
xnoxmaennchen: use manual partitioning on mini.iso or server cd.00:05
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pittiGood morning04:13
josehello, pitti!04:51
DanChapmanGood Morning all :-)06:19
elfymorning DanChapman06:22
pittijodh: good morning07:04
pittijodh: sorry, I guess when I tested that I still had a VM created with a modified prepare-testbed (with a different approach) http://paste.ubuntu.com/5924210/ should work now07:04
WebbyITHi all :) Someone can help me with autopilot for U-Touch Core App? I need to close and reopen the app, but I don't know how to close... some references?07:30
pittiWebbyIT: unless the app has a "close" menu item, it's not normally intended to explicitly close apps; you just switch between them07:36
pittiWebbyIT: if that's for some internal thing, you could just SIGTERM it, of course07:36
WebbyITpitti, thanks for helping. It's for #1188716, what do you think?07:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1188716 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Autopilot Testcase Needed: tear off calculations" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:37
WebbyITI have to tear off a calculation, close the app, relaunch the app and check if the calc was saved07:38
pittiWebbyIT: sounds like terminating it with the Python API is right then; hang on, let me check something07:38
pittierr, -EFOCUS07:38
pittiWebbyIT: hm, I'm trying to see how one gets from the "self.app" object that gets returned by self.launch_test_application() to a subprocess.Popen object07:54
pitti(sorry, was OTP)07:54
pittiWebbyIT: ah, so self.app.process is the Popen object07:56
pittiWebbyIT: so you can use07:56
pittiWebbyIT: to quit it, and then re-start it with launch_test_application07:57
WebbyITpitti cool, thank you very much :D07:57
WebbyITpitti, can you help me with bug? I'm looking how to relaunch the app, I think to something like CalculatorTestCase().setUp(), but I get an error... (setUp calls launch_test_application)09:38
slickymastergood morning all09:39
elfyhello slickymaster09:42
pittiWebbyIT: you really shouldn't call setUp() again; in the test case taht calls terminate/wait, just call launch_test_application again09:45
WebbyITpitti, ok, thanks, now works... But I can't use functions defined in simplepage, it gives me an error...09:52
WebbyITpitti, sorry for the trouble!09:52
NoskcajI've found three new installer bugs while i was away from the internet, i'll have them filed by tomorrow09:59
slickymasterelfy, hello10:10
DanChapmanjibel, hey is it the ubiquity tests or the runner causing the problems? As i can't run the tests with the runner locally but they are working fine not using the runner10:44
jibelDanChapman, I didn't look yet, maybe it is because it is not the latest image10:45
DanChapmanjibel, ok It seems its an ubiquity attribute error. The process has no poll attribute. Will need to get xnox to take a look11:05
xnoxDanChapman: is that on the jenkins test?11:05
DanChapmanxnox, yeah https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot_ubiquity-saucy/lastCompletedBuild/ARCH=i386,TESTNAME=ubiquity,label=rabisu/testReport/ubiquity.tests.test_default/DefaultInstallTests/test_default_install/11:05
DanChapmanon all tests11:06
xnoxthanks will look into it in a sec.11:06
DanChapmanxnox, cheers mate11:06
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balloonsWebbyIT, how's the tear off test coming?14:40
WebbyITballoons, it's ready14:47
WebbyITballoons, https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/118871614:47
balloonsWebbyIT, :-) That was last test needed for calc! Hurray14:47
WebbyITballoons, but it will not work until #1188292 is fixed14:47
balloonsbug 118829214:47
ubot5bug 1188292 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Saved calculations are lost when the app is closed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118829214:47
WebbyITballoons, I'm sure that the test works because I used only functions that works in other test14:48
WebbyITwell, not sure but 99% :D14:49
balloonsWebbyIT, hmm.. can we send a nicer signal to the application? like a SIGUP?14:49
balloonsor does it matter? perhaps it will always fail14:49
WebbyITballoons, well, I use process.terminate(), there is a better way?14:50
balloonsWebbyIT, well that14:51
balloonsWebbyIT, that14:51
WebbyITballoons, :D14:51
balloonsthat's probably the right way to do it, I'm just thinking of working around it for the moment. It works when you manually push the close button right?14:51
