=== heathkid|2 is now known as heathkid === das_plague is now known as prpplague [01:55] Hi. I've got a beaglebone black (Cortex-A8) and I'm looking to install networkmanager, but libxml2 doesn't seem to be in the repositories, even though the file is in the indicies. [01:56] using 13.04 [02:04] Arbition: It sure is... [02:04] hm [02:05] Well I'm getting a 404 from apt [02:05] With which mirror? [02:05] And which path? [02:05] main [02:05] "main" isn't a mirror. [02:05] Paste the actual error message? [02:05] ports.ubuntu.com [02:06] Odd are, though, that you just have stale indices, and an 'apt-get update' will get you downloading a newer version. [02:07] ah ok I'll try that [02:08] yeah that did it [02:08] Sorry, I thought it might be arm specific [02:08] as you may have guessed I am not a regular ubuntu user [02:09] I prefer Fedora, but because the BeagleBone Black is a bit niche, I have to go with whats popular, and the Angstrom distro they release is pretty terrible [02:09] Angstrom is pretty awful, yeah. [02:10] I'd give opinions about Fedora, but that may appear to have professional bias. :P [02:11] Really, though, mapping one's brain from RH/FC to Debian/Ubuntu (and vice versa) really just comes down to mapping a few yum/apt commands internally, and sorting out annoying things like how we name library and dev packages differently. [02:12] (That is, Debian and Ubuntu name them sanely and consistently... Not that I have a bias... *cough*) [02:13] I'm guessing there is also the difference with systemd and upstard, as well as firewalld which is still fairly new. Both are pretty important in this application, as I am making a soft router out of the BBB [02:13] Ahh, yeah. Well, depends on which Fedora or RHEL you're running, some used upstart. ;) [02:14] But the newest FC is systemd, yes. Not that that makes a difference to the average user. Most people don't really (or shouldn't) care about their init system. [02:14] For a firewall, that may not be true, I suppose. [02:15] Though most people doing anything more clever than poking a few holes open in a cute user-friendly firewall helper tend to just write their own iptables rules in shell scripts of doom and execute them. [02:15] Maybe because we were all infected by IOS back in the day. [02:15] IOS as in Cisco I take it? [02:15] Yeah, the real IOS. [02:15] I can think of two others [02:16] Well, one of them has a small 'i'. [02:16] And I'm not aware of the third. ;) [02:16] yes, I guess it does [02:16] I think the Wii uses that as a naming convention of at least something [02:17] Anyhow, Apple paid Cisco good money to abuse both "IOS" and "iPhone", but I stubbornly refuse to admit they did so. [02:17] Because ignorance is bliss. [02:26] * keebler still has nightmares of working for a Broadband Provisioning company (Reallinx), configuring hundreds of Cisco 1721s. [02:27] Well, maybe not 100's, more like 100ish... Only worked there for 8 months. [02:27] It did inspire me to make a Cisco to iPad Cross-over cable in 2010. [02:28] Back when you had to jailbreak it. === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === calculu5 is now known as calculus === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [05:57] has anybody by any chance worked with Ouya? [06:03] Does anyone know Robert C Nelson? Or by any chance, be him? he has http://rcn-ee.net === piscodig is now known as discopig [06:06] I'm trying to determine whether his beaglebone flasher is compiled from a standard image [06:06] in which case, he is not the person to ask === piscodig is now known as bromide === doko_ is now known as doko === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === cmagina_ is now known as cmagina === prpplague is now known as das_plague === ndec is now known as ndec|vacations === shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer [22:59] Hi, I was given the task to install an rdp client in a cubox hardware, which i see has arm(ARMv7 processor) , it has ubuntu 13.04, but can't find a rdp client package, any idea about how to fix it? [23:46] hi [23:47] I have a nook hd tablet that as far as I know is OMAP4. Do I have to do any edits to ubuntu arm to get it to boot and run off my system [23:47] ?