
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== das_plague is now known as prpplague
kz_Hi, I'm trying to cross-compile a C++ program for my PandaBoard ES runnig Ubuntu 12.04. My x86 workstation I want to cross-compile is 12.04 as well.04:15
kz_I installed 'g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf' and succefully cross-compiled and ran a helloworld program. But, I was not able to cross-compile a C++ program using libsdtc++. I get a error message saying "ld-linux.so.3" was not found.04:15
kz_But, I was not able to cross-compile a C++ program using libsdtc++. I get a error message saying "ld-linux.so.3" was not found.04:16
kz_I see the same file avaialble for "arm-linux-gnueabi" abi at /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/lib/ld-linux.so.3 but there is no such file for the hard-float abi.04:17
kz_How do I get a working C++ toolchain with stdc++ support? Is g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf broken? Thanks!04:17
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
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=== tassadar__ is now known as Tassadar_
=== prpplague is now known as das_plague
purezenHey guys..! I am unable to download the Ubuntu touch images for my Nexus 7 using the installer.. Also the site for images mentioned in the wiki is unreachable..17:11
purezenKindly provide me with links to the images for Nexus 717:11
Tassadar_purezen: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/17:17
purezenTassadar_, Thanks.. though what all do I need to get..?17:20
Tassadar_do you want to flash with fastboot?17:20
purezenTassadar_, I am a newbie to this..17:20
purezenTassadar_, Yep..:-)17:21
Tassadar_fastboot flash boot saucy-preinstalled-boot-armhf+grouper.img17:21
Tassadar_fastboot flash recovery saucy-preinstalled-recovery-armel+grouper.img17:21
Tassadar_fastboot flash system saucy-preinstalled-system-armel+grouper.img17:21
Tassadar_fastboot erase userdata17:22
Tassadar_(this will of course completly wipe your N7)17:22
Tassadar_and download also saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip17:22
purezenSure.. though what do I do with the '..-touch-armhf.zip'..?17:23
Tassadar_you flash it in recovery. Once you flashed everything in fastboot, use volume keys to select recovery and press power button17:24
Tassadar_that takes you to the recovery, and you flash the ZIP file in it17:24
Tassadar_I assume you have adb, right?17:25
purezenTassadar_, Yep..17:25
Tassadar_so once you're in recovery, send the ZIP file to the device with "adb push /path/to/your/downloaded/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.zip /sdcard/autodeploy.zip"17:26
Tassadar_then reboot, "adb reboot recovery", and it will install it for you17:26
Tassadar_btw, this does not work for you https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install :17:26
purezenTassadar_, Yes.. the installer is not working.. It is unable to obtain the images..17:27
Tassadar_there's "Manual installation" at the bottom17:27
Tassadar_it's bit different from what I just said to you, though17:27
purezenOh.. that was what I was about to follow.. after obtaining the images..17:28
purezenOh well..17:28
Tassadar_if you want to follow that, you need just the zip files and recovery17:28
purezenTassadar_, Well.. I would like to follow that..17:28
Tassadar_so, install the recovery in fastboot and then continue according to that guide on wiki17:28
purezenOk.. and what do I have to get for the 'two Raring daily build files' that it mentions..?17:29
Tassadar_are we looking at the same thing? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Manual_Installation says exactly what to get17:31
purezenYes.. but it says '.bootimg & img.gz'..17:35
Tassadar_no..it doesn't Oo17:36
Tassadar_you're not looking at wiki for Ubuntu touch you're looking at the desktop image's wiki17:36
purezenOh.. I was looking at N7's page..17:37
Tassadar_yes, that one is for the desktop image17:37
purezenTassadar_, Oh.. I didn't realize that..17:38
purezenIs that an outdated page btw..?17:39
Tassadar_it's a bit confusing, since N7 has two types of Ubuntu available17:39
Tassadar_purezen: yeah, a bit17:39
Tassadar_the images are a different place17:39
Tassadar_and they are not developed anymore17:39
Tassadar_*are in a different..17:39
purezenHmm.. well..17:39
Tassadar_depends on what you want - if you want touch, use that wiki, if you want desktop, I can point you to the images17:40
purezenTassadar_, No.. I do want the touch..:-)17:41
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== mythos is now known as Mithos
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=== Mitos is now known as mythos
=== das_plague is now known as prpplague

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