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ehghi. how would we go about upgrading from goju 1.10 to 1.11.4? would there be anything to keep in mind?09:23
bbcmicrocomputerehg: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/devel; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade09:26
ehgbbcmicrocomputer: is anything likely to break? :)09:27
bbcmicrocomputerehg: I believe upgrading deployed 1.10 environments work now09:27
bbcmicrocomputerehg: no, more things are likely to work :)09:27
raywanghello, I just try to juju-core (1.11.4-1~1514~raring) on aws, when I bootstrap, and check its status, it always report "error: no instanerror: no instances found", what is that? thanksces found09:30
ehgbbcmicrocomputer: is juju upgrade-juju the command we should run once our client is at 1.11.4?09:59
bbcmicrocomputerehg: yes, I believe so.. although I've never tested the upgrade path personally10:00
ehgbbcmicrocomputer: thanks, we'll try it!10:01
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: sounds a bit like https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1176961.. you may need to clear out your Juju S3 bucket and start again10:10
_mup_Bug #1176961: Wedge an environment by using the other management tools <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1176961>10:10
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: alternatively changing the 'control-bucket' parameter in .juju/environments.yaml file and bootstrapping should work10:11
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, thanks, but how do I clear my S3 bucket out?10:11
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, thanks, but i have no idea change  ' 'control-bucket' to what? :)10:12
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: I personally use package 'libnet-amazon-s3-tools-perl' to delete things from S3 at the cli10:13
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: a combination of s3ls, s3rm and s3rmbucket10:14
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: e.g 's3ls juju-xxxxxxxxx' (control-bucket from .juju/environments.yaml)10:15
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: just alter the last digit on the value to another hex value (0-9, a-f) :)10:15
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, ah, i see, it's very helpful :)10:16
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, hit another error :(10:19
raywangerror: cannot start bootstrap instance: cannot set up groups: cannot revoke security group: Source group ID missing. (MissingParameter)10:19
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: what's the output when you run 'juju -v bootstrap' ?10:20
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5924749/10:20
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: hmm.. have you tried clearing out security groups before bootstrapping?10:22
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, let me check10:22
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: sometimes previous bootstrap junk is left10:22
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, destroy-environment doesn't do that for me?10:23
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: it's not perfect :)10:23
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, oh, just check, i don't have a secgroup  :(10:31
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: hmm, I'm not sure then if it's failing on a clean aws environment10:33
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: I'd suggest filing a bug10:33
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, ok, i'm try to see if I can find something new about the secgroup10:33
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: what AWS region are you deploying to?10:37
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, ap-southeast-110:37
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju-dev/2013-April/000921.html10:37
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: seems to be same problem10:38
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: perhaps try changing regions?10:38
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, i see, thank for the findings :)10:38
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, actually, i managed to bootstrap, but got 'no instance found', will try another region as you suggested10:40
raywanghit another error "error: provider storage is not writable"...10:47
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: do you need to clear out or change control-bucket?10:54
