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pittiGood morning04:27
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dholbachgood morning07:08
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jibelpitti, about gvfs, I found that a test has been requested for gvfs_1.17.2-0ubuntu3 when libgphoto2 2.4.14-2.1 has been synced07:38
jibelpitti, but no trace of a test when gvfs itself has been uploaded, i'll continue to investigate07:38
pittijibel: well, don't waste too much time on it07:40
pittijibel: I was just curious as this is pretty much exactly the kind of regression that we want to keep out07:41
jibelpitti, I suspect it is not limited to gvfs07:41
pittijibel: infinity seemed to have a case yesterday where a new eglibc only triggered 19 rdepends, that also seemed a bit low07:42
pittinot sure whether this is related somehow07:42
pittibut if you say that a test had been requested on the libgphoto2 sync, then it's something else07:42
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pittiinfinity: hm, what does that want to tell me? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/146278424/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-amd64.sane-backends_1.0.23-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz07:45
pittiinfinity: some error in the PPA chroot's .sbuildrc?07:45
dokoLaney, any idea why gtk+3.0 is built sequentially?07:45
JackYudholbach, morning, we updated a new tarball at bug #1203958, would you please take a look?07:48
ubottubug 1203958 in UbuntuKylin "[needs-packaging] unity-china-photo-scope" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120395807:48
dholbachJackYu, taking a look07:52
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dholbachJackYu, I commented on the bug report07:56
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pittijibel: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-gvfs/ back to green \o/08:16
Laneypitti: I wonder if unblock implies forcing the tests08:22
Laneygvfs was unblocked during the freeze08:23
pittijibel: ^08:23
Laneymore a cjwatson question I'd guess08:23
pittiLaney: they indeed did coincide, perhaps that's it08:23
pittibut I thought unblocking would just mean "remove the block in the ~u-release branch", not actively pushing stuff08:23
Laneyunblocks override blocks, so we tend to add them specifically08:24
Noskcajroaksoax, PING08:28
pittiLaney: oh, I misinterpreted that as "got unblocked after the freeze", sorry08:29
LaneyI mean the 'unblock' hint type - I wouldn't be surprised if that overrode test failures08:30
Laneyp.s. good work on fixing that08:30
pittiLaney: very plausibly, yes08:30
pittijibel: ^ so, don't waste time on investigating this (yet)08:30
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JackYudholbach, updated:).08:54
pittitkamppeter: ah, it seems you are somewhat attached to flphoto?08:54
pittitkamppeter: do you know if there is a patch anywhere to build it against libgphoto 2.5? I looked around (fedora, suse, etc.), but fedora never had it, suse dropped it, and upstream disappeared08:55
pittitkamppeter: otherwise, would you be very sorry if we removed it? shotwell should by and large replace it08:56
dholbachJackYu, uploading08:58
JackYudholbach, great, thanks a lot:)08:58
dholbachanytime :)08:58
dokopitti, jibel: looking at the python2.7 test failures on i386 ...09:00
dokothe test_curses test did fail to start early this week, however we had no python related changes. wasn't this the time when the new autopkgtest was enabled?09:01
cjwatsonLaney: unblock doesn't force tests09:03
pittidoko: it's around the same time, yes, but that doesn't change how std{in,out,err} or the VMs look like; these were mostly fixes around error handling and wrong dependencies09:06
dokopitti, no change in the redirection handling?09:07
dokobut why did it start failing?09:07
pittidoko: my first bet would be on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ncurses/5.9+20130608-1ubuntu109:08
pittithat's quite a large change09:09
pittidoko: and presumably that python2.7 run was triggered due to the new ncurses, as it landed at that very time?09:09
pittiI guess it wasn't held back because someone marked python2.7's autopkgtest as 'known broken', as it had failed for a while09:10
* pitti looks into the override branch09:10
