
MrHeavyI'm having an issue with cloud-init+AWS on 12.04 where #include doesn't seem to be working the way I expect00:42
MrHeavyuser-data.txt contains the #include directive I put there, but the resulting cloud-config.txt is empty00:43
MrHeavyNo errors in cloud-init.log00:43
MrHeavyAny ideas on how I can get some kind of useful output?00:43
Zhenjin I am getting ic2 ic2-3: sendbytes: NAK bailout. messages, is this a serious issue or something i can ignore?00:57
sarnoldZhenjin: I don't know if it'll help you understand it better or not :) but the comment near that error in the kernel source code says "A slave NAKing the master means the slave didn't like something about the data it saw.  For example, maybe the SMBus PEC was wrong."01:01
sarnold(at least, I assume you mean i2c, not ic2)01:01
ZhenjinHmm, well it doesnt appear to cause any trouble besides showing that message every once in a while, does it cause damage behind the scenes that stops other things from working?01:06
Zhenjinand yea its i2c not ic201:07
sarnoldZhenjin: i2c is often used for things like temperature reporting.. maybe keep an eye on those numbers, some might not always make sense?01:07
Zhenjincheck the temparatures? alright, from google i find that i need to download something for it sudo apt-get, havent got to work yet tough DNS issue, is there another way to do that?01:11
sarnoldthe 'sensors' program from 'lm-sensors' package is definitely the easiest way... I'd get your DNS working first. :)01:13
Zhenjinhttp://imgur.com/YQOwgPU Here is some info on what a tried for the dns01:31
Zhenjinmaybe you can see what i did wrong :)?01:31
sarnoldZhenjin: you don't want 'search google.com' unless you're actually on google's network and want to refer to hosts in the google.com domain without specifying their FQDN :)01:33
sarnoldZhenjin: but that doesn't seem like it would give you the errors you've got01:33
Zhenjinshould i delete the search google.com or change it to something else?01:36
sarnoldI'd just delete it, I haven't used 'search' in 15 years and don't miss it much :)01:37
Zhenjindone, what would likely be the issue besides that? something in particular i should look for?01:38
sarnoldZhenjin: can you contact
sarnolddoes ping work? how about host www.google.com ?01:39
Zhenjinzhenjin@ZhenServer:~$ ping
ZhenjinPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.01:42
Zhenjinafter that it doesnt give zhenjin@ZhenServer:~$ anymore01:42
Zhenjinjust empty chat01:42
Zhenjinis it just me being impratient?01:42
sarnoldZhenjin: no, you should see ping responses near immediately01:43
sarnold(just hit ^C to kill ping)01:44
Zhenjin--- ping statistics ---01:44
Zhenjin174 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 174384ms01:44
sarnoldZhenjin: there's your next project :) figure out why you can't do UDP or ICMP packets with
sarnoldZhenjin: try also, that's another publicly available DNS recursor01:45
Zhenjinreplace it in resolv.config?01:45
sarnoldZhenjin: try pinging it first01:45
ZhenjinNope, whats the ^C key?01:47
sarnoldZhenjin: it's a terminal interrupt key -- it sends a the SIGINT signal, which often kills a program01:48
Zhenjinwhich key on my keyboard? :p01:49
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sarnoldZhenjin: hold down the control key while pressing the C key01:51
Zhenjin--- ping statistics ---01:51
Zhenjin303 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 304141ms01:51
Zhenjinso ill try changing it in the resolv.conf?01:51
sarnoldno, it probably wouldnt work either.01:52
sarnolddo you control the gateway? it might be the problem..01:52
Zhenjinshall i send a screenshot of cmd ipconfig?01:53
Patrickdkon windows now?01:54
sarnoldhehe, I assumed it was a typo :)01:54
Patrickdkunlikely :)01:55
* sarnold owes Patrickdk another beer :)01:55
Patrickdkthat was just too funny01:56
sarnoldPatrickdk: I ohpe you're keeping track of how many beers I owe you :P01:56
rubberneckZhenjin: you have a differnet gateway in your linux box01:56
Patrickdkthat is a lot of gateways01:57
PatrickdkI wonder what one is being used01:57
sarnoldZhenjin: it looks like you're trying to use the windows box as a gateway; if that is correct, you'll need to configure it to perform Network Address Translation while forwarding packets01:57
sarnold(hey, what's the point of "default gateway" on each NIC??)01:58
Patrickdkand it  has too much gateways :)01:58
