
yahyaacan someone please help me???03:05
yahyaaI am trying to burn an audio cd but k3b keeps crashing everytime I try to add the music I want, when I attempt to run a back trace this is what it says "Application: K3b (k3b), signal: Segmentation fault"03:06
yahyaaIt was working fine about a week ago, but now it keeps crashing, please help!!!03:07
valorieyahyaa: you might try running it from a konsole03:11
valorieto see what's happening in more detail03:12
valoriesucks to keep having to throw away cds, for sure03:12
yahyaai did it, and it is giving a lot of information, none of which i can make heads or tails of03:15
yahyaathis is one of the messages: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.03:16
yahyaaKGlobal::locale(): Warning your global KLocale is being recreated with a valid main component instead of a fake component, this usually means you tried to call i18n related functions before your main component was created. You should not do that since it most likely will not work03:16
valoriethose are just warnings03:16
valorieyahyaa: there is a #k3b channel03:17
yahyaahow do I go to it03:18
valoriehowever, the topic says: K3b - The CD/DVD/BD Kreator for KDE - http://www.k3b.org - low traffic channel, have patience when you ask (usually ½ a day)03:18
valorieclick on that and you'll join that channel03:18
valorieor say /join #k3b03:19
valorieon a line by itself03:19
valorieyou'll want to copy the output into a pastebin, such as http://paste.kde.org03:19
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yahyaaok i did that, anything else03:23
valorieI don't know anything about the application beyond being a happy user03:24
valorieI usually use it to rip rather than burn stuff though03:24
valoriealthough I burned ISOs a few months ago for our local linuxfest03:25
valorieworked well then03:25
yahyaawhat app do u use to brun audio cd's?03:30
valorieyahyaa: I never do that03:31
valoriefor years03:31
valorieI suppose I should, for the car03:32
valorieI'd use k3b, if I did03:32
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someothernickIve got a fancy new laptop with a multitouch trackpad. I'd like to make a 3 finger touch trigger alt-left mouse click. I can see how to configure synaptics to trigger a 6th button mouse click. is there a way to configure kubuntu to interpret this as alt-left mouse click?05:15
valoriesomeothernick: you might write to the kubuntu list about this -- not sure the channel has enough conscious people on Sun night/Mon morning to see your question05:20
someothernickvalorie: not a bad idea. thanks.05:21
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ubottulinksleep: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:16
N03LWhat kinda apps people running on Kubuntu? I've installed it a while ago but haven't found the time to try out new stuff on this thing. Any suggestions?10:37
=== miguel_ is now known as Guest65397
hazamonzoHey folks. Im having trouble with my pastebin widget on the desktop. Sometimes, when i try to paste an image / code, the widget locks up (like there is no timeout).... this locks up my KDE UI completely. I can't click on any of the taskbar options. Is there a way to kill this pastebin widget process. Maybe someone knows the process name?12:14
nzozhello, when i copy text from an application, and i close the application, i lose the content of the clipboard; is that normal, and is there a fix? thanks12:24
BluesKajHey all12:34
piderAnyone know how to connect Amarok to a mediaserver I have?12:36
BluesKajis the media server listed in dolphin, pider ?12:40
alvinpider: What media server?12:42
piderno, only as a network samba server12:42
alvinThe DAAP plugin doesn't work out-of-the box.12:42
BluesKajAmarok can open files in a media server if you use the correct path to it12:43
piderhere is a dump from amarok when I try to connect the server [url=http://bildr.no/view/Yi8vT2xS][img]http://bildr.no/thumb/Yi8vT2xS.jpeg[/img][/url]12:48
BluesKajI see an ad in norsk about money, that's all12:51
BluesKajcould be swedish . not sure :)12:52
BluesKajthe .no is a giveaway tho12:53
BluesKajpider, ??12:55
piderthe dump will not load, I try once more12:56
BluesKajjust use pastebin12:58
BluesKaj!pastebin | pider12:58
ubottupider: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:58
pider<a href='http://bildr.no/view/bzUzTXVu'>http://bildr.no/view/bzUzTXVu</a>12:59
BluesKajpider, I see green day lyrics :)13:00
BluesKajyes /media/mediaserver looks correct13:01
piderYes, one the left side there is nothing when I try to conect to the server13:01
BluesKajpider, have you tried scanning in amarok using theat path ?13:02
BluesKajthat path13:02
BluesKajscanning your music files that is13:03
piderno, how?13:03
BluesKajin amarok , settings, local media (I'm assuming your server is on your local network) , scroll to your /media and find the /media server13:07
