
hatchmorning huwshimi00:31
gary_posterbenji, you reviewing frankban's branch?11:41
bacahoy sinzui12:07
gary_posterjujugui two reviews of https://codereview.appspot.com/11804043/ please?12:07
bacgary_poster: o/  (which translates to i'll do one)12:08
gary_posterthanks bac.  we need that landed, and tehn a release today12:08
gary_posterbenji, hi, you reviewing frankban's branch?12:08
benjigary_poster: hi12:09
benjiI can review a branch; once I wake up a little, apparently12:09
gary_posterbenji :-) sorry, cool about frankban's branch.  I misremembered.  I need a review of https://codereview.appspot.com/11804043/ so I can start  a release12:11
benjigary_poster: I'll review https://codereview.appspot.com/11804043/12:11
gary_posterthank you12:13
gary_posterbac or benji, I'm sorry, but we need one more for frankban's giganto branch.  could one of you volunteer for that as well?  https://codereview.appspot.com/11725044/12:14
benjigary_poster: I'm up for a giganto review12:15
gary_posterthanks benji12:15
frankbanthanks benji and gary_poster, and sorry for the giganto giant12:18
* frankban lunches12:18
benjiwe all create monstrosities every know and then12:19
bacgary_poster: how do i qa your branch?12:22
gary_posterbac, thanks sorry for not clarifying in cover.  qa for primary issue is that you have to start a juju core environment and deploy puppet12:24
gary_posterbac, I did that with Francesco and Mark Mims12:24
gary_posterbac, for other issues:12:25
bacgary_poster: are you saying the subordinate issue is sufficiently qa'd?12:25
gary_posterbac, yeah, I'm comfortable with it.12:25
gary_poster- create a service in sandbox.  from environment, click on menu and then destroy.  verify that styling is same as before (jujucharms.com). verify that charm browser looks ok.  verify that zoomer looks ok.12:26
bacok, and the sam-skin issue is fixed12:26
baci see that12:26
gary_poster- you could try subordinates with the inspector.  they are...better than they were before.  :-/ :-D12:27
bacgary_poster: lgmt + qa-ok12:27
gary_posterbac, cool, thank you12:27
bacgary_poster: i'm having a brain block on subordinates.  what is the canonical one to try?  i tried rsyslog but it won't build relations to anyone12:27
gary_posterbac, puppet is a good one12:27
bacgary_poster: fwiw, testing destroy, i killed a service that had an inspector open.  the service went away but the inspector stayed.  oopsie.12:28
gary_posterbac, yeah, have seen :-/12:28
gary_posterwill make card and/or bug12:29
bacactually gary_poster doing qa on your branch i see some weird styling issues on the inspector.  the X for closing has dropped from the upper portion of the section to the bottom of it12:31
gary_posterbac, huh.  maybe it needs sam too?  will investigate.  ty12:32
bacgary_poster: reverting your branch puts it back to the right place12:33
gary_posterbac, cool.  I suspect I need to put that sam thing on something.12:33
benjiif anyone (like me) missed the GUI part of the keynote yesterday, you can enjoy it at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqmFXalqKic&t=71412:45
gary_posterhey hatch_, when you are around lemme know. fun new bug to address asap :-P12:45
bacthanks benji, i forgot to watch12:54
bachey, we made a whiteboard!12:54
bacnew catchphrase: Juju GUI Export -- throw it up on metal!12:57
bachuh, 2 of 3 comments on the video are about the codec support OSCON chose.13:04
bachi sinzui -- seems my branch fixed 2 of the reports but the third is still broken.  http://staging.jujucharms.com/reports/charm-contributors.json13:05
bacsinzui: can you get a traceback?13:05
bacteknico: would it be ok if you and i switched our 1:1 call times with gary as i have another call.  it would mean your call with him would be in 24 minutes.13:06
teknicobac: that's ok for me13:07
sinzuibac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charmworld/+bug/120489913:07
_mup_Bug #1204899: ValueError in report json <oops> <charmworld:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1204899>13:07
bacthanks teknico13:07
gary_posterbac, teknico thanks.  bac, one sec13:08
bacthanks sinzui13:08
sinzuibac: I was just extracting the TB from my email when you pinged.13:08
=== teknico1 is now known as teknico
ahasenackguys, I deployed juju-gui with the config "  juju-gui-source: trunk", and I still get the old look13:40
ahasenackand some sort of "IO error" in the alert box13:40
ahasenack"Could not retrieve charms: Error: IO data failure"13:40
teknicogary_poster: I'm in the 1:1 hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/9042d8b55d7f3f374fcd41e731d334ff529957f1?authuser=113:41
ahasenackin /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-juju-gui-0/charm/release I have "juju-gui-0.3.1+build.595"13:41
gary_posterteknico, finishing up, there soon13:42
ahasenackjavascript console has:13:42
ahasenackFailed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) 13:42
ahasenackhttps://manage.jujucharms.com/search/json?search_text=series%3Aprecise%20owner%3Acharmers <-- "Internal Server Error"13:43
gary_posterahasenack, looking one sec13:44
gary_posterahasenack, was this an upgrade?13:45
gary_posterahasenack, I suggest trying13:45
ahasenackgary_poster: no, fresh juju gui depl13:45
ahasenackgary_poster: still, the server shouldn't 50013:45
ahasenackI don't know that this means too, it's in the console13:46
ahasenackXMLHttpRequest cannot load https://manage.jujucharms.com/search/json?search_text=series%3Aprecise%20owner%3Acharmers. Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. 13:46
ahasenack10.0.3.108 is the juju-gui's unit ip13:46
