
kdubracarr, yeah i mean, there are some good things, but our renderer just does the simple stuff at the moment00:01
kdubwobbly windows would benefit00:01
racarrhaha right00:01
racarrit has the00:02
racarrmap buffer object stuff which is kind of cool00:02
racarrfrom opengl 400:02
kdubyeah, its a cool improvement00:04
kdubsometimes i forget that opengl can do animations, and its not just an api for passing buffers into00:05
racarrI read some paper once about some technique with using like two mapped vbo arrays and fences00:05
racarrin order to do animations in this zero copy fashion (I mean, it still ahs to make it to the GPU depending on your architecture)00:05
racarrbut it was basically double buffering the vertex data, so neither the animator, or the GPU ever has to block00:06
racarrand then I think using some nvidia fence extension00:06
racarrI don't remember the details :p00:06
smspillazracarr: opengles3 has uniform buffer objects and transform feedback00:06
smspillazwhich is just great00:06
racarrI don't think transform feedback is super interesting to mir though really00:07
smspillazracarr: actually the even cooler one00:07
smspillazracarr: its interesting if you want to like00:07
smspillazdo wobbly windows00:07
smspillazin hardware00:07
racarrubu could be useful for some kind of optimizations </speculation>00:07
smspillazracarr: whats more interesting is opengl 4.400:07
smspillazwith stuff like00:07
smspillazbindless textures00:07
racarrthats what I was going to say00:08
racarr(bindless textures)00:08
racarrthats some cool stuff00:08
smspillazbind groups00:08
smspillazor whatever it was called00:08
smspillazRAOF: y u mad00:08
RAOFracarr: What's the least I can do to get stderr from mir_demo_server_shell to display?00:08
racarrRAOF: 2>&1 > foo.txt00:11
thomiracarr: any progress on the mir_stress bug thingy?00:11
RAOFracarr: No, I mean "what's the least I can do to make mir_demo_server_shell not eat stderr?" Because I'm running it from ssh, so I can totally see anything that actually makes it to the tty.00:12
racarrthomi: No, I haven't found the second bug yet00:13
racarrI forgot it and let it escape my todo though so thanks :)00:14
racarrRAOF: err00:14
racarrI didnt know it ate stderr00:14
racarrI redirect stderr to a file all the time00:14
racarrat least I think Id o00:14
smspillazRAOF: gdb breakpoint on close () and see where it calls close(2) ? :p00:14
racarrI really dont think its00:15
racarrsupposed to do that00:15
RAOFHm. Ok.00:16
racarrRAOF: OH HEY! While I remember I keep on meaning to ask you about something that I am meaning to take on friday/next week00:17
racarrDPMS support00:17
RAOFracarr: Oh, cool.00:17
racarrmy understanding, is: expose turning CRTC on /off from mir::graphics, expose over IPC, expose component that lets shell approve/dissaprove these requests00:17
racarradd component in U-S-C to be friends with X00:18
racarrthen implement a bunch of hooks on00:18
racarror whatever00:18
racarrit's called00:18
racarrby a bunch of hooks I mean like 200:18
RAOFDo we want to expose it over IPC?00:18
racarrdoes that make sense? What is up with backlight, I looked aroudn xf86-video-intel a little bit and the backlight code seemed a little strange at first glance using00:18
racarr /sys files or something00:18
racarrRAOF: Hmm, well how else will X request it of USC00:18
racarryou mean USC should provide a00:19
racarrnon mir interface perhaps00:19
RAOFBy USC implementing its own interface.00:19
RAOFThis, incidentally, is a reason why having the protocol being extensible would be really useful. :)00:19
racarrthe_frontend_communicator() override00:19
racarrok I understand00:20
RAOFOh, and backlight is indeed a twisty maze of vendor hate.00:20
racarrI'm not sure in regards to over IPC / USC has it's own protocol00:20
racarrI...remember I leaned towards the mir protocol when Iw as thinking last week00:21
racarrbut I think thats just because it wasnt clear to me what the protocol should be otherwise (DBus to X)00:21
racarrit's also. not entirely absurd that maybe this is reasonable client API.00:21
RAOFIt should be over the mir socket, but it shouldn't be in the Mir protocol that we expose to clients.00:22
