
brobostigongood morning everyone.06:41
MartijnVdShi brobostigon06:42
brobostigonmorning MartijnVdS06:43
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MooDoomorning all07:42
MartijnVdS\o MooDoo07:43
diploMorning all07:45
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mungbeani appeared to have accidentally drawn a picture of popey while prolifically doodling08:13
mungbeanwant to see it?08:13
MartijnVdSmungbean: time to put it online ;)08:13
MartijnVdSmungbean: surprised popey even08:14
mungbeanany resemblance to characters living or dead is entirely coincidental08:14
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MartijnVdS   2560x1080      60.0*+08:35
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bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:36
MooDoomorning bigcalm08:37
bigcalmThat's a rather wide screen08:43
MartijnVdSbigcalm: it is :)08:44
mungbeani have that but with a bezel inbetween08:50
mungbeancos i have 2 monitors :D08:51
MartijnVdSI don't like bezels08:51
mungbeanand actually it is 2560x1024 10:4 on mine08:52
AlanBellnice MartijnVdS08:52
AlanBellis that a strandbeast on the beach?08:52
MartijnVdSjust a some people walking08:53
ivankahi MartijnVdS08:58
ivankaMartijnVdS, you know yesterday you said you look at website logs - does this mean you might know someone who is good at making wordpress sites run fast?08:58
ivankahello Daviey08:59
MartijnVdSivanka: not really, sorry08:59
ivankaMartijnVdS, okie dokes08:59
MartijnVdSneuro_: you know how to speed up wordpress?09:00
MartijnVdSivanka, neuro_; neuro_, ivanka 8-)09:02
neuro_long winded introduction and conversation unnecessary09:02
neuro_ivanka: http://wordpress.org/plugins/w3-total-cache/09:02
MartijnVdSneuro_: "Reducing downward times!"09:03
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BigRedSneuro_, ivanka, we reccomend WP Super Cache. I've not yet been interested enough to know why we'd recommend that over something else09:19
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Kitchen Debate Day! :-D09:20
MooDoomorning JamesTait09:20
MartijnVdSJamesTait: Kitchen Debate Day?09:20
JamesTaitMooDoo, o/09:21
JamesTaitMartijnVdS, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitchen_Debate09:21
MartijnVdSah, so it's not a discussion about what's for lunch09:21
MooDoosalad for me :)09:22
mgdmsomething to do with 24/7 ?09:48
mgdmoh, /me scrolls09:49
mungbeangumtree appears to be a site for chavs and chancers in life09:49
MooDoomungbean: don't go on it then ;)09:50
mungbeanbut it haz the stuff ebay doesn't have :(09:51
mungbean= deals09:51
MooDoothen be a chav or a chancer in life ;)09:51
mungbeanor unsuccessful at both09:52
mungbeani've never successfully made a purchase09:52
davmor2Morning all09:56
* davmor2 randomly prods czajkowski just cause10:17
* MartijnVdS deploys an infinite number of parachutes, just cause 210:17
MooDoodavmor2: you being brave again this morning?10:18
davmor2MooDoo: It's a go day to be me.  Well for now at any rate, so I'm making the most of it by annoying czajkowski it just seemed like the thing to do :)10:19
czajkowskidavmor2: boo10:19
MooDoodavmor2: awww leave the poor lass alone :)10:22
* davmor2 prods Moodoo instead10:23
MooDoodavmor2: oi i'm not your abuse pole10:23
davmor2MooDoo: I'll go back to czajkowski then and stop complaining :P10:24
MooDooyes boss10:24
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davmor2so czajkowski how's life hows the new hens and is piripiri still putting them in their place?10:27
czajkowskiso nugget is missing a chunk of feathers around her tail10:33
czajkowskibut they seem to be a bit better today10:33
MooDooczajkowski: getting snowed with eggs yet?10:34
czajkowskihad 1 a day so far since they arrived10:35
czajkowskinot sure from which ones and it could take some time to settle after the move10:35
CALAV3R4I have 32 GB of RAM on a Server .... does anyone know how to go about the swap? 64GB and 32GB swap seems to much... any suggestions?10:42
MooDoois it's normally about 2/3x the amount of ram?10:43
MooDoothen again it depends on what the server is doing10:43
CALAV3R4MooDoo, thank you... we really don't want any swapping but just in case.10:44
mungbeanwhat's the best way for tab completion for favourite hostnames?10:46
directhexCALAV3R4, swap is not useful to you.10:46
directhexCALAV3R4, you don't want to suspend your server to disk, so that's not useful10:47
SuperMattmungbean: it should automatically tab complete if it's in /etc/hosts or ~/.ssh/config10:47
mungbean.ssh/config it is then, cheers10:47
SuperMatt.ssh/config is your friend10:47
mungbean(they are in DNS otherwise)10:47
directhexCALAV3R4, and by the time your server has swapped 32 or 64 or whatever gig of stuff out, it would have been faster to drive to the datacenter and press reboot, than wait for it to become responsive again under swap death conditions like that10:47
SuperMattI've got mine set up detailing usernames, aliases, identity file to use, etc10:48
SuperMattvery handy10:48
directhexthe old rules for swap size are only relevant for desktop/laptops, due to suspend to disk. even desktop/laptops have too much ram now for swapping to be helpful for actual "extra memory" reasons10:48
mungbeani should def do that, i've been lazy10:48
SuperMattso I just type ssh live and I'm on my live server10:48
SuperMattonce you've done it once, of course, you need only add to it over time10:48
mungbeanwhere's the man page?10:49
mungbeansame as ssh_config?10:49
mungbean~/.ssh/config This is the per-user configuration file.  The format of this file is described above.10:49
mungbeanlooks like it10:49
MartijnVdSNew Computerphile video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6bDA5FK6gs10:56
Laneythese are all academics / students in the nottingham CS school10:57
MartijnVdSLaney: yeah, they are :)10:57
MartijnVdSLaney: some people from a local hackerspace, it seems10:57
Laneydon't know why they haven't talked to anyone from the FP / theory group yet :(10:57
MartijnVdSLaney: ask Brady :)10:59
ivankahey MartijnVdS, BigRedS and neuro_ I was in a meeting...I will check it out and get back to you. It's not for me directly, it is for my husband and it is potentially a paid gig10:59
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neuro_ah, ok10:59
neuro_wp total cache definitely solves a lot of the constantly-dynamic issues that wp suffers from11:00
neuro_just need to be careful that it's tuned correctly for the required load and content11:00
ivankaneuro_, pm?11:04
neuro_looks like edge funding is slowing way down11:15
mungbeanwhat is it now11:15