gary_posterahasenack, agreed, but not the problem that worries me most atm.  that's an old API.  the question is, why are you getting it.13:46
gary_posterahasenack, oh I know13:46
gary_posterahasenack, 13:46
gary_posterjuju set juju-gui juju-gui-source=stable13:47
gary_posteror juju set juju-gui juju-gui-source=0.8.013:47
ahasenackgary_poster: ok, so trunk doesn't work with manage.jujucharms.com, is that it?13:47
gary_posterahasenack, trunk is a bad name I'm afraid.  it is the last release made on the "trunk" series13:48
gary_posterahasenack, we don't release those except for tests13:48
ahasenackgary_poster: what about lp:juju-gui?13:48
gary_posterahasenack, if you actually want to use trunk, yes:13:48
gary_poster juju set juju-gui juju-gui-source=lp:juju-gui13:48
gary_posterahasenack, sorry for confusion.  We'll clarify in docs13:49
ahasenackok, np, I'll try lp:juju-gui, and then stable13:49
gary_postercool thanks ahasenack.  stable is what is always supposed to work fwiw.  lp:juju-gui is about to have a nice fix for juju core subordinates13:50
ahasenackgary_poster: what I'm trying to debug is why my juju-gui deployment ("stable" last time I tried, will verify now) does not show that extra icon for subordinate charms, the one that looks like an electrocardiogram13:50
ahasenackoh, I wonder if that's what is happening13:50
gary_posterahasenack, ok, that's a bug I have fixed in a branch that will land within an hour and be released today13:50
ahasenackah, good13:50
gary_postersorry, late for call, running :-)13:51
antdillongary_poster, Hi, someone just pointed out there seems to be an issue viewing the readme's of some charms. Is this a known issue?13:55
hatch_gary_poster: hey I'm here13:56
=== hatch_ is now known as hatch
gary_posterantdillon, on call, but if it is that sometimes the markdown is not processed properly, yes, that typically means the markdown is broken.  is that what you mean, or something else?  14:00
gary_posterone other issue is that the markdown processor does not honor html comments14:00
gary_posterbut that's all I know about14:00
antdillongary_poster, When you are in browse mode and checking out the details of an app and click readme it loads then jumps back to the search results14:01
gary_posterhatch, hey.  calls.  take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/5911233/ and see if you get the gist :-)14:01
bacgary_poster:  i see you're on another call.  let me know if you want to reschedule14:02
gary_posterbac, no you are next call.  be there very soon.14:02
gary_posterantdillon, remember seeing something like that but can't dupe.  can you give step by step dupe instructions starting from jujucharms.com?14:03
antdillongary_poster, Sure, go to https://jujucharms.com/14:03
antdillongary_poster, Search "cinder"14:04
gary_posterhatch, if you have test ideas lemme know.  that was from another report of app spinning forever.  they had turned off cookies.  could dupe in FF14:04
antdillongary_poster, Click the cinder app for more details14:04
antdillongary_poster, Then click read me and it fades back to the search results14:04
gary_posterantdillon, got it!  thank you, that's new.  we'll get on it.  thanks a lot!14:05
hatchgary_poster: ahh ok looking14:05
antdillongary_poster, No probs14:05
gary_posterjcsackett, sinzui ^^^ see what ant reported.  any chance of a quick fix in next hour?14:05
sinzuigary_poster, doubtful. I know that bug14:06
sinzuigary_poster, that is the bug I showed you when we QAed 0.8.0 for release14:08
gary_posteroh, another variant?14:08
gary_postersinzui, ok thanks.  will investigate asap14:09
sinzuijcsackett,  do you know how to reproduce the bug where you choose a charm's readme and instead are returned to search results?14:09
sinzuigary_poster, jcsackett: I search for apache, choose apache, choose readme, then see search results again, and all navigation is broken. I use my back button to get back to the charm14:10
rick_hsinzui: gary_poster it looks like it's due to the interaction with the tab widget #bws-readme getting appended to the url which causes the url to 'appear' changed 14:11
rick_hgary_poster: sinzui and then we're smack back into the bug I hope to fix tomorrow #120074314:11
_mup_Bug #1200743: complex search/view interactions in fullscreen fail to work <charmbrowser> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1200743>14:11
sinzuirick_h, were did you get the wifi from?14:12
rick_hsinzui: the dealership has wifi :)14:12
frankbanbenji: I am glad you survived the monster, thanks a lot for your review!14:12
sinzuiI hope you are working on bookie then14:12
rick_hjust hopped on after looking at pretty airstreams for a bit14:12
benjifrankban: my pleasure14:12
rick_hsinzui: :) sure thing14:12
hatchgary_poster: we can normalize the set/get credentials methods to both return a value then we can clobber the window.seessionStorage property and test that they both return the desired values14:13
jcsackettjujugui: can I get two reviews on https://codereview.appspot.com/11831043/ ?14:16
Makyojcsackett, sure.14:17
jcsackettthanks, Makyo. 14:17
hatchno it14:17
hatchon even14:17
teknicofrankban: I'll review your branch too, if only because your card had just one name in the tags ;-)14:18
gary_posterhatch, window.sessionStorage does not allow clobbering on FF at least14:19
gary_posterrick_h, sinzui ack thanks14:20
hatchgary_poster: ok then we need to change how we assign sessionStorage here so that we can assign it to something else during testing `var sessionStorage = window.testSessionStorage || window.sessionStorage`14:22
gary_posterhatch, have a plan.  day is horribly busy though.  one sec, will get diff in 3 min14:23