RAOFHm. Under what circumstances is it reasonable for a client to ask the display server to turn off the displays?00:22
racarrMaybe it makes sense for certain kinds of presentation or media apps00:22
RAOFYou mean to ask the display server to *not* turn off the display, right?00:23
racarror a coniguration app00:23
racarrRAOF: Well maybe not! I dunno i.e. a video player which has a distraction free setting can automatically turn off your displays when you are streaming to your TV00:25
RAOFEh, maybe?00:25
racarror like, when you present, you want your laptop display off, on, or in presentation mode, so presentation apps on other platforms often include what basically amounts to a monitor configuration panel00:25
racarryeah I dunno, maybe :p00:25
racarrI think both of these are kind of borderline absurd, but I was just trying to generate00:26
kgunnthomi: thanks for the response - so, if i want to quick glance at all the unity tests reported on for mir.....what do i look at ?00:27
kgunnprep'ing for iom sprint00:27
thomikgunn: without runing he tests yourself you mean? like, on a dashboard somewhere?00:27
racarrRAOF: I thought about you last night because one of my friends is studying to be an actuary so he started talking to me about a series of probability problems he was doing00:27
racarrso then, he started explaining how to solve them with multidimensional integrals, etc, and my thought was that like, from a constructive perspective00:28
racarrintegrals seem to be the wrong abstraction to build00:28
racarrprobability on top of00:28
racarrbecause why do you even need00:28
racarrinfinite sets?00:28
racarra few minutes in to arguing this point I feel as if I had a flash of empathy with your previous advisor XD00:29
thomikgunn: that's the correct job, but for some reason older builds reported waaaay too many tests. Newer builds look good though, for e.g.:
racarrRAOF: Anyway that's how I invented my new theory of probability and started to wonder if the whole aesthetic of mathematical philosophy was misgrounded.00:31
racarrbut...lol...back to DPMS, um, so...not the mir protocol?00:31
racarrnot the mir protocol but over the mir socket sounds difficult00:31
thomikgunn: not sure if that answers your question or not00:31
RAOFYeah, needing uncomputable numbers sounds like a silly thing for probability :)00:31
RAOFracarr: It can probably be in the protocol.00:32
RAOFracarr: I'd quite like it to be less difficult for protocol extensions to exist, though.00:32
racarrI'll think about that00:32
racarrI am trying to think about something inbetween00:32
racarrnon extensible protocol00:32
racarrand everything is a ClientMessage00:32
racarrand yeah thats exactly what I mean! You don't need all that for probability, so maybe by dealing with it in the continuum and then using limits to reduce it back to a finite state system you are actually00:33
racarrdeveloping a less...'reusable' theory of probability00:33
RAOFI think we could actually manage it by making the frontend replacable.00:33
racarrI wonder if mathematicians had understood ideas from software engineering if math would have been architected differently ;)00:34
racarrHmm well00:34
racarrthe frontend is replaceable right?00:34
racarrIt's ust all or nothing00:34
RAOFHm, *or* passing in a ProtocolExtension to the frontend, so when it discovers a message it doesn't know about it delegates.00:34
racarrits probably possible to use00:35
racarrtemplate trickery, so that adding a new message is as easy as putting it in the wire protocol00:35
racarrand providing an impl on SessionMediator00:35
racarror something00:35
RAOFYeah, something like that would be good.00:36
kgunnthomi: excellent!....that does answer it00:36
racarrIt worries me a little at first response00:36
RAOFIt's insane that the first thing that anyone does when trying to solve discrete problems is go "hm, is this sufficiently well approximated by an uncountably infinite set full of uncomputable numbers?"00:37
racarrdoes it complicate our wire versioning situation, etc...00:37
kgunnweird about those repeated reportings00:37
racarrRAOF: Haha, right, and that's what I mean by the misguided aesthetic00:37