neuro_less than 200k in the last 8 hours11:15
mungbeanthey screwed up with the double trouble offer11:15
MartijnVdSmungbean: rewards have been restructured11:15
MooDooI'm not sure it'll hit 511:15
mungbeanif fully funded with double troubles, then phones at $70011:15
neuro_they've gone mad11:16
mungbeanso why not just offer phones at $70011:16
MartijnVdSmungbean: they're offering phones at 625 now11:16
neuro_you can get it at $625, $675, $725, $830 and 2x @ $140011:16
* mungbean checks11:16
mungbeanhmm..this makes them look a bit unprepared/unplanned11:17
neuro_unless i'm missing something, there is absolutely no difference between any of them, other than the 1400 one being for 2 phones11:17
MartijnVdS^ the plan11:17
neuro_why buy 100 for 80,000 when you can buy 100 for 62,50011:17
mungbeanalso, the enterprise bundle is not economic11:17
MartijnVdSbut you also get support with that bundle11:18
mungbeanjust stop being silly and offer all phones @ 63011:18
mungbeancustomers need to know where they stand11:18
neuro_"You told us you want more opportunities to get the Ubuntu Edge at a lower contribution level, so we went back to our spreadsheets and came up with a solution."11:18
neuro_the solution is to just leave it alone11:18
mungbeanHundreds of you have already contributed $830 for an Ubuntu Edge, but don’t worry. We’ll refund the difference at the end of the campaign so you won’t lose out.11:19
mungbeanthis makes them look silly tbh11:19
neuro_i didn't notice that11:19
neuro_this is sheer confusion11:19
mungbeanwho decided this?11:19
MooDooisn't it all really just a test of the water to see if people are really interested?  I could never seeing them make 30m11:20
mungbeanMooDoo: it's 40,000 phones, which could happen if the price was $5-600 or thereabouts11:20
neuro_this is a poor way to test the water11:20
neuro_these "perk levels" should have been implemented from the start11:21
mungbeanlook at the funders list11:21
neuro_or not at all11:21
mungbeansome are paying 655, others 62511:21
mungbeanconfusion reigns11:21
MooDooat least they can then say "ah well we tried and people weren't interested"11:21
MartijnVdS655 = 625 + 30 int. shipping11:21
neuro_but people obviously are interested11:24
MartijnVdSbut are enough people interested for it to be a real thing11:24
MooDoo32m is too high imo11:24
AlanBellthe enterprise bundle has more problems than just being more expensive than buying them individually11:25
mungbeani like to see people having a plan11:25
mungbeanthis does not look like a plan11:25
neuro_AlanBell: yeah, we were talking about this yesterday11:25
MooDoobut then again I read somewhere that orange or someone similar did a similar thing and to produce a new phone it actually takes 50m so they are doing it a lot cheaper11:25
neuro_you're supposed to get a capex and deployment approval for something based on a) whether or not it actually gets manufactured and shipped, and b) meets its release date, and it's 10 months away ...11:26
neuro_oh and if your deployment is successful, you can never buy any more11:27
neuro_and if one of them is dropped and smashes beyond repair, you can never buy a replacement11:27
MartijnVdSor just have a rich employer who likes to gamble and give away toys11:27
neuro_in which case the included workshops and 30 days of support are useless11:28
neuro_you'd be cheaper off just buying a bunch of them at the lower tiers11:28
mungbeanis the weather nice out?11:28
mungbeanblue sky in london, unsure if warm11:28
neuro_it's too warm/cold/sunny/cloudy/dry/wet/blue/green/fishy11:29
MooDoooi it's never to fishy ;)11:29
MartijnVdSmungbean: http://www.weeronline.nl/Europa/Groot-Brittannie/Londen/416333711:29
mgdmmmmm stroopwaffels11:30
MartijnVdShmmm stroopwafels11:30
* mgdm ^5 MartijnVdS 11:30
neuro_since when did ^ = 5?11:30
neuro_err, s/5/high/11:31
MartijnVdSsince forever/11:31
neuro_never mind11:31
neuro_don't care11:31
neuro_just opened a pack of french crisps11:31
neuro_Saveur Bolognaise11:31
neuro_om nom11:32
HoT|2fC^hey up everyone :)12:10
HoT|2fC^I got my DL380 G3 today it has a 36GB SCSI Hard Drive, now in the BIOS at POST screen it detects it but when I go to boot from CD/ROM on Windows XP Pro 32Bit, it says to me no Hard Drive detected please check its connected and make sure its setup via BIOS.12:12
HoT|2fC^I have phoned the company where I got it from he said does the light come on the BAY, I said yes, so he then said what color is it I said its "Green" he said OK thats working then and its detecting it in the BIOS/POST Screen!12:12
AlanBellhow is that an Ubuntu question?12:13
HoT|2fC^he then said it should install XP no problem, I said I am about to try Ubuntu 13.04 Server edition he said try that an it should boot and install, if not let him know he will find out why and he said it might be something to do with where the SCSI is connecting to.12:13
AlanBellah, thats how :)12:13
HoT|2fC^yeah AlanBell lol, its more of a BIOS / BOOT / ANY OS tbh lol I just need it to work hhaa.12:14
AlanBellso, does it work in Ubuntu?12:14
DJonesCould be that win xp cd hasn't got the right driver for the scsi hardware12:14
HoT|2fC^DJones sounds so true :) it is a copy off Torrent as a .iso already activated. but yeah hopefully it boots off the ubuntu in a minute when I burn it to disc.12:15
HoT|2fC^AlanBell, not as yet :)12:15
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: there's a "Have driver disk" prompt at install time for a reason ;)12:15
lubotu3piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o12:16
HoT|2fC^oops sorry.12:16
MartijnVdSjust stick to Ubuntu :)12:16
HoT|2fC^MartijnVdS, yeah it detects it as Compaq 36.6GB's (SCSI)12:17
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: I just got off the phone with the stone age. They want their machine back.12:17
HoT|2fC^It's formatted I can't see it not installing to be honest, it boots fine!12:17
HoT|2fC^MartijnVdS, whos machine :D12:18
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: Gnork the caveman12:18
DJonesHoT|2fC^: You have your answer then, install Ubuntu & relax12:18
HoT|2fC^DJones, I hope so yeah :)12:19
davmor2HoT|2fC^: for windows xp there is an option during the initial cd run like F1 or something to install 3rd party drivers if it is a scsi device these are almost always needed.12:19
HoT|2fC^the guy even said it on the phone lol, it says in BIOS (OS Type) and a list of OS/S... shell I select "Linux"12:19
HoT|2fC^davmor2: Ahhh yes I always noticed that at the start lol, always wondered what that F6 or something or other does LOL12:20
HoT|2fC^you are a lifesaver :D12:20
