
apacheloggershadeslayer: so fix it? :P00:16
apacheloggerand who caresa bout mm?00:16
mgraesslinapachelogger, yofel: the build problem of kde-workspace (5) should be fixed now05:56
mgraesslincould it be that your build systems don't have Qt 4 installed?05:56
soeegood morning06:09
jussimorning soee06:10
smartboyhwI'm back!!!!!06:59
valoriewelcome back, smartboyhw07:01
valoriehow was England?07:01
valorieso was Spain07:07
valoriewe missed ya07:07
smartboyhwAny specific things happened in Akademy that I need to know?07:14
valoriehmmm, there should be notes and/or a recording somewhere.....07:16
* valorie missed half of it07:17
valoriethe Kubuntu BoF I mean07:17
agateauRiddell: morning, just pushed some fixes in ubiquity kde-wireless2 branch. I added tests for the new class introduced in gtk_components/nmwidgets.py and removed tests which did not make sense anymore. All tests but "test_segmented_bar" pass (I suspect that failure is due to me still running Raring). Commits have been checked for pep8 but not pyflakes (again, because of me running Raring)08:59
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BluesKajHiyas all11:00
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tester56hi, are you still experiencing the black screen when starting plasma?12:06
sheytanHi guys. have you ever encountered a problem that your computer won't boot from HDD? Like it would skip the hdd? But, if you have a bootable cd inside and you don't boot from it, computer starts to boot from hdd. This only happens for windows 7 ( yes, i know, but i need to have a computer with 2 os)12:06
sheytaneven if i install kubuntu and windows, grub doesn't start too12:06
Riddelltester56: nope I've never had that12:07
sheytanofcourse the bios settings are ok12:07
tester56sheytan: does this affect a devel release of kubuntu?12:07
tester56sheytan: if not, kubuntu-devel would be a better place to ask12:07
sheytanwe are on kubuntu-devel ;)12:08
tester56ah i meant kubuntu12:08
tester56ah i meant kubuntu12:08
tester56sry. slow internet :-(12:08
tester56Riddell, On Kde 4.11?12:09
Riddellsheytan: if it's preferring to boot from cd then falls back to hard disk, that sounds like a bad set or faulty bios12:09
sheytanRiddell: if i only install kubuntu, it boots normal. With 2 OS it doesn't from HDD, Windows only - doesn't boot from hdd.12:10
yofelkde bug 32169512:10
ubottuKDE bug 321695 in desktop ">=plasma-4.10.80 startup delay 4-7 seconds - blackness after splash screen has finished" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32169512:10
tester56Riddell, The problem is config independent for me (happens with guest too) : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=321695 12:10
sheytanBut if you put windows cd into the drive, and you get that 'press a key to boot from cd' and you skip that, it boots from hdd12:10
yofelstill happens here FWIW12:11
tester56yofel: do you think it is going to be fixed?12:12
yofelno clue12:12
tester56the mentioned commit (83d301880e78a3aa43e0aedd8f40abb2a506f1ff) semms to be already reverted in master... the problems still occurs12:12
Riddelltester56: does anything else run?12:13
Riddelltester56: krunner for example12:13
tester56krunner works 12:13
tester56kwin too12:13
tester56imho this should be a high priority bug12:13
apacheloggersheytan: installing windows only also doesn't boot?12:14
yofelRiddell: just to be clear: plasma starts perfectly fine, but not while ksplash is there. It only starts initializing after the splash quits which makes ksplahsx kinda pointless12:15
Riddellyofel: but but then it appers fine?12:15
Riddellyofel: but then it appears fine?12:15
yofelsure, it's just ugly12:15
tester56Riddell: at the moment I can't even get plasma working ... I use krunner to start my apps on the dev install12:15
Riddellright,I do get that12:15
Riddelltester56: so plasma doesn't show at all for you?12:16
yofelok, now that's bad12:16
tester56not even in a guest session12:16
yofelbut that's not the mentioned bug then12:16
yofelanything interesting in .xsession-errors?12:17
tester56but it seems related 12:17
sheytanapachelogger: yes, it doesn't12:17
sheytanapachelogger: it switches to network but, which is  the last position set in bios12:17
sheytanit doesn't matter if hdd is first or last, without skiping the cd installer, it doesn't boot from hdd12:18
sheytanbut, for Vista it works12:18
sheytanand i need win 712:18
tester56that plasma does not show up at all is my fault for sure , as i have compiled a plasmoid that makes plasma crash at startup12:19
tester56but concerning the bug: it is not only ugly, it also takes longer 12:20