racarrbecause before incompleteness results, people thought mathematics was just one single00:37
racarrtotally complete and consistent system00:37
racarrso why not do that00:37
racarrso that was seen as like00:37
RAOFProtocol versioning: hm, maybe?00:38
RAOFThe problem would come in when calls migrate from extension to core or visa-versa, right?00:38
RAOFWe'd also need extensions to be versioned.00:39
smspillazwhatever you do00:39
smspillazdon't autogenerate00:39
smspillazbindings from the protocol00:39
kdubhah :)00:40
smspillazat least, don't make them inline00:40
smspillazthe crap I had to do in order to dlopen wayland-client and use it00:40
smspillazwas not fun00:40
racarrRAOF: Well, or just when, one mir supports protocol version 7 with unity extension version 8 that was backported to ubuntu 15.04 but the version in 15.10 supports protocol version 7 with unity version 9 + unity fixes version 2 and the 16.04 daily...00:41
racarrhaha :p00:41
racarrwe want to avoid that I think00:41
smspillazthe way wayland does it is ok00:42
smspillazbasically, if the client doesnt support some protocol00:42
smspillazthen the server doesnt send it events that match that protocl00:42
smspillazand ignores requests from that protocol00:42
racarrthe thing is, these methods aren't in the client library I guess or they would be int he real protocol00:43
racarrour client library doesn't present an abstraction of like00:43
racarrin the same way wayland does00:43
racarrmaybe it should *shrug*00:43
RAOFYou just need similar extension support in the client library.00:46
RAOF"just" ☺00:46
racarrright but I think to model that extension support00:49
racarrthe client library first has to like00:49
racarrtalk in terms of messages/protocol or something00:49
racarrwhich it entirely hides now00:49
RAOFRight. It could, however, export some of that, without exposing it to the C layer.00:52
RAOFmir_extension_foo_get() returns an opaque pointer to the C++ implementation bits needed to do the dispatch?00:53
racarrare all the combinations00:57
racarrof extensions sorted in to00:57
racarr1 set of extensions used by USC00:57
racarr2. 1 set of extensions used by unity clients00:57
racarrin this case maybe its just libmirclient-system libmirclient-client, or its just libmiclient that has all of 1 but there are permissions and00:58
racarrplatform-api exposes the rest00:58
racarrwhy do I use "or...." in place of "."00:58
racarrOff to berkeley!01:07
racarrYou can follow live (with 168 hour delay) at http://archive.org/details/StuAllenAndMarsHotel2013-07-17.flac1601:07
RAOFWith 168 hour delay?01:12
RAOFThat's some serious "live" :)01:12
RAOFHave fun in Berkeley!01:12
smspillazhave fun racarr :)01:19
* RAOF wins.02:10
RAOFNothing wrong with xmir, Mir really is displaying frame N-1.02:10
dufluRAOF: \o/02:13
duflu /o\02:14
dufluRAOF: If the surface has swapinterval=0 then Mir will use triple buffering on it02:14
RAOFIt's not; this is simple double buffering.02:15
dufluRAOF: So the client says here's one new frame and the compositor still could delay indefinitely?02:15
RAOFThe client says "here's one new frame" and the compositor says "thanks, I'll composite frame N-1 for you"02:16
dufluRAOF: Heh. Actually that's something I just rewrote and we're arguing in email. More work to come02:16
RAOFClient sub buffer{3}02:17
RAOFClient acquired buffer{4}02:17
RAOFCompositor acquired buffer{3}02:17
RAOFCompositing buffer{3}02:17
RAOFClient sub buffer{4}02:17
RAOFCompositor released buffer{3}02:17
* duflu admires typing speed ;)02:17
RAOFClient acquired buffer{3}02:17
RAOFClient sub buffer{3}02:17
RAOFCompositor acquired buffer{4}02:17
RAOFCompositing buffer{4}02:17
RAOFCompositor released buffer{4}02:17
RAOFClient acquired buffer{4}02:17
RAOFClient sub buffer{4}02:17
RAOFCompositor acquired buffer{3}02:17
RAOFCompositing buffer{3}02:17
RAOFCompositor released buffer{3}02:17
RAOFAt some point in this log we start compositing the N-1'th buffer submitted by the client, rather than the last one.02:18
dufluRAOF: Yes, it's cos the compositor chooses the front of the queue (oldest frame) even when there might be newer ones ready behind it02:18
dufluThat's related to my current work02:18
