
Giraffehello world01:18
Giraffehas anyone been able to get maas to work?01:19
bigjoolsGiraffe: plenty of people. having trouble?03:38
bigjoolsroaksoax: FYI I upgraded saucy recently and it didn't move the apache config to the right place04:00
bigjoolsso there's a bug in the packaging somewhere04:01
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rbasakbigjools: roaksoax: apache2 packaging has changed quite a bit in saucy now.07:56
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roaksoaxmanjo: hey! so the bug is raring + maas from the ubuntu archive or from the PPA?20:46
manjoroaksoax, its from arvhive20:46
manjonot PPA20:46
manjomaas 1.4.520:47
manjoI updated the bug as well20:47
manjoroaksoax, so when I fire up maas it should find the nodes in the chassis automagically right ?20:49
manjoroaksoax, I get 0 nodes in maas ... am I missing a step in the config ?20:49
roaksoaxmanjo: you need to turn on the nodes and let them PXE boot from MAAS (or if you are using an external DHCP server, you need to tell to PXE boot from MAAS)20:50
manjoah ok20:51
manjoroaksoax, "maas-cli maas nodes accept-all" gives me a usage error ... has this command changed too ?20:57
manjoroaksoax, as per the instructions on http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/nodes.html20:57
roaksoaxmanjo: it shouldn't have21:01
roaksoaxmanjo: is the MAAS user called 'maas'?21:01
manjoroaksoax, no ubuntu21:01
manjoah s**t21:01
manjoI think the keys setup might be wrong on my end ... not sure though21:02
roaksoaxyeah that's proably it, it shouldn't fail21:02
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away

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