
* ochosi is wondering whether shipping whiskermenu by default instead of our current appmenu wouldn't be a nice move...00:53
ochosi(i've used it for a while and it's really quite nice so far)00:54
GridCube:) that would be interesting indeed00:55
ochosippa:gottcode/gcppa for testing00:55
GridCubeP: thing is, i hardly use the app menu anyway, i have all the apps i want in launchers or i use alt-f201:07
GridCubei like how you can resize it, but i dont like how the menus open to the left01:10
Unit193Silly Alt+F2, trying to be appfinder. :/  (I know, it technically is.)01:12
micahgochosi: FWIW, I'm finishing up gtk-theme-config now01:49
knomemicahg, nice :)01:49
micahgknome: think there's any issue with me having Debian bug mail go to xubuntu-devel?01:49
knomeall of it? :P01:50
micahgor should I create a team for Xubuntu Debian package maintenance01:50
micahgno, just packages that we own outside of pkg-xfce01:50
micahgmr_pouit: ^^ your thoughts when you have a chance01:51
micahgno, that's a nightmare :)01:51
micahgI want a list that people will  read01:52
knomewell bleh01:52
knomei don't want bugmail on -devel because we're not doing any of it now either01:52
micahgI can make a new team (I should really do this on alioth, but I'm being lazy)01:53
* micahg makes a new team on alioth01:53
micahgwell, hrm01:53
Unit193http://0bin.net/paste/B+NQN6UuUSgnkQLC#NkEzFphEYU7FydoWEH+60d7OhqgyuQRUh2VT8zdG1k4= was most of what I did... :/01:53
knomehrm what?01:53
micahgUnit193: turns out I just needed to drop the install file01:54
micahgUnit193: I'll grab your description, please feel free to commit01:54
Unit193micahg: Yeah, I commented that out, the images didn't exist and it didn't need it.01:54
micahg(or I can)01:54
Unit193Sure, feel free (I don't need any credit.)01:54
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/pHdhxgcFk3RAtPPxY29x full bzr diff, so not much.01:55
micahgoh, is there a 1.0 now?01:55
* micahg updates01:55
Unit193I didn't really know what to do with the hardening warning.01:56
micahgI'll take a look02:01
micahgUnit193: I see no such warning, do you have a paste?02:08
Unit193I can if I re-branch and download the tarball.02:10
micahgUnit193: rebranch, uscan02:11
Unit193That'll do.02:15
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/2xZdZTd05AEWiI6rYxQL if you want -i02:24
Unit193Lintian v2.5.11ubuntu1302:25
micahgUnit193: thanks, can I fix and you'll try again?02:26
* micahg really should get on saucy02:30
* Unit193 is on Raring.02:30
knomei'm at home02:30
knome(i literally lol'ed at that joke of my own)02:31
knome(but it's 5:30am)02:31
Unit193Noooo, should have said "I'm on my bed"02:32
micahgUnit193: pushed02:32
micahghrm, I think I need one more thing02:33
Unit193Don't remember what I tried, but did a couple...02:34
knomeUnit193, you tried a couple?02:35
knomeokay, we're losing the control here.02:35
Unit193knome: Less beer! ;P02:35
knomeno beer today02:35
Unit193Teddy bear?02:36
knomeno teddy's either02:36
micahgUnit193: ok, that should do it02:38
Unit193W: gtk-theme-config: hardening-no-fortify-functions usr/bin/gtk-theme-config02:47
Unit193My guess was how the Makefile was written, but that's me...02:50
* micahg tries again with compat level 902:56
Unit193(Worth a shot, but I think I did that one...)02:56
micahgI see the flags not being passed in vala03:01
micahgUnit193: I think you're right03:07
Unit193Wooo!  I may not be as stupid as I look!03:07
micahgvalac -X -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -X -g -X -O2 -X -fPIE -X -fstack-protector -X --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -X -Wformat -X -Werror=format-security -X -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -X -fPIE -X -pie -X -Wl,-z,relro -X -Wl,-z,now --pkg gtk+-3.0 -X -lm gtk-theme-config.vala -o gtk-theme-config03:40
Unit193Wooo!  Something to push to satya164? :P03:41
micahghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5913491/ better at least03:41
Unit193Figured I'd better leave it to you...03:42
* micahg has to dig up his github credentials now...maybe later03:43
Unit193Heh, better than my method. :P03:44
micahgUnit193: rev 16 pushed03:44
Unit193And now just the two. \o/03:54
micahgexcellent, after I've fwd the patch upstream I'll push to mentors03:54
Unit193(Tried on amd64 with precise lintian too. :P )03:55
micahgochosi: ^^ progress :)03:55
Unit193Ping a few more times for fun! :P03:56