didrocksdoko: hey, (not related) do you think that some part of boost needs to be rebuilt/there is a mismatch? I got https://launchpadlibrarian.net/146284943/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.mir_0.0.8%2B13.10.20130731.1-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz during the day and still get it09:11
didrockssil2100: if you have time and finished the daily release activity, can you look about that (Mir related) please ^?09:11
pittimight be a victim of the same problem that allowed the new libgphoto2 sync to get in despite it breaking reverse dependencies09:12
dokodidrocks, ahh, the mpi split package ... but isn't mir in main?09:12
didrocksdoko: not yet, there is MIR for Mir, but not in main for now09:12
sil2100didrocks: will do!09:12
didrocksthanks sil2100 ;)09:13
didrockssil2100: if you find changes in the rdepends (as apparently doko did some), maybe the MIR for Mir needs to be updated as well09:14
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seb128JackYu, hey, did you see my NEW review comments bug?09:16
Laneycjwatson: OK then, not sure why gvfs passed here - http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/log/2013-07-23/03:57:03.log09:16
Laneythe timing matches up with ScottK's unblock, AFAICS09:16
JackYuseb128, not yet. Where can I got it?09:17
didrocksdoko: so, what's up? how can you fix it? mind giving a little bit more info? ;)09:17
seb128JackYu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/120661309:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 1206613 in unity-china-video-scope (Ubuntu) "comments from NEW review" [Undecided,New]09:17
seb128JackYu, it would be nice if you subscribed to the packages you work on, so you get email for bugs filed on those09:18
JackYuseb128, I see, thanks:). It seems that I overlooked the bug email...09:20
seb128JackYu, you're welcome, and no worry, I'm just pointing it, in case09:21
JackYuseb128, got it, we will improve it in the next release:).09:23
tkamppeterpitti, no problem to drop it, it was one of Mike Sweet's hobby projects. He did not do anything on it for years. The highlight of it was nice printing functionality, especially for more than 1 photo on a sheet and it was the only program which did automatic crop-to-fit to make a photo filling the whole page (or a given rectangle with an aspect ration not necessarily equal to the photo's).09:26
pittitkamppeter: http://www.easysw.com/~mike/flphoto/ doesn't even exist any more, it just times out ..09:27
tkamppeterpitti, perhaps we simply drop it.09:27
pittitkamppeter: ok, thanks for confirming09:27
tkamppeterpitti, easysw.com is history. Mike has no private servers any more. CUPS is coming from Apple now. Anything needed for CUPS but dropped by Apple is coming from me (OpenPrinting).09:28
pittitkamppeter: ok, that explains why other distros dropped the package09:29
pete-woodspitti: resuming over here then09:31
pete-woodspitti: I only modify the source - and it's a new patch - I'll just check if it's fixed in 2.3709:31
pittipete-woods: I think it'd be better to update glibmm2.4 to 2.37.4 to match our glib version09:31
pittipete-woods: if it's fixed there, of course09:31
cjwatsonLaney: Hard to tell from this point, unfortunately :-(09:31
cjwatsonLaney: But I did look over the unblock code and AFAICS it only does anything to blocks09:32
pittipete-woods: if not, let's update anyway (as other API certainly changed) and apply your patch on top09:32
pete-woodspitti: that sounds reasonable to me! :)09:32
cjwatsonLaney: That is, block is "set update_candidate to False unless we find a matching unblock", rather than unblock going through and setting update_candidate to True which might indeed do more than intended if that were the way it worked09:33
dokopitti, but the autopkgtest did run before ncurses was in the archive09:34
cjwatsonpitti: sane-backends> that's a known problem where Xen builders occasionally lose their mind and scribble over bits of the filesystem.  It's pretty scary but we don't know what causes it ...  For now the fix is generally to get ops to reset the slave09:35
infinitypitti: Which host was that on?09:40
infinitypitti: (Linking to builds is much friendlier than build logs)09:41
dokopitti, looking at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-python3.3/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/ I have a hard time to see why this is marked as failed. all tests succeed ...09:41