* Patrickdk wonders what route print, shows01:58
sarnoldI think windows forgets what "default gateway" actually means.01:58
Patrickdkna, it depends what is actually pluged in and working01:59
Patrickdkbut if both are, that isn't really defined and windows warns about it02:00
Zhenjinso i need to put the gateway my cmd shows into /etc/network/interfaces?02:00
sarnoldZhenjin: probably not02:00
sarnoldI don't think that would work, unless you actually -do- get your internet from, rather than, which feels far more likely to me02:01
Zhenjinthe hamachi 1p4 address?02:02
Zhenjinalright ill try it02:03
appleguruAny network gurus online?02:03
sarnoldZhenjin: good luck :) I'm off to dinner02:03
appleguruI have an ubuntu server box setup with 2 NICs. eth0 and eth1...02:04
Zhenjinalright, have fun eating02:04
appleguruI have eth0 with a address, subnet mask...02:05
Zhenjinnope hamachi ip4 didnt work02:05
appleguruAnd eth1 with a address, subnet mask02:05
appleguruif I plug my computer into either port, with appropriate similar settings... I can reach servers running in my Ubuntu box at either IP address02:06
appleguruAny idea why?02:06
appleguru(I'd expect to only be able to reach the box on the correct subnet for a given port, but that's not what I'm seeing)02:08
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martisjhow do i get a list of the versions that will be installed when updating php-apc05:47
martisjthrough apt-get05:47
martisjis it possible to see when a package was updated last?06:02
ScottKmartisj: Use -V with apt-get to see the versions.06:08
sarnoldmartisj: /var/log/dpkg.log06:19
babinlonstonHi any one there to help me about ubuntu linux server backup06:42
sarnoldbabinlonston: I'm headed to bed, so just some quick pointers: duplicity and bacula06:42
babinlonstonok fine06:43
sarnoldbabinlonston: I use rsnapshot from one drive to another on my laptop, it's nice, but not off-site. off-site is on my todo list.06:43
babinlonstonme to gone through rsnapshots  its nice but , one question , only its possible to take backup by root user ? can i add a separate user as backup-user and can i get the privilege of root to take backups of configuration files and User's files is it possible ?06:45
andolbabinlonston: rsnapshot can run as any user, even if some parts of the default config might assume the root user.06:46
babinlonstonWill rsnapshot take the backup of files which have root ownership from sysadmin user ?06:48
babinlonstonor did i need to add the sysadmin user to sudo group ?06:48
andolbabinlonston: That really depends on how the rest of the ownership settings for a file looks like.06:49
babinlonstonok ill try06:49
sarnoldbabinlonston: if you want to run rsnapshot from a user's crontab and back up just that user's files, that's fine, but the configuration file may need some .. configuration :)06:49
andolbabinlonston: I guess the most flexible thing to do would be to use acl:s and expcitly give read rights, and only read rights, for your backup user.06:49
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babinlonstongood point u given ill try and let u know06:50
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dreibaumehi, aa-logprof always tells me "Log contains unknown mode  apparmor=. ". anyone had this problem before?10:48
jdstranddreibaume: can you file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+filebug (ideally using 'ubuntu-bug apparmor')10:53
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roboto_on fresh install trying to figure out why after setting up Samba the folders in my network look like servers?? sorry if this is a crosspost, couldn't find a #ubuntu-network. Other computer with same config. works fine 99% of the time11:38
reufhello anyone worked with hsphere?11:59
rbasakhallyn: if I use lxc-start-ephemeral, is there any way to see the root filesystem of the container from the host? I see eg. /var/lib/lxc/.../delta0, but this is only have of it; I want to see the whole thing as the guest sees it. This is so that the host can wait for /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished without having to interpret the overlay in an overlayfs-specific way. If this isn't available right now, would you entertain a wishlist item to bind12:21
rbasakonly half of it12:21
rbasak!anyone | reuf12:23
ubottureuf: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:23