balloonsso it must be getting a different signal. We can try and send the same signal in the test14:52
WebbyITballoons, IMO the best way, one for a forced closure, like that, and one for normal closure14:52
WebbyITballoons, yes, if you close the app with the close button, on PC, calc has been saved14:53
balloonsright.. in other words I'd like to merge your test now with the "working way" and once the bug is fixed, add that too14:53
WebbyITballoons, nice. How we can fix it to work?14:53
WebbyITballoons, I have to move mouse on button then click?14:54
balloonsWebbyIT, well it's about sending the proper signal14:57
WebbyITballoons, ok, I'm going to search the proper way! I'll inform you when I'll found something :)15:02
balloonsWebbyIT, sorry was in a meeting ;-)15:16
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balloonsWebbyIT, so I was trying to say let's look at the signal it's sending15:17
balloonsWebbyIT, if we send a terminate signal, not a kill signal, i believe it will work15:17
balloonsWebbyIT, kill -s TERM pid15:18
balloonsWebbyIT, let me try that manually on my bo15:18
balloonsWebbyIT, :-( properly terminating it didn't work either.. I'll keep trying different signals till I find it15:21
WebbyITballoons, ok, thanks :)15:22
balloonsWebbyIT, no luck with signals.. I wonder if we can click the close button :-)15:25
balloonsWebbyIT, I've got a way to do it :-)15:30
balloonswe can at least run your test15:31
balloonsWebbyIT, so signals didn't work, but you can issue the XEvent and have it function correctly. So wmctrl -c "qmlscene: calculator" will close the window and have it save the tearoff15:32
balloonsso as a way to test anyways, replace your python code to close the calculator with shelling out and issuing that call. it should workaround for now15:33
pittijodh, jibel: FYI, I added my current proposal to bug 115839115:39
ubot5bug 1158391 in Auto Package Testing "ability to have a DEP-8 test run a test in a separate full system environment" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115839115:39
pittijodh, jibel: that's less ephemeral than IRC pings and pastebins :)15:40
jodhpitti: thanks!15:40
jibelpitti, or my brain :)15:40
pittijodh: not sure whether you got my IRC ping from this morning, but I fixed the "no group kvm" issue15:41
jodhpitti: sorry - didn't see the ping, but I ended up with the same fix, thanks.15:43
pittijodh: yeah, wasn't quite rocket science :)15:44
pittijodh: I tried a different approach before that, and my pristine VM still had kvm installed, so I didn't notice15:44
jodhpitti: ah :) I'm getting close to being able to run the upstart tests in the pristine vm now. I've created a pseudo-adt variable ADT_ENVIRON_TYPE=nested so that when I run the dep-8 test from within the pristine environment they can check that variable and know which "level" they are running at.15:47
pittijodh: ah, I had assumed you'd put debian/tests/controller into Tests:, and the controller script starts the child VMs and runs debian/tests/realtest or sth. like that15:47
jodhpitti: I may end up doing that. trying a few different approaches atm.15:48
jodhpitti: I'm also wondering if I should maybe use libvirt/virsh rather than kvm directly to make managing the vm easier.15:50
pittijodh: I haven't tried libvirt yet; I find calling kvm directly easy enough, and easy to handle with subprocess15:50
jodhpitti: sure, I'm using shell though :)15:52
pittijodh: well, &, kill, fg :)15:53
jibeljodh, virsh needs more setup than direct qemu, which anyway ends up generating a qemu command15:54
jodhpitti/jibel: understood, but I'm thinking of the scenario where I'm booting kvm in the background and am running a test via ssh. What if the VM freezes and the ssh connection just hangs?15:57
jodhpitti/jibel: I need a main loop so I can run the test, but periodically ping the VM or something so I know it's still alive.15:58
* pitti waves goodnight16:00
DanChapmanir //temp-dir16:00
jibeljodh, well, there are several options here, ping a service inside the vm, use qemu monitor (or qmp) to check/control the state of the vm or encapsulate the ssh call in a timeout. It depends on what "freezes" means and which state the VM is16:09
DanChapmanballoons, Hey. You got a moment?16:16
balloonsDanChapman, hey mate!16:17
balloonsI'm in a meetin' but shoot16:17
