that behaviour when I run debuild locally?15:08
cjwatsonlfaraone: Dunno, it seems to be reasonably sensibly picking up --single-debian-patch from debian/source/options within the build; perhaps you have an elderly dpkg-dev?15:09
lfaraonecjwatson: https://luke.faraone.cc/pub/openafs_1.6.1-2+ubuntu2.1_source.build.cobalt is my local build output15:10
lfaraonecjwatson: ah, I'm using precise locally.15:10
lfaraoneRemoving debian/source/options fixed the issue.15:14
kenvandinejamesh, if you're around, with one minor fix to your unity-lens-friends MP, i'll approve it15:18
jameshkenvandine: hi.  I've been meaning to get back to that MP.  I can actually reinstate some of that code I deleted, since I added a "notify shell that results have changed" call to the new API15:19
kenvandinejamesh, awesome, even better :)15:20
jameshkenvandine: what change did you want?15:21
kenvandinethe path to the module in the scope file15:21
kenvandinethe .so gets installed in libdir15:21
kenvandinenot /usr/lib/unity/15:21
jamesh$(libdir) rather than $(libdir)/unity ?15:22
kenvandinemultiarch libdir15:22
kenvandine /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/unity/unity-scope-friends.so15:22
jameshI should be able to swing that.  I'll probably have to do the substitution by hand rather than via configure so it doesn't end up as '${prefix}/lib/unity/...' on a default build15:23
jameshI'll see about making the change tomorrow.  It's late here now15:26
kenvandinejamesh, thanks, good night!15:31
roaksoaxDaviey: if you have a minute, could you process (accept) crmsh (it's in the NEW queue :))15:34
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Davieyroaksoax: I can't review it right this moment, sorry15:45
DavieyI can later.15:45
roaksoaxDaviey: that works! thanks :)15:46
dokoseb128, xnox: how do I build gtk+3.0 without having libatk-bridge2.0-dev?17:03
dokoand libatk-bridge2.0-dev needs gconf for the build, and that wants gtk+-3.0 ...17:04
doko--without-atk-bridge ?17:07
Laneydoko: configure.ac suggests you have to disable the x11 backend17:08
seb128doko, libatk-bridge2.0-dev shouldn't need gconf17:12
seb128doko, that build-depends seem buggy, let me try in a pbuilder17:12
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dokoLaney, seb128, yes, gconf2 doesn't seem to be necessary17:38
seb128doko, I already uploaded an update to drop it17:41
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roaksoaxcan someone please process crmsh from the saucy new queue?18:41
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NCommanderogra_, ping, how do we handle rootfs in flash-kernel these days. It doesn't appear to be set anywhere on the kernel commandline anymore.19:37
ogra_hmm, it should, by d-i or ubiqiuty ... for pandas we had a /etc/default/flash-kernel that held the defaults (like we do for grub)19:38
* ogra_ hasnt touched f-k in a long time19:38
NCommanderogra_, well you did the last upload :-), I haven't touched it since precise19:39
NCommanderogra_, looking on a highbank system, we're not seeing it on bootargs; I get this sinking feeling that this is a bug19:39
NCommander^- infinity - any insights?19:40
infinityNCommander: It's in boot.script on omap4, I forget what highbank does, as I didn't write that support.  But it works, afaik, so it must be doing something right.19:55
infinitymahmoh, dannf: ^^19:56
NCommanderinfinity, on raring? flash-kernel doesn't specify it19:56
* NCommander thinks he knows how its doing it19:56
ogra_NCommander, the last uploader was rsalveti and before that three dannf ones specifically for highbank ...19:59
ogra_NCommander, update your package :P20:00
ogra_(all three uploads from dan were in raring)20:00
* rsalveti hides20:00
ogra_no worries20:01
ogra_though ...20:01
ogra_now that i read the changelog ...20:01
ogra_flash-kernel (3.0~rc.4ubuntu32) raring; urgency=low20:01
ogra_  * flash-plugin-installer: make installable on armhf/generic for highbank20:01
ogra_thats funny :)20:01
dannfheh. stupid muscle memory20:03
roaksoaxI have a quick question. Say a source package with -1ubuntu1 revision build 2 binaries that I want to drop in -1ubuntu2. Should I create virtual packages for those 2 packages that I;m dropping or what should be done in that case?20:11
jbichait depends on what those packages are20:14
roaksoaxjbicha: these packages don't have others depending on them, they enhance functionality20:18
NCommanderogra_, I think we're embedding it in the ramdisk these days vs. on the kernel command line directly.20:25
tvossslangasek, ping20:35
slangasektvoss: good evening!20:36
vrubiumHi all, Im running saucy and whent trying to update it asks me remove unity-common, should I file a bug?20:59
slangasekvrubium: no20:59
slangasekyou should let it remove unity-common20:59
vrubiumslangasek: it seems unusual to remove unity-common, won't it break unity?20:59
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slangasekyou should be worried when you see leaf-node packages being removed, like unity itself - not things like unity-common, which are internal implementation details :)21:00
vrubiumslangasek: sometimes it's trick to identify those packages, do you recommend any procedure?21:02
slangasekvrubium: well, if the name starts with "lib" or ends with "-common", they're internal implementation details21:02
slangasekvrubium: also, if you use update-manager and update-manager allows the removal without complaint, it's safe21:02
slangasekfurthermore, unless you have saucy-proposed enabled in your sources (which would be an error), the risk of an upgrade removing packages it shouldn't is now very low21:03
vrubiumslangasek: thanks for the tip, typically I update using apt-get because it's quicker and normally is straighforward to see if anything is going to break21:04
mahmohNCommander: ogra_: infinity: highbank uses boot.scr too iirc, rootfs is in the initrd yes21:16
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