hallynrbasak: we could come up with other ways, but I would think that lxc-attach would be the simplest way - is there any reason that wouldn't work?12:57
hallynsigh, not sure what's going on, but spamassassin doesn't seem to be doing as good a job as it used to in filtering binary-looking spam.  i keep sa-learning it every morning, but the same amount keeps coming through13:01
rbasakhallyn: it's a bit awkward programatically. I have to come up with a shell rune to get what I want. I suppose I could keep calling stat(1) until I get what I want, but I'm currently calling lstat(2) which I feel gives me more control. But in this case, it would work, yes. It's nice to be able to get to the container filesystem from the host though, for example I can copy and examine stuff directly from my own environment, instead of having to work in13:01
rbasakhallyn: it's the text scraping I don't like, IYSWIM.13:02
hallynrbasak: we can add a 'container.rootfs_mount(target)' api which would be only a few lines (based on the existing bdev stuff)13:02
rbasakhallyn: I already hit /var/lib/lxc/.../rootfs quite a lot - that's what I lose with epehemeral containers13:02
hallynrbasak: then you could watch under target.  The problem with that,13:03
hallynis that users doing what you're doing - with containers which are using tmpfss mounted at boot - would get results they didn't expect13:03
rbasakThe engineering perfection way would be to inotify on /var/lib/lxc/.../var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished, and that's awkward without having inotify-tools in the guest.13:03
hallynrbasak: it's not engineering perfection for a few reasons:13:03
hallyn1. fs may not support inotify,13:03
rbasakOK, so fall back to poll in that case13:04
hallyn2. container's /var/lib/lxc may be mounted by container userspace13:04
hallynso just mounting the container's root would not suffice13:04
rbasakThe container's /var/lib/lxc?13:05
hallynok, the container's /var/lib/cloud13:05
rbasakI'm not nesting here.13:05
rbasakOh OK13:05
rbasakYeah it does require that the host has knowledge of what the guest is doing here.13:05
hallynrbasak: is there any reason not to just look at /proc/$(container-init-pid)/root/var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished?13:05
rbasakIt didn't occur to me to do that!13:06
rbasakI just wanted the host to get access to the guest's fs. If I can do it that way, then great!13:06
hallynit's usually my go-to-way to inspect a running containre's rootfs13:06
rbasakHow do I get the container-init-pid?13:07
hallynlxc-info -p -n $name13:07
rbasakOK, thanks. It still feels a bit ugly having to scrape the output of that. Two requests for enhancement. 1) an option to print the pid only, without the field name; 2) a symlink to /proc/$(container-init-pid)/root available in /var/lib/lxc/.../something :-)13:09
rbasakBut that'll do great for now. Thank you!13:09
hallynlxc-info -p -n $name | awk -F: '{ print $2 }' :)13:09
hallynbut i agree13:09
hallynrbasak: if you wanna open bugs for each of those, they both sound reasonable - but wishlist - items.13:10
rbasakIt's fine from shell but feels particularly ugly in Python, even though I just need to do .split()[1]13:10
rbasakhallyn: OK - thanks. I understand they're wishlist. Wouldn't expect anythign else.13:10
rbasakhallyn: interesting. I was interpreting /var/lib/lxc/$name/delta0/var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished as a normal user. I can't do that via /proc. Though that's reasonable, I was using sudo to call all the lxc- commands, so I'll need to think about how to get to boot-finished now. If I have to call out to sudo and parse the output, I might as well write a shell snippet to do the test, and call sudo lxc-attach -- $snippet.13:19
hallynrbasak: well the downside to lxc-attach is that the snippet then needs to exist inside the container's rootfs13:20
rbasakThat's true, but here I just need a shell and stat(1) so I should be OK I think.13:20
rbasakWhat do you think about /var/lib/lxc/$name/rootfs not being 0700?13:21
hallynrbasak: as I say, I also don't mind adding a 'container.mount_root(target)' api bit, I just fear people will misunderstand/misuse it13:21
hallynrbasak: /var/lib/lxc/$name/rootfs being 0700 is not the problem13:21
hallynthe problem is it's not unconditionally the rootfs :)  actually lxc doesn't make it 070013:22
rbasakIt's not 0700. It's 0755.13:22
