
RoflWaffle17Redramires, I haven't changed any of the monitor configurations...I even updated my nvidia drivers and evvrything00:00
redramiresctugt: What is an error?00:00
ctugtill be right back ill write it down00:00
jarcoafflicto, struggling at nearly the same try running sudo amdcccle in terminal and see what comes up00:01
redramiresRoflWaffle17: Try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/23869/could-not-apply-the-stored-configuration-for-the-monitor00:01
afflictojarco: yeah it worked :P00:02
jarcoDo all amd cards have the same fan speed problem as me? (fan runs full speed all the time)00:02
red22How can I make an entry in grub for my windows partition pls?00:02
jarcoafflicto, lucky you :)00:02
QTPieManis ubuntu forums coming back again?00:04
ikoniaQTPieMan: have you read the page ?00:04
QTPieManikonia, yup00:04
ikoniaQTPieMan: what does it say....00:04
QTPieManikonia, hmm is hacked00:04
afflictook so I was able to setup my 3 monitors using amdcccle. but when I rebooted I have only 1 monitor the other ones are completely white! -,-00:04
ikoniaQTPieMan: does it say they are re-installing it to restore service ?00:04
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radicalzebraanyone have trouble with ubuntu while using an iphone as a hotspot? for some reason my os crashes a lot in this configuration00:04
QTPieManikonia, hmm, is it gonna take a month?00:04
ikoniaQTPieMan: what does it say on the website00:05
QTPieManikonia, 2013-07-22: work on reinstalling the forums continues.00:05
ikoniaQTPieMan: right, so it says they are working on it, but doesn't set a date.00:05
QTPieManikonia, oh ok00:05
ikoniaQTPieMan: so therefore, if thats the information being provided how would anyone in this channel know if it's going to take a month ? (what a random time for you to ask)00:06
ikoniaQTPieMan: you really need to start reading information that is available to you,00:06
QTPieManikonia, ph pk00:06
ikoniaQTPieMan: ph pk ?00:06
QTPieManikonia, thats oh ok00:07
ikoniaI see00:07
varunendraQTPieMan, Here is an update thread : http://ubuntu-discourse.org/t/update-on-status-regarding-re-opening-the-forums/754/3600:07
QTPieManvarunendra, ok00:08
afflictoI think I'm gonna give up. I guess I'm gonna head back to windows 7. Or just lag around with open source drivers.00:08
sunshinejayis ther any antivirus for ubuntu?00:09
QTPieMansunshinejay, yup lots of00:09
QTPieMansunshinejay, but why do u need a anti virus?00:10
ikoniasunshinejay: no, there isn't00:10
guzzlefryThere should be... :P00:10
ikoniaguzzlefry: no, there shouldn't be00:10
QTPieManikonia, u forgot clamav :P00:11
guzzlefryHow are you supposed to scan email attachments for your mail server?00:11
ikoniaQTPieMan: no, I didn't00:11
ikoniaQTPieMan: that is not an antivirus for ubuntu - that is a mail scanner00:11
ikoniaQTPieMan: that is not antivirus for the OS - that is a mail scanner00:11
QTPieManikonia, ?? nope00:11
ikoniaas a file system scanner it's useless00:12
ikoniayou're welcome to use it00:12
QTPieManikonia, what about others?00:12
ikoniaQTPieMan: what others ?00:12
QTPieManikonia,  http://www.ossdoc.com/2013/02/top-3-antivirus-for-ubuntu-and-linux.html00:12
ikoniaQTPieMan: worthless00:13
ikoniaQTPieMan: not even "for linux"00:13
guzzlefryProbably shouldn't assume why he's asking about it. It could very well be for email scanning.00:13
OerHeksAvast stopped, by the way00:13
QTPieManikonia, i dont think we need a anti virus00:13
ikoniaQTPieMan: I know he doesn't00:13
ikoniaOerHeks: good, one useless product stopped00:14
QTPieManikonia, yup00:14
jarcoOk now I have the CCC working over here. But now the Control center is in german (linux language is English. Any solutions?00:14
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varunendraikonia, QTPieMan as far as I know, clamav uses same virus definition database as its windows version (which is also an "on-demand" scanner). And it does scan files and detects viruses. Only it's an on demand one.00:14
ikoniavarunendra: hence why it's useless00:15
Mkop1my computer just crashed 3 times in a row when trying to log in. eventually I decided to install lubuntu and managed to log in that way, but how can I debug what went wrong with that gnome/unity login?00:15
ikoniavarunendra: it's only good for scanning for windows virus, such as in email, which is why it's worthless to linux00:15
QTPieManheres everything clearly www.ossdoc.com/2012/11/do-we-need-anti-virus-on-linux.html00:15
ikoniathat's a pretty poor link00:16
QTPieManikonia, for scanning windows viruses :P00:16
ikoniaI'd stop recommending ossdoc.com - everything you post from there seems pretty weak00:16
QTPieManikonia, pk thanks for telling me00:16
QTPieManikonia, *ok00:16
guzzlefryThere are a few Linux viruses, nothing widespread though. >_>00:17
varunendraikonia, I agree with the lack of live part. But at least it solves the purpose most of the people need an antivirus for.... to save or protect windows. Those viruses are not going to do anything to linux anyway.00:17
QTPieManvarunendra, not wine WINE too :P00:18
varunendrawhat about wine?00:19
OerHeksMy best security tip is Backup your data.00:19
varunendragoes without saying ;)00:19
QTPieManusing a firewall is enough00:20
varunendraNot going to protect from "plugged-everywhere" usb drives ;)00:20
varunendrafirewall is a different thing with different purpose, QTPieMan00:21
QTPieManwell, programmers told me it isnt safe to use xampp, is it true?00:21
QTPieManvarunendra, i told that is "enough" to mess with security00:22
OerHeksxammp is not supported here, use lamp00:22
jkitchenis there a way to prevent certain files from being added during package installation? I want to install the libvirt-bin package but do *not* want it to install the default network and stuff.00:22
QTPieManOerHeks, not supported here means?00:22
kgreeneDoes anyone have experience with taking apart the screen of a System 76 Pangolin Performance laptop? I can't access the bottom screws, and was wondering if anyone had advice00:23
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.00:23
OerHeksthere is a factoid for it00:23
varunendrajkitchen, unless it is a metapackage, it should only install the packages that are its dependencies.00:23
QTPieManOerHeks, ok00:24
varunendrakgreene, maybe try #hardware00:24
kgreenevarunendra, thanks00:24
jkitchenvarunendra: talking about config files, not packages00:24
OerHeksQTPieMan, it is good to make a honeypot00:24
varunendranp :) kgreene00:24
QTPieManOerHeks, sudo tasksel install lamp-server will be "sudo apt-get install lamp-server^"00:25
jkitchenvarunendra: the libvirt-bin package installs some gunk in /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default which I don't want, nor need00:25
jkitchenand since it starts the service upon package installation as well, it starts up the services associated with said gunk00:25
OerHeksQTPieMan, yes, tasksel has some nasty bugs, when you want to remove things00:26
varunendrajkitchen, then I've no idea. If you know the exact location of files, and if they are just configuration files, you can backup-->restore them though.00:26
jkitchenvarunendra: backup-->restore?00:27
QTPieManOerHeks, hmm00:27
varunendrajust copy the config files then restore (overwrite) them after installation. But only if they are pure config files.00:27
ubottuTasksel is a Debian/Ubuntu tool that installs multiple related packages as a co-ordinated "task" onto your system, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel for more information. Use tasksel only to INSTALL tasks, not to remove them. It will remove every package listed within the removed task! see https://launchpad.net/bugs/57428700:28
QTPieMani came to know apt-fast is slower00:28
jkitchenvarunendra: ahh. perhaps I'm not being clear :) I don't want them to show up in the first place due to them being actually harmful to my setup00:28
Braden`I am trying to run a binary (compiled for 32-bit) in linux.  It has the proper executable flags set, but when I run it, I get:  $ ./ventrilo_srv -i -- bash: ./ventrilo_srv: No such file or directory00:29
Braden`The file is obviously there in the directory00:29
varunendrajkitchen, what is copied where, and in what sequence, plus additional actions during installation, is all stored in "DEBIAN" folder in the .deb package, there is no external way to control it as far as I know. So unless you edit the .deb package(s) itself, I don't think you can control it.00:31
trismBraden`: you probably don't have libc6:i386 plus the other 32-bit libs necessary00:32
jkitchenvarunendra: ok, thanks00:32
crashfocusHey all - since the forums are down, I've come here for advice/help. Does ubuntu 13.04 run smoothly on the mid-2012 MacBook Pro (non-retina)?00:32
jkitchenlooks like it's actually libvirt's Makefile adding it. the 12.10 version of the package doesn't add it.00:32
QTPieManikonia, hey can i only install seamonkey navigator? there use to be "sudo apt-get seamonkey-browser"00:33
jkitchenthere's a patch in the 12.10 version of libvirt-bin which disables the silly behavior00:33
Braden`trism:  That fixed it, thanks00:33
varunendrajkitchen, are you dealing with source files? Not .deb? If so, you should be able to make it do what you want, but may take a lot of digging00:34
jkitchenvarunendra: I apt-get source'd the package on my 12.10 box and was poking at it. seems there's a patch. I may just rebuild the deb myself to apply the patch00:34
jkitchenI was hoping it was being created in a post-install script or somesuch00:35
jkitchenand I could do some apt config magic to prevent it from being installed00:35
varunendrajkitchen, sorry for the vague references, hope someone better with this can answer more precisely.... I'm not much help in case of source.. :(00:36
jkitchenit's not source, the actual libvirt-bin package installs it.00:36
jkitchenI think I just need to rebuild the package00:36
jkitchenwith the patch from 12.10 applied00:37
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bawankhi anyone..00:39
bawankim newbie, and i wanna ask, what should i do after installing ubuntu 13.04 and installing update ?00:40
crashfocusbawank: What are you using Ubuntu for?00:41
bawankfor personal desktop00:41
bawankat my lapto > fujitsu L series00:41
crashfocusso first things first, go through into System Settings00:41
bawankcrashfocus : then ?00:42
crashfocusand modify anything you might need to modify in order to get your laptop running in the way you want it to00:42
bawankcrashfocus : thanks00:42
crashfocusCustomization is a wonderful part of Ubuntu00:42
OerHeksstart with restricted extra's, i guess, and see if there are videodrivers available.00:42
crashfocusOh yeah00:44
crashfocusmake sure you're using proprietary video and wifi drivers (unless you're a free software person)00:44
varunendracrashfocus, "Proprietary" is not always the best. Should be used only if the native one is not satisfactory.00:45
crashfocusFair enough00:45
crashfocusmy experience has led me to prefer proprietary over open-source00:45
varunendracrashfocus, and I think of all those "fglrx", "wl" driver issues when stating what I stated above ;)00:46
QTPieManwhat is better lightweight browser? midori or epiphany browser?00:46
hewhomustqt, depends on what you want00:46
hewhomusti'd preger midori00:47
clue_hQTPieMan, lynx00:47
hewhomustlol nice00:47
hewhomustqt, chromiums also a nice browser00:48
ubottuSome of the Web Browsers in Ubuntu's repositories include: Firefox (XUL, Gecko), Rekonq (KDE, WebKit), Konqueror (KDE, KHTML/WebKit), Chromium (GTK+, WebKit), Epiphany(GTK+, WebKit), Arora (Qt/KDE, WebKit), Midori (GTK+, WebKit), w3m (terminal-based), links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !manpage), edbrowse (terminal-based). Along with many others.00:48
QTPieManclue_h, that is cli00:48
hewhomustyeah lol00:48
bawanki wanna join a ubuntu forum, but i cant open the links > ubuntuforums.org00:48
hewhomustthats why i laughed00:48
clue_hAll the way man00:48
QTPieManhewhomust, not lighweight00:48
clue_hIt really is00:49
Kitt3nbawank, Ubuntuforums is still down because some asshat decided to hack it00:49
QTPieManhewhomust, chromium is resource hog, firefox is better00:49
varunendrabawank, Ubuntu Forums is currently down. May take a couple of days before it is live again.00:50
hewhomustyeah ok sorry00:50
QTPieManvarunendra, you know hindi?00:50
varunendraMy mother tounge.00:50
bawankkitt3n, varunendra : seriously ?00:50
varunendrabawank, yep00:50
Kitt3nbawank, Yup00:50
QTPieManvarunendra, oh i found this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Varunendra00:51
varunendraKitt3n, lol00:51
QTPieManKitt3n, what "hat" ? :P00:51
varunendraQTPieMan, when did I become so interesting? lol !!00:51
QTPieManvarunendra, lol :P00:52
QTPieManvarunendra, i saw u berfore00:52
IdleOnebawank: in the mean time you can try http://ubuntu-discourse.org/00:52
QTPieManvarunendra, *before00:52
QTPieManIdleOne, isnt askubuntu enough?00:52
bawankIdle0ne : nice info, thx00:53
QTPieManlooks like midori always have this problem Error - file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html00:53
IdleOneQTPieMan: I would think so, but there is Discourse being worked on/tested00:53
varunendrabawank, particularly this thread : http://ubuntu-discourse.org/t/update-on-status-regarding-re-opening-the-forums/754/3700:53
QTPieManIdleOne, yup00:53
hewhomustqt try typing something it should go away00:54
QTPieManhewhomust, find00:54
hewhomustqt, are you trying to open the file in midori?00:55
QTPieManhewhomust, no its showing in home page Error - file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html00:56
hewhomustyeah then just type something in the search bar00:56
hewhomuston midori00:56
QTPieManhewhomust, is it working fine for you?00:56
hewhomustexcept for the first time when i started it a similar error to yours00:57
QTPieManhewhomust, well the same thing is showing in linux mint 1500:57
QTPieManhewhomust, when opened midori00:57
hewhomustcould you give a screenshot please00:57
hewhomustcause i think its just a screwed up home page00:58
QTPieManhewhomust, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/midori/+bug/95028500:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 950285 in midori (Ubuntu) "Midori starts up saying it cannot load a file" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:58
hewhomustqt, can you get to the preferences window?00:59
hewhomustcause i would just change your homepage and see what happens01:00
QTPieManhewhomust, oh i just need to change the home page01:00
hewhomustyeah i think so01:00
QTPieManhewhomust, also theres no password manager in midori01:00
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:00
hewhomustwell thats a flaw with the browser not a bug, theres probably a way to get a password manager though01:01
QTPieManhewhomust, hmm01:02
hewhomustqt, did the error stop when you changed the homepage?01:02
QTPieManhewhomust, yup, i also have to change to open home page in startup instead of tabs01:03
hewhomustcause, i get the same thing with the default homepage01:03
hewhomustthats pretty silly though, they should probably just change the default home page01:04
QTPieManhewhomust, dont know why people are complaining from 200601:05
hewhomustlol, its so easy too01:05
QTPieManhewhomust, hmm01:06
QTPieManhewhomust, not 2006 it will be 200801:06
QTPieManhewhomust, checked now01:06
hewhomustlol a whole 5 years01:06
QTPieManhewhomust, yup01:07
QTPieManhewhomust, maybe in #midori01:07
QTPieManis epiphany browser have a password manager?01:09
QTPieManhewhomust, i cant find a option to save01:10
hewhomustqt, i assume theres a popup option to save similar to chromium01:11
hewhomustactually forget that01:11
hewhomustqt, i just downloaded epiphany it is a game lol01:13
QTPieManhewhomust, heres a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/epiphany-browser/+bug/18020501:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 180205 in epiphany-browser (Ubuntu) "Personal data manager doesn't display any password information" [Low,Fix released]01:14
PhysGreetings. I'd like to install windows 7 from ubuntu hard drive.01:16
hewhomusthi phys01:16
QTPieManPhys, kidding?01:16
hewhomustwhat do you mean?01:17
PhysOf course I'm not kidding. I want test one w7 and install from HD. Can I do that?01:17
hewhomustwell phys could you paste the results from fdisk -l01:17
hewhomustphys still there?01:21
wilee-nileehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot for those of you who laugh01:23
hewhomusthi kay01:26
Compnwifi isnt working, bcm4311 is my card on laptop, i try modprobe -r wl and get Error: Module wl is in use. any ideas how to fix this ?01:27
Compnwireless doesnt show up in ubuntu , only my wired network01:27
varunendraCompn, do you have an active internet connection on the laptop? (wired, usb etc)01:28
wilee-nileehewhomust, It seemed you were just laughing at this request it is an easy boot.01:28
Compnvarunendra : wired yes, and i can give you ssh access01:28
varunendranot required :)01:29
Compnssh root access... its fresh install01:29
varunendraCompn, first install the required package - "sudo apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree"01:29
hewhomustwilee, i merely wanted him to provide the details for the ext4 partition to inform him of how to resize it01:29
Compnvarunendra : installing01:30
wilee-nileehewhomust, Cool.01:30
hewhomustbut unfortunately then he left01:30
varunendraCompn, now - "sudo ifconfig eth1 down" (assuming eth1 is currently your wifi interface)01:30
Compnvarunendra : dont see wifi in ifconfig01:31
Compni got eth0 (wired) and lo01:31
varunendraCompn, what is "ifconfig -a" ? Does it show additional interface?01:32
Compnvarunendra : does not list it, no01:32
Compnmaybe i need a reboot01:33
twenty-threehi guys, i am trying to compile and i got this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5913184/ . however, i already have g++ installed so idk what the problem might be01:33
varunendraCompn, the error that "wl is in use"  suggested that it must have been used by that interface. But no problem with that...01:33
varunendraCompn, just do - "sudo apt-get purge bcmwl-kernel-source"01:34
varunendraCompn, then - "sudo modprobe -rfv wl"01:34
nikescomputershey there01:35
Compnvarunendra : now says module wl not found01:35
nikescomputersanyone have any good bash tutorials learning the terminal?01:35
Compnshould be a few in google nikescomputers01:36
Compnsorry, dont have any links offhand01:36
varunendraCompn, that's okay. Did the purge command finish properly?01:36
nikescomputersu ever use trainsignal?01:36
nikescomputersor cbt nuggets01:36
CompnPurging configuration files for bcmwl-kernel-source ...01:36
Compnupdate-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)01:36
CompnProcessing triggers for initramfs-tools ...01:36
Compnupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.8.0-27-generic01:36
FloodBot1Compn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:36
varunendraCompn, now try - "sudo modprobe -v b43". Does it make wifi active?01:37
Compnvarunendra : just sits there at insmod /lib/modules/3.8.0-27-generic/kernel/drivers/ssb/ssb.ko01:37
Compni had to change the kernel ubuntu uses because it was panicing at the start01:38
Compnso i'm on the older one01:38
varunendraCompn, if the apt-get purge command finished properly, just do a reboot if nothing else works.... wifi should work in the next boot.01:38
Compnvarunendra : hopefully. i'm also having a problem with the update-initramfs , kept dying on tg3, should i apt-get remove and reinstall it or ?01:41
varunendraCompn, on the new kernel?01:41
Compnvarunendra : on the old one, since i wasnt able to boot to the new one01:42
varunendraCompn, tg3 is a native driver, you can not remove it with apt-get, nor should be required to do so..01:43
varunendraThe bcmwl-kernel-source (wl) driver isn't the correct one for your card, so hopefully, removing it should fix initramfs too.01:44
Compnvarunendra : ok i got wlan0 now in ifconfig01:45
varunendraCompn, it should be working now.01:45
Compnyep works now, mucho thanks01:46
varunendraYou're welcome :)01:46
Compndidnt see that in google results :\01:46
Compnyour instructions01:46
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=== jamie` is now known as jamie``
varunendraheh, they should be in the broadcom instructions wiki page.01:47
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:47
ubottuLXDE ( http://lxde.org/ ) is the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment used by !Lubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ». See http://lubuntu.net/ for more information, and join #lubuntu for support.01:47
twenty-threehi guys, i am trying to compile and i got this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5913184/ . however, i already have g++ installed so idk what the problem might be01:48
twenty-threei think my problem might be related to this: update-alternatives: warning: forcing reinstallation of alternative /usr/bin/gcc-4.4 because link group gcc is broken01:48
Compnvarunendra : yes, but theres only one line , and its not clear that was my problem : "If you wish to permanently use the open source drivers then remove the bcmwl-kernel-source package:"01:48
Compnbtw that wiki document is a pain to understand :D01:49
jamie``Hi guys im having an issue making Windows 7 the default OS, I'm following a guide but apparantly I don't have the file /boot/grub/menu.lst to edit, what do I do ? (GRUB version 2)01:49
hewhomustjamie try opening this01:49
varunendraCompn, the key to installing correct driver is to identify your chip first, then whether the proprietary one supports it. But yeah, that wiki page is somewhat too wordy01:50
hewhomust /etc/default/grub01:50
jamie``thanks hewhomust, do I just edit and save the file where it is or copy it across?01:51
hewhomustjust run sudo update-grub01:52
hewhomustafter youre finished01:52
varunendrajamie``, menu.lst is not used anymore, the easiest way to manage boot is to use Boot-Repair, safe and easy : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair01:53
Kitt3nOr grub-customizer01:53
jamie``thanks varunendra!01:53
fr33k4n+1 for Boot-Repair. I have easily installed and dual booted windows 8 and ubuntu using it in uefi hardware01:54
varunendranp :)01:54
dakotawulfyI have used boot repair it is easy and works good01:54
jamie``hewhomust: still didn't generate the menu.lst :/ ill go with varunendra's suggestion01:54
hewhomustk np01:54
varunendrajamie``, hewhomust meant to edit the /etc/default/grub file - something that boot-repair does in a safer way. :)01:55
fr33k4nvarunendra> i too had issue with broadcom wifi drivers in ubuntu 13.04. But after install when I checked in "additional drivers" tab, it was showing the required broadcom driver. Installing it fixed my issue with wifi after a boot01:55
fr33k4nbut built in speakers is not working. I can use headset and sound works great01:56
varunendrafr33k4n, there are many broadcom wifi chips that work with more than one of its three variants. But the open source ones should be given the first priority, the proprietary one last.01:57
fr33k4nany idea how to fix the sound issue? kernel is 3.8.1901:57
varunendrafr33k4n, nope. I'm not into sound issues. :(01:58
fr33k4nnp :)01:58
Kitt3nfr33k4n, are you using an AMD graphics card?01:58
fr33k4nonly intel graphics card01:59
Kitt3nOkay, no idea then.01:59
Compnis there an easy way to recalibrate a laptop battery ?01:59
Compni unplug it and it goes from 90% to 46% pretty quickly...02:00
fr33k4nthis is my lap if it helps02:00
Compnor just unplug > run it down > charge > run it down a few times?02:01
wilee-nileeCompn, Is it reading wrong or just worn out?02:01
hewhomustfr33 perhaps this will be useful http://askubuntu.com/questions/77494/laptop-built-in-speakers-not-working-on-an-hp-62502:01
Compnwilee-nilee : probably worn out02:01
Compni didnt play with it for 5 months ...02:02
varunendrafr33k4n, do you have alsa mixer installed? (sudo apt-get install alsamixergui)02:02
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varunendrafr33k4n, I often see that as a first suggestion for sound issues.02:02
hewhomustyeah perhaps its disabled02:02
hewhomustnot alsa i meant the device02:03
wilee-nileeCompn, Not sure of any fixes if worn other than urban legends myself. ;)02:04
fr33k4ni think i had tried alsamixer and edited the alsa-base.conf before and rebooted with no result. But not sure, i had followed this exact guide. I'll try it later once i reach home..thanks for your suggestion02:04
jeetpei Hi all02:04
hewhomusthi jeet02:05
jeetpeii have a question02:05
jeetpeii am using ar r command02:05
hewhomustwrong channel02:05
hewhomustnah just joking what is it?02:05
Compnwilee-nilee : ok, just making sure :)02:05
jeetpeii do ar r debian_binary control.tar.gz data.tar.gz02:06
hewhomusttar isnt it02:06
jeetpeibut i see some png files currpt02:06
hewhomustnot ar02:06
jeetpeino its ar02:06
hewhomustoh ok02:06
jeetpeii am telling you full process : first i get .deb package .. then i do : ar vx <package> : i get data control and debian_binary .. now i untar data.tar.gz : copy my logo in that .. again tar data.tar.gz : then ar r debian.deb debian_binary control.tar.gz data/tar.gz02:09
jeetpeibut i see logo is currpt02:09
tofaHi I'm having a dual boot problem. Windows boots fine but ubuntu hangs in the boot process. Anyone able to help?02:09
jeetpeiany idea ?02:10
hewhomustjeet what deb is this02:10
hewhomustill download it and see if it breaks as well02:10
jeetpei:) sorry i can not publish this at this movment02:11
hewhomustno problem02:11
hewhomusttofa, what exactly happens?02:11
the_cyber_guyi am having a strange problem in ubuntu 13.04. i am using a usb mobile broadband dongle and ubuntu is unable to recognise it as a mobile broadband device and it does't comes up in the network manager too. while if i restart the computer and still on the ubuntu login screen it successfully detects and let me connect using the network manager option on the top bar. once connected on the login screen, later i am able to disconnect and reconnect in02:11
the_cyber_guya logged in session too. what could be the possible reason for this ? it was all working fine with 12.10, 12.04 and 11.10.02:11
Compnwilee-nilee : i mean it goes from 50% to off . so i cant make ubuntu tell more accurately the power status ?02:11
hewhomustcomp, does it physically turn off02:12
hewhomust or is it just the calibration?02:12
wilee-nileeCompn, It may be do you have another OS or  live cd to check?02:12
Kitt3nCompn, sounds like an almost dead battery02:12
hewhomustthen theres not really anything you can do02:12
Compnok then :D02:12
hewhomustmine does the same thing02:12
Compntime for new battery02:12
wilee-nileetofa, Details please the windows release, the install type of ubuntu as well...etc02:13
Compnnever liked laptops, always bad power issues :\02:13
Compnthanks again everyone02:13
jeetpeiso what is for my problem .. any guess02:14
jeetpeido we have another way to wrap up all tar files in debian package02:14
Vivekanandahello everyone. long time. am going to install ubuntu 12.04 on vbox in windows 7 host. I want to write a script in python which prints a dictionary in a loop directly to a printer attached on the host computer. Will also later need to do this on a lan via wifi network. Can some gimme a novice set up instructions guide for this02:14
sayakbhi guys. I'm on ubuntu 13.04 x64. is there a utility like catfish that searches within files, but without using indexing?02:14
wilee-nileethe_cyber_guy, Can you identify the device?02:14
hewhomustvive, would python be more appropriate?02:15
the_cyber_guywilee-nilee, yes i can find it using lsusb it shows Bus 003 Device 003: ID 12d1:1446 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E1552/E1800/E173 (HSPA modem)02:15
jribsayakb: grep?02:15
hewhomust#python i meant02:15
tofawilee-nilee , ubuntu 13.04 kernel 3.8.19 , windows xp, seperate boot and home partitions.02:15
wilee-nileethe_cyber_guy, Cool outside my pay range but that is good info for the channel.02:15
jribjeetpei: what do you actually want to accomplish?02:15
sayakbjrib: looking for a gui tool.02:15
wilee-nileetofa, Any history leading to this?02:16
Vivekanandahewhomust: did not get you ? the language I will be coding in is python but the guest system is ubuntu and the host win. so I will need info about the glue code that iwll make this happen. I guessed I would need system specific info eg samba or cups or something02:16
jribsayakb: any editor will let you search within files; for example gedit02:16
wilee-nileetofa, Ubuntu is a partitioned install, not a wubi right?02:17
jeetpeijrib: i have some logo problem .. i have debian package .. i do ar vx debian package02:17
jeetpeithen untar data.tar.gz02:17
jribjeetpei: describe "some logo problem"02:17
jribjeetpei: please don't use enter as punctuation02:17
hewhomustvive, i would try the #python irc channel  for actual help with the code02:17
the_cyber_guywilee-nilee, i have seen other people having the same problem with mobile broadband dongle on 13.04. but i have found that it can be connected successfully on the login screen. and later once connected you can reconnect/disconnect in a logged in session. is this a bug ?02:17
tofawilee-nilee, ubuntu 12.04 broke completely (shared computer) couldn't fetch the archives to upgrade to a new kernel so I wrote 0's to the partition and put ubuntu 13.04 on it. Then chrooted into the OS and ran update-grub.02:17
jeetpeilogo file i got curpted when i do ar r02:17
jribjeetpei: you aren't answering my question: what do you actually want to accomplish?  What is your end-goal?02:18
wilee-nileetofa, No grub-install /dev/sdX in the chroot02:18
jeetpeii want a deb package with good logo02:18
jribjeetpei: great.  Now be more specific about what package you are talking about and exactly what the logo is in the package02:19
tofawilee-nilee, yes grub is installed. on /dev/sda8 the boot partition02:19
wilee-nileetofa, THis a gpt?02:19
hewhomusttofa you should do it to sda not a specific partition at least i think so02:20
tofawilee-nilee, when I boot I get the grub splash screen. I beleive it is gpt no efi as far as I can see.02:20
jeetpeii have my company built debian package. where we see logo gets currpt when we build using ant. we found a workaround that we can do ar vx deb package ... and copy good logo in it and again wrap up02:21
yalexHello I'm mounting some samba shares in fstab but its giving the wrong groups on my ubuntu desktop.02:21
wilee-nileetofa, From a live cd run this app, and the bootinfo summary and post the url generated this will give us a lot more info. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair02:21
yalexIs there a way to map groups from the samba server to the linux client?02:21
wilee-nileerun the summary only tofa02:21
jribjeetpei: ok.  So what is the problem?  You've copied good logo and wrapped it up.  What is left to do?02:21
usr13yalex: How about nfs?02:22
tofawilee-nilee, I installed that in the chroot environment and ran it to begin the boot. It sort of helped, will do what you ask.02:22
yalexThe other PCs are windows so we only set it up as a samba server02:22
usr13yalex: Is the server Linux as well?02:22
yalexYes its ubuntu 12.04 LTS02:22
jeetpeistill i see logo gets currpt when i wrap up02:23
yalexI'm assuming its because the group id is different on the server to the desktop?02:23
wilee-nileetofa, For me if I can help the script is helpful to see much more info.02:23
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jeetpeii am asking am i right with ar r option ?02:23
jribjeetpei: explain what "logo gets corrupt" means.  You said the logo gets corrupt before you even bother with ar and replacing the logo. So why are you even still bothering with this?  Isn't your issue elsewhere?02:23
usr13yalex: The same shares can be samba and nfs.02:24
jeetpeiyes i see some other branch works good with this approch02:24
usr13yalex: chown root:users02:25
tofawilee-nilee, here's the url http://paste.ubuntu.com/5913306/02:25
usr13yalex: or what-ever:users02:26
jribjeetpei: make sure you are packaging back in the right order (binary, control, then data)02:26
jeetpeiyes its right02:26
sayakbjrib: thanks, installed gnome-search-tool and integrated it with gedit02:27
jribjeetpei: so your package works but the logo remains corrupted like it was before?02:27
jribjeetpei: so you need to explain what "logo gets corrupt" means.02:27
usr13yalex: What is it now?  (or what was it before?)02:27
jribjeetpei: there might also be some issues with checksums that you need to worry about.02:28
jeetpeiyes .. when i install my application in netgear6 i see UI shows currpted logo02:28
jeetpeiah i can check checksum of logo.png .. right ?02:28
MasterShakehey guys, for some reason my Linux chrubuntu 3.4.0 box is just simply not recognizing NAT, and im trying to configure my iptables. Can someone offer a hand? I've been at this all day, so it might take a little involvement if anyone feels like sparing a few moments of their time,02:28
MasterShakei get this error: iptables v1.4.12: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)02:29
MasterShakePerhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded."02:30
ffiowhere to ubuntu gets upstream packages from ?02:30
wilee-nileetofa, The only efi I see is on the usb, you need grub in the mbr, run the chroot as grub-install /dev/sda : update-grub and reboot02:30
wilee-nileegrub-install /dev/sda ; update-grub02:30
jeetpeijrib: checksum is correct :(02:30
jribjeetpei: Didn't you modify data by replacing a logo or something?  I don't have experience actually modifying and rebuilding a binary package (sidenote: don't you have the source package), but it would seem odd to me that you make a modification to data and still checksum is correct02:32
jribjeetpei: are you saying that the old logo file has the same checksum as the new one?02:33
jeetpeiso you are talking about data.tar.gz 's checksum ?02:33
MasterShakeany ideas guys?02:33
jribjeetpei: look at md5sums in control.tar.gz02:33
yalexusr13, the group should be sambashare (and is on the server) but is mlocate on the my desktop02:33
jeetpeii am not modifying control.tar.gz does it make sense ?02:34
jribjeetpei: what are you modifying?02:34
checoimgHi guys , How do I set Bash to have a black Background ?02:34
jribchecoimg: right click in your terminal, edit profile02:34
MasterShakechecoimg: right click > prefrences > profiles > colors02:34
wilee-nileetofa, You also have partitions out of numerical order that can be problematic in some cases when trying to resize or delete a partition.02:35
checoimgThank you guys! :D02:35
checoimgAll set!02:35
MasterShakeargh!!! i've been at this all day and it's driving me insane! why dont i have NAT enabled for?!02:35
jeetpeii am modifying only data.tar.gz by adding logo02:35
yalexis it due to sambashare having a different group id on the server to my ubuntu desktop machine?02:35
MasterShakechecoimg: glad we could help =)02:35
jribjeetpei: be more specific.  Give path.02:36
jrib!who | jeetpei02:36
ubottujeetpei: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:36
jeetpeijrib: i am adding a logo in subdirectory of untared dat.tar.gz02:37
tofawilee-nilee, when I run update grub in the chroot env. it comes up with no volume groups found.02:38
RXLHey everyone. Any idea for AMD 64 boot problems. I get a black screen then have either restart or use the Esc key to boot. The new ubuntu I can't use I get lines on my screen thats it02:38
wilee-nileetofa, You had some problem in 12.04 is sda8 mountable at this point, I have a feeling we are trying to fix a broken system, am I right here?02:39
jeetpeijrib: thanks i am looking into control as well now.. may be i am messing something there when i modify data02:40
jeetpeijrib: thanks a lot02:40
RXLyep errors02:40
yalexusr13,  the group is sambashare on the server but it becomes mlocate on my ubuntu desktop02:40
tofawilee nilee, No I got rid of the broken system. Someone had destoryed the kernel.02:41
wilee-nileetofa, Has 13.04 ever booted?02:41
jribjeetpei: why don't you give full path like I ask?  Anyway, you will see that md5sum in control.tar.gz has md5sum for every file in data.tar.gz02:41
tofawilee nilee, sort of, it got up to 'freeing kernel memory' and then hung.02:42
varunendratofa, "Someone" ?? Make sure nobody is following you lately.. LOL..02:42
tofavarunendra, ?02:43
varunendraYou said "someone destroyed the kernel.." .. tofa ;)02:43
wilee-nileetofa, Not sure of any fixes other than running a purge and reinstall of grub and making sure when asked you put grub in the sda the mbr, otherwise I would get the partition numbering fixed with a reinstall.02:43
wilee-nileethe out of sequence ias not the problem I think but not good overall.02:44
jeetpeijrib: which path you asking ? .. i am not sure .. neways i am looking into this .. ttyl02:44
tofavarunendra, yes it was wierd.02:44
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tofawilee-nilee, maybe we should make sure he chroot is corredt. I don't think I've updated fstab in it.02:45
varunendratofa, have you checked the free space on the root or /boot partition ?02:45
tofavarunendra, yes plenty of it.02:45
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wilee-nileetofa, This is the chroot I use I like it better. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot02:48
tofawilee nilee, I bound fstab as well and now it finds the ubuntu kernel. Is there a way I check if it is bootable before trying to reboot as I'm operating out of a live cd at the moment and don't want to have to set everything up again.02:48
wilee-nileeone command click it and forget it.02:48
wilee-nileetofa, What does the update show, and did you load the mbr?02:49
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tofawilee-nilee, it says "Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-19-generic   No volume groups found Found Microsoft Windows XP Professional on /dev/sda1 done"02:50
wilee-nileetofa, Have you run grub-install /dev/sda02:50
tofawilee nilee, not sure what you mean about the mbr02:50
tofawilee-nilee, yes02:50
wilee-nileetofa, My guess it will boot, but I never mess with boot partitions.02:51
wilee-nileesda is the mbr02:51
MasterShakeanybody can help with my NAT issue?02:53
wilee-nileetofa, You see "Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.8.0-19-generic in that update?02:53
whoeverMasterShake: sure ill give it a go02:53
varunendrawilee-nilee, I think the "chroot" environment may be causing trouble for tofa , it shouldn't be required for a simple setup. The "core.img" looking for partition 94 (??) is something I see in EFI setups only, unless it is a recent bug in boot-info-script.02:54
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wilee-nileevarunendra, Might be the sda is no gpt or efi, just the usb shows a efi.02:54
tofawilee-nilee, I'm a gentoo user, usually running a single boot laptop but a friend wants a dual boot ubuntu which I set up for him but he has messed up compltely and now I have to fix it. Oh well thanks for your help I'll try to boot.02:55
wilee-nileelooks like a standrad msdos HD02:55
wilee-nileetofa, Hope your in, just enough anomalies for me to be well not quite sure.02:55
varunendrawilee-nilee, that's precisely why I doubt the chroot thing. It should be pretty straight forward, no chroot involved.02:56
whoeverMasterShake: if you donn't talk i/we can't help.02:56
whoeverall we know is that it is a nat issue02:56
varunendratofa, what if you simply boot with the USB, forget chroot, install Boot-repair and use it for basic repair(s) (reinstall grub etc.)?02:57
wilee-nileevarunendra, Yeah, not sure I would think the chroot would be okay, do you mean since the efi is on the usb booted to the live?02:58
wilee-nilee+1 one on the boot repair, not running from a chroot though, it says in its info a install to the sda02:59
varunendrawilee-nilee, yeah. I'm not very familiar with chroot, but I think apart from the chrooted directory, it uses the source's configuration02:59
wilee-nileevarunendra, I rarely chroot, I just use supergrub if I screw up and do it from the desktop.02:59
varunendraI don't even know how to.. ;)03:00
wilee-nileegrub 2 is a whole lotta fun, works great when it works. ;)03:00
Kitt3n^ Especially grub2-efi03:00
surioHello room: :) I had previously  installed  12.04.1 on a VM in Windows and tested it. It played well. So I installed it on my HDD. I have Broadcom BCM4313 and the STA driver that comes with Jockey does not behave well. Wifi gets disconnected 5 mins into connecting and doesn't connect afterwards. Only reboot works, and rinse, repeat!.03:00
