
darkxstwe should change empathy to use GOA provider always when in gnome session?00:00
jbichawe don't block UOA from showing in gnome-control-center on gnome...00:03
darkxstperhaps we could fallback to GOA provider where UOA doesnt have account00:04
darkxstare the iso builds fully automatic now? or do they still require a manual bump to get started?00:07
jbichait looks like something is broken, you should ask in #ubuntu-release00:08
darkxstnew alpha2 candidate 20130724 is up now00:44
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-gnome to: Ubuntu GNOME Development & Support | Saucy Salamander (13.10) Alpha-2 in testing now! Download from http://ubuntugnome.org/download/ | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | http://ubuntugnome.org/community/
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-gnome to: Ubuntu GNOME Development & Support | Saucy Salamander (13.10) Alpha-2 in testing now http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/299/builds! Download from http://ubuntugnome.org/download/ | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | http://ubuntugnome.org/community/
darkxstjbicha, does the background image work for you?00:53
darkxstI'm just getting a blue screen00:53
darkxstlooks like its not actually set?00:54
jbichaI think it works after install00:55
darkxstsomething must be wiping the setting (casper perhaps)01:05
jbichait did look like cjwatson went ahead and gave us the Ubuntu-style (purple) isolinux boot screen01:06
darkxstyeh, I wonder if that change is related01:15
darkxstjbicha, can you set bug 1196196 public02:06
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1196196 could not be found02:06
darkxstjbicha, created a MP that fixes bug 1196196, although the actuall g-c-c branch itself is not releasable due to ibus changes02:57
ubot5bug 1196196 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "[background]: gnome-control-center crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119619602:57
roasteddoes Gnome have the capability to scale on super high resolution screens with large DPIs?03:08
darkxstroasted, it is being worked on03:08
roastedis it something we'll see in the 3.x releases?03:09
darkxstroasted, http://blogs.gnome.org/alexl/2013/06/28/hidpi-support-in-gnome/03:09
roastedhm, that's interesting. Some Googling I did earlier made it sound like it would be beta in 4.0 and finally released in 5.003:10
darkxstI imagine initial support will be in 3.1003:16
darkxstin fact the gtk+ side of things should be in 3.9.8 on staging03:17
roastedoh nice, that's great to know.03:18
roastedI just heard a KDE tablet is entering the FCC approval stages. I'm not entirely sold on KDE, and would love to see Gnome on a tablet, whether commercially available or just something a user can install.03:18
roastedThat's what got me wondering about Gnome having that kind of DPI support with Ubuntu GNOME functionality on say, a Nexus tablet.03:19
darkxstwe are unlikely to have arm images anytime so though03:21
roastedwith Ubuntu GNOME?03:23
darkxstyeh, you would probably have to use an vanilla ubuntu image03:25
roastedSo there won't be an Ubuntu GNOME specific ARM port?03:26
darkxstmaybe it might happen one day, but certainly not in the near future03:32
roastedwell, I thought there was already an ARM port for Ubuntu...03:33
roastedIf that's the case I could slap in Gnome and be done with it.03:34
darkxstI don't think the ubuntu touch images use X...03:36
darkxstand obviously they will be moving to Mir anyway03:37
=== Maple__ is now known as Makle__
roastedhello friends15:40
roastedI just installed today's daily build of 13.10. I see Ubuntu Online Accounts was removed?15:40
roastedLikewise, I went into Gnome Online Accounts and added Exchange, but when I open Evolution, it brings up the mail wizard and doesn't go right into Evolution with my Exchange account already plugged in like it did on a daily build I installed from a week or so ago15:41
=== clod is now known as Dark_light
Dark_lightwould it be possible to backport whatever the fix is on 13.10 to have just one online accounts manager to 13.04 ? (my best guess would be that some packages have just been recompiled to use gnome's online accounts)15:49
roastedthis is a bummer15:50
roastedI just went off on a binge with KDE but felt like I wanted to use Gnome more, largely due to Exchange support.15:50
roastedThen I install 13.10 and it flat out isn't working.15:50
Dark_lightwell it is called alpha for a reason, what seems to be the problem?15:51
Dark_lightroasted: ^15:52
roastedDark_light: I know, but I have almost no choice, as kernel 3.8 causes my laptop to lock up several times a day.15:52