rbasakRight. I'm just observing that it's 0755 and wondering if it's an issue that unprivileged users can get there in the first place.13:22
hallynEh, if you wanna keep that stuff secret you can also use /usr/share/lxc/hooks/mountecryptfs :)13:23
hallynstgraber: do you think a 'container.mount_rootfs(target)' would be a useful api extension, or lead us to trouble with people who expect the container's mountall to also have run?13:24
stgraberhallyn: hmm, I can think of a lot of corner cases and relatively few use cases for it, do you (or someone else) actually have a need for it?13:26
hallynstgraber: rbasak wants to watch for a file to be created in the container that shows the container is booted13:26
stgraberhallyn: and he wants to double-mount the rootfs for that? won't that cause possible fs corruption?13:27
rbasakstgraber: I was proposing a bind mount. I don't mind how to achieve this, but I need to bring up an lxc container and then do stuff in it automatically (and then tear it down). I'm working on adt-virt-lxc.13:28
rbasakI was having problems with /tmp being cleaned after I was already using it.13:28
stgraberrbasak: /proc/<pid>/root/...13:28
stgraberrbasak: note that lxc-attach should also be working now (if your kernel is >= 3.8)13:29
rbasakYeah, hallyn pointed me to that, and I'll use it now. Though awkwardly I need to be root for that, and I was calling sudo lxc-* as a normal user, so I can't do it without calling sudo, which means that I can't reach /proc/<pid>/root programmatically.13:29
rbasakUsing lxc-attach heavily, thanks :)13:29
hallynstgraber: not sure about fs corruption...  i wouldn't think so.  But with overlayfs I'm actually not sure, it just may :)13:33
rbasakhallyn: AIUI, a bind mount will be fine, but perhaps trying to mount everything again won't. There should be no problem doing a bind mount though, right?13:34
hallynbind mount of what?  You actually can't cleanly bind mount from the /proc/$pid/root, unfortunately.13:41
hallynrbasak: at this point you might be better off setting up a rshared directory and doing an lxc-attach mount into there...  not sure if that would work or not13:42
hallynwell, at least you could set up the rshared dir before starting up the container, use /var/lib/lxc/$container/fstab to mount it into the container, lxc-attach into the container to bin-dmount /var/lib/cloud into it, and then watch there.  that *should* work13:43
hallynbut not sure you're willing to do that :)13:43
hallyn(and if you are, i'd have to play a bit to see about making it work)13:43
rbasakhallyn: bind mount of whatever you're mounting with container.mount_rootfs(target)!13:46
rbasakAnyway, I have a path forward now, so I'll get on with that. Thanks very much for the help and the discussion.13:47
meh3hey guys, i have a little issue with my ipv6 on my server, im still learning about iptables and so on, if someone check this out http://paste.ubuntu.com/5911219/13:55
meh3is this blocking ipv6 connections?13:55
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andolmeh3: ip6tables is the command you are looking for.13:57
rbasakmeh3: probably not, though I'm not certain. iptables happens at layer 3 and only for IPv4, AFAIK. If you want to block IPv6 by MAC address, then as andol says you want ip6tables.13:59
hallynrbasak: stgraber: mind you other people are doing things like that to watch for container 'boot finished' state.  I don't recall offhand how they do it.14:06
stgraberhallyn: one solution I discussed on the mailing list a while back was bind-mounting a socket over /dev/lxc and then writing to that14:06
hallynyeah if rbasak actually has a specific use case for it this might be a good time to work on whatever support we need to solve it generally14:07
hallyni guess all we'd need for that is mknod + an added entry to /var/lib/lxc/$c/fstab14:07
rbasakFor the boot-finished case, how about the lxc package provides a tool for that? Or something added to lxc-wait? I realise this is specific to containers running cloud-init, but I think that's a common enough case.14:08
hallynwe can't "just add" something to lxc-wait, we'd need conventions respected by distro userspaces14:09
hallynto use stgraber's suggestion,14:10
hallynthe template could be asked to create /var/lib/lxc/$c/bootsock, and add an entry to mount that onto container's /dev/lxc,14:10
hallynthen user is responsible for having userspace write 'booted' to /dev/lxc when done14:10