tester56brb, rebooting12:20
Riddellhi smartboyhw 12:21
yofelhey smartboyhw, welcome back :)12:22
Riddellsmartboyhw: were you travelling?12:23
smartboyhwRiddell: I'm back in Hong Kong 12:24
Riddellmy very favourite capitalist enclave12:26
smartboyhwRiddell: ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!12:26
tester56i have another question: is it possible to use kde sc 4.10 atop of the latest daily build?12:30
tester56(without self compiling, i mean a package way of doing it)12:30
Riddelltester56: no, there's only 4.11 packages for saucy12:31
tester56Riddel: and there is no ppa to achieve such thing?12:32
Riddellno we don't package old versions of kde sc for new versions of kubuntu12:32
tester56is it possible to upgrade everything from 13.04 to 13.10 except kde ?12:34
smartboyhwUm, no..12:35
tester56would this be achievable using sudo apt-mark hold12:35
tester56but i suppose that does not work for meta packages12:35
tester56like kubuntu-desktop12:35
tester56for me ubuntu 13.10 base + kde 4.10 would be the perfect system12:36
azeemtester56: what's wrong with kde 4.11?12:36
smartboyhw4.11 final will be released very soon...12:37
yofelkubuntu-desktop is just meta, you could remove it. But don't forget to pin the kde depends too, and go recursive from there until you have all issues worked out (have fun)12:37
azeemcause tester56 wants to keep kde 4.10 AFAICT12:37
tester56the plasma start bug, a nepomuk bug and finally a big performance problem with kwin on nvidia12:37
yofelwhat's wrong with nepomuk again?12:38
tester56it does not backup comments using the backup utility12:38
tester56*when using12:38
yofeloh right, that nepomukbackup thing...12:38
yofeldoes that actually work for anyone here?12:39
tester56I tried to contact the developer, but I had no luck :-(12:39
tester56yofel, it works on 4.1012:39
tester56i could read on the developers blog that he forgot to implement comments, but according to him it should be fixed, which is not the case12:40
smartboyhwMaybe we can bisect the commits between 4.10 and 4.10.97 for nepomuk12:40
tester56source of my claims: http://vhanda.in/blog/2013/04/the-nepomuk-migration/#disqus_thread12:41
tester56In the comments he states: "Thanks for reminding me about the file comments. I've added them as well."12:41
tester56even in master it does not work 12:42
tester56two of the three bugs won't get fixed before 4.1212:46
sheytanRiddell: is there a group i need to add my user to use MTP devices? (after install i cannot write to the device)12:46
Riddellagateau: awooga, working great http://people.ubuntu.com/~jr/ubiquity-nm.png12:51
Riddellsheytan: not as far as I know although I've never used an mtp device12:52
agateauRiddell: \o/12:52
jussiRiddell: you dont own a recent android phone? 12:55
jussiRiddell: also, I thought about perhaps using teespring to do our shirts - what do you think? 12:55
jussiie. http://teespring.com/about12:56
Riddelljussi: I don't own any android phone12:57
jussiRiddell: heh. ok fair enough then...12:57
Riddelljussi: printed on demand?12:58
jussiRiddell: no, more like crowdfunded12:58
Riddellah, interesting12:58
Riddelljussi: so they'd still be sent in a big box to your home for you to post out or they'd do postage?12:59
jussinope, they do postage12:59
Riddelljussi: how do their costs compare?12:59
jussi10.50$ anywhere in the world +1$ for each additional Tee12:59
Riddellso they're american?13:00
Riddell$10.50 for a t-shirt and postage and $1 for additional t-shirts in the same order?13:00
jussi10.50$ for postage. plus whatever we set the tshirt cost at13:01
Riddellwhat charge do they make?13:01
jussithey take something out of the flat rate they charge for each tshirt13:02
jussibasic tshirt costs about 6$ for us, then however much we want to add13:03
jussi(50 shirt campaign913:03
Riddelllooks like they do only t-shirts, you ok with that? no smart polo shirt?13:04
jussialternately, for 16$ we can have a hoodie13:04
jussino, no polo's sadly, but long sleeve, v nect etc13:04
jussior tank tops :P :P13:04
jussiI like the idea of Hoodies13:05
Riddellit looks interesting, if you'd rather try that then cool with me13:05
jussiyeah, Ill put something up. Nothing to loose if it doesnt move forward. 13:06
jussineed to figure out design, but ill come up with some thing13:06
micahglooks like kde-workspace-dev needs  a dependency on libx11-xcb-dev for /usr/include/kwinglobals.h13:52
micahgshould I fix it>13:53
debfxmicahg: I think we have a similar situation in kdelibs5-dev and don't have that dependency on the grounds that it's a specialized, rarely used header file14:01