gary_posterhatch, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5911344/14:30
gary_posterhatch, with that you can test behavior of stub, test whether the verifySessionStorage is called by the module, test verifySessionStorage itself, and even test whether module.sessionStorage is actually used by getCredentials/setCredentials14:31
gary_posterhatch, maybe we don't need all of that :-P but we could14:31
hatchhaha well this is more in depth than I was thinking14:32
hatchbut it does open up more possibilities for testing14:32
bacsinzui: you free to chat?14:32
benjiabentley: here's my MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/charmworld/bundle-indexing/+merge/17695614:42
abentleybenji: looking...14:42
hatchrick_h: I found two incorrectly changed classes from the view-container switchover.....such a minor bug - not bad all things considered :D14:43
hatchjcsackett: I found svg social icons http://zurb.com/playground/social-webicons maybe we want to use those?14:47
abentleybenji: You've got some conflicts.14:49
benjiabentley: doh!  I'll resolve and re-push.14:49
benjiabentley: fixed and pushed14:52
abentleybenji: Thanks!14:52
jcsacketthatch: they look cool, but given we only need three of the services, and only one resolution, I don't know that it's worth switching to those. 14:54
hatchyeah maybe not :)14:54
hatchmaybe we can use them as charms?14:54
hatchdeploy facebook14:54
jcsackettbut I've bookmarked them for the future. 14:54
* jcsackett laughs14:55
hatchoh it's PHP, nm14:55
hatchfinally a MBP competitor....maybe14:59
hatchI just hope it doesn't only have HDMI out15:01
sinzuigary_poster, arosales: We are testing an alternate redirects to manage.jujucharms.com. I think we will have this sorted in production in a few hours.15:12
sinzuigary_poster, I have a cunning idea15:13
arosalessinzui, ah great to hear :-)15:13
gary_postersinzui, k15:13
sinzuigary_poster, We rejected the redirect rule for /~user and /charmers. I think I can write a rule that appends -0 to the url, so that the gui loads the charm15:14
sinzuibac, do you want to talk about search and api3?15:18
bacsinzui: yes15:19
bacsinzui: orange hangout?15:19
jcsacketthatch: i don't mind the HDMI out, but wish there was a 13in option for that.15:19
sinzuiyes, the standup one15:19
* bac gets tea. one sec15:20
gary_posterbac fwiw, I didn't have time to resolve CSS issue so Jeff will tackle it as part of his current inspector styling branch.  benji, bac, thank you for reviews15:28
benjiany time15:29
hatchoooo only one conflict15:30
hatchsometimes bzr impresses me15:30
teknicohatch: other times it represses you ;-)15:32
hatchgary_poster: looks like my branch preemptively fixed the x bug15:34
gary_posterhatch lol cool15:34
frankbanbcsaller: I already have two reviews for my branch, I'll be happy to wait for yours if you want to15:45
bcsallerfrankban: no need, it looked good, the test were just having strange issues for me15:45
frankbanbcsaller: cool, thanks15:46
hatchjcsackett: I hope it's a 15" and not a 17" :) but I need something better than HDMI because my monitor is 2560x160015:46
hatchMakyo: you didn't put the time your landing in LHR on the spreadsheet :)15:49
gary_posterjujugui call in 8; kanban now15:52
Makyohatch, alright, will do.  Was just going to take the train, figured it didn't matter much.15:54
teknicohatch: look at the keyboard, no numeric keypad, can't be a 17"15:54
hatchteknico: oh is that the sign?15:55
teknicohatch: I mean, the keyboard would be larger and include a keypad if it were a 17"15:55
hatchyeah I suppose15:55
teknicounless they went for giant keys :-)15:56
jcsacketthatch: in the article linked within the engadget article, they say it's a 15.15:57
hatchohh ok15:57
hatchit shows the sides of the machine but I can't tell what the ports are haha15:58
Makyojujugui call in 215:58
gary_poster:-) thx15:59
gary_posterbcsaller call16:01
bcsallerjust finishing up coffee16:01
jcsackettfreaking google plus ...16:02
hatchyeah free stuff.....damn them!!16:02
sinzuiabentley, I have a zany idea to support old charm urls pointing to jujucharms.com16:07
jcsacketthatch: it's not free. i'm giving them all my data. :-P16:08
abentleysinzui: Oh?16:08
sinzuiI can add a rewrite rule that matches the /~ or /charms and append -0 or -HEAD to it so that juju-gui sees a URL it can load16:09
bacbenji: can you paste your review url so i can ensure we're not overlapping?16:09
sinzuiabentley, do you have any idea regarding how to ask for the tip of a charm?16:09
benjibac: https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/charmworld/bundle-indexing/+merge/17695616:10
abentleysinzui: In code, or via URLs?16:10
bacbenji: yep, that's some of what i was going to do16:11
benjibac: heh, I'm glad we didn't duplicate work16:11
bacwe were trying to decide on what to call superset(charms, bundles).  i see you picked items16:11
sinzuiabentley, in URLs. gui only knows how to handle versioned charms, and passes that to charmworld to get information.16:11
benjiI can't say I put a lot of thought into "items".16:12
sinzuiabentley, A rewrite rule that adds a version makes the old URLs work (me just tested this). I don't think we want to pass a real version.16:14
abentleysinzui: once we support versioning, I don't think we have URLs for tip.  We could add them.  bzr uses -1 for tip, but that would give /api3/charm/~foo/bar/baz--116:14
sinzuiI imagined that16:14
frankbangary_poster: holiday filed16:14
bacbenji, i'm going to lunch nowish.  when do you get back from yours?16:15
benjibac: lunch now sounds good; I'll do the same16:15
bacfried chicken?16:15
