
=== webbrandon is now known as weblife
=== jose- is now known as JoseeAntonioR
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weblife@marcoceppi Do you want me to send you my patch at least?04:34
weblifeIt works well from my experience...04:34
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
den_shelehIs it possible to read somewhere draft of article 'AppArmor and charms' ?  Early was on this page https://juju.ubuntu.com/AppArmor07:14
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=== TheRealMue is now known as TheMue
=== defunctzombie is now known as defunctzombie_zz
_mup_Bug #1206412 was filed: Can't access the WordPress Server deployed using MAAS-JUJU. Web page access ends up with Error "502 Bad Gateway (nginx/1.2.6 (Ubuntu)" <charms> <juju> <maas> <wordpress> <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1206412>08:29
alok__hie there08:58
=== bloodearnest_ is now known as bloodearnest
bloodearnestheya folks - I am using the new juju-core lxc provider, and am getting an error about git not being in $PATH that loops every 3 seconds11:31
bloodearnestthis worked fine on friday, fwiw11:32
bloodearnestmy charms just retry installing every 3s until the deployment timesout11:33
bloodearnestjuju version is  1.11.4-1~1514~raring1 from ppa11:35
marcoceppibloodearnest: if you `juju ssh u1-psearch-app/0` can you verify git is actually installed?11:52
pavelhm... I'm not sure, but seems that when I add subordinate relation it triggers container relation install hook11:54
bloodearnestmarcoceppi, not installed11:55
marcoceppibloodearnest: so it looks like the charm requires git but it isn't/wasn't installed. Adding git-core to the list of packages installed during hooks/install should resolve this11:56
bloodearnestmarcoceppi, yeah, I'm looking at that, but AFAICS, it doesn't require git. And this happens on every charm (~7) from the stack I'm trying to deploy11:59
marcoceppibloodearnest: that's interesting.12:00
bloodearnestmarcoceppi, and the error came from git.go line 177, so I thought it might be juju related12:00
marcoceppibloodearnest: file a bug, it sounds like something that was changed in core12:00
bloodearnestmarcoceppi, kk12:00
bloodearnestmarcoceppi, am going to try with pyjuju/lxc -if it fails there, it likley the charm(s) at fault12:04
bloodearnestmarcoceppi, hmm, seems I can't hit archive.ubuntu.com from the lxc, so that's likely the issue12:07
marcoceppibloodearnest: ah, that would make sense12:07
bloodearnestmarcoceppi, yeah, some iptables rules to expose lxc to the world gone awry12:11
rick_hmarcoceppi: ping, morning12:29
marcoceppirick_h: morning12:29
rick_hmarcoceppi: so I'm poking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1202636 for the gui12:30
_mup_Bug #1202636: Charm Details Page Under Providers Change Openstack to HP Cloud <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1202636>12:30
rick_hmarcoceppi: and basically we're going to start reporting that the HP tests are HP. However, the tests data we import says it's openstack.12:30
marcoceppirick_h: yeah, it's testing openstack provider against hp-cloud12:30
rick_hmarcoceppi: for now I'm going to rename it in the Gui and carry on, but at some point it'd be cool to coordinate a move to call it hp throughout12:30
marcoceppirick_h: ack, I'll add a work item to the charmtester stuff and ping you to pick a time to switch12:31
rick_hmarcoceppi: just to put on your radar and heads up that the gui changes is giong to go through so we'll see local/ec2/hp as the provider test results12:31
rick_hmarcoceppi: thanks12:31
=== cmagina_ is now known as cmagina
TantorHello. This morning around 7:00 (It's 16:43 here now) I started some juju deploy tasks. These tasks are still pending. Is this normal?13:44
TantorOutput of juju status: http://pastebin.com/dF5gn6GY13:44
TantorI also notice that of my two servers the agent state is on not-started, which sounds strange to me13:45
TantorOn one machine juju-machine-agent refuses to start and give this error: Failure: zookeeper.NodeExistsException: node exists14:02
TantorI cant find a clear explanation and solution when I search on this error with google14:02
freeflyingI tried to destroy-service/unit, juju status shows dying, is there anything I can do? I want to destroy the machine, and redeploy it14:16
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
ahasenackfreeflying: what is the status of the unit/service now? Is it in error?14:17
ahasenackfreeflying: if it is in error, then you need to juju resolved <unit>, and then you will be able to destroy it probably14:17