pete-woodspitti: from looking at the git repo now, it seems like I patched a generated file, so the patch works on the source tarball, but it's not going to apply upstream09:43
pete-woodslots of macro magic about _WRAP_CTOR09:44
cjwatsondoko: I think you're being confused by Jenkins' terribly confusing UI09:45
cjwatsondoko: Don't look at the log under "Last Successful Artifacts"09:45
infinitycjwatson: s/reset the slave/rebuild the slave/09:46
cjwatsondoko: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-python3.3/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/27/artifact/results/log is the last failure log09:46
cjwatsoninfinity: *nod*09:46
infinitycjwatson: Did anyone hunt down which guest it was and have it rebuilt?09:46
cjwatson1 test failed:09:46
cjwatson    test_curses09:46
cjwatsoninfinity: No, I tried but by the time I got to pitti's PPA he'd already retried it on another host09:46
dokocjwatson, I did look at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-python3.3/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/results/log09:47
cjwatsondoko: The key in that URL is "lastSuccessfulBuild" :-)09:47
cjwatsondoko: Like I say, Jenkins' UI tends to lead you to the wrong place09:47
cjwatsondoko: You need to follow the "Last build" link09:47
cjwatsoni.e. https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-python3.3/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/lastBuild/09:47
dokogot it09:47
infinitycjwatson: Looks like chindi05.  *disables*09:48
cjwatsoninfinity: Ta09:48
dokoslangasek, how did you get samba uploaded? I get an error unpacking the unmodified source ...09:48
seb128JackYu, dholbach: unity-china-photo-scope accepted to saucy09:50
JackYuseb128, wow, great!09:52
pittiinfinity: I've encountered it on several, but I retried them; they worked the second time09:56
infinitypitti: Yeah, cause they hit a different host.  I had to go hunt down the broken one.09:56
pittidoko: I think that's just time zone confusion09:56
pittipete-woods: it's not fixed in 2.7.4?09:57
pittiinfinity: the builder name isn't in the log anywhere? sorry then, I'll tell you the next time it happens09:57
infinitypitti: The builder name is in the log when sbuild starts.  Which it couldn't because of this bug. :P09:58
pittiinfinity: argh :)09:58
infinitypitti: Arguably, I should slap it at the top of the log too.  Would be handy.09:58
cjwatsoninfinity: Totally10:00
cjwatsoninfinity: Do we have the build URL at that stage10:00
pittiseb128: so https://launchpad.net/~pitti/+archive/ppa/+packages is complete (we'll remove flphoto), I tested upgrades, and that gphoto2, gphotofs, and shotwell still work fine10:02
seb128pitti, great, do you want to give it a try as well?10:02
seb128want *me* to*10:03
pittiseb128: si tu veux, bien sûr :)10:03
infinitycjwatson: I'm not sure that we ever do, that's not something the slave needs to know.10:03
seb128pitti, ok, je le fais10:03
pete-woodspitti: nope, same problem there - the problem is that the ctor methods are auto-generated, and don't delegate to the C-based ctor methods10:03
pete-woodspitti: so they miss out on the initialisation from there10:03
cjwatsoninfinity: Thought not10:03
pete-woodspitti: the same problem has been worked around in the class dbusmessage10:04
pittipete-woods: ok; probably best to discuss that with Murray (upstream), he should be online and he knows better how this is (auto)generated10:04
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pittiseb128: FYI, I forgot to add a ~ppa suffix, so while the PPA has libgphoto2 - 2.5.2-0ubuntu1.1 I'll actually upload libgphoto2 - 2.5.2-0ubuntu110:05
seb128pitti, ok10:05
pittiseb128: dist-upgrade should remove libgphoto2-2 libgphoto2-port0 and install libgphoto2-6 libgphoto2-port1010:06
pittiseb128: hm, upgrade worked fine in a schroot, but not on my desktop; investigating10:08
seb128pitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5932256/ for me10:09
seb128pitti, seems fine, out of the libsane-dev to be removed10:09
pittiseb128: hm, seems I missed the libsane-dev dep10:09
seb128well I don't need it but it seems buggy10:09
pittihm, in my uploaded source it is correct10:10
pittiseb128: I wonder why it doesn't just upgrade it; might be the same problem that I'm seeing10:10
pittiseb128: probably the unversioned Breaks: is too strong and it confuses apt10:11
seb128could be10:11