RAOFThis is actually a bit worse than that; the compositor is compositing using the buffer that the client currently owns.02:19
RAOFOh, no it's not. Carry on.02:19
dufluRAOF: Also related. I now make that impossible02:19
dufluAlthough there's a risk that you block the compositor, which needs to be eliminated02:20
dufluRAOF: That's why I was confused. The lag should be impossible if nbuffers=2, unless the compositor is showing a buffer currently held by the client02:21
dufluHmm, maybe there's a third possibility02:22
dufluRAOF: I will reconsider the issues you describe today and maybe give you a branch to try... ?02:23
RAOFThat would be excellent.02:24
robert_ancellRAOF, we need a way to counter u-s-c being installed, but X not supporting Mir. LightDM can't easily tell this without trying to run X with -mir and reading the stderr error messages, so perhaps we can do it better. Can we make the patched X package provide something like xorg-server-xmir and then have u-s-c depend on that?02:38
RAOFrobert_ancell: Yes.02:38
RAOFrobert_ancell: We could even go so far as to split libxmir.so into xserver-xorg-xmir, so the core server doesn't gain Mir dependencies.02:39
robert_ancellRAOF, that would be even better!02:39
robert_ancellRAOF, but the core package still needs the patch to have -mir etc right? Do we assume if you have xserver-xorg-xmir then the core package matches that?02:40
robert_ancellThis is a Universe blocker (apparently) so we need to get it fixed asap02:40
RAOFAh, ok.02:40
RAOFGood. That's what I'll do after lunch, then!02:40
duflurobert_ancell: Skype? Hangout?02:54
robert_ancellduflu, hangout is best02:54
dufluNot for my earphone comfort :)02:55
dufluWoo, a day of fixing conflicts :/03:48
robert_ancellRAOF, does the N-1 you mention in bug 1199450 accumulate over time? i.e. so you end up with N-M03:48
ubot5bug 1199450 in XMir "[xmir] Inputs slowing, last event of a stream of events greatly delayed" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119945003:48
RAOFrobert_ancell: No, because there are only 2 buffers.03:49
robert_ancellok, that's better :)03:49
RAOFPossibly if we were triple-buffering then you could get 2 buffers behind?03:49
RAOFNot really.03:49
dufluThat's weird. bzr is giving lots of conflicts that really are not03:49
RAOFAlthough I guess that *most* people have something change on the screen reasonably frequently.03:49
dufluRAOF: Keep glxgears running in the corner :)03:50
RAOFBut if you have just an xterm on the screen you'll forever be one-character behind.03:50
dufluAlternatively, keep a browser open with lots of ads. That's always a big contributor03:52
robert_ancellRAOF, any update on the X packaging?04:46
RAOFrobert_ancell: Is now in mir-team/staging.04:46
robert_ancellRAOF, cool, what depends should I add to u-s-c, or have you already done that ;)04:47
RAOFNot yet.04:47
robert_ancellok, I'll leave it with you then04:48
RAOFAh. New xserver upload in saucy-proposed :/04:49
RAOFrobert_ancell: https://code.launchpad.net/~raof/unity-system-compositor/debconfify/+merge/176858 enjoy.05:07
robert_ancellRAOF, odd branch name :)05:08
RAOFIt accidentaly got pushed to the last branch I proposed ;)05:08
robert_ancellRAOF, I just realised strictly we don't need XMir to use the system compositor, but for current practical use case the dependency solves a bigger problem than this might cause05:09
RAOFIndeed, that was my thought too.05:09
RAOFSince there's currently nothing *but* XMir that can run in unity-system-compositor… ☺05:10
robert_ancellwe'll blow that bridge up when we come to it05:11
RAOFEh, when we get there we'll just drop the dep.05:11
tvossgood morning :)05:13
RAOFHey ho.05:14
tvossRAOF, hey there, how goes?05:16
tvossRAOF, hey, did you see that the intel driver failed compiling in the staging ppa?05:20
RAOFHm, no I didn't.05:20
RAOFI need to fix unrelated things in it anyway :)05:20
tvossRAOF, ack05:20
RAOFtvoss: So, duflu was going to ping me with a branch that probably doesn't exhibit this behaviour.05:28
tvossRAOF, okay, could you point me to the places in the code where you put the terminal outputs?05:30
RAOFtvoss: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5910065/ enjoy.05:31