piderI have done that, but the mp3's shows up as unknown <a href='http://bildr.no/view/OWpqcTBB'>http://bildr.no/view/OWpqcTBB</a>13:08
piderand cannot play13:09
pidermaybe I must be root?13:10
BluesKajthen what is that music list I see on the url post?13:10
BluesKajmake sure you have root permissions13:10
piderI tried the root permission, but did not help much, I must stop now, I must got to work, thanks for help try some more later! :-)13:18
jhutson456I'm trying to decide between Ubuntu and Kubuntu.13:41
jhutson456does Kubuntu have the Ubuntu Software Center?13:41
geniijhutson456: Kubuntu uses Muon instead. However, if you don't mind occasionally typing into command line you can use apt-get on either.13:42
jhutson456given that, is Kubuntu 100% compatable with Ubuntu?13:44
jhutson456IE Steam and such13:44
geniijhutson456: Steam runs under Kubuntu, yes. As far as 100% compatibility of all apps between them, this is a matter of speculation.13:46
=== spawn[dead] is now known as spawn57
k4jcwgreetings. ive used kubunt plenty, but just booted he latest 64-bit cd in try me mode. its asking for a password, and has a button that says "kde plasma workspace". i can type in the password box, but get no errors, messages or anything.14:31
k4jcwclicking the "kde plasma workspace" vutton just toggles it between bold and not bold text.14:33
DragginGood afternoon! I'm struggling my butt off... I can't seem to find any references to anyone else experiencing this issue - I (finally) upgraded my machine to Kubuntu 12.10 yesterday. The upgrade went smoothly for the most part, except that some packages weren't downloaded and skipped during install (but sudo apt-get -f install fixed them up in no time). I got a new nVidia driver in the upgrade process, and that's where the issue seems to be...14:40
=== christian is now known as Guest9852
DragginWhile on the desktop and with K-apps, everything runs beautifully and even better than before, if I start up any application (mostly referring to games) with a resolution other than my desktop resolution (1600x1200), it's completely hit and miss. Sometimes it works perfectly, sometimes the display "freezes" on the first visual screen of the programme while all the sound and interface gets loaded (as I can tell from the speakers and interaction I still get14:43
Dragginwith a gamepad). The display stays stuck on the first glitched screen though.14:43
DragginKilling the offending app then leaves my desktop at the resolution that the app was attempting to run in. If I then start up the programme, it seems to work 100% of the time. So I suspect there's some glitch with switching modes, but I have no idea how to fix it... Any ideas?14:44
geniiDraggin: There was a bug in the 310 drivers when changing resolutions. Which driver version are you currently running?14:46
Draggingenii - Looks like 304.8814:47
geniiHm, probably not that one then.14:47
Draggingenii - Do you have a link to the 310 issue that you mentioned? I see reference to 310.19 being the latest -> is that after the bug you're talking about?14:51
geniiDraggin: Does the output of xrandr show the resolutions the other apps want to use on it's list?14:52
Draggingenii - Yup - pretty much every conceivable resolution combination listed there... :/14:53
al_good afternoon (at least where I am...)! i'm new here... it's been awhile since I used a IRC program... 1998... so if anyone can give me a little help I would be thankful14:54
geniiDraggin: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-experimental-310/+bug/109490514:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 1094905 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-experimental-310 (Ubuntu) "cannot change resolution beyond native" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:55
Draggingenii - Ah, yes - I've come across that issue in my searches, but it's not quite the same. I can switch resolutions in Kubuntu no problem. The issue is only when I start up another app, say Zombie Grinder (640x480) or Aquaria (800x600) or OpenTTD (1024x768) that everything goes awry14:58
geniial_: http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html has basic usage of the commands. Freenode uses alis instead of /list though14:58
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:58
al_anyone from Brazil? Portugal? Spain?14:58
geniial_: For that see the bot's factoids of !br and !es :)14:59
geniiDraggin: It's pretty frustrating that the forums are still offline15:00
Draggingenii - Yeah! I was bowled over last night when I started searching, saw relevant-looking links in Google, but when clicking on them, saw the forums were STILL offline...15:00
DragginMust have been quite a serious breach15:01