micahghrm, /me adds --as-needed for Debian03:57
ochosimicahg: awesome stuff!07:21
NoskcajWhen are the login screen theme glitches expected to be fixed?  07:44
knomeNoskcaj, when there's the next upload for themes08:02
Noskcajknome, FYI the installer theme shouldn't have a maximise button. bug 117711608:44
ubottubug 1177116 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "maximise button does nothing in Ubiquity" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117711608:44
knomesounds like it's a problem of xfwm, not theming08:46
knomeochosi, ^08:46
Noskcajok. I'll just check what happens in live session (i really should have done that sooner)08:47
NoskcajThe plus button exists but doesn't work in live session08:51
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
knomei need a pen and paper12:28
elfyoh dear12:29
knomehuh, there are like 5 tests that had id's but not in the tracker12:32
elfywhich ones 12:33
knomedict, mime, power manager, task manager, window manager, app finder12:33
knomedid you find out which one of the panel tests were the correct one?12:34
elfywindow manager was one of mine - I know for fact I didn't give it a number 12:34
knomecommon sense says bigger number, but...12:34
elfyknome: they both appear to be ok - one is more detailed than the other 12:34
elfy1573 being more detailed12:35
elfyapp finder was one of mine too, balloons merged those I'm sure - had some issues because tracker or something didn't like _  - I'd guess he was numbering them12:36
elfyknome: I would go with 1573 panel testcase 12:41
knomejust did that12:42
elfyif you're moving stuff about - I'll not merge this gthumb one till you've finished12:42
knomei am12:43
elfysorry - my english - I meant "as you're "12:44
elfynever trust an English man's english :p12:44
knomeok, that should be good now12:45
knomeok. done12:45
knomedo we want to modify the exo-helper test to make sure exo-helper works, or modify it to be about xubuntu keyboard shortcuts?12:49
elfy2 secs12:51
elfyI did that one from what I knew - mostly followed where the bug pointed I think12:52
knomewant me to explain what's wrong with it?12:52
elfywonder how I managed to do that then12:53
knomei mean, the point is12:53
elfyI see what's up with it 12:53
knomeexo-helper is a wrapper that detects the preferred application, say for a browser12:53
elfyyea 12:53
knomeso if there's a shortcut that points to mousepad... that's not anything to do with exo-helper12:53
elfyyea I know - don't know why I did it lol12:54
knomewell otoh it kind of makes sense to test all the shortcuts12:54
elfymodify it to be about xubuntu keyboard shortcuts - I can do the exo-helper one again12:55
knomewell i'm wondering if we want both12:55
knomei'd be pretty happy with the exo one in packages. and a brief mention about shortcuts working generally in the ISO post-installation test12:56
elfyok 12:56
elfyI'm easy enough to please - I'd happily do another testcase if we thought it necessary12:56
knomethere's no way to get to edit a testcase text from the testsuite view12:57
knomeyou have to go pick the testcases from the testsuite from the testcases view12:57
elfytalking about changing the title?12:58
knomeno, i'm cleaning up the markup for the xfce tests12:58
knomebut the title too.12:59
elfyoh right12:59
elfyam I ok to merge this gthumb one now? 12:59
knomego ahead, i'll fix things if there are conflicts13:00
elfyok - all done13:02
knomeso huh: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/testsuites/348/edit13:10
knomethere's still that exo-helper test we can fix ;)13:10
elfyso what do you want to do - change it's name or edit and create another for kbd shortcuts? 13:12
knomei'd say edit it to be a test for exo13:12
knomeand briefly mention about testing shortcuts on the ISO post-install test13:12
elfyok - leave the exo thing to me and I'll do it now 13:13
knomeok, ta13:13
* knome pokes other things13:14
elfyI can just pull the branch and edit it there can't I - then check it's ok and push it back - that correct? 13:14
knomewhen you've done that, poke me13:15
knomeor alternatively, copy the new text over to the tracker as well13:15
elfynot sure what you mean13:15
elfylet me edit the testcase first 13:15
knomego to http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/testcases/1568/edit and copy-paste the file contents to that box13:15
knomeso the test is updated on the tracker as well13:16
elfyaah right - ok - got that :)13:16
