
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1180470] "Window title" text box disabled in Window-Specific Settings @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1180470 (by Ibrahim M. Ghazal)00:46
ScottKQuintasan: Better to do it for 13.10 than make the switch in an LTS cycle.04:04
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soeegood morning07:27
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Riddellwibble, amarok doesn't start for me11:20
Riddellor it starts but doesn't show anything on screen11:20
Peace-Riddell: do you use amarok?11:21
Peace-i mean like default audio player?11:21
Riddellwhat else would I use?11:21
jussijuk? :D11:24
Peace-Riddell: vlc11:24
jussi(ok, ok, I relent, I use VLC)11:24
Riddelldidn't that go out with the naughties?11:24
Riddellvlc doesn't have any playlist11:24
Peace-Riddell: sure it has11:24
jussiamarok is FAR too heavy for a simple media player11:24
jussiRiddell: it has, how far behind are you? :D11:25
Riddellit's not supposed to be a simple media player, it's supposed to let you rediscover your music11:25
RiddellI can go  vlc * in a directories with an album in and it'll play it11:25
Riddellthat's pretty limited11:25
Peace-Riddell: :D ok ok here it is :P http://wstaw.org/m/2013/07/26/plasma-desktopbS2257.png11:25
Riddellmm, no list there11:26
Peace-Riddell: do you mean this  list ? http://wstaw.org/m/2013/07/26/plasma-desktopgk2257.png11:27
Riddellany easy way to add things to that?11:28
Peace-Riddell: drag and drop11:29
Peace-Riddell: and my service menu vlc append11:29
jussiI find it mildly funny we are trying to get Riddell to switch to some non kde sw... :P11:36
Riddelldrag and drop from where? I want my collection on the right hand side11:40
Riddellhttp://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.10.97_saucy.html not bad not bad11:43
Peace-Riddell: on right you can see media library 13:01
Peace-left 13:01
shadeslayerScottK: http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2013/07/25/obama-promises-disappear-from-web/13:06
BluesKajHey folks13:12
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1195723] 13.10 Alpha-2 Plasma Netbook Interface has no favorites @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1195723 (by Marco Parillo)13:13
apacheloggerRiddell: eh, vlc has a collection13:13
apacheloggerand playlist13:13
apacheloggerand only resource support13:13
apacheloggerand upnp support13:13
RiddellPeace-: that's not a collection, that's a list13:18
Riddelltalking of music players, tomahawk crashing for me13:30
yofelwhat version of tomahawk?13:35
yofelI'll try to package 0.7 for the archive over the weekend13:35
apacheloggerRiddell: media library is not a list, well it technically is, except it's a media library...13:40
yofelhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-launchpad-branches/launchpad-buildd/trunk/revision/58 :O13:44
Riddellyofel: 0.6.0+dfsg1-0ubuntu313:46
shadeslayeryofel: hurray?13:46
shadeslayerno silly ~raring1 now13:46
yofelyep :)13:46
yofelRiddell: mhm, there's 0.7 in tomahawk/ppa if you want to try it13:46
* Riddell tries it13:48
shadeslayerhm, we don't compile kdelibs with -fPIE13:49
Riddellshadeslayer: what does PIE mean?13:49
apacheloggeryofel: 13:49
shadeslayerRiddell: Position Independent Executable13:49
shadeslayerRiddell: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Position-independent_code13:49
yofelapachelogger: wtf?13:50
apacheloggerI am tempted to think that qmake is even more shit than python13:50
Riddell"Started 20 hours ago"  holy guacamole13:50
Riddellapachelogger: everyone thinks that except the qmake maintainer13:50
yofelshadeslayer: isn't -fPIE default on amd64?13:50
shadeslayerweren't they switching to QBS13:50
shadeslayeryofel: I don't see it https://launchpadlibrarian.net/145471384/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-amd64.kde4libs_4%3A4.10.95-0ubuntu1_UPLOADING.txt.gz13:51
apacheloggerahhh, cancelled builds of course have no log13:51
shadeslayercmake does say that it has FPIE support13:51
shadeslayerbut g++ doesn't seem to be called with that?13:51
yofeloh, I mixed that up with fPIC13:52
yofelshadeslayer: looking at the gcc manpage, why would you *want* to build with fPIE?13:52
shadeslayeryofel: apparently Qt uses it for some reaon, and it seems to be useful for shared libraries?13:53
* yofel is clueless13:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Position-independent_code13:56
apacheloggerwhat about it13:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: any reason not to have it in kdelibs? ( seems to be a useful option for libraries? )13:56
apacheloggerask dfaure?13:57
Riddellyofel: tomahawk 0.7 crashes for me too13:57
shadeslayerwill do13:57
apacheloggerI personally do not see the benefit unless you actually manually do ASM somewhere13:57
shadeslayerare you saying Qt does ASM somewhere? :O13:58
apacheloggeran MMU pretty much solves waht PIC/PIE was meant to do originally13:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: I am actually reasonable certain qstring has asm bits13:58