sinzuiabentley, this is just to support historic URLs. I don't think we want to suggest that users always make versionless links to charms16:15
gary_posterfrankban, thanks, approved16:16
* sinzui ponders though that the charm details view needs to state that there are newer revisions16:16
abentleysinzui: We could provide a route that redirects to tip-- /tips/~foo/bar/baz or something could redirect to /~foo/bar/baz-$LATEST16:17
sinzuiabentley, this is hacked URL allows askubuntu users to see the charm: https://jujucharms.com/~christophe.sauthier/precise/zentyal-HEAD16:17
sinzuiabentley, to be clear, this is about juju gui showing the charm. It needs a version component, and this hack works because charmworld currently shows tip for ever version16:18
abentleysinzui: Right.16:18
sinzuiabentley, this does work: https://jujucharms.com/~christophe.sauthier/precise/zentyal-$latest16:19
abentleysinzui: so does this: https://jujucharms.com/~christophe.sauthier/precise/zentyal-moo/16:19
sinzuiIf we guarantee that a token in the revision permission always returns tip, I can fix all the cahrm redirects today16:21
sinzui^ abentley do you have a preferred token to mean tip?16:21
abentleysinzui: HEAD or TIP are my faves.16:22
sinzuiI will use HEAD since it came up in another conversation today16:23
teknicohatch: btw, that notebook's display size is noted in the specs below the text, and it's 15.6"16:36
hatchlooking for reviews https://codereview.appspot.com/11843043/16:37
hatchteknico: ahh ok16:37
gary_postersinzui, you saw email from jcastro?16:42
sinzuicheck your email for my reply16:43
hazmatgary_poster, sorry had messed up config on nginx for comingsoon, it should be working now16:44
gary_posterthanks hazmat! looks good on quick fly by16:44
hatchbcsaller: review done16:49
hatchjujugui lf reviews https://codereview.appspot.com/11843043/16:54
* gary_poster would but trying to get test passing for deployment. will look soon if no one else has16:55
gotwigthe "view" page for already deployed, running charms is not nice :(!17:02
gary_postergotwig, I think we know and are working on it, but just to be clear, could you give us details?  screenshot might help.  To give you an idea of what we will release soon, we will make an inspector that you can see from the environment view itself17:06
gary_posterI can give you preview if you'd like17:06
gotwigI like this widget like view17:08
gotwigfor getting a quick overview of charms that you wanna add17:08
gotwigor the initial charm setup widget thing at the right, is superb17:08
gotwigbut after its deployed, setting it up or configuring it is such a huge mess17:08
gary_postergotwig, understanding that this has lots of work needed still, incuding styling, which is why we are not releasing it and working on it, go to http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/:flags:/serviceInspector/17:09
gotwig_howdy.. sry, one notebook batery died17:09
jcsackettjujugui: can i get reviews on https://codereview.appspot.com/11845043 please?17:09
gotwig_so much custom styles :/17:09
gary_postergotwig, deploy something (clunky) and then click on service again (less clunky)17:09
gotwig_gary_poster: yip17:10
hatchthe clunky ness of the deploy something (clunky) will be better soon too :)17:10
gotwig_hatch: dont use soo much custom styles ;P17:10
hatchjcsackett: I'll swap you a review for my review?17:10
gary_postergotwig, what do you mean?17:10
jcsacketthatch: if you mean the one you posted above, i've already looked at yours. :-)17:11
gotwig_right now the styling is different all the time17:11
gotwig_there should be some sort of consistecy17:11
gotwig_like in the overview page for exploring charms17:11
hatchjcsackett: darn....lol ok I'll do yours17:11
jcsacketthatch: thanks. :-)17:12
hatchgotwig_: yes it is moving towards a consistent style across the whole application17:12
gotwig_but still, juju is now nice enough for me to dig some time into ;X17:12
gary_postergotwig, cool :-)17:12
gotwig_I think about doing a meteorJS charm17:12
jcsackettgotwig_: i would like to see that. :-)17:13
gotwig_realtime javascript framework, very similar to nodeJS17:13
gotwig_it uses a lot of handlebar design patters, more info on #meteorJS17:13
hatchgotwig_: did you see about the charm competition?17:13
gotwig_hatch: haha, I am a student xD17:13
gotwig_I am not a pro in all this, this is very complex to me17:13
hatchhey everyone has to start somewhere :)17:14
gary_postergotwig_, as to styles, ack.  we are releasing incrementally, which is part of what you are seeing.  we think it is better to release good stuff with some style issues gradually.  also inspector should make what you describe better--we will get rid of all internal pages then.17:14
gary_postergotwig_, charm sounds great.  ought to try championship anyway.  :-)17:14
gotwig_IMHO this is better suited for some ultra smart cloud developers ;X17:15
gotwig_thats too much money ;D17:15
hatchthat could be your too much money :)17:16
gotwig_I still am going to work on JuJu, it looks like fun17:16
gary_posterwell, meteorJS sounds like a great charm anyway17:16
gotwig_I already worked with lenses and scopes in the past, trough that stuff I got my Ubuntu Membership in one week :>17:16
gotwig_I know this is a whole other category here ;D17:16
benjibac: I'm ready to coordinate when you are.17:16
hatchgotwig_: that's great :)17:17
gotwig_you guys are so nice :D17:17
gary_posterwe like making users happy, if we can :-)17:17
hatchyou just caught us between sprints17:17
gary_posterbcsaller, "databings"? :-)17:20
gary_posterthat's not detailed :-) , but we are releasing incrementally.  when inspector is ready we will get rid of all of internal bits17:20
