
knomeelfy, can you update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/Alpha2/Xubuntu10:26
knomeochosi, ping12:26
knomebug 120448612:27
ubottubug 1204486 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "Unable to select alternate languages at login screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120448612:27
knomeochosi, also, theming fail: http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/saucy_testing/bug_greeter_shutdown_popup.png12:32
knomeochosi, and don't tell me i didn't inform you well before the finel release. :)12:33
bluesabregotta go, be back way later12:44
knomehave fun12:45
jjfrv8Hi, knome. I just did a MP for the P docs with the three suggested changes from the reviewers.13:59
knomejjfrv8, cheers!14:38
knomei'll look at the MP in a minute14:53
knomejjfrv8, "next paragraph" isn't really accurate14:55
knomejjfrv8, i would be more comfortable with "subsection" or so14:56
jjfrv8knome, yeah, I puzzled over that one for a while. Thought about making it a link, but it was too close. I can make it "subsection".15:00
knomeif you would do that, would be cool15:01
knomei'm happy with the other stuff and can merge once you re-submit the MP15:01
knomeMP, NP, ... :)15:02
jjfrv8knome, MP with revision is up there.15:22
knomejjfrv8, now that we use the term subsection, what do you say on removing "next" ?15:26
jjfrv8That's better.  Will do.15:27
knomebtw, did you know you could've just updated the same branch and re-submit the same MP?15:39
jjfrv8No, did not know that. Will try to remember that for next time.  Thanks.15:40
knomeif you want, you can try that now15:40
jjfrv8repushed and resubmitted15:47
jjfrv8Shall I delete the two unnecessary MPs?15:50
knomeapproved, merged and pushed to main branch15:51
jjfrv8Okay, I think it's all cleaned up15:58
knomeyup, awesome15:58
jjfrv8Sorry for the extra work15:58
knomeabsolutely no problem15:58
jjfrv8Gotta go now, day job is calling. But I am working on getting an irc server set up.15:59
knomeokay, have fun15:59
knome(and you can also ask pleia2 for a shell if you want to go the easier way)15:59
jjfrv8I don't know all the pros and cons of the different ways of doing it but I don't want to have to leave my desktop running all the time16:01
knomesure. using pleia2's server will allow you that16:01
knomebasically, it's the same as setting up or buying a shell16:01
knomeexcept you don't set up anything and it's free.16:02
ochosiknome: what version of the greeter is that? 1.6?16:02
knomeochosi, whatever is in saucy16:02
ochosi(and: what version of greybird)16:02
ochosicause that bug has been addressed in git16:02
knomeno git stuff, just what's in saucy16:02
knomewhich one?16:02
knomethe theming, or the lock-fail?16:02
ochosithe shutdown-dialog theming16:02
knomei was hoping the other :)16:03
knomebut okay.16:03
knomei'll not file a bug about that then (i thought you'd know about it by now)16:03
knomedo you think you could get working on the locking issue soon?16:03
ochosiwhat locking issue?16:04
knome(we will release alpha 2 with that bug in, but would be great if that was solved by betas)16:04
knomeochosi, bug 120448616:04
ubottubug 1204486 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "Unable to select alternate languages at login screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120448616:04
knomeochosi, see my comments on the bug16:04
ochosiyeah, didn't know about that one16:05
ochosibluesabre: seems we have to fix a greeter-bug ^16:05
knomeawwh, the news tell that a bird in finland has 1000+ fans on facebook16:06
knomenews fail16:06
knomeyes, a single unit of bird, not a species16:06
lderana popular bird then16:26
ochosimaybe Greybird?16:26
knomehar har16:26
knomelderan, just some "orphan"16:26
lderanah one of those news stories16:27
knomeyup, that's why i referred is as a news fail :P16:28
knomeochosi, btw, in saucy, the lock screen was still xscreensaver...16:34
knomeochosi, are you going to get the lightdm lockscreen in?16:35
ochosiknome: yeah, i'm not surprised. so far we've only done a dev-release of light-locker16:35
ochosiso far there are a few bugreports that we'll address in the first release16:35
ochosiand then we can get it in (with mr_pouit and micahg's help i hope)16:35
knomeochosi, good - if you miss 13.10 it's not too bad, but i'd *really* like to get that in for 14.0416:36
ochosimm, same here16:36
ochosihave you tested it yet?16:36
ochosi(there's a ppa)16:36
knomeochosi, was there some progress on the gtk-theme-chooser and the display dialog?16:36
knomeno, not yet16:36
knomeppa for raring or saucy?16:36
ochosidisplay-dialog is kinda up to mr_pouit 16:36
ochosiboth raring and saucy i think16:36
ochosicause the display-dialog hasn't seen a stable release (which would be xfce4.12)16:36
knomei might test it in saucy, unless you need some real hardware testing16:37
ochosinah, i guess both is fine16:37
knomeok, i'll do that the next time i run a test or so16:37
ochosigtk-theme-config is still on micahg's list (i hope)16:37
ochosicool, thanks16:37
knomeoki, great to hear there's something going on16:37