freeflyingahasenack: life: dying14:18
ahasenackfreeflying: what about the rest of the lines?14:18
freeflyingahasenack: agent-state is error, so I can use resolved?14:19
ahasenackfreeflying: yeah, try it, and then destroy-unit, and then terminate-machine14:19
freeflyingahasenack: hah, resolved, thanks14:20
scuttlemonkeyso how is the ec2 api for deploying charms on an openstack environment?16:49
scuttlemonkeyI have used ec2 native, but haven't had a chance to play on a pure openstack setup yet16:49
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marcoceppiscuttlemonkey: we don't use the ec2 compatibility api anymore for openstack deployments. We use the straight openstack api and it works rather well17:02
scuttlemonkeymarcoceppi: ahh, right on...didn't see much doc on that front17:02
scuttlemonkeylooked like mostly s3-specific stuff, guess I'll keep digging17:02
marcoceppiscuttlemonkey: for the most recent stuff, I'd recommend looking at the juju-core code if you aren't already17:03
scuttlemonkeymarcoceppi: yeah that's the next stop. I generally like to parse human-readable stuffs first if I can :)17:03
xmltokhas anyone done a comparison of juju to something like cloudformation? I like juju for a lot of things but being able to configure VIPs is a nice feature. they look to be pretty similar solutions in a lot of ways17:15
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-lunch
marcoceppixmltok: CloudFormation is AWS Only, Juju is cloud agnostic*17:24
xmltoki suppose cloudformation on openstack (heat) probably just builds out an haproxy node, which could easily be done through juju17:31
sidneiyes, that's quite accurate in fact17:35
=== natefinch-lunch is now known as natefinch
xmltokWRT juju in a large production environment, can a team share a bootstrap node? I get how an engineer can build out their platform but i'm not sure how ops would share the management of a bunch of deployments. does each charm configuration set require a different bootstrap node, or can i have one bootstrap node for each production colo?17:58
marcoceppixmltok: So you can specify who has access to a deployment in the environments.yaml by including their ssh public keys as one of the options. From there, as long as each user has proper credentials to access the cloud environment they can use juju from the command line. There's also a juju-gui charm you can deploy which allows users to log in via a web interface and manage that envrionment/deployment from a browser18:08
marcoceppiEach environment only needs one bootstrap node to operate. So that one node runs orchestration for the entire deployment18:09
xmltokive been planning on implementing a similar enviroment sharing solution for teams of engineers, so it sounds like this would solve that problem too18:29
xmltokif I wanted to write a web interface to modifying the environment (changing relationships, adding charms) is there an API to the bootstrap node or is it all via juju command line options?18:30
marcoceppixmltok: there already is one. juju-gui is that web interface18:33
marcoceppibut yes it uses an so in the bootstrap node18:33
xmltokok, i didn't realize that gui was deployable internally, it looked so good i figured it was some kind of pay solution18:40
xmltokso i could in effect have a gui server set up and engineers could log in and point it at their different environment bootstrap nodes to modify them as needed, or ops could point them at the different prod environments. that is pretty cool18:41
marcoceppiit's one GUI per environment ATM xmltok18:51
xmltokcan the GUI run on the bootstrap node?18:51
marcoceppixmltok: yup19:00
marcoceppixmltok: https://jujucharms.com/precise/juju-gui/#bws-readme19:02
webbrandonDoes default-series stand for the juju version being installed?19:48
webbrandonOr the image it is going to be deployed?19:53
webbrandonubuntu image that is19:54
marcoceppiwebbrandon: Ubuntu series, ie: precise, quantal, raring, etc20:04
marcoceppiWe recommend, and it defaults to, precise (the current LTS)20:05
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as jose
weblifeOkay found something that describes it in more depth.  Think I will submit a more detailed description of the setting in the docs since it doesn't describe it well.20:39
marcoceppiweblife: what's that?21:01
* thumper waves21:04
weblifealso updating the AWS setup getting started page21:05
marcoceppiweblife: it shouldn't be needed with the latest juju unless you something other than LTS21:20
weblife@marcoceppi Whats that the default-series option or the AWS page(https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1201833)?21:22