gary_posterlast sentence should have been...17:20
gary_posterDatabings clean ups + wildcard support17:20
gary_posterThis branch adds support for wildcards to databings, it17:20
bcsallerhey, it was late17:20
gotwig_do you think about responsive webdesign?17:20
gotwig_does ubuntu.com have resposive webdesign?17:20
hatchjcsackett: review done17:21
gary_postergotwig_, yes we think about it, but we don't have it; IIRC yes, ubuntu.com has it or will soon17:21
gotwig_gary_poster: are you part of Canonical?17:21
gary_postergotwig_, yes17:21
gotwig_gary_poster: :O17:21
gotwig_nowadays you guys are everywhere17:22
gotwig_even following me on Google + ;P17:22
gary_postermwa ha ha ha?17:22
gotwig_I sort of know michael hall good.. he woks on Unity17:23
gary_postercool, yeah17:23
gotwig_sorry, my notebook keyboard is sort of lame17:23
gotwig_Its a shame my Zenbook from ASUS broke, due to UEFI17:23
gotwig_the UEFI destroyed the BIOS chip, and with that the whole motherboard :/17:24
gotwig_I just bought it 3 months ago :X17:24
gary_posteryuck :-/17:24
gary_posterjujugui https://codereview.appspot.com/1184904317:24
gotwig_UEFI is such a mess17:24
MakyoOn it.17:24
Makyogary_poster, ^^^17:24
gary_posterhatch I'll look at yours now unless you already have two?17:24
gary_posterthanks Makyo !17:24
hatchgary_poster: nope only have one17:26
gary_posterhatch ok on it17:26
gary_posterwe really need to relook at the CSS rule generation flags in the makefile :-/17:29
gary_postermake clean && make devel again17:29
jcsacketthatch: when a test case finishes everything declared inside it should be destroyed right? assuming they weren't globally declared.17:29
hatchjcsackett: well a view renders a container and attaches events17:29
hatchif the destructor is never called those will linger17:30
jcsacketthatch: what i'm asking is isn't the desctructor called as view falls out of scope then the 'it' block finishes?17:30
bcsallergary_poster: that session storage pretends to work, but doesn't in the case we use it for, a reload, right? Our code only expects to find the value in SS so we force it down that path then?17:31
gary_posterhatch I cleaned build and cache and I'm getting something that doesn't look like what I expect you wanted :-) .  I merged your branch into trunk fwiw.  http://ubuntuone.com/34o3fKV6ESZt2KorbYbdoD 17:32
hatchjcsackett: nope the destructor is purely a framework construct not part of the language17:32
gary_posteris that right?17:32
hatchno thats definitely wrong17:32
hatchI'll merge again see what's up17:32
gary_posterbcsaller, right, if they have cookies and session storage turned off, they will have to log in again17:33
bcsalleryeah, the larger flaw is that SS isn't optional, but this quickly masks it17:33
hatchgary_poster: can you clear your cache - I can't repro17:34
gary_posterhatch, I did for the day.  doing again for the week...17:34
gary_posterhatch I get the same17:35
gary_posterbcsaller, yeah.  I figured it was ok, since I figure these users will be small percentage of base, and it only really bites them in the Landscape scenario17:35
gary_posterhatch, wanna hangout so you can show me the error of my ways? :-)17:36
gary_posteroh meh17:36
hatchdid it fix?17:37
gary_posterhatch no, but I need to get this landed, have a call with ben, have lunch, and start the release process all in the past seven minutes ;-)17:37
gary_posterthis meaning my cookie branch17:37
hatchok I can repro in ubuntu chrome17:38
hatchgood catch!17:38
gary_poster:-) sorry there's more work but glad you could repro17:38
andreas__gary_poster: bug about juju-core subordinate charms in juju-gui confirmed fixed, I see the extra subordinate icon in the UI now17:39
=== andreas__ is now known as ahasenack
bacoh, sorry benji, didn't see your message17:40
hatchthere is a massive font-size difference between osx and ubuntu chrome17:48
hatchin the inspector17:48
benjibac: let me know when you want to chat17:50
gotwig_how long do I have to wait for the eye candy :>?17:50
gotwig_(to be ready)17:50
benjigotwig_: the GUI is usable now, if that's what you're asking17:51
gotwig_benji: the new gui :>17:51
benjigotwig_: we did a release last week; is that new enough for you? ;)17:52
gotwig_benji: you know, the charm view after you already deployed the charm, to configuer stuff, sucks :> IMHO. I cant save changes? 17:53
gotwig_benji: I go into the deployed charm click on settings or something like this, and e.g try to change the port. how  can I save these changes?17:53
hatchgotwig_: are you using any flags?17:54
gotwig_I am from Germany , no xD17:54
gotwig_I use a standard setup17:54
benjiah; that new view is not quite ready.  It is getting closer though.  You can get a sneak peak by inserting /:flags:/serviceInspector/ in the URL17:54
hatchbenji: I think he is referring to the unflagged settings page where the scroll bar is broken17:54
hatchI thought that was fixed17:54
gotwig_the scroll bar is broken..17:55
benjithat is fixed on trunk, but I don't know if there has been a release that includes the fix17:55
hatchcomingsoon still shows the issue17:55
hatchbut the charm page is fixed17:55
hatchso maybe we missed the settings page17:55
hatch^ gary_poster were you the one on that?17:55
gary_posterahasenack, fantastic!  thanks for checking and following up17:55
hatchsorry to interrupt your busy day :)17:55
gary_posterhatch yeah I fixed charm page17:56
gotwig_yeah, I like Fun with Flags .D17:56
gary_posterdid not notice settings page17:56
hatchgotwig_: haha BBT quote!17:56
gotwig_(Ich bin ein Bavarian..) (Und ich bin eine Brezel) :D17:57
gotwig_mothe calls me ;X g2g17:58
gotwig_btw. are you part of Canonicals design team?17:58