roastedIf I want to use Ubuntu GNOME, I have little choice unless I want to reboot a half dozen times a day.15:52
Dark_lightyou can just upgrade the kernel15:53
roastedI could, but I never had Exchange integration working in 13.04 either15:53
roasted13.10 it just magically worked15:53
roastedPlus, I have a Broadcom STA card that I cannot change since Lenovo sucks at life and whitelists their wifi cards at boot.15:53
roastedI assume I'd have to compile the STA driver against 3.10 on 13.04 to get it to work15:53
roastedbut even then, I had no exchange integration working then either.15:54
Dark_lightthere are whitelisted bioses for lenovo's laptop you can find them online, anyway what seems to be the issue with 13.10?15:54
roastedI looked, but didn't come up with any yet. I could look more but, eh, rainy day project.15:55
roastedwhen I fire up 13.10, I do what I did before15:55
roastedI'd go to GOA, add exchange, once done, open evolution, and like MAGIC everything was there.15:55
Dark_light(out of curiosity what model is it?)15:55
roastedBut now when I open evolution it goes through the wizard asking me what imap account I want to add.15:55
Dark_lightI guess your best bet would be filing a bug and waiting for it to be fixed but even then using something in it's alpha stage is not something I would advise, issues can and will arise15:56
roastedguess it's a good thing I kept Fedora on dual boot here :(15:57
roastedit pains me to say that15:57
roastedCome onnnnnnnnnn October...15:57
Dark_lightI gave it a spin on my t420 too but it's still far from being usable, from my experience it usually gets usable when it reaches a beta stage, there might be minor hiccups but usually nothing major15:58
Dark_lightI can't stand fedora, I mean it works ok but there are no reliable tools for power management they diched laptop-mode-tools calling it ancient and wrote tuned from scratch and it blatantly sucks16:00
Dark_lightif on any other distro I can get 4.5/5 hours of battery life in fedora I get like 3/3.516:01
jbicharoasted: please file a bug16:02
roastedjbicha: against what package?16:02
jbichaI don't know, maybe evolution16:02
roastedalso, is exchange integration working in 13.04?16:02
roastedor did I do something wrong?16:02
roasted13.10 was the first release I used where evolution lit up insanely easily with full exchange everything16:03
jbicharoasted: that depends, Evolution with UOA support is new in 3.816:04
roastedso if I pull in gnome3 PPA on 13.04 I should have it?16:04
jbichafor GOA, Google 2-factor authentication was only recently fixed in 13.10 (and backported to the GNOME3 PPA for raring)16:04
Dark_lightjbicha: would it be possible to fix the double online accounts entry in the ppa? (if it hasn't been done already)16:05
jbichaDark_light: the improved ability to use Ubuntu with GOA without UOA is not backportable to 13.0416:05
Dark_lightok, just out of curiosity what is it tied to ?16:06
jbichait's not impossible to backport to the GNOME3 PPA but it's a lot of work and fragile16:08
jbichaI'd prefer people just use 13.10 when it's ready for that feature16:09
roastedI'm going to fire up 13.04 on this other laptop, pull in the Gnome3 PPA and see if I can have Exchange support.16:09
Dark_lightjbicha: sure, it's not that, I'm curious what has changed from a technical point of view, have the packages been recompiled without canonical's patches ?16:10
jbichalibsignon-glib now doesn't depend on signond16:11
jbichaevolution-data-server had its uoa and goa support split into separate packages16:12
Dark_lightnice, it's an elegant solution16:12
jbichaempathy had to be fixed16:13
jbichamaybe it's not that much work but it requires a good amount of testing to make sure we don't break stuff16:13
jbichaand if libsignon-glib gets an update then you'll automatically get a lot of the UOA and Qt backend stuff installed until a new version is uploaded to the PPA16:15
jbichait would also need new version of ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-gnome-desktop to make sure that the appropriate eds online account support is installed16:16
Dark_lightyep it's probably just best to wait till 13.10 gets to usable level16:20
=== Makle__ is now known as Maple__
bjsniderwhy does there have to be an ubuntu online accounts -- is there a feature of gnome online accounts that's missing?18:08
Maple__bjsnider, it's Unity's22:11
darkxstjbicha, bug 1204290 seems to be trying to load indicator-session (which we don't ship)22:51