micahghrm, maybe it should be in its own package then?14:13
Riddellmicahg: what problem is it causing?14:13
Riddellmicahg: I don't suppose it's a problem to add it but it's a diff to debian14:14
micahgwhy shouldn't it be in Debian as well?14:14
micahgunless that header is in another package in Debian14:14
Riddellwould be fine in debian too but we're not debian :)14:14
Riddellis this kwin-style-crystal an issue in debian?14:15
micahgno, since that package seems to be implicitly pulled in in Debian14:15
Riddellmicahg: you sure? or do they just have a version of kdelibs that doesn't need it14:17
micahgidk, I know that package seems to be not needed in Debian for build dependencies, I've submitted several patches to add it to various packages14:18
* micahg will brb14:18
RiddellI'll try and setup a sid chroot to see14:18
Riddellnothing about libx11-xcb-dev in https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=kwin-style-crystal&arch=i386&ver=2.2.1-2&stamp=137422097214:21
Riddellalthough other bits of libxcb are brought in14:21
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Riddellhttp://tech.ryanhoots.com/2013/07/kubuntu-1304-review.html :)14:35
Riddell"Wow. Just, wow."14:35
Riddellalthough slightly trolling against gnome14:35
* yofel starts stomping rekonq into the ground until it's completely flat14:38
yofelI know it's not rekonq's fault that qtwebkit kind of sucks, but still :/14:39
Riddellcompiling qtwebkit 2.3.2 now, maybe it'll be the solution to everything14:39
yofelamd64 build of project-neon5-qtwebkit 0.0.git20130730.r164~84d199a.neon7~saucy1 in ubuntu saucy RELEASE14:41
yofel [FULLYBUILT] Successfully built on chindi09 (arm ppa builder) 14:41
Riddellneon is on arm?14:45
yofelnah, some of the i386/amd64 builders run on arm it seems14:45
Riddellhow's this? kubuntu.org/content/donate-kubuntu14:51
Riddellbetter kubuntu.org/donate14:52
yofelI think the first sentence should be14:55
yofelOur donations are handled by With Support, the commercial support partner of Kubuntu, through the Kubuntu Paypal account.14:55
yofelOr I get the impression that Kubuntu Paypal is the commercial support parner.14:55
yofeland listing spendings might make sense, but either link to some more detailed spending page that lists the spending for every year or take the year out. (I have no experience in such things, but if you put dates there it can feel outdated FAST)14:56
Riddellpretty picture http://www.kubuntu.org/donate15:17
yofelfancy :)15:24
Riddellshadeslayer: what was the outcome of the solid and ubuntu larks?15:33
shadeslayerRiddell: is this regarding the upower issue I was facing the other day ?15:34
Riddellshadeslayer: dunno, afiestas said solid didn't work with the fake systemd ubuntu has15:34
shadeslayernew upower was uploaded, I just hadn't upgraded in a couple of days 15:34
Riddellthought I saw you looking into that15:34
shadeslayeryes 15:34
shadeslayerso it falls back to upower15:34
shadeslayerand upower 0.9.20 was buggy, and someone had already uploaded 0.9.21 which fixed the issue 15:35
shadeslayeryofel: btw interesting that running qmake from the build dir works even if there is a + sign in the version15:52
yofelrename it to build+ and try again? ^^15:52
shadeslayerwill try later15:53
yofelpackaging + qmake is something I try to not touch until I have to :S15:53
Riddellshadeslayer: ah hah, well diagnosed15:54
shadeslayermy head is still spinning, I will be back once I feel better, cya 16:00
tester56I have a question: Is it normal the kde-workspace master does not compile?16:10
tester56(without patching)16:11
QuintasanIt technicaly should be in a compilable state16:11
Quintasantester56: Are you sure it's not a problem on your end?16:11
Quintasantester56: At this point any argument would be nice.16:12
Quintasantester56: Besides you can look at project neon, if it built then master is probably in a compilable state16:12
tester56Okay I have done the following:16:13
tester56sudo apt-get build-dep kde-workspace16:13
tester56git clone git://anongit.kde.org/kde-workspace16:13
tester56cd kde-workspace16:13
tester56mkdir build && cd build16:13
tester56cmake ..16:13
tester56(successfully completed cmake)16:14
tester56make 16:14
tester56(aborts because kspalsh qml or something)16:14
QuintasanI need a build log16:14
Quintasanand that looks like a problem on your end, most likely missing headers16:15
tester56shouldn't that be handled by build-dep kde-workspace ?16:15
tester56okay i am going to build it if you are still around for the next hour16:16
tester56furthermore, cmake should detect missing stuff16:17