gary_posterno, we work with them17:58
gotwig_because I like your blog...17:58
gotwig_oh :X17:58
hatchgary_poster: proposing the fix for the bug you found17:58
gary_posterthx :-) ttyl17:58
gary_posterhatch great17:59
hatchgary_poster: it appears that chrome on ubuntu renders input boxes and html entities at a different font size?17:59
hatchvery odd17:59
bacbenji, chat?18:02
benjibac: I'll head over there.18:03
hatchgary_poster: ok fix up - let me know if its fixed when you have a moment....heh18:03
hatchjcsackett: that change caused the tests to fail? Did it fail in the browser too?18:09
gary_posterhatch on it18:16
gary_posterhatch if you can fix settings page really quickly that would be awesome. :-P code should already be there IIRC, so something going wrong18:18
hatchgary_poster: yeah I can add the fix into this branch18:19
gary_posterawesoem thanks18:20
gary_posterhatch fix looks great thx :-)18:20
jcsacketthatch: didn't check. reverted it and pushed up the test cleanup.18:24
hatchoh u suck18:24
jcsacketthatch: i suck? that's a little harsh. :-P18:25
hatchgary_poster: can you lgtm? I'll be submitting with the one liner to fix the settings page too18:25
jcsackettjujugui: can i get one more review on https://codereview.appspot.com/11845043/18:25
hatchjcsackett: haha18:25
gary_posterhatch, one bug, getting you a patch18:25
hatchoh ok18:25
gary_posterhatch see http://paste.ubuntu.com/5912043/ , only app/templates/ghost-config-viewlet.handlebars and app/views/environment.js18:31
gary_posterhatch also another bug for a card, because it is too big:18:31
gary_posterthere are two cancel/confirm buttons now18:31
gary_posterone static at bottom18:32
gary_posterthe other in scroll area18:32
gary_posterthe one from scroll area is the one that the config view uses18:32
gary_posterso removing not trivial18:32
hatchohh it's snake cased...I just pulled that from the trunk merge18:32
gary_posterso I suggest you stick with this as incremental18:32
gary_posterhatch no other way18:32
gary_posterhatch, the isSubordinate thing was something I added18:33
gary_posterit used to be used in the -wrapper18:33
gary_posternow that section is in the -viewlet18:33
gary_posterwhere the pre-existing value is already named is_subordinate18:34
gary_posterso rip out the isSubordinate from the top section because we no longer use it there18:34
hatchif we do that then the number of units input box shows up18:34
gary_posterand use is_subordinate in the -viewlet because that's what it is called there (rpobably because of getAttrs call)18:34
hatchohh ok18:35
gary_posterhatch, no it was showing up in your branch without my fix18:35
gary_posterhatch, this hides it again18:35
hatchok so just to be clear https://codereview.appspot.com/11843043/diff/7001/app/templates/ghost-config-viewlet.handlebars isSubordinate should be is_subordinate18:35
hatchYou'll see that the wrapper no longer has that https://codereview.appspot.com/11843043/diff/7001/app/templates/ghost-config-wrapper.handlebars18:38
gary_posterhatch just gave you specifics in LGTM review.  Agreed that the wrapper doesn't have it, but you also need to remove the now-unused definition in environment.js18:39
gary_posterand we are in a bad way with tests :-(18:39
gary_posterhatch, after you land that could you start release/qa process?  if you would like qa help from anyone in jujugui (notice what I did there!) please ask 'em18:40
hatchsounds good18:41
gary_posterthan kyou hatch18:41
hatchgary_poster: 0.8.1 ?18:43
gary_posterhatch hard call but yes18:43
hatchI don't think we have any 'features' landing18:44
gary_posterhatch not really.  barely. :-)18:45
hatchheh - I found a bug in the header styling - if you deploy a service with a long cs:..... url it blows it all up18:45
hatchwill also fix that18:46
gary_postercool thank you18:46
hatchfor the moment I'll just make it wrap18:47
hatchwell.....elipsis looks a lot better18:48
hatchdoes anyone know what's a commonly used subordinate?18:52
gary_posterhatch, puppet18:56
hatchhmm this search is broken18:58
hatchwill have to try and make a repro18:59
abentleysinzui: chat?19:04
hatchjcsackett: is it known that the browser search box doesn't do fuzzy querys? when I search for 'rabbit' I don't get 'rabbitmq'19:04
sinzuiabentley, you is psychic19:04
hatchgary_poster: what did you mean we are in a bad way with tests? Are some failing?19:20
gary_posterhatch on call, but simply an absence of tests for ghosts19:20
hatchand more curious....why haven't we gotten a failing CI email in a while? did that get turned off?19:20
hatchohh right19:20
hatchjujugui is there anyone who has any bug fixes they want to get into the 0.8.1 release before I start?19:29
Makyohatch, I say go ahead, so we don't have to QA new things super quick and potentially miss anything.19:29
hatchyeah I was only going to grab the bug fixes :)19:30
hatchgoing once, twice......sold!19:30
Makyohatch, I just want to say.19:31
MakyoGood luck.  We're all counting on you.19:31
hatchare you?19:31
hatchis this like some epic quest, one release to rule them all?19:31
MakyoGood luck all the same :D19:32
MakyoLet me know if you want me QAing anythign.19:32
jcsacketthatch: looks api doesn't support fuzzy; we'll look into that. but not a problem on the jujugui code side.19:34
hatchyeah I figured as much19:39
gary_posterhatch I how is it going?19:57
gary_posters/I// ;-)19:57
hatchgood just qaing while lunch is cookin19:58
hatchno unknown bugs so far19:59
gary_postergreat hatch thanks19:59
gary_posterhey bcsaller, please don't put docs off for databinding past the hook up with conflict res ux. both reviewers asked for 'em which felt like a pretty compelling request20:00