DanChapmanballoons, just knocked up a quick terminal test http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dpniel/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/terminal/view/head:/ubuntu_autopilot_tests/terminal/test_terminal.py but not sure how far to go into it. See if it was to test the profiles dialog its not like it changes anything i can test. Should I just leave it out for now?16:20
balloonsDanChapman, one min and I'm done :-) I'll look then16:26
DanChapmanno rush mate16:26
balloonsDanChapman, alright, let's look16:34
DanChapmanballoons, :-)16:35
balloonsDanChapman, ahh, yea terminal is always a little interesting. My thoughts are to focus as much as possible on the terminal itself. Opening and closing tabs and windows, editing preferences, etc16:35
balloonsit's really difficult because much of the terminal is visual. I think the basic command check it's horrible etheir as you want to make sure keyboard input and response works, but again, try to avoid testing the underlying binaries ;-)16:36
balloonswhoops.. "it's horrible"? not sure what I was trying to say.. the basic command check is good, just avoid going too deep on it16:37
DanChapmanballoons, yeah i just finished tabs. But its the preferences/profiles windows i'm not so sure about as I can change the settings change colour, make scrollback unlimited etc etc but there is not any way of testing that it has actually changed anything16:39
DanChapmanI was going to leave the command side at whats at. Just a few simple ones16:39
balloonsDanChapman, right.. that's the trouble with it being so visual16:39
balloonsDanChapman, yea, the command side looks good as-is16:39
DanChapmanballoons, so do I keep it simple just test that the dialogs load check window title to test the right dialog opens and not really go into whats in the dialog16:42
balloonsDanChapman, hmm.. well, as we already know, we want this to run nicely in the lab :-) So, high-value reproducible tests is the way to go16:47
dkesselgood evening17:12
DanChapmanballoons, unable to select any of the dialogs anyway. It has no names or labels that it can select so have MP'd it as it is. Have you heard anything from Vasudevan about nautilus?17:17
DanChapmandkessel, evening17:17
slickymasterballoons: ping, can you waste 30 seconds?17:18
slickymasterDanChapman: Hi, Dan, do you have 30 secs for quick question?17:23
DanChapmanslickymaster, hey :-) yeah sure17:23
slickymasterDanChapman, Thanks :) I want to put an absolute path in a manual test. Are there any specific tags for it?17:24
DanChapmanooo good question! And one i'm afraid I do not know. balloons ^^17:25
slickymasterDanChapman, no problem. I'll wait until is free to answer me. Thanks anyway Dan17:26
slickymasterDanChapman: got go, cy18:11
DanChapmanslickymaster, see ya18:11
WebbyITballoons, sorry for the delay, it's a busy week, here the MR -> https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/1188716/+merge/17744518:14
WebbyITballoons, only a small favor: in your last post on  The Orange Netbook, you write "Ricardo", is "Riccardo" :) I'm Italian, not Spanish ;)18:16
balloonsDanChapman, ohh.. no I haven't heard from vasudevan at all.. not since his issue that we resolved18:16
balloonsI'll try pinging him again18:16
balloonsWebbyIT, ohh I'm sorry! You are right!18:16
balloonsWebbyIT, scusa!18:17
WebbyITballoons, np :) I'm going to dinner,we can talk about the test, if is necessary, later :D18:17
balloonsdkessel, evening to you18:18
* dkessel waves18:19
balloonsWebbyIT, enough dinner! but it does look like there are a few fixes to do18:19
balloonsWebbyIT, I meant enjoy dinner.. typos :-)18:20
Letozaf_balloons, Hi :)19:10
balloonsLetozaf_, buongiorno :-)19:10
Letozaf_balloons, :-) it's buonasera now :)19:11
balloonscome va?19:11
balloonsLetozaf_, :-) See a new phrase to try19:11
Letozaf_balloons, bene19:11
Letozaf_balloons, see you're learning Italian :-)19:11
balloonsI'll infer that to mean "good"? :-)19:12
Letozaf_balloons, sure, good19:12
balloonsLetozaf_, hehe.. yes almost all the essentials19:12
balloonshello, how are you.. and one more.. where's the bathroom :-)19:12
Letozaf_balloons, dovè il bagno ?19:12
balloonswith that you can do anything right?19:12
Letozaf_balloons, sure19:12
balloonsbagno.. ahh yes..19:12
balloonsanyways .. :-p19:12
Letozaf_balloons, I worked on the rssreader app autopilot test19:13
Letozaf_balloons, but I think I have a bug19:13
Letozaf_balloons, wanted to hear you first, maybe it's just work in progress and not a bug19:14
WebbyITballoons, buonasera :) I have finish dinner, so we can talk ;) Ciao Letozaf_ :)19:14