tester56so I would not argue that it is my fault16:17
Riddellagateau, apachelogger, anyone: http://blogs.kde.org/2013/07/31/project-neon-5-daily-builds-ubiquity-wireless-setup16:17
Quintasantester56: For example someone might have commited something that requires new dependency and forgot to update cmake16:18
Quintasantester56: I do not know exactl policy, any reason against using project neon?16:18
Riddellook!  qtwebkit 2.3.2 built!16:19
QuintasanRiddell:  wow, great16:19
tester56Quintasan: I want to patch stuff ... but if it doesn't compile i can't do that16:19
Quintasanapachelogger, yofel, shadeslayer: Thanks for the kf5 work16:19
tester56Riddell: This is great!16:20
Quintasantester56: Well, we did Project Neon exactly for that but if you want to compile master yourself then feel free to do so.16:20
tester56Quintasan: Sorry, I don't understand16:21
tester56Quintasan: I want to make changes that involve recompiling everything16:21
Quintasantester56: I believe master is supposed to be compilable at all times unless someone makes a mistake, you'd have better luck asking in #kde-devel if you want fast answer16:22
yofeltester56: everything including kdelibs, qt, kdepimlibs, etc?16:22
tester56Yeah I could use the project neon shell for that16:22
yofelif not you can use neon for those and build kde-workspace yourself16:22
tester56yofel: no only kde-workspace16:23
tester56yofel: could you point me to the doc of neonmake?16:24
Quintasantester56: http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Using_Project_Neon_to_contribute_to_KDE16:24
tester56which path should I set in cmake to replace the project neon kde-workspace?16:24
Quintasantester56: Just read the doc16:24
yofelneon-env does that for you and neonmake (neon-cmake) overrides a few bits for building16:25
Quintasanespecially http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Using_Project_Neon_to_contribute_to_KDE#Using_Project_Neon_for_development16:25
Quintasanyofel: I believe we should dogfood 16:25
QuintasanProject Neon so people like...know it works.16:25
yofelhm, I just realized we need to document kf5 on there as well16:26
yofelstuff like scripts now being named neon5-env etc.16:26
QuintasanGot moneyz for new PSU16:26
QuintasanGot SSD, now new PSU, back to business then16:26
tester56What about build deps: is it enough to have the normal build deps installed?16:27
yofelsudo apt-get build-dep project-neon-kde-workspace16:28
yofelas long as it builds in the neon archive, it should build for you16:28
Quintasanyofel: btw16:30
QuintasanProject Neon 5 sounds like we went a long way16:30
yofelwe sure did...16:31
yofelok, the 5 is misleading, sure, but it was still a long way ;P16:31
tester56neonmake  does not need neoncmake to be run first?16:31
yofelit runs that itself16:32
tester56okay, just asked to be sure16:32
yofelneonmake is really a do-everything thing16:32
yofelit runs cmake, make, make install16:32
tester56so everything I need is:16:32
tester56git clone git://anongit.kde.org/kde-workspace16:33
tester56cd kde-workspace16:33
yofelneon-env, then neonmake16:33
tester56ah, right ... and the dependencies16:33
* yofel makes his way home, bbl16:33
tester56E: Unable to find a source package for project-neon-kde-workspace16:34
yofelsudo add-apt-repository ppa:neon/ppa16:35
Quintasantester56: Did you add the ppa entries to /etc/apt/sources.list?16:35
tester56i have done that already16:35
yofeler 16:35
yofeldeb-src is missing16:35
yofelprobably commented out16:35
yofelnow gone for real16:35
Quintasanadd-ppa-repository does that16:35
tester56ah ... that may be the reason :D16:35
Quintasantester56: look for neon-ppa.list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/16:36
Quintasanand uncomment the deb src line16:36
tester56yeah just did it16:37
Riddellmicahg: ah hah it is a change in kwin in 4.11, so your suggestion seems appropriate although so does the reason not to bother16:38
Riddellmicahg: but that'll be why debian doesn't have the issue16:38
Riddellmicahg: want to add the -dev or shall I?16:38
micahgRiddell: I can do it later tonight if you want16:41
micahgis it needed for kdelibs and kde-workspace-dev?16:41
Riddellmicahg: kde-workspace-dev in this case16:45
tester56short question: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=321695 states that the bug is fixed when reverting 83d301880e78a3aa43e0aedd8f40abb2a506f1ff16:52
ubottuKDE bug 321695 in desktop ">=plasma-4.10.80 startup delay 4-7 seconds - blackness after splash screen has finished" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:52