HoT|2fC^I just let it scan all that at the start an wait then it comes up with the detected hard drive thing saying F3 to reboot.12:21
HoT|2fC^right brb :D12:22
HoT|2fC^wish me luck!!12:22
davmor2quick everyone hide12:23
AzelphurIf you delete a rm, it doesn't delete the files it points to, right?12:27
Myrttiyeah that would sound about the right reaction to that question12:35
MooDooAzelphur: can you be a little clearer?12:37
MooDooAzelphur: do you mean a symlink?12:37
Azelphurwow, haha12:37
AzelphurI really mangled that sentence didn't I12:37
Azelphurbut yea, I did mean a symlink, and I figured it out, couldn't delete it because it wasn't a symlink :)12:38
MooDooi'm impressed i interpreted rm as symlink lol12:38
Azelphurdoes anyone else do that? you go to type something, then you make a correction, but you mess it up and just end up with a totally mangled sentence that makes no sense.12:39
AzelphurI do it occasionally \o/12:39
DJonesI was trying to work out how you delete something if you'd deleted the rm command12:39
mgdmor write a python script :-)12:41
AzelphurDJones: mv file /dev/null? ;)12:42
MooDooformat and reinstall Azelphur that'll definately delete the file.12:43
MooDooIt's what I do ;)12:43
AzelphurMooDoo: funny enough, that's what I'm actually doing, just taking backups at the moment ;)12:43
MooDooAzelphur: backups?  you a man or a mouse ;)12:44
Azelphura mouse, full drive backups >.<12:45
Azelphurin multiple locations, too12:45
MooDoolol I can't talk, I'm paranoid about backups :D12:45
HoT|2fC^<davmor2> quick everyone hide12:55
HoT|2fC^<davmor2> :D12:55
HoT|2fC^Tuttut ;)12:55
mungbeanresize2fs of ext4 ? umount first?12:56
SuperMattpersonally, I tend to do my stuff with gparted running off a usb or cd12:56
SuperMattbecause I don't trust my fingers12:56
mungbeanit does work though...12:57
HoT|2fC^Well im back so best get out of your hiding places haha, well I have tried booting Windows XP, pressed F6 for third party SCSI drivers and what do you know no luck at all I get a message asking me to put a Disk in but A? thats floppy lol I dont have a floppy with drivers on it so I dont know why its not letting me get them off the disc, anyway says about the SCSI wont work with Windows XP,12:57
HoT|2fC^so I tried Ubuntu and what do you know its on a DVD :( I have a CD/ROM not DVD/ROM.12:57
HoT|2fC^I am going to burn the Ubuntu 13.04 Server.iso to a CDR now.12:57
HoT|2fC^Then I should be able to boot linux !12:58
mgdmHoT|2fC^: will your machine boot off a USB stick?12:58
neuro_i'll boot YOUR stick12:59
HoT|2fC^mgdm, no as its old :(12:59
HoT|2fC^I have ILO :/12:59
neuro_13.04 server?12:59
HoT|2fC^I can boot from CD/ROM only :(12:59
HoT|2fC^neuro_, yes.12:59
neuro_y u no install lts?13:00
HoT|2fC^ubuntu-13.04-server-amd64 <-- that one for my Xeons.13:00
HoT|2fC^LTS? Whats that one about, isnt it a Beta or something \o/13:00
neuro_you jest, yes?13:00
HoT|2fC^jest? :o13:00
HoT|2fC^I haven't tested it no, hence why I am here lol.13:01
HoT|2fC^I need to get it installed!13:01
* HoT|2fC^ is burning Ubuntu 13.04 Server to a non-DVD disc :)13:06
HoT|2fC^Whats difference with LTS and normal Ubuntu 13.04 Server ?13:09
neuro_oh, you were being serious13:09
neuro_sorry, i thought you were making a joke :)13:09
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: 12.04 is LTS, 13.04 isn't13:09
neuro_LTS is Long Term Support, it's supported longer13:09
neuro_8.04, 10.04, 12.04 are all LTS13:09
neuro_14.04 will be as well13:10
neuro_they are supported for 7 years13:10
neuro_iirc non-LTS releases are only supported for 18 months13:10
MartijnVdSi.e. one internet century13:10
HoT|2fC^I see ok ok :D13:10
neuro_so basically you'll get longer support for package updates for security etc with an LTS release13:10
MooDooand lts doesn't use cutting edge versions of the software13:10
HoT|2fC^I will just use this for now to test if it works then I will go for 13.04 LTS thanks there neuro_13:10
neuro_downside is "poorer" hardware support13:10
neuro_13.04 is not LTS13:10
MartijnVdSMooDoo: well, it's cutting edge at the time of release13:10
neuro_12.04 is13:10
MooDooMartijnVdS: well yes but 12.04 isn't now :ed13:11
MartijnVdSneuro_: and they do "hardware support upgrade" now, with newer kernels and X13:11
neuro_oh yeah13:11
neuro_quantal kernels13:11
MartijnVdSraring kernels even13:11
* MooDoo doesn't need anything other than LTs13:11
HoT|2fC^Ok ok, thats enuff now just help me get it installed on my server using SCSI hard drive lol13:11
neuro_burn disc, put disc in optical drive, boot13:11
MooDooneuro_: behave it can't be that easy ;)13:12
neuro_that's how i do it :)13:12
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: the "Server" doesn't install the GUI bits, but does offer several server-specific options13:12
MooDooneuro_: you're magical we're only human ;)13:12
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: the "Desktop" ISOs install the Ubuntu desktop you know and love13:12
neuro_if no optical drive, go to currys, buy cheap usb dvd drive, put disc in cheap usb dvd drive, install13:12
MartijnVdS'Yer a wizard, neuro_'13:12
HoT|2fC^MartijnVdS, ah ok ok so easy 7 steps then? till I get to the GUI bit :D13:13
MooDooshhhhhhh all he's at the burn the disk stage, it's a difficult one that ;)13:13
neuro_no GUI in server install13:13
neuro_text mode13:13
neuro_it's easy13:13
MartijnVdS\o/ text mode13:13
HoT|2fC^is it all command ?13:13
neuro_server is text mode by default13:13
HoT|2fC^I dont know any commands well I do..13:13
MooDooHoT|2fC^: yes unless you install a gui13:13
HoT|2fC^sudo get makeme a butty13:13
HoT|2fC^MooDoo, damn :(13:14
neuro_i would stop right now13:14
neuro_if you don't know what you're doing13:14
MooDooHoT|2fC^: why do you need a gui?13:14
HoT|2fC^MooDoo, I want a easy install all I want is to get a distro on my server.13:14
MooDoocd and vi are your friends ;)13:14
HoT|2fC^using SCSI.13:14
MartijnVdSemacs runs fine in text mode13:14
neuro_don't worry about scsi13:14
MooDooHoT|2fC^: then you don't need a gui13:14
neuro_ubuntu treats everything as scsi ;)13:14
HoT|2fC^good! :D13:14
HoT|2fC^when I install ubuntu server now when do I need to do ??13:15
MooDooI'm talking to you now from a server running command line irc :D13:15
HoT|2fC^is it easy13:15
HoT|2fC^lol MooDoo13:15
neuro_HoT|2fC^: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/install-ubuntu-server13:15
MooDooHoT|2fC^: get the iso and burn it to a cd, then boot the server with it in the drive, and follow the on screen prompts easy :d13:15
HoT|2fC^Seems easy :)13:16
HoT|2fC^ok here goes..13:16