knomeneed to start pulling the strings together for 14.0416:37
knomewould love to have a totally integrated-looking system16:38
ochosisounds good :)16:40
elfyknome: this fail http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/299/builds/49672/testcases/1303/results can't be - we don't have usb-creator as a default app afaik - that's using a supposedly agnostic testcase - that testcase I have reported a bug against https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/119846617:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 1198466 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Live Session Testcase calls for Startup Disk Creator" [Undecided,New]17:05
knomeelfy, the persistence part needs that17:07
knomeelfy, see -quality, where i'm just discussing this in a more general tone with balloons17:07
elfyok - will do shortly 17:08
elfy'hopefully' I'm about 17:38
knomei'm back!18:23
elfyknome: I'm a bit tied up at the moment - but I'd like to try and sort out stopping things like a2 from disappearing - it'd great for ubuntu - but I'd love to be able to hold it for us - we have less testers18:25
elfyI know it used to drive me nuts when I was just testing - even worse now18:25
knomeelfy, disappearing in what sense?18:25
elfyrun out of time 18:25
knomeelfy, once we've marked stuff ready, you can't *report* more stuff18:26
knomeelfy, and marking things ready is the prerequisite of releasing18:26
elfyoic - so we could just not mark it? 18:26
elfyis it really that simple? 18:26
knomewell, no18:26
knomewe need to mark them ready..18:26
knomebut the good thing is18:26
knomeyou can always report against the saucy dailies18:26
elfyyea - I realise that and that a2 is just 'that' daily 18:27
knomemilestones live their own life and the point of marking the images done is to not make the release mangers life a pain18:27
elfymore thought needed here - though I guess next time as we participated we'll not get forgotten18:28
knomeelfy, the "Saucy Daily" milestone has the exact same images than alpha218:28
elfyI know :)18:28
knome(and same tests)18:28
knomethen just report against the daily! :)18:29
elfyyea 18:29
elfyperhaps I'm seeing issues were there isn't any 18:29
knomei'm thinking that's the case18:30
knomein the case we wanted more time for image testing for a milestone, we simply should ask for more time before the release manager releases18:30
knomeor request a respin if something is really brokwn18:30
knomethat way we'll get *some* additional time automatically18:30
elfyI'm possibly trying to apply methodology from work areas18:30
knomebut that also puts our testers under pressure18:30
elfyok - I'll worry less about that and more about other things :)18:31
knomethe alpha milestones in the tracker are just created to 1) get an image that isn't updated for X days 2) track where flavors are regarding releasing18:31
elfyI don't want to put any testers under pressure ;)18:31
knomewell sometimes a respin is the only/best option, but not this time18:31
knomethere were clearly bugs in the images, but not something we could have fixed today18:32
knomeso either we said "ok release anyway" or "we don't want to release, but go ahead with the rest"18:32
elfyyep - I get that, it's the X days ... if ubuntu have 500 testers - 5 days is great, loads of tests - if we have 20 testers then not so good 18:32
elfyis my position18:32
elfyI'm trying to find a way to get a bit more coverage on tests18:33
knomei told to "freeze" our images as soon as somebody asked when we wanted to do that18:34
knomejust start being noisy in #ubuntu-release X days before beta 1 about "freezing" our images again18:34
elfyhaving never done it - I was a bit at sea18:34
elfyyea - realising that now lol 18:34
knome(that also means all developers should deliver their stuff one week before the beta, so puts some more pressure on them - but not huge)18:35
elfytrying to find the balance is key18:35
knomeactually 1 week before is the beta freeze day anyway so the developers are expected that :P18:35
elfyI'm thinking that the 14.04 cycle will go much better - I'm not going to be learning as well18:36
knomesure :)18:36
=== holstein_ is now known as holstein
ganglere1I'm working on the post-installation test case. How do you test USB devices from within virtualbox?23:20
Unit193Need the extension pack, as far as I know.23:21
ganglere1vb extension pack?23:22
ganglere1I'm installing the guest additions now, we'll see if that does it.23:27
ganglereHad to enable usb controller in machine settings and add myself to vboxusers on the host, don't think I needed guest additions23:35
knomepleia2, dum dum...23:38
ganglereOk, so for "Post-installation (Xubuntu) in Xubuntu Desktop amd64 for Saucy Daily" everything ran flawlessly except that ubuntu software center crashed on the first try. It hasn't crashed since though. Should I go through the whole process again and see if it crashed on first launch?23:39
knomeif it crashed, it crashed23:39
knomereport a bug (no need to go back)23:39
ganglereOk, thanks.23:40

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