tester56the diff is shown here: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kde-workspace/repository/revisions/83d301880e78a3aa43e0aedd8f40abb2a506f1ff/diff/plasma/desktop/shell/data/plasma-desktop.desktop16:53
tester56so after revert the Type should be wait16:53
Riddelltoscalix_: yes17:02
Riddelloh he left, sorry toscalix_ 17:02
Riddelltester56: yes17:03
ahoneybunhey Riddell 17:04
tester56okay the solution to bug 321695 is very easy, no need to recompile stuff: open /opt/project-neon/share/autostart/plasma-desktop.desktop and change the value on the third line to wait17:04
ubottubug 321695 in Bazaar "bzr branch fails with "sprout() got an unexpected keyword argument 'source_branch'"" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32169517:04
tester56tested with project neon17:04
tester56i meant KDE bug 32169517:05
ubottuKDE bug 321695 in desktop ">=plasma-4.10.80 startup delay 4-7 seconds - blackness after splash screen has finished" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32169517:05
tester56for normal kde session edit /usr/share/autostart/plasma-desktop.desktop17:06
Riddelljust pleased to see you17:07
Riddelltester56: any downside mentioned on the kde bug?17:07
tester56no not really17:08
Riddelltester56: or what's the commit message for that commit, someone must have had a reason17:08
tester56yeah sth. for kde framework 517:08
Riddellhmm 'plasma desktop file: "wait" as a value made no sense, this app registers to DBus.17:08
RiddellIt was the only user (with the plasma desktop "variants") of "wait",17:08
Riddellso I removed it in KDE Frameworks 5.17:08
Riddellit's from David Faure17:08
Riddellhe's elite17:08
Riddellnot sure I want to meddle with him17:09
tester56but it is not working, elite or not17:09
tester56furthermore he is talking about framework 517:09
Riddelltester56: yeah, let's ask him when he's next around, probably tomorrow17:10
tester56he has not commented to the bug report, so it would be a good idea to ask him anyway17:11
tester56if he is elite he has certainly the necessary rights to revert it for 4.11, as this is a LTS release17:11
Riddelljust subscribed him to the bug17:13
Riddellwe'll probably get the answer before long, well done on tracking that down tester56 17:13
ahoneybunhow goes everything Riddell ?17:14
Riddellahoneybun: it's mostly awesome thanks17:14
ahoneybunI have been busy so not much work on docs but still some17:15
Riddellahoneybun: I'm guessing manchicken isn't going to get on with this docs to html script so I'll put it back on my todo17:15
ahoneybunI have not been on a lot so I'm not sure there is a tool to do it17:16
ahoneybunhe/she found it17:16
tester56output of attempt to build kde-workspace : http://pastebin.com/aSTttCTP :-(((17:17
Riddelltester56: looks like a problem in the code, #kde-devel usually the most appropriate channel for that, make sure you have the right branch and not a frameworks 5 branch17:19
Riddellnot sure the status of kde-workspace master is clear17:19
Riddell#kde-devel topic says "Ask $DEITY$ what to do with kde-workspace"17:20
Riddellso it might be frameworks 517:20
ahoneybunRiddell: http://moinmo.in/MoinDump17:20
yofelI don't think they did anything yet17:20
tester56oh ... is there a way to get the neon source ?17:20
yofelmaster builds in neon https://launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=kde-workspace&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=17:20
yofelframeworks is in 'frameworks-scratch' for now, that's what neon5 buidls17:21
Riddellahoneybun: that looks promising but still needs someone to set it up :)17:21
yofeltester56: well, apt-get source project-neon-kde-workspace17:22
yofelor dget the dsc from launchpad17:22
ahoneybunRiddell: I never understood what I needed to do :)17:23
Riddellahoneybun: well get that working locally than get it working on the docs.kubuntu.co.uk server17:24
Riddellahoneybun: oh another todo item is to ask canonical sysadmin for a docs.kubuntu.org DNS17:24
ahoneybunRiddell: thats what I don't get, do I download something? or what17:24
Riddellahoneybun: for the wiki -> html converter?17:25
Riddellahoneybun: work out how to run that MoinDump is what it needs17:25
Riddelllooks like it needs a whole moin setup, maybe there's a package for that17:25
Riddell python-moinmoin looks likely17:26
Riddellso install that and see if the example command on http://moinmo.in/MoinDump works17:26
Riddellusing usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MoinMoin/script/moin.py17:26
Riddellonly if you want to take a look of course17:26
* Riddell out for a few hours17:26

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