knomethere are two transmission testcases in the tracker as well, but that's not our problem13:31
knomeelfy, bunch of links incoming13:35
knomeOur product: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/products/335/testsuites13:35
knomeThe Xfce testsuite: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/testsuites/348/edit13:36
knomeThe Xfce Applications testsuite: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/testsuites/351/edit13:36
knomeThe Xubuntu Office testsuite: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/testsuites/350/edit13:36
knomethere are still a few tests we're not covering in those testsuites we might want/need to:13:37
knomefile-roller, network manager, transmission, simple scan, xchat, gimp, gthumb13:37
knomethen thunderbird, firefox13:38
knomepossibly pulseaudio-related things13:38
elfynetwork testsuite - f/f, tbird, network manager, xchat, pidigin perhaps?13:38
knomewas thinking about that13:38
knomeand adding simple scan under office13:38
knomeand yeah, pidgin...13:39
knomei somehow missed that13:39
knomedo we ship both pidgin and xchat actually?13:39
knomeor just pidgin13:39
knomei think just pidgin13:39
elfyxchat definitely - I've not had to install it for years13:39
knomethen we ship both13:39
elfysuper+t has changed to ctrl+alt+t now hasn't it? 13:40
knomewe have both13:40
knomei missed the pidgin testcase because there isn't one13:42
elfyit's not done yet - sorry :)13:42
elfyknome: ok so I changed the exo test - did bzr commit - but it won't let me push as 13:43
elfybzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.13:43
elfyhow do I fix that13:44
knomeelfy, bzr merge lp:ubuntu-manual-tests13:44
knomeelfy, then bzr commit -m "Merging main."13:44
knomeelfy, then bzr push13:44
elfyk - thanks :)13:45
elfyI'll just edit the testcase at the packages thing and it's done13:45
elfyok - all done now13:46
elfyI'll look at those links now :)13:46
knomewow, a very strong dejavu of a situation where i had a dejavu13:46
elfyha ha ha 13:46
knomedidn't rowboatnick already prove that sliced bread isn't great? :P13:51
elfyha ha ha 13:52
ochosiknome: not really a problem of xfwm, more likely that ubiquity doesn't set the correct wm-hints14:22
GridCubepleia2: http://openetherpad.org/p/GHWvIcdokg14:47
GridCubeknome: ochosi ^ 14:48
GridCubecan you review or comment pleas?14:48
ochosiGridCube: comment or edit as well?14:49
ochosi(i'm mostly referring to typos and grammar)14:50
GridCubeoh do please correct bad grammers14:51
GridCubealso see if you agree or not or change what you might think its plainly wrong14:51
ochosiok cool14:52
GridCubelderan: care to review it aswel?15:02
knomeduh, openetherpad is slow15:11
knomeGridCube, i had drafted http://pad.ubuntu.com/sG7L6CQInJ before15:12
lderanwaiting for it to reconnect :(15:12
knomeit doesn't load at all for me15:12
GridCubeits sudendly down :(15:13
GridCubenow its up again15:13
knomeis the ubuntu pad one too different?15:13
GridCubei cant access that one15:13
knomenot for me... loading and loading15:13
knomeyeah, it's all dead15:18
GridCubeoh well15:18
GridCubei cant never use the ubuntu ones tho15:19
GridCubei dont have access15:19
knomeokay, then let's get you some access15:19
knomeGridCube, join this team: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-etherpad15:20
knomeGridCube, i'll get somebody to approve once you've done that.15:20
knomeGridCube, you're approved.15:26
GridCubeok :)15:26
knomeGridCube, see? opening your mouth means things get done :P15:27
GridCubeP: it isnt the first time i've said i cant access the pad15:28
knomethen you should've asked more promptly15:28
knomei haven't registered you saying that, because i woul have sorted that out15:28
knomesame with pleia2, she's an admin of that group and could've done that right away15:28
GridCube:) 15:28
GridCubewell now its done so ill have to retype all of it15:29
GridCubebecause obviously i didnt backed up anywhere15:29
knomeunless you can get openetherpad working15:29
knomeis my draft of any help to you?15:29
GridCubeyes, but that covered the introduction only, XD i had it a whole lot longer15:30
lderan openetherpad is back up15:33
knomemy thoughts on that15:33
knome(i'll need to read that as i go, patience!)15:33
knomei don't think we need to explain our users why we use deviantart15:34
knomejust say we decided to use that.15:34