didrocksRAOF: robert_ancell: excellent! this will be in today's build (I just rerun u-s-c)05:32
didrocksRAOF: robert_ancell: on a longer term, we can have a virtual package as well05:33
RAOFdidrocks: On a longer term we'll want to just drop it; the system compositor doesn't really depend on anything being run inside it, any more than the Xserver depends on Unity.05:33
didrocksRAOF: hum, but something run X -mir, right?05:34
RAOFlightdm does, yes.05:34
didrocksbut u-s-c add the -mir parameter? :)05:34
RAOFActually, that's probably where the dependency should be, now that you mention it :)05:34
didrocksor it's lightdm?05:34
RAOFIt's lightdm.05:34
didrocksyeah, would be logical, not sure robert will be thrilled about it though :p05:35
didrocksanyway, we can figure about it later, the urgent part is covered05:35
tvossgreyback, ping05:56
robert_ancellRAOF, didrocks, but the problem is lightdm doesn't depend on u-s-c, because it runs fine without it06:02
robert_ancellit only depends on it when it's configured to use it, and that configuration is in the u-s-c package06:03
robert_ancellif we move that out to somewhere else, e.g. ubuntu-desktop then that would be the right place for the dependency06:03
tvossalf__, ping06:48
alf__tvoss: pong06:48
dholbachgood morning06:58
dufluRAOF: Try this out. Let me know if the lag is now fixed;  lp:~vanvugt/mir/switch06:59
dufluMorning dholbach07:02
RAOFduflu: Ta.07:03
dholbachhey duflu07:04
dholbachhow are you all doing?07:04
* dholbach hugs duflu, RAOF and the rest of the gang07:04
RAOFHey duflu!07:04
RAOFOr even - hey dholbach!07:05
tvossdholbach, berlin calling @fb?07:11
dholbachtvoss, yep :)07:24
greybacktvoss: pong07:37
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
tvossdidrocks, ping08:01
didrockstvoss: pong08:01
didrockson 3G08:02
tvossdidrocks, ack08:02
robert_ancellhikiko, can you do an earlier 1-1?08:12
hikikosure robert_ancell08:13
hikikodo you want me to join now?08:13
RAOFduflu: Looks like that doesn't have the delay problem.08:27
RAOFduflu: It looks like it's triple buffering, though?08:28
RAOFtvoss: ^^^08:28
dufluRAOF: Good start, but can you be sure? And yes, I default to triple because bypass will need it08:28
dufluAlso, frame-dropping is suboptimal without triple08:29
RAOFduflu: Well, no I can't be sure.08:30
dufluAlright, but still, good08:30
RAOFBut the workload which reliably caused the problem no longer causes the problem.08:30
tvossRAOF, could you quickly run phoronix-test-suite run pts/gaming-free with duflu's branch?08:44
duflutvoss: It's just buffering changes. Bypass is not in that branch. You know that?08:45
RAOFtvoss: I've been using the openarena timedemo to test; I can do phoronix-test-suite too, if you like.08:45
tvossRAOF, would be cool, that was my test-case08:45
tvossRAOF, also: pbuilder create complains about W: Failure trying to run: chroot /var/cache/pbuilder/build/28791/. mount -t proc proc /proc08:47
tvossW: See /var/cache/pbuilder/build/28791/./debootstrap/debootstrap.log for details08:47
tvossE: debootstrap failed08:47
tvossW: Aborting with an error08:47
tvossI have had that issue a million times, but never remember how to solve it08:47
* RAOF uses sbuild08:48
tvossduflu, yup, know that. Just want to make sure that we put heavy load onto the system08:59
dufluOK. It's a little unusual for other people to load test a branch that's not even ready to propose :)08:59
alf__RAOF: Can you test the input delay with the current trunk with triple buffer enabled (change 2->3 src/server/compositor/swapper_factory.cpp line 47). It would be good to know if this is solved by triple buffering, or some other change in duflu's branch.09:06
RAOFalf__: Sure.09:06
duflualf__: I expect triple will make it worse. I did an explicit fix for the lag bug today09:06
tvossduflu, on the current design?09:10
duflutvoss: Either. The higher the number of buffers, the worse the lag will be. The fix was not the number of buffers, but was to drop frames when more than one was queued for composition09:11
tvossduflu, ack, mind pinging me the branch?09:11
duflutvoss: r937 onward: https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/mir/switch09:12