_mup_Bug #1201833: AWS instructions need an update <juju-core:In Progress by evilnick> <juju-core docs:In Progress by evilnick> <Juju Website:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1201833>21:22
marcoceppiweblife: precise, for all clouds21:30
weblifeso there is no more setting specific environments like 'oneiric'?21:33
marcoceppiweblife well I don't think you can use oneiric any more with juju21:34
weblifeI was about to write this into the AWS setup along with the security changes:21:35
weblifeEnvironments can currently be configured with a default-series option, which controls the Ubuntu series to be ran on new machines (where available) and the repository collection from which to get charms (always).  You can find available Ubuntu AMI versions that are supported with AWS in the AWS Marketplace at aws.amazon.com/marketplace.  You can also find a list of the different Ubuntu series at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_21:37
weblifeUbuntu_releases if you decide to setup your own EBS-backed AMI.21:37
weblifefollowing what I read here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/86516321:37
_mup_Bug #865163: default-series option has surprising behaviour <juju:Fix Released by fwereade> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/865163>21:37
aimatthalo, when I desploy a new charm on say, openstack, it spawns up a whole vm for it?21:44
sarnoldaimatt: yeah, that's a large part of juju's cause to exist :)21:46
aimattsarnold: ok, I'm just trying to think of how I would make a charm for a particular service that depends on a service, such as memcache, running locally21:47
aimattI would guess that I would just include apt-get install memcached in that services, charm21:48
sarnoldaimatt: or you could use a subordinate service21:48
sarnoldaimatt: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-subordinate-services.html21:49
sarnoldaimatt: I have a feeling that might not be the best solution for memcache. I've got a feeling you might want to be able to scale those separate from the other services, and you might want its cache to serve for more than the one service unit it would be deployed with, as a subordinate21:50
aimattwe would have a separate memcache cluster too, this is used for things like locks21:51
sarnoldah okay :)21:51
aimattlocal stuff only21:51
aimattthanks for the link, I'm wrapping my head around it21:52
marcoceppiweblife: So, that's not entirely accurate. So simplestream data determines which AMI or image to use for juju, you just supply the series data21:53
aimattsarnold: that looks perfect. thank you21:59
sarnoldaimatt: cool! :)22:00
aimattI think the indentation of the YAML there is borked though22:00
aimattbut I get it22:01
sarnoldheh, so it is, html source has it correctly though22:03
* marcoceppi fixes html structure22:04
sarnoldmarcoceppi: 120670422:05
marcoceppisarnold: thanks!22:06
sarnoldmarcoceppi: I _love_ the "file a bug" link on the bottom of the page. that's just friendly. :)22:08
weblife@marcoceppi Okay I will leave that part out then.22:11
weblifeI don't know what to do... I am told I need to get experience in "charm contributors" to submit patches and repairs.  So I assign myself to a bug with them: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1201833 but I can't submit my repair because "charmers" requires the same.  So I uploaded my repair to: https://code.launchpad.net/~web-brandon/juju-core/juju-core.  Am I missing a step because I am feeling pretty defeated for simply try22:54
weblifeing to help make things better.22:54
_mup_Bug #1201833: AWS instructions need an update <juju-core:In Progress by web-brandon> <juju-core docs:In Progress by evilnick> <Juju Website:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1201833>22:54
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
weblifeThank you jcastro23:45
=== torin_ is now known as tsandall
aimattanother question: if I use juju, what do I really need openstack for?23:54
sarnoldaimatt: you need something to create VMs for you -- or, in the case of MAAS, actual machines :)23:55
sarnoldaimatt: juju just knows how to ask openstack or ec2 or azure or hp cloud or .. for a new machine instance23:56
aimattsarnold: oh, so the openstack charm is primarily for maas?23:56
sarnoldaimatt: that's where my knowledge gets thin -- as I understand it, you'd have two jujus in place -- one to control the openstack environment itself, one to control the things you -run- on openstack23:58

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