Draggingenii - how do I actually switch back to using Nouveau? I just want to test that it definitely is the nVidia driver causing this and not something else...15:04
DragginGoing to disappear for a bit to try some things...15:08
geniiDraggin: If you have some line in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf that mentions nvidia, move or rename the file. Then make sure you remove the line in your /etc/default/grub like GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="nomodeset"  if it exists and do after that: sudo update-grub. Then remove the nvidia drivers using apt-get and --purge15:09
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esingDoes Kubuntu support touchscreens?19:36
romashi esing19:38
esinghi roasted19:39
esinghi romas19:39
romaswhat version of kubuntu do you use, esing?19:39
esingkubuntu 13.0419:39
esingFor the new laptop Iam thinking about kubuntu 13.10,19:40
romasI use kubuntu 12.10 :) and samsung ml-2160 printer19:40
esingBecause the kubuntu 13.04 isn't booting, because of the haswell gpu19:40
esing+live usb19:40
romasI use live-DVD19:41
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m_tadeuhi...my kubuntu just froze completelly...the disk led is always on and the system began to slow down 'till it froze19:59
m_tadeuhow can I see what is going on?20:00
HighHom_tadeu: could one of your partions reached 100% use? See if you can press "Ctrl + Alt + F1" this should take you to a console sesion, login and run "df" (Ctrl + Alt +F7" should take you back to the X session (gui).20:02
m_tadeuI can't...also trying via ssh20:03
m_tadeubut I don't think any of the partitions are near full20:04
HighHoI would still make it one of the first things to check20:06
m_tadeuyes...as soon as I can....but I'll probaly have to reboot it20:07
HighHoUnfortunatly im not awre of any other possible options if you cant access anything, or ssh. Someone else might know a trick.20:09
m_tadeuI need to know where to check for problems....check partition full....what else?20:10
HighHoCheck top, see if any process is using 100% use for cpu/mem20:12
m_tadeunow there's nothing going on...I need to check the previous session stuff20:13
m_tadeunetwork is weirdly slow20:16
geniiSounds like some memory leak20:20
m_tadeuHighHo: can tempfs cause problems?20:21
HighHoShouldnt as long as there is space20:23
m_tadeuswap was not active....20:24
m_tadeuok...I'll try to provoke the same problem20:26
geniiFlash sometimes causes headaches if you have multiple tabs in FF open all using it20:26
m_tadeugenii: thx for the tip....I don't use FF and was not browsing20:27
m_tadeuI think it was a combination of java/no swap20:45
=== moji_ is now known as moji
maurizioBuonasera, non riesco ad installare/attivare i driver per la mia ato hd3450 su kubuntu 13.04,potete aiutarmi)?21:10
genii!it| maurizio21:12
ubottumaurizio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:12
mauriziotank you21:12
m_tadeuI have 2 screens...one task bar for each of them and their own apps. but when windows are maximized they show on both task bars...why is this happening?21:20
mauriziosorry, but i have very problem with the installation of ati hd3450 driver on my kubuntu 13.04,can you help me? Sorry for my english!21:21
[Raiden]maurizio: try to install with nomodeset kernel option21:24
maurizioin that way21:25
mauriziowith the software package21:25
maurizioi have download amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-legacy-linux-x86.x86_64.zip, uncompressed and i have try with sudo sh ./amd......21:28
[Raiden]oh, I did not understand the question. My English is also the curve :)21:28
mauriziobut uncessfull it21:28
maurizioraiden: i have download amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-legacy-linux-x86.x86_64.zip, uncompressed and i have try with sudo sh ./amd......21:28
maurizio[Raiden]:  i have download amd-driver-installer-catalyst-13.1-legacy-linux-x86.x86_64.zip, uncompressed and i have try with sudo sh ./amd......21:29
[Raiden]maybe this will help http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Raring_Installation_Guide21:30
[Raiden]ATI RadeonHD 2x00 - 4xx0 cards If you have one of these cards, you do have the option of using the Catalyst Legacy driver, but only if you downgrade your Xserver version (the Catalyst Legacy driver does not support the kernel version (3.5) or the Xserver version (1.13) that Ubuntu Quantal/12.10 uses).21:31
[Raiden]там так написано21:32
[Raiden]there is written21:32
mauriziomy card is hd345021:32
maurizioif i wont downgrade xserver, is very difficult?21:32
[Raiden]without downgrade you can use opensource driver21:34
[Raiden]imho - im not radeon user.21:35
maurizio[Raiden]: tank ypu very much, now read it and try . Good bye!21:48
=== juan_ is now known as juancarlos
=== tronathon is now known as sir_R3AL
