
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 955 bans)04:03
IdleOnehow did we jump up ~300 bans?04:10
FlannelIdleOne: we ran a kickstarter campaign to have people donate to our ban pool.04:30
IdleOnewas a success apparently04:32
DJonesStrange how FB1 is reporting the extra 3 bans, /bans is still showing the same number of bans/quiets as it was yesterday when it reported 656 bans08:23
DJonesMaybe its not using a decimal numberic system08:24
k1l_or it counts mutes, too?08:25
DJonesPossibly, it may also be counting @marks, I've still not worked out where it gets its figures from, yesterday I thought it was taking them from the ubottu's ban database, but that appeared to be wrong08:28
MyrttiAnd exceptions08:28
MyrttiAnd quiets08:28
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1546 users, 3 overflows, 1549 limit))08:29
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1551 users, 3 overflows, 1554 limit))08:29
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1551 users, 3 overflows, 1554 limit))08:29
DJonesAh well, splitsville again08:30
=== PriceChi1d is now known as Pricey
=== elky` is now known as elky
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 955 bans)09:17
k1l_* SharkMuttleworth (c28182f2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. hat #ubuntu+1 betreten09:41
k1l_that was a problem user some times ago :/09:41
=== chu_ is now known as chu
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 955 bans)10:24
AlanBellfloodbot1 isn't very good at counting10:31
Pici#ubuntu is a madhouse this morning.13:08
Picilots of opinions flying, and not enough help13:09
LjLoh lord13:10
DJonesSomebody pointed out that bestbot has gone awol again13:15
PiciHave you informed LjL?13:15
DJonesWas just doing that13:15
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, yellabs-r2 said: !abbot where is  costello ?14:34
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mirantistcr appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)17:01
bazhangguess I unbanned him too early17:53
bazhangone always hopes for the best...17:54
k1l_and let the flamewar begin in offtopics :X18:00
k1l_oh, he starts with insults right at the beginning18:00
geniik1l_: Starting with you and awktion!18:00
* genii runs!18:00
ikoniahello Halite20:20
HaliteI've been upset over something20:30
ikoniaHalite: just to be clear20:31
ikonia1.) you got muted20:31
ikonia2.) you ignored the mute and tried to dodge it20:31
ikonia3.) you got banned20:31
ikonia4.) you've just wasted 15 minutes of my times with pointless silly comments in pm and mild lies20:31
Halitethere were some comments about critisizing things so close to my heart that I couldn't handle it and I only tried to dodge because it said I could speak again (floodbot did)20:31
ikoniaso you will not be allowed back into #ubuntu at this time as you are just wasting peoples time with your attitude20:32
Halitecounter-1) nobody said it was the last straw yet20:32
ikoniaHalite: there is no counter20:32
ikoniaplease don't20:32
Halitegoodness sake20:32
ikoniaI'm stating how they are, not how they could be20:32
Halitewhat about next week?20:32
Halite*says no*20:32
ikoniasure, come back next week and we'll talk again then, see if you can be a bit more grown up in the discussion20:32
ikoniaoh, ok, say no then20:32
ikonianot next week20:32
Halite*says yes*20:32
ikoniasorry no,20:33
Halitestop winding me up20:33
ikoniayou've said it now, I warned you in pm about messing around with these stupid comments20:33
Haliteoh god20:33
ikoniaso you've continued20:33
HaliteI haven't continued20:33
Halitethis is exactly what happened:20:33
ikoniacome back in 3 weeks then and we'll see if you can grow up and discuss this normally20:33
ikonia@mark Halite #ubuntu-ops silly behaviour trying to resolve ban do not discuss for 3 weeks from this date20:34
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:34
HaliteI am distressed20:34
ikoniaHalite: well, take 3 weeks to calm down and come back then20:34
Halitewithin 1 day I'm fine20:34
ikoniawell, come back in 4 weeks then20:34
HaliteDon't make it 4 weeks just because I'm fine in 1 day.20:35
ikoniaHalite: please leave and come back in 3 weeks20:35
HalitePlease don't be silly yourself.20:35
ikoniaHalite: then you should have not made smart comments when I offered a resolution20:35
Haliteikonia, then you should've spotted it and told me in the face when I had the chance20:35
ikoniaHalite: come back in 3 weeks when you can actually stop this silly behaviour when you've just wasted 15 minutes of my time with it20:35
ikoniaI have told you approx 5 minutes ago to stop or I would end the conversation20:35
ikoniaafter you'd wasted 10 minutes of my time20:35
HaliteI didn't see.20:36
HaliteI suggest you give me 5 more minutes.20:36
ikoniayou did - hence why you begged for more chances20:36
ikoniaI suggest you do what you are told and come back in 3 weeks20:36
HaliteIf it is going to 3 weeks as I stay then give me a warning now, not later.20:36
ikoniaI've given you a warning20:36
ikoniacome back in 3 weeks20:36
ikoniaand more messing around until then and we'll make it longer20:37
geniiFor a moment i thought sam101 was singing the "Puff The Magic Dragon" song21:57
bazhang<Will> Hey people. Can someone guide me how to reload my packets? I am not very sure what packets are to be completely honest23:58

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