Letozaf_hello WebbyIT19:14
Letozaf_how are you ?19:15
Letozaf_Letozaf_, must I talk to you about the rssreader app ?19:15
WebbyITLetozaf_, fine, I'm tring to do some autopilot, but I have a lot to learn!19:15
Letozaf_balloons, now I know where you got your Italian from :D19:15
WebbyITand have to learn also english :P19:16
Letozaf_WebbyIT, you're in the right place, then, there is lot to learn and have fun too19:16
Letozaf_WebbyIT, don't worry balloons knows Italian :p19:16
balloonsLetozaf_, indeed.. poor Riccardo taught me to spell his name properly today :-)19:16
balloonsLetozaf_, lololo.. si si!19:17
Letozaf_WebbyIT, maybe I can teach you some English, but got little time :P19:17
balloonsok so Letozaf_ what bug do you think you'd found?19:18
WebbyITLetozaf_, it would be an honor ;) Enough for me that you correct any error when I write!19:19
Letozaf_balloons, after inserting a feed, for example http://www.canonical.com/rss.xml you select the checkbox so you can click on the next button19:19
Letozaf_balloons, after that you insert a topic, and that's it, you cannot do anything else but press previous button or19:20
Letozaf_balloons, well or nothing..19:20
Letozaf_balloons, suppose the topic should be selectable19:20
balloonsLetozaf_, hmm.. ok, let me try and reproduce. But from what your saying, I agree. Sounds like a bug in the app :-)19:20
Letozaf_balloons, you get this output on terminal feed INSERT ID:  5319:21
Letozaf_file:///home/letozaf/autopilot-tests/ubuntu-rssreader-app/databasemodule_v2.js:57: TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined19:21
Letozaf_WebbyIT, well if I can  I will, but I can be a pain sometimes, ask my husband, when I correct his english :p19:21
WebbyITLetozaf_, ahahha thanks :D19:22
Letozaf_WebbyIT, :)19:22
balloonsLetozaf_, WebbyIT normally smartboyhw and knome correct my English. Neither speak it natively :-p I laugh that smartboyhw speaks better english, and he's from hong kong19:22
Letozaf_balloons, another "bug" is that I cannot delete a topic, but the terminal output says its TODO19:23
Letozaf_balloons, I say that the most important thing is to be understood19:23
Letozaf_balloons, so as long as we understand each other :p19:23
balloonsLetozaf_, ok so I'm on the screen that says add your new feeds to a topic19:24
balloonsAfter I input something, there's no button to click19:24
Letozaf_balloons, there is a grey box on the left19:24
balloonshmm.. if I hit enter and then select it, I get the error as you say19:24
Letozaf_balloons, yes yes that's it19:24
balloonsLetozaf_, I see several little bugs in here actually19:25
Letozaf_balloons, yes19:25
balloonsjust little UI things. .ok perfect19:25
balloonsso let's start filing :-)19:26
Letozaf_balloons, what about deleting a topic ? it's TODO19:26
Letozaf_balloons, but I need to delete it for testing purposes19:26
Letozaf_balloons, :p19:26
balloonsright.. it looks like that works, but i think the ui is a bit off also19:26
balloonsclick edit topic, then select toolbar again and select topic19:27
balloonsthen click and hold on the topic and select delete with feeds19:27
Letozaf_balloons, the delete with feed does not work19:27
Letozaf_balloons, already tried it19:27
balloonsLetozaf_, lol so I see ;-)19:27
balloonsright.. edit too19:27
Letozaf_balloons, :p19:27
Letozaf_balloons, I wrote the part of the test that adds a new feed and now I'm stuck :P19:28
balloonsright.. it looks like I can add a topic ok19:28
balloonsand verify it exists19:29
balloonson the adding a feed thing, well for now hmm19:29
balloonsoh.. I see.. I removed my feed and tried to add it back.. it blocks you completely19:30
balloonsanyways, I can file bugs on everything we've seen. But I think you can do the add topic as it stands19:30
Letozaf_balloons, but once you've run the test once, you get an error as the feed is already there and I cannot remove it19:31
balloonsLetozaf_, I was able to remove my feed.. I just can't add it back now :-)19:31
Letozaf_balloons, is there a way to delete the feed using the terminal or something like that ?19:31
Letozaf_balloons, how ?19:31
Letozaf_balloons, how did you remove it ?19:32
balloonsLetozaf_, umm the apps use localstorage I wonder if there's an easy way to clear it19:32
balloonsLetozaf_, I went into edit topics, then click and hold remove on the feed19:35
Letozaf_balloons, mmm let me see19:35
Letozaf_balloons, the funny thing is that I do not see the Canonical feed I added in edit topics, probably I had added it saturday today I updated and to sort of stuck in the middle19:37