tvossduflu, can we backport that to trunk right now?09:12
duflutvoss: Possibly. Alf should have the know-how09:13
tvossalf__, ^?09:13
dufluIt's easy to drop excess frames. But you just have to remember to change how you throttle synchronous clients at the same time09:14
alf__duflu: tvoss: RAOF: ...but this changes our compositor to drop frames always. Is XMir sending frames that it then wants to cancel/override with new ones instead of having a steady sequential stream?09:18
tvossalf__, duflu sounds like that should be controllable with a policy09:19
RAOFxmir doesn't expect frame dropping.09:19
RAOFIf we're *getting* frame dropping then Mir's behaving unexpectedly.09:21
RAOFMan, pts/gaming-free takes *some time* to download.09:28
alf__RAOF: We are not dropping frames normally. However the proposed solution involves dropping all frames but the latest, if understood it correctly. So if the compositor's queue contains CBA with C being the latest, with the proposed change mir drops B,A and gets directly to C. I don't know what's causing the problem really, but this feels like dealing with the symptom.09:30
tvossalf__, the trigger is this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/119945009:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 1199450 in XMir "[xmir] Inputs slowing, last event of a stream of events greatly delayed" [Critical,Triaged]09:32
RAOFalf__: I'm not sure how the compositor's queue ever gets more than one buffer in it?09:33
RAOFalf__: Because we're double buffering by default, and the client always has a buffer...09:33
RAOFAnd a buffer that the client has can't be in the compositor's queue.09:34
RAOFSo, by my understanding, there can be at most one buffer in the compositor queue.09:34
dufluRAOF: Yeah like I said yesterday - the bug should be impossible with nbuffers=2 in theory09:37
RAOFBut in practise it's quite easy to trigger :)09:37
dufluOh universe, how you deceive us all09:37
dufluRAOF: Impossible if nbuffers=2 and they're being alternated fairly/evenly ;)09:38
dufluI wonder if I will get to cook real food or spend another evening hacking :/09:39
* duflu finds middle ground and makes evening coffee09:40
* RAOF finishes dinner and goes to clean up.09:40
RAOFNight all!09:40
tvossRAOF, night all :) talk to you tomorrow09:41
alf__RAOF: duflu: I think there can be two buffers if the client is slow. Good night :)09:41
tvossalf__, can we easily switch to triple buffering on current trunk?09:42
dufluLast I checked, it was a trivial 1 character change09:42
dufluNight RAOF09:42
alf__tvoss: yes, but we need to prove that this will help09:42
tvossalf__, happy to do so ... just show me where09:43
dufluI think it would/should make it worse09:43
tvossduflu, alf__ I'm happy to be the guinea pig here09:43
duflutvoss: alf__ did... scroll back09:43
alf__tvoss: change 2->3 src/server/compositor/swapper_factory.cpp line 4709:43
tvossalf__, thanks09:43
tvossduflu, alf__ the good thing is: it is not subtle, but totally visible ;)09:44
* tvoss is in love with sbuild09:46
hikiko_alf__, ping!10:27
alf__hikiko: pong10:57
didrockstvoss: kgunn: FYI, I'm recopying the latest changes from RAOF to the daily-build-next ppa, we really need to be in distro ASAP…10:58
hikikohi alf__ I was wondering about the internal clients10:58
hikikoand the internal display10:59
didrockstvoss: kgunn: argh, his build failed on i38610:59
tvossdidrocks, ack, you referring to the xorg driver?10:59
didrocks(one test)11:00
didrockstvoss: yeah, he changed the dep for mir11:00
hikikoI guess these should be initialized and live in the native platform, correct?11:00
didrocksbut didn't copy in daily-build-next11:00
didrocksso we can't install mir anymore now in it11:00
didrockstvoss: but anyway, one test failed from his xorg upload11:00
tvossdidrocks, hold on, cannot follow11:00
tvossdidrocks, did you just restart the build?11:01
didrockstvoss: yeah11:01
tvossdidrocks, why is that? do you suspect a flaky builder?11:01
didrocksit seems to be a flacky xorg tests11:01
didrocksdidn't fail on other archs11:01
didrocksand the diff is meaningless11:02
didrocksregarding to that failure11:02
didrocksthen, if it pass, I'll copy to daily-build-next ppa11:02