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, yes, i clear out control-bucket, secgroup, and then switch to new region (us-east-1), and that's what I got after that10:55
ehgwoohoo upgrade worked10:58
ehgdoes anyone know how to get rid of machines that failed come up?10:59
ehg    agent-state-info: '(error: use of closed network connection)'10:59
ehgthe service won't get destroyed, and i can't even terminate that machine10:59
ehgi'm willing to edit whatever DB it's stored on in the bootstrap mode - mongo?11:00
ehgalthough when i tried to do that last time i couldn't connect because of SSL issues, enterprise mongo client blahness11:00
bbcmicrocomputerraywang: tried using a different control-bucket id, not sure if Juju locks the S3 bucket to a particular region... didn't think it did11:03
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, ok, i would like to try it :)11:04
pavelguys, does 'expose' work for you right now?11:05
pavelI run juju expose and don't see any message in the log11:05
paveland of course it doesn't get exposed, though in the juju status id shows 'exposed: true'11:06
raywangbbcmicrocomputer, it's interesting, I change control-bucket id, and it works, but I got another error, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5924870/, and i comment out the region, and re-run bootstrap, now it seems works11:11
bbcmicrocomputerpavel: is this using aws?11:11
pavelbbcmicrocomputer, yes11:11
pavelbbcmicrocomputer, now I'm going to rebuild my env and try again11:15
drj11has the config.yaml file format changed between 0.10 and 0.11 (the config file we specify with --config when we deply?)11:15
paveldrj11, I'm not sure about exact version, but at some moment there was difference to include or not service name11:16
pavele.g mysql: {}, or just {}11:16
pavelin 1.11.4 you have to include service name11:17
pavelin 1.10 you should not do this11:17
drj11thanks pavel. that seems like quite a big change to me.11:18
drj11stuff seems to be working now.11:18
drj11althought it's very bad news for us, because we use new service names whimsically. We need to change our YAML files for every new service name11:20
paveldrj11, np, I was confused by this too11:20
drj11pavel: it's very handy to have someone experience the same problem11:21
paveldrj11, I didn't thought about service names in that way, this means you can't deploy two different services with the same config11:22
drj11indeed you cannot. which is the kind of thing we do all the time (for debugging for example)11:23
pavelidea here is that if you want to deploy another service perhaps it has different config11:24
pavelotherwise why you need this11:24
drj11pavel: all sorts of reasons. totally plausible that difference services use the same connection IP and password to access a shared database, or shared redis11:26
paveldrj11, yes, it's weird that there is now such option11:28
pavelbbcmicrocomputer, after destroying and bootstrapping expose works again11:30
bbcmicrocomputerpavel: hmm..not good11:30
pavelbbcmicrocomputer, yes, totally weird11:31
pavel'juju add-unit mysql --to 1' and 'juju add-unit mysql --to lxc:1'11:34
paveldoes I get it right that in first case it will try to deploy mysql in the global environment on machine 1?11:34
bbcmicrocomputerpavel: yes11:41
pavelbbcmicrocomputer, thanks11:41
pavelSince containers already work, are there any plans for Digital ocean support?12:09
marcoceppipavel: There's an "SSH" provider coming to juju-core which will add support to hosts like Digital Ocean13:55
pavelmarcoceppi, cool13:55
TantorHello. I'm trying to get juju working on ubuntu 12.0414:07
TantorHowever when I do fw juju deploy wordpress it keeps bugging me with an Invalid SSH key error14:08
arosalesTantor, which version are you running?14:36
Tantorthe one from the ubuntu ppa14:36
marcoceppiTantor: do you have an ssh key generated?14:36
TantorWithout it MAAS won't run14:36
marcoceppiTantor: please pastebin the errors you're getting14:37
Tantorhold on14:37
=== arosales changed the topic of #juju to: Share your infrastructure, win a prize: https://juju.ubuntu.com/charm-championship/ || Review Calendar: http://goo.gl/uK9HD || Review Queue: http://manage.jujucharms.com/review-queue || http://jujucharms.com || Reviewer: bbcmicrocomputer
arosalesbbcmicrocomputer, fyi looks like your up on the review queue14:44
bbcmicrocomputerarosales: yep :)14:44
arosalesthe review queue also looks like it could use some love14:44
jseutterIs there a pattern for how are upgrades to a service done using a charm?  Any examples?14:46
arosaleshazmat, jamespage, negronjl ^ if you can find any spare cycles for the review queue14:46
arosalesbbcmicrocomputer, :-)14:46