* shadeslayer looks13:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtbase/blobs/HEAD/src/corelib/arch/qatomic_x86.h14:00
shadeslayerI see14:00
shadeslayerwell, makes sense then14:01
shadeslayerlets check if kdelibs has asm code14:01
apacheloggerjust ask dfaure or send a mail to kde-core-devel? :P14:01
shadeslayera bit of grepping shows  : ./solid/solid/backends/shared/cpufeatures.cpp:14:03
shadeslayer#define ASM_MOV_REG(reg1, reg2)   "movl   %%e"reg1", %%e"reg2" \n\t"14:03
apacheloggerPIC doesn't help that bit at all14:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: I see14:18
shadeslayerI'm not completly sure if it would be beneficial, just curious whether we should / should not enable it14:19
agateauanyone fancy testing wireless support in ubiquity?14:41
agateaucode is in lp:~agateau/ubiquity/kde-wireless214:42
agateaunot proposed for merge yet as it depends on lp:~agateau/ubiquity/nm-split getting in14:42
shadeslayerVBox doesn't have wireless stuff14:42
Riddellagateau: can it be run from a local installed machine?14:42
agateaushadeslayer: I was able to test it with a usb wifi adapter14:43
Riddellor does it need a live image?14:43
Riddellwhy a usb wifi adapter?14:43
agateaushadeslayer: by installing the closed-source extension14:43
Riddelloh in virtualbox14:43
agateauRiddell: yes14:43
agateauRiddell: you can test part the networkmanager widget from your local machine, but it's not exactly a complete test14:44
agateauanyway, it can be done with cd where/ubiquity/src/is ; PYTHONPATH=$PWD python3 ubiquity/frontend/kde_components/nmwidgets.py14:44
agateauas root14:44
agateaufirst known problem is the entry in the sidebar is empty: it is waiting for a proper translated text. The text is declared in debian/ubiquity.template but I haven't looked into how to install that14:46
Riddellshadeslayer: you looking at it?14:56
shadeslayerRiddell: still branching14:56
shadeslayersomehow kio_file is screwed up14:58
shadeslayerI keep getting "Could not start process Unable to create io-slave:14:58
shadeslayerklauncher said: Error loading 'kio_file'."14:58
shadeslayerprobably because I rebooted in the middle of a upgrade :(14:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: that's why I said ask david or the mailing list....15:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: david has no idea15:15
shadeslayerwhich is a first for me :)15:15
shadeslayerwell, I'm seeing some minor video issues15:42
shadeslayerwhen the titlebar text changes, it is green for some duration15:43
Riddellnepomuk-core-runtime: postinst-must-call-ldconfig usr/lib/libnepomukextractor.so16:57
Riddellwhy does dh_makeshlibs not add that?16:57
Riddellis it the package name isn't libfoo?16:57
Riddelloh it'll be because it's unversioned17:03
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Riddell>ldd /usr/lib/libakonadi-kabc.so.4.11.0 statically linked17:10
Riddellwibble that's not supposed to happen17:10
* Riddell high fives himself over the amount of green on http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.10.97_saucy.html17:18
Riddellanyone able to test it? then I'll upload17:18
Riddell!testers | 4.10.97 in ninjas17:18
ubottu4.10.97 in ninjas: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56 for information.17:18
shadeslayerRiddell: what was wrong with kde-workspace?17:19
shadeslayerand I'm on OS X right now, can't test :)17:19
soeesaucy ?17:19
Riddellshadeslayer: that lovely kwin maintainer renamed some files17:20
Riddellsoee: yes17:20
shadeslayerI see17:20
soeetill the monday i dont have access to saucy17:20
soeeonly raring here17:20
Riddellshadeslayer: triator17:20
shadeslayerhey, atleast it's unix17:20
shadeslayerpoor agateau has to work on Windows :D17:20
Riddellhe does?17:20
shadeslayerQt patchery needs testing17:20
shadeslayerHe tests my patches on Windows, I test his on OS X17:21
Riddellwhat qt patches?17:21
shadeslayer"Add icons to QLineEdit context menu (via qstyle?)"17:22
shadeslayeroh on that matter17:22
shadeslayeragateau: doesn't the task say to do it via qstyle?17:23
Tm_Twith 4.10.95 packages, kubuntu-full is not installable17:48
Tm_Tlet's see what .97 says17:48
Tm_Taah no packages yet for ninjas17:49
Tm_Tfor raring that is17:49
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1194501] [ 4.8 Linaro regression] ICE on gcc-4.8 building kde4libs @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1194501 (by Scott Kitterman)19:02
soeehows the RC1 progress for rarring ?19:58
yofelsoee: it's in the beta ppa for raring20:10
* yofel will run the script for RC2 later20:10
soee4.10.90 is b2 ?20:12
yofelyes, .95 RC1, .97 RC220:12
soeeah so here on my laptom im on beta2 :) gonna upgrade now20:13
ari-tczewdebfx: ping21:12
yofelTm_T: I uploaded an updated kubuntu-meta to raring backports ppa that should fix that21:12
debfxari-tczew: pong21:22
ari-tczewdebfx: I've took a look on merge networkmanagement. the rest delta is this diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5916281/21:25
ari-tczewdebfx: is it important change or can we drop it?21:25