varunendralol ("when" is the key).. ;)03:00
wilee-nileeoooh yeah Kitt3n. ;)03:01
MasterShakewhoever: sorry. im getting the error iptables v1.4.12: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)03:01
surioI removed those drivers and http://wiki.debian.org/brcm80211 followed instructions provided for wheezy03:01
MasterShakewhoever: i get that when i pass the "-t nat" argument into iptables03:01
wilee-nileehi what's up?03:01
surioI got errors about new package trying to replace the old package of the firmware...03:01
varunendrasurio, first thing to try would be to remove the proprietary driver and try the native one - brcmsmac03:02
surio^^ see my description varunendra03:02
tofawilee-nilee, are you still around?03:02
wilee-nileetofa, yeah.03:02
varunendrasurio, is the proprietary driver (wl) currently installed?03:02
suriono I removed it before attempting this03:03
suriovarunendra no I removed it before attempting this03:03
varunendrasurio, did you try - "sudo modprobe -v brcmsmac" ??03:03
tofawilee-nilee, still no luck with the boot. Grub splash screen came up but ubuntu just hung with a flashing '-' when I tried to boot it.03:03
* MasterShake takes a seat and waits for his ticket to be called03:04
varunendrasurio, the native brcmsmac driver works fine on 13.04 for this card. But a case of hit and miss on 12.0403:04
suriovarunendra, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5913398/03:05
surioso what next?03:05
trismMasterShake: it probably means your kernel doesn't have CONFIG_NF_NAT03:05
wilee-nileetofa, I'm not sure really with it never booting really I ahve to wonder if a reinstall might be needed, and just make sure grub is loaded to the sda=mbr by using the manula something else option, thats what I would do with a never boot.03:05
varunendratofa, I think you should re post the boot-info report without the chroot environment (and after trying basic repair in same mode).03:05
wilee-nileeXp boots though so seems to be a problem in ubuntu03:06
wilee-nileethe bootrepair may fix it yeah.03:06
suriovarunendra, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5913398/ modprobe's output03:06
varunendrasurio, does it make your wifi work as expected?03:06
varunendrajust saw it :)03:07
tofawilee-nilee, I have the boot partition on an extended partition, maybe that's a problem. And I tried using boot repair to fix it before,03:07
varunendratofa, that is not a problem for Ubuntu or grub03:08
tofavarunendra, I didn't think so but I'm clutching at straws here.03:09
suriovarunendra, no :(03:09
suriotrying trying..........03:09
suriovarunendra, bbiab03:09
wilee-nileetofa, I use supergrub on occasion to boot in and just do all the fixin from the dektop, it is a tiny download03:09
tofawilee-nilee, what is supergrub? Never heard of it.03:10
varunendrasurio, please post outputs of - "lsmod", "iwconfig" and "sudo iwlist scan"03:10
Compnoh no, ubuntu calls it a 'folder' instead of a 'directory'03:10
malgorathI am trying to install 13.04 with uefi and after I rebooted I have no windows 8 or Ubuntu boot loader. only see DVD drive in boot list03:10
varunendratofa, for the kind of setup you have, I would have simply installed Ubuntu from USB in normal way. I don't understand why you even bothered with chroot or grub installation.03:12
tofawilee-nilee, could it be that the ubuntu 13.04 install is broken?03:12
wilee-nileetofa, It is a boot in app, you download a tiny iso. http://www.supergrubdisk.org/03:12
wilee-nileetofa, I wonder that.03:12
tofavarunendra, I did and everything has gone wrong from there :P03:12
varunendratofa, your original description - "tofa> wilee-nilee, ubuntu 12.04 broke completely (shared computer) couldn't fetch the archives to upgrade to a new kernel so I wrote 0's to the partition and put ubuntu 13.04 on it. Then chrooted into the OS and ran update-grub."03:14
tofawilee-nilee, is there a way to check if the install is broken?03:14
varunendratofa, "write 0s, chrooted, update-grub" are all unnecessary steps, probably causing the trouble.03:14
delinquentmewhen I do stat on a file ... what is Gid03:14
p3rsistHi guys. How do I setup a program to be started immediately after my encrypted home partition is decrypted?03:15
tofavarunendra, I did all the chrooting and updating when the first boot problem came along.03:15
wilee-nileetofa, Closest I know would to see if supergrub gets you booted, and thats not really a debug.03:15
tofawilee-nilee, Will do.03:15
varunendratofa, and that is absolutely not required. Most of us don't even know how to chroot and can install Ubuntu just fine..03:15
malgorathI am only able to boot the DVD for Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit after installing03:16
wilee-nileemalgorath, And?03:16
malgorathI am trying to install 13.04 with uefi and after I rebooted I have no windows 8 or Ubuntu boot loader. only see DVD drive in boot list03:16
tofavarunendra, just to clarify. I didn't install via chroot.03:16
wilee-nilee!uefi | malgorath03:17
ubottumalgorath: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:17
malgorathwilee-nilee sorry doing irc from my iPad03:17
RXLSame problem I have, It boots to black screen, then I hit esc to boot03:17
wilee-nileemalgorath, Thats about it for me on uefi stuff.03:17
wilee-nileemalgorath, ;)03:17
varunendratofa, when you have an issue, you should consider simplifying things, as much as possible. May be you can even try a single empty partition instead of separate /boot and /home. Of course if you don't have much to loose there.03:17
malgoraththx wilee-nilee I will see if I can fix it now from boot DVD03:19
tofavarunedra, I agree. If this was my machine I would back up and start again but I can't do that as it's someone elses.03:19
varunendratofa, I think the only thing you initially did wrong was choosing to install grub on a partition instead of the MBR.03:19
chamunksWhats the best way to broadcast our own internet radio station.03:20
chamunksOne of my followers wants to do a network radio station.03:20
bossman759_it has to be radio? as in audio only?03:20
wilee-nileechamunks, Followers?03:20
chamunkswilee-nilee, I run a minecraft network.03:21
bossman759_you can broadcast google hangouts on youtube03:21
chamunksyeaa no03:21
Compnchamunks : icecast ?03:21
chamunksicecast? hmm I'll google that03:21
tofavarunendra, I've found on multiboot systems it's usually safer to have a seperate boot partition. I've even got one for my single boot laptop.03:21
varunendratofa, I mean the grub bootstrap program, not the grub config files. Separate /boot partition is fine. It is the boot loader that needs to be on MBR.03:22
wilee-nileetofa, I have 4 OS one is W8 been runnig this way for years with no boot partition.03:23
tofawilee-nilee, probably an unnecessary precaution. But this is the first time I've had an issue.03:24
varunendratofa, during the installation, did you chose "Something else" option at the partitioning stage? I think you might have to manually tell the installer where the /boot partition is, so that grub gets installed correctly.03:25
tofavarunendra, Yes I did. I told it where the boot partition was and the home partition.03:25
wilee-nileethe mbr was empty is all03:26
varunendratofa, in the same screen, it seems you chose a partition instead of the drive (sda<something> instead of sda). That was a wrong step.03:27
wilee-nileeWhen people want say easybcd for a bootloader you would install grub to the partition to keep the windows bootloader.03:27
varunendrafor grub (boot loader) , tofa03:27
tofawilee-nilee, Ok I've got the super grub thing going.03:27
varunendraoh yeah, with easy BCD it's a different thing wilee-nilee03:27
wilee-nileetofa, Choose the boot any or find any is I forget what it says exactly.03:28
wilee-nileevarunendra, True I'm just saying if you want no grub menu you install to the partition. ;)03:28
varunendraYup :)03:29
tofawilee-nilee, oh god everything is stuffed!03:29
tofawilee-nilee, it can't detect the ubuntu partition and when I boot into vmlinux it can't find the root.03:30
wilee-nileetofa, Ah, sounds like a bad install to begin with is my guess.03:30
suriovarunendra, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5913464/  Here's all those outputs you asked...03:31
suriovarunendra, do you think reboot will help?03:31
d4gg3r I want to compare two of my latex files and see the similarities between them. Any recommendation?03:31
tofawilee-nilee, I agree. I think my iso must be damaged I'll redownload and reinstall.03:31
tofad4gg3r, difftex.03:31
wilee-nileetofa, Cool, good luck.03:32
varunendrasurio, sometimes, when there is a driver conflict and the offending one can't be removed normally..03:32
varunendrasurio, wl is still loaded and conflicting for sure.03:32
suriomodprobe -r wl ??03:32
varunendratofa, I'd recomend torrent for download03:32
varunendrasurio, yes "sudo modprobe -rfv wl"03:33
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varunendrasurio, did it finish successfully? The modprobe -rfv wl03:33
d4gg3rtofa, does it show the similarities? is there any way03:33
tofavarunendra, I use unetbootin to create the usb is that fine for ubuntu or should I use something else?03:33
suriovarunendra, "FATAL: Module wl not found." o_O now what?03:33
suriotofa, unetbootin is fine03:34
varunendratofa, unetbootin or anything that works is fine.03:34
varunendrasurio, just reboot then.. :/03:34
suriotofa use a different usb?03:34
tofad4gg3r, I haven't used it for a long while but I remember it being good.03:35
suriosometimes flash mem corruption is not detcted03:35
varunendratofa, surio, as long as the usb is able to boot, it is fine too.03:35
suriovarunendra, I have helped people on crunchbang, with a booting usb that borks the install.. Changing the USB helps, and a subsequent disk probe reveals errors03:36
suriohence the suggestion :-)03:36
varunendrasurio, wait..03:36
varunendrareboot is not required03:36
suriostill here :)03:36
suriowas typing that response ;)03:36
surioso, let's go?03:36
varunendrasurio, try - "sudo ifconfig eth2 down"03:37
surioman, right now eth is the only way I am communicating here03:37
surionothing on console03:37
suriocommand executed though03:38
=== don is now known as Guest39228
varunendrasurio, then - "sudo modprobe -rfv brcmsmac" .... then ... "sudo modprobe -v brcmsmac" (eth2 is in your iwconfig, maybe that's why wl is still loaded)03:38
varunendrasurio, our target here is to unload wl (it shouldn't appear in lsmod), THEN load brcmsmac03:39
=== carlos is now known as Guest9118
suriolsmod >> "wl                   3074942  0 " still there :(03:39
surioand wireless still won't blinking connect03:40
varunendrasurio, assuming "bcmwl-kernel-source" is purged, just reboot :(03:40
varunendrasurio, as a side note, you should get rid of TKIP in the router.03:41
suriole sigh!03:41
suriowhat's that?03:41
suriolet's do it now... shall I open ??03:41
varunendrasurio, pure WPA2-PSK (AES) is recommended. TKIP is the encryption method, which is outdated and doesn't work well with linux.03:42
suriooh... wep03:42
surioyes, yes.. it is on the cards :)03:42
surioThe ISP provider set it up like that03:42
surioAfter I get it working, I will update these...03:43
varunendrasurio, no wep, no wpa/wpa2 mixed mode, .... pure wpa2 with AES instead on TKIP03:43
tofawilee-nilee, I've made a new usb with a new iso on a new flash drive and have booted into the system. Can you take me through the install so this boot problem goes away?03:43
surioI understand. I will definitely do it over the weekend. okay see you in a bit :)03:43
wilee-nileetofa, Did you save home?03:44
tofawilee-nilee, /home is on a seperate partition.03:44
wilee-nileetofa, I have never separated home, so I'm not sure there to be honest.03:44
tofawilee-nilee, ok thanks.03:45
varunendratofa, just goto manual partitioning mode and don't tell the installer that you have a separate /home. You can configure it later if required.03:45
wilee-nileetofa, My brain is about the size of a walnut I keep it really simple. ;)03:45
varunendralol !!03:46
wilee-nileeme and homer simpson yah know03:46
tofawilee-nilee, :)03:46
suriovarunendra, nope! There is no wl in lsmod, but the blinking thing still won't connect!03:48
varunendrasurio, is brcmsmac loaded now? Output of - "lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net"03:49
varunendraand lsmod03:49
xmetalhaving issue with a "fork os" (no one ever seems to be talking in their room) ... boots liveUSb (That i know works 100%) to the point where it starts scrolling fast and (?? @ my way of explaining) shows a gray BG and shows the cursor (never response) and just "sits there"03:49
surioon lsmod, sure brcmsmac is shown03:49
xmetalsearching the web now03:49
tofawilee-nilee, installer is installing.03:50
varunendrasurio, does it scan the network? (sudo iwlist scan)03:50
xmetalon the pc that is having issues with this liveusb, i am going to see if i can run the liveusb is "graphics safe" mode03:51
xmetal(may be wrong terms to say it i know)03:51
=== Sornaenst is now known as Sornaensis
suriovarunendra, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5913515/    output from scan is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5913517/03:52
suriotl;dr    it scans03:53
metbsdhow to install ubuntu to my android phone03:53
wilee-nilee!#ubuntu_touch | metbsd03:54
wilee-nilee !ubuntu_touch | metbsd03:54
MOD5RN_W4RFAR5was up03:55
wilee-nilee!touch | metbsd03:55
ubottumetbsd: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch03:55
varunendrasurio, sorry, was lost a bit... taking a look03:55
MOD5RN_W4RFAR5where do I found the kernel-headers?03:55
wilee-nileemetbsd, Sorry that is your channel.03:55
nate15329i have a 13.04 server that hangs on pci_bus root resource mem x28-fcffffffffff; i recently had bad memory removed any ideas?03:55
suriovarunendra,  the wireless icon on my ubuntu taskbar is constantly "scanning" and then "Wireless network disconnected"ing03:55
MOD5RN_W4RFAR5some tip?03:55
QTPieManhello i am always getting "Could not create directory" in wordpress03:56
chamunksCompn, Any experience with icecast?03:56
complearning123i need some help03:56
varunendraMOD5RN_W4RFAR5, "sudo apt-get install liunx-headers-generic"03:56
MOD5RN_W4RFAR5lets try03:56
varunendranp :)03:56
QTPieManhello i am always getting "Could not create directory" in wordpress, what to do now how to fix it?03:56
tofawilee-nilee, seems the other usb was broken.03:56
complearning123im brand new to this chat and to ubuntu03:57
varunendrasurio, what does this show - "apt-cache show bcmwl-kernel-source | grep -i version" ?03:57
wilee-nileetofa, Ah, you running now?03:57
complearning123and i need some help03:57
QTPieManits while i am trying to upload a file03:57
varunendratofa, all good now ??03:57
QTPieManor adding a plugin03:57
QTPieMananybody to help atleast?03:57
MOD5RN_W4RFAR5oh no03:57
MOD5RN_W4RFAR5Package linux-headers-generic is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:57
MOD5RN_W4RFAR5This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:57
MOD5RN_W4RFAR5is only available from another source03:57
FloodBot1MOD5RN_W4RFAR5: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:57
wilee-nileecomplearning123, Cool, just state the issue for help.03:57
suriovarunendra,   "Version:
QTPieManvarunendra, can u help me?03:58
tofawilee-nilee, IT'S BOOTABLE!!!! Thank you so much for your help. It was a broken install :P. THANKS!03:58
varunendrasurio, as a fallback we can try installing the older version, which has been proven to be better than the 6xx version.03:59
complearning123i installed ubuntu 10.04 then  upgraded to latest version now i cannot open ubuntu03:59
wilee-nileetofa, Cool great news. ;)03:59
complearning123the grub loader shows it but the files are messed up03:59
suriovarunendra, I'm ready... Let's go04:00
complearning123and i dont know the commands to fix it04:00
surioBu how?04:00
QTPieManikonia, can u plz help me?04:00
tofawilee-nilee, Ubuntu is hard. I'm going back to gentoo :P.04:00
tofaThanks guys.04:00
wilee-nileetofa, Heh, that is funny. ;)04:00
varunendrasurio, please do - "sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source="04:01
QTPieManhello i am always getting "Could not create directory" in wordpress, while uploading file or adding plugin etc, how to fix this?04:01
complearning123can anyone help me04:01
MOD5RN_W4RFAR5oh yeah04:02
MOD5RN_W4RFAR5i found the kernel headers!04:02
suriovarunendra, chugging away....04:02
varunendraQTPieMan, if that is the problem, then sorry, I'm of no help :(04:02
suriochoo choo :P04:02
varunendrasurio, what ?04:02
QTPieManvarunendra, ok04:02
QTPieManrunning apache server btw04:02
complearning123guess not okay thanks anyway04:03
chamunksMOD5RN_W4RFAR5, I really hate your irc name04:03
chamunksits so long I cant shrink my ychat window04:03
complearning123is there a chat where i can get help with ubuntu04:04
complearning123or a forum04:04
complearning123does anyone know04:04
surioinstalling, varunendra :)04:04
wilee-nileecomplearning123, Try #ubuntu04:04
complearning123i was told to come here04:04
varunendra!ask | complearning12304:04
ubottucomplearning123: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:04
varunendrawilee-nilee, ?? LOL04:04
complearning123i thought this was #ubuntu04:04
suriocomplearning123, just type your question...04:04
clue_hcomplearning123, or http://ubuntuforums.org cache04:05
QTPieManvarunendra, can u tell me do i need some special permission for server?04:05
suriocomplearning123, just type your question...04:05
wilee-nileevarunendra, ;)04:05
complearning123you really make a guy feel welcome04:05
bberrymerrycan i post a question?04:05
QTPieManclue_h, ubuntu forum is no more -_-04:05
wilee-nileecomplearning123, You have to have some patience you are welcome here. ;)04:05
suriocomplearning123, please... just type the question, bberrymerry same for you too :)04:06
clue_hcomplearning123, i am all ears too04:06
clue_hso to speak04:06
varunendraQTPieMan, I never dealt with a server, but what kind of permissions and where ? Maybe ask to the channel instead of individuals..04:06
complearning123i installed ubuntu 10.04 then upgraded to latest version of ubuntu and now i cannot open ubuntu....says that the files are bad04:06
bberrymerryany way to speed up ubuntu 13.04 guest booting in virtual box? i switched to xfce4, it still takes a long time to boot04:06
complearning123what can i do04:07
clue_hQTPieMan, true but the cached pages can be accessed :]04:07
wilee-nileecomplearning123, You might just consider install 12.04 if that is what you mean by latest if this is a fresh install upgraded.04:07
QTPieManclue_h, great idea04:07
suriovarunendra, First I got some error, and when I clicked "show details" the whole thing crashed04:07
varunendrasurio, so you're on a reboot now?04:08
QTPieManvarunendra, i mean lets say while uplpading a file or adding a file its not working04:08
surionot really... the crash gen application crashed!04:08
clue_hcomplearning123, a fresh install of 12,04 lts.04:08
surioretyped the command, and gor04:08
surioretyped the command, and got04:08
surio"surio@surio-pc:~$ sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source=
surioReading package lists... Done04:08
surioBuilding dependency tree04:08
surioReading state information... Done04:08
suriobcmwl-kernel-source is already the newest version.04:08
FloodBot1surio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:08
wilee-nileecomplearning123, trying to find what the bad files means may be pointless and a waste of time.04:08
complearning123cant i use the command e2fsck to fix files04:08
xmetali need to figure out the way to get this liveusb to ast least try to boot in "low graphics mode"04:08
complearning123and exactly what is the format04:08
surioThought it would go on single line (4 lines only)04:09
wilee-nileesurio, You familiar with pastebin?04:09
surioya ya..04:09
varunendrasurio, what does "dpkg -s bcmwl-kernel-source | grep -i version" show?04:09
varunendrathen use it.. ;)04:09
wilee-nileethe bits are mean they just don't care04:09
surioI thought they will line up inline :P04:09
suriothanks smarties... like I don't know :P04:10
suriovarunendra,  "Version:
surioso we've rolled back?04:11
complearning123ok bye guys thanx04:11
suriovarunendra, I reconnected, and it connected!04:11
varunendrasurio, yeah now you are back to the wl driver, only the older version... how does it work?04:11
suriocomplearning123, you solved?04:11
varunendralet's see if it stays connected.. surio04:12
suriocomplearning123,  The point is an upgrade from 10 to 12 is fraught with failure...04:12
complearning123i think im just going to reinstall ubuntu 10.0404:12
surioIt is far better to reinstall 12.0404:12
varunendracomplearning123, do you have anything important to save on the installation? If not, just do a fresh install of 12.0404:12
wilee-nileeoffensive nicks are usually a pre-cursor to troubles04:12
suriocomplearning123, please don't go back 10 10.04... no londer supported and things will fail badly04:13
complearning123i have 10.04 disk  but not 12,04 and it takes forever to dl it04:13
Compnchamunks : icecast? like 10 years ago. and only with winamp, on windows. i'm not sure if icecast is the current way to do it, looks kind of outdated now. check http://www.shoutcast.com/broadcast-tools04:13
chamunksicecast2 seemed like the deal04:13
complearning123ok ill try and dl 12.0404:13
chamunksits aptgettable.04:13
suriocomplearning123, not so bad is it... I am on a slow connection myself and the thing downloaded in a few hours max04:13
complearning123yeah youre right surio04:14
varunendracomplearning123, an upgrade will download almost the same amount of data..04:14
complearning123that upgrade screwed me up04:14
surioit's worth it.... and you're hassle free until 201704:14
varunendracomplearning123, use torrent for downloading04:14
complearning123right thanks guys04:14
complearning123cant my isp blocks it04:14
suriocomplearning123, it is a known fact... 10 to 12 is rarely if ever, successful04:14
complearning123well  now i dont feel so dumb04:15
complearning123i thought i did something wrong04:15
medubuntuEmpathy doesn't show all notifications(ubuntu 13.04)04:15
suriorelax... don't do it.. frankie goes to hollywood :P04:15
chamunksCompn, is icecast itself not a relay?04:15
chamunksone of my associates is having a meltdown over this question.04:15
surioRight, ciao for now... thanks varunendra :)04:16
Compnchamunks : oh you want like a 3rd party to host the radio for you ?04:16
varunendrasurio, np :)04:16
Compnhost the stream04:16
surioI feel a little idiotic rolling back to older versions... varunendra04:16
chamunksCompn, nah we've got a crappy little 5$ vps somewhere on ubuntu04:16
* holstein used to run an icecast server04:16
Compnask holstein :)04:16
* Compn cant remember for crap04:16
complearning123okay roomies thanks alot ill dl 12.04 have a great weekend everyone04:17
varunendrasurio, we deviced that workaround after a lot of testing..04:17
surioI mean, on my next apt-get upgrade, are we not going to roll back to the new driver again?04:17
medubuntuEmpathy doesn't show all notifications04:17
chamunksholstein,  we're just trying to send our audio to the icecast server then have that bounce off to the clients04:17
chamunkshow ever that happens.04:17
suriocomplearning123, byeee...04:17
complearning123au revoir surio04:17
holsteinmedubuntu: what is it that you want it to show, specificially? without repeating the same question, please04:17
varunendrasurio, in fact there is a way in apt to "PIN" a version if you don't want to upgrade it (see "man apt_preferences")04:18
suriobberrymerry, I tink in general Vbox is slow... because of the layers04:18
yuanjiewho can help me ? i can't use ubuntu04:18
medubuntuIn 13.04, Empathy doesn't show all the bubble notifications and it can't be configured. In the preferences, I can only configure sounds notifications but not visuals. Empathy only shows bubble notifications when someone sends me a message, but not when someone gets connected or disconnected (in these cases I can hear a sound but without a bubble). ¿Is there a way to turn all the notifications on?04:18
holsteinchamunks: it happens like this.. the users connect with a player, or in the browser.. you connect with a client to the server to stream whatever04:18
holsteinchamunks: depending on what you are streaming would dictate the client i would suggest04:19
bberrymerrysurio: much faster with 11.04 and 12.0404:19
holstein!info idjc04:19
suriovarunendra, I have made a note, but my main motivation for installing 12.04.2 is from the LTS aspect04:19
ubottuidjc (source: idjc): graphical shoutcast/icecast client. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.8.8-1 (raring), package size 1363 kB, installed size 3786 kB04:19
bberrymerrysurio: i disabled unity,  it's still slow to boot and run04:19
chamunksholstein, well we're looking to basically do a 24/7 stream of whatever including some apparently live broadcasts of our teamspeak banter.04:19
suriobberrymerry, sorry, for some reason, my VBoxes are all slow, hence my remark.. and I sort of lived with it :)04:19
yuanjiewho can help me ?04:19
holstein!ask | yuanjie04:19
ubottuyuanjie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:19
varunendrasurio, unless you "PIN" this version, it will again get upgraded to version 6... while updating, which is no good. In 13.04 or 14.04, the native brcmsmac is good enough.04:20
surioyuanjie, type your question!04:20
chamunksyuanjie, only those who have the answer to the question for which you have not asked yet.04:20
bberrymerrymaybe i'll try a xubuntu install instead, instead of ubuntu04:20
suriovarunendra, the next LTS is 14.04 ?04:20
holsteinbberrymerry: xubuntu *is* ubuntu.. try it04:20
suriovarunendra, you are running 13?04:20
yuanjiei can't use ubuntu  who can teach me04:21
surioyuanjie, this is not a tutorial class, we help you with "specific" problems.. :)04:21
holstein!install | yuanjie04:21
ubottuyuanjie: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate04:21
varunendrasurio, 12.04, but mine is an atheros card, not broadcom :)04:21
yuanjiei have learn english one month04:21
chamunksholstein, what would you imagine.  Some of us are using windows and such but I think that we managed to configure the icecast.xml in /etc/icecast2/04:21
holsteinyuanjie: if you dont want to, or dont know how to install, just run it live04:22
suriovarunendra, :( well, lucky you!04:22
yuanjieyes ! holstein04:22
holsteinchamunks: i wouldnt imagine anything.. i would just confirm the server works with a client such as the one i just linked04:22
suriookay varunendra I will look into pinning it on version 504:22
yuanjiei can't install any software04:22
chamunksholstein, wait a sec where now?04:22
holsteinchamunks: this is the simple tool i used to use http://butt.sourceforge.net/04:23
varunendrasurio, I don't even have wireless networks around to test.... any modifications to your "lucky" comment now ;P04:23
holstein!info idjc04:23
ubottuidjc (source: idjc): graphical shoutcast/icecast client. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.8.8-1 (raring), package size 1363 kB, installed size 3786 kB04:23
yuanjiethank you !04:23
holstein^^ chamunks, that is anothiner04:23
yuanjiei have learned !04:23
chamunksholstein, right thank you I found butt on a youboob video04:23
holsteinchamunks: there are other options such as darkice that use JACK, but i would consider that overkill for your purposes04:23
AnaxandridasHi, guys, total noob here. Is Ubuntu particularly well suited to running VMs of significant size in it? Like, having one large VM that essentially acts as your computer, which you use for gaming, internet, everything.04:24
chamunksyea more then likely.04:24
chamunksits just an amature setup.04:24
suriosee you all laters04:24
holsteinAnaxandridas: i wouldnt game in a VM04:24
AnaxandridasWhy is that?04:24
holsteinAnaxandridas: performance04:25
AnaxandridasIf that's a stupid question, I doubly apologise. I don't know WHY it's a stupid question, which is why I'm asking :D04:25
AnaxandridasCan you elaborate?04:25
clue_hYou're already using processor time and  memory to create and run a vm04:25
holsteinAnaxandridas: not really.. the performance is not acceptable on my, or most hardware to host a virtual instance of an operating system for gaming04:25
chamunksholstein, seems we're having issues04:25
holsteinchamunks: sure.. and you really dont know where04:26
chamunksmay I PM you some details if you could maybe ping it yourself?04:26
holsteinchamunks: what would i do? create one locally.. remove variables and test04:26
chamunksor I could pastebin our XML to see what can be done of course sanitized04:26
holsteinchamunks: sure04:26
chamunksjust so someone with eyes for this may be able to assist.04:26
holsteinchamunks: you may query me04:27
nathanbzwhy is /etc/sysctl.conf missing on a fresh 12.04 install ?04:28
medubuntu:( not solution http://askubuntu.com/questions/291155/empathy-doesnt-show-all-notifications04:28
holsteinmedubuntu: what *specifically* are you trying to see?04:28
bberrymerryholstein: just wondering if xubuntu loads less services on startup compared to stock ubuntu, so it should load faster04:29
bberrymerryAnaxandridas: i use OS X as a host, multiple ubuntu VMs for servers04:29
bberrymerryAnaxandridas: no problems at all if you run a server instance, but ubuntu desktop in a vm is a bit slow04:30
AnaxandridasI'll be using Ubuntu as a host, I have no use for servers or anything like that.04:30
holsteinbberrymerry: the reason to choose xubuntu is for xubuntu. xfce, the look and feel. the default applications04:30
holsteinbberrymerry: it should seem faster, but at the end of it all, its still the same hardware04:30
AnaxandridasMore like... Let's say if someone (hypothetically speaking) played a lot of torrented games. I figured maybe having a VM in which they played all those games, then just regularly wiping it, would be the most expedient solution to exploitations.04:30
nathanbzanyone ?04:30
holsteinAnaxandridas: torrented games?04:31
holsteinAnaxandridas: dont run "unsafe" games.. in VM or on metal04:31
bberrymerryAnaxandridas: windows games run badly in a vm :)04:31
Anaxandridasholstein, not entirely sure what the question there was.04:31
holsteinAnaxandridas: games in general dont run well in VM04:32
AnaxandridasAlso, I just accidentally closed the channel :P04:32
bberrymerryAnaxandridas: you need direct access to the hardware to get good 3d gaming performance, otherwise it's too slow04:32
holsteinAnaxandridas: try it and see04:32
bberrymerryAnaxandridas: old point and click games are ok though04:32
Anaxandridasholstein, tried it with Windows XP before, didn't work. I'll take your word on it.04:32
holsteinAnaxandridas: all i said was, dont run "unsafe" games at all.. in VM or otherwise04:32
Anaxandridasholstein, so the best advice would be... Have a completely different computer for "unsafe" games?04:32
medubuntuif new contacts entered Empathy doesn't show notifications04:32
holsteinmedubuntu: its not supposed to.. i would file a bug with empathy if you feel its a bug04:33
holsteinmedubuntu: have you found an empathy support venue?04:33
holsteinmedubuntu: https://wiki.gnome.org/Empathy#Contact_Information is where i would start..04:34
bberrymerryAnaxandridas: if you could image an existing windows partition, then you could use that... just wipe it and re-install the image if you get infected04:34
AnaxandridasImage an existing windows partition... ?04:35
AnaxandridasI'm sorry, bberrymerry, I'm REALLY noob.04:35
medubuntuthanks very much :)04:35
yalexhello how can i export a list of installed packages in ubuntu 12.04?04:35
chamunksholstein, my irc client pooed so I switched to something else.04:36
holsteinAnaxandridas: you "clone" the "good" system.. experience an error, and revert to the saved clone04:36
holsteinAnaxandridas: this would be arguably good practice for any OS04:36
bberrymerryimage, as in make an exact partition copy of it... i don't know if there are any open source solutions, for commercial there's stuff like pqmagic or ghost04:36
bberrymerryany good open source cloning/imaging programs? that can handle ntfs04:37
holsteinbberrymerry: "good" is a matter of opinion.. i like using clonezilla live04:38
lotuspsychjeyalex: like backping up favorite packages?04:38
yalexyes lotuspsychje , need a list of all installed packages04:38
bberrymerryholstein: good as in reliable for cloning ntfs04:38
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd | yalex04:39
ubottuyalex: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.2 (raring), package size 216 kB, installed size 1535 kB04:39
yalexubottu, its a server so there's no gui04:39
ubottuyalex: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:39
mike16112Finally, A xchat server with someone talking for once04:39
lotuspsychjeyalex: oh then i think you might wanna man dpkg04:40
holsteinbberrymerry: i still stand by my recommendation04:40
glebihanyalex, dpkg-query -l | grep "ii "       will list all installed packages          dpkg --get-selections       will list the ones that were manually installed04:43
dexhey guys04:44
dexwhen the heck the forum is going to be normal?04:45
yalexthanks glebihan  how can i use dpkg to export all installed packages to use on another machine to install them?04:45
dexI'm really sick of ending up at maintenance page after seeking solutions thru google04:45
lotuspsychjedex: plz keep it polite in here04:45
glebihan!clone | yalex04:46
ubottuyalex: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate04:46
dexbut i'm really tired of it04:46
dexgot stuck for a week04:46
dexfor one single driver04:46
lotuspsychjedex: instead of complaining, re-ask your issue here once in a while04:46
dexdisplaylink driver, anyone have solution?04:47
lotuspsychje!details | dex04:47
ubottudex: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:47
dexapt-get install xserver-xorg-video-displaylink is supposed to be working, but it says "unable to locate the package"04:47
dexi'm on 12.0404:47
holstein!info xserver-xorg-video-displaylink04:48
ubottuPackage xserver-xorg-video-displaylink does not exist in raring04:48
dexand all the driver package or source codes have some sort of error in here or there04:49
* xmetal taking a break from liveusb issue04:49
holsteindex: you'll need to share the errors04:49
dexwell I tried that page holstein, thanks but it didn't work, i will check how it didn't work04:50
sh0ckWhat drivers do I need for Nvidia GeForce 6150SW nForce 430, searched but can't find the answer04:50
holsteindex: its right in my sources here in 12.0404:50
sh0ck6150SE I meant04:50
holsteinsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-displaylink04:51
holsteindex: ^^ and share *exact* errors04:51
dexthat didn't work either T_T04:51
holstein!nvidia | sh0ck04:51
ubottush0ck: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:51
sh0cki'm actually on arch04:51
dexdex: hmm04:52
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)04:52
holsteinsh0ck: you'll need to be running ubuntu to use the drivers from the ubuntu repos04:52
glebihansh0ck, how about asking in #archlinux instead of here then ?04:53
dexnpacking xserver-xorg-video-displaylink (from .../xserver-xorg-video-displaylink_0.3-0ubuntu4_i386 (1).deb) ...04:53
dexdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of xserver-xorg-video-displaylink:04:53
dex xserver-xorg-core (2:1.13.0-0ubuntu6.2) breaks xserver-xorg-video-6 and is installed.04:53
dex  xserver-xorg-video-displaylink (0.3-0ubuntu4) provides xserver-xorg-video-6.04:53
dexdpkg: error processing xserver-xorg-video-displaylink (--install):04:53
FloodBot1dex: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:53
dex dependency problems - leaving unconfigured04:53
sh0ckOkay, sorry to have disturbed you ubuntu fellas.04:54
dexthat''s the error message i got from installation04:54
dexholstein: hello04:54
holsteindex: it installed for me, without error.. ubuntu 12.0404:56
holsteindex: do you have any graphic related PPA's?04:56
dfdgdfdgHi there , How do I get virtualbox to pick up my xmodmap keys ?04:56
holsteindex: holstein@aphrodite:~$ sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-displaylink04:58
holsteinReading package lists... Done04:58
holsteinBuilding dependency tree04:58
holsteinReading state information... Done04:58
holsteinThe following NEW packages will be installed: xserver-xorg-video-displaylink04:58
holstein0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:58
FloodBot1holstein: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:58
glebihandex, please post the full output of your command on http://paste.ubuntu.com05:01
holsteinlike i tried to do ;)05:01
scootypuffhas anyone tried using wps office (the ms office clone)?05:02
holsteinscootypuff: i use libreoffic or google docs05:02
* varunendra chuckles at holstein having fun with the bot.. ;)05:02
dex xserver-xorg-core : Breaks: xserver-xorg-video-605:07
dexdoes this mean something?05:07
varunendradex, it means it will replace that 'breaking' package and will install itself in its place.05:10
ProChildis there like different version of ubuntu05:10
ProChildi need a pre setup ubuntu that has all the tools for stuff like packet sniffers and debbugers05:11
ProChilda hackers tool book sort of05:11
dexhey bot05:11
dexhow can i paste image05:11
xmetalwouldn't it just be easier to use BackTrace?05:12
xmetaler backtrack i05:12
varunendraProChild, there are derivatives like that, nothing in Ubuntu itself. Check out #backtrack and kali-linux05:12
xmetal(or did i have it right the first time?)05:12
glebihandex, you don't need to poste an image, you only need to paste the output of your command on http://paste.ubuntu.com , as already asked for05:12
dexthis is the result05:14
dexsome are repeated05:14
glebihandex, didn't you say you were running 12.04 ?05:15
dexi think i do05:15
dexhow can i know it05:15
glebihandex, in terminal : lsb_release -a05:15
dexuntil now i think i run on 12.0405:15
dexit's 12.1005:16
dexdoes that change something?05:16
glebihandex, it does, the package you're trying to install does not exist in 12.10, hence the errors05:17
dexah.. why...05:17
dexwhy later version doesn't support it05:17
dexshould i downgrade to 12.0405:17
redwarriors29how to install thunderbird in ubuntu05:19
nate15329ok...i have a pci_root PNP0A03:00: fail to add MMConfig information and then it hangs on pci_bus resource mem...any ideas?05:19
dex12.10 why you don't have displayLink~~~!05:20
varunendraredwarriors29, which version of Ubuntu? The currently supported ones already have it preinstalled.05:20
glebihandex, I don't know. My guess would be that it's supported via another package or default in the kernel, but I cna't find any relevant info05:21
HexagoniteAnyone know a light Ubuntu distro besides Lubuntu and Xubuntu?05:22
wrvttaLinux Mint is good05:23
Hexagonitestill bloated though. :(05:23
FishsceneWith or without GUI? Ubuntu server is fairly lightweight05:25
Hexagonitewith GUI, of course05:25
bberrymerrysomething for development? i'm looking for a lightweight distro for ARM devel05:26
HexagoniteelementaryOS looks great, but it's based on Ubuntu 12.0405:26
redwarriors30i cant install thunderbird in ubuntu 10.0405:30
redwarriors30root@ba-educ-desktop:/home/ba_educ# sudo apt-get updateE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the list directory root@ba-educ-desktop:/home/ba_educ# sudo apt-get update --fix-missing E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the list directory root@ba-educ-desktop:/home/ba_educ#05:30
redwarriors30how can i fix it05:30
dexdependency is not satisfiable : xorg-video-abi-1105:31
dexwhen installing xserver-xorg-video-displaylink for 12.1005:32
dexwhy my xserver-xorg-core doesn't have that dependency?05:32
dexerror after error , one error solved, another error stand in its way,05:33
wilee-nileeredwarriors30, This 10.04 desktop, and why are you in root if so?05:33
we6jboI got a question05:36
bongi cant install thunderbird in ubuntu 10.0405:39
dfdgdfdg!ask we6jbo05:39
wilee-nileebong, this the desktop version and were you redwarriors30?05:40
bongim frm phils05:40
bongi cant install thunderbird in ubuntu 10.0405:40
wilee-nilee!10.04 | bong05:41
ubottubong: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.05:41
wilee-nilee!eol | bong05:41
ubottubong: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:41
wilee-nileebong, If you can answer questions the channel may be able to help. ;)05:41
bongso how can i installl this05:43