HoT|2fC^be right back13:16
* HoT|2fC^ runs to the basement13:16
MooDooshould we have told him about the crickets? ;)13:17
MartijnVdSand the spiders13:17
neuro_I'M RARED RAGGY!13:17
neuro_Me too, Scoob!13:18
mungbeanonline resize went ok13:18
mgdmbrave :)13:19
mungbeani don't have control of the VMware to snapshot it13:20
mungbean4.25M ...13:22
mungbeansold quite a few more phones today13:22
directhexmungbean, price dropped a lot too13:23
directhexsliding scale now13:23
mungbeanpay what you want ;)13:24
mungbeanhumble indie phoe13:24
bigcalmneuro_: I'm still unable to get my head around routing for this project, but the good news is that the buck has been passed to the client to sort out :D We've got the VPN set-up, now they can deal with routing13:25
bigcalmThat's what I did when I call the call about it from my boss13:26
neuro_the fobbed off happy dance :)13:26
neuro_humble indie phone, lol13:26
neuro_hmm, i'm just firing in my shopping into tesco.com and i note on their front page, they think i'm some sort of english picnicking mentlar13:27
neuro_half price ice cream! half price cheese! 2 for £1 on salad!13:27
neuro_and the kicker13:27
neuro_PIMMS 1l ONLY £16!13:28
neuro_uh, ok13:28
neuro_i think i've drunk pimms twice in my whole life13:28
neuro_albeit once for an extended session13:28
mgdmI don't think I've ever had Pimms13:28
neuro_it is a silly drink13:28
MooDooit tastes like barley sugar sweets if you add it to lemonade13:29
neuro_but when you're at a work event in brighton, and people keep handing you glasses of it, you tend not to say no13:29
mgdmMooDoo: that doesn't sound too bad actually, I like barley sugars :)13:29
neuro_this stuff is epic, by the way: http://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=26635244613:30
neuro_copella apple juice13:30
MartijnVdSneuro_: sure, "promise"13:35
mungbeanoh we're supposed to think he's great now?13:37
Myrttipimms is nice if you make it into proper nice ginger ale13:38
Myrttinot Schweppes, mind you13:38
diddledanpimms is evil13:39
diddledanI don't like it13:39
mungbeandoesn't bother me either way13:39
mungbeanits ok in a cold drink13:39
mungbeannot particularly exciting though13:40
diddledan$360,440 has been raised through the $20 founder perk?!13:47
diddledanthat's if everyone at that level only contributed $2013:48
mungbeansome did $100, others $1 others $3013:48
diddledan1822 claims @ $20 = $360,44013:48
diddledanthis campaign is getting crazy!13:49
mungbeancaught someone on camera going into my office reading confidential docs13:49
mungbeanunsure how to proceed13:49
MartijnVdSmungbean: where I work, I'd notify the internal security team13:50
diddledan"forged aboud id"13:50
diddledanare they employed by your company or just a random stranger?13:51
mungbeanhe will say he was looking for something13:51
diddledanthat actually helps. you can follow disciplinary procedures.13:51
mungbeanits a locked room13:51
diddledanperhaps he accidentally unlocked it, accidentally opened the door, and accidentally found a confidential piece of paper, and accidentally read it thoroughly13:52
mungbeanthink i will sit on it for a bit13:53
davmor2he didn't realise he was employed there as he gets a paycheck from the nsa13:53
MartijnVdSdiddledan: tripped, fell on the key, tumbled onto the lock, and then hit the handle13:56
bigcalmSteak T-4.5 hours13:57
bigcalmBest kind13:58
diddledanthat's a steakhouse14:00
MartijnVdS0xDEADBEEFCAFEBABE is the waitress14:00
HoT|2fC^damn :( when I try and boot Ubuntu 13.04 Server I get this for ages and I have to press the power button on the server to turn it off and power back up again for further attemps :( http://i40.tinypic.com/5fm59g.jpg14:01
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: looks like it doesn't like your CD14:01
neuro_mungbean: it's a potential security and confidentiality breach14:02
neuro_it's gross misconduct and possibly criminal14:02
HoT|2fC^But with windows it boots :/ I have tried selecting the Operating System Type to Linux and also tried Other OS, and Windows XP seems to boot under Windows 2000, 2003 etc..14:02
neuro_call the guy's boss and your HR department now14:02
mungbeanthis is all true but kicking up a stink often ends with a game of politics14:04
HoT|2fC^My uncle says for Windows I need the driver for the controller card and probably be "Adaptec Controller" or "Texas Instruments".14:04
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: forget about Windows14:04
mungbeanhe'll say "i thought the office had been vacated"14:04
HoT|2fC^But it gets me why it won't boot my Ubuntu Discs, I tried Ubuntu 13.04 Desktop that run fine on my PC I have it on here.14:04
HoT|2fC^I have burnt a new one and still no luck :/14:05
MartijnVdSmungbean: don't second-guess what he'll say14:05
mungbeanbut politics...14:05
HoT|2fC^Im doomed.14:05
MartijnVdSmungbean: but security14:05
mungbeanbut nobody has ever been disciplined for anything here ever14:08
MartijnVdSmungbean: Poison his coffee.14:08
MartijnVdSmungbean: or just make it look (to him) like you did ;)14:09
HoT|2fC^Do I need this MartijnVdS the HP ProLiant 64-Bit/66-Mhz Dual Channel Wide Ultra3 SCSI Controller Driver for Windows Server 200314:10
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: what happened when you tied?14:10
HoT|2fC^tried to what install XP14:11
HoT|2fC^Asked for a floppy disc drive A: lol14:11
diploHoT|2fC^: You're not even getting that far, it's not booted the server disc yet..14:11
HoT|2fC^when I hit F614:11
HoT|2fC^diplo, gatherd that.14:11
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: you can put the drivers onto the Windows CD I think14:12
diploAll the drivers that you probably require are built into the kernel14:12
HoT|2fC^MartijnVdS, ah I see ok..14:12
diploIssue with the disc or cd/dvd drive maybe..14:12
davmor2no you just need to put the drivers onto a floppy disk14:12
HoT|2fC^yeah davmor2 like I have any of those \o/14:13
HoT|2fC^I don't even have a floppie disc drive to write a floppy disc.14:13
diddledanI've got hundreds of the buggers14:13
HoT|2fC^Only on my server that I got today!14:13
diddledanI really want to archive all my 5.25" floppies14:13
directhexwindows NT 5 - i.e. XP, 2000, and 2003 - can only add extra drivers either from a floppy diskette in drive A:, or via modifying the install CD to include the extra driver directly14:14
HoT|2fC^MartijnVdS I will have to do it the way you said, Do I just burn the files to the disc with the .iso :/14:14
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: Microsoft has a huge knowledge base which contains answers to that question14:14