hallynif we go that far then i suppose we could hack lxc-wait to watch that file14:11
rbasakThat sounds good14:16
hallynrbasak: the /proc/$pid/root one, i'm not sure that's actually reasonable after all.  But I"ll keep it open as we think about it.14:37
rbasakhallyn: I don't follow. What aspect isn't reasonable? As a means of accessing the rootfs of a container from the host? Its permissions? Or something else?15:08
rbasakhallyn: oh, just seen the bug. You mean the symlink proposal?15:09
hallynit's sort of institutionalizing a hack.15:10
rbasakI see. Fair enough. As long as we can access it somehow.15:10
rbasakThe hack could be replaced without changing the interface in the future, perhaps?15:10
hallyni just wanna let it sink in for a bit :)  please do keep prodding me on it from time to time (both this and the /dev/lxc boot completion detection)15:10
rbasakIt is really useful to be able to get to the container fs. Not just for boot-finished, but for vim/less and other tools as well.15:10
rbasakWill do - thanks.15:11
rbasakI appreciate that we want to think about it. No problem - it's not blocking me.15:11
rbasakDon't want to introduce an interface that we later regret and get stuck with it.15:11
hallynespecially now that we're approaching 1.0 and won't feel as free to abuse the users :)15:11
hallyncool - tty15:12
rbasakBTW, whatever the solution is, I'd really like it to be available (mounted, symlink, whatever) by default, or have a tool to make it available using just the container name. That way tools that use lxc can make use of it and all the user has to do is provide an lxc container name to clone (or start-ephemeral) from. Without having to arrange it in a special way.15:13
rbasak(without having the *user* from having to arrange it in a special way)15:14
theazmanHey, anyone here familiar with amanda backup? I am trying to restrict the program from reaching hosts connected via wifi, haven't found a way to do it in the program. Is there a way to restrict that program from reaching hosts via wifi, while still allowing users connected via wifi to reach the server?15:21
hallynzul: pushing a libvirt package based on 1.1.0 hourly tarball to ppa:serge-hallyn/libvirt-mav, fwiw.  Was quite trivial, just some patch wrangling to do.  Might save you 30 minutes on 1.1.0 merge (when that's released in 1-2 weeks)15:32
hallynhm, i didn't add the apparmor fix for audit_write.15:33
hallynanyway hopefully it fixes the memleak.15:33
zulhallyn:  ok ill have a look monday (tearing down a house today)15:49
SiebjeeHi all, i'm wondering where ubuntu is storing its old installation if you have re-installed ubuntu but stated that you didn't want a format while leaving the old data intact16:20
jsonperlPatrickDK: tried some more stuff that seemed to make sense… I set open file limits to 999999 since it seemed maybe hanging connections + current connections might use up the 102416:21
patdk-wkI didn't break it16:21
jsonperlthen I changed these sysctl settings http://pastebin.com/4CgcDgT816:21
jsonperlThen I STILL saw the issue with pretty low connection count last night SAD FACE16:22
jsonperlSysRq show blocked state output… Am I correct that nothing is blocked here? http://pastebin.com/NJ44MKrh16:30
pagecubuntu 12.04 trying to install smbldap, i download and ran the script smbldap-config.pl and i get this error: "Can't exec @PERL_CMD@ at ./smbldap-config.pl line 1." Perl is installed, anyone know what to do to fix it?16:43
jsonperl_Does anybody know what the * (asterisk) line is in "ss -s" output17:22
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jsonperlLike what is the 1600 line up top?? http://pastebin.com/4tbVzG9v17:38
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RoyKjsonperl: not sure, but I guess it's whatever's not listed in the other categories17:42
patdk-wkdunno, for unix sockets, I get 13817:42
patdk-wkfor ALL I get 22317:42
jsonperlIt's strage, it's always 0 for me except in my "I'm having a problem" snapshots17:42
patdk-wkbut for * it lists 28517:42
patdk-wkTotal: 221 (kernel 285)17:43
patdk-wkthat first line is more important than *17:43
jsonperlYep, which is low(ish)… It just seems like a clue17:43
jsonperlsince it's really high on problem servers17:44
patdk-wkthis is from an ftp server17:44
patdk-wkweb server: Total: 218 (kernel 233)17:44
patdk-wksyslog server: Total: 289 (kernel 395)17:45