wilee-nileebong, Are you running in root oe just trying to install from it in the terminal?05:43
bongim in root right now05:44
wilee-nileebong, In the terminal with a command?05:44
bongyes im i was trying to install in terminal05:44
bongapt-get install thunderbird05:44
wilee-nileebong, You don't want to root the terminal to install.05:45
wilee-nileeuse sudo05:45
bongand how05:45
wilee-nileebong, 10.04 is end of life if you can't get it it may be to no access to the repos, can you run cat /etc/apt/sources.list and pastebin it?05:46
dexhey guys05:46
dexhow do i know which desktop I run?05:46
bongok how to pastebin05:46
dexin terminal which command lets me know what desktop i do?05:46
wilee-nilee!pastebin | bong05:46
ubottubong: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:46
wilee-nileedex, What did you choose at login05:47
bonghere http://paste.ubuntu.com/5913742/05:47
wilee-nileebong, Have you run a sudo apt-get update in the terminal not in root?05:48
wilee-nileebong, Thunderbird is in a stock install did you remove it?05:50
bongwhere is that05:51
bongwhere i can find it05:51
wilee-nileebong, Should be in the menu, I have not used gnome 2 in a long time, so I don't remember the exact place.05:52
bongtheres nothing thunderbird here05:52
bongi download thunder but it is in tar05:53
bonghow can i install this05:53
wilee-nileebong, try thunderbird in the terminal05:53
bongwhat comman05:53
bongwhat command05:53
wilee-nileejust thunderbird05:53
wilee-nileeif it is installed it will show bong05:54
bongit cant05:55
wilee-nileebong, So why do you need to run 10.04 it is end of life?05:55
bongmy computer cant support new version of linux05:56
cfhowlettbong, xubuntu and lubuntu are optimized for older machines.05:56
cfhowlettbong, recommend you torrent 12.04 xubuntu or lubuntu, make an install usb/cd and test it.  You might just be pleasantly surprised.05:59
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
wilee-nileebong, I suspect since you are end of life the regular repos are not accessible.06:00
vinoI have a program that's not able make a connection and i want to see if i have a firewall on. how do i look at my firewall settings on 12.04?06:01
=== vino is now known as Vino
ubottuVino,: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as Gufw also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo06:02
Vinodoes "status: inactive" mean I'm not blocking any ports?06:03
wilee-nileeVino, You might name the program.06:04
VinoSteam for Linux06:04
wilee-nileenever used it myself06:05
=== jeff__ is now known as jeff_liu_cn
FreeBuntuHi there..., anybody with some background.... is willing to help for free ?.....I just finished installing "Ubuntu 10.4(Lucid Lynx)" and want to create a dual boot system with "FreeBSD 5".....you know,  "FreeBSD 5" is not being recognized as an bootable OS..., so how do i manage ?06:15
cfhowlettFreeBuntu 10.04 desktop is end of life.06:16
santhoshhai how to install .exe file in linux woth out wine is there ant alternative software for that ine06:22
cfhowlettsanthosh, windows files run in windows.  wine provides a layer to emulate a windows environment.  No emulator, no install.06:24
DuncanNZCan I use the `command-not-found` program (which suggests a package to install if you type a command from a package not installed) on zsh? It works already on bash.06:24
santhoshis there any similar software like a wine to create layer like windows06:25
cfhowlettsanthosh, look in the software center.  some reason you can't use wine?06:26
nate15329santhosh, try using letsplayonlinux (it runs on wine but more configurable and user friendlier)06:26
cfhowlettsanthosh, perhaps install windows inside a virtualbox and run your program there.06:27
santhoshbut dot net frameworks are installed on playon linux06:27
santhoshno <cfhowlett> i have software on windows i want to migrate in linux in that case iam asking06:28
cfhowlettsanthosh, you know how Apple progams don't run natively on anything except Apple?  Same rule applies.06:29
santhoshso im not install .netframeworks in linux is there any soluation for install .netframework06:30
nate15329dot net frameworks are supported, i believe. may have to tell it to use the mono project...its been a while since i used playonlinux06:30
situIs there a way to avoid routing all traffic through VPN after a user connects to VPN ?06:30
nate15329mono project is the closest thing to the .net framework in linux06:31
sophie_Does Ubuntu still use Xorg?06:32
santhoshi install mono project but can,t install .netframework06:32
cfhowlettsanthosh, what program are you hoping to install06:34
santhoshsecure view for office cam06:35
cfhowlettsanthosh, don't get your hopes up.  Pretty sure there are some open source alternatives available.06:36
santhoshmy company using that one on windows i want to change it in ti linux06:36
=== brandon is now known as weblife
cfhowlettsanthosh, virtualbox>windows>secureview06:37
sophie_Virtualbox is what I'd do unless a program needed 3D acceleration.06:38
santhoshok good idea thanks for that06:38
santhoshbut direct linux is not possible06:38
nate15329i agree with cfhowlett..and virtualbox has the ability to do 3D acceleration...just not much of it06:38
sophie_Getting program to work with WINE is often a pain.06:39
=== DEREK| is now known as [Derek]
Zesprechihhsin: Hi06:47
lauratikaim running 12.04, how can i know if i have full disk encryption?, i know i encrypted my home folder.06:48
wooterlauratika: plugging the hard drive into a different computer with linux running...see if the data is visible06:49
dexhello guys06:50
dexhow to upgrade from 12.10 to latest one from terminal?06:50
dexwhich command lets me do that task?06:50
babinlonstonlauratika:use command tune2fs -l /dev/sda06:50
lauratikawooter: can do that06:50
lauratikababinlonston: Permission denied while trying to open /dev/sda06:51
wootertry elevate privilege06:51
babinlonstonlauratika: use sudo  ------>    sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda106:52
lauratika Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda06:52
lauratikaCouldn't find valid filesystem superblock.06:52
wootereven loading a live ubuntu cd on that computer, see if you can mount the hdd and read data06:53
babinlonstonlauratika: first check your partitions by using tune2fs -l /dev/sda1    and for sda2 u ill get all info about your  partitions06:55
aeon-ltddex: i'm searching now but i think it's 'do-release-upgrade' i'll need to checj though06:55
=== postj is now known as nerxgas
newbie008is there a tablet that runs ubuntu or linux? All features without chroot?06:56
babinlonstonlauratika: use sudo if ur not in Privileged User06:56
paul_Seems like there was a tablet announce at OMGUbuntu site last year that had Kubuntu, you might find it in their old articles06:57
lauratikababinlonston: only sda3 and sda6 gives outputs06:58
newbie008paul_ sounds out of date and underpowered..06:58
sophie_How much proprietary software makes up the code of Ubuntu nowadays? (Minus the third party stuff that's an optional install).06:59
aeon-ltdisn't ubuntu on arm limited on applications use? aswell as flash, so it's functionality is a little less than a standard android tablet06:59
babinlonstonlauratika: check how many partitions are there mounted df -h06:59
newbie008paul_ I take that back06:59
=== onekt2 is now known as onekt
lauratikababinlonston: odd just 2 partitions mounted07:02
MiteshShahed command not found , which package provide ed command07:05
MiteshShahand how to search07:05
babinlonstonlauratika: have a lot at my output from tune2fs http://pastebin.com/GaVKSPFE07:05
MiteshShahand how to search for packge which provide that command07:06
babinlonstonlauratika:  check the line Filesystem features:      has_journal ext_attr resize_inode dir_index filetype needs_recovery extent flex_bg sparse_super huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize , if there is Encrypted mentiond ur Partition is Encrypted07:06
auronandace!info ed | MiteshShah07:06
ubottuMiteshShah: ed (source: ed): classic UNIX line editor. In component main, is standard. Version 1.6-2ubuntu1 (raring), package size 48 kB, installed size 117 kB07:06
xormorMiteshShah: apt-cache search package-or-program-name07:06
lauratika sudo mount -a07:07
lauratikai try mount: mount point 0 does not exist07:07
=== tj is now known as Guest67353
xormorauronandace: I prefer "joe"07:07
MiteshShahxormor: its give more then 100 package list07:07
xormorMiteshShah: ok...07:07
auronandacexormor: he wanted ed07:07
MiteshShahauronandace: i know about ed07:07
xormorauronandace: ok, thanks.07:07
MiteshShahauronandace: i just want to know which packge provide that text editor07:08
auronandaceMiteshShah: the package is called ed, as the bot just showed you07:08
MiteshShahauronandace: thanks :)07:08
* newbie008 aparently nexus 7 is supported by ubuntu07:09
babinlonston lauratika: u cant get output from sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 ?07:10
lauratikallok mine07:11
MackwerkHello, I have a script in /etc/init, but it seems upstart doesnt see it? I cant do start myscript.conf :o07:13
babinlonstonlauratika: your home directory is encrypted07:13
babinlonstonlauratika:your home directory is encrypted and there is only 2 partitions u have defined one is /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda6 , Check the output for sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda307:15
lauratikababinlonston: yeah the home folder is, what about the entire HD?07:16
lauratikai have home in one partition, ubuntu in another and swap07:16
babinlonstonlauratika: check for sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sda6 and compare the filesystem line what says there must be a word as encrypted07:16
lauratikasda6 is!... as you post  has_journal ext_attr resize_inode dir_index filetype needs_recovery extent flex_bg sparse_super large_file huge_file uninit_bg dir_nlink extra_isize07:18
lauratikabut what about the partition where windoze is?07:18
=== tbn is now known as Guest67693
babinlonstonlauratika: Sure your Entire Disk Wont be Encrypted , if so u will ask for a password while u boot , if its fully encrypted boot partition will ask for as password07:22
lauratikais there a way to encrypt the whole disk??07:23
=== hakunin_ is now known as hakunin
radiovstvanyone play Dota 2? I'm having some font issues07:25
babinlonstonlauratika: yes its possible07:25
lauratikawhat application you rekon??07:26
AnaxandridasHi guys, noob here. Wanted to install Cinnamon, because I'm still detoxing from Windows and it looks similar. Went to this site, put in the said commands. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-cinnamon-1-8-on-ubuntu-13-04.html.07:27
AnaxandridasNothing has changed though. Advise?07:28
lauratikaAnaxandridas: reboot?07:28
lauratikababinlonston: thanx07:29
zeev_Hi, is there a way to prevent users from running arbitrary binary programs except of those installed?07:29
=== FreeBuntu is now known as Sysiphus
aeon-ltdzeev_: [never tried this before] couldn't you just have a user account with no priviliges so they couldn't change anything to executable?07:31
wilee-nileeAnaxandridas, Cinnamon is in the repos for raring07:31
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
Anaxandridaswilee-nilee, what does that mean? I'm a noob.07:32
Anaxandridas"In the repos for raring"?07:32
babinlonstonWho need Cinnamon ?07:32
wilee-nileeAnaxandridas, It means you don't need a ppa repos are repositories ubuntu has there own, its where you get packages.07:32
auronandace!software | Anaxandridas07:33
ubottuAnaxandridas: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents07:33
Anaxandridas... wilee-nilee, that's great, but I still don't know how to put cinnamon on the computer.07:33
zeev_aeon-ltd: but if they copy something that has already x privilige?07:33
lauratikaAnaxandridas: llok for it in ubuntu centre07:33
AnaxandridasI did that. Searching for cinnamon didn't bring it up.07:33
aeon-ltdzeev_: ... didn' think about that07:33
AnaxandridasI can find it other ways, but it says it's on there now.07:34
wilee-nileeAnaxandridas, If you have installed the ppa if you want that one did you run a update?07:34
babinlonstonAnaxandridas: https://github.com/babinlonston/Ubuntu-Linux-Stuffs/wiki/How-to-Install-latest-Cinnamon-1.6.4-in-Ubuntu-12.10-12.04-Linux-Mint07:34
aeon-ltdzeev_: strip the UI, remove keybindings, limit menus?07:34
AnaxandridasSo I have an option to remove it... wilee-nilee, yes, I ran the update.07:34
wilee-nileebabinlonston, you are not helping.07:34
babinlonstonAnaxandridas: Have a look at my git hub07:34
babinlonstonwilee-nilee: whts wrong ?07:35
wilee-nileebabinlonston, It is in the ubuntu repos in  raring07:35
Anaxandridasbabinlonston, I already did that. I'm doing it again now, to be sure, but it looks like that's the same thing as on the site I already pulled up.07:35
wilee-nileeAnaxandridas, PPA's are generally not supported here, so it might be worth removing the PPA and installing from ubuntu. it is up to you, All you have to do to install is in the terminal run sudo apt-get install cinnamon.07:37
=== scx_ is now known as scx
AnaxandridasSecond time through doing that, I put in "apt-get install build-essential" and got told this... "Could not open lock file var/lib/dpkg/locl. Unable to lock the administrator directory.07:37
reisioyeah if you can get it from an official repo, why wouldn't you07:37
Anaxandridasreisio, while I appreciate the rhetoric, I'm asking you how to do exactly that. So we don't need to philosophize.07:38
wilee-nileeAnaxandridas, You can only have one install app open at once.07:38
Anaxandridaswilee-nilee, is there a way I can wipe that and start over? And do it properly?07:38
reisioAnaxandridas: I just got here :)07:38
SysiphusHi , I am looking for somebody that tells me how to get "FreeBSD 5" and "Ubuntu 10.04" running as a Dual-Boot-System07:38
paolobHi guys! what streaming platform are there which can deliver content to all clients? I'm looking for an alternative to ms silverlight to uso on my web site07:38
reisioSysiphus: install one, then install the other, that's 99% of it07:38
babinlonstonAnaxandridas: i have installed 30 client machine here in office , in ubuntu 12.04 we installed cinnamoan and its working fine07:39
aeon-ltdpaolob: mp4+html5?07:39
wilee-nileeAnaxandridas, Do you have the software center open?07:39
reisiopaolob: silverlight is a browser plugin, you don't really need one of those to stream things07:39
AnaxandridasYou guys are saying to install it through the software center. Which is seems to have done (now it tells me I can only remove it). So, would removing it and reinstalling it from the same place do anything?07:39
reisiopaolob: you just need a streaming server, like icecast :)07:39
Anaxandridasbabinlonston, I appreciate that you have successfully installed it. I need to install it, too.07:39
=== scx_ is now known as scx
paolobreisio, I mean a video streamer07:40
reisiopaolob: icecast streams video, too07:41
BrightNewFutureI've been working on getting an Internet connection working again after installing Ubuntu on a laptop. Not going easy. Anyone interested please add comments to https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/232886.07:41
babinlonstonAnaxandridas: follow my steps in github buddy ... its wprked for me so what i have put it in wiki  if u need it to remove what already have installed ssh from any other machine to which u need to get installed and remove it using #apt-get remove cinnamon && apt-get purge cinnamon && apt-get autocleanall  then try to install from my steps07:42
Sysiphusfeel free to message me at anytime...., please...07:42
wilee-nileebabinlonston, And your aware that PPA's are not supported here, is that the best advice when cinnamon is in the ubuntu repos?07:43
babinlonstonAnaxandridas: http://pastebin.com/h4Fhwe5y look here07:44
wilee-nileebabinlonston, You understnad I don't care if they install cinnamon it is whether they can get support07:44
babinlonstonwilee-nilee: what u mean ?07:45
=== gordonjc1 is now known as gordonjcp
Anaxandridasbabinlonston, I appreciate you continuing to paste those instructions here, in various ways, but it was following those instructions that didn't render a result, which is why I'm here asking.07:45
wilee-nilee!ppa | babinlonston07:45
ubottubabinlonston: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge07:45
wilee-nilee WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages,07:45
reisiolord the spam07:45
wilee-nileeAnaxandridas, Anyway best of luck.07:46
babinlonstonok guys did u guys need proof its supporting me ?07:46
Anaxandridaswilee-nilee, help is appreciated rather more than luck ;)07:46
dance4xdoes anyone here have the sable complete from system76? thinking about getting it but looking for some reviews.07:47
babinlonstonAnaxandridas: install virtual manager with kvm and install ubuntu12.04 in it and then install cinnamon in it and check its supporting or not after there try in your base system if u feel any think go wrong07:47
reisioI don't know what you guys are talking about now07:49
reisiobut kvm to try cinnamon sounds like a huge waste of time :)07:49
wilee-nileeI give up. lol07:49
AnaxandridasSo, I've gotten three answers now. One is "your question is not supported", which I don't really understand, as this seems to be a chat room for #ubuntu questions, by people who just feel like helping out. One is "do the exact same thing you did, that rendered no result, which is why you came here," and the last is "use KVM to install ubuntu12.04 and then install cinnamon in it" which I'm not07:51
Anaxandridassure makes sense... But maybe I'm just too stupid to see it.07:51
reisioAnaxandridas: tell me what the initial problem was :)07:51
* reisio isn't paid by Canonical07:52
chalcedonyreisio, that's nice07:52
AnaxandridasUltimate, the question is... I installed it via directions from the sites previously posted, AND I have installed it via software center. However, I am still not looking at a Cinnamon desktop.07:52
reisioikr? :)07:52
chalcedonyvolunteering on irc is a good thing :)07:52
reisioRobHaz: fffft07:52
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
reisioright, woef07:52
babinlonston Anaxandridas: while login u have to choose the cinnamon07:52
dance4xis there really any difference between getting a device from system76 vs getting one from asus and then putting ubuntu on it?07:53
reisiodance4x: the only for sure difference is that if you get it from asus, you are giving Microsoft money :)07:54
reisiodance4x: the rest will vary07:54
wilee-nileeAnaxandridas, I would talk with reisio If it were me, that be good help. ;)07:54
RobHazdance4x: DONT GIVE MS MONEY!07:54
Anaxandridaswilee-nilee, we're PMing now ;) Thank you. And, sorry, didn't realise you were Canonical staff.07:54
lotuspsychje!caps | RobHaz07:54
ubottuRobHaz: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:54
dance4xi can get the computer for a lower price with free 2 day shipping if i do asus instead of system7607:54
wilee-nileeAnaxandridas, Cool, I'm not. ;)07:54
RobHazwilee-nilee: are you canoncial?07:55
dance4xim not really worried about giving MS money if i get a lower price07:55
lotuspsychje!ot | dance4x07:55
ubottudance4x: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:55
reisiodance4x: that's your prerogative :p07:55
lotuspsychjeok guys lets stick to ubuntu support07:55
RobHaz!guidelines | dance4x07:55
reisiodance4x: if you know it's hardware that GNU/Linux will support, then you know as much as anyone07:55
ubottudance4x: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines07:55
lissyxanyone skilled about udisks ? I'm having an issue on my 13.04 laptop, old devices mounted by udisks are still listed in udisksctl status07:55
dance4xdoes this not count as ubuntu support?07:56
lissyxthis makes the /media/ path going crazy sometimes07:56
RobHazdance4x: Whats up?07:56
histolissyx: what do you mean going crazy?07:57
lissyxhisto, bad path being computed07:57
dance4xi am trying to figure out the differences between getting a desktop that is made for ubuntu or getting one that comes with windows and putting ubuntu on it07:57
dance4xlike what are the problems associated with not getting a desktop from system76 or thinkpenguin, etc.07:57
dance4xis it worth it to pay extra for a desktop from a linux company i guess is my question07:58
aeon-ltddance4x: which costs less? then is the gpu/wifi/eth/audio supported in linux?07:58
lissyxhisto, yesterday night I plugged a drive with label 'Sauvegardes' as sdb1, now I'm plugging another with another label (it's detected as sdb1 too, since I've removed the other one), and I'm getting udisksctl mounting it to /media/alex/Sauvegardes/ instead of /media/alex/FirefoxOS/07:58
anonymouschenHey there07:59
reisiodance4x: excluding the ms tax you don't care about, and the price which you do, the only difference would be whether all the hardware is supported by GNU/Linux07:59
reisiodance4x: with a system76 box that is rather a given07:59
anonymouschenI'm having this problem with unity07:59
reisiodance4x: with an asus box it's very likely, but not a certainty07:59
reisiodance4x: a little research on your part could confirm it one way or the other, however07:59
anonymouschenwhere amazon adds keeps displaying07:59
anonymouschenafter disabling from privacy settings07:59
dance4xreisio so i just need to make sure that all the hardware is compatible?07:59
reisioanonymouschen: you probably need to uninstall the package07:59
reisioanonymouschen: something like this: http://lifehacker.com/5953180/how-to-remove-amazon-ads-from-ubuntu-121008:00
anonymouschenafter disabling like 10 sec later ubuntu crashed and everything is reinable08:00
histolissyx: are you sure the label is different on the new one?08:00
reisiodance4x: yup08:00
dance4xreisio like processor, graphics card, etc.08:00
lissyxhisto, and a 'udisksctl status' shows my old devices, and those are also listed in the "Devices" section of nautilus08:00
wilee-nileeanonymouschen, Did you clear recent items?08:00
reisiodance4x: webcam, wireless08:00
reisiodance4x: if it has something like nvidia optimus, think about that08:00
lissyxhisto, yes.08:00
reisioetc., etc.08:00
anonymouschenthat's not the cause08:00
anonymouschenI was installing packages08:01
aeon-ltddance4x: the bigger problems are definitely wifi+gpu, even if the gpu works it's performance will not reach the same as win anytime soon08:01
anonymouschento compile08:01
lissyxhisto, http://pastebin.com/4haEaVB608:01
wilee-nilee!enter | anonymouschen08:01
ubottuanonymouschen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:01
gudduanyone tell me how to use kvpn in ubuntu08:02
dance4xreisio aeon-ltd so anything with nvidia for the gpu is probably off limits?08:02
reisiodance4x: no not at all08:02
reisiodance4x: but if you want to know what you're getting into, that's what to look into08:02
aeon-ltddance4x: it's the hybrid intel/nvidia switching in laptops you have to watch for08:03
gudduanyone help me??08:03
anonymouschenOut of curiousity does anyone know the progress of reinstalling the ubuntu forums08:03
dance4xreisio aeon-ltd i am looking at the certified hardware list on the ubuntu website, but is there another site where it has specific parts?08:03
anonymouschenas in is it close to be back up or what08:03
reisioanonymouschen: AFAICT anyone that knows has been instructed to not say :)08:03
wilee-nileeguddu, Not with a statement of the problem to the channel.08:03
reisioanonymouschen: google et al. probably still have cached copies, though, if you just want to search it08:04
guddui'm new here08:04
histolissyx: I would check gnome-disks and see what the disk is being seen as08:04
lissyxhisto, gnome-disks displays the same08:04
gudduand i dont know how to use it, i want to start VPN08:04
lissyxhisto, and displays my old unplugged drive ...08:04
lissyxhisto, http://i.imgur.com/NF6jPfj.png look the Devices (« Périphériques ») section08:05
lissyxhisto, and browsing dbus shows similar behavior08:06
aeon-ltddance4x: i don't know of any, but since pc spec lists are easy to find you can google for them plus terms like ubuntu/linux + problems/not working/hdmi not working etc08:06
lissyxhisto, restating udisksd clears the list08:07
histolissyx: does it correct the read after restarting udisks?08:07
lissyxhisto, let me check08:07
dance4xaeon-ltd k. thank you for the help. i'll start googling around.08:07
lissyxhisto, seems so08:08
lissyxhisto, what bothers me the most is that each time I do udisksctl mount --block-device /dev/... then udisksctl unmount --block-device /dev/... it populates the device list08:08
=== Companion is now known as companion
histolissyx: why are you running udiskctl?08:09
lissyxhisto, and removing the device, udisks keeps it in memory08:09
lissyxhisto, to mount the device ?08:09
histolissyx: devices should be automounted by udisk08:09
lissyxhisto, but the behavior is the same using the nautilus UI08:09
histolissyx: and udisk rules08:09
lissyxhisto, well I can't explain why but it does not automount for the eSATA card08:10
lissyxhisto, as far as I can say plain old usb devices are automounted correctly08:10
histolissyx: You may have to write a rule for that particular disk to get automounted08:13
lissyxhisto, do you have any link to man page/ref for this ?08:14
reisioexcelsiora: 'lo08:14
wilee-nileeanonymouschen, We only know what the splash says.08:15
histolissyx: I'm looking now for something that would be the "ubuntu" way08:15
lissyxhisto, found this discussion http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/devkit-devel/2011-June/001094.html08:16
lissyxhisto, that might explain why eSATA drive not automatically mounted08:16
=== companion is now known as Companion
histolissyx: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man5/udisks-glue.conf.5.html  This looks interesting08:18
histoex9t: hello08:21
histolissyx: also you didn't really need to use udiskctl if you are manually mounting mount would be sufficient. But if you want automounting the last link I posted looks easy enough.08:22
lissyxhisto, what do you mean ? "mount would be sufficient"08:23
histolissyx: mount /dev/of/disk /where/to/mount08:23
lissyxhisto, well it complains the mount point does not exists08:23
reisiohi suomynon08:23
histo!! sudo08:23
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo08:23
suomynoni have some trouble with linuxdc++ can you help me?08:24
histolissyx: you have to mkdir /path/to/somewhere before you can mount to somewhere08:24
histo!details | suomynon08:24
lissyxhisto, which is what I wanted to avoid doing08:24
ubottusuomynon: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:24
lissyxhisto, since /media/<user>/ is somehow managed by udisks, I don't like the idea of mkdir myself08:25
histolissyx: sudo mkdir /media/whatever && sudo mount /dev/blah## /media/whatever08:25
suomynoni can't download nothing. i have set the TCp and UDP in the router but i can't download files08:26
lissyxhisto, which is not nice08:26
histolissyx: If not then create a udisk-glue conf and have it automount esata like normal08:26
lissyxhisto, udisks-glue seems to be needed08:26
g105bThe default gnome-terminal doesn't tab-auto-complete any more, how can I fix it?08:26
histolissyx: it is nice, the mount point doesn't need to be in /media you can mkdir /home/lissyx/mountpoint  and mount it there08:26
reisiog105b: 'reset'?08:27
histog105b: is bash-completion installed?08:27
lissyxhisto, and then I have to rebuild my 5-6 B2G trees because path is hardcoded in several places ...08:27
g105breisio: I don't know how to 'reset'. I just reinstalled gnome-terminal in apt-get08:27
reisiog105b: it's a command08:27
lissyxhisto, anyway, meeting, after I'll try the glue solution08:27
g105bhisto: yes08:27
histog105b: type reset in gnome terminal and 'press enter'08:28
g105breisio: nope, didn't fix it08:28
histog105b: dpkg -l bash-completion08:28
g105bIf I press ctrl+alt+F1, the terminal there works.08:28
g105b(This means it's a gnome-terminal issue)08:28
histog105b: did you change your shell from bash to something else?08:29
g105bhisto: nope, I use a pretty standard OS install.08:29
suomynoni'm running ubuntu 13.04 on acer 5750 and i have problem with linuxdc++. I can't download files. What are the settings that I have to set in Preferences/Connections?08:30
wasanzyis it possible to upgrade  ubuntu 10.10 to the latest version?08:31
histog105b: I would try gnome-terminal as a different user perhaps it's a configuration problem in your ~... Try gksu gnome-terminal and test in there08:31
histo!eol | wasanzy08:31
ubottuwasanzy: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:31
histosuomynon: you may have to look for linuxdc++ support08:31
g105bhisto: running as gksu didn't work either08:32
suomynonok histo  thank you08:33
suomynoni'll look support08:33
histog105b: No idea what's going on then did gksu pull your prefernces e.g. color & background settings?08:34
g105bnot sure, as I don't have any08:34
histog105b: create a new user and login as them and try08:35
histoalphix: try /clear08:41
=== Anaxandridas is now known as Randomnick123
reisiojust in case you wanted to dep on both Qt AND GNOME :p08:44
RayWizard|3i have high xorg cpu load when playing flash, however it is not always the case, is there a way to restart xorg without killing graphic apllications curently running?08:45
histoRayWizard|3: no08:45
reisioRayWizard|3: probably can kill flash, though08:46
reisiowhich is more sensible anyways08:46
histoRayWizard|3: what video card?08:46
RayWizard|3integrated hd3000, it works well usualy08:46
RayWizard|3dont have problems under windows, and when system just booted up08:46
histoRayWizard|3: do you have propriatary drivers installed?08:47
RayWizard|3how to check?08:48
histoRayWizard|3: the drivers manager from System Settings08:49
lord4163Why do I have a different keyboard layout in TTY? :(08:50
g105bsudo apt-get --purge remove gnome-terminal < That has got back directory tab-completion, but I'm still missing completion when using apt-get or more importantly, git (to complete branch names)08:50
histo!keyboard | lord416308:50
ubottulord4163: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard | KDE: System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | XFCE: Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard, Layout08:50
histojesus no cli08:50
lord4163histo: :P08:50
histolord4163: cat /etc/default/keyboard08:51
histolord4163: take a look there08:51
adam68Using Pan for Usenet on 12.04LTS, Pan Events says Error connecting to "reder.albasani.net:119" (Network is unreachable) or (Connection timed out). Any tricks to this? I must check with pings. Is so strange.08:52
RayWizard|3driver "Intel® Sandybridge Desktop " i supose its propriatary08:52
lord4163histo: Ok how do I change it to English US international with dead keys?08:52
histoRayWizard|3: lspci -k | grep -i vga08:53
histolord4163: change it in GUI if it works there08:53
histoor a live cd08:53
lord4163histo: yeah my keyboard layout is alright in my de08:54
RayWizard|3histo: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)08:54
histolord4163: then gksu gedit /etc/default/keyboard in your DE08:54
histoRayWizard|3: You are find then nvm. I though you had an ATI card08:55
histoRayWizard|3: flash sucks btw.  Try testing some html5 videos see if that pegs your xorg.08:55
lord4163histo: yeah but what values must I enter there?08:55
histolord4163: let me pastebin mine hold up08:56
histolord4163: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5914112/08:57
lord4163histo: like my tilde is not in right place and the @ is on " -_-08:57
hewhomustlord, thats probably keyboard layout08:58
lord4163histo: is that english us with dead keys?08:58
hewhomusti believe you have uk keyboard the same thing happened to me08:58
lord4163sudo service keyboard restart? :P08:59
jony_easyriderhow can I benchmark two different distros to see which is performing faster?08:59
reisiojony_easyrider: not in any way simply explained by another person09:00
adam69OK. Will ping albasani server, I guess is the least I can do .....09:00
histojony_easyrider: read phoronix09:00
hewhomustjony, could you go to keyboard settings in system settings09:00
llutzadam69: the hostname is "reader.albasani.net" not reder09:00
adam69yes, thanks llutz, I got that right in the setup. I will ping may suggest something ?09:01
histojony_easyrider: http://www.phoronix.com/09:01
lord4163Hmm how do I load that layout now histo ?09:03
jony_easyriderhisto, ty for the link09:04
histolord4163: boot the system would be easiest for you.09:04
lord4163histo: I did09:04
tanto_Help me, I want to install  NSClient++ on ubuntu 12.0409:05
adam69llutz, wow reader.albasani.net pings good. No probs there. Maybe I should try their alternatives https etc ?09:05
histolord4163: then you should be good or you can use the loadkeys layout to load one09:05
llutzadam69: perhaps you should try a more reliable service than albasani ...09:05
lord4163histo: No it ain't working after reboot?09:05
histolord4163: layout am09:06
hewhomusthi torke09:06
histolord4163: I also have no idea what the hell keyboard you have so it's rather difficult for me to give you settings09:06
lord4163histo: English US international with dead keys09:07
adam69llutz: went there after trouble with aoie. I'll get back to the albasani guy who gave me the access password, he may have a comment. Pan should work, right?09:07
torkeconnecting to an ubuntu X session via tightvnc is fine and my keyboard input is detected properly except Alt key. e.g. i can not write @ there.09:07
llutzadam69: i never used albasani myself, but i don#t see any reason why pan should fail if albasani offers standard nntp-service09:08
torkeconnecting another virtual desktop via vnc works, but i still fail doing the same with the ubuntu os.09:08
lord4163histo: sudo loadkeys us did work but I don't have the dead keys now :P09:08
torkedo you have a hint for fixing this Alt-key issue?09:08
hewhomusthi baby09:09
adam69llutz: OK, thanks. One OT question, if I may; what's a good IRC chat that I can learn up on, X-chat?. Seems I need beep notification of my moniker, and some focussing commands. Or perhaps I just read up on the / commands to enjoy this more? Thanks.09:10
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines09:11
henkpoleyIs it even possible anymore to enter a package name in Launchpad and then report a bug for that package?09:11
dr_willisxchat has help site and docs09:11
hewhomustadam, xchat is nice and easy09:11
lord4163histo: Where can I see the available keymaps? or do you know what I need to get the dead keys working?09:13
histo!bug | henkpoley09:13
ubottuhenkpoley: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:13
ikoniahenkpoley: on the bug reporting wiki page, it does detail it09:13
adam69OK. X-chat with its blog info maybe is what I need. X-chat not intuitive for adding IRC servers. But its mainly 'beep alert on monicker appearance' I think I need. Also a few for / commands under my fingers. Thanks guys.09:13
ikoniahenkpoley: it's not obvious, but if you read it fully, it's in there09:13
ActionParsniphenkpoley: just run:  ubuntu-bug packagename    and it will do that for you09:13
henkpoleydoes that work over ssh too ?09:14
ikoniaadam69: it's very easy for adding servers and ver intuitive09:14
ikoniahenkpoley: does what work over ssh ?09:14
ActionParsniphenkpoley: bit easier than trying to find the link on the page (its not clear which link it is at all)09:14
sasha|o hai09:14
sasha|is there a way to get GoToMeeting working without wine/VMs on Ubuntu?09:14
ikoniasasha|: how does it work ?09:14
dr_willisfind a native client?09:15
henkpoleyActionParsnip: anyways, I found a "report a bug" link by clicking around on the breadcrumbs for the package I needed in Launchpad09:15
histolord4163: can't check right now for you perhaps someone else can help.09:15
henkpoleyActionParsnip: apparently you can't report for a package, but only for a team or something09:15
reisiosasha|: without wine/vms means a native client09:15
histosasha|: ask the go to meeting people09:15
reisiosasha|: either there is such a thing or there isn't09:15
ikoniahenkpoley: there is an option to select a package09:15
histolord4163: perhaps sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup    will help you09:16
sasha|well someone's going to range on me… not understanding the fact that they physically cannot have the sort of performance they're already getting with ubuntu, on a 7 year old computer with 2gb of RAM and heavily outdated hardware09:18
ActionParsniphenkpoley: is the package from a PPA per chance?09:18
ActionParsnipsasha|: tried Xubuntu?09:18
hurdmanhello folks, i have got a question : will the futur ubuntu edge phone be open hardware ?09:18
ActionParsnipsasha|: what video chip are you using?09:18
reisiohurdman: given that I've not heard anything about it being so, I doubt it09:19
henkpoleyActionParsnip: linux-generic-lts-raring
ActionParsniphurdman: i'd ask in #ubuntu-touch09:19
ActionParsnip!info linux-generic-lts-raring09:19
ubottuPackage linux-generic-lts-raring does not exist in raring09:19
reisiohurdman: in fact they said they weren't going into the phone making business, just the os making business09:19
dr_willishurdman: ive seen verynlittle harfdware thats totally open09:19
henkpoleyActionParsnip: anyways I found the report link, it's just too hidden09:19
ActionParsniphenkpoley: oh, very09:19
hurdmandr_willis: the design of course, probably not the SoC :)09:19
henkpoleyActionParsnip As, in, not on any page where you want it to be09:19
histosasha|: any reason they depend upon go to meeting as opposed to other products that are available?09:20
hurdmanreisio: but they wants to build their phone09:20
sasha|ActionParsnip: no, ubuntu runs ok, but it would run better if there weren't 100 winnows open09:20
ikoniasasha|: then don't open 100 windows ?09:20
ikoniasasha|: you have to work within the limitations of your resources09:20
reisiohurdman: ;p09:20
ActionParsnipsasha|: then you will need more RAM to run more apps09:20
sasha|he wants to have Windows 7, which we have already tried… and it certainly won't handle no where near as much09:20
ikoniasasha|: sounds like it meets the windows 7 requirements fine09:21
hurdmanif the soft is open and the hardware too, it should be the best news ever :D09:21
ActionParsnipsasha|: I'm not seeing a question here, just statements....09:21
hewhomustperhaps a lighter desktop environment would do nicely but yeah it should be able to run windows 7 alright09:21
sasha|that's because you guys are talking to much and not letting me write something :P09:21
adam69OK folks, new on IRC here. er.... How do I exit gracefully? / leaving or something?09:22
=== adellam_ is now known as adellam
ikoniaadam69: type /part09:22
MrQuistadam /quit09:22
MrQuistor ctrl+w09:22
ikoniaMrQuist: is client specific09:22
sasha|histo: well he's in a meeting with 6 other people who are using GoToMeeting and he doesn't have much of an option. You should have heard him when he discovered that Skype doesn't do screen sharing...09:23
zipyalt + f409:23
dr_willisdepends on the irc client also09:23
klevinhello Guys09:23
hewhomusthi klevin09:23
klevinwhats up?09:23
adam69Thanks MrQuist09:23
hewhomustthe roof lol09:23
MrQuistThat an anti-joke09:23
ikoniaerrr can we stop the messing around please09:24
MrQuist"the roof lol"09:24
ikoniathe channel is for ubuntu help09:24
histosasha|: http://alternativeto.net/software/gotomeeting/?platform=linux09:24
klevinyes i know for this i entered here09:24
MrQuistthis for ubuntu help..?09:24
klevini am trying to make a server in vmware09:24
klevinwith inside a second virtual machine09:24
klevinso a vmware with 2 os09:24
klevini have the basic skills in linux09:25
MrQuistWhat are you all saying weird nerdy stuff09:25
ikoniaklevin: your trying to do virtualization within virtualization ?09:25
MrQuistgood luck09:25
reisioklevin: that doesn't usually workout so well09:25
histoklevin: why on earth?09:25
ikoniareisio: vmware supports 4 nested deep09:25
dr_willisdosbox in vbox09:25
MrQuistlol yeah messing around and stuff would work09:25
ikoniaklevin: I suggest you talk to vmware about this as it has very specific support needs to do this09:25
henkpoleyklevin: you are probably looking for the hypervisor stuff, not 'vmware server'09:26
reisioikonia: I'm sure it works out well, too09:26
ikoniaMrQuist: can you please stop with the pointless comments09:26
ikoniareisio: it actually does if you tick the boxes vmware require09:26
klevindo you provide me a link please?09:26
ikoniaklevin: you'll need to talk to vmware about this09:26