pittiseb128: the libgphoto2 packaging is a mess, but I don't want to divert too far from Debian10:11
seb128pitti, also it removed libgphoto2-2-dev and didn't install libgphoto2-6-dev instead10:12
seb128is that wanted?10:12
pittiseb128: that's kind of expected; we could add a transitional package for -dev, not sure whether we should bother10:12
pittiseb128: ok, hold on for a bit, I'll try a new version10:14
infinitypitti: Does an unversioned Breaks even make sense?  It's effectively a Conflict at that point.10:14
pittiinfinity: yes, but I thought Breaks: were slightly friendlier to apt as it can remove the package after the broken one gets unpacked10:14
seb128pitti, oh, I upgraded to do runtime testing ... those -dev issues seem fine to me10:15
pittiinfinity: but I'll drop the breaks and just keep the Replaces:, that ought to be enough (testing now)10:15
infinitypitti: Well, if the goal is to force the other package off the system, Replaces alone won't do it, it'll just overwrite some files. :P10:16
pittiit shouldn't actually break the old library, it just overwrites some READMEs10:16
pittiinfinity: yes, that's the goal10:16
sil2100doko: hi! I'd like to do a re-poke about the libboost-mpi issue we got during Mir building10:16
infinitypitti: But for overwrites, you *should* use Breaks/Replaces, to guarantee correct ordering, so files don't get lost.  But, they should be versioned.10:16
sil2100doko: could you give us some info about what could be wrong that it's not installable?10:16
pittiI installed gvfs, shotwell, and gphoto2 into a schroot and dist-upgraded to the PPA without a problem, but on my real desktop apt wants to hold back gphoto2 rather10:17
infinitypitti: Unless both packages will always ship those files, in which case, someone's doing something wrong.10:17
sil2100doko: (along with libboost-mpi-python-dev and libboost-graph-parallel-dev)10:17
pittiinfinity: so that means I'll keep the old names as transitional packages and keep them empty10:17
pittiI was hoping to avoid that, but *shrug*10:18
infinitysil2100: boost-mpi/boost just got uploaded/built, were you just running into arch skew?  Which build?10:18
sil2100infinity: hi! Ok, so I'm running amd64 and I'm encountering the same issue as in the logs - so, after doing update, apt-get install libboost-all-dev cannot install libboost-graph-parallel-dev libboost-mpi-dev and libboost-mpi-python-dev - we got the same here:10:20
sil2100infinity: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/146284943/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.mir_0.0.8%2B13.10.20130731.1-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:20
sil2100infinity: so it's i38610:20
sil2100infinity: does it mean libboost-all-dev has invalid deps now?10:21
sil2100Due to the switch?10:21
infinityWhat "switch"?10:22
pete-woodspitti: I have managed to make a patch that will apply upstream now - do you know what room / server I will find Murray in?10:23
infinitysil2100: If you retry that build, it should be fine.10:23
infinitysil2100: At least on i386/amd64.  ppc and arm are still building the new boost.10:24
pittipete-woods: he's "murrayc" in #gnome-hackers on irc.gnome.rog10:24
pittipete-woods: .org10:24
sil2100infinity: hm, it will? Since I just did update and apt-get install --simulate libboost-all-dev on my system and get the same error - but maybe my mirror is outdated?10:24
infinitysil2100: I just tried it here and it was fine.  *shrug*10:24
sil2100Well, I'm using the polish mirror, so I guess it could be this10:25
sil2100Let me try a re-run10:25
pittiseb128: ok, got a clean upgrade now10:26
pete-woodspitti: thanks!10:27
sil2100didrocks: ok, so anyway we'll have to wait for armhf mir at least until boost finished building there10:27
didrocksinfinity: I retried it this morning, but maybe too early?10:28
didrockssil2100: keep me posted ;)10:29
sil2100didrocks: it's building now \o/10:29
pittiseb128: tried again with gvfs (file-like browsing), gphoto2, and shotwell, WFM10:29
sil2100didrocks: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+build/483992610:29
sil2100didrocks: so I'll re-try i386 as well10:29
didrockssil2100: sweetnesssssss! :)10:29
seb128pitti, works fine for me as well10:30
pittiseb128: gvfs' GPhoto test will need an update for the new ioctls, I'll do that10:30
cjwatsonsil2100: The builds use the hidden master archive; everything, including archive.ubuntu.com, is potentially outdated relative to that :-)10:30
