
=== Squirm- is now known as Squirm
inetprogood morning06:44
inetproHappy SysAdmin Day!06:44
not_foundhi inetpro06:46
not_foundare you a sysadmin?06:46
inetpronot_found: something like that06:48
not_foundwell happy sysadmin day to you then :)06:49
inetprothanks not_found07:03
magespawngood day all07:04
not_foundmagespawn:are you a sysadmin?07:06
magespawnwell i admin my own shops systems but not really07:12
SquirmHappy Sys Admin day :)07:12
magespawnahh i see it is sysadmin day07:12
not_foundyes, happy sysadmin day then to you too :p07:13
not_foundhappy sysadmin day uncle Kilos07:14
Kilosmorning not_found superfly and others07:15
Kilosrouter sees 3g and connects quicker than from the pc but pc cant go online as yet07:16
Kilosmilliams of settings in that thing07:16
Kiloshi magespawn 07:17
magespawnhey Kilos 07:18
magespawnKilos, did you leave your nm on the settings from before?07:29
Kilosnope i tried it on dhcp07:29
magespawnand you get an ip from the router i take it?07:30
Kilosi dunno where to see the ip it gives07:30
magespawnopen terminal and ifconfig07:30
magespawnor nm and connection information07:31
Vince-0gday gday07:32
Kilosand this morning the router wouldnt let irc even work here so i unplugged it again07:32
not_foundhappy sysadmin day Vince-007:32
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:32
magespawnhi Vince-0 07:35
Kiloswill read the book more when head calms down07:38
magespawncool beans, we are here to help if needed07:38
Kilosand niece came and gave me some of her geek study books07:40
magespawnreally, which ones?07:41
KilosSQL, i-NET, HTML4 etc07:41
Kilosbut from 2000 when she was studying07:41
magespawnyou going to be proper geek just now07:41
magespawnSQL is for databases07:42
not_founduncle Kilos is a proper geek!07:42
not_foundmariadb ftw?07:42
Kilosanyway when im offline im not trying to study but get the pc to see the 3g in the router07:45
magespawndoes the router see it07:45
Kilosya it connects smartly07:45
Kilosdidnt have to do anything07:46
Kilosdunno if i must use dhcp or manual settings07:46
Vince-0inetpro, thanks! although it seems I am more a noob end-user admin than a sysadmin07:47
inetproVince-0: well it's a massive field07:49
Kiloshappy any kinda day all of you07:49
Kilosmôre goosie07:49
inetprohello Kilos07:49
magespawnKilos i think dhcp should do it 07:50
Kilosty ill keep trying that way then07:50
mazalMorning everyone07:54
Kiloshi mazal 07:54
superflynot_found: I hear you know (of) Unit193?08:01
not_foundsuperfly: know of sure... why?08:02
not_foundspoken on IRC a few times08:02
superflyoh, he just wondered how I know you08:02
not_foundah :) he was mentioning in #ubuntuforums now that google thinks he knows me08:02
not_foundso it is your article that I +1'ed08:03
Kiloshi psyatw superfly 08:05
superflyhi Kilos08:06
psyatwhi Kilos08:07
magespawnhey superfly psyatw 08:08
psyatwhi magespawn08:08
psyatwhi Super08:08
superflyhi magespawn, psyatw08:10
not_foundsuperfly: so you know unit193 just by IRC too or some other stuff as well?08:20
not_foundsilly chrome/xp went belly up on me08:48
not_foundthanks uncle Kilos08:50
=== Vince_0 is now known as Vince-0
* not_found looks into PuTTY and Xming as a way to run a browser from my home PC on a remote system... hmmm... wonder if that would work?09:24
XethronMorning guys09:24
not_foundwell I now have Xming installed I also have PuTTY installed... now to go set up the home side of things...09:29
Kilos-hi Xethron 09:32
not_foundwb uncle Kilos-09:32
Kilos-ty the stupid router disconnects me09:32
Kilos-now moved it to usb adapter card09:33
Kilos-telkom tech will be here at 1am to do tests10:03