didrocksas it's broken right now11:02
didrocks(u-s-c depends on a package that doesn't exist…)11:02
tvossdidrocks, ack ...11:03
tvossdidrocks, I'm testing the intel driver from staging manually now11:03
tvossback in a few ... hopefully11:03
alf__hikiko: it could be that you can use the one returned by the native one, but I haven't really checked the details11:06
alf__hikiko: native one => native platform11:06
tvoss_alf__, okay, does not make it better with triple buffering11:10
tvoss_alf__, but it exposes some serious flickering11:11
tvoss_alf__, or better, occasional serious flcikering/hiccups11:11
tvoss_duflu, to test your branch: build and install, then rebuild of usc?11:12
duflutvoss_: No sure about the context but it is a drop-in replacement for lp:mir11:13
tvoss_duflu, ack11:13
dufluAnd now it's late again11:13
tvoss_duflu, just sign off dude :)11:13
dufluWell, I had coffee instead of dinner. That was my first mistake11:14
dufluGoing now11:14
hikikoalf__: that's what I thought I just wanted to check that my logic is correct11:26
hikikothank you11:26
tvoss_didrocks, seems like the i386 build made it through :)11:38
didrockstvoss_: yeah, just waiting a little bit before copying11:38
tvoss_didrocks, ack11:38
tvossdidrocks, ping11:56
didrockstvoss: pong11:56
=== om26er is now known as om26er|afk
tvossalf__, did you have a chance to look into the buffer issue?12:00
tvossalf__, the buffers are overtaking each other sometimes12:03
tvossmlankhorst, ping13:35
tvossmlankhorst, hey there, we see an issue on ati with the following error message: [  2417.963] (II) UnloadModule: "radeon"13:39
tvoss<didrocks> [  2417.963] (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.13:39
mlankhorsti'd need a full log for a picture.. plus dmesg if possible13:41
tvossdidrocks, ^13:42
mlankhorstand I'm just guessing it's a hybrid..13:42
didrocksmlankhorst: do you have access to the VPN?13:42
didrocksmlankhorst: would be easier to get what you want, you can poke that way13:42
mlankhorstmeh lets see how to set that up again..13:42
jibelmlankhorst, dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/5911197/ , Xorg.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/5911199/13:48
mlankhorst[  2417.963] (EE) RADEON(0): [drm] failed to set drm interface version.13:49
mlankhorstshouldn't do that on xmir13:49
tvosswhat about fbdevhw13:50
mlankhorst[  2417.963] (EE) Failed to load module "fbdevhw" (module does not exist, 0)13:51
mlankhorsteg harmless13:51
mlankhorstand it would have been disabled by xmir13:51
tvossmlankhorst, what means shouldn't to that on xmir?13:52
mlankhorstthe call that's failing shouldn't have been called at all..13:52
tvossmlankhorst, ah, thanks :)13:52
didrockstvoss: I think we have 2 issues13:53
didrockstvoss: this call not be done13:53
didrockstvoss: lightdm not retrying without the -mir option13:53
tvossmlankhorst, can you gain any further insight from the pastebin'd logs?13:55
mlankhorstas I said, drm interface version call is failing, and that one should not be called at all with xorgMir..13:58
tvossmlankhorst, okay, so we have the wrong driver in there13:59
mlankhorstmeh what's the machine?14:00
tvossdidrocks, ^?14:01
didrockstvoss: I checked, we have the same version than in the staging ppa14:01
didrockstvoss: and it's the one installed14:01
didrocksis there any other one?14:01
mlankhorstso then it's calling drmSetInterfaceVersion in the ddx when it shouldn't..14:02
tvossdidrocks, seems like the ati driver from the staging ppa wasn't rebuild against the new xorg14:15
tvossmlankhorst, ^, could that cause issues?14:16
didrockstvoss: seeing the diff of xorg since yesterday, that doesn't cause an ABI break, right?14:17
didrockstvoss: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/145833378/xorg-server_2%3A1.14.2-0ubuntu2%2Bxmir1_2%3A1.14.2-0ubuntu2%2Bxmir1.1.diff.gz14:17
mlankhorsttvoss: I already said what the issue is14:21
mlankhorstdrmSetInterfaceVersion is called, and it shouldn't, you have the source so you should be able to say why..14:21
tvossmlankhorst, I wonder why it ever worked then?14:25
mlankhorstthere's no guarantee it did, tbh..14:30