pittiseb128: ok, so ready for saucy?10:30
seb128pitti, seems so! UPLOAD ;-)10:31
pittiseb128: (-proposed)10:31
seb128it's transitions' week10:31
seb128(new poppler, new libgphoto, ...)10:31
Laneymmm transitions10:31
slangasekdoko: that's a behavior change in patch; the new version of samba in Debian unstable is fixed10:34
dokoslangasek, when you sync/merge it, could you update the config.* files too?10:36
slangasekdoko: I don't expect to have time to do that merge any time soon, fwiw - so maybe it's better to file a bug10:39
didrockssil2100: so, from the MIR for Mir standpoint, no additional package is needed? (if boost was splitted?)10:39
dokoslangasek, ahh, still in NEW10:40
slangasekdoko: hmm, what's in new?10:42
dokoslangasek, 4. but I see there is -2 in debian. will check it ...10:42
slangasekright, I meant 3.6.16-2 only10:43
sil2100didrocks: hm, doesn't look like it, I'm looking at the diffs but I don't even see any splitting going on10:53
didrockssil2100: ok, not sure what doko meant by "the mpi split package"10:53
xnoxsil2100: didrocks: we only split the default boot version. Do you want to use a newer boost?10:54
sil2100didrocks: no idea as well, but boost 1.53.0-4ubuntu1  was released long ago an ubuntu2 and ubuntu3 only added --disable-long-double --without-context10:54
didrocksxnox: mir is using default boost and tries to install libboost-all-dev10:55
didrocks(and the -dev deps on libboost-program-options-dev)10:55
xnoxdidrocks: libbost-all-dev is in universe, as that depends on mpi portion. Depend on individual libboost-foo-dev that your package actually needs.10:56
infinityI'm failing to see how any of those things are problems...10:56
infinityExcept for the -all-dev, yes, which no one should build-dep on.10:56
didrocksinfinity: do you think what the mir-team should deps on?10:56
infinityThat's like a build-dep on "lib*-dev" because you don't know what you actually use. :P10:56
infinitydidrocks: I think they should build-dep on what they link with.10:56
sil2100didrocks: I guess that we need to consider talking to the mir team about that10:57
didrockssil2100: yeah, see my pings on #ubuntu-mir ;)10:57
infinityxnox: I suppose if you wanted to be nice to the lazy, you could provide a libboost-all-main-dev, but I tend to agree people should actually figure out what they need and only use that anyway.10:59
didrocksinfinity: that's obvious, I would just hope I wouldn't have to be the one again figuring that out for them and being taken in hostage because of that transition11:00
xnoxinfinity: meh, that would diverge from debian.... plus we may or may not move some boost portions to universe even if they are build  from the main package, if nothing depends on them.....11:00
didrocksso let's try to figure that out with them11:00
infinitydidrocks: There is no transition here... boost has always been split like this.11:01
infinitydidrocks: The transition is that they've moved from building in universe to main. :P11:01
infinityxnox: Fair point.11:01
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dokoinfinity, let's introduce pattern dependencies for the mir team =)11:05
infinitydoko: Depends: stripes\nSuggests: polkadots\nConflicts: plaid?11:10
Laneysiretart: do you have plans for libav 9 in saucy?11:15
xnoxsil2100: didrocks: doko: infinity: so mir will bring in boost chrono & regex, but both of those are build from the main src-package already, so it's just binary move. https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/mir/boost-split/+merge/17780411:17
infinityLaney: Yeah, we're going to start the transition Very Soon.11:25
infinityxnox: Sure, binary moves are no big deal, we deal with them all the time.11:26
Laneyinfinity: Neat.11:27
slangasekxnox: MIRs only care about source packages, not binaries... as long as the source is in main, the binaries will be in main as long as something else in main needs them to be11:28
xnoxslangasek: ok.11:28
slangasekbut mpi is obviously still a problem11:28
xnoxslangasek: in progress being solved https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/mir/boost-split/+merge/17780411:30
slangasekxnox: excellent :)11:31
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evanyone know a good example of a project using dbus-test-runner offhand? apt-cache rdepends is of no help, and I imagine build-rdepends isn't needed often enough to warrant the implementation12:13