MrQuistikonia, ubuntu is a great philosophy, but i don't know why you're all talking about computer09:26
arashwhere does bluetooth received files , save in ?09:26
ikoniaklevin: try the #vmware channel09:26
klevinyes but all teste i will make will be on vmware09:26
reisioikonia: sure it does09:26
henkpoleyklevin: or #Xen09:27
ikoniaMrQuist: no-one is talking about "computer" - this channel is for ubuntu support09:27
klevini think i am at the right one, need t tutorials how to make the virtualization09:27
MrQuisti want to love my neighbours09:27
klevinin ubuntu for the stuff needed i will find myself :)09:27
ikoniaklevin: no - you need to use VMWARE to do this09:27
klevinok, suppose i installed09:27
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup09:27
klevinfirst ubuntu09:27
ikoniaklevin: hence why you need to talk to vmware to get the support requirements for nested virtualization09:27
klevinhow to make another one inside the first server09:27
histoklevin: why do you want to do this?09:28
dr_willisi wonder if vmware has docs at its homepage09:28
klevinfor test09:28
histodr_willis: sure it does09:28
histoI bet there is also #vmware09:28
klevini want to lean more about the linux09:28
klevini have basic skills09:28
histoklevin: then create a linux vm09:28
klevinguys vmware is just for the area of the server09:29
histoklevin: what doest hat have to do with nested vm09:29
klevininside vmware09:29
klevina single virtual machine09:29
klevinwill be 2 server09:29
reisiothere's literally nothing you're doing that makes sense :)09:29
histoklevin: whats you native language?09:29
klevinone directly with vmware and the other one with virtual instide the first one09:29
dr_willisshould be trivial to install vmware or vbox and install ubuntu in the vm09:29
dr_williswhy you need a vm in the vm is not clear09:30
klevinif needed i can make also in a local machine09:30
klevinguys, suppose you have a server09:30
dr_willisrun 2 vms..09:30
klevinand instead buying another one, you just create a virtual one at the single server09:30
klevinso you have 2 servers in one machine?09:30
klevinget it?09:30
histo!al | klevin09:31
dr_willisklevin:  thats rather trivial to do09:31
dr_willisyou could run a dozen vm instances on a ubuntu server09:31
dr_williseach bring a server09:32
klevinok how to do this? this is my question?09:32
klevini know how to install the first one, the physic one, what about the virtual one09:32
klevinwhat are the steps?09:32
dr_willisid use vbox. and start by reading thr vbox manual at its homepage09:32
arashwhere is bluetooth received files ?09:33
dr_willisinstall ubuntu.. install vbox.. install os in vbox09:33
Anaxandridas I keep getting a popup called "Depconf on Laptop" which soon disappears. It's just a blank box, with that at the top. It pops up, then closes. What is it, and how do I make it stop?09:34
histoAnaxandridas: a notification for depconf probably09:35
Anaxandridashisto, while I do appreciate the wit and humour, do you have an actual answer?09:35
klevinany idea ?09:36
dr_willisklevin:  on what exactly?09:37
klevinon virtualization, on a single physic server to put 2 servers09:37
dr_willisklevin:  run 2  vm instances.09:38
dr_willisor give details as to exactly what you are needing09:38
=== dannib_ is now known as dannib
klevinshould try ubuntu cluster?09:40
reisioklevin: to accomplish what?09:41
klevini need to make a test for the virtualizaiont servers09:41
klevinthat is all09:41
klevinjust for testing and for learning more about servers09:41
ikoniaklevin: it doesn't appear to me that you are confident in what you are doing09:41
ikoniaklevin: what is your end goal ?09:41
klevinfor this purpose i entered here :D09:42
klevinto learn and for help09:42
ikoniaklevin: please re-state cleanly09:42
dr_willismake a test to test what09:42
histoAnaxandridas: that was my answer no wit or humor just pointing you in a direction. I would investigate whatever the depconf process is09:42
dr_willisinstall ubuntu. install virtualbox, have a blast klevin09:43
reisiobut only in that order09:43
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox09:43
* histo senses future hosting provider09:45
* reisio senses future botspam09:45
br_shadowGuys, I have a problem and for weeks no one helps me, if no one can help me now too, im switching back to windows that actually works09:48
br_shadowif you can please take a look at http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=137187&p=731662#p73166209:48
iceroot!mint | br_shadow09:48
ubottubr_shadow: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:48
ikoniabr_shadow: we don't support mint here09:48
br_shadowguys, mint is the same like ubuntu, im sure if you helped me for like 3 minutes I would be done09:49
jribalso, there's no point in "threatening" to switch OS.  That's your choice.  Just ask about your issue (in the right channel)09:49
icerootbr_shadow: as we said, not supported09:49
ikoniabr_shadow: no, it's not09:49
ikoniabr_shadow: you are also getting support in the Mint IRC channel - so please don't lie saying no-one has helped you09:49
jribbr_shadow: you could install ubuntu and see if your issue persists.  If it does, we could help you with your ubuntu install09:49
ikoniabr_shadow: please take it to the mint channel09:49
ikoniabr_shadow: or switch back to windows, which ever works best for you09:50
br_shadowikonia the truth is im NOT getting support to mint channel09:50
dan2003What's the best / recommended way to make a package that does not need anything compiling, i.e. some config files, scripts or audio files. I had a look at sound-theme-freedesktop using apt-get source, but it uses autotools just to install a few sound files, which seems overkill09:50
icerootbr_shadow: we dont support mint and we dont care about mint and the mint support09:50
br_shadowmoreover ubuntu is the same exactly like mint09:50
jrib!packaging | dan200309:50
ubottudan2003: The packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring09:50
icerootbr_shadow: so lets stop this discusses here, its offtopic09:50
jribdan2003: try #ubuntu-packaging09:50
cfhowlettbr_shadow, and we're not going to support mint here on THIS channel so ... feel free to use ubuntu.  Thank you.09:50
icerootbr_shadow: and its not the same09:50
ikoniadan2003: the packaging format is the same if it needs compiling or not,09:51
dan2003jrib, thanks09:51
br_shadowiceroot im not asking you to help me as an ubuntu supporter, im asking you to help me as a linux supporter09:51
icerootbr_shadow: are you a troll?09:51
icerootbr_shadow: i told you 3 times we dont support mint here09:51
cfhowlettbr_shadow, not supported here.  period point blank.09:51
ikoniabr_shadow: final statement - no mint support here, please don't ask again09:51
icerootbr_shadow: so now stop that useless stuff here09:51
br_shadowim not a troll i just need help that no one seems to care and give me for weeks !09:51
jribbr_shadow: your choices are: 1) ask mint support channel 2) install ubuntu and replicate your issue, then ask here for help or 3) go to windows09:51
icerootbr_shadow: go to the mint channel!!09:51
cfhowlettbr_shadow, install ubuntu.  we'll help with that.09:51
cfhowlettbr_shadow, sadly, the rules of this channel apply to us all .. .including you.  and me.09:52
Michiel1hey does anyone know how to recover damaged partition ?09:54
ikoniaMichiel1: depends how/why it's damaged09:54
Michiel1When I tried to install ArchLinux I accidently selected my ubuntu home folder09:54
ikoniaMichiel1: ok, so it's not damaged, you've just formatted it09:55
Michiel1when I tried to recover that via testdisk i think it destroyed my partition table09:55
ikoniaughh really09:55
cfhowlettmichaelni, ow ow ow ow ow09:55
icerootMichiel1: only your backup is able to fix that (maybe a backup of the superblocks is enough)09:55
Michiel1when i then tried to repair that it succeeded it found my ubuntu, windows and stuff but i can't boot in windows anymore because it says it can't fiend windows09:55
cfhowlettMichiel1, probably wrote out your MBR.  fixable.09:56
Michiel1at least now i have my ubuntu back (not the home folder)09:56
Michiel1but windows is f*cked (pardon my language) and i still haven't recovered the home folder09:57
AnaxandridasSo... Remove Windows?09:57
ikoniaMichiel1: if you need to pardon your language, don't use it please.09:57
cfhowlettmichaelni, repair the windows boot with windows repair.  then reinstall grub to get your ubuntu goodies09:57
Michiel1yeah would be ideal if i hadn't had the upcoming exams and if my files weren't on windows09:57
cfhowlettMichiel1, that's why god invented dropbox09:58
ikoniaMichiel1: cfhowlett's called out your best bet09:58
AnaxandridasDropbox IS God.09:58
AnaxandridasIf every single computer in my house, AND my phone were all to die tomorrow, I'd still be good :D09:59
mJaykAnaxandridas: clouds are good just dont rely on them to much09:59
Michiel1the problem is it doesn't recognize my different partitions from live cd09:59
ikoniaMichiel1: are you on the livecd now ?09:59
Michiel1or from the ubuntu ( becaus i can boot just i don't get my home folder)10:00
Michiel1so I can't copy all the files10:00
ikoniaMichiel1: are you on the system now ?10:00
Michiel1I'm currently on my other pc10:00
ikoniaMichiel1: can you access the other system ?10:00
Michiel1i can acces ubuntu root and that's basicly it10:00
BoFdo you know where i can download shell script  !??10:00
ikoniaMichiel1: ok, so please access the other system, do "sudo fdisk -l" and put the output in a pastebin, and provide us the URL10:01
ikoniaBoF: which shell script do you want ?10:01
Michiel1the output gives10:01
ikoniaMichiel1: please use a pastebin10:01
Michiel1sda1p1, sda1p210:01
Michiel1only 310:01
ikoniaMichiel1: and put the exact output in as I requested10:01
Michiel1so sda1p1sda1p2sda1p310:01
ikoniaok, I'm done10:01
BoFany scripts, i m looking for a forum where i can see shell code for give me some ideas!10:02
ikoniaif you can't follow instructions, no point helping10:02
jribBoF: ideas for what?10:02
Michiel1ok wait a minute i have to boot10:02
ikoniaBoF: google shell scripting examples10:02
* cfhowlett ... LOL. Where's the "Ain't no one got time to read all that!" lady?10:02
ikoniaMichiel1: dont do it for me - I'm not bothered now10:02
BoFikonia: i try but no very util for me!10:03
ikoniafirst hit on google10:03
jrib!terminal | BoF10:04
ubottuBoF: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:04
Michiel1ok sudo fdisk -l reports /dev/sda1      (start) 1      (end) A953525167    (blocks)      976762536      (ID) ee        (system) GPT10:04
ikoniaMichiel1: you seem clearly unable to follow instruction despite me asking then telling you to use a pastebin10:05
Michiel1yeah but like i said this is a different pc10:05
ikoniaMichiel1: yeah, and like I said, "use a pastebin"10:05
ikoniagood luck10:05
Michiel1the other one is broken i just can use the console so maybe if i can acces the chat via console10:06
Michiel1or ok I will try to do it via livecd then i could probably paste it10:07
ikoniaMichiel1: I'm not doing any more on this now10:07
Michiel1ok thanks for the help :)10:08
ikoniano problem, good luck10:08
Michiel1i'll guess i'l paste it anyways and hope someone else can help :p10:08
ikoniabest idea10:09
Homely_GirlHi all, I seem to have a password problem on my system, can anyone help? I'm running 12.0410:12
ubottuHomely_Girl,: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords10:12
GianArbhi! sorry http://news.softpedia.com/news/Introducing-Deezer-WebApp-for-Ubuntu-12-10-301305.shtml I have installed this utility, how can i star it?10:18
cfhowlettGianArb, ask at www.deezer.com10:20
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:21
SdadHi i'm the michiel huy with the partition problem so what happend: I tried to install arch linux accidently deleted ubuntu home folder, tried to epair via testdisk, destroyed partition table, managed to repair that enough that i can actually get grub back, but in the mean time it destroyed windows, so now i can't get into windows anymore, i need the files so i can't just delete windows, i can get back into ubuntu root folder and as requested by ikonia this is 10:21
SdadWARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.10:21
SdadDisk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes10:21
Sdad255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders, total 1953525168 sectors10:21
SdadUnits = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes10:21
SdadSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes10:21
FloodBot1Sdad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:21
Ben64Sdad: seriously, learn how to pastebin10:21
Sdadoh sry new to this :s10:22
Ben64you were told a bunch of times to pastbin10:22
Sdadyeah i thought they meant paste the terminal output :s10:23
cfhowlettSdad, windows>windows repair>ubuntu>reinstall grub10:23
QTPieManSdad, or paste.ubuntu.com or dpaste.com even10:24
konadrhi all, i'm having an odd issue with PXE booting, it finds all my files and starts to boot, but then prompts for the CDROM to be mounted, I am specifying url in the boot menu so im a little confused by this http://pastebin.com/5aNrz9PA10:28
cfhowlettCheznet, ii10:32
Cheznetlearning a bit at a time ty10:32
Cheznethows my registered nick10:33
cfhowlettCheznet, ??? acceptable?10:33
Boohbahubuntuforums.org hacked?10:33
cfhowlettreisio, have you an ubuntu question?10:33
cfhowlettBoohbah, yes.  days ago.10:34
blazemoreBoohbah: Yes, go to ubuntuforums.com for more information10:34
usr13konadr: What directory is /precise/ in?  Is it in the root directory / ?10:34
reisiocfhowlett: I have not10:34
ubottureisio,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:34
usr13konadr: Oh, this is the cdrom?10:34
reisiocfhowlett: that was my understanding as well10:34
alfreddbasudo monit status...monit: error connecting to the monit daemon10:35
teasto12testing testing meow meow10:35
konadrusr13: it's in the top level of the webservers default vhost10:36
cfhowlettteasto12, yes we see you ...10:36
Cheznetfor packages when you switch from gnome to to kde desktop settings how do you detect what is gnome set and kde if you forget10:36
Homely_GirlBack again - I dropped to root 'n followed instructions to reset my password and got this error - "authentication token manipulation error password unchanched" plse can you help?10:37
cfhowlettHomely_Girl, are you using an encrypted ubuntu?10:38
blazemoreHomely_Girl: Make sure you are mounting the filesystem read/write - after immediately selecting "Drop into root shell prompt" the filesystem can be mounted as read-only. Try running "mount -rw -o remount /"10:39
Homely_Girlblazemore: Thanks I'll try that, back soon10:40
Cheznetwhats the command to see my info10:41
cfhowlettCheznet, info?  what info do you want to see?10:41
Cheznethere for ip listed10:41
blazemoreCheznet: /whois Cheznet10:41
alfreddbamonit: error connecting to the monit daemon..pls guide me.10:45
blazemore!details | alfreddba10:46
ubottualfreddba: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:46
alfreddbaam using ubuntu 12.0.4.. i installed monit..when i see status-- sudo monit status am getting this error :- monit: error connecting to the monit daemon10:47
alfreddbablazemore:  am using ubuntu 12.0.4.. i installed monit..when i see status-- sudo monit status am getting this error :- monit: error connecting to the monit daemon10:48
babinlonstonalfreddba:welcome buddy10:49
blazemorealfreddba: Please edit the file "/etc/default/monit" and change/add the line "startup=1"10:49
blazemorealfreddba: http://yoodey.com/solve-monit-error-connecting-monit-daemon10:50
babinlonstonalfreddba: how are u doing10:50
zeev_Hi, 1) is it possible to mount an external device (disk-on-key or an usb-hard-drive, etc.) only in Write mode, but NOT in Read mode? 2) If I do chmod a-x /mnt/media - will it be possible to write there but not read from there?10:52
alfreddbablazemore: thank u..10:53
jackstonerzeev_: 1) it's not possible, how do you access (read) the fs. 2) the flag +x used on a folder makes it readable to whoever is assigned. Write flag is +w10:56
teeceepeehow do I set an env variable in upstart10:56
teeceepeerunning as root ?10:56
blazemorezeev_: Perhaps there is a better solution for what you're trying to achieve?10:56
blazemoreteeceepee:  The recommended method is to write an env file in the pre-start stanza and then source it in the script stanza10:57
blazemoreteeceepee: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12610335/how-to-set-environment-variable-in-pre-start-in-upstart-script10:57
blazemoreIt's a bit of a hack, but it does work10:57
teeceepeeblazemore will that be in my upstart script ?10:58
blazemoreteeceepee: In your pre-start script, you write your encironmental variables to a file in /tmp10:59
blazemoreteeceepee: It's explained in detail in the link I gave you11:00
teeceepeeI don't know what a pre-start script is11:00
teeceepeeyeah I read it didn't understand11:00
blazemoreteeceepee: What are you trying to do? Do you know what an upstart script is?11:00
teeceepeeyeah I do11:00
teeceepeeI am trying to run uwsgi using an upstart script11:00
zeev_blazemore: I just want to prevent users from reading external stuff, while provide them with an option to dump their work on devices they attach - is there a way to do this?11:01
teeceepeeblazemore this is my upstart file11:02
blazemoreteeceepee: Right, and what do you need it to do that it isn't doing?11:04
teeceepeeits not setting env CAMPAIGN_TYPE=general11:04
ActionParsnipteeceepee: could set it in /etc/environment11:05
teeceepeeActionParsnip really? I am running upstart with sudo11:06
teeceepeethanks let me try thus11:06
inad922could someone tell me which package has the ec2-authorize command?11:07
inad922or how can I find it out on ubuntu where a given file is11:08
inad922I guess this has a /usr/(s)bin prefix11:08
DJones!find ec2-authorize11:09
ubottuFile ec2-authorize found in ec2-api-tools11:09
DJonesinad922: See ubottu's info11:09
zeev_blazemore: I just want to prevent users from reading external stuff, while provide them with an option to dump their work on devices they attach - is there a way to do this?11:10
inad922ah which repo has this package?11:10
inad922I added the repo as suggested on this page11:10
raubWhen a laptop goes to sleep (you close lid), what should I expect to see in log file 9syslog)?11:11
BoFhi, a sh script for notify mail come in it's possible??11:11
inad922but still I don't see the package11:11
ActionParsnipBoF: what email client are you using?11:11
DJonesinad922: It should be in multiverse according to http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ec2-api&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all11:11
ActionParsnipBoF: doesn't it have an addon?11:11
BoFyes but i can't install it11:12
raubBoF: yes. Implementation may vary: is mail local or in a server (imap)?11:12
inad922DJones, Eh, I enabled multiverse in sources.list11:12
inad922shall I replace the universe stuff?11:12
inad922or those are parallel?11:12
ActionParsnipBoF: libnotify-popups  http://askubuntu.com/questions/33614/why-do-firefox-and-thunderbird-not-use-notify-osd11:12
DJonesinad922: Are you on 13.04 (thats what the search gives)11:12
raubBoF: smtp is to *send* mail, not receive11:12
BoFah yes sorry11:13
ActionParsnipBoF: what i sthe output of:  cat /etc/issue11:13
DJonesinad922: Looking in a bit more detail, it should be there for lucid, precise and quantal as well11:13
BoFits:   Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l11:13
inad922DJones, I'm on an Amazon virt server. uname -a gives no info on the ubuntu version11:13
ikoniainad922: that is incorect11:14
raubAlso, BoF when you say you cannot install is it because of user rights or an issue in the box?11:14
inad922ikonia, Well how should I find it out then?>11:14
DJonesinad922: I've not looked at the amazon virt servers, so I wouldn't like to make any other suggestions, I'm just going off the default Ubuntu repo information11:14
ActionParsnipBoF: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#thunderbird11:14
ActionParsnipBoF: http://askubuntu.com/questions/197844/how-to-disable-osd-notifications-for-specific-email-addresses11:15
ikoniainad922: find out what exactly ?11:15
BoFActionParsnip: thx11:15
jarcoWhen I try to save manual network connections it requires me to authenticate before I can do it. How can I do that?11:15
BoFraub: i can't instal package!11:15
ikoniajarco: what do you mean ?11:15
inad922ikonia, Which version of ubuntu is running on the machine11:16
inad922that's why I tried to use uname -a11:16
xormorinad922: /exec -o uname -a11:16
ikoniainad922: ok, so lsb_release -a, the contents of /etc/release, erifying from the kernel in uname -a, then contacting amazon to ask which version you have purchased11:16
xormorLinux laptoppi-HP-G62-Notebook-PC 3.8.0-26-generic #38-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 17 21:46:08 UTC 2013 i686 athlon i686 GNU/Linux11:16
ActionParsnipBoF: guess how I found those.....11:16
raubActionParsnip: for some reason I thought he had no rights to install stuff in his account, hence I was going to suggest a python solution11:16
jarcoikonia, When I try to assign a fixed ip I cannot save because it requires me to be authenticated to make the connection available or all users.11:16
ActionParsnipraub: most users do :)11:17
ikoniajarco: where does it ask you to authenticate11:17
BoFActionParsnip: with ur great google friend?! :)11:17
ActionParsnipBoF: well, that and duckduckgo11:17
jarcoikonia, when I hover the greyed out save button11:17
inad922ikonia, /etc/release doesn't exist. I tried uname -a and it's an ec2 virtual server11:17
ikoniainad922: I know it's an ec2 virtual server, but the running kernel can normally tell you11:17
ikoniajarco: how are you launching it11:18
jarcoikonia, i use the small icon on the top right side of the screen and press edit connections11:18
justaguyWell this is a big channel11:18
inad922ikonia, ow ok11:18
=== zipper_ is now known as urbanslug
inad922ikonia, missed the lsb_release part11:18
ikoniajarco: there should be an "unlock" option11:19
raubWhen you put osmething up in a ppa, is it compiled/built for oyu or you must upload the packages yourself?11:19
teeceepeeActionParsnip doesn't work11:19
jarcoikonia, if there is one I really can't find it11:19
ikoniaraub: you can put what you want up11:20
raubikonia: so you mean it will build the package for me (using jenkins/whatnot)?11:20
ikoniaraub: depends, but basically, yes11:21
ikoniaraub: assuming all your configs are sane/correct11:21
raubikonia: point taken ;)11:23
justaguyDamn this irc is HUGE11:23
ikoniajarco: yeah, you said already11:23
ikoniajarco: just tested it on a 13.04 box - save button is not greyed out for my user11:24
raubIf I do tune2fs -o discard /dev/vgtest/test, how can I verify if that took place? /proc/mounts does not seem to want to help11:25
ikoniaraub: why would you think it didn't take place,11:25
ikoniaraub: also be aware of limits of "discard" on logical volumes11:25
raubikonia: because I did not see a message saying it was changed11:26
ikoniaraub: are you expecting a message ?11:27
raubikonia: care to elaborate? Is it bad to enable trim in a lvm?11:27
MonkeyDustraub  not everything is confirmed by a message, like: cp isn't either11:27
raubikonia: I kinda would like to know for sure ;)11:27
ikoniaraub: no, there are just limits and it's also supposed to be part of the logical volume, not file system11:27
SanDozCCmen 3rby11:27
=== richard is now known as Guest33251
raubikonia: Aha. I take that enabling issue_discards option in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf will not take place until reboot, right?11:28
ikoniaraub: that's correct11:28
raubI am trying to make sure not only my SSD-based raid is aligned but I am also get as good performance I can11:28
raubright now the OS is a livecd, so I have a few limitations :)11:29
ikoniaraub: it's worth having a few reads of things like this http://www.ocztechnologyforum.com/forum/showthread.php?82648-software-RAID-LVM-TRIM-support-on-Linux11:29
ikoniaraub: it doesn't sound like you're really aware of the limitations/practices11:29
raubikonia: thanks for the info. I have been reading https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Solid_State_Drives#Tips_for_Maximizing_SSD_Performance for the trim stuff and http://www.altechnative.net/2010/12/31/disk-and-file-system-optimisation/ for the alignment stuff11:32
ikoniaraub: a good resource, yes11:32
raubWill not claim I digested eveything yet though11:32
raubikonia: honestly I still do not feel I completely understand it11:33
ikoniaraub: no, it's a complex topic and the info is really very version speicifc to the components you use.11:33
raubthe principle, yes11:33
raubthe details, not quite11:33
raubAs in?11:33
ikoniawell, if file systmes/volumes/whatever support the functionality/options you want,11:34
ikoniathe specific versions of the software will have more/less/different options11:34
raubikonia: What I have is an Areca controller and 5 SSDs in a raid 5. I want to use them exclusively for lvm, to give out lvs for VMs11:36
raub12.04LTS but I am testing right now in 13.0411:37
shadejhello everyone11:40
shadejhow to send sms from pc11:41
ikoniashadej: you need a mobile sim card device, or an sms gateway on the network11:42
shadejwas that for me11:42
shadejikonia: how about using my mobile11:43
ikoniashadej: depends if there is software to send over the link, there used to be for old nokias, but not so much these days11:43
raubSo far the best bonnie++ numbers I got were by creating aligned partitions directly in the raid (you know, fdisk -H 64 -S 32 -c /dev/sdb)11:44
ActionParsnipshadej: http://taufanlubis.wordpress.com/2013/01/05/how-to-install-frontlinesms-smsgateway-server-in-ubuntu-linux/11:45
ActionParsnipshadej: http://xaintech.blogspot.co.uk/2010/05/build-your-own-sms-gateway-with-ubuntu.html11:45
MonkeyDustshadej  wammu is a gui to send messages, using your mobile phone11:48
ikoniaActionParsnip: nice url's11:48
MonkeyDust!info wammu11:48
ubottuwammu (source: wammu): GTK application to control your mobile phone. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.36-2 (raring), package size 686 kB, installed size 2403 kB11:48
ActionParsnipikonia: ty11:49
ActionParsnipikonia: funny what websearching brings up.... :)11:50
ihreWhat is a good way to test performance between an Ubuntu server and a Windows 7 client, set up cygwin & iperf?11:56
phong_hi vagina, how are you doing?11:56
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xpl0iterHello, I am trying to install curl by this command,  apt-get install ld-linux.so.2 curl but says me  Couldn't find any package by regex 'ld-linux.so.212:05
blazemoreihre: it depends what metric you want to compare12:05
blazemorexpl0iter: just sudo apt-get install curl12:05
jribxpl0iter: why are you putting "ld-linux.so.2"?12:05
MonkeyDustxpl0iter  try sudo apt-get install curl12:05
raubxpl0iter: let the package program deal with the dependencies12:06
xpl0iterjrib, MonkeyDust: this error comes in that case: http://pastie.org/817768612:06
xpl0iterraub ^^12:06
jribxpl0iter: I have to leave, but this is usually because you've used unofficial repositories, or packages (usually not meant for your distro version)12:07
xpl0iterblazemore: It gives me this error: http://pastie.org/817768612:07
MonkeyDustxpl0iter  what's the output of    cat /etc/issue ?12:07
xpl0iterjrib: this is my sources.list http://pastie.org/817769012:08
xpl0iterMonkeyDust: Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l12:08
jribxpl0iter: if you want to find the cause, then you look at the output, pick something it couldn't install (like libcurl3) and then try to install that (sudo apt-get install libcurl3).  You'll get a new error, with new things it can't install.  Keep going, eventually you'll get to the root cause.  Then you can « apt-cache policy PACKAGE » and you'll probably see that package is not coming from official12:10
jribxpl0iter: if you've done anything "interesting" with apt, packages, or repos, then you should relay that to the channel as well12:11
xpl0iterjrib tw while trying to an apt-update this errors comes at the end: http://pastie.org/817769812:11
jribxpl0iter: so fix them.  Sorry, but I have to leave12:12
xpl0iterjrib I haven't done anything, this is a vps I bought! :(12:12
xpl0iterok thanks for trying to help anyway!12:12
jribxpl0iter: well you have PPAs enabled, which isn't standard.  You should complain to your vps provider12:12
xpl0iterblazemore, raub, MonkeyDust: Anything?12:13
MonkeyDustxpl0iter  disable the PPA's, for a start12:13
ihreblazemore: I would like to test the performance of my OpenVPN server, but I'm using iperf standalone, which seems to work ok.12:13
xpl0iterMonkeyDust Where do I gte the list of PPAs installed on this VPS?12:16
xpl0iterOr is there any other method to disable it altogether?12:17
MonkeyDust!ppa-purge | xpl0iter read this12:17
ubottuxpl0iter read this: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html12:17
plagueHi! I'm Using ubuntu, but I have hardware related question should i ask it on some other channel?12:18
raubplague: don't ask to ask. Just ask. Worst case scenario someone will scream in fear12:18
cedric_that scream might scare someone into a heart attack though12:19
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xpl0iterMonkeyDust Ok, I got it, but to purge the PPA's I need to know the names of the installed PPA's right?12:19
plagueI'm basicly running headless ubuntu server. And was planing to get smart-ups, wanted to ask if anyone could share some information whihc model would be preferable and if there is a way to set up automated system bootup on power restore?12:19
raubikonia: Interesting bit in the ocz link you provided was they were using a partition for the lvm instead of the whole disk12:21
plaguelooking at APC models just not sure what i should get12:21
ikoniaraub: it's advised to use 1 partition for LVM - 1 partition that covers the whole disk12:21
raubplague: apcupsd (and others) can tell your computer that it is time to consider shutting down. Some computers can be configured in bios to reboot automatically when they get power12:22
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plagueraub, you mean any APC smart ups model should do the work?12:22
raubikonia: that is what I have been doing. Did not know about the --metadatasize option. How, aren't some of those disabled if lvm.conf is setup to trust the raid?12:23
raubplague: check its site for which models it likes12:24
ikoniaraub: I'm not sure without checking12:24
xpl0iterok I have fixed that now!12:25
xpl0iterBut stll can't install curl12:25
ikoniaxpl0iter: what do you mean can't install curl ?12:25
raubxpl0iter: pastebin new output?12:25
xpl0iterikonia raub http://pastie.org/817773412:26
raubikonia: that's what I have been doing. My problem is I have been using a liveCD so...12:26
ikoniaxpl0iter: what repos have you got setup ?12:26
ikoniaxpl0iter: that looks like a load of nonsense packages that are not part of ubuntu12:27
KC4LZNmumpitze1: From yesterday, wanted to share what I did to correct my problem if you have a minute?12:27
xpl0iterikonia http://pastie.org/817773812:28
ikoniaxpl0iter: there must be other repos12:28
ikoniaxpl0iter: or there must have been other repos12:28
ikoniaxpl0iter: those packages listed are not ubuntu ones12:28
raubxpl0iter: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list (I htink)12:28
xpl0iterikonia I got it from the sources.list12:28
ikoniadoesn't really matter whats there now12:28
ikoniait's what has been there12:29
xpl0iterraub Thats the one I posted12:29
ikoniaxpl0iter: can you show me the output of uname -a please.12:29
raubxpl0iter: it just seems rather empty12:29
ikoniait's not even an official sources.list12:29
ikoniasomeones been messing/changing it12:29
teeceepeedo I need to initctl reload-configuration every time I make changes to upstart script ?12:29
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mn2010is there a forum discussion channel?12:30
ikoniamn2010: #ubuntuforums12:30
blazemoremn2010: #ubuntuforums12:30
xpl0iterikonia http://pastebin.com/8RNdJTiM12:30
ikoniaxpl0iter: this is not an ubuntu install12:31
jarcoHello, i am trying to setup a samba share on ubuntu 13.04 but for some reason my samba user keeps getting refused . I enter the password and username but it just promps for the apssword over and over (its the correct one)12:31
ikoniaxpl0iter: that is a redhat kernel - someone has setup a bastardised ubuntu build in a redhat virtual machine12:31
ikoniaxpl0iter: I suggest you speak to your VPS provider as this is a mess12:31
ikoniaxpl0iter: do not add/remove any more packages until you've spoken to your vps provider for help as it could do real damage12:32
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xpl0iterikonia oh ok, thanks! :)12:32
xpl0iterBut what should I ask them? this curl install error?12:32
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ikoniaxpl0iter: just explain the problem12:33
xpl0iterok thanks a bunch! :)12:33
mn2010glad to see there is alot of helper's around today, beats the hoary' days when it was me and 2 other people trying to play help the masses.12:34
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raubmn2010: I feel I am more here to spread misinformation ;)12:34
teeceepeeso apparently, looks like I have been making changes to the wrong upstart script12:35
teeceepeedang, I commented out exec in upstart script but program starts still12:37
jarcoI can't get my user logon with samba working (i can see the files) I did sambapasswd -a for that user and still it is not working12:38
jarcoany suggestions12:38
ikoniajarco: that updates the sambapassword database12:39
mn2010what auth module are you using?12:39
ikoniajarco: what "login" are you talking about12:39
ikoniajarco: the login to the ubuntu desktop, the login to a share12:39
jarcoi created a user to access a sharze12:40
teeceepeeanyone's got an idea with upstart, I deleted <job>.conf runs restart <job> and it starts12:40
jarcoi ll write my steps down here12:40
ikoniajarco: don't need to do that12:41
jarcooh ok12:41
ikoniajarco: just answer the qestion12:41
jarcoi created a user and gave it a passwd12:41
ikoniajarco: what login are you talking about - a login to the ubuntu desktop, or the connection to a share12:41
jarcothen i did the sambapassword thing12:41
jarcoand i also added the user in the samba config file12:41
jarcoI am trying to connect to the share from my laptop and the share is on my desktop12:42
jarcoand it keeps prompting for the login12:42
ikoniajarco: ok, what OS is the laptop ?12:42
mn2010i hate upstart... i wish they would of stuck with rc. jobs, or moved on to systemd12:42
ikoniajarco: and the server ?12:42
jarcobut it also happens oon my pivos (android)12:42
jarcoserver = ubuntu 13.0412:42
ikoniajarco: ok, how are you trying to mount the share in fedora /12:43
jarcoi just do smb://ipadresshere12:43
ikoniajarco: ok, so lets do a test12:43
jarcoIts in my local lan12:43
ikoniajarco: from the terminal on your fedora machine, please do "mount -t cifs -o username=sambausername //yourserver/yourshare /mnt12:44
mumpitze1kc4lzn: hm?12:44
jarcoikonia, can't find //ip/folder in /etc/fstab12:45
ikoniajarco: show me the exact command you used please, exactly12:46
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jarco_ikonia, mount -t cifs -o pivos=pivos //
ikoniajarco_: you need /mnt on the end, and it was "-o username="12:48
jarco_oops  sorry12:48
ikoniajarco_: sorry, user= not username=12:48
mn2010ikonia: has pam support been fixed on samba(server) yet on ubuntu?12:49
ikoniamn2010: I'm not aware of it being break12:49
mn2010ikonia: user/username both work, longform is depreciated though12:49
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jarco_ikonia, mount error(13): Permission denied12:50
ikoniajarco_: ok, so you need to use sudo/be root12:50
jarco_ikonia, i am root12:50
ikoniajarco_: then you shouldn't be getting permissions deined using mount12:50
ikoniajarco_: did it prompt you for a password ?12:50
jarco_the user should be the samba user correct?12:50
houserwhen on earth will ubuntu upgrade to mysql 5.6 and php 5.4 ?12:50
jarco_yes it asked for a password12:50
ikoniajarco_: yes, the user is the samba account12:51
mn2010well i havent checked in a while, first it was hanging(100% processing power) problem with the pam module, then support stopped all together.12:51
mn2010there is a ppa for that houser12:52
houserno ppa12:52
houserim talking real repo12:52
jarcoSo if I get this permission denied that should be the cause of the problem correct?12:52
ikoniajarco: yes, looks like you've not setup the permissions correctly for your samba user12:53
jarcoI looked in 3 seperate guides and they all did it the same way I did. So I must have overlooked something?12:53
teeceepeehow do I force kill a stuck upstart process ?12:54
teeceepee<job>  stop/waiting12:54
cheshairHi! Anyone knows where to find a Ubuntu Raring Skype profile?12:55
teeceepeestop: Unknown instance:12:55
mn2010php: http://is.gd/JBb77m | mysql(oracle): http://is.gd/Y7oIQl12:56
blazemorecheshair: What do you mean by "skype profile" ?12:56
mn2010sorry was having trouble finding the PPA i was using for mysql12:56
jarcoikonia, if it helps: this is my samba config http://pastebin.com/2juNGZBL12:56
cocoingskype account?12:56
blazemore!skype | cheshair12:57
ubottucheshair: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga12:57
dv-jarco: if you're only connecting linux machines consider using sshfs12:57
cfhowlettcheshair, it's in the partner repositories12:58
jarcodv-, I am using an android device with xbmc also.12:58
mn2010probably post 14.10, as mysql's license changed, and idk about php, doesnt seem to be a reason. ask the team?12:58
mn2010pkill {id/appname} or killall {id/appname}12:59
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cfhowlettztane, greetings13:00
ztaneanyone knows if I can make chromium, firefox play mp4 as html5 video?13:00
blazemoreztane: from what perspective, you mean you want to embed h.264 video on a website?13:01
blazemoreztane: Or you want to use your browser as a video player for local media?13:01
ztaneblazemore: yes, in <video>element13:01
jarcoikonia, is it maybe possible the problem is related to the fact that its a usb disk under /media/username and samba is not allowing other users to look in therE?13:01
blazemoreztane: "yes" to the first one or the second?13:02
ztaneblazemore: fx22 supports it on windows if the codec is installed... I need it for some authoring13:02
ztaneblazemore: embed13:02
mn2010Chromium already plays MP4 with H.264, Firefox hasnt included support yet(except for in trunk), but you can use plugins to forward it to vlc_embed if you like13:02
ztanemn2010: does not play on ubuntu13:03
ztanemn2010: not on my computer13:03
mn2010do you have chromium-codecs installed?13:04
ztanehttp://camendesign.com/code/video_for_everybody/test.html i tried downloading the mp4 video from there and using it in <video> tag, does not work...13:04
ztanemn2010: obviously not?13:04
mn2010chromium doesnt use system codecs, and h.264 in firefox-trunk isnt enabled(its coded, just not enabled... mozilla is being a pain about it, due to licensing)13:05
ztanemn2010: not enabled... but windows version 22 reenabled it afaik...13:06
mn2010http://is.gd/63LaMi - will simply tell you what codecs are support13:07
mn2010atleast what is being exposed.13:07
mn2010its YT btw.13:07
ztanemn2010: ah ok, works, I read somewhere that chromium-codecs-ffmpeg should be installed, but <video> didnt work until chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra too13:08
jarcoI have 2 folder on an external usb drive that samba is not allowing me access to. When I use the exact same configuration on a folder in my homedrive its working just fine. How to solve this?13:08
mn2010ztane: Just to warn you, the Chromium builds on Ubuntu are quite out of date.13:09
cheshaircfhowlett: blazemore: truly sorry! i said it wrong! I meant:13:09
cheshairHi! Anyone knows where to find an apparmor profile Ubuntu Raring Skype
ztanemn2010: that is ok, just need to run some mp4 videos in browser without buying a windows computer13:09
kc4lznmumpitze1: Yesterday, we spoke briefly about a dual boot problem I had with 10.04 and 12.04 and wanted to share my fix if you wish?13:10
cheshairooops i did it again! an apparmor profile *for* Skype on Ubuntu 13.0413:11
auronandacemn2010: quite out of date? the repos have version 2813:11
banzounetHey guys to update phpmyadmin, what else should  I do besides moving the new folder?13:12