ari-tczewdebfx: ahhh, still one file changes are remaining: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5916298/21:31
ari-tczewthen it could be probably a merge21:31
debfxari-tczew: should be safe to drop that, but we also change some recommends to suggests21:33
ari-tczewdebfx: and what about the second url ?21:35
debfxhm not really sure21:36
yofelnot sure if all those headers should be there, but that's the solid stuff that was remove from kde-workspace 4.1121:40
debfxehm, is that the plasma-widget-networkmanagement package?21:45
debfxwe shouldn't install any header files there21:46
ari-tczewdebfx: so my 2nd paste should be dropped?21:54
yofelyes, but are those 2 desktop files really not needed?21:56
ari-tczewyofel, debfx: I have just installed networkmanagement from unstable and I don't see any difference22:36
yofelthe modemmanager stuff still works? (that's the only desktop file I'm worried about)22:39
yofelOther than that it's probably just the control file changes that are still needed and the merge should be done22:39
ari-tczewyofel: where can I find modemmanager?22:41
yofeluh, it's that mobile phone connection thing, I think? not sure22:42
ari-tczewyofel: I have normal wifi, I don't use modem / phone connection22:42
yofelI personally would keep those 2 files. Debian probably doesn't need them yet as they still have modemmanager in kde-workspace 4.1022:44
ari-tczewyofel: about d/control I've to make sure, but a part of them is already in Debian22:53
yofeltrue, what's kubuntu specific is 22:56
yofel+Suggests: kde-workspace-bin, network-manager-vpnc, network-manager-openvpn, 22:56
yofel+ network-manager-pptp, network-manager-openconnect22:56
yofeland the breaks/replaces against kde-workspace-data which is future for debian22:56
soeeis there something wring with networkmanager in RC1 ?22:58
yofelsoee: shouldn't be, why?22:59
soeeyofel, not on my laptop it disconnects me for a 2 seconds and connects again (atleast by icon status change i can assume that), last days i installed KDE on arch and there when downloading something big (heby network traffic)  whole plasma crashed23:01
soeethis might be coincident though23:01
ari-tczewyofel: conclusion: there is the whole remaining delta (d/changelog not included): http://paste.ubuntu.com/5916524/23:03
yofelfine I think. debfx ^ ?23:04
ari-tczewit has to be still adapted to current unstable rev. of course23:04
yofel(changelog and maintainer need to be kept as well ofc.)23:04
ari-tczewit's pre-merge23:05
debfxyeah looks good so far23:08
ari-tczewdebfx, yofel: should do I you both subscribe to merge bug?23:11
debfxyofel: of course installing desktop files without the corresponding binary (i.e. solid_modemmanager05.so) is not that useful ^^23:11
yofeleh, those are missing too?23:12
debfxari-tczew: could you please add that file to plasma-widget-networkmanagement.install?23:14
debfx(not related to the merge, but a fix for the last upload)23:14
* yofel builds to look at list-missing23:14
ari-tczewdebfx: which one?23:14
yofelnot goot -.- http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/knm_mm.png23:15
debfxari-tczew: usr/lib/kde4/solid_modemmanager05.so23:15
debfxyofel: it doesn't use dhmk so no list-missing23:16
yofelI'm still using the old pbuilder hook23:16
ari-tczewdebfx: how should do I describe this one in d/changelog?23:16
debfxfor example "Add missing solid_modemmanager05.so to the install file"23:17
debfxyofel: what does the hook do?23:17
yofeluse CDBS iirc23:18
yofeldebfx: http://paste.kde.org/p7b1a06c8/23:18
debfxcdbs? I hope we don't have cdbs-using packages anymore ;)23:18
debfxah ok23:19
ScottKSo we need a new hook that doesn't need it.23:19
debfxoverriding dh_install with --list-missing in networkmanager wouldn't be a bad idea23:20
yofel# list-missing files result:23:20
yofeland that's the only file that really should be installed so we're ok now23:20
debfxyou might be able to misuse dhmk in a similar way23:21
yofelrest is just dev symlinks23:21
* yofel checks what dhmk list-missing does23:22
debfxbasically create a list of files in debian/tmp, same for all debian/<pkg> and create a diff23:23
ari-tczewdebfx: the queue in *.install file is important? can I add this one just at the end of file?23:23
debfxso nothing really depends on dhmk being used23:23
ari-tczew(I mean now usr/lib/kde4/solid_modemmanager05.so)23:24
debfxit doesn't matter for the end result but I'd keep the lines sorted23:26
yofelhm, am I doing something wrong if I try to call the target with 'make -f /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/2/list-missing.mk list-missing'?23:28
yofelall I get is: make: *** No rule to make target `list-missing'.  Stop.23:28
debfxyofel: there is a "ifdef dqk_dir" in list-missing.mk23:31
yofelyes, there is. I'm tired -.-23:32
yofelhttp://paste.kde.org/pe6734594/ perfect23:33
* debfx copies that into his own set of hooks23:38
ari-tczewhmmmm, I run update-maintainer and it changes Kubuntu Dev. to Ubuntu Dev.23:52
ari-tczewis it correct?23:52
yofelno, update-maintainer only works for ubuntu, not us23:52

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