superflynot_found: I know Unit193 through IRC for one of my open source projects10:07
not_foundah ok thanks superfly... lost connection due to the wonderful world of XP10:12
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
KilosMaaz, convert 725 USD to ZAR10:17
MaazKilos: That didn't seem to agree with me10:17
not_foundMaaz: 725 usd10:18
Maaznot_found: Huh?10:18
not_foundnot_found: convert10:18
Kiloswhew for a fone10:20
not_found8,068.38 ZAR is the actual price10:22
not_foundbut this isn't just a phone...10:22
not_foundwell I paid 6,615.15 for my Galaxy S3 if I do the conversion (which I rather don't want to :p)10:23
not_foundbut my pledge for the Edge is only  5,830.38 ZAR so slightly better10:24
Kilosbut thats not enough to get one so what now?10:25
not_foundit was if you pledged within the first 24 hours / or the first 1250 pledges ;)10:26
not_foundoh and the total amount of pledges to date - 62,209,205.90 ZAR10:26
not_foundwhich is a lot but still a long way away from the needed 310,905,645.72 ZAR10:26
not_foundphew rand makes it sound a lot10:27
not_foundalso a couple of yen... 3,154,958,474.53 Yen to be exact :p10:29
superfly310 million Rand, or 3.1 billion Yen... Rand sounds better :-D10:37
not_found21 million British Pounds sounds the easiest :p10:41
XethronMaaz: Hello :)10:45
XethronMaaz: How are you today?10:45
MaazXethron: I already know stuff about How10:45
not_foundtime for a change... popping out of the chrome and into the warm and fuzzy on fire fox10:46
Xethronnot_found was not found10:46
magespawnmaybe hes is lost then10:53
magespawna friday reading xkcd every now and then has to be a friday well spent http://xkcd.com/838/11:33
not_found:'( for some reason this too is blocked by the company firewall... guess they don't have a sense of humour :p11:35
magespawnnot_found when you pledge to indigogo do they take the money right away?11:38
=== space_ is now known as Space
not_foundmagespawn: from what I read yes... but I have not seen anything go off from my Credit Card as yet (then again I haven't gone specifically to look) - they use Paypal so perhaps it is blocked there somehow.11:45
not_foundas I understand it they take the money and if the goal is not reached they re-imburse11:46
magespawnlike reserved funds when you hire a car etc11:46
not_foundperhaps... but it makes sense for them to freeze the needed funds so that they don't loose a couple of million in people who pledged but have no funds available...11:46
Cantidehi Kilos :)12:23
Kiloshi Cantide 12:23
Cantidehah! i greeted you first!! that is a difficult thing to achieve :p12:23
Kilosyo magedroid wassup12:32
Kilosno power?12:32
magedroidno out on the road using irrsi on the phone12:33
magedroidtrying something different12:34
Kilostelkom been at the tower looks like. been no connection for a while and i just got speedtest results here, but he aint got here yet12:34
KilosDownload Speed: 3161 kbps (395.1 KB/sec transfer rate)12:34
KilosUpload Speed: 182 kbps (22.8 KB/sec transfer rate)12:34
KilosLatency: 351 ms12:34
magedroidi have included data so i wan to use it before it expires12:35
Kilosi also gotta make plan before month end12:35
magedroiddownload is good12:35
Kilosis that good?12:35
Kilosi want more12:35
magedroidif it is stable12:36
magedroidsee if they can do something about the latency12:36
Kiloshopefully he gets here. was supposed to be here at 1pm12:37
magedroidand up the upload speed12:37
magedroidmaybe he is lost12:37
magedroidcity people get lost easy on farms12:37
Kilosthey got maps and gps's so maybe he just scared12:39
magedroidthat is also a possibility12:39
Kiloswhat is latency?  lag?12:39
