[05:31] good morning [05:32] Maaz: tell kilos good morning [05:32] inetpro: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode [05:44] Morning inetpro [05:44] hi superfly [05:51] In early this morning, inetpro [05:52] I'm trying :-) [05:53] and I don't always remember to come here first [06:30] morning superfly inetpro and others [06:31] I am others [06:31] hello uncle Kilos [06:32] and superfly [06:32] and inetpro [06:32] and others [06:32] hello not_found [06:32] hehe [06:39] ians mom had her gmail account hacked into yesterday and lotsa bad links sent to all her contacts [06:39] evil swines [06:51] good morning not_found [06:52] sucks uncle Kilos ... ubuntiforums still down after the hack too [06:53] its time someone started fighting back at these criminals [06:54] traceback trackback sugar plum [06:59] if it was easy... [06:59] have you looked at sugarplum not_found ? [07:00] nope [07:00] its in the repos [07:00] anti spam thing that fights back [07:00] and its purpose? [07:01] ah... [07:01] in a fight against spam you can only loose [07:01] Sugarplum is an automated spam-poisoner. Its purpose is to feed realistic [07:01] and enticing, but totally useless or hazardous data to wandering address [07:01] harvesters such as EmailSiphon, Cherry Picker, etc. The idea is to so [07:01] contaminate spammers' databases as to require that they be discarded, [07:01] or at least that all data retrieved from your site (including actual [07:01] email addresses) be removed. [07:02] never going to happen... mass spammers mail hundreds of thousands of address each day and can re-create and get fresh databases daily I would wager [07:02] sorry for the spam [07:04] she is getting mail from her customers now asking whats going on [07:06] thats bad for business i think [07:15] morning [07:25] hi ThatGraemeGuy [08:13] hi psyatw Xethron [08:13] hi Kilos [08:14] hi Xethron [08:39] noddy: is www.info.gov.za up? [08:39] oops [08:40] looks fine to me [08:40] well ok, looks up [08:40] site could use some more prettyness [08:40] * inetpro talking to noddy when I meant Maaz [08:40] tonberryE352: thanks [08:41] tonberryE352: guys are busy revamping it [08:44] lol inetpro email addy available if you need it [08:45] hi tonberryE352 [08:45] Kilos: ja thanks [08:45] haha [09:31] hmm... gmail woes [09:31] http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2011/06/02/how-to-stop-your-gmail-account-being-hacked/ [09:36] Kilos: where most people fail horribly is at number 4 [09:36] Choose a unique, hard-to-crack password [09:37] and it's no so much about hard-to-crack as it is about unique [09:37] hehe i think mine is good [09:38] unique means you do not use the password anywhere else [09:38] nee man i can only remember one password [09:39] haha you see, there's the first problem [09:39] lol [09:39] many sites are not protecting your password properly, so they find your password somewhere else [09:39] if you have different passwords for everything you even forget which one goes where [09:45] good morning [09:45] ohi magespawn [09:45] keep a password book Kilos [09:45] eish [09:46] will worry about that when i get hacked [09:46] hi Squirm [09:48] hello [09:49] Kilos, who does sugarplum? i have found it in the repo but there does not seem to be a website [09:50] ive hunted magespawn but cant find man pages or any how to anywhere [09:50] hi mazal [09:50] for the life of me I can't figure out how to connect a switch to my RPi [09:50] hi Squirm [09:50] RPi?? [09:50] Morning all [09:50] hi mazal [09:50] How's everyone ? [09:50] Raspberry Pi [09:50] cold [09:50] ah [09:51] come on summer come on [09:51] nice and sunny, cool but nice [09:51] best thing about mtn [09:51] Squirm, does it not have ethernet? [09:53] here is the ubuntu page http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/misc/sugarplum [09:53] ty [09:54] oh ya been there but cant find a how to [09:55] or an open with [09:55] not that there is much more info there [09:56] here is some more info http://manned.org/poison/2f29915f [09:57] http://manned.org/browse/ubuntu-raring/sugarplum/0.9.10-17.2 [09:59] the problem i see is that it might hit the person that spammed you but not being guilty themselves [10:00] as in they might have been 50th down the line [10:00] its getting to the original guilty person that will be tough [10:05] i think that program only creates fake email address that it then gives to the harvesting programs, which are only run by spammers [10:06] i think the theory is to fill the spammers db with addresses that are fake and therefore worthless [10:06] ah [10:07] sigh i dont have permission to read /usr/share/doc/sugarplum/README.gz [10:07] they get less than 1% return anyway, so if 50% or more of the addresses are returning nothing that will drop [10:08] maybe i can chown that one file [10:08] should be able to or sudo maybe? not sure [10:09] once sugarplum is installed you dont know if its running or what [10:11] ah [10:11] you copy the debian one to desktop then double click it [10:11] and