=== vincent is now known as DoktorV
=== vincent is now known as DoktorV
DoktorVHow can I find out whether my system is 32 or 64 bit?23:36
ikoniaDoktorV: what cpu is in it23:37
DoktorVI know the processor is 64 bit but I suspect I installed 32 bit Kubuntu by mistake\23:37
ikoniaDoktorV: uname -a please23:37
DoktorV3.2.0-49-generic-pae #75-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 18 18:00:21 UTC 2013 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux23:38
DoktorVLooks like it, yeah23:38
ikoniaDoktorV: 32bit23:38
DoktorVIs it possible to upgrade to 64 bit without wiping the system out?23:38
DoktorVAll right, off to the backup mines23:38
DoktorVThank you23:40
sir_R3ALthat's fine if you installed 3223:41
sir_R3AL90 percent of programs you install will be 32 bit23:41
ikoniano they won't23:42
sir_R3ALin my experience yes they are23:42
ikoniaif you install a 64bit OS all the programs will be 64bit, there are very 32bit only programs23:42
ikoniasir_R3AL: sorry, that's just wrong23:42
sir_R3ALthere's hardly any 32 bit programs. I know because i just upgraded to 64 bit and I can barely find any that are 6423:42
ikoniasir_R3AL: that's just nonsense23:43
sir_R3ALur trippin23:43
ikoniasir_R3AL: how did you upgrade to 64bit23:43
[Raiden]sir_R3AL: your windows experience?23:43
sir_R3AL32 bit programs run just fine on 64 bit23:43
ikoniasir_R3AL: no, no no no23:43
ikoniasir_R3AL: stop talking, you're just making things up now23:43
sir_R3ALi bought an amd 6 core processor23:43
ikoniasir_R3AL: can you please show me the ouptut of "uname -a" on your machine23:43
sir_R3ALLinux Trubuntu 3.8.0-26-generic #38-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 17 21:43:33 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:44
ikoniasir_R3AL: so that's running 64bit, what 32bit programs are you using that are not availavle in 64bit23:44
[Raiden]only skype 32bits in my kubuntu23:44
ikoniaas you said %90 where 32bit23:44
sir_R3ALwell to be honest on windows there is a 32 bit folder and a 64 bit folder. and most of the programs i downloaded go to the 32 bit one.23:45
ikoniasir_R3AL: you're not using windows23:45
sir_R3ALi use both23:45
ikoniasir_R3AL: we are talking about kubuntu23:45
ikoniasir_R3AL: you're advising a user - using kubuntu23:45
ikoniaso the windows situation is not of any relevence23:46
sir_R3ALwe are talking about computer architecture23:46
ikoniasir_R3AL: no, we are not23:46
sir_R3ALnot os's23:46
sir_R3ALmaybe YOU are23:46
ikoniasir_R3AL: we are talking about a user running 32bit kubuntu and wanting 64bit23:46
ikoniasir_R3AL: no, you're just made stuff up and trying to dig yourself out of hole23:46
sir_R3ALi was never in any hole23:46
ikoniasir_R3AL: ok, then23:46
ikoniasir_R3AL: what are the 32bit only programs you speak of23:46
ikoniathe %9023:46
sir_R3ALmost programs are written dont take advantage of 64 bit architecture23:47
sir_R3ALthat's my point23:47
ikoniasir_R3AL: that doesn't mean they are not 64bit23:47
[Raiden]I'm guessing it has windows user experience23:47
sir_R3ALim gonna google that it's a good question23:47
ikoniathis is just made up nonsense23:47
ikoniaD353R7F0X: if you want to use 64bit, do a clean 64bit install and ignore what sir_R3AL has said, your software will be 64bit - all of it23:48
ikoniaD353R7F0X: there are a very small number of proptiary programs such as skype that are 32bit, and there are instructions on how to use it23:48
sir_R3ALMost programs designed for the 32-bit version of Windows will work on the 64-bit version of Windows. Notable exceptions are many antivirus programs.23:50
sir_R3ALfrom microsoft.com23:50
ikoniasir_R3AL: this is KUBUNTU support23:50
sir_R3ALstraight out of the horses mouth23:50
ikoniawindows information has no relevence here23:50
sir_R3ALo shit. we are in a kubuntu room lol23:50
ikoniaI'm not laughing your giving false information to people23:50
ikoniaand there is no need for your language23:50
[Raiden]sir_R3AL: linux != windows. All (99.9%) programs in 64bit kubuntu is 64bit23:51
[Raiden]I'm sorry that intervened in the conversation :)23:52
juancarlosby default no 32bit lib installed i think23:52
sir_R3ALyea ur right.23:54
sir_R3ALwow that's pretty cool. another reason to love ubuntu23:55
[Raiden]sir_R3AL: kubuntu multi architectural and you can put a copy of 32bit software, but only for yourself. For example you can install 64bit mplayer or 32bit.23:55
[Raiden]64 bit installs by default23:55
sir_R3ALonly for yourself?23:55
ikoniaarchitecture is system wide23:56
[Raiden]kernel - yes 64bit . other programs are duplicated23:57
sir_R3ALdoes anyone know anything about virii? or viruses?23:58
ikoniain what respect ?23:59
sir_R3ALwell what some people mean when they say that viruses aren't on linux23:59

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