Letozaf_balloons, sorry I meant I got sort of stuck with the canonical feed in but not visible...19:38
Letozaf_balloons, wounder if there is a way to reset them all19:38
balloonsLetozaf_, after deleting the canonical feed mine reset19:38
balloonsI wonder what the easy way to kill localstorage would be19:38
* Letozaf_ is browsing the rssreader direcotry to find out19:39
balloonsmhall119, do you know where the core apps typically have there localstorage? I can't remember and want to wipe the app's localstorage19:41
balloonsso WebbyIT for whenever your back again.. The tree seems to have conflicts in it https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/1188716/+merge/17744519:42
mhall119balloons: ~/.local/share/Qt\ Project/QtQmlViewer/QML/OfflineStorage/Databases/19:42
balloonsty mhall11919:43
balloonsLetozaf_, ^^19:43
balloons:-) I should note that somewhere19:43
Letozaf_balloons, mhall119 cool thanks19:43
balloonsthis might fix some of our bugs too19:44
balloonsnah, we still can't choose the topic19:45
Letozaf_balloons, :)19:45
balloonsLetozaf_, anyways I'll start filing19:45
Letozaf_balloons, ok I will carry on with the test, if you do not need help filing...19:46
balloonsLetozaf_, yep, sounds like a plan19:46
Letozaf_balloons, :)19:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1203528 in Ubuntu RSS Feed Reader App "No way to add a feed" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:47
Letozaf_balloons, cool that was quick :)19:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 1206248 in Ubuntu RSS Feed Reader App "Edit topics screen is confusing" [Undecided,New]19:52
knomeballoons, i saw somebody had pinged me, but d'oh, it was just something unrelated ;)19:52
balloonsknome, sorry!19:52
knomehaha np19:52
knomei'm just kidding :)19:52
elfyI get that all the time19:52
balloonsI should have typed out Pasi19:52
knomewhat's up?19:52
balloonsI usually do that to refer to you without pinging you :-)19:52
knomeballoons, that highlights me too...19:52
balloonsyou went the extra mile!19:52
Letozaf_balloons, but when you are on the topics page and you click on the topic you just added don't you get this messge on terminal:CLICKED 4 Canonical19:53
Letozaf_feed INSERT ID:  519:53
Letozaf_file:///home/letozaf/autopilot-tests/ubuntu-rssreader-app/databasemodule_v2.js:57: TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined19:53
balloonsLetozaf_, I think those 2 bugs cover it. But tell me if not19:53
balloonsLetozaf_, yes, I get that exact error. They'll have to fix the code19:53
Letozaf_balloons, ok fine19:53
knomeballoons, sure... not too much that gets me a highlight in english channels, and i'm on one finnish channel only, where i want those highlights... :)19:53
* Letozaf_ is reading the bugs19:53
Letozaf_balloons, yes I think they are fine, should I confirm them ?19:54
balloonsLetozaf_, so fo now, you can add and remove a topic I think as a test19:54
balloonsLetozaf_, sure confirm away19:55
balloonsthe one is confirmed already19:55
Letozaf_balloons, ok19:55
balloonsspeaking of bugs.. elopio are you about?19:55
knomeballoons, you consider e lopio a bug?19:57
balloonsknome, not at all.. But I've got one for him :-)19:58
balloonsok well elopio whenever you do read this; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/120625119:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1206251 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Autopilot Emulator needs to handle tabs better" [Undecided,New]19:59
Letozaf_balloons, I'm still quite confused about one thing on adding a feed, once added, you can either click on next, but if i click on a topic the feed is not added to that topic or click cancel, but my feed, even if clicked is not added, how did you add yours ?20:04
balloonsLetozaf_, I can't add a feed.. as you said, it doesn't work20:04
Letozaf_balloons, oh! fine, thought you added it :p20:05
balloonsLetozaf_, no matter what i do on the topic screen after selecting my feed it won't be added20:05
balloonsbut I can do this20:05
Letozaf_balloons, :) then WebbyIT want's me to teach him english :P20:05
balloons'edit topics' -> 'topics' -> 'add'20:05
balloonstype name, add topic20:05
balloonsit should appear20:05
balloonsI can't delete it yet, but adding does work :-)20:06
balloonsso that piece of the test should be doable as-is20:06
Letozaf_balloons, yes the topic appears but the feed ?20:07