diplodiddledan: that's what minions at work are for, got one of ours to do all ours a few years ago14:14
directhexyou can't just put the driver files on the CD, you need to use a tool to mangle all the driver databases on there to see the new driver14:14
directhexnLite is one such tool14:14
mungbeango to the dump14:15
mungbeanthrow them in14:15
diddledanaha, burn the iso as a file is the wrong way14:15
diddledanyou don't "put the iso on the disc"14:15
diddledanyou "write the disc FROM the iso"14:15
HoT|2fC^ok I will use the nLite directhex :)14:16
HoT|2fC^What do you say is good burning tool for Windows? :o14:17
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: ##windows14:17
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: we're the Ubuntu channel14:17
HoT|2fC^Been there no reply off anyone :)14:17
neuro_sorry, just rattled some more bolognaise crisps :)14:17
HoT|2fC^I know you are, but I use Ubuntu also and I dont see the problem :D14:17
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: THen please try google first :) Most of your questions are page-one google answers14:18
AlanBellHoT|2fC^: the problem is we probably don't know14:18
HoT|2fC^Ok thanks :)14:18
diddledanHoT|2fC^: you need to right-click the downloaded iso and click "burn disc image"14:18
AlanBellif windows has not got a support community around it then use an operating system that does14:18
neuro_no, actually, this is a fair question14:18
HoT|2fC^It's on CDR :) I dont have a DVD ROM on my server its CD ROM :)14:19
neuro_because how do you install ubuntu if you don't have it14:19
AlanBellmaybe one day Windows will be popular enough that there will be answers to questions14:19
MartijnVdSneuro_: magic14:19
neuro_and that's why there's a page on how to burn the disc14:19
mungbeanubuntu-edge could hit £5M today?14:19
MartijnVdSwell there's http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/burn-a-cd-or-dvd-from-an-iso-file14:19
neuro_HoT|2fC^: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/burn-a-dvd-on-windows14:19
diddledanmungbean: I hope14:19
HoT|2fC^thanks :D14:19
diddledanI want my phone already14:19
MartijnVdSdiddledan: wait a year14:19
diddledanhow long is the development gonna take? :-p14:19
neuro_minus two months14:20
MartijnVdSneuro_: plus delays14:20
MartijnVdSdiddledan: 1) read indiegogo page14:20
MartijnVdSdiddledan: 2) enlightenment14:20
diddledan3) profit?14:20
neuro_3) indiegogoinfo@canonical.com14:21
neuro_mungbean: 5m?14:21
neuro_mungbean: doubt it14:21
neuro_it was at 3.4m at 4am14:21
diddledanneuro_: shut up and take my money! :-p14:21
neuro_diddledan: you can give your money to me, certainly14:21
mungbeanand its 4.2m 12hrs later14:22
diddledanmungbean: 4.48014:22
neuro_oh, i hadn't refreshed for a while14:22
davmor2man the 625 batch is nearly sold out14:23
mungbeanshould be a lesson to them14:24
mungbeankeep the price at that point14:24
ivankaI like this view: http://ubuntu-edge.info/14:25
ivankaPeople do like a bargain14:25
ivankahi czajkowski14:25
mungbeani expect 25% of funds are raised on 1st and last day14:25
czajkowskiivanka: hows the travels going ?14:26
mungbeanneuro_: most dumbed down article ever. how many readers?14:27
ivankaneuro_, the sun?14:27
neuro_how should i know? :)14:27
ivankahas ubuntu ever been mentioned in the sun before?14:27
ivankaczajkowski, not really travelling - going away in september though14:28
ivankaczajkowski, mostly resting, kayaking, and doing bits of work14:28
neuro_"Your search returned 0 results"14:28
ivankahow are you?14:28
neuro_which is interesting since there's an article today14:28
ivankaneuro_, heh14:28
ivankamore reasons not to trust the sun14:28
czajkowskiivanka: oh nice, working away here in the new job14:30
czajkowskipopping to the bluefin in abit to see some folks14:30
ivankawhat new job?14:30
ivankasomething exciting?14:31
SuperMattI am getting the strangest results on a webserver test I'm doing14:34
SuperMattso, I'm doing an apache benchmark of the website, and recording the results14:34
SuperMattI then do the same thing again, but with the website behind a mod-proxy instance14:35
SuperMattnaturally the response times go up, by about 200ms on average14:35
SuperMattso far so good14:35
SuperMatt*then* I enable mod-security on that proxy server, and the response times are not only lower that that of just the proxy on it's own, but it's *lower* than the original results of no proxy, no mod-sec14:36
diddledanmaybe cached file reads14:38
SuperMattnope, there's no caching14:39
diddledanI don't know if linux caches at the filesystem layer or not14:39
SuperMatteven so, with mod-security enabled, *everything* should take longer14:39
SuperMattbecause it should be scanning all the requests14:39
mungbeanhow do i read a base-64 email?14:44
SuperMattisn't that just an attachment?14:44
* SuperMatt doesn't know14:44
MartijnVdSdecode it ;)14:44
MartijnVdSmungbean: put it in python, .decode('base64') it14:44
MartijnVdSmungbean: uudeview package contains a command line decoder14:45
diddledanit's got to slow down soon, right?!14:47
MooDooalready is i'm guessing14:47
mungbeanslows looks like 5M easily by midnight then14:48
* davmor2 pictures neuro_ in his best blazing saddles impression saying that Mongo earlier14:49
diddledan"candygram for mongo"14:49
davmor2Mongo like candy14:50
czajkowskiivanka: community manager in EMEA for MongoDB15:01
czajkowskiivanka: http://www.lczajkowski.com/2013/06/13/a-bite-of-something-new/15:01
davmor2sheriff mongo is coming!15:05
davmor2popey: How's oscon treating you?  I am setting up the live stream as we type15:43
mungbean1309 out of 1250 claimed15:48
diddledanthat's clever15:48
mungbeanbut at laest they've got the SOLD OUT sign up now15:49
diploCan someone tell me if this is accesible ?15:52
diddledanonly 240k till 5M15:52
diddledandiplo: timeout15:53
diplokk ta15:53
diploaha, lot's of stuff been played with on router15:54
diploShould work now ?15:54
diddledanIt works!15:54
diplota fanx15:54
diddledanI wonder how many webservers leave that page up?15:54
diddledanI believe all the servers at my work will be displaying that page for HTTP/1.0 and IP-based and incorrect hostname access15:55
diploheh, fresh install for me, trying DMZ setup on the router rather than port forward ports everywhere15:57
diploSeems to work ok atm, and instead of changing the IP each time on each port I can just change the IP of the VM I'm testing15:58
diddledantrue DMZ or fake-DMZ? :-p15:58
diddledanmost commercial routers call NAT to a single LAN IP as DMZ but it's fake - a true DMZ has a separate network segment15:59