sarnoldpatdk-wk: he's got a fairly popular game server running17:45
patdk-wkI know17:45
sarnoldokay :) hehe17:45
patdk-wkso should be likely kindof like a webserver17:45
jsonperlwow kernel 1600 in that paste17:45
jsonperlIt is and isn't17:45
jsonperlconnections are persistent17:45
patdk-wkwell, long keepalive :)17:46
jsonperlNo reverse proxy :(17:46
patdk-wkno idea how you got so many kernel sockets17:46
patdk-wkthat sounds like an issue17:46
jsonperlIt does17:46
patdk-wkor maybe that is just all your threads17:46
jsonperl294 threads from the games servers total… no more no less17:47
patdk-wkI don't have anything that does a lot of threads, other than apache17:47
patdk-wkand even there, it's not insane17:47
jsonperlMain thread, + 20 workers17:47
jsonperl14 servers17:47
jsonperlThis looks suspicious though right??17:48
jsonperlNow i wanna dig into the source of ss… i doubt i'd understand it17:49
patdk-wkkernel is slabstat.socks17:55
patdk-wkTotal: 1141 (kernel 1265) (my desktop machine)17:57
jsonperloh yea: printf("*  %-9d %-9s %-9s\n", slabstat.socks, "-", "-");17:57
jsonperlwhat the crap is slabstat17:57
patdk-wkusing nfs?17:57
patdk-wkslab is kernel memory allocator17:57
patdk-wknot sure what socks are for slab17:58
sarnoldthe kernel memory allocator tries to know the exact sizes of kernel memory objects, so it can keep tightly-packed ranges of memory available for use for those specific objects again17:59
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jsonperlbtw, using jemalloc now18:00
patdk-wkthat doesn't affect kernel18:00
sarnoldwhen a new memory object is required, the kernel can re-use old objects that are the right size and perhaps even partially constructed already..18:00
patdk-wkdump an output of /proc/slabinfo18:01
patdk-wka broken one would be interesting18:01
jsonperlServers are fine now18:01
jsonperlk, just cat the whole thing to a file?18:01
sarnoldslabtop output might be more readable18:01
jsonperlya slabtop?18:01
jsonperlaiight, added to my oh shit script18:02
patdk-wknot slabtop I hope18:03
patdk-wkit's not very scriptable :)18:03
jsonperlthat puppy looks interactive18:03
patdk-wknot sure I have ever had a slab issue18:04
patdk-wkI know I have had issues before the kernel added slab into it18:04
jsonperlI'm still teetering on upgrading to 3.8 kernel18:04
jsonperli feel like that's kinda last ditch18:05
sarnoldheh, pre-slab is -ancient- :)18:05
jsonperlthis feels like a networking issues (settings or something)18:05
patdk-wkyes, my active kernel hacking was ancient18:05
patdk-wkI was big into hacking on 2.018:05
patdk-wkalittle less on 2.218:05
patdk-wkand pretty much died on 2.418:06
sarnoldman things were easier in 2.0 :)18:07
patdk-wkI loved using that qnx scheduler back then18:07
patdk-wkstill wish I could use it today18:07
patdk-wknot motivated enough to hack it in though18:08
jsonperlPatrick did you look at those sysctl settings i changed?18:08
jsonperlSeem aiight?18:08
jsonperlI feel like we might be hitting the open file limit still… the numbers just look about right18:09
patdk-wkdid you add ulimit to the script startup?18:10
jsonperladded soft  nofile  999999, hard  nofile  999999 to a conf file in limits.d18:11
patdk-wkoh, I never touch that18:11
jsonperlshould accomplish the same goal right?18:11
patdk-wkdunno, I don't know enough about limits.d18:12
patdk-wkI don't even have a limits.d18:12
jsonperlulimit -a => open files                      (-n) 99999918:12
jsonperlit's in security18:12
sarnoldThe limits.d stuff will only be applied if pam_limits is somewhere in the PAM stack used to start those processes...18:13
jsonperlSo maybe that's the issue… it's still seeming to hit it18:13
patdk-wkusing ubuntu startup scripts, I'll just add ulimit into /etc/default/x18:13
patdk-wkif you own startupscript, just add it right before you launch your app18:14
sarnoldjsonperl: check lsof or fuser output, I strongly doubt you're hitting nearly-a-million in a single process...18:14
patdk-wksarnold, he means hitting the default of 1025418:14
jsonperlNot a milion… but certainly the default18:14
sarnoldpatdk-wk: ah, okay18:14
sarnoldnote upstart has nice limit stuff built-in too, no need to do the shell approach: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#limit18:15
jsonperlhmm i'll do that18:15
jsonperli LOVE upstart btw18:15
jsonperlso awesome18:15