Letozaf_balloons, also you can't get the feed in, right ?20:07
balloonsLetozaf_, yes, that will only add a topic. Which then appears on the topic page20:08
balloonsI can't do anything else with the topic20:08
Letozaf_balloons, fine that's just what happens to me too20:09
balloonsI can also move feeds around between topics, but it's quite weird.20:09
balloonsI wouldn't add a test for it yet20:09
Letozaf_balloons, yes ok20:09
Letozaf_balloons, but maybe if you put a feed in the wrong topic then you can  move it to the right one20:09
NoskcajI found three bugs on the weekend, but my internet is too slow to get a VM to report them from. Can someone check the bottom of the language select menu, The OEM-setup's lack of slideshow, and the top-left icon changes half-way through the End-user setup.20:18
NoskcajAll where found in a lubuntu OEM install20:20
balloonsNoskcaj, hmm20:20
balloonsI think my machine needs a reboot.. brb20:20
knomewondering if the OEM installation should have the slideshow20:20
elfyI'd not be wanting one20:21
Noskcajknome, I'm meaning in the end-user setup. But it does raise the question of why OEMs want to see it.20:24
Letozaf_balloons, lol20:34
Letozaf_balloons, I found how you remove a topic20:35
Letozaf_balloons, just swipe it to the right or to the left :P20:35
Letozaf_balloons, lol20:35
Letozaf_balloons, I mean from the topics page20:36
balloonsLetozaf_, OHH!20:38
Letozaf_balloons, cool :P20:38
balloonssweet.. so the other delete is deleting with the feed too.. right makes sense20:38
balloonsok, so you can add and delete a feed :-)20:39
balloonsadd and delete a topic!20:39
balloonsnot a feed :-)20:39
Letozaf_balloons, yes20:39
* knome slaps balloons 20:39
Letozaf_balloons, the add topic has already been done :P20:39
knomeget a grip20:39
Letozaf_balloons, ah! I have a sudoku app merge proposal hanging...20:42
Letozaf_balloons, https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/sudoku-app/settingsTab/+merge/17602720:49
balloonsLetozaf_, ohh!20:52
Letozaf_balloons, it's for the settings tab, it's pending20:52
balloonsLetozaf_, indeed you do!20:53
Letozaf_balloons, :D20:53
balloonsLetozaf_, ohh more conflicts20:53
Letozaf_balloons, yep20:54
Letozaf_balloons, looks like I have feeling with conflicts :P20:54
balloonsthe trouble is because of how it merges it's hard.. anyways, let's have a look20:57
Letozaf_balloons, thanks20:58
balloonsok so 2 conflicts found :-)21:00
balloons1 down :-)21:08
Letozaf_balloons, good21:08
Letozaf_balloons, its getting late here, can I come back tomorrow evening so you let me know about the last conflict ?21:10
balloonsLetozaf_, it resolved fine too21:10
Letozaf_balloons, cool so it works fine!21:10
balloonsLetozaf_, enjoy your evening.. I'll review things now21:10
balloonsno more conflicts :-)21:10
Letozaf_balloons, thanks :D21:10
Letozaf_balloons, good night21:10
slickymastergood evening all21:16
slickymasterNoskcaj, ping. Can you spare 30 seconds?21:17
Noskcajslickymaster, pong. sure21:18
knomeyou're out of time21:18
slickymasterNoskcaj, I need to put an absolute path in Orage manual test. Do I use <code> </code> tags or is there a specific tag?21:19
knomeslickymaster, if the path is something like /var/log, i don't think you need the tag21:19
NoskcajYou don't need to put tags in unless it's a command IIRC. balloons is the one to ask for this stuff21:20
knomeif it's a longer one, you can use <code> if you want it to pop up21:20
knomei believe the goal is legibility21:20
slickymasterknome, actually is /usr/share/orage/sounds21:20
* knome shrugs21:20
knomedoes the user need to type it, or just navigate there with a file manager or so?21:21
balloonsslickymaster, evening21:21
slickymasterknome, just to navigate into21:21
slickymasterballoons, hi. evening :)21:21
knomeslickymaster, then i'd probably leave it without21:21
slickymasterballoons, speaking of the devil21:21
balloonsslickymaster, knome and Noskcaj can speak well on this topic. :-021:21
balloonsit's all about readability21:22
balloonsNoskcaj, btw, did you file on those 3 bugs? I will confirm / deconfirm them21:22
slickymasterballoons, alright, I'll go without the tags since it's nothing a user will have to type21:22
Noskcajballoons, I want a lubuntu install to file them, but my internet is too slow to zsync them21:23
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slickymasterballoons, knome, Noskcaj, thamk you guys21:23
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