bigcalmSteak T-2.5 hours15:59
diploWell so it says on the web page :)16:01
neuro_"please enter the first, fourth and thirteenth characters of your password"16:05
neuro_when it comes to verified by visa, i don't mess around :)16:06
diddledanbloody nora16:06
neuro_you don't use long passwords?16:06
diddledanI can't remember a password that long16:06
diddledanI've got lastpass for most of my passwords16:07
diddledanbut verified by visa requires that I remember it myself16:07
diddledan'cos they insist on segments16:07
neuro_my passwords are usually two or three words mashed together with some letters numberised16:07
neuro_and random capitalisation if i'm feeling particularly sadistic16:07
davmor2neuro_ 's password is "It's_a_wee_timorous_beastie_with_big_pointy_teeth"16:08
* diplo uses keepassx16:08
diploAround 16characters for all mine16:08
neuro_underscores make touch typists cry16:09
* SuperMatt uses keepassx too16:09
SuperMattit's useful16:09
neuro_dns migrated from old clapped out 10.04 vm to funky 12.04 dual xeon16:13
neuro_on both v4 and v616:13
SuperMattmy experiments in to v6 have left my brain dripping out of my ears16:14
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: ipv6?16:14
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: what do you want to know? :)16:14
SuperMatthow to stop my brain from hurting ;)16:14
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: It's like IPv4, but with longer addresses.. nothing more16:14
SuperMattbut seriously, I understand much of it16:14
MartijnVdSoh and autoconfiguration, which is nice16:15
neuro_i use it at home16:15
neuro_well, *here*16:15
neuro_since i am at home16:15
MartijnVdSmy ISP even does DHCPv6-PD over PPPoE to send me a prefix16:16
MartijnVdSso I get a /48 at home16:16
neuro_so my question is16:16
neuro_what the heck are you gonna do with a /48? :)16:16
* neuro_ is quite happy with a /6416:17
MartijnVdSneuro_: yeah.. I'm still sort of wondering16:17
MartijnVdSneuro_: I get 64k /64s 8-)16:17
neuro_and even that is kinda frivolous when you think about it16:17
neuro_annoyingly though, my new dns server is sitting on a /128 :(16:17
diddledanmy reason for a /48 would be to allow me to give hotspot users a /64, but no hotspot software currently works with ip616:18
MartijnVdSdiddledan: coovachilli does, I think16:18
neuro_i thought m0n0wall supported v616:18
diddledanit needs to be compatible with hotspotsystem.com, so I've not been able to get m0n0wall or pfsense (preferred over m0n0) working with it16:19
diddledanI think I had issues with the whitelisting16:19
diddledanI can't remember now tho, tbh16:19
neuro_i always forget pfsense does portal16:19
MartijnVdSneuro_: so basically I have 64k * (v4 space * v4 space).. which does seem like a lot16:19
neuro_you'd run out of space for machines before you ran out of IPs16:20
MartijnVdSneuro_: coovachilli seems compatible, accordsing to the "Installation guide"16:20
neuro_MartijnVdS: i care not :)16:20
neuro_wasn't me asking ;)16:20
MartijnVdSoh wait16:21
MartijnVdSdiddledan: ^16:21
diddledanMartijnVdS: link?16:23
diddledancan't find any mention here: http://www.coova.org/CoovaChilli/Documentation16:23
MartijnVdSdiddledan: http://hotspotsystem.com/en/hotspot/install_guide_openwrt.html16:24
diddledanoh right, yeah, I know coova is compatible with hss, but coova doesn't do ip616:24
MartijnVdSdiddledan: http://www.coova.org/CoovaChilli/ChangeLog it does (experimentally)16:25
diddledanthe documentation for coova is seriously scant16:27
MartijnVdSit is :(16:27
* MartijnVdS runs a network for a camping on it16:27
HoT|2fC^Still no luck :(16:32
HoT|2fC^I can't beleave windows will boot but not detect my scsi drive, then when I try and boot Ubuntu or any Linux distro it just fails an does not boot at all :(16:33
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: are you using the 32-bit Ubuntu? Because your machine seems a bit old for 64-bit software16:34
HoT|2fC^MartijnVdS, I use 32Bit with Windows and Ubuntu is 32bit ? I think.16:35
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: depends on the .iso you download16:35
HoT|2fC^MartijnVdS: First Linux distro I tried to boot was this one "ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386"16:36
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: how did you burn it to CD?16:37
HoT|2fC^Using Nero?16:37
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: as a file on the CD, or as a disc image?16:37
HoT|2fC^I burnt both ways16:38
AlanBellif you put the disk in the computer you used to burn it, does it open a folder containing a file called ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso?16:38
HoT|2fC^I have a copy here and it boots from my PC.16:38
AlanBellbecause if it did, then you are doing it wrong16:38
AlanBellok, so you have a known good CD that boots on another computer16:39
AlanBellis the bios on the computer that doesn't work set so that it will boot from CD?16:39
MartijnVdSis the CD drive IDE or SCSI?16:40
MartijnVdSoh wait, you can boot Windows off the same drive16:40
HoT|2fC^AlanBell, The CD I have tried to boot just says "ubuntu-13.04-server-amd64"16:40
HoT|2fC^ISO Burn :/16:40
HoT|2fC^then www.isoburner.com16:40
HoT|2fC^when you highlight it16:40
MartijnVdSbut.. -amd64 is not -i38616:41
MartijnVdSwhich one is it?16:41
HoT|2fC^Thats the server one must be wrong that16:41
HoT|2fC^the Desktop one is i386 an when I put it in my PC now it loads up Ubuntu Menu to install!16:42
HoT|2fC^but this is a DVD-R so wont work in my CDROM and I think its SCSI.16:42
HoT|2fC^I cant do usb booting either :(16:42
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: OK, so get the i386 alternate or server CD image16:42
AlanBellah, no it wont' work in a CD only drive16:42
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: and burn the image to a *cd*16:43
AlanBellthe desktop image is too big to go on CD16:43
MartijnVdSthen you should be able to boot it16:43
MartijnVdSthe server one isn't16:43
HoT|2fC^Yeah true I didnt think of that :o16:43
MartijnVdSand the 12.04 one might fit on CD as well, still16:43
AlanBellyup, server should be fine, and as MartijnVdS says, it must be CD media16:43
HoT|2fC^Ok so, I need the server i386 CD image.16:43
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: releases.ubuntu.com16:43
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: you want 12.04 for a server -- longer / better support16:43
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: NOT 13.0416:43
HoT|2fC^I have 12.04 desktop on disc :D16:44
HoT|2fC^its from ubuntu16:44
HoT|2fC^but amd64 :/16:44