sarnoldonce I found the .override files, my opinion of upstart improved drastically :)18:15
jsonperlI tried to install it on debian a while back… what a fiasco18:15
patdk-wkoh? .override?18:15
sarnoldit should be better now18:15
patdk-wkin my upstart, I added ulimit to pre-start18:16
sarnoldpatdk-wk: an easy way to keep tasks from starting, or changing their start conditions.. http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#override-files18:16
sarnoldway easier than managing the huge pile of sysv-init symlinks :)18:16
patdk-wkno fun, I liked, mv /etc/init/x /etc/init/.disabled/x18:17
jsonperlso i run the game as the deepworld user18:17
jsonperlif i "sudo su - deepworld -c 'ulimit -a'" and it report 999999, shouldn't that mean I'm good18:18
sarnoldIF whatever mechanism you use to start the deepworld applications also runs through the PAM stack, and the pam.d/whatever file in question calls on pam_limits, yes18:19
* patdk-wk notes sudo uses the pam stack18:19
jsonperlHmm, ok. I gotta go read about the PAM stack18:20
patdk-wkor well, su does18:20
patdk-wkeasier test18:20
patdk-wkadd ulimit -a to your startup script :)18:20
patdk-wkand see what it says18:20
jsonperlok good idea18:20
sarnold.. but upstart may not. start-stop-daemon or whatever you use to start the program from initscripts may not. cron will, but it may not include pam_limits ...18:20
patdk-wkguess when the packages upgrade, I'll roll over to .override files18:30
jsonperlKICK ASS: open files                      (-n) 102418:35
jsonperlGood idea patdk (about adding ulimit -a to startup script)18:35
patdk-wkthere are bug reports about limit being broken in upstart for 12.04, can't tell if it was fixed for 12.04 or what18:42
jsonperlone way to find out :)18:43
patdk-wkhmm, next dovecot/postfix releases, I'll have to rework my init scripts some18:46
jsonperldidn't even run18:46
jsonperlinit: Failed to spawn deepworld-game-5000 main process: unable to set "nofile" resource limit: Operation not permitted18:46
jsonperlah no perms18:46
patdk-wkif this fixes it, you know what the real issue is? :)18:48
jsonperlToo many hanging connections18:50
jsonperlA noob trying to run an MMO?18:50
patdk-wkprogrammers ignoring error codes when calling functions18:50
jsonperlHow so18:51
sarnoldargh bane of my exisitence18:51
patdk-wkit would be helpful if they loged the error when attempting to open a file, and failed18:51
patdk-wkyour log would say, UNABLE TO OPEN FILE XXXX: ....18:51
jsonperlTo be fair, i've had a hard time parsing my logs… we jam way too much garbage into syslog18:51
jsonperlA problem I aim to fix shortly18:52
patdk-wkI have a syslog server18:52
patdk-wkit collects all the logs from everything and shoves them into mysql18:52
jsonperlWe do that to loggly18:52
jsonperlThat would be nice to have our own though18:52
patdk-wkthen I just have different things trigger email alerts, or browse the logs via webpage18:52
jsonperlDo you use any packages for that?18:53
patdk-wkwell, a long long time ago :)18:53
patdk-wkthere was php-syslog-ng18:53
patdk-wknow it went commercial to be named logzilla18:53
jsonperlupstart script run as root right?18:53
jsonperlby default18:53
patdk-wkI have been updating and maintaining it myself for a long time now18:53
patdk-wkshould be yes18:54
jsonperlPublish it :)18:54
patdk-wkwhile I have no issue making my customizations public18:54
patdk-wkit has no *installer*18:54
patdk-wkso isn't much fun to setup18:54
jsonperlWonder why it would have issues setting ulimits18:54
patdk-wkbut as I don't really set it up :)18:54
jsonperlHa, true18:54
patdk-wksetup does take some work18:54
jsonperlunable to set "nofile" resource limit: Operation not permitted, is that the bug you were talking about?18:54
patdk-wkdon't think so18:55
patdk-wkI couldn't track down the bug specifically18:55
patdk-wkjust saw people talking about it18:55
patdk-wkand it was reported18:55
jsonperlThere's a couple nice services on the market for centralized syslogs… loggly is <i>pretty</i> good, as is papertrail18:55
patdk-wkbut my search kept failing to locate it18:55
jsonperlWith the amount of moving parts I'm managing nowadays, I'm happy to let other people do the lifting on stuff like that18:55
patdk-wkI'm doing a few gigs of logs a day18:56
jsonperlyep, same18:56
jsonperlwell maybe 218:56
jsonperljeez thats a lot of logs18:56
patdk-wkmine is all email traffic18:56
sarnoldwow :)18:57