tvossmlankhorst, well, we have seen phoronix test suite running on ati14:37
mlankhorstsigh, have you tried removing the call or not14:39
didrockstvoss: kgunn: on the "we stay in a broken (no ui) session story": https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/120493614:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 1204936 in Mir "if unity-system-compositor exits too early, lightdm should retry starting xorg without -mir" [Undecided,New]14:44
didrockstvoss: kgunn: and bug #120493914:48
ubot5bug 1204939 in Mir "Mir doesn't start on ATI test machine" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120493914:48
kgunndidrocks: ack14:48
didrocks1tvoss: do you see anything weird in terms of versions: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-saucy-daily_release/label=autopilot-ati/618/artifact/results/sysinfo/dpkg-l.postsetup15:36
=== didrocks1 is now known as didrocks
tvossdidrocks, can you do me a favor and try to install the system-compositor-testing ppa on the machine?15:52
didrockstvoss: will be able to do that later on, I have an appointment, maybe sil2100 can help you? he should have access15:52
tvosssil2100, ping15:53
tvossdidrocks, okay, no weird versions around15:53
sil2100tvoss: let me backlog and see what's what15:53
tvosssil2100, ack15:54
sil2100tvoss: on what machine do you need it installed? ati?15:54
tvosssil2100, ack16:02
tvosssil2100, is there a monitor connected to the machine, or a kvm switch?16:02
sil2100tvoss: I only log there through ssh ;) That's all the access I have16:22
tvosssil2100, where does the machine physically live?16:22
sil2100tvoss: not sure now, I would guess it's in Lexington? Let's ask the QA guys, one moment16:24
sil2100tvoss: yes, I was right, they're in the QA lab in Boston16:27
sil2100tvoss: so the QA guys should be able to physically access it and perform debugging16:27
tvosssil2100, how is the machine called?16:33
sil2100tvoss: I know it by the name of dx-autopilot-ati16:35
racarrI don't know what was up with feeling sick all night but feel excellent now :) almost done with surface configuration notification21:28
thomiracarr: how's that mir_stress bug?21:34
racarrthomi: The same...need to finish unblocking shell stuff first :)21:53
racarrOSK incoming :D21:53
racarrthe osk needs to be able to hide/show over IPC21:55
racarrso do we add mir_surface_hide/mir_surface_show?21:55
racarrIs it a surface state21:55
racarrif it is, how is it different than minimized21:55
racarr(or the same question if it isn't)21:55
racarrhttp://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cradle-of-mir/the-cradle-of-mir-at-burning-man-2013-russian-team we are so popular22:27
racarrHide is the same as minimize22:33
racarrbut show is not the same as restored22:33
=== Saviq_ is now known as Saviq
kdubracarr, haha@ the kickstarter22:52
kdubdownloading mir over bzr takes longer and longer as we get more revs22:55
kdubmaybe i should upgrade my internet connection plan to accomodate :)22:55
racarrkdub: One day people will tell my story "He ventured to the desert to seek the cradle of mir. Witnesses report that after 3 days of meditation he stood and simply announced 'I have seen the scene graph', only to wander in to the desert and never be heard from again"22:59
racarrI think I should have done the SurfaceConfigurator, with two methods...23:05
racarri.e. configure_surface(surface, attrib, ref value)23:06
racarrand surface_configured(surface, attrib, value)23:06
racarr(ref requested_value in configure_surface) perhaps23:06
racarrI am thinking about, how the shell can implement the policy of minimized windows get hidden23:06
racarrand there is one place where the shell wants to say like, this window wants to be minimized, thats ok, or this window wants to be an overlay but thats prohibited23:07
racarrbut this isn't where you want to actually implement your behavior (i.e. minimize the window at some point)23:08
racarrI think I dunno, it seems like you want to apply the behavior after you have actually called23:08
racarrNeither of these seem correct...so I start wondering if the shell should implement msh::Surface::configure23:12

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