
bazhangwith what02:15
kdefI want to buy a keyboard with additional language on the keys.... only cheap one I found is a wireless bluetooth one...02:16
kdefit would be ideal but I don't know if bluetooth works well in ubuntu or not02:16
kdefany idea?02:16
bazhangwhich version02:19
bazhangthis channel is for support of 13.1002:20
kdefI don't know... I keep updating but02:31
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BluesKajHey folks13:12
smallfoot-Why there is no openness and transparency? You can see no details on what's new in Ubuntu alpha15:02
smallfoot-there are no news, notes, or anything15:02
smallfoot-Also why can't you search for saucy packages on packages.ubuntu.com?15:03
IdleOnepackages.ubuntu.com only shows released versions. people using saucy should be experienced enough to know they can use apt-cache search to search for packages.15:06
wilee-nileesmallfoot- The developments do not reach there until release15:06
IdleOneas far as release notes goes. Saucy is in alpha, things may work great or they can all explode in a moment.15:08
smallfoot-but why doesn't anyone fix packages.ubuntu.com so it works with unreleased versions too? any reason?15:08
bazhangthats not something that needs fixing15:09
smallfoot-I understand saucy is alpha, but in prior Ubuntu versions, there were always more information and release notes even on alphas15:09
IdleOneyes, because then users with less experience might start using saucy packages in raring15:09
IdleOnewhich is a bad idea15:09
smallfoot-why is that such a bad idea?15:09
bazhangrelease notes? release means...15:09
smallfoot-I remember 12.10 used to have release notes on alphas15:10
IdleOnesmallfoot-: mixing packages from different versions can cause unexpected behaviour and bugs15:10
smallfoot-IdleOne, then I think saucy packages should still be browsable, but it should be a <h1>Mixing packages form a different version can cause unexpected behaviour and bugs</h1> on the page15:10
IdleOnesmallfoot-: or experienced users can use the package managers and we don't have to risk users ignoring warnings15:11
smallfoot-If users ignore warnings, then that is their fault15:12
IdleOneI'll remember that next time you ask a support question :)15:12
smallfoot-Anyone running saucy ? How does it work?15:13
IdleOneyou can download the iso and test it.15:13
ikoniait's currently full of holes and all over the place. I'd advise you only play with it if you are very confident15:15
smallfoot-Yeah, but I was wondering if anyone can say "Noooo!! don't do it! don't even think about it, it crashes every hour" or say "I've been using it for months, its rock-solid"15:16
smallfoot-ikonia, I see! thanks! :)15:16
IdleOneThere is a big warning on the wiki that says " It works but may explode" <-paraphrasing15:16
IdleOnealso you have been testing +1 long enough to stop asking these questions every 6 months15:17
rymate1234hey guys15:17
smallfoot-hey, do you know who i am? :D15:17
smallfoot-hiya! :)15:18
rymate1234trying to get my wireless drivers from here https://code.google.com/p/realtek-8188cus-wireless-drivers-3444749-ubuntu-1304/ compiled on 13.1015:18
smallfoot-IdleOne, sometimes I've ran the alpha and beta and it been pretty bad, other times I've run and its been solid15:18
rymate1234however compiling nets me this error http://pastebin.com/28WYFHfp15:18
rymate1234how do I fix?15:18
ikoniathats not going to work with your current kernel at this time15:20
rymate1234what's the issue?15:20
ikonialooks like quite a lot of issues, the main one I see is a reference to a function in a header that's different to what it expects15:21
ikoniabut there are a few other errors that maybe worse (but no obvious) and a few warnings which may cause problems15:21
rymate1234so I just have to wait for a fix?15:21
ikoniawell, not-ones going to fix it unless you feed back to it15:22
rymate1234I have done15:22
rymate1234was just wondering if there was a way to fix iy15:22
rymate1234ah well15:22
ikoniaif you understand how it hooks into the kernel, it probably won't be that bad to change the reference it's making,15:23
ikoniabut that will need to be done either upstream or patched in the ubuntu kernel (doubtful)15:23
ikoniait could be worse though as I'm only just glancing through your paste15:23
rymate1234so could I potentially downgrade kernel?15:24
rymate1234or not15:24
ikoniaerrr why would you do that ?15:25
ikoniaI'm not aware of 13.10 offering lower kernel versions15:25
DreamPCsHey guys, anyone know how I can change the screen timeout settings (when it blanks the display) in Ubuntu 13.10?18:19
AmpelbeinDreamPCs: "Ctrl-A :" "idle off"18:22
brainwashAmpelbein: are you sure he is talking about (gnu) screen?18:25
Ampelbeinbrainwash: oh. My word, I think you are right. Heh.18:26
DreamPCsIn a terminal?18:28
AmpelbeinDreamPCs: I was thinking you were talking about the program "screen".18:29
DreamPCsOh sorry, no I mean X (or I guess Mir in Ubuntu 13.1018:30
AmpelbeinDreamPCs: I guess it depends on the desktop environment.18:30
AmpelbeinDon't know then.18:31
DreamPCsOk, thanks.18:31
AmpelbeinDreamPCs: A bit of googling unearthed http://askubuntu.com/questions/177348/how-do-i-disable-the-screensaver-lock-in-12-04 - does that work in 13.10 still?18:33
DreamPCsDamn that was it! Thanks Ampelbein18:33
DreamPCsI thought it was related to Mir and not Unity, I guess that's why I couldn't find any info on it.18:34
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