
snap-lbrousch_: Ugh re: installing virtualbox for a demo00:03
Blazeixjrwren: happy to be a hero :) the js chunking function?00:23
jrwrenBlazeix: yes. my brain just fails at that op.01:13
jrwreni couldn't come up with it in python on my own.01:14
jrwrenbut I can port that reading the js in 5min or less :)01:14
rick_hhah, go Blazeix go!01:33
brouschchromecase or chromecast?02:16
snap-lhowdy from our deck observatory02:42
snap-llooking at stars with a glass of merlot02:42
brouschDoesn't that make them all reddish?02:55
snap-lGood morning13:10
snap-lrick_h: Bookie isn't displaying bookmarks13:15
rick_hsnap-l: ruh roh14:04
rick_hsnap-l: it is here ?14:04
rick_hanyone else not getting bookmarks on https://bmark.us ?14:13
snap-lI think it was a caching issue14:16
snap-lhad problems getting one of the yui components14:16
snap-lSeems to be working now14:16
snap-l(flushed cache, etc)14:16
rick_hsnap-l: ah, might be. I did update the JS recenly and I forgot to increment the combo loader counter :(14:16
* rick_h goes to do that and restart14:16
rick_hsnap-l: thanks, I edited the wrong .ini file. Forgot it was moved from production.ini to bookie.ini a while ago. :/14:19
rick_hsnap-l: updated, shouldn't have any issues now14:19
snap-lNo worries. Glad it's a simple fix. :)14:20
snap-lThose are aways the best / most frustrating. :)14:20
rick_hyea, automate as much as possible, but still always some manual deploy steps to forget14:21
rick_hbye the way, new coffee grinder rocks! best at home coffee I've made yet. Helped it was waking me up at 4:45am though.14:21
snap-lI know you were hoping for something like "well, it's unfortunately a break-down in the current Turing model of computing where if we try to go beyond the boundaries of NP-Completeness it completely breaks down"14:22
snap-l"Perhaps if we move to a trinary computational model and a modified Turing machine this won't be a problem"14:22
snap-l"We'll have to wait for the mathematicians and theorists to catch up"14:23
snap-l"Or it could be that I didn't carry the one"14:24
widoxrick_h: what grinder did you get?14:41
widoxalso, bmark.us loads fine for me14:41
brousch1snap-l: Did you guys make an OVA for Bookie sprints?15:01
snap-lbrousch1: No.15:12
snap-lI tried installing in into a LXC container, and we ran out of time15:12
snap-lNuts. Looks like smtplib can't use a "with ..." statment because it doesn't implement __exit__.15:21
rick_hbrousch trying to get it to work sans vm in offline mpde but ran into a couple problem15:24
rick_hwidox got a kitchenaid monster grinder.15:25
brousch1But wouldn't LXC containers limit it to only people running Linux?15:25
rick_hbrousch,well the idea was that all the python would be offlone/pprtable.15:26
rick_hand bookie won't run on wondows anyway.15:26
rick_hso issue is mac vs linux sysdeps15:26
snap-lrick_h: maybe we could create a .ova image just in case15:26
snap-llast resort sort of thing15:27
rick_hsnap-l: definitely.just running out of time.15:27
snap-lI'll see if I can get one going tonight / tomorrow15:28
rick_hwill hopefullyget some time tonight15:28
rick_hwhat time we zle15:28
snap-lI took tomrrow off so I'll have some morning time15:28
rick_herrr time are we leaving?15:28
snap-lrick_h: Haven't discussed it. :)15:28
snap-lBut We're pretty open to anything after noon15:28
snap-l(at least I think we are. :) )15:29
snap-lstandard disclaimers apply15:29
rick_hwhy i bring it up :-P15:29
snap-lvoid where prohibited or where it'll get me in trouble. :)15:29
rick_hok planning on leaving mu house noon then. lunch before or on the road?15:30
brousch1I'm using lubuntu on my kivy vm. It's pretty small and snappy in a VM15:30
brousch1install vim and gedit and it's useful for actually working15:31
jrwrenwhat is lubuntu?15:31
rick_hbrousch: yea this never works out. im shootin fir 4g coverage.15:32
rick_hweve got shared network access practiced at chc15:32
jrwreni'm not sure if I've been using lubuntu or xubuntu, but it works great.15:32
jrwrenwindows like keybindings under alt-space menu. I feel right at home.15:33
jrwrenhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit write-mime-multipart link is broken :(17:43
jrwrensmoser: you are my coding hero of the day. cloudinit is awesome.19:51
smoserthat means a lot to get a coding hero of the day award from one jrwren19:52
smoserthe thing i'm most proud of recently (today) is that you can now use cloud-init on Microsoft Azure !19:53
brousch1smoser: Seriously. You might as well retire now. You  have reached the pinnacle of excellence.19:53
jrwrensweet. I just might do that sometime soon.19:53
snap-lI <3 when tests make me rethink how I'm calling my code19:56
jrwrentest driven design at its finest.19:59
brousch1Any clue what this means while pushing to github? http://pastebin.com/vSUZibWZ20:06
snap-lEither you or github ran our of space20:07
brousch1Now it worked20:07
brousch1I have plenty of space20:07

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