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=== NCommand` is now known as NCommander
=== NCommander is now known as Guest48731
keeblerOh MUCH better.23:46
keeblerWas beginning to worry there weren't any decent ARM IRC Channels.23:46
maxinuxwho says this one is decent?23:46
keeblerWell, I should say, "populated".23:46
=== infinity changed the topic of #ubuntu-arm to: Ubuntu ARMv7 Discussion & Development | The Pi is ARMv6, use Raspbian/armhf or Debian/armel | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM | Submit a Bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | ARM cores != Instruction sets: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_architecture#ARM_cores | for Ubuntu Touch related questions see #ubuntu-touch | This channel is decent
keeblerHaha "This channel is decent"23:48
keeblerTook me a minute.23:48
infinityIf it wasn't about to overflow, I'd add "The topic is a lie", but meh.23:49
keeblerI'm on medical house arrest for a nasty fall and I've just been trying to "work" with like minded people.23:49
keeblerWorking with some Allwinner A20 chips.23:49
keeblerfor the EOMA-68 Platform.23:50
keeblerWe've been running Debian Wheezy on our cards, but was curious if anyone has managed to get ubuntu running on them yet.23:53
keeblerthe A20 that is.23:53
infinityThere's no reason why the Ubuntu userspace wouldn't work just fine on them.23:54
* keebler is watching his new cross-compile server install from across the room.23:54
infinityAnd I assume you're rolling your own kernels.23:54
keeblerusing the linux-sunxi sources23:55
infinityJust unpacking and tweaking something like ubuntu-core would get you around the annoyance of wanting an installer.23:55
infinity(Or, since you already have Debian on there, just debootstrapping saucy/armhf and playing from there, whichever)23:55
keeblerYeah, I was going to try playing around once I'm up and moving.23:56

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