* gary_poster steps away for a few20:01
gary_posterbcsaller, that was not clear: I was trying to say, I was ok with your stated plan, but nervous that it might not be actually followed (that the docs might not actually be produced soon).20:02
bcsallergary_poster: I only mean the context in which you use the wildcards is going to be more clear after the next branch it its worth documenting 'that' rather than the lower level wiring which as they noted is a little spare by itself20:03
hatchman the GUI looks awesome with all these icons20:03
hatchannnnd of course I spoke to soon20:04
hatchfound a bug :/20:04
hatchjujugui the settings page (unflagged) on rapi shows no settings, any ideas before I investigate?20:10
MakyoI see settings.20:11
MakyoOh, rapi, just a sec.20:11
hatchcharm.get('options') is undefined20:12
hatchbut only on rapi.....20:12
Makyohatch, confirmed20:13
hatchI wonder if this is some odd side effect to the work jcsackett was doing20:13
hatchcharm.getAttrs() shows an almost entirely empy charm model20:14
hatchso it's not pulling in the extra data any longer....20:14
MakyoIt's pulling the data, but not storing it, looking at ws frames20:16
MakyoOr not storing it properly.20:16
Makyojujugui ^^^ Ideas?20:16
gary_posterMakyo, hatch, I'm going to take another 30 min but will look after that if it is still an issue20:19
hatchsure I gota run and eat my fooods soon heh20:19
hatchtrying one thing first20:19
gary_poster:-) k20:19
hatchMakyo: in model-controller.js getCharm() is where I am at20:21
hatchseeing if the promse is returing properly20:21
jcsacketthatch: i am looking now. i don't recall touching model-controller in anything that's landed, but my memory has been faulty before.20:21
hatchMakyo: jcsackett the promise is returning, but the load call is not returning the proper data20:22
jcsacketthatch: you mean charm.load?20:22
hatchyou can see this by putting a debugger statement on line 89 of model-controller.js and executing db.charms.getById(charmId).getAttrs()20:23
hatchlots of undefineds20:23
hatchI gota go eat, but that's where I ended up - so next step would be to see why the load is failing20:23
jcsacketthatch: if you haven't already left, what path in the app do i go through to trigger?20:24
Makyojcsackett, http://localhost:8888/:gui:/service/mediawiki/config/#/:gui:/service/mediawiki/config/ ish20:25
jcsackettMakyo: thanks.20:26
Makyojcsackett, Double click on a service, click on settings20:26
MakyoBut only in a non-sandbox, it seems like.20:26
jcsackettMakyo: yeah. given this is occurs with environment, and appears to be a load/promise issue, i'm betting charm.sync is somehow to blame.20:34
Makyojcsackett, Alright, will start poking around /cc hatch20:34
jcsackettMakyo: when you're running in rapi, do you get the canvas to populate at all? just going to "/"?20:35
jcsacketti'm getting the spinny circle of sad.20:35
Makyojcsackett, YEah.20:35
Makyojcsackett, I get that before the websocket has started with rapi20:36
jcsackettyeah, restarting my devel resolved it. thanks.20:37
abentleyorangesquad, benji or bac, could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/charmworld/versioned-ids/+merge/17703920:41
bacabentley: sure20:42
abentleybac: Thanks, just don't mark the status approved, because it needs follow-ons before it can land.20:42
jcsackettMakyo: what's the schema that should be in use for querying from an environment?20:49
Makyojcsackett, digging, it's a getCharm call somewhere.20:50
MakyoHaven't worked with this since the promises.20:51
benjiabentley: I addressed your review of https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/charmworld/bundle-indexing/+merge/176956 and I think it's ready to land.  Please approve if you concur.20:52
* gary_poster back reading backlog21:06
MakyoSomething is happening to the config attr of the received json in app/models/charm.js, parse(), line 18021:06
hatchlooking there21:07
gary_posterMakyo, ok, I'll start things...21:07
hatchMakyo: that parse method is never being called21:09
MakyoIt's being called for me, once per charm.21:09
Makyoonce per service, sorry.21:09
MakyoOn load, not on clicking config.21:09
hatchwait nm cache issue21:09
hatchMakyo: ahh yes that loop is stripping out all the data21:10
hatchbut only for rapi....21:10
MakyoHaven't tried it outside of rapi.21:10
hatchMakyo: it works properly on sandbox21:11
hatchso we aren't duplicating work here....did you want me to take over? or do you want to continue?21:12
Makyohatch, That's as far as I got.  Up to you.21:14
hatchok I can take over21:14
gary_posterself.attrAdded is the problem, yeah?21:14
hatchthanks for taking over while I ate :)21:14
Makyogary_poster, kind of looks like.  Maybe the difference between config.options and the attr options?21:15
gary_posteryeah maybe so21:16
gary_posterthe reason why we don't see it on sandbox21:16
gary_posteris that sandbox always starts with charms populated from store21:16
gary_posterthese are charms populated from environment21:16
MakyoYeah, that sounds like it might be at least part of it?  Not sure when that line came up21:17
hatchyeah looks like it's attrAdded21:19
hatchanyone remember why we need that?21:19
gary_posterhatch, config was changed to options.  I think we need to either special case 'config' in this loop or add it to ATTRS21:20
hatchadding to attrs it is21:20
gary_posterhatch, not convinced...21:20
gary_posterhatch you want to hang out?  21:22
hatchyeah that didn't fix it21:22
jcsackettgary_poster: if Charm recieves a "config" in its cfg, it will pull options out of it; so that being passed differently shouldn't be the issue.21:25
