
rmg51I never used this product, but if UNetbootin isn't working for you try something else00:00
rmg51It should be noted that unetbootin fails at  creating bootable media of some distributions - even those explicitely  listed as supported.00:02
rmg51from the last link ^00:02
jedijfscottrigby: do it again - it's like dorothy in the wizard of oz = gotta click your usb 3 times and say 'i wanna go boot'00:03
jedijfredo the whole unetbootin thing00:04
jedijfand use downloaded iso00:07
scottrigbyhaha yeah. just finished DLing ISO (in a cafe w notsuperfast connection)00:08
* scottrigby trying again00:08
scottrigbyoh one question00:09
jedijfunetbootin is great - when it works - have to keep doing - then try to boot - eventually there will be success00:09
scottrigbybefore i format this again, I'm gonna erase it. What format should I use?00:09
scottrigbyMS-DOS (FAT)00:09
scottrigbysounds like a former lover00:10
jedijfgreek yogurt all over keyboard now00:10
* scottrigby \m/ (>.<) \m/00:10
scottrigbyok so MS-DOS (FAT) right00:11
jedijf Note that the USB drive must be formatted as FAT32; otherwise it won't be listed.00:11
scottrigbyi'm trying to format from my mac, and it only gives those two options :p00:11
scottrigbycan i format it from the PC?00:11
jedijffat16 works too00:11
scottrigbyIDK how to do that if so00:12
jedijfwin xp right00:12
scottrigbyyeah its literally only `MS-DOS (FAT)` or `ExFAT` from the mac disk utility00:12
scottrigbyyeah XP00:12
jedijffat is prolly 16 on mac and ok00:12
rmg51try doing everything from Windows00:12
scottrigbyhem, ok. Any tips on finding out how?00:13
scottrigby*hrm i mean00:13
scottrigbynot hem. or him… or hymn00:13
jedijffor osx00:14
scottrigbyoh cool ok00:15
rmg51one last piece of advice....00:18
rmg51get a computer with a burner in it ;-)00:18
jedijfwin might be easier00:19
rmg51that's what she said00:20
jedijfright click my computer - manage - disk management - usb stick - format - select fat 3200:20
jedijfand i have better luck with unet than usb creator00:22
scottrigbyok jedijf i followed steps up till #400:25
scottrigbybecause we're doing Lubuntu not http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/boot/syslinux/00:26
scottrigbyso not clear what the equivalent would be for `sudo dd conv=notrunc bs=440 count=1 if=mbr.bin of=/dev/rdisk2`00:26
scottrigbyI'm thinking i may just skip that step and proceed with UNetbootin using the ISO00:26
scottrigbyunless… you think that step really is a good idea anyway00:27
scottrigbyyeah, doing step 4 :)00:28
jedijfscottrigby: that is the step00:29
jedijfthat writes a mbr to the usb stick00:29
scottrigbygotcha. Guessign i want the one in bios/mbr/mbr.bin :) there are a few in there00:31
jedijfwhere it extracted to00:32
jedijfthe syslinux.zip file00:32
* scottrigby filgers Xd00:34
scottrigbyjedijf: oh, my ~/Downloads folder, but i got it i think…00:34
scottrigbyat least i hope00:34
scottrigbyi am using /dev/disk100:34
scottrigbythough, that's the device00:34
scottrigbythe mounted partition is /dev/disk1s100:35
scottrigbythe example seems to refer to the disk though, not the partition path. so i think i did it right00:35
scottrigbywe shall see!00:35
scottrigbyso far so good!00:37
scottrigbyit's the first time we see 'Install Lubuntu'! :D00:38
scottrigbyok so… after choosing this… are we literally booting from the USB, or did that format the PC?00:39
scottrigbywe want the latter00:39
scottrigbyso we don't need to run off the USB00:39
scottrigbyit felt like it went a little too fast for that?00:39
scottrigbyok nm there's a wizard.00:40
scottrigbyok so00:41
scottrigbyjedijf: do we want… `Erase disk and install Lubuntu`? `Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security`? `Use LVM with the new Ubuntu software`?00:41
scottrigbyI feel like we want option100:42
scottrigbyoh dang. Yes we want option 1. Options 2 and 3 are optional extras00:42
rmg51stay with the simple00:45
jedijferase and install00:45
jedijfsorry getting out of bathing suit00:46
scottrigbyit totally workedddddddd00:50
jedijflet's hope the actual install works00:52
jedijfbut first - boot live00:52
jedijfcheck wireless - audio - etc00:52
jedijfthen if/when everything works install00:52
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=== scottrigby_away is now known as scottrigby
=== scottrigby is now known as scottrigby_away
teddy-dbearMorning people, dogs, turkeys and everything else12:04
=== scottrigby_away is now known as scottrigby
jedijfinstalled yet?16:48
scottrigbyjedijf: yes he did :D we got kicked out of the cafe right when it asked about installing language, but yeah looks like all worked!17:13

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