BluesKajHey folks13:12
SRHey dude13:13
ActionParsnip!info chromium-browser13:16
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 28.0.1500.71-0ubuntu1.13.04.1 (raring), package size 31077 kB, installed size 117022 kB13:16
ubottualphix,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:16
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ActionParsnipmn2010: not old at all13:17
jarcoikonia, not sure if you will read this but I solved it. The problem was that the folder was an ntfs folder on an external drive. I could not allow another user then the owned access to it (and user was not allowed to be changed). So I have used my main user and added it to the samba uisers and now it works. Thanks for the help!13:18
ActionParsnipmn2010: http://portableapps.com/news/2013-07-09--google-chrome-portable-28.0.1500.71-released    was released on 9th of this month. Where are you getting 'old' from???13:18
sirspazzolotyo dawgsss, can anyone see any problems in my windows 8 grub2 entry? generated by os-prober/grub2-mkconfig. here's a paste: http://bpaste.net/show/YLQZo9uXPgWilSCBBCRo/13:19
onetwothreeAnyone has experience with recordmydesktop?  It mysteriously stop when it is encoding - somewhere around 60%-70%13:19
* cfhowlett ... "yo dawgsss" ?13:19
sirspazzolotit boots to a black screen. pressing the power button puts it in hibernate, power button again and selecting windows 8 brings up an error screen13:19
sirspazzolotcfhowlett: sorry I'm tired ._.13:19
cfhowlettsirspazzolot, :)13:20
\nHi, I have a problem. I downloaded Ubuntu 13.04 (64 bit) and used LiLi to create a bootable USB, but I get the error "Boot loader | /casper/vmlinuz: file not found" when booting it.13:20
suriovarunendra, you there?13:20
streulmahello, what will say errors=remount-ro, will this act on boot? or while the system is running?13:20
MonkeyDust\n  try unetbootin or start up disk creator instead13:21
cfhowlett\n, try unetbootin to create your media13:21
ActionParsnip\n: did you md5 test the ISO you downloaded?13:21
sirspazzolotmy current boot strategy is use the windows disc to overwrite the mbr and when I need to get back to linux I chroot in and reinstall grub :P this is less than optimal13:21
surio\n your usb is probably conked out13:21
Ekushey\n: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/13:21
\nI'll try Unetbootin, thanks.13:21
surioLiLi is good with creation of 13.04 AFAIR13:22
MonkeyDustunetbootin is in the repos13:22
EkusheyI never heard of LiLi13:22
surio\n it's most likely your usb13:22
blazemore\n: I've never had a problem with LiLi, don't forget to follow its instructions and use windows' "Safely Remove" feature on your USB!13:22
surioEkushey, it's quite jazzy ;)13:22
sirspazzolotMonkeyDust: it is, but with some images and sometimes the ones it downloads itself the drive fails to boot13:22
sirspazzolotMonkeyDust: that is, the versions in the repo. getting it from the sourceforge has always fixed any problems I've had. no idea why there's a discrepency13:23
MonkeyDustsirspazzolot  anywayz, i use multisystem13:23
dennisxzshut UP! surio13:23
varunendrasurio, yup13:23
suriodennisxz, yes?13:23
dennisxzsorry surio13:23
Ekusheysurio: ah now i know what it is, they probably changed their name... the logo looks familiar13:23
surionp, false alarm :)13:23
sirspazzolotso anyway, any problems with this grub entry? http://bpaste.net/show/YLQZo9uXPgWilSCBBCRo/ is grub supposed to aim at the large windows 8 partition or the small system one?13:23
suriovarunendra, the wifi drops and auto connects time to time...13:24
\nHuh, /casper/vmlinuz.efi exists but /casper/vmlinuz doesn't. I don't have EFI.13:24
suriodennisxz, who did you mistake me for?13:24
varunendrasurio, the "wl" old version ??13:24
surioI have half a mind to switch to 13.0413:24
Ekushey\n: why not try to unetbootin and get back if you face the same problem?13:25
suriosince this is a brand new install anyway, and make my bed with 14.04 LTS13:25
Ekushey*try with13:25
\nI'll try13:25
ActionParsnipsurio: are you sharing a wifi channel with a lot of networks?13:25
mn2010Windows 8 - Secure boot and grub... not good bed fellow.13:25
ActionParsnipsurio: have you disabled ipv6 (I assume you don't use it)13:25
surioActionParsnip, good Q. but no. Just mine, and occasionally my smart phones13:25
varunendrasurio, you may try it in Live session. If it works better (with the native brcmsmac), you can either upgrade, or just use its kernel in 12.04.13:25
ActionParsnipsurio: have yo utried disabling N speed in the wifi using module options?13:25
surioActionParsnip, disabled :)13:26
sirspazzolot\n: my computer is really confusing me, I dno't have EFI but so many things seem to think I do. and they work properly despite not knowing I'm on BIOS/MBR13:26
surioActionParsnip, what's that?13:26
ActionParsnipsurio: if you run:  sudo iwlist scan | grep -i chann     do you see many networks on the same channel13:26
ActionParsnipsurio: what wifi drive module are you using?13:26
varunendrasurio, if I remember correctly, you disabled the security? (was WPA with TKIP)??13:27
suriowl (Broadcom 4313 is my flipping chip)13:27
chunkyheaddoes anyone here use iopus imacros on firefox need some help. or can u point me to another channel?13:27
suriovarunendra, it is WEP with TKIP still13:27
blazemorechunkyhead: #firefox13:27
ActionParsnipsurio: http://askubuntu.com/questions/110584/bcm4313-wireless-card-keeps-disconnecting13:28
varunendrasurio, and channel 11 perhaps.... anyway, the WEP - TKIP may be a factor adding to the problem whatever it is.13:28
surioit is on channel 1113:28
surioActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5914841/13:29
ActionParsnipsurio: worth a shot http://askubuntu.com/questions/110584/bcm4313-wireless-card-keeps-disconnecting13:29
ActionParsnipsurio: ok its not a busy channel then13:30
ActionParsnipsurio: tried setting the router to g speed, to test13:30
surioI run other distros off USB13:30
surioand they don't give issues13:30
surioSo, the router setup is okay13:30
surioAnd the smartphones connect too13:30
surioAnd remain connected.... :)13:31
surioThis is dual boot machine, so Win7 is also np13:31
surioI am really thinking of moving to 13.0413:31
suriothis is a new install of 12.04.2 (last night)13:31
sirspazzolotsurio: with the exception of the unity switch imo every ubuntu is worth upgrading to from the last13:32
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suriohehe sirspazzolot13:32
shivendrahello everyone13:33
surioyou two related ? :)13:33
sirspazzolotbut it's not so much that I detest unity now, more that I don't feel very comfortable using most mouse interfaces anymore13:33
suriovarunendra,  you two related ? :)13:33
vimneed help guys13:33
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ubottuvim: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:34
shivendrai want to create a bootable linux installation but also want that sotwares i install onto that must remain preserved. how can i ? :(13:34
auronandace!usb | shivendra13:34
ubottushivendra: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:34
shivendracurrently i'm on ubuntu13:34
varunendrasurio, you can use 13.04's kernel in 12.04 if you wish, by installing "linux-image-generic-raring" package..13:34
varunendrasurio, me and ActionParsnip ??13:34
shivendraauronandace, yers sir13:35
surioyou and shivendr....13:35
suriothe names looked familiar :)13:35
varunendrahaha... , maybe by citizenship... ;)13:35
suriookay, in a sense, you'd rather I stick with 12.04, and try kernel updates only13:36
shivendravarunendra, have you ever been in Satna13:36
varunendrasurio, nope13:36
surioshivendra, have you looked at knoppix ?13:36
suriovarunendra, ??13:37
varunendrasurio, sorry, I meant shivendra ^^ :P13:37
kc4lznmumpitze1: second, would you like for me to share with you what I did to fix my problem from yesterday?13:37
surioso my Q, varunendra ?13:37
varunendraanyway.... surio can you run this script ? : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/qjc87hzk1z5x6z0/wireless_script  -- it will create a detailed summary of your wireless setup.13:37
varunendrashivendra, I used knoppix long ago. Currently I sometimes use Slax which is based on Konppix.13:38
varunendrashivendra, oops, the tab error, I meant surio ^^, I used knoppix long ago. Currently I sometimes use Slax which is based on Konppix.13:38
auronandacevarunendra: slax is based on slackware13:39
varunendraauronandace, I think they have some variants..13:39
doomlorddesktop  navigation, i have an itch, i would like the same hotkey to trigger either 'expo' or 'scale'. it would be ok to just toggle. better still, picking one or the other based on context. (if no windows are hidden on this desktop, show desktops. else show either desktops or scale toggled vs the last invocation)13:39
Guest70249how do i use huewei data modem with ubuntu13:39
Guest70249ne help13:39
Guest70249ubuntu versuon 12.0413:40
Guest70249hueweu e153u-113:40
varunendraGuest70249, it should be natively supported by the kernel driver "option". If not.. you can force bind that driver.. but the link to do so was from the forums which is down :(13:41
Guest70249whats kernal driver option @ varunendra13:42
Guest70249sry new to ub untu13:42
Guest70249do u mean automatically13:43
varunendraGuest70249, "option" is the name of the driver that handles these devices. Anyway please show us the output of "lsusb | grep -i huewei"13:44
StolasHello Ubuntu People13:44
surioSlax is based on Slackware, Shivendra, and I think that actually fits your requirements you stated above13:44
zhaotongxuehow I can use my own keyboard?13:44
cfhowlettStolas, greetings13:44
Guest70249wait will do that13:45
zhaotongxueLike click ctrl+alt+t show terminal13:45
cfhowlettzhaotongxue, keybindings you mean.  see your settings13:45
zhaotongxuewhat's mean?13:45
zhaotongxuethis is xubuntu13:45
shivendrasurio, thanx but i've already downloaded mint 1513:45
zhaotongxuein ubuntu,I know where13:45
zhaotongxuebut i don't know in xubuntu13:45
ActionParsnipshivendra: mint isnt supported here13:46
blazemore!xubuntu | zhaotongxue13:46
ubottuzhaotongxue: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels13:46
suriozhaotongxue, System > Settings13:46
teeceepeeupstart is such a tart13:46
zhaotongxueno setting menu13:46
wilee-nileeraspberry or strawberry13:46
blazemorezhaotongxue: Go ask in #xubuntu, this is the Ubuntu support channel13:46
cfhowlettSc0tty-, greetings13:47
zhaotongxueI see a place13:47
StolasScotty, welcome13:47
surio^^ Very haiku "I see a place"13:47
zhaotongxueIn my other computer ,I use ubuntu13:47
\nI used Unetbootin, now I get "Failed to load COM32 file menu.c32".13:47
zhaotongxueI will sleep13:48
surio\n check md5 of your iso13:48
zhaotongxuesee you then?13:48
blazemore\n: if i were you I'd use Windows to check the drive for errors13:48
zhaotongxuemay be13:48
\nsurio, I did, it's correct13:48
suriozhaotongxue, bye bye13:48
\nblazemore, ok13:48
surio\n in that case, it is definitely your usb13:48
suriovarunendra, this script is great!13:49
Sc0tty-surio: what does your script do if you don't mind me asking?13:49
varunendrasurio, not my work.. :)13:49
surioSc0tty-, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/qjc87hzk1z5x6z0/wireless_script13:50
surioSc0tty-, "gathers the infos necessary for troubleshooting a wireless13:50
surio    # connection and saves them in a text file, wrapping it in an archive if it13:50
surio    # exceeds the size limit of 19.5 kB"13:50
wilee-nilee\n, Have you checked the sum of the ISO?13:50
suriowilee-nilee, he did13:50
suriovarunendra, http://paste.opensuse.org/510599313:50
varunendraSc0tty-, it creates a summary of wireless setup to help troubleshooting issues : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/qjc87hzk1z5x6z0/wireless_script13:51
surio^^ output of the script13:51
tom_oim still at my problem since yesterday13:51
wilee-nileetom_o, Which is?13:52
tom_ostart garena plus using wine and it says fatal error! folder acces denied, try to run as administrator13:52
\nCHKDSK found no errors.13:52
wilee-nileetom_o, http://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?t=1502213:53
mn2010tom_o: change permissions13:53
tom_ohow to13:54
varunendrasurio, that pastebin is terribly slow... :(13:54
varunendrasurio, I'm on a snail pace gprs connection... but c'mon, it's just a pastebin :(13:55
Sc0tty-surio: nice, I guess you work as a network engineer or the sorts?13:55
varunendraok, finally opened..13:55
wilee-nileetom_o, YOU been to #winehq13:55
RxDxplease, I have a computer running HostAPD... How can I see whom is connected on my AccessPoint (AP)? I think theres a file that lists the clients..13:55
varunendraSc0tty-, the authors of that script are mentioned on the script :)13:55
tom_oim joined the channel13:56
tom_obut no ones there13:56
HyperbyteI am having the most interesting issue today on Ubuntu 12.04.2 with Gnome classic desktop.  This is an LTSP server, with lots of people logged in.  After login, everything on the desktop works fine.  Firefox auto starts, which is very usable, calendar applet works.... but as soon as someone clicks the Gnome menu, the whole user session completely locks up13:57
varunendrasurio, I think we used the older version of "wl" driver ?? It is showing brcmsmac ????13:57
Sc0tty-no I never ment you wrote the script, just assumed that would be the reason that you are using it.13:57
wilee-nileetom_o, 203 user but things can be slow on channels with less people and a smaller overall app application rather than a OS. Just an option  is all.13:57
HyperbyteDoes anyone have any ideas on how to remedy this?13:58
wilee-nileetom_o, YOu look at the wine link I sent you?13:58
vltHyperbyte: Does this happen also in a vncserver session?13:58
surioSc0tty-, I am using it to fix my own problems, although there is a definite use case for n/w debugging as you mentioned13:58
tom_oi already read it but resolution about administrator13:58
bobz_zgI'm having trouble with permissions. I have user in group 33, but when I upload files via ftp, wordpress doesnt have permissions to r/w files13:58
wilee-nileetom_o, Personally I don't bother with wine I just dualboot.13:58
suriovarunendra, is it on brcmsmac ??13:58
Hyperbytevlt, not sure... vncserver isn't running.  I could try nx, there's an nxserver on there.13:58
bobz_zgwhat should i do13:58
wawrekdid anyone manage to install emacs24 on ubutnu? in my case it fails when I try to run ecb.13:58
tom_oho to join channel from here ?13:59
suriodamn! yes, I see lsmod now varunendra13:59
vltHyperbyte: Do the clients connect via X or NX?13:59
varunendrasurio, did you remove the wl again?13:59
wilee-nileetom_o /j "channel"13:59
Hyperbytevlt, LTSP uses X11 forwarding.  I have NX for working from home, but nobody is working form home today13:59
suriovarunendra, not at all why would i? come on :P13:59
surioas such I am happy it works... less temperamental than morning, but still buggy...14:00
vltHyperbyte: If you could test in a “local” session on the server you could tell whether it’s the client’s X server hanging or something alreadyy on the server.14:00
varunendrasurio, what does "dpkg -s bcmwl-kernel-source | grep -i version" show?14:00
tom_onothings happen i type /j "winehq"14:00
surioThen there's the question of pinnnig the package14:00
lateniteHi folks, where are the de-latin1.map.gz keymap files located? I did find /usr/ -name "de-*.map.gz" with no result14:00
wilee-nileetom_o, /j winehq14:01
suriovarunendra, "Version:"14:01
Hyperbytevlt, right, good idea.14:01
wilee-nileetom_o, er /j #winehq14:01
suriosame as the morning, varunendra14:01
wilee-nileeforgot the #14:01
vltHyperbyte: Some programs tend to put massive load on the X server because they “think” it makes things easier.14:01
Hyperbytevlt, interesting thing is that everything works great.  I'm on one of the affected clients now... alt+f2 and alt+t to start programs go fine.14:02
varunendrasurio, that's kinda weird, the very installation should have renamed the interface as "eth<something>" while it is currently "wlan0"..14:02
vltHyperbyte: They forget that in an LTSP environment the X server runs on the client.14:02
vltHyperbyte: Which might suffer from too less RAM or CPU7GPU power.14:02
HyperbyteAs long as I don't click the Ubuntu menu on top left everything is fine. :)14:02
HyperbyteThis is long running install though... problem creeped up today.  Either way it's good to try a local session.14:02
chadams42how can I add a user to have permissions to a folder, without modifying the current permissions I have there?14:03
vltHyperbyte: Did you update the chroot env?14:03
Hyperbytevlt, nope.14:03
HyperbyteNor the master.  Haven't touched this.14:03
varunendrasurio, I think the udev rules may have something to do with this.. we can delete those lines regarding wlan0 in it, but that shouldn't have needed.14:03
vltHyperbyte: What do df and free say?14:03
Hyperbytevlt, if I run ls -al /usr/share/applications on the server it also goes fine14:03
chadams42I want group "developers" to have access to 3 folders, but user "rsvp" to only have access to one of those folders.14:04
suriovarunendra, I am more and more convinced that 13 is the way to go, for now.....14:04
Hyperbytevlt, well 'free' at up the entire 32 GB ram, but nothing swapped yet14:04
varunendrasurio, for now you may try manually blacklisting brcmsmac, and adding "wl" to /etc/modules to make sure it gets loaded at boot time, not the brcmsmac..14:04
surioAnd hopefully 14 LTS would be bright as sunshine14:04
OerHekschadams42, if you do not want to edit the permissions, add te user to the same group as the current permissions14:04
Hyperbytevlt, and df............. hangs?14:04
vltHyperbyte: The w/o caches line is the most interesting14:04
varunendrasurio, yup... the sunshine ;)14:04
vltHyperbyte: Ha14:04
Hyperbytevlt, I have it.14:05
HyperbyteStale NFS volume.14:05
chadams42OerHeks: I don;t want the user to have access to the other two folders14:05
nyuszika7hwhy won't Ubuntu fit on a 700 MB CD? ;_;14:05
=== rmichnik_ is now known as rmichnik
vltHyperbyte: It was a pleasure :-)14:05
blazemorechadams42: Look at Access Control Lists14:05
HyperbyteWhy on earth it would bog the system down like this though.... that's really bad.14:05
nyuszika7hI'm trying to write it to a CD-RW because apparently something is wrong with my USB stick14:05
wilee-nileenyuszika7h, Look at the data size with a right click.14:05
HyperbyteThe NFS volume isn't even being used.14:05
nyuszika7hit's 785 MB14:05
blazemorenyuszika7h: The Ubuntu disk images no longer fit on a standard 700Mb CD, you need to use a DVD14:05
vltHyperbyte: Maybe the ubuntu menu uses it to generate icons.14:05
nyuszika7hI know... but I don't have one ._.14:06
* nyuszika7h looks for the minimal ISO14:06
blazemorenyuszika7h: But you should definitely try checking your USB drive with Windows' disk checker first14:06
nyuszika7hblazemore: I did14:06
nyuszika7hno errors14:06
Hyperbytevlt, nope.  it's an empty directory, which I mounted for some experiment.  I've since restarted the experiment server without umounting (forgot)14:06
wilee-nileenyuszika7h, right more than 700 MB and the allowed about 30 more MB usually allowed, it has been this way for awhile.14:06
nyuszika7hwait, I have another USB stick I could try14:06
wilee-nileenyuszika7h, The minimal is now a netload.14:06
Hyperbytevlt, umount -f /directory... fixed14:07
nyuszika7hyou mean netboot?14:07
wilee-nileenyuszika7h, No net load, it is about 30MB in size14:07
tom_ono one talk at winehq channel haha14:07
wilee-nileenyuszika7h, Good way to install though.14:07
varunendrasurio, the PINing part is easy though. It's just a file with 3 lines in /etc/apt/preferences.d directory. The first line is package name, second one its version and 3rd one its priority (1001)14:07
Hyperbytevlt, this is horribly kernel performance though... one unused stale NFS entry and the thing completely screws up.  That's pretty bizarre.14:08
wilee-nileenyuszika7h, Takes longer, however if you add a regular install time with the iso download about the same.14:08
blazemoretom_o: You just have to ask your question and *wait* for a reply, do not leave the channel14:08
wilee-nileenyuszika7h, NIce thing is the install is updated.14:09
DrekAlotsI'm trying to install an extention in virtual box and it keeps asking for the admin password. I use my password and it fails. Ubuntu doesn't use a root account so what gives?14:10
blazemoreDrekAlots: "an extension" what do you mean?14:10
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, YOu installing inside the vbox?14:10
wilee-nileeand what extension14:11
DrekAlotsblazemore: It's an Oracle_VM extension for USB connectivity. WHen you double click the file it launches vbox to install it but then fails because no root password is given.14:11
\nI get the same /casper/vmlinuz error now. ._.14:11
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, you can add a usb in the settings14:12
DrekAlotswille-nilee: This is for the EHCI USB 2.0 controller.14:12
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wilee-nileeDrekAlots, I figured an other than usb HD/flash, was  not sure though.14:12
yalexHello, having troubles with files created on a cifs samba share.  The second user can open files I create (through Ubuntu 12.04), they are using Windows and I cannot open their files/folders.  Permissions for the folder is 770 and the group is users (which are the primary group on the samba server)14:13
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, NOt familiar, but I wonder if it is to be run inside the guest or host.14:14
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, Some info here. http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch03.html You might call the #vbox channel as well.14:16
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varunendraDrekAlots, I installed the extension pack long ago, so I may not remember correctly, but I think I didn't need admin password to install it.14:18
wilee-nileeDrekAlots, More here as well, addresses users group and that type of controller using settings. http://www.faqforge.com/linux/enable-usb-support-in-virtualbox-ubuntu/14:18
DrekAlotswilee-nilee: thanks.14:19
varunendrawilee-nilee, that extension pack is kinda plugin to virtualbox, a separate binary file.14:19
wilee-nilee\n, I use the multisystem loader at pendrive linux for usb loads.14:19
suriovarunendra, I'll have to reboot the machine. Will get back to you over the weekend... if I remain iwth 12.04 or move to 13.0414:19
wilee-nileevarunendra, Cool, just passing info.14:20
blazemoreI saved myself a headache and ended up getting an iso-stick14:20
surio\n what did you do differently now?14:20
varunendraDrekAlots, what if you open virtualbox first, then "File > Preferences > Extensions > add yours (must be supported version)14:20
varunendrasurio, I'll be curious :)14:20
wilee-nilee\n, Miltiple user have suggested the usb may be toast have you reformatted it for kicks in any of this?14:20
DrekAlotsvarunendra: checking now.14:21
suriowilee-nilee, I was the first to suggest the broken usb ;)14:21
* surio pats own back :)14:21
DrekAlotsvarunendra: Still asking for password.14:22
suriogoodbye room14:22
wilee-nileevarunendra, With a quick glance on that device it looked like a usb addition in settings as well was needed, but I was just glancing.14:22
blazemoreDrekAlots: What are you actually trying to do? Are you following any instructions? Can you link them?14:23
wilee-nileefor the device though I guess14:23
varunendraDrekAlots, then I might have mistaken, but it shouldn't be any different than any other sudo task. Are you sure you are typing correct password and caps lock etc is fine?14:23
SophayaHi, I'm assuming that if a repository is giving me a 404 error, then it's dead and there's no way for me to get the software via terminal?14:23
wilee-nileeSophaya, What release are you running?14:24
DrekAlotsblazemore: no instructions. just installing an extension.14:24
ActionParsnipSophaya: not all PPAs support all releases.14:24
OerHeksSophaya, dead is dead, what repo exactly?14:24
Sophayaone moment14:24
ActionParsnipSophaya: did you check for another PPA?14:24
ActionParsnipSophaya: there is more than one PPA on launchpad14:24
\nOk, I've ddrescued the mini.iso to my USB. Installing now.14:24
SophayaThis one14:25
\nOf course I verified the SHA1 checksum too.14:25
varunendrawilee-nilee, those settings are "Per VM" settings, while extension pack is for VBox, universal for all VMs..14:25
SophayaIt was one I added14:25
ActionParsnipSophaya: http://ppa.launchpad.net/paullo612/unityshell-rotated/ubuntu/dists/14:25
ActionParsnipSophaya: only supports Oneiric and Precise14:25
varunendrawilee-nilee, those USB settings (per VM) can't be enabled unless the extension pack is installed.14:25
SophayaSo they will not work on 13.04?14:26
yalexI have force create mode at 0700 and directory mode 770 and create mask at 770 but a folder I"m creating in the samba share does not provide write access to the group14:26
blazemoreSophaya: no, it will 40414:26
wilee-nileevarunendra, Ah sort of what I figured I only use the general extension.14:26
SophayaAh I see, what is so different that it will not work?14:26
ActionParsnipSophaya: not that PPA, there may be another oe supporting Raring, or you can contact the PPA maintainer to see if they intend to support Raring14:27
varunendrawilee-nilee, the windows version includes the extension pack by default I guess... :)14:27
wilee-nileevarunendra, Yeah I think so.14:27
ActionParsnipSophaya: or reinstall with Precise which is LTS and supported wayyyy past Raring and use the PPA14:27
SophayaHm I see14:28
wilee-nileeSophaya, You trying to  move the unity panel?14:30
SophayaI'm trying to find a means of getting it on the bottom of the screen.14:30
tom_ohow can i change my account permission to root?14:31
wilee-nileeSophaya, The holy grail, lol I just use the cairo-dock14:31
blazemore!sudo | tom_o14:31
ubottutom_o: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo14:31
SophayaI've tried cairo, lol, I didn't like it, it felt sluggish.14:31
ActionParsniptom_o: accounts in the 'sudo' group have root access14:31
\nI have a problem...14:31
ActionParsnipSophaya: docky? cairo-dock?14:32
blazemoreSophaya: You could look at another desktop environment like XFCE or KDE (try #xubuntu or #kubuntu)14:32
\nMirror does not support the specified release (raring)14:32
wilee-nileeSophaya, One would think if possible there would be allowances to move it anywhere.14:32
tom_oi cant change the folder permission14:32
SophayaI've tried a few and asides the immovable launcher bar, unity seems to be the best for my system14:32
tom_oit always back to "----" after i change it to read and write14:33
ActionParsniptom_o: is it stored on NTFS?14:34
tom_ohow to check?14:34
ActionParsniptom_o: do you dual boot the system14:34
ActionParsniptom_o: ?14:34
JennaKittenanyone know how i can make my volume buttons wwork on my samsung np350v5c-t02us with 13.04? also sound seems to crash a lot and i am reinstalling because unity messed up. also how can i get rid of unity14:35
JennaKittenand keep the search thing14:35
tom_oi only use ubuntu14:35
ActionParsniptom_o: if you run:  mount   do you see ntfs anywhere?14:35
\nhu.archive.ubuntu.com appears to be down :/14:35
tom_obut i think its ntfs14:36
tom_ocoz i use windows xp before and i remember li'l bit14:37
ActionParsnip\n: then change server14:37
ActionParsniptom_o: if it is stored in NTFS you will need to change the mount settings at mount time14:37
ActionParsniptom_o: you cannot set Linux ACLs on NTFS, it won't work14:38
=== ylloluis is now known as NETfellow
tom_omy hardisk doesnt have partition, and i already install on ntfs i think14:38
tom_ocant change it ?14:38
Dacsso finally i went from 10.10 to 13.04 :) yayyyy.. well NO. i am noticing a huge amount of lag | slow desktop environment! i.e. when i click to open a terminal , it shows the terminal faded and then gradually comes up as if i am lunching it from the internet or something14:39
ActionParsniptom_o: it will need to be formatted, you can restore the data from backup if needed14:39
\nDacs, install the proprietary drivers14:39
ActionParsnipDacs: what video chip do you use?14:39
tom_ohow can i backup? so i need to reinstall ubuntu ?14:39
Dacsanyone experienced something like that14:39
JennaKittenubuntu says the real question is why X isnt using hardware accelleration14:39
ActionParsniptom_o: no, its only an NTFS partition. Why would that need a reinstall?14:40
DacsActionParsnip: am not at that box now i can check it when i am on that box14:40
ActionParsnipDacs: do you have an SSH connection to it?14:40
tom_owhat should i do? can i just change it to fat32 with gparted ?14:40
ActionParsniptom_o: that wil need a format, FAT32 is just as bad. You will need a Linux partition to hold Linux ACLs14:41
DacsActionParsnip: i wish man, i used to until my stup*d ISP decided to block all ports14:41
ActionParsnipDacs: does the system have a make and model?14:41
tom_odoesnt need anything ? just change itu to linux form g parted ?14:42
DacsActionParsnip: dell power edge 86014:42
\nDacs, if you don't need a HTTPS server, make sshd listen on port 44314:43
blazemoreDacs: Port 53 is a good one too; if you're on free public WiFi they usually don't look at port 53 traffic at all, so you can tunnel everything through ssh and browse for free14:44
Dacs\n: i scanned all the ports and the only one is open was 8014:44
\nThey block HTTPS?14:44
\nThat's insane.14:44
gordonjcpDacs: o_O14:44
clue_hhoo blook htps?14:45
blazemore^ My favourite sentence ever14:45
clue_hI'm going to use it all the time14:45
Dacstell me about it ! i know , but i am setting up this server and i will be moving it to one of my client office which she have no problem with me plugging it on her network14:45
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DacsActionParsnip: were you able to figure the vid chip with the make and model14:50
BeanMayhaps not the best place to ask, but can anyone point me in the direction for information on transitioning an office that uses Microsoft Access toward more open software (the eventual goal being to migrate from Windows to Ubuntu)14:51
yalexSamba isn't setting the write permission for new files/folders when saved from my local machine14:53
Beanhow does your smb.conf look?14:55
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poisonHelp me! 12.04 LTS Broadcom 4313, Bluetooth not working14:56
blazemore!broadcom | poison14:56
ubottupoison: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:56
Dacs!seen ActionParsnip14:57
ubottuI have no seen command14:57
Dacswhat ever dude :D14:57
=== Bean is now known as DJ_Beardsquirt
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:58
blazemoreDacs: ActionParsnip was last seen at 15:41:41 BST saying "Dacs: does the system have a make and model?"14:58
yalexIs there anyone that can please help with samba?14:59
gordonjcpDJ_Beardsquirt: re Access, have you considered making a webby interface to a "proper" DB?14:59
gordonjcp!anyone | yalex14:59
ubottuyalex: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:59
Dacsblazemore: then he must not got my DacsActionParsnip: dell power edge 86014:59
yalexI've ubottu14:59
yalexI've tried ubottu14:59
blazemoreDacs: Perhaps he did but he is busy14:59
blazemore!details | yalex15:00
ubottuyalex: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:00
Dacsblazemore: yep! cool i will wait until he pings me15:00
gordonjcpDJ_Beardsquirt: if you want to talk about webby databasey things, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic ;-)15:00
yalex Hello, having troubles with files created on a cifs samba share.  The second user can open files I create (through Ubuntu 12.04), they are using Windows and I cannot open their files/folders.  Permissions for the folder is 770 and the group is users (which are the primary group on the samba server).  I have force create mode at 0700 and directory mode 770 and create mask at 770 but a folder I"m creating in the samba share does not prov15:00
yalexide write access to the group15:00
DJ_Beardsquirtgordonjcp: Sure, that's the route I was considering. I can migrate the database comfortably - but the office uses Access forms extensively and I was just hoping there would be some shortcuts other than creating a new interface from scratch. Think I might be shit out of luck though.15:01
DJ_Beardsquirtgordonjcp: Cheers, I'll check it out.15:01
like2helpUyalex, sounds like a permissions problem15:02
gordonjcpDJ_Beardsquirt: since it's not really an Ubuntu support question15:02
yalexthanks like2helpU  permissions with what? the directories all have 700 access15:02
yalexwhen i create something its setting every permission except write15:03
DJ_Beardsquirtgordonjcp: fair point. I'm new here, just wasn't sure of the scope of discussion in this room.15:03
DJ_Beardsquirtgordonjcp: thanks for the advice though!15:03
gordonjcpDJ_Beardsquirt: as I say, come and talk to me about it in #u-ot15:04
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:05
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
lateniteHi folks, where are the de-latin1.map.gz keymap files located? I did find /usr/ -name "de-*.map.gz" with no result15:07
ActionParsniplayer3: sudo updatedb; locate de-latin1*15:08
ActionParsniplatenite: sudo updatedb; locate de-latin1*15:08
ActionParsniplayer3: sorry, tab fail15:08
lateniteActionParsnip: desktop ~ # updatedb ;desktop ~ # locate de-latin1*15:10
latenitereturns no result15:11
usr13latenite: locate map.gz15:11
usr13latenite: locate map.gz |grep latin15:12
kadalI have recently installed ubuntu 13.04. I am getting "insufficient Disk space" error message.15:15
blazemorekadal: Please post the output of running the command "df -h" onto http://paste.ubuntu.com and put the resulting URL in this channel15:15
James_EppHey guys. New to linux/experienced windows technician. Just wondering if there is a sort of "SFC" for debian distrobutions.15:16
lateniteusr13: that list tons of stuff but none of it is my systems keymaps15:16
latenitewhere are yours?15:16
usr13!info console-data15:17
ubottuconsole-data (source: console-data): keymaps, fonts, charset maps, fallback tables for console-tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.12-2 (raring), package size 1133 kB, installed size 2422 kB15:17
kadalkadal@kadal-desktop:~$ df -h15:17
kadalFilesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on15:17
kadal/dev/sdb9       4.0G  3.8G   20K 100% /15:17
kadalnone            4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup15:17
kadaludev            937M  4.0K  937M   1% /dev15:17
andrebquestion : how can i apply security updates via cli... i only want to apply security updates15:17
FloodBot1kadal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:17
kadaltmpfs           189M  772K  189M   1% /run15:17
usr13latenite: Looks like you need to install console-data15:18
usr13keymaps, fonts, charset maps, fallback tables for console-tools15:18
blazemorekadal: You only made a 4 gigabyte partition to install Ubuntu in; you need more than that15:18
ActionParsnipkadal: /dev/sdb9       4.0G  3.8G   20K 100% /    isn't good15:18
usr13console-tools - Linux console and font utilities15:18
foubarrehi. I under quantal (checked with /etc/os-release) but cannot update. do-release-upgrade tells me that there is no new version. Anyone knows what could cause this?15:19
ActionParsnipkadal: uninstall unused apps and old kernels15:19
MonkeyDustkadal  / is 100% full, i'm sure you have too many kernels installed15:19
ActionParsnipfoubarre: you can boot to the Raring install CD and upgrade that way if you want15:19
wilee-nileefoubarre, Is software sources set for all releases?15:20
foubarreActionParsnip: good idea. however, due to the time i would need to prepare this, i would prefer a direct update. I'll keep that in mind if everything else fails.15:20
lateniteusr13: than how is it possible that I even have a german kbd set . I must be here somewhere ?15:20
kadalthis is a fresh nstallation15:20
usr13i dono15:21
foubarrewilee-nilee: i hope so. However if i apt-get update, lots of repositories (auantal) are "temporarly moved".15:21
blazemorekadal: Then you need to do another fresh installation, but this time make sure you install Ubuntu onto a partition which is larger15:21
mJaykkadal: isnt it normal for an installation to take up ~ 3 gig including software?15:21
foubarrewilee-nilee: is that related to ubuntu being hacked?15:21
usr13kadal: It is a fresh installation on a partition that is too small.15:21
wilee-nileefoubarre, You might check your sources.list, there is a good website for a list of the stock repos.15:21
kadalone partion is 30gb15:22
wilee-nileefoubarre, Ubuntu being hacked?15:22
Xabsterhow do I completely uninstall the amazon spyware thing?15:22
foubarrewilee-nilee: forums, that is.. don't know the relations between them and the main organisation.. http://ubuntuforums.org/announce.html15:22
mJaykXabster: search for uninstall unity lens15:22
usr13kadal: Show us:  sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit   #Send resulting URL15:22
clue_hXabster, apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping15:22
wilee-nileefoubarre, The forum was running a closed source system not ubuntu15:23
Xabsterare there other features that send my search terms to commercial companies or anything else I should know?15:23
ikoniawilee-nilee: no it wasn't15:23
foubarrewilee-nilee: ok. thanks15:23
ikoniawilee-nilee: it was running vbuiliten15:23
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wilee-nileeikonia, I thought it was to some extent vbuiliten yes, not sure if open or closed I guess. ;)15:24
foubarrewilee-nilee: can you point me to the site with "stock repos"?15:24
clue_hXabster, not that i know of15:24
ikoniawilee-nilee: stop blaming closed source product - it's not closed, it's just a comercial product that canonical are responsible for maintaining on their servers15:25
usr13kadal: (You probably should have used the 30G partition, rather than the 4G.)15:25
blazemorefoubarre: I use http://repogen.simplylinux.ch15:25
mJaykXabster: I think some people go on about removing the online accounts thing or at least double checking it, im not upto date with it though15:25
wilee-nileefoubarre, http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/15:25
blazemoreIt's the love of my life15:25
blazemoreAlthough I'm never use whether to choose Great Britain or United Kingdom15:25
foubarrewilee-nilee: thanks15:26
wilee-nileeikonia, Dude if you looked at my about 12,000 post on the UF and all here I never blame close source, that is a projection. ;)15:26
wilee-nileeA OS is  OS to me15:26
foubarrewilee-nilee: heh. nice util. thanks again.15:26
varunendraikonia, is VBulletin open source? I don't think so..15:26
ikonia16:23 < wilee-nilee> foubarre, The forum was running a closed source system not ubuntu15:26
kadali have the result of fdisk -l15:26
ikoniavarunendra: it is if you purchase it - it's php based15:27
ikoniait's just comercial15:27
LowridereSata vs USB 3.0 for live external 13.0415:27
varunendraoh, ok ikonia didn't know about that.15:27
usr13kadal: Send the URL15:27
usr13!paste | kadal15:27
ubottukadal: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:27
blazemoreLowrider: I doubt the bottleneck will be the type of connection you use. Both will be fast enough15:28
LowriderBlazemore: Thank you! any recomendations on size, SSD vs HDD?15:28
kadalwhere can i paste the result?15:28
usr13kadal: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit   #Show us the resulting URL   (here)15:28
DrekAlotswilee-nilee: figured out the vbox extension issue15:29
blazemore!ot | Lowrider this isn't the place really15:29
ubottuLowrider this isn't the place really: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:29
ActionParsnipLowrider: depends how much space you need and budget15:29
wilee-nilee<ikonia> 16:23 < wilee-nilee> foubarre, The forum was running a closed source system not ubuntu The one time I say this and you freak out, lol.15:29
kadalsudo fdisk -l | pastebinit15:29
dan2003Is there some way to prevent usb audio devices becoming the default alsa device? i.e. hw:0, wihtout having to explecitly set every vid/pid combination in modprobe configs? rather than make each usb audio device hw:1, 2 etc,  is there some way to just force the internal pci one to hw:0 ?15:29
usr13kadal: Open a terminal, type  "sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit"  Hit enter, copy&paste the resulting URL here.15:30