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: yes.. get the 12.04 SERVER i386 ISO16:44
MartijnVdSnot the desktop one16:44
AlanBelldepends what you want, 13.04 is newer stuff, depends if you care16:44
neuro_why i386?16:44
neuro_do we know what the cpu is?16:44
MartijnVdSneuro_: because it's a machine from the neolithic16:44
AlanBellif you are running stuffs that depends on openoffice headless for PDF rendering then you probably want 13.04 rather than 12.0416:45
neuro_AlanBell: i doubt that's even a concern16:45
HoT|2fC^Im using my Server for hosting a Dedicated game server.16:45
neuro_HoT|2fC^: what is the CPU?16:45
neuro_or CPUs?16:45
AlanBellpossibly not :) but there are perfectly valid reasons to want a newer server than LTS16:46
HoT|2fC^It's a x2 Dual Intel Xeon 2.4Ghz16:46
neuro_what kind of xeon16:46
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: which generation xeon?16:46
neuro_model number pls16:46
HoT|2fC^Not sure.16:46
neuro_what make and model is the server?16:47
neuro_that server shipped with Windows 200016:49
neuro_get the i386 installer16:49
neuro_"amd64" is 64-bit, which that class of machine will not (and did not) support16:49
HoT|2fC^More info on it16:49
neuro_don't need more16:49
neuro_get the i386 installer16:49
HoT|2fC^Ok ok :)16:49
HoT|2fC^shame I have ran out of blank discs :(16:50
HoT|2fC^what a bummer16:50
neuro_shops will still be open :)16:50
neuro_and this is a prime example of why you should plan stuff out before you do it16:50
HoT|2fC^I know.16:51
HoT|2fC^Hey so I have here Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS 32Bit16:51
HoT|2fC^Correct neuro_?16:51
neuro_have fun16:52
HoT|2fC^haha have fun, I wouldnt say that its fun tbh :p16:52
HoT|2fC^I will have fun later when I play a few games!16:52
neuro_depends on your perspective16:52
neuro_what game servers are you planning to run on it?16:52
HoT|2fC^Doom 3 :)16:52
HoT|2fC^and maybe Quake 416:53
HoT|2fC^It will not be on 24/ 7 it will only be odd weekends.16:53
HoT|2fC^also its for me to learn a bit about a Enterprise server :)16:53
neuro_a midrange server, certainly16:54
neuro_albeit a 9 year old one16:54
HoT|2fC^So is my server junk then16:55
neuro_looks like i've found your cpu as well16:55
HoT|2fC^ah nice one nice 1 :)16:55
HoT|2fC^so is it x2 2.4ghz each core ?16:56
neuro_single core16:56
HoT|2fC^whats the x2 Dual mean ?16:56
neuro_two packages16:56
neuro_xeon number 1, xeon number 216:57
HoT|2fC^okok so its pushing 4.8ghz16:57
HoT|2fC^yes its named :)16:57
HoT|2fC^no :O16:57
neuro_it's 2x 2.4GHz16:57
=== schwuk is now known as schwuk_away
neuro_there are two separate single core CPUs16:58
HoT|2fC^an that makes it ?16:58
neuro_and that makes it 2x 2.4GHz16:58
neuro_it's not a multiplier :)16:58
HoT|2fC^so eg: if I have SMP16:58
HoT|2fC^oh fuck16:58
HoT|2fC^mind my french!16:58
MartijnVdSHoT|2fC^: "merde"16:58
* HoT|2fC^ starts to pull his hair out...16:59
neuro_as far as the OS is concerned, it doesn't matter if it's 1 CPU with dual core, or 2 CPUs with single cores16:59
neuro_or 1 CPU with 1 hyperthreaded core16:59
neuro_which these are not16:59
HoT|2fC^so if I get ubuntu server 32bit going id be able to get a kick arse game server running?16:59
HoT|2fC^thats all I care about :D16:59
neuro_no idea16:59
neuro_last time i ran a game server was about 5 years ago17:00
HoT|2fC^wow lol17:00
neuro_wolfenstein enemy territory on a dual pIII17:00
neuro_ran quite nicely actually17:00
neuro_actually 6 years ago sounds more accurate17:01
neuro_dates, pfff17:01
HoT|2fC^nice one, haha yeah while back now mate.17:01
MartijnVdSone internet century agi17:01
neuro_not *that* far back, jeez17:01
HoT|2fC^I loved that game wolfenstein17:01
neuro_why do i have an underscore?17:01
MartijnVdSneuro_: because reasons17:01
* neuro_ sees a neuro17:02
neuro_time to engage17:02
HoT|2fC^oh you know like you said neuro_ that shops are open still, well not where I live in the middle of no where in the sticks with sheep and cows,... my nearest local shop for milk and bread is 4miles away! \o/17:02
neuro_"has been idle for 5hr 13min 16s"17:02
MartijnVdSneuro_: blame christel?17:02
=== neuro_ is now known as neuro
neuroi'd blame christel for anything on freenode, but since she's not here ...17:03
mgdmhave you got neuro registered?17:04
mgdmsurely you can not-ghost-but-the-other-one17:04
neurodo you not remember? i had waited years to get it17:04
mgdmI do remember, which is why I was asking17:04
neuroafter ryan murray decided not to log in for a few months17:04
neuroit's done17:04
neuroi ghosted em17:04
MartijnVdSenergy companies have too much money17:05
bigcalmGah, LUG members are dropping out like flies. Tonight's going to be a lonely time17:05
mgdmthere's another one that bounces them to a Guest5425245 nick17:05
neuroyeah, i keep meaning to figure that out17:06
neurocba tho17:06
neuroanyway, mister sean mulvenon from nebraska, cheeky sod using my nick, is no more17:06
neuroat least is no more using my nick17:06
MartijnVdSsilly yanks17:07
DJonesHeh, just reading http://www.omgchrome.com/google-announce-chromecast-chromekey/ and like this line "Any device running Chrome will be able to take advantage of Chromecast, regardless of operating system or device" Does that mean Chrome browser or Chrome OS17:07
MartijnVdSlots of googly anouncements tonight it seems17:08
neuro"Chromecast will cost $XX"17:09
neuro20 bucks? awesome!17:09
MartijnVdSstill awesome17:09
MartijnVdS(according to the ars livecast)17:09
neuronew nexus 7 at end of month for $22917:09
neurojust in time for it to finish ;)17:12
neuro"Comments are disabled for this video." Even Google knows that the people who post YouTube comments aren't quite human17:13
MartijnVdSgreat.. now I wait for the firmware push on my phone17:14
ali1234my god the spelling on that article17:59
AlanBellooh I like that chromecast thing18:29
arc__hi is there any visualisation programs in ubuntu execpt virual box18:33
AlanBellarc__: do you by any chance mean virtualisation?18:35
arc__yes sorry for the bad spelling18:35
AlanBellheh, that is a different word, not a bad spelling!18:36
AlanBellvirtualbox is good for desktop virtualisation, kvm is good for server stuff18:36
arc__what is kvm18:36
arc__never heard of it before18:36
AlanBellit is kernel level virtualisation, you can control it with libvirt and the virt-manager gui18:37
arc__so how do i install it using terminal18:37
AlanBellgood if you want to run and monitor a dozen or so VMs per host, and a few hosts18:37
lubotu3kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM18:37