ochosiGridCube: sry, the pad disconnected halfway through my review-process, i'll get on to that later15:34
knomeyou also do not need to be as verbose with the moderators things15:34
knomejust tell we have several moderators from the community to make the submissions smooth15:35
GridCubeochosi: :D dont worry we now use the pad knome setted up earlier15:35
knomeyou can also say that the guidelines are on the deviantart page15:35
knomethen we only need to maintain the guidelines there and not worry about people reading old versions, if we ever decide to change them15:35
knomethe how to submit section is quite good as it is15:36
knomeit's a good thing to tell there are other ways15:36
knomeand i'd move the "desktop showcase" part up with the introduction15:36
knomeGridCube, got all of that? :P15:37
GridCube:) yes editing right now15:38
GridCubeknome: :) what do you think now?15:45
lderanlooks good to me15:55
lderanmaybe leave out the shunning of nonbelievers :P15:56
ochosiGridCube: the text looks fine now, just reviewed it now18:44
GridCube:) perfect now its up to pleia2 to determinate if what im saying its correct / change whatever its to be changed or its not reasonable and post it P:18:45
knomeGridCube, editing the wording here and there19:02
knomei will need to get back to it a bit later19:09
knomeat latest in an hour19:10
pleia2I am at my hotel now, but need food, I'll review once I am fed :)19:12
GridCubeill back later19:13
knomepleia2, if we're going to tell people they can submit images to mailing lists, i will force making more people moderators20:16
knomepleia2, (don't worry, you're safe, i can't assign you twice)20:16
knomepleia2, i'm rather thinking they could send it to the wiki...20:17
pleia2yeah, not sure how I feel about the mailing list thing21:43
pleia2it's a support list and I dont think we want to crowd it with that stuff21:44
pleia2we could toss up a ml on launchpad for it21:47
pleia2hm, not sure where we would put such a thing though21:48
pleia2the trouble with the wiki is a lot of people have trouble signing up and into it, caching issues and slowness and you know21:48
knomei don't want to create a new LP group.21:52
pleia2I left a couple comments in the pad21:52
pleia2I think we stick to dA for now21:52
pleia2if people gripe about it not being foss, well, "we go where contributors are"21:52
knomeno, we tell them to volunteer and set up an alternative way to submit21:54
knome(pretty much the same thing, but allows less re-whining)21:54
knomeso what about the declined submissions?21:54
pleia2I left a comment, not really sure what we mean by "declined"21:55
pleia2I don't really understand the workflow gridcube has in mind21:55
pleia2the first week we'll get like a zillion submissions, week 5 not so many, we don't want to "reject" things the first week that we want to showcase on week 521:55
knomesomething that is not approved, eg. has copyright or nsfw issues21:55
pleia2ok, gotcha21:56
pleia2I think that's pretty well covered in the last paragraph21:57
knomenot really21:57
knomewe're telling that it's approved21:57
knomeif it's not, are we telling why?21:57
knomeor just trash it21:58
pleia2I think we can tell them why21:58
pleia2(I say this, but of course I'm not the one doing the work :))21:59
knomethe last paragraph is babbling21:59
knomeseems useless21:59
knomeof course that's where we pick images21:59
pleia2the one I just added?21:59
pleia2well we don't want people to think "approved" means "showcased21:59
knomewe should also consider the use of screenshot/desktop terms22:00
knomewe're talking about screenshots, but the gallery is "desktop of the week"22:00
knomenot screenshot OTW22:00
pleia2er, it22:00
pleia2's a screenshot of the desktop22:00
knomeyes, but it's a bit weird22:01
pleia2maybe it's a language thing22:01
knomeedited the intro <p>, feels better to me now22:02
pleia2I think it makes sense, but clarify if you need to :)22:03
pleia2time for me to get dressed for dinner!22:03
knomejust changed some wording and referred to "pool" instead of "approved submisisons"22:03
knomeooh ooh!22:03
knomebon appetut22:03
knomei'm off now as well22:04
knomei might be around for a short time tomorrow morning (5-6UTCish), then i'm off all day until sunday noon UTC or so22:04
knomeif you want to publish the article, i'm ok with that22:06
knome(i mean, meanwhile)22:06
knomeoki, i'm off now22:09
knomehave fun everybody22:09

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