kadalThe program 'pastebinit' can be found in the following packages:15:30
kadal * pastebinit15:30
kadal * pastebinit15:30
kadalTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package>15:30
FloodBot1kadal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:30
LowriderMy bad.15:30
blazemoredan2003: http://ask.debian.net/questions/how-to-enforce-a-consistent-numbering-of-sound-cards15:30
usr13kadal: sudo apt-get install pastebinit15:30
kadalThe program 'pastebinit' can be found in the following packages:15:30
kadal * pastebinit15:30
kadal * pastebinit15:30
kadalTry: sudo apt-get install <selected package>15:30
FloodBot1kadal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:30
blazemoreOh sorry dan2003 I misread your question15:30
blazemoredan2003: Maybe still helpful though15:30
kadalSorry for flooding. i am new to this chat. please bear with me15:31
usr13kadal: Never mind. Your full. Just go to paste.ubuntu.com and paste the result of   sudo fdisk -l15:31
AnaxandridasHi, guys. Recently installed Ubuntu. Am having trouble installing themes. I tried copying the theme into the ~/.themes folder, but it doesn't show up in my themes list. It's also not letting me download themes from the internet. I can view a list, select some, but clicking "Download and Install" has no effect. I have also tried doing it through the Change Desktop Background menu from rightclicking the desktop. Help please?15:31
AnaxandridasKadal, that's how you ask a question, by the way :D15:31
usr13kadal: And then send us the URL of the paste.15:31
dan2003blazemore, i have a feeling ive read and done this already, but ill check to be sure, USB devices genrally still end up as hw:0 unless each and every 1 is explicitly given an index15:32
usr13!themes | Anaxandridas15:32
ubottuAnaxandridas: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:32
blazemoreSmugness backfired, Anaxandridas15:32
Anaxandridasusr13, I'm so glad you can type !themes. Any chance you could also supply some assistance?15:32
AnaxandridasI can FIND themes just fine. Loads of them. I can't get them to come up on the themes list.15:33
dan2003blazemore, intrestingly, there is this in alsa-base.conf15:33
dan2003# Keep snd-usb-audio from beeing loaded as first soundcard15:33
dan2003options snd-usb-audio index=-215:33
dan2003but it clealry doesnt work either15:33
blazemoreAnaxandridas: Why doesn't the information in !themes work for you?15:33
blazemore!changethemes | Anaxandridas15:33
ubottuAnaxandridas: To change GNOME themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy. Kubuntu (KDE) themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu (Xfce): !xfce-themes15:33
OerHeksAnaxandridas, did you try logout/login again?15:33
AnaxandridasOerHeks, yes. But even if that were it, I should still be able to download new ones from the list... But it won't download. I don't even know that the two things are related, but it seems an odd coincidence.15:34
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wilee-nileeDrekAlots, Cool. enjoy.15:37
kadalusr13: there is an error message when I typed in the terminal.15:38
joshuhi can I install the latest version of cmake binary http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake- on ubuntu 13.06 x64?15:38
kadalUSR13: Shall I post the error message?15:38
usr13kadal: See my PM15:38
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usr13(Not here, in the PM15:39
usr13Private Message15:39
usr13kadal: I opened a PM for you.  Paste it there.15:39
MonkeyDustjoshu  it's 13.04 and if it's newer than what's in the repos, it's not supported here15:40
kadali am checking how to send pm15:40
joshuMonkeyDust typo…ok so only support here for what's in Ubuntu's repos?15:41
usr13kadal: I don't know what sort of IRC client you are using but there should already be another window with a channel labled  #kadal  Go to it and chat with me there.15:41
usr13kadal: Or just initiate a "Private Message" with me.  (I don't use xchat, maybe someone else can help you.)15:42
kadalthat is better. i will join15:42
clue_hcould type /query usr13 in xchat15:42
usr13clue_h: I don't use xchat so I don't know how to do it.15:43
rypervencheusr13: It is an IRC command, so it will work with any client.15:47
blazemoreclue_h: You're running irssi and you don't know how to open a private message?15:47
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clue_hno i was suggesting it to kadal15:48
ActionParsnipusr13: or  /msg username hi15:50
bobi1024need some help15:51
bobi1024can I use with intel graphics the same feature as Nvidia - "Separate X Screens" ?15:52
foubarrewilee-nilee: tried the new sources. Same problem. It seems that any repo that is "I386" is moved temporarly15:53
wilee-nileefoubarre, Maybe a mirror problem, you can change those, I'm not sure of the full details of your problem.15:54
foubarrewilee-nilee: i tried the german mirrors too and i have the same problem.15:54
foubarrewilee-nilee: ok.15:55
blazemorefoubarre: Just to rule this out: you *are* running apt-get update between changing your sources.list right?15:55
wilee-nileefoubarre, So the basic premise is no upgrade offered from 12.10 to 13.04?15:55
foubarreblazemore: yep, sir15:55
foubarrewilee-nilee: blazemore moreover i saw the change of repos from fr to de when i changed the sources.list urls15:56
foubarrewilee-nilee: not sure what you meant. What i wanted to do is to upgrade to 13.04.15:58
wilee-nileefoubarre, From what release?15:58
foubarrewilee-nilee: quantal. 12.10.15:59
DJ_Beardsquirtbobi1024: Sorry, fairly certain that feature is nvidia only. You might be able to set the primary monitor in xrandr with --primary if that's what you're trying to achieve15:59
wilee-nileefoubarre, Heh, that was my question "from 12.10 to 13.04"15:59
bobi1024DJ_Beardsquirt: yeah I've thought so16:00
bobi1024because every post on the net says it is impossible16:00
foubarrewilee-nilee: oh. Mh sorry not very skilled in english16:00
bobi1024with nvidia was so easy16:00
foubarrewilee-nilee: you lost me with your "basic premise"16:01
DJ_Beardsquirtbobi1024: yeah, sorry i can't be of more help16:01
wilee-nileefoubarre, Something is up, that should be available if the software sources is set to all releases in the update manager. Don't worry english is my native and I barely speak it correctly, ;)16:01
wilee-nileefoubarre, Ah, I see basic premise, cool.16:02
zimbowhich of these two courses do you think is better for learning about computer programming ABMA Level 4 Diploma Computer Engineering (http://abma.uk.com/computer-engineering/) or the The ACP Certificate in Information Technology & Programming (http://www.acpexamboard.com/professional_courses.htm)16:03
zimbooff topic, wrong room, apologies16:03
foubarrewilee-nilee: ok, how do i check that sources are "set to all releases"?16:04
randomaussietrying to install the boic this for seti at home... the one that came with the software centre is out of date... how do install from a .sh file?16:04
randomaussieoops ignore that16:04
randomaussiemeant to hit backspace16:04
randomaussiealready got it working16:04
randomaussiewhat i am trying to do is make my file browser window allow me to see and browse computers on my network.... it did it on a fresh oinstall before but it isnt now... am i missing a package16:06
blazemorerandomaussie: Are you getting any kind of error?16:06
randomaussieblazemore: no i dont get an error.. and i can use "connect to server" and acces my windows box's shares... but i cant just browse them in "browse netwrk16:08
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wilee-nileefoubarre, go to ubuntu software center-edit-software sources-updates-notify me of any ubuntu version-for any new versions16:09
blazemorerandomaussie: try sudo apt-get install samba-common16:10
wilee-nileethen open the software updater and run a check16:10
randomaussieblazemore: tahnks will try16:10
cristian_cI've installed qt4-qtconfig16:11
ActionParsniprandomaussie: can you ping the server?16:11
cristian_cIf I open the tool and I edit the font settings, clicking on File->Save, this string appears in the statusbar: 'Saved changes.'16:11
cristian_cbut if I close and reopen the tool, there are not the new settings anymore16:11
cristian_cHow can I solve it?16:12
cristian_cAny ideas?16:12
randomaussieblazemore: i already have the lastest samba-common isntalled16:12
blazemorerandomaussie: samba4-clients then, maybe16:12
randomaussieActionParsnip: yes and i can "connect server" so its and access my shares16:12
randomaussieblazemore: installing16:13
Troy^Hello, I just installed ubuntu 13.04 on my laptop it has a GT 650m graphics card and a Intel HD 4000. Now I'm having trouble getting any sort of nvidia driver installed please help. Im currently looking at a screen 640x 480 thank you.16:16
blazemoreTroy^: Are you getting any error when you try to install the drivers using the Additional Drivers built-in utility?16:18
Troy^well additional drivers has no drivers there16:18
lampshade_hi, i am having trouble partitioning a large disk with parted. i create a primary partition for boot, and then a handful of logical partitions. after setting up the LVM, parted print shows a bunch of 512b partitions16:18
randomaussieblazemore: installed... do i need to restart any processes or should it just work as i got an error this time of unable to mount location16:19
Troy^blazemore, also i tried installing nvidia-current well it just gived me an error you are not running nvidia x drivers when i open the nvidia-settings16:19
blazemoreTroy^: You rebooted after installing them, yes?16:20
inad922inad922 aa16:25
inad922could someone type a line with my nick in it please?16:25
DJonesinad922: hELLO16:26
inad922DJones: Thanks, it works, I just wanted to test irssi's hilight fuction16:26
blazemoreinad922: ubottu will hilight you if you use a supported !command on it16:26
DJonesinad922: Its Irssi, of course it works :)16:26
walterwojDoes anyone know about all movies playing in pink? (as in pink screen and sound)16:26
blazemorewalterwoj: Do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?16:27
blazemorewalterwoj: pink sound?16:27
blazemore17:26:58          walterwoj: Does anyone know about all movies playing in pink? (as in pink screen and sound)16:27
blazemoreMistake sorry16:27
walterwojPink screen sound woks right.16:27
walterwojyes just installed extras16:27
blazemoreI actually can't help you as I have to go home16:28
blazemoregraphics drivers16:28
blazemoretry a different media player (vlc)16:28
blazemorework out what the ones that don't work have in common16:28
walterwojsame thing on VLC and media player, many movie formats.16:28
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
walterwoj.avi, .wmv, m4k16:30
walterwojalll bad16:30
Wullekehello, i get error message that thermal sensor for required devices is not enabled when i try to install ubuntu, does a workaround exist for this problem?16:30
leto1You guys know how Ubuntu has a drag-to-left/right to maximize on half of the screen. Is there a way to make that a hotkey?16:31
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leto1Meow meow meow!?16:32
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elementaryHi all ! Looking for a skilled developer to assist me in various tasks and get paid of course16:32
mJaykleto1: Go to the keyboard menu and then the shortcuts tab16:32
mJaykWulleke: what is the error messagE?16:33
DJoneselementary: Thats not a topic for Ubuntu support, please find another channel to ask in16:34
Wullekethat thermal reporting is not enabled for required devices16:35
mJaykWulleke: what devices what does it say exactly does it give you a hex code? does it let you continue ? need more info :) what stage of the install etc16:35
Wullekeseems to be a known error, with a solution, but forums are down so i cant get to the solution16:36
Wullekei boot from usb devices, i briefly see keyboard icon on the bottem then screen goes blank, after a while i hear the knocking sound but thats all16:40
mJaykWulleke: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Q9R6E-G7DScJ:ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php%3Ft%3D1609309+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=ubuntu16:41
napscAnyone else16:41
mJaykthats the google cache page of the ubuntu forums help thread on ur issiue16:41
napscanyone else's syslog missing timestamps?  in the gui16:41
wilee-nileeWulleke, Try f5 at the first gui then chose nomodeset.16:41
wilee-nileeWulleke, What app did you load the usb?16:43
napsci guess i should have said 13.04 unity system log gui16:45
Wullekeok, the nomodeset seems to work, i did get the error but got past it16:48
Wullekehope it is working, i report back soon16:48
Wullekethank for the quick respons16:48
documentationGuyHey quick question for all you gurus out there, what is the best way to check if a particular package is installed in Ubuntu desktop?16:50
siciliaxubuntu 12.04 AMD 64 boots to blank black screen,darn bugs16:53
compdocsicilia, does your motherboard have an UEFI bios?16:54
imdeahi one question, i have a machine with some linux-image packages installed as well as a linux-server... I want to make space in my /boot partition but when i try to uninstall some linux-image files ubuntu tells me that it has dependencies problem with linux-server... is it safe to remove it?16:54
documentationGuysicilia, are you dual booting?16:54
siciliaIt's a Gigabyte board it's new been having troubles even with win7 freeze ups16:56
siciliano dual boot16:56
siciliaplain xubuntu16:56
documentationGuyWhat boot loader are you using?16:56
compdocsicilia, in the gigabytes boards Ive used, there's an option to set the video to 'legacy' mode to allow ubuntu to boot to a normal screen16:57
siciliaI'm so tech, I just ran the DVD I burned from Xubuntu website16:57
randomaussiehi all.. i had managed to install the nice pretty 3d gnome3.. and now when i try to log in with it i just get gnome classic? what did i do16:57
siciliaI'm not so tech16:57
siciliaoh ok16:57
delacproblems getting icedtea-7 plugin to work with danskebank login. anyone has solution?16:58
siciliaI can google that then. thanks16:58
wilee-nileerandomaussie, What was your goal the gnome-shell?16:58
Wullekeinstallation succesfull, thx16:59
napscdocumentationGuy: dpkg --get-selections | grep <progam>16:59
documentationGuythanks napsc.16:59
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randomaussiewilee-nilee: yes it work after i installed it till i rebooted it17:00
wilee-nileerandomaussie, What was your install command?17:00
MobGodwilee-nilee can you look at this for me17:01
Troy^Hello guys, I have installed ubuntu 13.04 on my laptop it has a 650m gt and a hd 4000 and nothing i do seems to install the nvidia drivers properly. Additonal Drivers window is empty. I'm just looking to setup my gt 650m and get dual display working.17:02
wilee-nileerandomaussie, The gnome shell is the gnome 3 desktop, you would have had to at the least log out to get to it.17:02
wilee-nileeMobGod, No, don't randomly ask people to help.17:02
randomaussiewilee-nilee: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop ubuntu-gnome-default-settings17:02
MobGodwow wilee-nilee bad day today17:03
MobGodok anyone care to look at this http://pastebin.com/XUqErjCq17:03
wilee-nileerandomaussie, That is not the shell install command do you know what the gnome-shell is?17:03
randomaussiewilee-nileeaparantly not17:03
randomaussiewilee-nilee: aparantly not17:03
imdeawhen I try to remove an old kernel in my ubuntu 12.04 machine it tells me that it is going to remove also linux-server and linux-image-server. Is it safe to proceed?17:03
wilee-nileerandomaussie, So what is the final goal here?17:03
DJonesMobGod: People generally don't look at random pastebins without a an explanation of the problem17:04
zimbodoes ubuntu hire developers or is all the programming done by volunteers?17:04
MobGodDJones trying to adduser17:04
randomaussieto get the propper gnome 3 runing instead of lightdm17:04
randomaussiewilee-nilee: to get the propper gnome 3 runing instead of lightdm17:04
DJonesMobGod: Well, explain your problem in the channel in detail, thats the best way of getting help17:05
MobGodDJones that is why i did the pastebin17:05
wilee-nileerandomaussie, gnome 3 underlies the unity desktop and is a shell the actual gnome 3 desktop and underlies the fallback.17:05
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_lunch
MobGodperl: warning: Setting locale failed.17:05
MobGodperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:17:05
MobGodplus a couple extras17:05
randomaussiewilee-nilee: i know unity if an off shoot of gnome.. but i want regular gnome17:06
wilee-nileerandomaussie, What is regular gnome?17:06
Troy^Hello guys, I have installed ubuntu 13.04 on my laptop it has a 650m gt and a hd 4000 and nothing i do seems to install the nvidia drivers properly. Additonal Drivers window is empty. I'm just looking to setup my gt 650m and get dual display working.17:07
MobGodDJones what do you think i can do for that first time i've seen it17:08
randomaussiewilee-nilee: what ever i had runnig before the reboot... was ni nicer interface...17:08
usr13zomGreg: Both17:08
wilee-nileerandomaussie, Heh we are stuck in a circular info search, you will have to give details.17:08
DJonesMobGod: I've never seen the command dduser used before, I've never used anything outide of he adduser command17:09
usr13sorry zomGreg That was ment for zimbo17:09
root__fala galera17:09
root__alguem do brasil17:09
randomaussiewilee-nilee: well i installed gnome-shell and it gave me a nicer interface.. but its vanished... wheni log in using the gnome interface it just logs in with a clone of unity17:09
MobGodDJones lol thats what i mean adduser17:09
Pici!br | root__17:09
DJones!br | root__17:09
ubotturoot__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:09
root__alguem ai do brasil17:10
wilee-nileerandomaussie, The shell should be just the gnome choice17:10
usr13zimbo: "Canonical works with the open-source community to deliver Ubuntu"17:10
zimbousr13 how many full time, paid developers work for Canonical?17:11
usr13 ^^^^^^^^ so technically, you could say both.  50017:11
zimboany idea?17:11
zimbothanks for the answer17:11
randomaussiewilee-nilee: well i dont know what else to tell you.. if i knew what i was doing i wouldnt be here....   all i know is it worked be fore and now it isnt :(17:11
wilee-nileezimbo, This is support not information gathering.17:11
wilee-nileerandomaussie, Try the gnome option at the login.17:12
randomaussiewilee-nilee: i'm using it and its a clone of unity17:12
zimbowilee-nilee, oh so i broke a rule, didn't know, sorry17:12
usr13zimbo: "Canonical employs staff in more than 30 countries ... Canonical has more than 500 employees"17:12
wilee-nileerandomaussie, I'm not sure to be honest I use the shell, I just installed with sudo apt-get install gnome-shell  and choosegnome at the login.17:13
zimbousr13 thanks for the info17:13
=== zimbo is now known as HelloWorld
=== HelloWorld is now known as zimbo
zorin0shey guys, i need some urgent help. i installed maldet, ran a scan, and it says 1 threat detected, but i can't quarantine it17:15
holstein!info maldet17:15
ubottuPackage maldet does not exist in raring17:15
OerHekszorin0s, on zorin OS ?17:16
zorin0syes OerHeks17:16
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root__alguem ai fala portugues17:16
usr13zorin0s: http://www.rfxn.com/appdocs/README.maldetect17:16
OerHekszorin0s, ah that is why we cannot find it.17:17
genii!br | root__17:17
ubotturoot__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:17
holsteinzorin0s: i would try a zorin support avenue for zorin OS17:18
zorin0szorin is dead17:18
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
wilee-nileerandomaussie, Did you get your original command, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop ubuntu-gnome-default-settings" here, http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-get-complete-gnome-3-desktop-in.html17:19
randomaussiewilee-nilee: yes17:19
holsteinzorin0s: what version of ubuntu are you using?17:19
DJoneszorin0s: You'll need to be patient waiting for zorin support, its not a supported version of Ubuntu so we can't help in the #ubuntu* channels17:20
SocksevenHi, can anyone help me? Has anyone encountered a msi gt-70 laptop, because it refuses to boot linux under uefi and i'm all out of suggestions?17:20
holsteinSockseven: you can always ask the creator of the UEFI for support.. i assume you have tried the wiki suggestions?17:21
holstein!uefi > Sockseven17:21
ubottuSockseven, please see my private message17:21
wilee-nileerandomaussie, You did not read that clearly, "You can simply install the "gnome-shell" package if GNOME Shell is all you want, but if you want the whole GNOME 3 desktop which includes the default applications as well as the default settings, use the command below" that is a either or statement, run sudo apt-get install gnome-shell.17:22
Socksevenoh yea. i've had a good old google. It's an odd problem, boot process jams at the ram disk.17:22
holsteinSockseven: if you purchased hardware that is not allowed to run OS's other than the one it comes with, you might have a challenge forcing that.. have you asked the manufacturer?17:22
randomaussiewilee-nile: i have already got that installed17:23
Sockseveni've not contacted them directly. thing is, it boots through legacy (bios) fine, so i installed it through grub bios and upgraded it to uefi.17:23
usr13holstein: Yes!  (We need to *complain*.)17:23
wilee-nileerandomaussie, Have you run the command sudo apt-get install gnome-shell17:24
Sockseveni should also mention it wont boot any live cds or anything under uefi17:24
randomaussiewilee-nilee: yes17:24
wilee-nileerandomaussie, Not sure then.17:24
randomaussiewilee-nilee: just checked it again and says already have hte lastest version17:24
holsteinSockseven: the "legacy" setup is the way that allows you to use the hardware in a legacy mode, which is the 'not locked down' mode17:24
holsteinSockseven: i would run it in that way, if its an option17:24
randomaussiewilee-nilee: :( i'll just put up with it for now17:25
LovePuff 18 F from Italy :) sellin' shows and pics :D Skype: ancuta.loredana17:25
Socksevennot really, windows 8 is running under uefi and i'd rather not piss it off, the fickle beast it is. ;-)17:25
randomaussiesomeone please kick lovepuff17:25
holstein!language | Sockseven17:25
ubottuSockseven: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:25
wilee-nileerandomaussie, You can have what you want, you just need the right helper. ;)17:25
Socksevenoh, sorry.17:25
raffy67#16 1.0G17:25
raffy67A-R-E-S ARES|DvD-NeWs17:25
FloodBot1raffy67: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:25
randomaussiewilee-nilee: is there a list of desktop is can brower for gnome?17:26
jpdsraffy67: Hello.17:26
DJones!piracy | raffy6717:26
ubotturaffy67: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:26
wilee-nileerandomaussie, Can you restate that I don't understand.17:26
zorin0srandomaussie,  what are you doing up so early? 3:30am17:26
Socksevenand i know its not a "safeboot" problem, as thats turned off and grub uefi loads fine, its just the linux kernals/ramdisks that halt.17:26
randomaussiewilee-nilee: doesnt matter i'll just keep trying to learn17:27
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
OerHeks!nounity | randomaussie17:27
ubotturandomaussie: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:27
holsteinSockseven: yeah? seems like i would say its the UEFI that, when disabled, allow the live CD's to boot that is the issue17:27
wilee-nileerandomaussie, Heh, thats all any of us can do, best of luck. ;)17:27
wilee-nileemmmm uefi17:28
randomaussieubottu: thanksd mate.. yes i'm using 12.0417:28
ubotturandomaussie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:28
Socksevenwell thats the thing, uefi booting runs windows fine, and loads grub fine, its just anything linux based wont boot, but with legacy grub is fine.17:28
randomaussiewell thanks anyways ubottu:17:29
holsteinSockseven: AFAIK, because its not "signed".. and thats is the agreement you have with that hardware configuration17:29
Sockseveni thought that was only with secureboot on? which is turned off of course?17:29
holsteinSockseven: i dont have that hardware, so i would have to ask the manufacturer17:29
=== bfiller_lunch is now known as bfiller
Socksevenwell, i just find it odd that if i do the usual, recovery mode + no splash + verbose, etc then i can see it load the kernel, and then it stops at the ram disk. I guess my only option is to go to msi directly?17:32
holsteinSockseven: sounds like you can diable UEFI, and have access to the hardware17:32
holsteinSockseven: i can assure you, nothing about linux/ubuntu is preventing itself from running on your hardware17:33
=== brandon__ is now known as weblife
Sockseveni just find it odd taht no distro of any type, linux or linux based recovery disk will boot past loading the ram disk. I guess my best bet is to convert windows to legacy then?17:36
Socksevenand boot using legacy only...17:37
holsteinSockseven: i thought that was the agreement.. and i know that is supposed to be the job of "secure boot".. but keep in mind, nothing about that product stated officially "run whatever OS you like"17:37
Socksevenwell secure boot is disabled. thankfully the bios includes that option17:38
holsteinwe all know that UEFI can be problematic and i think its safe to assume that is the issue, since disabling it seems to make the issue go away17:38
wilee-nileeSockseven, Unfortunatly even with holstein's great help there is a thread at the ubuntu forum on the multiple possibilities in this area, if you are till trying once back on it is here. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214729517:39
A1ReconMy Google Chrome(Ubuntu 13.04) has become slow. Opening a new tab or closing one takes a lot of time... Does anyone know how to resolve this??17:40
wilee-nileeA1Recon, Google chrome is not supported here.17:40
wilee-nileeA1Recon, Is this ubuntu on the chrome I should have actually asked.17:41
Sockseveneh. well thanks for the help anyway. i think im just going to switch both oses back to legacy and be done with it.17:41
ZyrooHaving many probs with google chrome lately with 13.04 language changing to chinese slow to connect so i am not the only one :P17:41
usr13Uninstall Google Chrome and it will no longer give you any problems :-)17:42
A1Reconwilee-nilee: Well I am running Ubuntu 13.0417:42
Zyroousr13:already done :D17:42
wilee-nileeA1Recon, Cool, it has a different kernel, but probably supported, my mistake.17:42
ZyrooA1Recon: are you getting automatic language change also?17:43
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A1ReconZyroo: Automatic Language change in what? Chrome?17:44
wilee-nileeZyroo, THe chrome OS is not supported here.17:46
docGuySo is the network manager package called networkmanager or network-manager?17:46
craigbass1976I've got /share  It's permissions are set to 777.  It's shared out via samba, with wide open permissions (so that windows users can get at stuff with no trouble)  and mounted to my /home/me via fstab.  THe smb.conf create mask is set to 777, but when I create something from the linux box it's 755, then I can't do anything to the file or directory because nobody:nogroup owns it.17:46
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ZyrooA1Recon: yes man with 13.04 ubuntu my chrome always changes to chinese  wilee-nilee: no problem m just telling17:47
wilee-nileeZyroo, Cool 13.04 just checking, it helps to know the actual OS.17:47
craigbass1976I don't want my default create mask to be 777, just for that share17:48
Zyroowilee-nilee : Really i didnt even get time to enjoy 12 and in another morning its 13 what the hell this life cycle is too irritating17:49
shareDo you where I can download the Ubuntu startup sound http://youtu.be/CQaEXZ-df6Y17:50
wilee-nileeZyroo, You had to have run a upgrade, 12.04 has the longest support, and any releases above have basically newer apps is all.17:51
Poisoned_Dragonand newer kernels17:51
wilee-nileenewer app versions that is17:52
Poisoned_Dragonand newer kernels17:52
wilee-nileePoisoned_Dragon, NO really.17:52
Poisoned_DragonWell, don't over simplify it. lol17:52
=== zipper_ is now known as zipper
wilee-nileePoisoned_Dragon, welcome to ignore17:52
Poisoned_Dragonthanks, it's great to be there17:53
wilee-nileeshare, Why would you need to download it?17:53
Zyroowilee-nilee : Yes  Its simple but why fast releases i dont get it I choose quality over quantity  :)17:53
sharewilee-nilee: because im not using ubuntu17:53
holsteinshare: you can always load up a live CD and find whatever you want..17:54
docGuyHate to re ask a question, however, is the network manager package called networkmanager or network-manager?17:54
shareunless someone shares the sound with me17:54
zorin0swhat is the command to uninstall a prgram17:54
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Poisoned_Dragoni believe there is a hyphon17:54
holsteinzorin0s: in ubuntu, there are many options. not sure about in zorin17:54
wilee-nileezorin0s, sudo apt-get install "program"17:54
zorin0swilee-nilee,  i said uninstall17:55
=== jack is now known as Guest74885
bmoller how do i remove an dead menu icon that is already removed from synaptics17:55
wilee-nileedoh uninstall my bad17:55
Poisoned_Dragonzorin0s, sudo apt-get remove17:55
Poisoned_Dragonzorin0s, sudo apt-get purge, if you want to kill the config files too17:55
wilee-nileeusually remove or purge with apt-get17:55
shareim gonna need to download the .iso justto get that sound ok bye17:55
holsteinzorin0s: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/17:56
wilee-nileebmoller, For another usr17:56
holsteinshare: have you searched the sources?17:56
craigbass1976docGuy, with a dash is what I restart when my network goes wonky17:56
shareholstein: nope17:57
zorin0sReading package lists... Done17:57
zorin0sBuilding dependency tree17:57
zorin0sReading state information... Done17:57
zorin0sE: Unable to locate package maldet17:57
mumpitze1share: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=system-ready.ogg&mode=exactfilename&suite=raring&arch=any17:57
wilee-nileezorin0s, Is this zorinOs?17:57
genii!info maldet17:58
ubottuPackage maldet does not exist in raring17:58
Poisoned_Dragonwhat are you trying to install, zorin0s?17:58
zorin0si have installed maldet, now i want to remove it17:58
mumpitze1zorin0s: we do not support zorin OS. please go to the proper channel for it17:58
holsteinzorin0s: you will refer to the maldet documentation you used to install it.. also, this is not a zorin support channel17:59
mumpitze1woah: yes he is using zorin IOS19:25 < holstein> zorin0s: i would try a zorin support avenue for zorin OS 19:25 < zorin0s> zorin is dead17:59
DJoneszorin0s: maldet isn't a default Ubuntu package, you need to contact the developer for any problems17:59
sharemumpitze1: thanks http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/ubuntu-sounds/ubuntu-sounds_0.13.tar.gz17:59
wilee-nileezorin0s,  try #ZorinOS17:59
somanANy SEGA emulator which supports ROMs > 4 mb?17:59
somanI cannot play improved UMK3 in Ubuntu18:00
Poisoned_Dragonthere were sega roms bigger than 4mb?! Also, wrong room for that18:00
Poisoned_Dragonyou're off topic18:00
somanPoisoned_Dragon: why? Maybe some ubuntu users uses such. I tried kega fusion and it doesn't works with that rom. Rom is workable and works well under win.18:01
Poisoned_DragonYou're asking for app support in a distro support room18:01
Poisoned_Dragonthere is an -offtopic room for ubuntu where your question is more appropriate.18:02
DJonesPoisoned_Dragon: Why is it offtopic, there are Sega emulators in the ubuntu repositories18:03
DJonesPoisoned_Dragon: So on that basis the initial question _is_ on topic18:03
Poisoned_DragonDo you have intimate knowledge of those emulators capabilities?18:04
bazhangPoisoned_Dragon, its on topic18:04
DJonesPoisoned_Dragon: I don't, but others in the channel may well have do18:04
Poisoned_Dragonmeh. ok18:04
DJones!fud | Poisoned_Dragon18:04
ubottuPoisoned_Dragon: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt18:04
holsteinsoman: i remember just searching a package manager and installing the emulators, and testing them... if there is one in particular that should be supporting the game/s you have, you can try the normal steps of launching from the terminal and looking for helpful errors18:04
Pelayokega is not in the repositories, also wine is in the repos and it has its own support channel18:04
filadomehello, i have SSH access to a computer at college.  can someone help me run an executable?18:06
holsteinfiladome: not if you dont have permission on the machine18:06
somanholstein: thanks for direction18:06
Pelayochmod +x filename18:07
filadomethe OS is " Linux version 2.6.32-220.13.1.el6.x86_64 (mockbuild@sl6.fnal.gov) (gcc version 4.4.6 20110731 (Red Hat 4.4.6-3) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Tue Apr 17 15:16:22 CDT 2012"18:07
Pelayoand then ./filename18:07
Pelayoif you are allowed to run it, that will work18:07
filadomethanks Pelayo, I forgot about the ./ prefix18:07
Picifiladome: Also, that looks like redhat, you're asking in #ubuntu18:08
DJonesPelayo: That says Red Hat, not Ubuntu, is it running on a virtual server?18:08
holsteinfiladome: you can always use the entire path18:08
Pelayoit's not me, it's filadome18:08
filadomei believe so, it's the server the students use for programs18:08
filadomeunfortunately i'm getting dependency errors18:08
holsteinfiladome: the issue is, redhat is not ubuntu, so we can support you with your issues18:09
filadomeGLIBC_2.13 not found18:09
filadomeok, i'll try to find a redhat irc18:09
Pelayothen you should ask the administrators to install the libraries you need or do a static build18:09
holsteinfiladome: the dependency errors would be resolved by having permission to install them, and you dont have that18:09
irssi-mikefiladome: or centos, same thing18:09
Pelayobut static builds aren't usually a good idea18:09
filadomelinux is too much of a rube goldberg machine, i think i'll just move to Windows on AFS18:10
mareanyone there?18:10
zipywith or without u in count? :P18:10
PelayoI see 1603 users18:10
maredoes anyone here know anything about ubuntu?18:11
brmafiladome: ouch...  That's like the complete opposite of my opinion18:11
holsteinfiladome: the issues you are having are because you dont have permission on the server.. that will be the case with any OS18:11
holstein!ubuntu > mare18:11
ubottumare, please see my private message18:11
marewhere would I find the private message?18:11
zipy!ubuntu zipy18:11
DJones!botabuse > zipy18:12
ubottuzipy, please see my private message18:12
wilee-nileethe pinhead is in the house18:12
zipyDJones, i just was curious what the bot says18:12
joshuhow can I troubleshoot why cmake settings I supply on the command line such as –DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/test are not applied18:12
DJoneszipy: Use /msg ubottu yourinfohere for things like that, it saves filling the channel up with un-needed comments18:13
mareI'm looking for something that shows a little of what ubuntu does, what it looks like, and how to install it.18:13
zipyye but i didnt know that18:13
holstein!install > mare18:13
ubottumare, please see my private message18:13
mareubottu: where is your private message?18:13
zipyubottu, is a bot18:14
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.18:14
holsteinmare: you can run the live CD on your hardware, and see it in action without changing your hardware setup or config18:14
holsteinmare: you can see youtube videos and/or screenshots easily as well18:14
marethe live CD????18:14
marehow about if I look on the internet?18:14
holstein!install | mare18:14
ubottumare: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate18:14
zipyyes you can download a live cd and put it on usb or burn it on cd and boot from it18:14
yalexhello how do I set samba shares to be r+w+x for users and groups and no permissions for world?18:16
Estrobedahello i dont think this is the right place to ask this but i will try any way. I have saved money to build a pc.18:17
krywkI'm in need of help regarding an SDHC and formatting.18:17
mareI looked on youtube but got a guy talking for 45 minutes about what a mess the program is18:17
holsteinkrywk: i use gparted to format.. you can use it from a liveCD18:17
holsteinmare: try it live.. and see for yourself..18:18
Estrobeda-> and i wanted to ask if there is a place to ask if the hardware is good at running ubuntu "i dont understand the hardware support list"18:18
DreamPCsHey guys, anyone know how I can change the screen timeout settings (when it blanks the display) in Ubuntu 13.10?18:18
mareis there no link to a site that lets you see what it looks like?18:18
holsteinEstrobeda: there are resellers such as system76 that sell hardware with ubuntu and ubuntu support18:18
brmayalex: chmod 770 (r/w/x for ownser & group, no perms for everyone)  add the -r flag if you want it to chmod recursively18:18
holsteinmare: plenty18:18
mareand how do you download it from the internet?18:18
DJones!13.10 | DreamPCs18:18
ubottuDreamPCs: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:18
Estrobedaholstein: ok thx18:18
randomaussieAny one have experiance with hte Seti@home BOINC client?18:18
krywkThis is what happens: 1. Have an SD full of things. 2. Unmount SD. 3. Format SD to FAT32 (erases everything). 4. Mount SD.18:18
krywkThe files are still there.18:19
yalexthanks brma I  did that but what mask should i use in smbd.conf?18:19
krywkAnd they keep appearing and appearing again18:19
holsteinmare: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/take-the-tour18:19
wilee-nileemare, everyone has opinions, however valid in their own personal reality and world view bubble.18:19
zipymare, www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop here u can download the desktop version and installation instructions18:19
DreamPCsThanks DJones18:19
holsteinEstrobeda: even if you just refer to the sites of the resellers for hardware suggestions.. i usually try and run a live CD on the hardware first hand.. or search by known components18:20
ubottuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com18:20
brmayalex: not sure.  Sorry18:20
holsteinEstrobeda: its near impossible to have a known good suppported list, since hardware revisions can change at any time18:20
mareFABULOUS!!! EXACTLY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR!!!! Why do they not put THAT on the homepage?????????????????????????????///18:20
cuddylierIs there a way to monitor traffic when my server box is getting DDOSed and get the IPs DDOSing me? Also, if the IPs are spoofed is there anyway I can get the real IP?18:20
* wilee-nilee turns down his hearing aid.18:21
holsteinkrywk: i would do a more complete wipe and format.. boot and nuke or whatever18:21
zipykrywk, r u talking about an sd card or ssd hard drive?18:21
randomaussieif i have software that i cna install from the software center that isnt uptodate how can i go about finding the install location so i can manualy update it18:21
krywkSDHC Card.18:21
krywkholstein: How do I nuke the SD card?18:21
mumpitze1cuddylier: you can get the IPs, no you obviously can't determine the real IPs from spoofed ones18:21
holsteinkrywk: boot and nuke was actually the suggestion.. let me get a link for you18:21
mareubuntu is not the same as linux then?18:22
mareSo I will avoid Linux I guess?18:22
holsteinkrywk: for example http://www.dban.org/18:22
wilee-nileekrywk, You ave the read only switch on?18:22
zipy!linux | mare18:22
ubottumare: Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux18:22
SolarisBoylinux is a kernel ubuntu is based on linux mare18:22
holsteinmare: linux is a kernel that ubuntu uses18:22
krywkwilee-nilee, no.18:22
SolarisBoyubuntu is a full OS18:22
holsteinmare: ubuntu is a linux OS18:22
cuddyliermumpitzel What about if I know the spoofed IPs, can I determine the real source IP from them?18:22
mareSo do I have to get both linux and ubuntu then?18:23
wilee-nileekrywk, Strange gparted should wipe it.18:23
holsteinmare: ubuntu *includes* linux18:23
zipyits already included18:23
mumpitze1mare: no. linux is part of ubuntu18:23
mareso I can just get ubuntu?18:23
krywkwilee-nilee, sadly it doesn't.18:23
SolarisBoycuddylier: what type of DDOS attack is it? you may be able to look at the subnets and determine where the spoofed ips are coming from18:23
holsteinmare: you can do what you like.. ubuntu is an operating system... it uses the linux kernel18:23