ubot5bug 1204290 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "panel crashed with SIGSEGV in indicator_object_get_entries()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120429022:51
darkxstI suspect bug 1204289 is also related to missing indicators23:11
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1204289 could not be found23:11
roastedjust fired up a fresh 13.04 install, gnome3 ppa, fully updated etc23:16
roastedadded exchange in GOA annnnnnd... nothing23:17
roastedso both 13.04 and the latest 13.10 daily build don't work with exchange, while prior dailybuilds from as early as last week worked fine23:17
darkxstroasted, does it work if you manually add exchange account in evolution?23:21
roastedseems as if evolution-mapi isn't installed. perhaps that alone is it.23:21
roasteddarkxst: I don't have an exchange option at all.23:21
roastedI have a massive, massive apt-get install script running now so I can't install that package in a singular fashion right now to see. I'll have to wait until this is done.23:22
roastedhm, just tried it on my 2nd laptop here. All it does is spam me to put in my exchange PW, which I do 40 times, but it keeps going.23:24
jbicharoasted: I missed that you said "exchange" yesterday23:25
jbichawhat version of exchange?23:25
roastedah hah!23:26
roasteda winner!23:26
roastedIf I install evolution-mapi and try to add the exchange account through evolution itself, it continually spams me for the PW to my account. Even if I put it in 80 times it keeps asking me each time it tries to check in.23:26
roastedOn the flip side, if I install evolution-mapi, and then go into GOA and add my account there, everything works flawlessly.23:26
roastedSo having evolution-mapi seems to not be quite 'all there'. GOA seems to be doing something extra to make it work painlessly.23:27
roastedI'm sure I could do a settings-dive into evolution to get it to work. I did see some things in there that might have required tweaking to get to work, but it's nice to see evolution-mapi being installed prior, then adding the exchange account in GOA = winner.23:27
roastedjbicha: I am actually not positive... but I think 2010?23:28
roastedit's relatively recent. I don't admin that server so I'm a bit unsure offhand.23:28
jbichaok, there's also evolution-ews which support Outlook Web Services 2007+23:29
roastedIt'd be nice if adding the exchange account auto-installs evolution-mapi prior to connecting the account.23:29
roastedbecause it didn't tell me there was any problem, besides evolution just... not working.23:29
jbichaI don't have an exchange server handy so I never tested that23:29
roastedjbicha: if I go into my evolution account settings, it shows the account type as 'ews'23:29
roastedjbicha: I do however already have evolution-ews installed.23:30
roastedso evolution-ews wasn't the trick in this equation here.23:30
roastedjbicha: is that a crazy idea? to tack in a dependency if the user tries to add an exchange account?23:31
roastedit was just a quick thought.23:31
jbichaI'm not sure whether we want to install it by default http://paste.ubuntu.com/5909336/23:34
jbichabut it's not good to have an Exchange option in GOA if it doesn't work23:35
darkxstcould install on-demand with packagekit23:35
roastedwell, I don't have much access to the exchange server itself to pick it apart, but if I can help in any way to test exchange packages or any ideas you guys might have please let me know.23:39
jbicharoasted: you can grab Alpha1 from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-gnome/releases/13.10/alpha-1/ if you think that it did used to work23:39
roastedjbicha: sure, I'll download it and throw it into a VM.23:39
roastedwhile this downloads I need to get some dinner and put some trim up. I'll let you know what I find.23:40
roastedthanks for listening. :D23:40
darkxstjbicha, do we really need the ubiquity panel? perhaps we just disable it.23:44
roastedjbicha, I'm not entirely sure I understand, now that I think about it. You linked me to alpha1 daily build. I had assumed alpha 2 came out and that's what I inadvertently grabbed yesterday, so I thought I'd be comparing alpha 1 and alpha 2.23:52
=== jbicha is now known as Guest73066
roastedInstead, I assume, best I have is to compare daily build from last week and daily build from this week (both alpha 1)23:52
roastedwhich I do not have that ISO I used last week anymore...23:52
roastedbest I might be able to do as it stands is compare 13.04 + Gnome3 PPA for Gnome 3.8 versus 13.10 stock with today's daily build and see what works and what doesn't.23:53
darkxstroasted, compare alpha 1 and alpha 223:55

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