[00:01] micadeyeye_: you need to contact TENET [00:01] and apart from weirdos like me, everyone else is sleeping at a quarter to 1 am [00:03] lol [00:04] thanks [05:47] mornign [05:48] superfly: not everyone was sleeping at 2 [05:49] *yawn* [06:06] indeed [06:06] I hope there is still food in the dining room === nlsthzn is now known as not_found [06:36] hi micadeyeye_ [06:36] morning all [06:37] lo dreen [06:44] morning [06:45] hi Squirm captine [06:45] morning [06:45] welcome to ubuntu-za [06:46] thnx Kilos. [06:46] is this channel used actively or primarily for the LUG events? [06:47] am new to the LOCO concept etc.. [06:47] (am even mixing LOCO and LUG up) [06:47] dunno what happened here but was typing your welcome and half went to pm [06:47] captine: it's an active channel [06:47] this is our help channel [06:47] Official Ubuntu channel of ZA [06:47] help with all linux systems [06:48] I know the Gauteng LUG is at #glug.za, but most of the guys are here anyway [06:48] we also just chat sometimes too [06:48] Kilos: a lot of the time :P [06:48] nice [06:48] hehe [06:48] its our family channel [06:49] but yes, if there is a question to be asked, just ask it and someone would be likely to respond [06:49] how long have you all been using linux? I just moved back to ZA from Philippines and "converted" my personal machine to ubuntu there… but it is in a container so i am on a macbook now [06:49] hmm... [06:49] Kilos: no worries on the PM. Things are ok.. cold, but ok [06:50] cold here too. you in the tvl? [06:50] Jhb [06:50] ive been on ubuntu since 8.10 [06:51] yeah winter up here sucks [06:51] good morning [06:51] Kilos: you know what it's like down here :/ [06:51] and then there's magespawn who probably dies of heat daily [06:51] yeah i know mooiriver squirm [06:52] not in winter, but still walking around in shorts and a t-shirt [06:52] i loved hluhluwe [06:52] hi magespawn [06:52] hey Kilos [06:52] magespawn: ... [06:52] magespawn, try 2 tracksuits and a big sheepskin jacket [06:52] you suck [06:53] had the aircon on yesterday [06:53] that was me in Philippines. 8am in "winter" and it was 30 degrees [06:53] ... [06:53] loved it [06:53] 8am in winter and it's close to 0 [06:56] i like cold weather too, so i am easy to please most of the time [06:56] am not a fan. although running zircon 24/7 is pricey in the heat [06:57] captine a bit of a change the jhb temps then [06:57] yip. what a terrible time to move back [06:57] :) [06:57] hehe [06:59] i go feed sheep [06:59] sheep [06:59] fun [07:00] stupid animals only good as chops [07:01] anybody have any problems from the ubuntu forums hack? [07:03] i don't think i had an account and if i did, i cannot remember [07:03] but didn't receive an email and heard they were sending mails to each person with an account… or am i wrong [07:03] looks like they will be up and running in the next couple of days [07:04] not sure, i think i got one [07:08] do any of you use ubuntu for business? and if so, what business / applications [07:09] I am an accountant and starting a new job on Monday in a company looking to rollout new BI tools etc. They just signed with Microsoft for Exchange etc, as they were running some old system before [07:09] and i am hoping to influence in the way of open source ;) [07:10] i run an internet cafe and pc shop, most of my computers run a version of ubuntu [07:11] i think there are a couple of the others doing work only on linux [07:11] nice. I was looking to buy a small PC business that was for sale, but broker hasn't gotten back to me [07:12] magespawn: are there any linux specific PC vendors in SA like System 76? they didn't seem too keen to expand shipping to SA [07:12] and I am tired of fighting with hardware on laptops [07:13] i have not seen any, dell has just brought out a ultrabook developed for ubuntu from the start [07:13] saw that [07:14] ironically sa is still very windows focused [07:15] yes. we are used to paying and lock in [07:15] seems lots of people are jumping on the mac train too [07:17] yup linux is still in the dark area of computers for most people [07:17] i have some who are highly suspicious of something that is free [07:18] yip. [07:19] so do you use some sort of squid setup at the cafe for the internet access timing? or manually monitor how long people have been