bazhangmare, did you actually read any of the links?18:23
SolarisBoybut you probably wont do well getting the actual source ip's - your concern should be more so preventing it - and determing how exactly they are doing it so you can patch it in the future18:24
cuddylierSolarisBoy Would I be able to determinate anything more than the location or would I be able to get specifically where?18:24
mumpitze1krywk: what is the device name /dev/... for the SDHC card?18:24
zipykrywk, sudo wipe -r /pathtoyoursdcard18:24
cuddylierSolarisBoy I think they are TCP attacks18:24
SolarisBoycuddylier: it depends - for instance if they are all associated to a AN number you may be able to look up more details on who owns it or the block18:24
SolarisBoythat would only get you to whos systems are being *abused* to accomplish the attack though18:24
cuddylierSolarisBoy Ah okay18:24
SolarisBoybut it could help -18:24
marebut ubuntu will not work unless I get linux as well?18:24
bazhangmare, please stop18:25
Pelayomare: linux is a kernel, the core of the system, and there are lots of distributions using it: Ubuntu, Mint, Red Hat, SuSe...18:25
marecan I use open office with ubuntu?18:25
zipyif u get ubuntu u got linux already18:25
bazhangmare, please read the links18:25
krywkmumpitze1, /dev/sde18:25
cuddylierSolarisBoy Is there any easy way to get the IPs if I have a fair amount of network traffic?18:25
wilee-nileemare, IN the simplest answer linux is the kernel18:25
SolarisBoycuddylier: yes sort them with netstat18:25
krywkzipy, sudo: wipe: command not found18:25
holsteinmare: libreoffice..and yes, you can use whatever you like with ubuntu, which again, *includes* the linux kernel18:25
l3dwas wondering if there is a way to pick witch monitor is the main screen/ I have a laptop connected to a lcd tv hdmi which I would like to make the main screen and a lcd 19inch monitor I would like as extra screen to do terminal stuff in. But as it is now they are backwards 19inch is the main.18:25
cuddylierSolarisBoy What would I search for though?18:25
SolarisBoycuddylier: insert knowing a little about the attack -18:25
wilee-nileemare, and lol read the links as suggested18:26
zipykrywk, k then u have to install wipe first with sudo apt-get install wipe18:26
mareholstein: libreoffice, but not openoffice?18:26
SolarisBoycuddylier: if you know that its a dns flood - you may want to look at where the dns "replies" are coming from18:26
Pelayomare, both are available anywhere...18:26
holsteinmare: if you want to run the older version, you can..18:26
SolarisBoyhence packets with src of 53 or such cuddylier18:26
mumpitze1krywk: sudo if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sde bs=512 count 100. this will overwrite your SDCH partition table and the first 100 sectors. it will "wipe" the SDHC guaranteed. you will want to create a new partition table and partitions with "sudo fdisl /dev/sde" then and afterwards format it with whatever mkfs you want18:26
mareholstein: okay, and I download just ubuntu then?18:26
SolarisBoycuddylier: and adjust that based on the attack port - if you can get that info..18:26
holsteinmare: thats what is suggested18:26
mumpitze1krywk: but be very very very careful that it actually is the SDHC card. mine always use something like /dev/mmblk0 or similar18:27
zipymare, libreoffice is the new name of old openoffice. open office was bought by oracle18:27
wilee-nileeand now apahce18:27
holsteinmare: if you want to use ubuntu, you'll need to obtain it, and downloading is arguably the easiest way18:27
mumpitze1zipy: openoffice is still the name of openoffice18:27
zipyoracle gave it to apache18:27
mareholstein: is there a version of adobe acrobat pro that can be used on it? openacrobat pro or something? or a list of software that works with it?18:27
Pelayoyep, and openoffice just released version 4.018:27
holsteinmare: nothing about linux/ubuntu is preventing adobe from providing you whatever appliation that is18:28
holsteinmare: can you open pdf files in ubuntu? yes18:28
SolarisBoymare: they have PDF creation software - i am not sure if acrobat works - there may be ways to install it via wine assuming its supported -18:28
krywkmumpitze1, sudo: count: command not found18:28
Pelayoor create and export them from libreoffice18:28
holsteinmare: *all* of this can be tested from the live CD..18:28
DJonesmare: zipy: Actually, Libreoffice was forked to create Openoffice, Oracle bought LIbreOffice18:28
mareHolstein: more than opening, I need to edit and combine them and switch them back and forth between word and pdf. maybe a software list would help18:29
mumpitze1krywk: sorry. sudo if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sde bs=512 count=100   forgot a "="18:29
holsteinmare: as suggested, that can be done in libreoffice, and from the live CD18:29
marewhat is a liveCD?18:29
SolarisBoya way to test a OS without installing it mare18:29
IdleOnemare: Time to read the links ubottu provided18:29
mareand how will I use it on my computer that has no CD drive?18:29
Pelayomare, usb drive18:30
Nisstyre-laptopEr, question: is  there a reason the www-data user has a real shell? (/bin/sh on this system), and is it fine to change it to /bin/false? I assume it doesn't need a shell for anything...18:30
mumpitze1mare: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD18:30
DJonesmare: You can use a USB stick18:30
krywkmumpitze1, comes up with the 'sudo' usage manpage18:30
Nisstyre-laptopIt seems rather insecure after all18:30
craigbass1976I've got /share  It's permissions are set to 777.  It's shared out via samba, with wide open permissions (so that windows users can get at stuff with no trouble)  and mounted to my /home/me via fstab.  THe smb.conf create mask is set to 777, but when I create something from the linux box it's 755, then I can't do anything to the file or directory because nobody:nogroup owns it. I don't want my default create mask to be 777, jus18:30
craigbass1976t for that share18:30
SolarisBoyyou could also boot it from grub assuming it were available on /boot somewhere18:30
zipykrywk, but make sure u put in the right path in of=... since it will overwrite any partition u put in there18:30
SolarisBoy@live cd's18:30
mumpitze1krywk: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sde bs=512 count=10018:30
mumpitze1Nisstyre-laptop: might be needed for cgi?18:31
Nisstyre-laptopmumpitze1: would php-fpm require it? I doubt it18:31
mumpitze1Nisstyre-laptop: I don't know18:31
Nisstyre-laptopbesides, that runs under a different user18:31
SolarisBoyyou should be able to set it to bin false18:31
Nisstyre-laptopI'm going to18:31
SolarisBoyif your app breaks then set it back18:31
SolarisBoyNisstyre-laptop: interesting - my www-data user defaults /bin/sh also18:33
SolarisBoywow - and i just switched to him...18:33
mareIf I have a computer that runs really badly with windows, will installing ubuntu make any difference? or will it just make is run both in both systems?18:33
mareoops, badly with both systems18:34
mumpitze1craigbass1976: http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/using_samba/ch08.html  read about "creation masks" there. it's a setting for the samba share you can use18:34
mutantecan i PermitRootLogin in sshd from one interface (localhost) but not permit it from other interface (eth0) without running 2 separate sshds?18:34
Nisstyre-laptopSolarisBoy: it seems like a security hole tbh18:34
holsteinmare: depends.. ubuntu will not fix or reconcile broken hardware, if that is what is making windows perform badly18:34
SolarisBoymare pretty open ended question - probably need to know why it performs bad18:34
Nisstyre-laptopshouldn't be the default18:34
SolarisBoyNisstyre-laptop: no question about that18:34
mumpitze1mare: depends. if it's an old computer with a small amount of RAM you should use something like Lubuntu18:34
cruisemaniacHello folks! can you please help me with postfix + dovecot + squirrelmail on ubuntu 12.10. This is my first time around. I'm not seeing a protocol imap section in the dovecot.conf file18:34
maredepends on definition of old. it is 2 years old. and yes small amount of ram18:35
holsteinmare: using a live CD is a great diagnostic tool, since it bypassed the installed OS, and the hard drive, and includes tools for testing the memory and the hard drive18:35
SolarisBoyi wonder whos fault it is - the www-data probably gets created in post/pre install of some webserver/service and likely gets setup insecurely there18:35
krywkmumpitze1, what do I do in fdisk?18:35
marethat's the computer with no cd drive, but I see something about flashdrive option18:35
mumpitze1krywk: you create new partitions. the old ones on the SDHC card are all gone18:35
holsteinmare: using a live CD will literally harm nothing, and answer most, if not all of your questions.. it was one of the first things i suggested to you, and i still suggest it18:35
mumpitze1mare: please tell us what CPU, what videocard andhow much RAM it has please?18:36
holsteinmare: and, as was stated, and guides linked, you can use the live CD via USB stick18:36
mareokay, so just need to figure out how to get a hold of this live cd thing18:36
Nisstyre-laptopSolarisBoy: yeah, I'd have to dig through the setup scripts18:36
holstein!install | mare18:36
ubottumare: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate18:36
SolarisBoyNisstyre-laptop: do you run nginx?18:36
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:36
Nisstyre-laptopSolarisBoy: yes18:36
marewhere do I find cpu, videocard info?18:36
SolarisBoyNisstyre-laptop: i think we have a culprit18:36
Pici!botabuse | QTPieMan18:36
ubottuQTPieMan: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:36
SolarisBoy<--doesnt use apache and thats the only thing i can think to have put that user there in this laptops short life18:37
maretoshiba NB505-N508BL18:37
SolarisBoyedit: Nisstyre-laptop nginx from default repo or some PPA? mines from a PPA and it's all starting to make more sense...18:37
Nisstyre-laptopSolarisBoy: default repo18:38
SolarisBoyblah =(18:38
SolarisBoythats kinda crappy i never noticed that huge flaw..18:38
SolarisBoyNisstyre-laptop: good eyes sir/mam18:38
Nisstyre-laptopSolarisBoy: yeah I don't even know why I was looking18:38
Nisstyre-laptopI just noticed it and went wtf18:39
QTPieManPici, ok18:39
Nisstyre-laptopSolarisBoy: I might see if I can reproduce it in a fresh vm install or something18:39
QTPieManNisstyre-laptop, i think nginx is a bit slow18:40
Nisstyre-laptopQTPieMan: you have to tune it a bit18:40
Nisstyre-laptopit can handle large numbers of connections quite well18:40
QTPieManNisstyre-laptop, whats prob with apache2?18:40
Nisstyre-laptopQTPieMan: nginx is just more to my taste, I'm not a fan of apache's concurrency model18:41
QTPieManNisstyre-laptop, oh ok18:41
QTPieManNisstyre-laptop, also lightttpd is good18:42
Nisstyre-laptopQTPieMan: sure18:42
Nisstyre-laptopthere are probably other good ones too18:42
QTPieManNisstyre-laptop, r u running ubuntu server?18:43
Nisstyre-laptopQTPieMan: yes, it's running on a linode18:43
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QTPieManNisstyre-laptop, oh cool18:43
QTPieManwhy hexchat is not in software centre?18:44
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wilee-nileeQTPieMan, Its in a ppa18:44
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QTPieManwilee-nilee, ok18:45
wilee-nileeQTPieMan, Load the PPA run a update and you will see it there.18:45
QTPieManwilee-nilee, hmm18:46
QTPieManwilee-nilee, i know all of that18:46
wilee-nileeQTPieMan, Good for you, however I don't unless you say so.18:46
krywkmumpitze1: Calling ioctl() to reread the partition table. WARNING: reread of the partition table faild with error 22 invalid argument18:46
QTPieManwilee-nilee, thats true, thanx btw18:46
mumpitze1krywk: reboot. can happen when you rewrite the partition table. or at least remove the SD card and then plug it back in. that might reset the kernel tables too18:47
krywkmumpitze1, already tried with unplug/plug, still the same, gonna try with reboot18:47
maredoes anyone know of a list of software that works with ubuntu?18:48
sharehow to restart gnome3 from console?18:48
SolarisBoyshare: gnome3 isn't really a daemon - you probably want to restart your display manager18:48
mareand finally, and most importantly, is it similar to windows in that nothing ever works, and when it is working, it does an automatic update which makes something that used to work not work anymore?18:48
shareSolarisBoy: i tried18:48
sharesystemctl restart gdm.service18:49
QTPieMananybody using cinnamon de?18:49
SolarisBoythats not an ubuntu command is it?18:49
SolarisBoylooks like arch18:49
shareSolarisBoy: no :) yes18:49
mumpitze1mare: here is a big list http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/18:49
mumpitze1SolarisBoy: he ran away pretty fast :)18:50
SolarisBoylol yeppers18:50
SolarisBoymare https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ListOfOpenSourcePrograms18:51
SolarisBoyyour asking with all your questions - there are thousands of applications, some are direct ports, some implement functionalities, you really need to just boot the Live CD and explore18:51
SolarisBoyand keep google on your side18:51
marehmm, unfortunately nothing in the list looks like a doc or pdf type file creator18:51
SolarisBoyyea well you need to use google there18:52
SolarisBoyit's out of scope for every single application or thing oen person would want to be listed there in detail18:52
QTPieManPoisoned_Dragon, hello :P18:52
SolarisBoyyou would get further on an ubuntu system typing "pdf" in a search box for software center than asking everyone here.18:52
marethanks solaris, i see it in your list18:52
SolarisBoytrust me,18:52
DJonesmare: You asked about openoffice and libreoffice eariler, they are doc creators, Ubuntu will let you save any document as a pdf18:53
bazhang!info acroread partner | mare18:53
ubottumare: acroread (source: acroread): Adobe Reader. In component main, is extra. Version 9.5.5-1raring1 (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 65 kB18:53
mareoops, except the pdf creator link doesn't work :(18:53
Poisoned_Dragonhi QTPieMan18:53
holsteinmare: i use libreoffice to create pdf's18:54
SolarisBoyubuntu AFAIK has PDF libraries included somehow because "Print to PDF" seems to be an option on most if not all default installs as of recent18:54
DJonesmare: File, Export as PDF, thats it18:54
SolarisBoyand then there are _tons_ literally tons of PDF manipulation apps18:54
holsteinall of which can be tested from the live CD (via usb stick)18:55
SolarisBoy&then yes like everyone else stated libre/open office work with PDF file18:55
craigbass1976mumpitze1, create and directory masks were both at 777 already.  I tried the inherit permissions = yes, but that didn't help.  Directories get created with 775.  My fstab line is //   /home/moultonr/share   cifs   guest,_netdev   0 018:55
ix_does anyone know a mirror for ports.ubuntu.com ?18:55
mumpitze1craigbass1976: it's not the fstab line but the share in smb.conf18:56
marewhat do you use to combine several word and pdfs into one pdf?18:58
holsteinmare: i dont use word documents..18:59
marei use adobe acrobat pro18:59
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holsteinmare: nothing is preventing adobe from releasing acrobat pro for linux18:59
marenice, but where do I find it?18:59
holsteinmare: what you want to do can be done from linux.. but its not the "same" as windows18:59
holsteinmare: find what?18:59
ix_mare: you could just export the documents to pdf, I'm very sure there are programs to merge pdf's18:59
mareadobe acrobat pro for linux that you say adobe is going to release18:59
holsteinmare: i did *not* say that19:00
mareyes, adobe acrobat pro combines them. what is the open source version?19:00
holsteinmare: i said, they are welcome to release a linux version.. but AFAIK, they do not19:00
yalexHello how can i set the default permissions for new files to include write for groups, ACLs don't appear to be working19:00
holsteinmare: if acrobat pro use is a "deal breaker", then you can look into using it in wine19:00
mareusing it in wine? what does that mean?19:01
holsteinmare: otherwise, i have no trouble creating pdf's as mentioned above.. in libreoffice, or with print to pdf.. both of which can be tested, free of charge, from a live CD19:01
Kitt3nmare, install Wine then just install the Windows adobe pdf thing19:01
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:01
ix_mare: I see you can merge pdf's online too, you might try that19:01
holsteinmare: wine is a way you can try to run the *exact* application you want from windows in linux19:02
yalexnew files are only being create user rw and group r i'm using a cifs mount19:03
DJonesmare: If you need Windows app's that won't run under wine, you should use Windows to get the best results, Ubuntu is an alternative operating system, but isn't suitable for everybodies needs19:04
Kitt3nIt can totally be19:05
maredoes ubuntu constantly stop working and make you want to throw your computer at the wall like windows?19:05
holsteinmare: anyone is capable of misuing and misconfiguring *any* os19:05
Kitt3nNot Apple's,that's too locked down to do anything19:06
maredoes that mean yes? automatic downloads that you can't stop from happening that then make your software not work?19:06
holsteinmare: it means, you are welcome to manage the operating system as you wish19:06
marecause if it is just as hateful as windows, there's no point in doing it19:06
marei was hoping it would be more like apple in the sense that all the software always works together on the machine19:07
holsteinmare: computers can be frustratin19:07
holsteinmare: "hope" doesnt really apply here. only education and good practices19:07
hispeed1has somone time to support me: i'm on my synology station via ssh and i'm using vi for editing a file. I have added the lines in the config and i left the change modus with: esc then i entered: :w19:10
hispeed1is now everything saved?19:10
ikoniahispeed1: if you didn't get an error, yes19:10
ikoniahispeed1: what is synology ?19:10
mumpitze1ikonia: a proprietary NAS that doesn't run ubuntu19:10
mumpitze1but is linux based19:10
holsteinhispeed1: http://www.synology.com/support/knowledge_base.php?lang=us is where i would go19:10
hispeed1;=) yes I know it's not ubuntu based but as he said it's linux based19:11
ikoniathis isn't a linux channel19:11
ikoniait's an ubuntu channel19:11
hispeed1holstein thanks I know that link ;)19:11
ikoniahispeed1: I suggest reading what holstein and not asking again please.19:11
mumpitze1hispeed1: then use it in the future instead of coming here. or go to ##linux19:12
holsteinhispeed1: otherwise, the manpages in ubuntu for vi might be what you are looking for19:12
hispeed1ok message arrived19:13
yalexhello, using ACLs to force permissions for a samba share and it is working for a windows user but not a linux user, where new files do not have the write permission set19:16
ars23 /join #manjaro19:25
lotuspsychjeevening to all19:25
zastaphKernel 3.11 has proper power management for older ATI cards, which I depend on for my dell. My 13.04 is at kernel 3.8. How long do you think it takes for 3.11 to find its way into Ubuntu? or maybe I should just upgrade it manually?19:26
lonewulf85Hey if I have to reinstall Ubuntu 12.04 and I have a seperate partition for /home would it erease my data on the /home partition?19:26
dacshowdy folks19:29
bazhanglonewulf85, you can direct the installer to leave it alone,19:29
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lonewulf85dazhang, Yes I did that and when it got to the part asking for my personal information the encrypted box was already checked and I could not uncheck it. I had chosen to encrypt with my first install, would this emply that it recignised the /home and is not going to change it?19:31
dacsso i was here earlier this morning, complaining about my 13.04 being very laggy when i am running Desktop19:33
doomlordis there/ can anyone recomend a grep gui tool, preferably with a minimal ui (trigger a search, not much visible in its window other than the search results)19:33
dacsany application i open take a bit then start showing at the desktop faded and comes focused slowly19:34
ikoniadoomlord: you can't need a gui for frep19:34
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je384greetings programs19:34
ikoniadacs: you need to find out if that is system performance or video drawing performance19:34
marehmm, just noted the flashstick instructions are like 10 pages long.  can't just copy to disk and then click????19:34
lonewulf85-Poisoned_Dragon-, Right I did that and where it would not allow me to uncheck the encrypt home folder that means that all is well right? I do have most of it backed up just incase but not having to replace the files would be great.19:34
ikoniamare: read the instructions, as it depends19:34
mumpitze1doomlord: https://www.google.de/search?q=graphical+grep  directly points to http://sourceforge.net/projects/grepgui/19:34
ikoniamare: if it was that simple or didn't have catches it would be a one line instruction.19:35
dacsikonia: how will i do that, i just installed a fresh copy of 13.04 before i was running 10.10 and it was working flawlessly19:35
mareCreating a bootable Ubuntu USB flash drive19:35
mareFrom Ubuntu19:35
mareInstall and run usb-creator19:35
mareYou can find usb-creator-gtk in the Unity Dash by typing "Startup Disk Creator" (Ubuntu Desktop) or usb-creator-kde in K-Menu-->Applications-->System-->Startup Disk Creator (Kubuntu). If it is not there, then you can install it using the Synaptic Package Manager or Ubuntu Software Center19:35
mareInsert and mount the USB drive. Inserting the USB drive should auto-mount it.19:35
FloodBot1mare: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:35
ikoniamare: you don't need to post it in here - we can read the wiki19:35
ikoniadacs: 10.10 isn't the best to compare with as a lot has changed19:35
Dr_Willis3+ years of updates and changes. :)19:36
dacsDr_Willis: lol i know19:37
reisiohi Wha|e19:38
lonewulf85-Poisoned_Dragon-, Cool after the install is finished I will look and make sure everything is where it should be.19:40
dacsso its not that great , but still shouldn't act that slow19:41
ikoniadacs: what video card do you have ?19:41
hastingsHello! I've just installed ubuntu, and I'm having trouble setting up wireless.19:42
lonewulf85<hastings>, What WiFi card?19:42
lotuspsychjehastings: can you tell us what chipset?19:42
hastingsI'm using a Lenovo T431s19:42
ikoniahastings: just explain the problem you are having19:42
ikoniahastings: we can't help until you give us information of what's not working as you expect19:42
dacsikonia: Advanced Micro Device [AMD] nee ATI ES1000 (rev 02)19:43
ikoniadacs: how much ram do you have in your machine19:43
blazemore!wireless | hastings Have you looked here19:43
ubottuhastings Have you looked here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:43
dacsikonia: 2.0 GB19:43
ikoniawhy don't we find out hastings problem before throwing random information at him19:43
ikoniadacs: ok, so you should get some acceptble response out of that19:44
hastingswhen I run lshw -C network it doesn't show a wireless device, just an ethernet device and a network manager19:44
ikoniadacs: the first thing I'd look at is either a.) making sure your video card is configured correctly or b.) confirming if the poor performance is down to the system or video card19:44
hastingsthis suggested I download a patch, but the patch refused to install19:44
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dacsikonia: can you please help on how to do a) & b) :)19:45
Visievionerr ww.19:46
ikoniadacs: the easy way is to open a terminal, mess around in it, if it responds "ok" once the terminal is open, it's a fair guess to assume the machine is ok, and it's video response.19:46
ikoniadacs: do something like "ls -lR" in /19:46
ikoniadacs: make sure it responds "ok"19:46
lotuspsychjehastings: does your machine boot wifi from bios?19:46
dacsthat is what is happing , once the terminal load it processes everything fast19:46
ikoniahastings: I'm sat here on a T430s - what wireless card is actually in your T43119:47
ikoniahastings: I'd expect an intel card in that laptop19:47
hastingslotuspsyche: It's dual boot, and wifi works fine in the windows 8 operating system. is that the question you are asking?19:47
OerHeksi have seen issues win8/fastboot and wifi not usable in ubuntu.19:48
lotuspsychjehastings: well im asking because some w7 or w8 machines need 'network boot' set to ON in bios to run properly with ubuntu...not sure if its your case19:48
dacsikonia: about half a sec resresh rate from the above command19:48
ikoniadacs: are you happy with that ?19:48
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hastings<dacs> ikonia: about half a sec resresh rate from the above command19:48
hastings<ikonia> dacs: are you happy with that ?19:48
hastings* elementary (~elementar@ has joined #ubuntu19:48
elementaryHi, where's the scientiest I was talking for elementary - trisquel before with ?19:49
ikoniaelementary: not in this channel19:49
reisioelementary: was it in this channel? With what nick/s?19:49
elementaryIt was in this channel :)19:49
elementaryI don't remember the nick unfortunately, client crashed and haven't noted it haha19:49
ikoniaelementary: this channels for ubuntu, so please don't go looking for discussion in this channel19:49
lotuspsychje!alis | elementary19:49
ubottuelementary: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:49
elementaryThe distros I am talking about are based on ubuntu, I am not doing anything against ubuntu or off topic19:50
reisioelementary: and you don't log?19:50
ikoniaelementary: they are not ubuntu though19:50
ikoniaelementary: and you don't show as being in this channel in the last 24 hours19:50
elementaryI was before 1 hour19:50
reisioelementary: using the nick 'elementary'?19:50
ikoniadacs: I'd check the amd/ati modules and how compatible they are with your card19:50
Dr_Willis!logs | elementary19:50
ubottuelementary: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.19:50
elementaryOk he talked to me :) Thanks19:50
DJoneselementary: You were posting spam earlier today19:50
elementaryI was not posting Spam, I never spam19:51
hastingsmy wireless card is "03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6235 (rev 24)19:51
hastingsSubsystem: Intel Corporation Device 526019:51
hastingsFlags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 1019:51
hastingsMemory at f0c00000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=8K]19:51
hastingsCapabilities: <access denied>19:51
FloodBot1hastings: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
reisiowhen you get the answer you want, hang up19:51
DJones17:32 < elementary> Hi all ! Looking for a skilled developer to assist me in various tasks and get paid of course19:51
DJoneselementary: That is spam19:51
hastingssorry will use pastebin next time19:51
elementaryIt's not spam, it's offering job when the unemployment rate is huge19:51
elementaryYou live in another planet ?19:51
Dr_Williselementary:  it is spam for this channel.19:52
bazhang!ot | elementary19:52
ubottuelementary: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:52
ikoniahastings: can you put "lspci" in a pastebin please.19:52
lotuspsychjehastings: try the intel sublink from what blazemore pasted you19:52
Poisoned_Dragonlspci | grep Ethernet would be cleaner19:53
TheDracleSo, I just upgraded to Ubuntu 13.04. I commonly use SlickEdit for Code editing, and for some reason the Window Decorations on it constantly disappear, and reappear rapidly.19:53
ikoniano, I'd just like to see the output please.19:53
TheDracleOther windows seem unaffected. Is there something different with the Window Decoration plugin in 13.04?19:53
Dr_WillisTheDracle:  run it from a terminal, look for error messages. is that the ONLY app that has the issue?19:53
TheDracleDr_Willis, Yes.19:53
Dr_WillisTheDracle:  is that a java app or anyother way unusual?19:53
hastingsHere is the whole lspci: http://pastebin.com/3NqWLjPS19:54
Dr_Willis!info slickedit19:54
ubottuPackage slickedit does not exist in raring19:54
TheDracleDr_Willis, It's a C application, I think it uses WxWidgets underneath.19:54
ikoniahastings: I didn't ask for "lspci -v"19:54
ikoniahastings: I asked for "lspci"19:54
Dr_WillisTheDracle:  ive never seen just the windows decoration 'crash' on a single app. since they are handled by the window manager.  What desktop ae you using?19:55
TheDracleWhat desktop? You mean GTK/Unity?19:55
ikoniahastings: ok, so the good news is there is a device with a matching pci id for your wireless card19:55
ronkjust tried gnome-shell. I can see why Canonical made Unity :P19:55
TheDracleI'm using the standard in 13.04.19:55
TheDracleAnd Unity3D19:55
Dr_WillisTheDracle:  where did you get slickedit from?19:55
TheDracleDownloaded it from the Application providers website, it's not a standard repository application.19:56
TheDracleIt's a commercial IDE.19:56
ikoniaprobably a gtk2 app with a non-exisant theme now19:56
hastingssorry: here is the lspci, not lspci -v http://pastebin.com/7dG8nC2919:56
ikoniahastings: doesn't matter now, I can see the wireless card19:56
Dr_WillisTheDracle:  id check their support  forums and see if others have a similer issue. running it from a terminal may give a clue as to the issue. it may be as ikonia  says.19:56
ikoniahastings: can you now pastebin the output of "iwconfig" please19:56
hastingshere are the results of iwconfig: http://pastebin.com/yh4rsYXH19:58
ikoniahastings: ok, so there is an issue there19:59
ikoniahastings: let me have a look for some information on that specific card19:59
hastingsThank you for your help, by the way!19:59
ikoniahastings: what version of ubuntu is this ?20:00
ikoniaactually, just show me uname -a20:00
ikonialets see what kernel you're running20:00
ikoniathat's the more important bit20:00
OerHekssounds like wireless N issue with this card http://askubuntu.com/questions/282449/wireless-with-intel-centrino-advanced-n-623520:00
Dr_Willisgot me a new usb video capture dongle that actually works in linux/ubuntu (totally plug and play!) now trying to track down a simple app to capture video for a set amount of time, so i can just click record and click play on the vcr, come back an hr later and it will be done with the capture.  Anyone care to make a reccomendation?20:01
hastingshere is the result of uname -a: http://pastebin.com/6np9QwuG20:01
ikoniaOerHeks: looks a good find20:01
lotuspsychje!info kazam | Dr_Willis20:02
ubottuDr_Willis: kazam (source: kazam): screencast and screenshot application created with design in mind. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-1 (raring), package size 879 kB, installed size 2411 kB20:02
ikoniahastings: check out OerHeks's link, I'm having a little look around at that card20:02
Dr_Williswell im not really captureing a 'screen capture' but video direct from the usb encoder. :) i will check that out. it may do both. under windows it seemed most of their screen capture apps would not also capture from the usb device. (guess it would be a 'webcam capture' app then.20:03
OerHekshastings, some router do have an option to select your MAC adress and keep the B/G mode selected, that is the other workaround20:04
dacsikonia: i am lost20:04
anonymous_We are anonymoys20:04
Dr_Williswhois anonymous_20:04
ikoniaanonymous_: not really, how can we help you ?20:04
dacsi saw in the forum the ES1000 is not longer supported by linux20:04
lotuspsychjeDr_Willis: zoneminder maybe?20:04
ikoniadacs: is that your card ?20:04
anonymous_idk whats up20:04
ikoniaanonymous_: this channel is for ubuntu support/discussion,20:05
dacsikonia: yes20:05
Dr_Williskazam seeme neat however. :) for some of my other tasks.20:05
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ikoniadacs: that's not good then if it's lost support20:05
h00kanonymous_: offtopic discussion can happen in #ubuntu-offtopic, if it's not support related20:05
lotuspsychjeDr_Willis: kazam is very nice and clean recordings :p20:05
Dr_Williskazam only does screen capture  it seems.20:05
Dr_Willisunless im missing some settings (exploreing it now)20:06
Poisoned_DragonI believe it's only screen capture20:06
MonkeyDusti never managed to make kazam record sound20:07
hastingsikonia: I tried to follow the link's advice, but when I ran "sudo rmmod iwlwifi" it returned "Error: Module iwlwifi is not currently loaded"20:07
Dr_WillisI know vlc can do it. :) and most likely ffmpeg, or mencoder directly can. i just want somthing rather simple i can set up for the wife. shes going to pop in a VCR tape for 'transfer' hit play on the vcr. and record on the app. (basically) and hopefully it wont record 12+ hrs of static whenthe tape is done. ;)20:07
holsteinDr_Willis: vlc, kdenlive, avidemux20:07
Dr_Willisavidemux dosent capture from the video device that i can tell. it was first thing i tried.20:08
lotuspsychjeMonkeyDust: neither do it, but the video quality and size are fantastic dont they20:08
holsteinDr_Willis: im not sure you'll find an open source solution with high "spouse approval"20:08
lotuspsychje!info zoneminder20:08
ubottuzoneminder (source: zoneminder): Linux video camera security and surveillance solution. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.25.0-4ubuntu1 (raring), package size 1860 kB, installed size 5935 kB20:08
Poisoned_Dragonguvcview might be able to record from a usb capture device20:08
Dr_WillisHeh - 'cheese' can capture the video! ;) but lets see if it has a timer feature20:09
holsteincheese would be the easiest.. but i found the audio got out of sync quickly20:09
dacsikonia: ubuntu forum say to use radeon open source driver20:10
ikoniadacs: I do'nt think it does, as ubuntu forums are down20:10
Dr_Willistime for a test capture in cheese20:10
dacsikonia: i know its down , but you still can use it , thats what i did20:11
Dr_WillisHmm. Cheese is not previewing the audio for me in its capture. or when just showing the video capture preview.20:11
holsteindacs: so, you are using the driver that the forums suggest? the open one? that works 'out of the box' ?20:11
Gheyboy_AdvanceI'm gay20:11
dacsikonia: in g00gle you just have to choose chaced version of the site20:11
lotuspsychje!ot | Gheyboy_Advance20:12
ubottuGheyboy_Advance: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:12
dacsGheyboy_Advance: if thats your way , that is okay !!!! lol20:12
ikoniadacs: do you mean "google" ?20:12
dacsikonia: no i am not using it yet, i was consulting with you20:12
dacsikonia: yes sire20:12
dacsikonia: opps i typed 00 lol20:13
dacsa bit of rum will make you do that20:13
dacs:S ..apologies @ ikonia20:13
Poisoned_DragonDr_Willis, try guvcview20:13
dacsholstein: not understanding your question ...sorry20:14
holsteindacs: you say the forums suggest the open driver, is that what you are using?20:14
* dacs btw i have to kvm between this windows and my other box to get the info so excuse any delay please20:15
dacsholstein: i have no clue which driver i am using , this is a fresh install as i mentioned earlier20:15
holsteindacs: the open driver is what would be running, out of the box, on a fresh install, assuming you havent made any changes20:16
dacs'lsmod or what should i use to inform me20:16
Dr_WillisPoisoned_Dragon:  heh - that one seems to core dump.20:16
Dr_Williswell seg faults20:16
dacsholstein: how can i tell please20:16
Poisoned_DragonI wonder why20:16
holsteindacs: as i said, if you didnt change it, thats what it is.. you can run "lspci -vv" in a terminal to confirm20:17
Dr_WillisPoisoned_Dragon:  ;)  scand and dosent find stuff..  init v4l2 failed.  but it was working in other apps.20:17
Poisoned_Dragonhow odd20:17
hastingsI'm thinking I need to install iwlwifi (intel wireless drivers) but http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/iwlwifi mentioned changing the firmware. Will that stop windows from using the wireless?20:17
ihredacs, lspci -nn | grep vga?20:17
ihreor rather, grep VGA20:18
lotuspsychjehastings: what you change on ubuntu wont affect your windows20:18
holsteinhastings: intel should be supported by default.. windows is a dual boot with linux? of so, linux will use it when booted, and windows will use it when booted20:18
lotuspsychjehastings: did you try what Oerheks pasted you?20:19
dacsihre: Advanced Micro Device [AMD] nee ATI ES1000 (rev 02)20:19
dacsihre: hi there!20:19
jaymanhi guys, I'm trying to use my desktop that has an ENCORE electronics tv card to play with my ps3 because my TV died, I'm using the RCA cables for that but for the life of me I can't get any sound and the video comes out funny(like if it was on PAL/NTSC or viceversa) anyone has any clues of what I can do?20:19
holsteinjayman: to "play with my ps3" ?20:20
jaymanholstein, Playstation 320:20
hastingsI do not have access to change router settings20:20
holsteinjayman: sure.. what does that mean?20:20
dacsihre: what it looks like, it turns out it was a bad idea to switch from 10.10 to 13.0420:20
holsteinjayman: you are tring to get a video card to accept an analog video/audio signal?20:20
ihrehow come, dacs?20:20
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.20:20
jaymanholstein, a TV card, not a graphics card20:21
dacsihre: it turns out the my ATI ES1000 is not supported anymore by linux20:21
Dr_Williscould alwyas test out the latest LTS if the latest has issues.20:21
holsteindacs: i would test 12.04 as Dr_Willis suggests20:22
Poisoned_DragonDr_Willis, can you use uvcdynctrl to access your device?20:22
holsteindacs: test it live20:22
dacsihre: my desktop is lagging so bad20:22
lotuspsychjehastings: scroll few lines above that, the url about wireless N20:22
holsteindacs: also, you have not tried the proprietary driver AFAIK20:22
holsteindacs: you can also use something like xubuntu/xfce which might be "better" for that hardware, not requiring 3d, as unity does20:22
dacsholstein:how would i try that please20:22
hastingsLotus: I looked at that, when I tried the command it said that iwilwifi wasn't loaded20:23
hastingsikonia: I tried to follow the link's advice, but when I ran "sudo rmmod iwlwifi" it returned "Error: Module iwlwifi is not currently loaded"20:23
jaymanI got the video working with mplayer so far, but it looks funny, I can't get the sound to work20:23
holsteindacs: i would download xubuntu 12.04 and try it live.. or refer to20:23
holstein!ati | dacs20:23
ubottudacs: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto20:23
dacswhen i start my box it say kubuntu20:24
holsteindacs: kde, or ubuntu both are heavy on the graphics, for older hardware20:24
holsteinkde or unity*20:24
ihredacs, have you tried the proprietary driver? http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx20:25
dacsso i logged out and chose xbuntu and logged back in and it shows xfce and it is running nice20:26
holsteindacs: xfce requires no 3d acceleration, which, in unity/kde could be helped with the driver folks keep mentioning20:27
holsteinor, you can just use xfce20:27
ihreI'm reading the ATI ES1000 doesnt support 3d acceleration, so that might explain your problems, dacs20:28
holsteinand, it likely *never* did.... you probably just used gnome2 in 10.1020:28
lotuspsychjehastings: how about you try to boot a previous kernel from grub?20:29
hastingsI'm new to linux, do you mean download an older version, put it on a usb and boot from the usb?20:32
doomlordis there an option to keep the menu visible - bbenefit is you can see the entry to aim for benefit ,    and less flickering20:32
dacsxfce it is then20:33
dacsthank you all for helping me20:34
dacsi really appreciate it20:34
occi have a aspire s7 ultrabook with ubuntustudio, every half an hour or so it will crash and i wont be able to move the mouse -touchpad or wired mouse.... is this a common issue?20:35
Dr_Willisdoomlord:  not that ive ever noticed. You wouldent see the windows title then. - so its a trade off.20:39
Dr_Willisdoomlord:  askubuntu.com may have some tweaks on it however20:39
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doomlordwindow title - if i've got many windows open, they have their own titles. If its maximized, there would be space for both the title and the menu (if the title really was too long, eg a long pathname,i'd be happy to truncate)20:42
doomlordoption would be nice :)20:43
reisiosmallfoot-: get some bigger feet!20:44
reisiosmallfoot-: was it something you said? :p20:44
smallfoot-look at me, i got klined!!20:45
reisioah, bored netops20:45
smallfoot-double klined!!20:45