ali1234virtualbox is perfectly fine for server virtualization too18:37
arc__apt-get (what)18:37
ali1234it can even use kvm18:38
AlanBellarc__: read the link above :)18:38
arc__yeah i have checked it18:38
arc__my laptop does not support hardware virtualization18:39
AlanBellcan virtualbox manage remote hosts ali1234?18:40
ali1234define "manage" and "remote"18:40
ali1234and "host"18:40
AlanBellheadless server, with a bunch of VMs on it, and I want the management gui on my laptop18:40
ali1234virtualbox has a command "VBoxHeadless" which you can use over ssh to manage guests18:40
arc__has anyone ported virtual pc 2007 for ubuntu18:41
AlanBellarc__: that isn't open source is it?18:41
arc__i don't know that is why i am asking18:41
AlanBellit is a microsoft product, it can't be ported by anyone but microsoft18:42
AlanBellwhy do you want that specific product?18:42
arc__it is very good for old windows os's like 3.11 and ms-dos and other stuff without crashing18:43
ali1234AlanBell: actually, just use xhost if you want to remote the gui. that's what it is for18:43
ali1234though the gui isn't really that useful once you have configured the vms18:44
AlanBellali1234: but then I have a separate GUI for each host18:44
AlanBellI get your point, but KVM has one GUI that will ssh to multiple hosts and give me little graphs of all the VMs18:44
AlanBelllike that18:44
AlanBellbut not all localhost :)18:45
ali1234well considering the virtualbox can use kvm... that will probably continue to work18:45
arc__i am now installing ubuntu server in vbox right now18:45
ali1234maybe it can't use kvm actually18:46
AlanBellit can use *disks* that kvm uses18:46
ali1234put it this way18:46
ali1234if the kvm kernel modules are loaded, and you make a linux virtualmachine in virtualbox, it will only continue to work if the kvm kernel modules are loaded18:47
arc__some how my p4 2.9ghz 1.5gb  ram pc is bad is vm's compared to my crap laptop with 712mb of ram18:47
ali1234however, if the kvm module is loaded and you create or run a windows vm, it will always work18:47
ali1234and if you make a linux vm with the kvm module unloaded, it won't work if the kvm module is loaded18:47
ali1234to me this suggests that virtualbox uses kvm for linux vms18:47
ali1234if it is available18:47
ali1234it could just be that one or the other is horribly broken18:48
ali1234or more likely both18:48
AlanBellthe big deal for me with virtualbox is that GUI accelleration is passed through with the guest extensions18:48
arc__no it run faster in the host than the laptop18:48
arc__host os (xp18:48
AlanBellare you typing on a phone arc__?18:49
ali1234anything less than 4GB is not even enough to run a single operating system18:49
arc__no it is i am a bad at using the keybord really fast18:50
arc__no that is not true18:50
ali12341GB was considered entry level in about 200618:50
arc__i can run 4 vm's of win 2000 all at the same time18:50
arc__and 3 vm's of xp18:50
ali1234and they are all extremely slow18:50
ali1234XP was released in what, 2001?18:51
arc__xp is medium but 2000 runs fast18:51
ali12342000 is the previous generation18:51
shaunoor idle. depending on the platform you can oversubscribe VMs like crazy.  and it'll look convincing when they're just sitting there doing nothing useful18:52
arc__no they can all play videos  at above good quality18:53
ali1234especially if you don't have hardware virtualization18:54
arc__my pc can do a lot with vm's18:54
arc__don't under estimate it18:55
ali1234i'm not particularly happy about how memory hungry modern OSs - it's just the way it is18:55
arc__why does microsoft have to leave it's p4 costumer when it can't run win 818:56
arc__even win 7 run's on it18:57
ali1234they stopped making P4s 5 years ago18:57
arc__yes but win 7 supported p418:57
arc__ubuntu run really well on it18:58
directhexarc__, many operations are incredibly slow when you don't have virtualization-specific instructions in your CPU. which is something not found in pentium 4.19:02
shaunothey're pretty horrible processors for most uses, but it felt a bit mean saying that to his face19:09
directhexthey're irrelevant, in 201319:22
AlanBellthat is raspberry pi class computing19:24
AlanBellbut with a touch more memory perhaps19:24
directhexyou overestimate raspberry pi.19:29
* AlanBell installed OpenERP on a raspberry pi19:30
AlanBellgranted it wasn't the fastest ERP platform I have ever used19:30
Azelphurdid the way of using multiple IP addresses change with the dawn of "ip" instead of ifconfig?19:44
Azelphuror do I still just add stuff to /etc/network/interfaces19:44
shaunoheh.  my finger's been hovering over the button all day, but I just can't do it19:53
mungbeanneuro: 5M *cough*19:53
mungbeani feel bad about spending £15 on toys today19:54
shaunoI really wish projects that large wouldn't use the kickstarter model.  £500 is into the realm of purchases I need to plan out, not be given a deadline19:55
MartijnVdSshauno: you have one month19:56
diddledanshauno: I done it19:56
diddledanshauno: be with the "in" crowd :-p19:56
shaunoone month is irrelevant to me, the deadline is before my next payday19:57
mungbeancredit card ftw19:57
mungbeanup to 56 days to pay19:58
shaunoI really hope it works.  just bummed because I really can't swing it this month :/  I blew this month's toy budget in 2 hours20:01
diddledanooh, what'd ya buy?20:01
davmor2diddledan: ahum20:02
diddledanscuse me :-p20:02
davmor2diddledan: he bought shiny toys20:02
MartijnVdSdavmor2: those can be shiny too you know20:03
shaunoshiny toys <3  new phone & a mac mini20:03
davmor2MartijnVdS: I'm not even going to ask how you know that :P20:03
diddledanmac mini.. is it running ubuntu yet?20:03
mungbeanhow much is your fun budget?20:03
shaunolol, no20:03
davmor2shauno: see should of held out on the new phone :D20:03
MartijnVdSdavmor2: I used to work in the same office as a credit card clearinghouse for adult sites, and they had a few people regularly checking if those sites complied with their TOS20:04
MartijnVdSdavmor2: they had to cycle out those people every 2 weeks because of the mind-numbingness of watching pron 40 hours a week20:04
davmor2MartijnVdS: yeah, yeah :D20:04
diddledanMartijnVdS: sounds horrid20:04
mungbeansounds grim20:05
MartijnVdSthere's weird stuff out there20:05
diddledanI suppose there's only so much "fun" you can have in one block, and 8hours straight probably comes close20:05
diddledanI'd imagine it to be exhausting work20:06
MartijnVdSit's worse than you'd initially think20:06
MartijnVdShence the two-weeks-at-a-time temps20:06

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