
UbuPhilluphi fanys18:18
fanyscan you tell me where I can translate the new shutdown dialog (that was introduced in Raring)?18:18
fanysit isn't translated in czech18:18
fanysI am member of czech translation team but I can't find it :/18:19
UbuPhillupfanys: let me see18:19
UbuPhillupfanys: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+lang/cs18:20
UbuPhillupfanys: okey?18:22
fanyswait, sorry, i've been out for a while18:23
fanysyeah, I am not talking about this, i can't find the right package to translate18:24
fanysi've looked to unity, but it isn't there18:24
fanysUbuPhillup: ping18:29
UbuPhillupfanys: pong18:29
UbuPhillupfanys: are you sure it is not in unity ?18:30
fanysi've searched through untranslated strings and it isn't there18:31
UbuPhillupfanys: maybe it is translated ? but not in raring18:31
fanysi am also using saucy and it is in English there, and as far as I know, our translation team leader didn't accept any translation since raring release18:32
UbuPhillupfanys: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/unity/+pots/unity/cs/236/+translate18:32
UbuPhillupfanys: write him an e-mail18:33
fanysthat's one of the strings, but it isn't in Raring/Saucy still, and I've recieved language pack update some days ago18:34
UbuPhillupfanys: and these 6 one can review https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-cs/+members#active18:34
fanysyeah, I know them, but that translation is approved for a long time18:35
fanysok, thanks, i'll write him18:38
UbuPhillupfanys: ;)18:39

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