jbichaev: did you try  reverse-depends -b dbus-test-runner12:14
evdammit. Thanks jbicha.12:15
jbichaev: in whoopsie-preferences, is the "Send a report automatically for login problems" box still supposed to be insensitive?12:18
evjbicha: yes - we haven't implemented that yet. I thought we started hiding it though?12:19
* ev digs12:19
jbichaev: when it was in a-l-m, I had to hide it "harder" https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/activity-log-manager/saucy/view/head:/debian/patches/01_really_hide_automatic_reports.patch12:20
evjbicha: it still is in a-l-m12:20
evwhoopsie-preferences is a dbus service and library for communicating with said dbus service that controls /etc/default/whoopsie, /etc/apport/autoreport, and the whoopsie upstart job12:22
xnoxslangasek: if and when you have time to review =) https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubuntu/saucy/mountall/btrfs/+merge/17782212:29
pete-woodspitti: hi again, so now that bug has been fixed upstream, I've backported the patch to the version we have in saucy12:34
pittipete-woods: nice, that was fast12:34
pete-woodspitti: should I still submit a bug / patch for that off the current version we have?12:34
pittipete-woods: I think it'd be better to update it to 2.37.4 and apply it on top of it12:34
pittito match our glib12:35
pittipete-woods: so no need for you to backport12:35
pittipete-woods: (in terms of changing the code to apply to the older version)12:35
pete-woodspitti: I don't think that it'll be 2.37.4 - looking in the git tree that has already been tagged12:35
pittipete-woods: we still need to add the patch to the package, of course12:35
pittipete-woods: so a bug "please update" with a pointer to the patch (gnome git) is fine12:36
pittipete-woods: unless you want to do the update yourself, of course12:36
seb128pitti, pete-woods: I can do the glibmm update today if you want ... what's the patch to include?12:36
pete-woodspitti: oh, that's cool - I thought we'd be waiting on "full" releases12:36
pittiseb128: I guess https://git.gnome.org/browse/glibmm/commit/?id=23823fdf3a54ed3851b812:36
pete-woodsseb128: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70519912:37
ubottuGnome bug 705199 in giomm "Cannot construct MenuItem - warning, no property named "label"" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]12:37
pittipete-woods: depends on how urgent it is, but if you block on it we can cherry-pick the patch12:37
robert_ancellslangasek, bug 120689712:37
ubottubug 1206897 in systemd (Ubuntu) "logind fails to work, falling back to ConsoleKit when /run/users already exists" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120689712:37
seb128pitti, pete-woods: if I do the update I can as well include the patch with it12:38
pete-woodspitti: well, the world won't end, but it is blocking me atm :)12:38
seb128pete-woods, pitti: I'm going to backport it, no worry12:39
pete-woodsseb128: that would be awesome! :)12:39
slangasekxnox: why should we special-case btrfs in mountall?  Why should we not demand that the btrfs-tools provides the standard interfaces, like fsck.btrfs?12:54
slangasekxnox: also, why is "major zero" a correct means of detecting "this is a filesystem we should skip checking"?12:55
xnoxslangasek: because due to (a) intrisic features of btrfs, it does not need fsck on each mount (b) deficiencies of fsck.btrfs of not able to run on read-only mounts.12:58
xnoxslangasek: i didn't find a definite explanation of what "major zero" mean and which fs have "major zero", but that's the check used now in chroot.sh (debian sysvinit) and there are references of similar used on fedora.12:59
slangasekxnox: which is to say: btrfs devs are playing silly buggers with the standard fsck interfaces and people are letting them get away with it12:59
xnoxslangasek: imho, ideally i'd want all btrfs filesystems specify fs_passno 0 in fstab. But nobody seems to be doing that at the moment.13:00
slangasekright, but why wouldn't we fix *that* bug in Ubuntu?  (installer + update handling)13:01
xnoxslangasek: do we ever modify /etc/fstab post install?13:01
slangasekwe did for migration to UUID-based mounting13:02
xnoxcause, I still have ntrfs-3g patch to accept obsolete aliased option name for wubi, unless that's because we can't access/modify fstab....13:02