smallfoot-that guy is a jerk20:45
reisiotriple triple!20:45
smallfoot-but ye probably lol20:45
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reisiowhy ban someone when you can just boot them over and over like a retard :p20:46
smallfoot-i said i luv black dick, and a white op banned me and klined me20:46
reisiooh, this is not the channel I thought it was...20:46
AnaxandridasHi, guys, easy question. How do I get a folder, or a document, on to the panel in Ubuntu? They don't seem to have an option for "add to panel" in their menu. Click dragging doesn't seem to work.20:46
Dr_WillisAnaxandridas:  you could add an item to the 'quick lists' right click menu on the file manager icon perhaps.20:47
Dr_WillisI thought there used to be a default list there.. but im not seeing one now.20:48
=== Companion is now known as companion
pozhi for some reason my internet is not working20:49
pozi am connected to my network and i can connect to irc20:49
Anaxandridaspoz, it seems your internet is working just fine... And Dr_Willis, thank you.20:50
pozbut i can not browse anything20:50
reisioAnaxandridas: right click on a thing, IIRC20:50
willuser9how do i get my computer out of grub rescue20:50
danny1Looking for a C ++ coder20:50
pozi am wondering if anyone can help me trouble shoot this error20:51
Anaxandridasreisio,  I can assure you I rightclick everything, when in doubt ;) Dr_Willis, it appears that that solution doesn't work for Cinnamon 1,4, but it was a very good solution, thank you :D20:51
reisiooh right you're using cinnamon20:52
sirspazzolothttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5916090/ here's my boot info. any ideas why windows is booting to a black screen? /dev/sdb is my primary device and grub2 is my bootloader; ignore all legacy grub and partitions on /dev/sda. worth noting: start of paste says windows 8 installed stuff to the mbr of /dev/sda. could this be my problem?20:52
reisiothought the point of cinnamon was to be like GNOME 2... i.e. right clicking20:52
danny1Where can I find a C ++ coder ?20:53
pirate@routed you suck20:54
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sgrongsirspazzolot, can you confirm that you're not using GPT?20:54
danny1toto you are a c ++ coder ?20:54
toto_Python coder20:54
danny1Hit me on PM20:55
danny1Let's talk for the JOB PM20:55
sirspazzolotsgrong: I am on BIOS/MBR20:55
sirspazzolotboth drives are MBR20:55
occevery half hour, ubuntu studio crashes on my aspire s7 and i cant move the mouse20:56
occwhat is the likley cause of this20:56
toto__yo all20:57
Anaxandridasreisio, all the PROGRAMS do that. Folders and documents don't.20:57
reisioocc: graphics or power saving20:57
reisioor both20:57
* toto__ say 'bonjour' to everyone ^20:57
AnaxandridasYou're right--that would be much easier. I can't seem to find a quick way to open any document, which is strange.20:57
reisioAnaxandridas: sounds like they have more work to do, then20:57
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reisioAnaxandridas: you should be able to add a .desktop file link in there or something20:58
reisioAnaxandridas: what's on your panel right now?20:58
occreisio, so how should i go about trying to fix it? i disabled all power saving stuff (set monitor to never sleep etc)20:58
=== toto_ is now known as electrototo
sirspazzolotsgrong: any ideas?20:59
Anaxandridasreisio, FF/Chrome, software center, terminal, and home folder--it treats the home folder like an app, not like a folder.21:00
AnaxandridasI do not know how to do the .desktop file link.21:00
sirspazzolotwait I just did it21:00
sirspazzolotyeah, it was because of the mbr stuff on /dev/sda21:01
reisioAnaxandridas: run um...21:01
reisioAnaxandridas: egrep -ilr firefox ~/21:01
sgrongsirspazzolot: not really... when you say that windows is booting to a black screen, you mean you can't even reach the windows boot options?21:01
reisioAnaxandridas: from a terminal21:01
reisioAnaxandridas: it might give you an example .desktop file for your Firefox item21:01
reisioAnaxandridas: which you can copy and replace the executable of... with nautilus path/of/choice or something21:01
sirspazzolotsgrong: messing around with some of the partitions in the grub entry would yield different options... one was a 'failed boot try recovering' thing so I figured it was a partition specification thing. and it turns out this was correct, I just point stuff to look at /dev/sda for bios21:02
sirspazzolotit boots21:02
occanyone installed ubuntu on an aspire s3?21:02
AnaxandridasIt gave me a whole bunch of crazy stuff that isn't making  much sense... It mentions gdesklets, which I've already removed, even. Hmmm. Guess this isn't going to be easy. That's too bad, I found something Ubuntu DOES fail at.21:03
occim thinking of getting one. ubuntu runs badly on my aspire s7, i heard it works well on the s3... but i want confirmation before i waste more money21:03
pozdoes anyone know how to change my dns server?21:03
Dr_WillisAnaxandridas:  the dash has a recently used docs feature i thought.  Im not clear on what you are trying to do exactly21:03
pozor fix it*21:03
sirspazzolotocc I ran ubuntu on my aspire from like six years ago21:03
sirspazzolotaspire 5735z21:04
occi see21:04
Slartpoz: there is a file called /etc/resolv.conf that manages that.. that file might be overwritten by a dhcp-client as well so sometimes just editing might not be enough21:04
AnaxandridasDr_Willis, I am simply trying to put a document on the panel, with all the apps. It does not offer "put on panel" in the menu for the document. Or for folders. Just for apps.21:04
occand sirspaz you had no problems?21:04
occlike crashes or anything21:04
Dr_WillisAnaxandridas:  you could make a link to it into your ~/Desktop file i guess. ive never needed a file so much that i would put it in the panel. If i used the file enough, it would be the #1 (or near th top) of the Dash  list of files.21:05
pozwhat is a namesever?21:05
reisioserver of names21:05
pozi can not go to that becuase my internet is not working21:07
AnaxandridasYes, dragging it on to the desktop is always an option--an option that I'm using right now. But I was really keen on getting it on the panel. Dr_Willis.21:07
pozi am thinking it could be about a dns problem21:07
AnaxandridasPoz, restart your computer :P21:07
pozbut i just turned it on...21:07
AnaxandridasSo restart it.21:07
AnaxandridasIf it's on, it's not restarting. If YOU'RE on, YOU'RE not restarting. So restart it.21:08
Slartpoz: a name server is the computer that translates www.google.com to it's ip-address.. something like 111.222.333.44421:08
pozwill try thought. just want to ask first, if i change my nameserver from to will that mess anything up?21:08
Slartpoz: it shouldn't.. in a normal network setup21:08
pozokay. then i will restart now21:08
k3pl3r16poz leave the ip 127.0.01 thats your local machine address and yes it can mess things up21:09
=== Computron is now known as Guest47021
jaymanhi guys, I'm trying to use my desktop that has an ENCORE electronics tv card to play with my ps3 because my TV died, I'm using the RCA cables for that but for the life of me I can't get any sound and the video comes out funny(like if it was on PAL/NTSC or viceversa) anyone has any clues of what I can do?21:10
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pozhi, so i am back. same problem, restarting never fixed21:11
AnaxandridasHave you tried smashing the computer?21:13
Slartpoz: ok, what was the problem you are trying to fix?21:13
poz i think it is a dns problem21:13
pozi can not view any webpages21:14
k3pl3r16poz cn you ping them?21:14
pozbut if i type in the ##.##.##.## thing, it works21:14
reisioAnaxandridas: :p21:14
pozno, pinging does not seem to work21:14
k3pl3r16do you get a reply back at all or just destination host unreachable21:15
poz"Destination Port Unreachable"21:15
k3pl3r16are you using network manager?21:15
pozi dont think so21:15
k3pl3r16what desktop are you using?21:15
pozubuntu 13.0421:15
Slartpoz: ping www.google.com   doesn't work, I assume? but  ping    works?21:15
k3pl3r16so atthe top in the right hand corner do you see 2 arrows or a symbol like a wave21:16
pozno, ping fails too21:16
pozthe wave symbol21:17
Slartpoz: huh.. that just one of googles servers.. odd21:17
ka1vgmpoz: I have had my ISP's dns' fail for a period of time. Also had the same when they changed some settings and needed to reboot my DSL modem for it to start working again.21:17
Slartpoz: does ping work?21:17
k3pl3r16ok if try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/143819/how-do-i-configure-my-static-dns-in-interfaces21:18
pozhummm, maybe it is a modem thing, i have not tryed restarting it yet21:18
k3pl3r16use the one that is the third answer down this will be easiest I think21:18
pozcant see that. it does not work21:18
pozlol if it worked then I would not have a problem21:18
AnaxandridasPoz, see, I told you to restart everything :P21:19
pozI cant restart the modem though. i am using it on my other computer21:19
AnaxandridasStep 1: Restart everything. Step 2: Reinstall everything. Simple :D21:19
pozreinstalling takes hours though21:19
ka1vgmpoz: after you restart modem wait 5 minutes and restart router (if  separate) and then your pc.21:19
k3pl3r16poz can you ping the modem??21:19
pozpinging the modem does not seem to work, but i forget what I set the ip or what ever at21:21
pozthe router and modem are the same thing21:21
k3pl3r16poz on th other comouter it should give you the default gateway this is the modem ip21:22
k3pl3r16pos try pinging that21:22
ihrepoz, cat /etc/resolv.conf21:22
ihreshould have the address of a nameserver21:22
pozyeah, pinging works21:23
bekksThat will always work.21:24
ihrethats localhost, that should always work ^_^21:24
pozwell, i can always come back in a few hours after I can reset the router...21:24
pozits just weird that xchat (irc) works but nothing else21:25
AnaxandridasI figured out the solution, anyone want to know what it was?21:26
malgorathI installed Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit on a laptop with 2 hard drives. I can boot into the ubuntu hard drive fine but I am unable to boot the windows 8 from Grub 2, is there a wiki or guide on how to fix this? I have tried some googling but nothing I have found seemed to work.21:29
pozwhat happends when you try to boot into windows?21:29
malgorathgrub errors on the boot. then I have to CTRL+ALT+DELETE to restart it21:30
reisiomalgorath: pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg21:30
malgorathreisio, okay give me one21:30
reisiomalgorath: install and use pastebinit21:31
EricFiskerhey guys, are there any Kubuntu users here?21:31
reisioit should have a default21:31
reisioEricFisker: undoubtedly21:31
malgorathlol reisio just did :D21:31
EricFiskerbecause I just discovered something awesome with KDE effects.21:32
reisioEricFisker: yeah?21:32
EricFiskergo into desktop effects21:32
EricFiskercheck "Wobbly Windows"21:32
EricFiskerand edit the settings by checking "Advanced Mode"21:32
reisiomalgorath: now when you're trying to boot windows 8, you're trying the one that DOES NOT say 'recovery', right?21:32
EricFiskerand then set the settings as follows:21:32
malgorathreisio, correct21:32
EricFiskerstiffness: 3821:32
EricFiskerdrag: 10021:33
EricFiskermove factor: 1621:33
EricFiskerit gives you a really cool effect.21:33
malgorathreisio, if you want I can reboot and use my ipad to snap a pic of the error21:34
reisioEricFisker: so you have windows 8 and ubuntu and no other OSes?21:35
reisiooops wrong person21:35
reisiomalgorath: ^21:35
reisioEricFisker: youtube21:35
malgorathreisio, correct just the 2, I have 2 500g HDDs and windows is on the primary, and ubuntu is on the secondary21:35
EricFiskerwait, reisio, how did you know?21:36
reisioEricFisker: know what?21:36
EricFiskerabout the Windows and Linux thing.21:36
EricFiskerI just read "oops wrong person"21:36
reisiomalgorath: k21:36
joshlegsanybody on the alpha 13.10 release?21:36
Slartjoshlegs: try in #ubuntu+121:37
joshlegsah thanks Slart21:37
czesmirmalgorath: remove the windows21:37
malgorathczesmir, not possible right now21:37
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reisioericab: you get any particular error?21:38
jhutchinsmalgorath: Is it looking for secureboot?21:39
jhutchinsmalgorath: Describe the error.21:39
malgorathi'll reboot requickly and get a picture of the error21:39
reisiowhat the21:40
jhutchinsmalgorath: Describe the error.21:40
=== scott is now known as malgorath
malgoratherror: can't find command 'drivemap'. error: invalid EFI file path.21:42
jhutchinsmalgorath: You don't suppose there's an error with the uEFI file do you?21:42
malgorathjhutchins, was working fine before I installed ubuntu21:43
genial2Greetings. I've run into a little issue here and need some advice: I'm running 5 ubuntu servers on an ESXi-machine, one of them is a pure NFS-machine serving my harddrives to all the other instances. One of them is a Plex server, serving media to my various devices. Now I've noticed that sometimes the CPU-usage on the NFS-machine will skyrocket for short amounts of time, usually in unison with the Plex-machine. I'm wondering what this ...21:43
genial2... could be a result of. Obviously Plex is requesting something that the NFS-box has a hard time loading, but it should only be a single media-file. Is harddrive-corruption/error a possibility here?21:43
jhutchinsmalgorath: Not sure how you did the grub install, grub _can_ cope with EFI just fine, but some people switch to BIOS mode, which won't work if Windows is expecting EFI.21:43
jhutchinsmalgorath: You may need to restore windows to get it back, look for windows documentation on how to repair the EFI.21:44
jhutchinsmalgorath: If you restore Windows, it will probably wipe out ubuntu, so you'll need to re-install, but read up on dealing with EFI and dual booting W8 first.21:44
reisiomalgorath: try specifying the efi file path as at http://askubuntu.com/questions/211339/windows-8-wont-boot-after-installation-of-12-1021:45
jhutchinsreisio: Good find.21:45
reisiowell the find was easy :p21:46
reisioI just don't trust grub's auto cfg maker21:46
reisioit may well say the same thing after explicitly specifying the .efi path21:46
jhutchinsmalgorath: Linux has been working with EFI since at least '07, but we're finding new ways to break it with Windows.21:46
reisiobut then you'd know for sure it isn't there21:46
Streusel3 flood bots? O.o21:48
Streuselno ubuntu edge ad?21:48
holsteinSockseven: you might prefer the #ubuntu-offtopic channel.. this is the official support channel21:49
holsteinStreusel: ^^21:49
genial2Are there any tools that will let me monitor the nfs-kernel-server to see what could be eating up the CPU for short periods of time?21:50
jhutchinsgenial2: top21:50
tlopezneed to get a live ubuntu usb stick21:52
tlopezon ntfs filesystem21:52
tlopezwhat program to use21:53
malgorathokay here goes a reboot :D21:53
holsteintlopez: on fat32.. unetbootin21:53
tlopezneed to use ntds for 12GB persistence21:54
tlopezalternativily need a program that can have 12GB persistance on FAT3221:54
holsteintlopez: when i want persistence, i just do a normal install... you can always create multiple partitions21:54
holsteintlopez: i would refer to any pendrive linux suggestion21:54
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varunendratlopez, you can create a 700+ MB FAT32 for Live installation, and a 12GB ext3 partition for persistence.22:02
bbonoraI'm trying to upgrade my ubuntu server  from 10.05 to 12.04. when I run do-release-upgrade I get a message that says "Proxy '/' looks invalid" and then it says "no new release found"22:02
bbonoraanybody know how to solve this?22:02
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usr13bbonora: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:03
bbonorausr13: I did that22:03
bbonorathat seems to work fine22:03
varunendrabbonora, are you using a proxy server in Synaptic's settings?22:04
bbonoravarunendra: not sure? how would I figure that out?22:05
zymogensHave just installed Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS. It says I have a 143 packages that can be updated. Anyone know the command to do that?22:05
varunendrabbonora, in Synaptic Package manager, Preferences > Network22:05
bbonoraI feel like I need to change my sources.list file. I'm just not sure what to change them to22:05
holsteinzymogens: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:05
zymogensthanks a mil.22:05
holsteinbbonora: you shouldnt need to22:06
bbonoravarunendra: I'm all command line22:06
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varunendrabbonora, no idea how to check or change it then.22:06
Malgorathlooks like I can't boot the repair partition either. so I just lost all my windows :-/22:06
bbonoraholstein: I couldn't get the system to update. I changed "maverick" to "lucid" and it updated. Not sure if the two are related.22:07
holsteinMalgorath: you can restore the windows boot loader22:07
usr13bbonora: Now-days, that is done *for* you.22:07
varunendrabbonora, can you give us the pastebin link of your sources.list file?22:08
Malgorathholstein, not sure how I could do that without being able to boot the rescue/recovery partition of windows22:08
bbonoragive me a sec22:08
holsteinMalgorath: a windows cd, AFAIK22:08
Malgorathholstein, this system came with no DVDs/CDs nor does it have a method to make a backup/recovery dvd22:09
holsteinMalgorath: you might need to ask the manufacturer for a hard copy22:09
usr13Malgorath: Win7?22:09
Malgorathwindows 822:09
usr13Malgorath: Unfortunately, Win7 and Win8 require MS Windows install CD to reinstall the MS Windows boot loader.  And when  you call and ask for one, your vender will be more than happy to charge you about $3022:11
Malgorathusr13, does win8 use same bootloader as win7? I have 3 win7 OEM DVDs22:12
usr13Malgorath:  I don't know for sure.22:12
holsteinMalgorath: since your machine is not booting, it literally wont hurt to try, but thats a question for a windows channel22:12
pvl1how do i purge in synaptic or aptitude, if possible22:13
bbonoravarunendra: http://pastebin.com/kHcTCkzw22:13
JeruvyMalgorath you may want to ask windows questions in ##windows, but it 'can'.22:13
holsteinpvl1: i would just try autoremove22:13
pvl1holstein: are you sure that purges though?22:13
hewhomustpvl, tried sudo apt-get --purge remove something22:14
pvl1hewhomust: i know but im purging a lot, and i wanna do it visually22:14
pvl1im trying to make a custom ubuntu live usb22:14
holsteinpvl1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto22:14
pvl1and i wanna make an iso so i have copies22:14
varunendrabbonora, the file is normal, nothing wrong there.22:15
pvl1holstein: i guess i have to apt-get holstein alright thanks22:15
holsteinpvl1: apt is about the only option left if you remove the others22:16
holsteinpvl1: apt-get purge <package_name>22:16
Sefid_parCan I load module ip_tables to my vps?22:17
usr13Malgorath: "Insert the Windows 8 Installation Disc in your system's optical drive, or use a bootable USB"  (From:  http://www.redmondpie.com/how-to-fix-windows-8-mbr-master-boot-record/ )22:17
varunendrabbonora, I'm not sure, but for proxy configuration, maybe apt-config can show us something. Please give us pastebin link of "apt-config dump"22:18
usr13Sefid_par: What?22:18
Sefid_parMy vps seems not have ip_tables module loaded22:19
Helpme1shey guys i need help ,,22:19
Sefid_parBut I need ip_tables22:19
ikoniaSefid_par: normally that is because it's not a real ubuntu install, but a basterized version, with a incompatible module22:19
ikoniaSefid_par: please show me the output of uname -a22:19
usr13Sefid_par: sudo apt-get install iptables22:19
Helpme1shello guys22:20
hewhomusthi help22:20
Helpme1shewhomust can u help me ?22:20
Sefid_par2.6.32-042stab078.28 #1 SMP Mon Jul 8 10:17:22 MSK 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:20
hewhomustlol i dont know22:20
ikoniaHelpme1s: think about it, people can't help until you tell them the problem22:20
hewhomustwhat is it?22:20
Helpme1scan i tell you my problem ?22:20
ikoniaSefid_par: yes, that is the same problem22:20
ikoniaSefid_par: the module won't load22:20
ikoniaSefid_par: I've sen it about 20 times this week, you got an update from your VPS provider recently and it breaks the iptables modules22:21
usr13Helpme1s: Ask away, (that's how it works).22:21
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pvl1Sefid_par: have you tried?22:21
Sefid_parpvl1: try what?22:21
Sefid_parikonia: Is there another way to nat?22:21
ikoniaSefid_par: not really no, iptables is the correct way to do it22:21
bbonoravarunendra: http://pastebin.com/kmDPsyMX22:22
hewhomusthelp, what exactly is the problem?22:22
dennisI am a student. I need a programming mentor because we have very crapy faculty in India. I feel lost as no else in university is interested in learning. All are after girls. I really want to learn how computers work. I dont care if I will have to study for 24 hours a day. I just need someone to show me a path. I can walk alone. Please help :(22:22
hewhomustdude just go after girls life will be easier lol22:22
ikoniadennis: that is not what this channel is about, sorry22:23
Sefid_parWhat is a good way to redirect connection to another host?22:23
ikoniadennis: talk to your tutors22:23
Helpme1sok i just installed ubuntu 13.04 dual boot with windows 7 (im on windows 7 now) and there was no internet connection during the live cd or in the installed os it keep trying  to connect but always fail i tried to set my ip i set it like this ( it connected but i still cant access the internet or update ..22:23
ikoniaSefid_par: iptables,22:23
ikoniaSefid_par: not trying to be awkward, but it's the right tool for the right job22:23
ikoniaSefid_par: talk to your VPS provider, and ask them to fix it22:23
pvl1Sefid_par: have you tried enabling the module?22:23
hewhomustdeniis try #python22:23
dennisikonia: They have not even written a hello world program without looking at a book.22:24
Sefid_parpvl1: not yet22:24
pvl1Helpme1s: disable whatever settings youve enabled22:24
ikoniadennis: well, not what this channel is here for, sorry22:24
usr13Helpme1s: Can you ping ?22:24
pvl1Helpme1s: are you connecting wireless or wired22:24
mJaykHelpme1s: are you trying to connect via wireless or wired ?22:24
hewhomustprint "hello world" there done22:24
hewhomustnow you can say hello22:24
Helpme1susr13 no it says server not found or something like this22:24
ikoniahewhomust: stop it - help people or don't but stop messing around please.22:24
Helpme1si can ping but i cant access my router page via browser22:25
usr13Helpme1s: sudo route add default gw
Helpme1sok i will try that then come back22:25
mJaykHelpme1s: also check proxy settings22:25
hewhomustdennis/ ##C on freenode22:26
Helpme1smjay i checked they was nothing22:26
ikoniahewhomust: stop it22:26
Helpme1sits totally fresh install22:26
mJaykHelpme1s: ah ok just a thought :) gl22:26
hewhomustim just suggesting potentially helpful channels22:26
usr13Helpme1s: ping -c3  To test.  Then see if you can resolve domain names;  ping -c3 av.com  (Add valid nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf file if needed.)22:26
ikoniahewhomust: they are random.22:26
ikoniahewhomust: the channel is for ubuntu support, please keep with that22:27
varunendrabbonora, I'm not sure if that is the reason, but the lines 160 and 161 (Acquire HTTP and Acquire HTTP Proxy "/") don't exist in my apt-config.22:27
Sefid_parusr13: FATAL: Module ip_tables not found.; does it mean that I can not load ip_tables?22:27
Helpme1susr13  how do i add nameservers ?22:27
ikoniaSefid_par: as I told you earlier,22:27
bbonoravarunendra: where would I set this? Is there a file I can edit?22:27
usr13Helpme1s: Edit /etc/resolv.conf22:28
ikoniaSefid_par: that's actually not the right module name22:28
usr13Helpme1s: nameserver
Helpme1susr13 the other name server ( is not needed ?22:28
varunendrabbonora, do you have an "/etc/apt/apt.conf" file?22:28
Sefid_parikonia: What is the exact name? netfilter?22:29
bbonoravarunendra: let me take a look22:29
ikoniaSefid_par: there are multiple modules, for each different "table" in iptabvles,22:29
ikoniaSefid_par: you'll need to contact your VPS provider to get them to load though22:29
Helpme1sok brb22:29
Sefid_parOk, thanks22:29
bbonoravarunendra: Yes! this is what it says Acquire::http::Proxy "/";22:30
bbonoraAcquire :: http :: Proxy "/";22:30
bbonorashould I just comment that out and try running it?22:30
varunendrabbonora, not sure if commenting in these files works, but try it anyway, then recheck "apt-config dump" to see if it took effect.22:31
varunendrabbonora, is that the only line in that file?22:32
bbonoravarunendra: That's the only line. The comment seemed to work22:34
varunendragreat! Retry then.22:34
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bbonoravarunendra: so... no more proxy error message but now it just says "No new release found"22:35
varunendrabbonora, just for reference, I don't have that file in my 12.04 default installation. Instead a apt-conf.d directory with random files.22:36
atgchi guys, I was directed from a linuxmint-help channel to come here to ask about a driver problem22:36
ikoniaatgc: you using mint ?22:37
atgcikonia: yes22:37
bbonoravarunendra: I have the apt.conf.d directory as well. I think I might just delete that file22:37
ikoniaatgc: ok, so this is not the right channel22:37
ikoniaatgc: the mint channel you where in IS the right place22:37
atgcthey couldn't figure it out22:37
atgcor at least the one person who was trying to help22:38
varunendrabbonora,  I think you  should also try the one file that contains the "Acquire :: http "" " line. To find that file - "grep -iR acquire /etc/apt/apt-conf.d"22:38
ikoniaatgc: sorry about that, you'll need to wait for someone else in that channel to help22:38
varunendrabbonora, like I mentioned, the "Acquire::http "";" line also doesn't exist in my apt-config dump22:39
bbonoravarunendra: okay, let me give that a try22:40
bbonoravarunendra: looks like it's in a file called 50unattended-upgrades and 00CDMMountPoint22:41
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varunendrabbonora, the first file is also present in my installation, but not that line in it.22:43
bbonoravarunendra: it's commented out in the first file22:44
smgordongood afternoon22:46
Sc0tty-does anyone know how to place a irssi theme into the irsi folder? I can't find the folder22:48
mJaykSc0tty-: isnt it hidden in home22:49
bbonorawhen I try to run update-manager is says that the command doesn't exists22:49
Sc0tty-how do I find it? (I am a noob)22:49
varunendrabbonora, maybe we are looking in the wrong place, since normal updates seem to be working.22:49
varunendrabbonora, which command ?22:49
mJaykSc0tty: try cd /home/USERNAME/.irssi22:50
bbonoraupdate-manager -d22:50
SlartSc0tty-: normally linux programs have directories in your home-directory.. so irssi would have a directory called .irssi where it stores personal settings and such.. the starting dot makes this hidden normally in nautilus, CTRL+H should show you these hidden files22:50
Sc0tty-thank you mate22:50
mJaykSc0tty-: nps hope it helps22:51
bbonoravarunendra: here is what it says when I run sudo apt-get install update-manager - http://pastebin.com/r0GQX0an22:52
Sc0tty-I got it thanks22:53
bbonoraI think I need to install synaptic22:53
varunendrabbonora, your original installation is maverick?22:53
bbonoraI believe so22:53
bbonorait's been a long time22:53
varunendrabbonora, check the output of "lsb_release -d22:54
bbonoraubuntu 10.1022:54
varunendrabbonora, I'm quite sure this is the reason. Upgrade from 10.10 to 12.04 is simply not possible. A fresh installation is the only possible way it seems.22:56
bbonoravarunendra: ah darn! okay, well I guess that's good to know22:56
smgordonHello new here and new to ubuntu. both seem fairly easy to use so far22:57
varunendrabbonora, LTS to LTS upgrade is possible (although it is also prone to breakage), but non-LTS to LTS with missing in-between versions is not possible.22:58
varunendraso there we are :) bbonora22:58
bbonoravarunendra: thanks for your help. I guess I will just back up the files and transfer the files to a new instance.22:59
nate15329my server gets stuck at here time to time any ideas? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5916517/22:59
varunendraGood idea, and you're welcome ! bbonora22:59
blazemore!details | nate is that when it's booting?23:01
ubottunate is that when it's booting?: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:01
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nate15329yes when booting, ubuntu server 13.04; it just started out of nowhere; i thought it was an pci-x sata card i added but nothing changed when i removed it23:03
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nate15329im using the latest kernel...weird part is that when i boot into the recovery mode it does that no matter what & hangs23:05
augustlhey folks. I just installed i3 and logged in with it. Now a whole lot of nothing works :) Seems a lot of processes only starts up when using unity. Any suggestions on how to best use i3?23:06
ikoniaaugustl: i3 ?23:07
Sc0tty-This whole terminal business is daunting!23:08
Helpme1shewhomust u there23:08
augustlikonia: it's a window manager23:08
ikonia!info i323:08
ubottui3 (source: i3-wm): metapackage (i3 window manager, screen locker, menu, statusbar). In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2-2 (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 38 kB23:08
ikonianever heard of it, thank you augustl23:08
Helpme1sguys can i get help i have no internet conection on my ubuntu os23:09
Sc0tty-have you plugged the cable in?23:09
Helpme1syes it says connected after i entered my ip adress but no internet23:10
augustlikonia: seems a lot of stuff doesn't start up when not using unity23:10
Helpme1sim on windows 7 now i have ubuntu on dual boot23:10
brassmonkeyshouldn't have to manually enter your ip address23:10
augustlcurrently running under vmware, none of the guest additions are running under i3, for example23:10
ikoniaaugustl: tjat seem wrong23:10
wilee-nileeHelpme1s, Ethernet or wifi, and can you identify the card, if it is internal lspci in the terminal should list it.23:10
Helpme1sbrass i had to coz it fail to connect23:11
mJaykHelpme1s: seams daft does it work on any other devices?23:11
Helpme1sethernet wired23:11
augustlyeah, it's a bit weird. Screen resolution borked, copy/paste not working, etc23:11
Helpme1smjay huh ?23:11
Helpme1swileenilee huh ?23:11
mJaykHelpme1s: Can you connect to the net via your router on any other devices23:12
wilee-nileeHelpme1s, Huh is not an answer be specific.23:12
Helpme1syes im on the same machine now23:12
Helpme1swilee i dont know what is  internal lspci23:12
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Helpme1stroll@troll-G41MT-ES2L:~$ ping -c3
Helpme1sPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.23:13
Helpme1sFrom icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable23:13
Helpme1sFrom icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable23:13
Helpme1sFrom icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable23:13
FloodBot1Helpme1s: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:13
Helpme1s--- ping statistics ---23:13
Helpme1s3 packets transmitted, 0 received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss, time 2015ms23:13
wilee-nileeHelpme1s, if the card is internal, you can run in the terminal lspci it will list hardware find the ethernet card and post it23:13
brian234Hi, I remember hearing about a command to create a folder that points to a network or internet location, but the OS thinks of it as a regular folder. What is this command called?23:14
jribbrian234: sshfs perhaps if you mean over ssh23:15
brassmonkeyis there a newer project than libimobiledevice thats working to get ios devices to sync music?23:15
brian234jrib: thanks that was just what I need23:16
Helpme1swilee the name of the card is "Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC23:16
Helpme1s" im now online via windows 7 and i got ubuntu on dual boot23:16
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b23:17
wilee-nileeHelpme1s, ^^^^^23:17
ubuntivityHello everyone, I've performed 4 new updates today on my Ubuntu 12.04, but I noticed it became markedly slower to boot and load after entering my user password. What is exactly wrong?23:17
Helpme1swhats thats supposed to mean ?23:17
wilee-nileeHelpme1s, read the posts what do you see ubottu referencing?23:18
Helpme1soh thank you very much23:19
wilee-nileeHelpme1s, I can be confusing if you have not been here or used to it ubottu is a bot. ;)23:19
wilee-nileeIt rather then I heh23:20
Helpme1swilee may i ask a question ?23:22
wilee-nileeubuntivity, Not a normal occurrence so details are important for the channel.23:22
lonewulf85Ubuntu Linux is now my new favorite OS. I <3 Ubuntu23:23
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ubuntivityWhat are the useful details, wilee-nilee ?23:23
bejkercane someone help me with alsarc?23:23
Helpme1sthe link u gave me is about "rtl8187b" my lan card is rtl813923:24
Helpme1show im going to update my driver with other model files ?23:24
wilee-nileeubuntivity, cpu speed and ram, what was part of updates, any additional installs, the release your running. Basically what you have described should not be happening, is this a feeing or are you sure?23:24
ubuntivityCPU Speed: Core i3 2.20GHz, RAM: 4GB, don't remember the updates, though. Can I find them in a log or something?23:26
wilee-nileeubuntivity, so what is the difference in speed, how long is the boot now?23:27
wilee-nileebejker, The channel works with you stating your issues to start with.23:28
ubuntivityDidn't count the seconds, but something clear to notice is the loading of the login screen, usually it loads with my wallpaper instantly, but now I can see the violet background for more than a second until my regular wallpaper shows in the login screen..23:29
wilee-nileeubuntivity, When did you install?23:30
lauratikais it possible to use BitTorrent Sync to share files among different accounts on same pc in ubuntu 12.04??23:31
ubuntivityToday, wilee-nilee.23:31
ubuntivityabout 3 hours ago23:31
ubuntivityWait, you mean when did I update or when did I install this version of Ubuntu?23:32
wilee-nilee1 second is not markedly sounds normal so far honestly with more exacting measurement at least to me ubuntivity23:32
ubuntivityI have this ubuntu installation for about 3 months23:32
ubuntivityThere is other delay after I login, which is about 4 seconds with nothing but the wallpaper and the mouse (it wasn't that way before)23:33
wilee-nileeubuntivity, Not sure, sorry.23:34
ubuntivityHow can I find what were the last 4 updates? Where can I find the log (if any)?23:34
tgm4883ubuntivity, /var/log/apt/history.log23:35
lauratikais there a bit torrent channel here23:36
lauratikasorry freenode?23:36
wilee-nileelauratika, what irc app are you using, many have a channel search23:37
Martijn-NLwilee-nilee: I'm using xChat :-)23:38
ubuntivityHere are the latest updates that I suspect might cause my Ubuntu 12.04 to slow down: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5916579/23:38
wilee-nileelauratika, #bittorrent23:38
ubuntivity*might caused23:38
Martijn-NLlauratika: Use Ubuntu software centre to install xChat on your system....23:38
lauratikaMartijn-NL: no thanx opera works great... thanx wilee-nilee23:41
lonewulf85ubuntivity, Please do not quote me but aside from the lightdm updates the other ones are sql updates which just to my knowledge help you computer communicate better on the INTERNET and with servers. Is it web browsing that is getting slow?23:42
ubuntivityNo, lonewulf85. Web browsing is OK. So, what lightdm is used for?23:43
Ben64!info lightdm23:44
ubottulightdm (source: lightdm): Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.0-0ubuntu3 (raring), package size 99 kB, installed size 468 kB23:44
ubuntivityThen I suspect it might be the cause, does that make sense?23:44
Ben64thats not very informative... "LightDM is a cross-desktop display manager that aims is to be the standard display manager for the X.org X server. The motivation for this project is there have been many new display managers written since XDM (often based on the XDM source). The main difference between these projects is in the GUIs (e.g. different toolkits) and performance - this could be better accomplished with a common display manager th23:44
Ben64at allows these differences. "23:44
Ben64from the lightdm website23:44
lonewulf85ubuntivity, lightdm is just the desktop manager it could cause the issue but it is not very likely I do not think.23:45
ubuntivityIs there a way to downgrade that particular package? to see if the slowing behaviour change?23:46
Ben64ubuntivity: if i had to guess, i would blame unity on it loading slow, maybe you're using unity3d and used to use 2d?23:46
lonewulf85ubuntivity, are you in an actual install or is this a vmware installation?23:46
ubuntivityBen64: I've always used Unity3D, lonewulf85: It is an actual install.23:46
jribubuntivity: lightdm is a login manager23:46
ubuntivityjrib: That23:47
ubuntivityjrib: That's exactly what is slowing down here! (check my previous messages above)23:47
lonewulf85ubuntivity, does the machine have a 32bit cpu or x64?23:47
ubuntivityan x64 processor (Core i3) but a x86 installation23:47
jribubuntivity: create a fresh new user, see if issue persists23:47
Ben64once you put in the password, lightdm doesn't really do anything else but start the environment (unity)23:47
ubuntivityGoing to do so jrib, Ben64: that's where the slowing occurs, once the environment is loaded, the speed is as I used to.23:48
lonewulf85ubuntivity, I bring this up because my little acer netbook has an x64 processor and with the 32bit install it runs slow but with the 64 bit it is fine.23:48
KeyboardNotFoundWhen ubuntu forums will back ?23:49
jribKeyboardNotFound: try #ubuntuforums23:49
ubuntivitylonewulf85: I noticed this recent noticable slowing down today after I updated installed packages..23:50
KeyboardNotFoundjrib, Thanks, I will try23:50
lonewulf85Also for anyone who might need it take a look at this http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/06/11-tips-to-speed-up-computers-running.html please use carefully some could be harmful if used incorrectly23:50
lonewulf85ubuntivity, one sec I have an application that might help let me find the link. I use it a lot.23:51
mr-techhello how are you23:52
lonewulf85ubuntivity, The application is ubuntu tweak it is great because of the janitor feature.23:52
itgeekwhisperergood evening everyone23:52
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ubuntivityI already have it, so should I perform a 'clean up'?23:52
mr-techHello every one23:52
ubuntivitywelcome mr-tech, itgeekwhisperer23:53
lonewulf85ubuntivity, If you are familiar with Windows os application it would be comparable to ccleaner23:53
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ubuntivityDidn't use ccleaner on Windows, and no more using Windows :|   So, what does it do?23:54
lonewulf85ubuntivity, I would try and see if that helps. I run the clean up after every set of updates FYI about once a week.23:54
lonewulf85ubuntivity, It just frees up space an your system by cleaning up the caches filed.23:54
mr-techThis is my first time here23:54
ubuntivityI've once heard that clean ups might slow things down because they removed cached stuff and re-caching them takes time, is that true? or is there any truth in that at all??23:55
ubuntivitymr-tech: I hope you'll have a nice and beneficial time here :)23:55
lonewulf85ubuntivity, I am not sure it has not been my experience but everyones hardware is different.23:55
mr-techubuntivity do you run that though the termemal23:56
ubuntivityI'll perform the clean up as long as you are doing it safely ^_^ lonewulf8523:56
ubuntivitymr-tech: What do you mean? the IRC client?23:57
xiudoLOL mr-tech i like that name23:57
lonewulf85ubuntivity, I have not had an issue because of it yet, although I did have to re install earlier today because of some line I messed up in a system file by accident ;)23:58
ubuntivitymr-tech: No, I'm running it now from Firefox browser through webchat.freenode.net, but I sometimes run it from terminal (I use weechat)23:58
ubuntivitylonewulf85: should I clean all the entries in that janitor?23:58
lonewulf85ubuntivity, I usually save the most recent kernels.23:59

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