patdk-wkya, there wasn't too many solutions back in 2005 :)18:57
patdk-wkand it needed to be fast, for the day18:57
patdk-wktoday, it's not hard to log that much18:57
sarnoldlogging it isn't hard18:58
sarnolddoing something intelligent with the logs -is- hard :)18:58
patdk-wklogging it in a way, that was more useful to use than *grep*18:58
jsonperlIt'd be nice to throw it at elasticsearch or some REALLY fast full text engine18:58
patdk-wkand for back then, attempting not to overflow diskspace18:58
patdk-wkwell, the commerical one, supports sphinx18:59
patdk-wkI haven't added sphinx support in yet18:59
jsonperlyea, sphinx is good enough i spose18:59
jsonperlnear realtime fulltext search on logs, that'd be cool18:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 938669 in upstart "upstart jobs do not respect /etc/security/limits.conf" [Undecided,Invalid]19:03
jsonperlI'll drop the limits in cups.conf19:07
sarnoldjsonperl: oof, yeah, I can see how that'd be confusing. but what that bug report 'wants' is fundementally not how things work :) hehe19:12
jsonperlyep, makes sense… just thought it interesting19:12
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jsonperlpatrickdk/sarnold: i just slapped ulimit -n 999999 in the upstart file19:43
jsonperlworks like a chaaam, now we wait19:43
sarnoldjsonperl: how very odd. I'd have xpected the limit command to Just Work..19:44
jsonperlyou forgot the TM19:44
jsonperlupstart has its rough spots19:44
jsonperlbut i like it a lot mostly19:45
jsonperlthe devil you know...19:45
patdk-wkya, upstart got a lot better for me when I started adjusting all the start/stop on commands19:45
patdk-wkpostfix depends on dovecot being started (can't use lmtp/auth without it)19:46
jsonperlyep, the whole chained startup thing is great19:46
jsonperlOur architecture relies on it a lot19:46
patdk-wkoh wait, that machine is still 10.0419:46
patdk-wkit probably doesn't have any limit support, let alone broken suppport :)19:46
patdk-wkall other machines have been upgraded19:47
patdk-wkbut highly used mailservers are always last and most scary19:47
patdk-wknot scary cause it will break, just people get pissy it's down19:47
jsonperlsarnold: bout the "Just Working" I was getting permission issues, which didn't make sense, I punted19:47
sarnoldjsonperl: were those user jobs? or system jobs?19:47
sarnold(with the knowledge that I might be butchering the terminology)19:48
jsonperlsystem, meaning run as root?19:48
sarnoldI think so19:48
jsonperlthen yep19:48
sarnoldor at least started as root initially19:48
jsonperlI actualy sudo to the user in the script to run19:48
jsonperlsu rather19:48
jsonperlthe run as user stuff in upstart always seems to be more hassle than it's worth19:49
sarnoldaha, did you uncomment the limits stuff in /etc/pam.d/su ? that might have been another acceptable approach19:49
patdk-wkstill feel that is ugly way to do it19:50
patdk-wkmost likely to get forgetten about19:50
jsonperlit's less files to touch for me for sure19:50
jsonperlbut na, i'm just doing it in the server scripts i think19:50
jsonperlit works19:50
jsonperlnow to update a bajillion servers :/19:51
patdk-wkI really don't touch that stuff, unless I'm making a shell server19:51
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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sidneihallyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc/+bug/1205086 i think this might be up your alley20:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1205086 in lxc "lxc-net dnsmasq --strict-order breaks dns for lxc non-recursive nameserver" [Undecided,New]20:04
hallynor over my head :)20:11
hallynstgraber: ^ is the strict-order there (for lxc dnsmasq0 for a reason?20:13
=== Gasseus is now known as Rallias
hallynsidnei: would it be possible for you to post some sample configs?20:33
sidneihallyn: ok, let me fish out some snippets20:37
hallynsidnei: thanks.20:37
sidneihallyn: there, hope it helps20:43
streulmait's quiet here...21:29
RobHazWhat kinds of srvers can i have?21:37
RobHazIm having now, ssh, and samba + webserver21:38
RobHazwhat more can i have?21:38
streulmaRobHaz: mailserver ;)21:39
RobHazstreulma: Is there a doc how to set ip up?21:40
streulmafor Ubuntu Server 12.04 ? yes21:40
streulmaRobHaz: https://www.exratione.com/2012/05/a-mailserver-on-ubuntu-1204-postfix-dovecot-mysql/21:41
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