gary_posterjcsackett, not in parse21:25
gary_posterHey Makyo, do you have a healthy Juju Core hanging around?21:31
jcsackettgary_poster: ah....well, shit. i can see where it needs to be changed, assuming you don't have a fix.21:33
hatchjcsackett: yup fixed21:33
gary_posterjcsackett, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5912662/ 21:34
Makyogary_poster, yes, just a sec.21:34
gary_posterMakyo, awesome21:34
gary_posterthank you21:34
jcsackettgary_poster: yup. same thought.21:35
jcsackettsorry for missing that in the original branch.21:35
Makyodidn't upload tools, be about two or three minutes.21:35
gary_posterjcsackett, np.  we should probably qa with improv21:35
gary_postercool thanks Makyo 21:35
jcsackettgary_poster: agreed.21:35
Makyogary_poster, wss://ec2-54-234-123-238.compute-1.amazonaws.com/ws21:39
gary_posterawesome thanks Makyo.  Would you be willing to juju set juju-gui juju-gui-source=lp:~gary/juju-gui/fix-0.8.1 and then qa this issue, subordinates, and other random good qa?21:42
gary_posterhatch lp:~gary/juju-gui/fix-0.8.121:42
Makyogary_poster, +122:08
Makyo(screwed up the set, sorry.22:08
hatchMakyo: so it's all good?22:09
MakyoSeems good with core, yeah22:12
MakyoGah, sorry.22:13
hatchproposing the fix w/ tests22:13
hatchjujugui can I get two quick reviews plz https://codereview.appspot.com/11877043/22:17
MakyoOn it22:17
bcsalleron it22:17
hatchlooks like it's chunk missmatching22:17
MakyoGetting chu-yeah.  CAn review from MP22:17
hatchDroidEdit Pro just updated on my tablet - added GIT support.....oooo22:19
ahasenackhi guys, the navigation in the new jujucharms.com site is a bit broken, I think someone said something about it earlier today22:19
ahasenackis there a fix in sight?22:19
ahasenacktried with both chrome and firefox22:19
ahasenackfirefox "lasts" longer in the site, but eventually breaks too22:20
ahasenackfor example22:20
ahasenacksearch for nfs22:20
ahasenackclick on it22:20
ahasenackthen click on "interfaces"22:20
ahasenackit takes you back to the search results, and then clicks don't work anymore basically22:20
hatchahasenack: as far as I understand we know about it and I think a fix is under development22:21
hatchif not in the release (that I'm doing right now)22:21
hatchyou can see on comingsoon.jujucharms.com if it's fixed22:21
hatchMakyo: bcsaller thanks for the reviews22:23
ahasenackhatch: doesn't look fixed there22:25
ahasenackclick on browse, search for nfs, click on result, click on interface, back to search result22:25
hatchok trying now22:25
ahasenackthis on chrome22:25
ahasenackchrome 28.0.1500.71-r209842 in my case22:26
ahasenackI could try an incognito window22:26
hatchfullscreen browser mode right?22:26
ahasenackno, same thing22:26
ahasenackhatch: well, fullscreen/ gets appended to the url at some point22:26
hatchahh there we go22:26
ahasenackyeah, when you click on "browse" on the top left22:27
hatchok yeah I believe the guys were working on that but doesn't look like it's making it into todays release22:27
ahasenackis the old charm browser available somewhere?22:27
hatchI don't believe so22:29
hatchI'm just taking a look at the bug right now, see if it's something I can fix quickly22:29
ahasenackhatch: do you have a number?22:32
hatchthe ticket number? no haven't looked it up22:32
gary_posterahasenack, we are aware of this.  someone is slated to work on it tomorrow.  I'm told it is tricky, with an easy layer over a hard layer.22:33
gary_posterahasenack, we will have a fix next week22:33
gary_posterahasenack, and yes, the old site is manage.jujucharms.com22:33
hatchohh woops22:33
gary_posterhuwshimi, coming 22:33
hatch*the more you know22:34
huwshimigary_poster: OK :)22:34
ahasenackgary_poster: ah, phew, I can look the interfaces up there then, thanks22:34
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
hatchI might have a fix for this but yeah I don't think I can get it resolved and write tests and get the release out tonight :)22:34
gary_posterhatch, could you file a bug for that variation22:35
gary_posterbcsaller, Makyo hatch call now in jujugui with huwshimi 22:35
MakyoShoot, sorry, coming22:35
hatchhuwshimi: put the times your landing in London in the spreadsheet plz :)22:35
huwshimihatch: sure22:36
ahasenackgary_poster: did links change too? A nfs charm has this link in its readme, for example22:38
ahasenackthat brings up an "alert"22:39
gary_posterahasenack, yes, redirects are coming tomorrow22:39
dpb1gary_poster: when you click on that alert and interact with it, the interface get very... angry22:42
gary_posteron call22:42
hatchhuwshimi: when you're done with gary I'll show you what I meant with the markup/styling changes - it'll only take a couple mins23:20
huwshimihatch: Ready23:39
hatchok one minute23:39
hatchjust grabbin my milk23:39
hatchhuwshimi: ok in guichat23:40
gary_posterhatch, you releasing, or holding off?23:47
hatchgary_poster: yup I'll release tonight - qa was good so far so it's just the mechanical bits23:48
hatchpending of course any wako issues heh23:48
gary_posterok thanks hatch.  I'll check back in a little later23:48
hatchfirst I need to redeem myself from the broken demo I just tried to give huwshimi23:50
gary_posterhatch, ahasenack filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1205136 just in case it is new.  charmbrowser guys will look tomorrow23:54
_mup_Bug #1205136: more charm browser navigation issues <charmbrowser> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1205136>23:54
hatchok huwshimi I fixed it23:58
hatchin guichat23:58
huwshimihatch: coming23:58

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