it opens with text editor [10:12] magespawn: it has ethernet [10:12] but wrong type of switch [10:12] :P [10:12] talking about adding it to the GPIO [10:16] hmm lotsa info on the readme [10:17] Encode the harvester's IP address in teergrube (tarpit) addresses, [10:17] to identify where they came from. [10:26] Symmetria, how do i unsubscribe from rpd-request@afrinic.net [10:26] no unsubscribe link at the bottom [10:28] http://slexy.org/view/s23lUKIflK [10:28] theres the story on how and what sugarplum does [10:29] i like the part where it gets spammers to spam each other [10:53] oh i found the unsubscribe at the top of the mail [10:53] domdonner [11:00] lol [11:00] Squirm, GPIO? [11:02] not_found: how do you deal with the VAT issues if the Edge goes ahead? [11:07] magespawn: General Purpose Input Output [11:47] Kilos! You wouldn't happen to know how legal it is to terminate international callers to ZA PSTN over the Internet? [11:47] nope sorry [11:47] who is ZA PSTN [11:48] ah, saw some mention of a Kilos on the MyBB VoIP forums [11:48] no im the dumb one [11:48] "South Africa Public Service Telephone Network" [11:48] ha [11:48] he just stole my nick [11:51] oow [12:11] ty superfly [12:15] inetpro, I live in a muslim country... what is tax? [12:16] hmm... [12:16] the guys in EU might have an issue however [12:17] not_found: yep, and for that reason I think we see the $32M target being reached [12:17] and I don't think it's only the EU [12:18] how does it work here in za land? [12:18] s/we see/we will not see/ [12:20] not_found: are the moneys subtracted from your account already? [12:20] or do they only subtract when it gets shipped? [12:44] Bye everyone , have a nice evening [13:37] hizit b's n g's [13:37] yo Dreen [13:55] inetpro, AFAIK it is blocked somehow... but I don't think it has gone off... I used Paypal (not sure there was a choice) [13:56] new lower pledge amounts... get it while its hot!!!! [14:09] hi Banlam bakuman lewe julle nog [14:09] hi Kerbero [14:18] yo koiosify [14:19] hi there, repaired the bouncer again :| [14:20] yay [14:20] wb [14:22] thanks :D [14:30] Maaz, ubuntu releases [14:30] 4.10 (Warty Warthog), 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog), 5.10 (Breezy Badger), 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake), 6.10 (Edgy Eft), 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon), 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron), 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex), 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope), 9.10 (Karmic Koala), 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx), 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat), 11.04 (Natty Narwhal), 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot), 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) [14:30] 12.10 (Quantal Qu [14:30] oh my [15:46] Maaz: ubuntu releases [15:46] 4.10-Warty Warthog 5.04-Hoary Hedgehog 5.10-Breezy Badger 6.04-Dapper Drake 6.10-Edgy Eft 7.04-Feisty Fawn 7.10-Gutsy Gibbon 8.04-Hardy Heron 8.10-Intrepid Ibex 9.04-Jaunty Jackalope 9.10-Karmic Koala 10.04-Lucid Lynx 10.10-Maverick Meerkat 11.04-Natty Narwhal 11.10-Oneiric Ocelot 12.04-Precise Pangolin 12.10-Quantal Quetzel 13.04-Raring Ringtail [15:46] inetpro: is dit ok so? [15:57] oh i added the salamander as well [15:58] hi kbmonkey check how small the room has got [16:18] lol [16:18] where did everybody go? [16:19] i dunno [16:20] i was changing from unity to kde and when i got here they were all gone [16:20] lol [16:21] oh my net sick still [16:21] they coming back [16:21] the list is growing [16:21] yay [16:22] i get worried when we get small like that, just now theres no one to help me [16:22] true that [16:23] useless getting to #ubuntu i cant keep up there [16:40] wb mage [16:41] ai! [16:41] hey kilos [16:42] 8ta is sending a tech to come see why my connection is slow [16:42] he will fone and make an appointment [16:42] hehe [16:44] hi cocooncrash all good by you? [16:56] you famous, ne? [16:59] hehe no man its the nagging [17:02] so infamous then? [17:03] haha [17:03] have you reinstalled kubuntu? [17:03] quassel [17:04] no i have left a pc on at the shop with xchat open [17:05] ah [17:07] there was no time today, also going to pretty busy over the next couple of days [17:08] ai! [17:08] one of those things i suppose [17:08] yeah life happens [17:09] i got a stupid 13.04 install that boots to a blank pink screen [17:10] wanna try do update/upgrade from cli if i can stay awake [17:10] methinks its something to do with graphics [17:24] haha new uk prince gonna be teased at school [17:24] george alexander louis [17:24] gal [17:37] koiosify: does that bouncer remember the logs no matter how long you are offline [17:45] good night you fine people [18:01] hi smile4ever [18:06] Kilos the bouncer will keeps logs as long as it is online [18:07] where does it go online from here or is it anouther online goodie [18:07] http://znc.in [18:07] another [18:24] night all. sleep tight [18:32] bye! :)