marcoceppijseutter: there are two ways to upgrade a running service in a charm. One is via configuration (ie: `juju set <service> version=1.1.0`) or via upgrade-charm hook which is run when `juju upgrade-charm <service>` is executed14:56
marcoceppithe former is considered a "best practice" when it comes to writing a charm14:57
jseuttermarcoceppi: when would you choose one over the other?14:57
marcoceppijseutter: there are very few times when you wouldn't have a "version" configuration option14:58
marcoceppiFor the majority of charms, that's likely the best way to go14:58
jseuttermarcoceppi: do you know of some charms that do this?  I'd like to have a look14:59
hazmatarosales, hit 3 fwiw15:04
arosaleshazmat, much appreciated. thank you sir :-)15:04
weblifeTanto I was disconnected for a bit but have youmade a ssh key?15:11
weblifeor has someone helped you15:12
joseguys, just so you know the postfix charm's been there for 3 weeks but its age changed when hazmat posted a comment :)15:42
hazmathi jose15:43
hazmatso what's the use scenario for the charm?15:43
josehey, hazmat, have a min?15:43
joseI wanted to talk about that15:43
hazmatjose, me too, i'm in a meeting for the next 15, but free after that15:44
joseI can wait for sure :)15:44
hazmatjose, free16:01
hazmatjose, chat or g+?16:01
josehazmat: which one would you prefer?16:01
hazmatjose, g+ sounds good to me, /me sends priv link16:01
hazmatactually public. in case anyone else is interested in postfix charm.. jose.. https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/01fbf06fe36cb7b88119171e3f86c98e3b56b421?hl=en16:02
weblife@marcoceppi  I ave node-app patched to install from source but  the application isn't spinning up at startup. Try and submit the patch when I figure out why and fix it.   Just wanted to let you know since you said conntact you about it.  I didn't forget you just got tied up with my wedding plans.17:22
weblifeI have17:22
weblifeI'm in a typo mood today ;:x17:23
marcoceppiweblife: no problem, take your time with it17:24
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=== defunctzombie_zz is now known as defunctzombie
TantorI got juju running. But when I do juju status. I see my 2 maas nodes as instance 0 and 1, but also instances 2-9 as pending. I don't have any other nodes installed though. Are those instances normal?18:31
TantorOr should I remove them?18:31
weblife@Tantor I would think it depends on the charms your using and what you did to deploy those instances18:33
weblifeI will be right back.18:34
weblifeIts because the script is based on chris lea's or apt-get install specific instructs.  I am somewhat new to doing system processes so I need to look into what the differences would be between doing a apt-get install vs. make install.18:37
weblifesorry that was at @marcoceppi18:38
TantorMy problem is this: http://pastebin.com/WVdnvHed18:39
TantorThere are two instances, the instances 2-9 already disappeared18:39
TantorThere are 2 machines, srv7 and srv818:39
TantorHowever the service juju-gui shows as a public address srv918:39
TantorThere is no srv918:39
TantorSo I think that I messed up my config18:40
TantorHow can I remove this srv9?18:40
TantorTried destroy-environment too, but that doesn't help18:43
weblife@Tantor its probably because you spun service up and destroyed prior I am thinking.  These wont disappear for some time and you can't remove them.  When looking in you ec2 console make sure your looking at running services.  Those others are probably eliminated already with juju destroy-environment18:43
TantorOk, I did another destroy-environment now. So you think I should wait a while and then do a bootstrap again?18:46
TantorI'm not using ec2 btw, but Ubuntu Maas (openstack)18:47
weblifeMaybe someone can confirm juju-gui spins up two service machines.  I don't know for sure myself.  Anyone know that could answer Tantor?18:47
weblife@Tantor Sorry,  dont think it matters.  Probly the same in both.18:48
TantorAccording to the ubuntu instructions I need at least 2 free nodes to use juju. As soon as I do juju bootstrap. Automatically juju will use these two nodes18:49
dpb1does lxc on juju-core still honor the data-dir setting, or is there something else I should be using now?18:57
dpb1Got it: root-dir  (was data-dir)19:01
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weblife@marcoceppi I just realized I need to be a member of charmers to submit my patch after nearly going crazy in a quest to find out why it would not let me(first time using launchpad).  Could you approve my membership,  I already made the request.23:25

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