magedroidyes (i think) under correction12:40
* mazal peeks in12:41
Kilosyo mazal 12:41
Kiloswie loer kry niks12:41
mazalEn wie gryp kry pakslae :P12:41
mazalSjoe I am so glad it's Friday , but soooooooooo much work this weekend12:42
mazalAt least it's my own stuff , so will be fun12:42
* not_found doesn't have the problems of working on week-ends... he doesn't have week-ends :'(12:43
Kiloslekker to have you here daily not_found 12:43
Kilosi wonder wassup with ThatGraemeGuy  today12:44
Kilosmy neelsie has returned to the fold12:44
mazalYou guys must enjoy your weekend12:45
mazalSal try inloer12:45
Kilosyou too mazal 12:45
mazalBye everyone12:45
not_found:p just found a way to get on-line while at work... it my change drastically again one day12:46
not_foundbut I have a plan of running a browser form my home PC on my work PC via SSH so that will be interesting ;)12:46
not_foundor I can run a termical IRC client... that should be easy too...12:47
not_foundfirst got to get everything IRC side sorted out at home...12:47
Kilosya good idea12:47
magedroidmaybe quassel?12:48
not_foundfirst issue is disabling passwords and only using Keys to authenticate with SSH seems complicated with PuTTY :/12:48
not_foundquassel isn't terminal based is it?12:48
magedroidnot the client12:49
magedroidmight be able to connect to the quasel server via terminal12:50
not_foundah or irssi or just run xchat from my desktop on this PC :p12:50
magedroidon irrsi on my phone at the moment12:51
magedroidsmall font is testing the eye sight12:54
Kilosyou need a tablet12:54
Kilosbig one12:55
Kilosold age catching up12:55
not_foundneed the ubuntu edge then you dock it and run the desktop ;)12:56
Kilos8ta way down on the list13:00
magedroidi am a bit of a techno cleptomanic, so i would like one just to say i have it13:00
not_foundlimited edition and all13:01
KilosMaaz, google what is 8ta LTE13:02
MaazKilos: "LTE - Telkom Mobile" http://www.telkommobile.co.za/lte/ :: "LTE - Telkom Mobile" http://www.telkommobile.co.za/coverage/lte/ :: "8ta LTE - MyBroadband" http://mybroadband.co.za/vb/showthread.php/514938-8ta-LTE :: "8ta LTE details revealed - MyBroadband" http://mybroadband.co.za/news/broadband/61752-8ta-lte-details-revealed.html :: "8ta's big LTE move |13:02
MaazITWeb" http://www.itweb.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=61488 :: "8ta offe…13:02
Kilosis LTE wifi?13:12
not_found3G on steriods13:15
* not_found goes gome13:15
Kilosgo well13:16
magedroidLTE will be nice but the problem of stable signal will still be around13:20
Kilosmy signal is normally very stable but dunno if they do lte out here13:21
magedroidat fish parents day, teachers are afraid to offend me.13:30
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
magespawnalmost home time for a friday14:11
Kiloshi Vince-0 14:21
magespawnbye all, home time14:22
Kilosgo safe magespawn 14:22
Kiloswb not_found 14:58
Kilosyou home now?14:58
not_foundyup uncle Kilos 15:00
Kilosso where is neelsie15:00
=== not_found is now known as nlsthzn
nlsthznbetter :p15:00
* nlsthzn needs to go get ready for Karate :( ah my sore body :p15:01
Kiloshi Squirm 17:49
Kiloswhew so long17:49
Squirmenjoying your friday Kilos ?17:56
Kiloskinda ty and you?17:57
Squirmhopefully going to get better17:59
Squirmbored :/17:59
Squirmbut leaving in a bit17:59
Kiloswhere ya going?18:00
Squirmlocal pub18:00
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:45
=== space is now known as Space
micadeyeye_Hello, please tell me who is the sys-admin for the Ubuntu mirror server in the UCT? 22:46
=== space is now known as Space

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