online? [07:20] * not_found is playing with the beta ubuntu touch sdk... pity I am not a dev because it looks pretty awesome :) [07:22] not_found: all these cool looking things make me want to be a dev too [07:23] hi not_found [07:23] yup [07:23] alo uncle Kilos [07:24] *sigh* come now interwebs or is the issue flash player... grrr... [07:31] captine, manually at the moment, most of the business income is through repairs etc of pc, internet, faxes, photocopies etc just a way to bring extra money [07:32] magespawn: do you do second hand equipment (1U rack's etc) [07:35] no i work mainly on small business and home pc [07:37] if you search G&C Net, Hluhluwe in google maps you will see my shop [07:38] nice [07:38] might come to you for some help should i get the store up here in JHB… :) [07:40] np [08:07] captine what sort of business is it? repairs etc or more business type services? [08:07] the one for sale is a small shop with internet cafe [08:09] ahh so very similar to what i am doing here [08:29] hi psychicist [08:32] possibly. I would want to grow the small business support side [08:33] get some contracts etc in place [08:33] but will see. [08:33] have contacted the broker but am waiting to hear back in terms of the details I asked. [08:38] since when do youtube videos have ads in the middle? [08:39] it is just like watching sabc now [08:43] lol [08:45] hi mazal [08:45] More oom [08:45] Besig met my 12.04 install [08:46] kde? [08:46] Updates drame klaar , nou moet ek die apps bysit wat ek nodig [08:46] Nee , Ubuntu [08:46] " recovery install " en terselfertyd vir die apps wat nie werk in 13.04 nie [08:47] ai! [08:48] And now ubuntu forums is down. Now I don't know how to get the command for multimedia support :-( [08:48] There is a thread there for multimedia support install I always use [08:48] Isn't sessentials something ? [08:48] essentials even ? [08:49] No wait , restricted-extras ? [08:49] once youve installed you can get that in synaptic or software centre [08:50] ubuntu-restricted-extras [08:50] I know , but I can't remember all the package names [08:50] And there is stuff for dvd support also that I can't remember the name [08:50] where is your dejadup? [08:51] didnt you backup it before [08:51] back it up [08:52] I have the app names in a doc , must just find that in all these partitions now lol [08:52] lol [08:52] Think it's libdvdread or dvdnav4 or something [08:52] All these stuff is in one command that thread I always use [08:52] i have the same prob with 3 drives in here and each with its own partitions [08:54] This is why I hate a pure new install. So many things you need to add to make it work :( [08:54] hehe [08:55] where is your remastersys dvd [08:56] My 12.04 one doesn't want to boot mos remember. Grey screen [08:56] ai! [08:56] Probably a drivers thing , although drivers is not supposed to be included in iso [08:57] This one not gonna install any screen drivers and make new iso [08:57] IF remastersys is still installable that is [08:58] Still nothing going on at the guys that took it over [08:58] my 12.04 dvd works fine [08:59] I think he took down his repositories , if that be the case I don't know how I'm going to install it ? [09:00] dont you have the package anywhere [09:02] i only see 2 packages for it remastersys and remastersys-gui [09:02] can send to you and you can install them with gdebi maybe [09:02] debs might be in my apt-cache backup [09:02] Will look [09:03] How do I enable mediubuntu repositories ? [09:04] Another thing I need that was in that thread :( [09:04] Maaz, google how to add medibuntu to 12.04 [09:04] Kilos: "How to add Medibuntu repository in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise pangolin ..." http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-add-medibuntu-repository-in-ubuntu-via-terminal-and-gui/ :: "Medibuntu repositories available for Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail ..." http://www.unixmen.com/medibuntu-repositories-available-for-ubuntu-12-04-lts-precise-pangolin-ppa/ :: "Enable Medibuntu [09:04] Repository and Install Multimedia Codecs in ..." http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/05/enable-medi… [09:04] its a long command [09:04] hi Vince-0 [09:07] Found ta oom [09:08] dont forget to do the next command as well to add hooks [09:09] hooks ? [09:09] The command that allows those apps to show in software centre ? [09:09] ya [09:10] sudo apt-get install app-install-data-medibuntu apport-hooks-medibuntu - See more at: http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-add-medibuntu-repository-in-ubuntu-via-terminal-and-gui/#sthash.ybomX2YM.dpuf [09:10] ai [09:11] i cant copy paste it here [09:11] grrr [09:11] I see it on the site , is ok [09:11] cool [09:12] But still waiting for restricted-extras do dl and install **sigh** [09:12] i wonder why copy paste dont work properly [09:12] hehe [09:12] Gday Kilos [09:13] MOrning Vince-0 [09:14] Gday mazal [09:19] So I've been trying to get hold of the universities here in KZN regarding a free software talk - and nothing [09:19] not a peep [09:21] eish [09:24] Ok I THINK that is enabled and installed [09:25] Vince-0, do none of the dlug guys have contacts? [09:25] ya I got contacts for the compsci dept peeps [09:25] Emailed, called etc [09:26] yoh, and no reaction? maybe they are all busy with exams or something [09:26] who knows [09:26] "unable to locate package synaptec" Anybody can help me with the correct name please ? [09:27] for sfd? [09:27] uh, something bigger than sfd [09:28] what did you have in mind? [09:28] I'm not sure if I can say just yet but RMS is planning a trip to SA [09:28] wow that would be interesting [09:28] yep, so keen - I want to even fly to cpt or something to hear it [09:30] are there any details yet? [09:30] not that I know - only that the dates are in September [09:31] there really does need to be publicity so I'm trying to find out the details so I can spread the word [09:31] sfd is in September [09:38] would be awesome if the two events happened at the same time, even close together would be nice [09:39] Vince-0, how did you find out? [09:39] I was contacted by some guys in Jo'burg [09:42] as soon as there is concrete info I will ask to send it around asap [09:42] well as soon as there is more info available, i am sure we can help with the publicity [09:42] time is running out [09:42] indeed, it always does espicailly when you have to work for money [09:43] especially [09:53] cheers all [09:59] gotta reboot [09:59] yay at last [10:17] yo Dreen [11:12] later all [11:13] later magespawn [11:13] wbb === Kilos- is now known as Kilos [13:20] hi superfly [13:20] hi Kilos [14:26] Nou die Blou! [14:26] :p [14:26] hiya all :) [14:27] hi nlsthzn [14:29] seems [14:29] I chased uncle Kilos away [14:29] how are you psychicist [14:29] ? [14:30] I am doing fine nlsthzn [14:30] hehe [14:30] not seen you on this channel before psychicist, welcome :) [14:30] how are you [14:30] you have :) [14:31] I am normally known as psydroid (on mobile) or psyatw (at work), but this is my original nick [14:34] ah ok :p was thinking it might be something like that :) [14:34] I've only seen you on your mobile :) [14:35] :D [14:36] sometimes I'm too tired to switch on this laptop in the evening, but now it's weekend and I want to use a full-fledged operating system instead of a tablet or phone experience [14:47] Seems you need Ubuntu Edge... then you have both :p [14:47] hahaha [14:48] yeah, maybe :D [14:48] I will check it out [14:48] hi Kilos [14:48] hi psychicist [14:49] the hardware is definitely becoming powerful enough for it [14:52] you gonna watch nlsthzn [14:52] @work so going to read... [14:52] ai! [14:55] oh well :) [15:52] bulls struggling some nlsthzn [15:52] 1/2 time and behind by 16/11 [15:52] yup, following it online [15:53] ah [15:53] reading rugby better than nothing :) [15:53] but thanks uncle Kilos :) [15:53] and morne got his boots on wrong feet [15:53] yw [15:53] hmmm... I guess his head already over-seas too... [15:54] not if he carries on like this [15:57] contract is signed and money is in the bank (so to speak)... [15:57] oh you mean he is gonna play overseas [15:57] next year? [15:58] AFAIK yes... [16:01] Now to see if the Bulls truly are unbeatable at Fortress Loftus!! [16:01] oh my then the bulls are gonna battle [16:06] hi :) [16:07] hi smile4ever [16:07] how are you? :) [16:29] good ty and you smile4ever ? sorry im watching rugby as well [16:36] don't worry :D [16:36] I'm fine too [16:36] :) [16:36] hehe [16:50] ugh... [16:50] bbl [18:31] bye :) [19:09] night all. sleep tight [23:13] morning o/ [23:18] alo