slangasekwe certainly can modify fstab13:03
slangasekit needs to be done carefully13:03
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slangasekseb128, pitti: have you guys noticed that this week, lid close events are not being handled correctly?  It's a frequently-reported problem here at the sprint, that only just regressed13:06
seb128slangasek, was that the "upower hangs in libusbx code"?13:06
seb128or is that something different?13:06
slangasekI see there was a upower update, but I can't make that line up with when I started seeing the bug13:06
slangasekseb128: I don't know13:06
slangasekis there a bug report about this?13:06
seb128slangasek, I synced the libusbx fix from aurel32 this morning, would be good to see if that's still happening with the update/an upower restart13:07
slangasekupower doesn't seem to be hung for me13:07
seb128slangasek, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=71798813:07
ubottuDebian bug 717988 in libusb-1.0-0 "libusb-1.0-0: upowerd deadlocks in libusb (maybe related to suspend/resume)" [Important,Fixed]13:07
infinityslangasek: My lid close was failing and then after an upgrade, stopped failing again.13:07
infinityslangasek: So, either it was fixed, or it's wildly intermittent and hard to reproduce.13:07
seb128slangasek, gdb to upowerd and "t a a bt"?13:08
slangasekseb128: upgrading libusb-1.0-0 now to check13:09
seb128slangasek, you can easily reproduce? if you are in buggy state, having the bt before killing upowerd would be useful still13:09
slangasekbah, why is update-manager broken again?13:10
slangasekseb128: sure, trivial to reproduce; I'll pastebin the gdb bt13:10
slangasekseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5932741/13:11
seb128slangasek, yep, locked in libusb code13:11
slangasekwhy does apt-get dist-upgrade against saucy want to remove ubuntu-desktop? :P13:11
slangasekdid someone force something inappropriate through proposed-migration?13:11
seb128slangasek, don't use saucy-proposed?13:11
slangasekI don't13:11
seb128can you pastebin that as well? ;-)13:11
seb128slangasek, your upower issue is almost for sure the one fixed by the new libusbx I synced earlier, let me know if the update works for you13:12
slangasekyes, will do13:13
seb128slangasek, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgphoto213:13
seb128slangasek, apt-cache policy libgphoto2-2 ?13:13
seb128slangasek, or shotwell13:15
seb128slangasek, you are sure you don't use pitti's ppa or something?13:15
seb128slangasek, the new gphoto/gvfs/shotwell are still in proposed (and in pitti's ppa)13:16
stokachuseb128: ive got a branch going to port sosreport over to python3 but it is still a ways away13:22
slangasekseb128: so, upower was definitely hung; I had 0% battery life and didn't know it, so the laptop shut down in the middle of the upgrade ;P13:24
slangasek  Installed: 2.4.14-2.3ubuntu213:24
slangasek  Candidate: 2.4.14-2.3ubuntu213:24
slangasekseb128: ^^ that's in saucy, not in a ppa or proposed13:24
seb128slangasek, which is your pastebin listing it as "to update"?13:25
seb128slangasek, you confirmed the dist-upgrade?13:25
slangasekseb128: right, I apparently do have a ppa of pitti's enabled though13:25
seb128slangasek, having shotwell in that dist-upgrade doesn't make sense13:25
slangasekseb128: I did an apt-get upgrade instead13:26
slangasekshotwell was "to be removed"13:26
seb128slangasek, right, but shotwell-common to update13:26
slangasekwell, I don't know why I have pitti's ppa enabled /anyway/, so disabled now13:26
seb128slangasek, which doesn't make sense, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/shotwell ... the current version is in saucy since july 1213:26
seb128slangasek, pitti prepared the gphoto transition in his ppa, I'm pretty sure that's the issue you hit13:27
* StevenK beats seb128 with the deprecated URL stick13:27
seb128slangasek, you probably had it from logind testing back then13:27
seb128StevenK, seems so, I never bothered changing my firefox alias it seems13:28
StevenKseb128: I can't see us removing it because it's mostly cheap, but still ... :-)13:29
seb128StevenK, well, I didn't notice, I just do "lpurl <source>"  in my firefox and end up on the new url through the redirect13:30
* xnox seems to be back online.13:30
pittislangasek, seb128: re; was in meeting, reading scrollback13:32
pittislangasek: upower is almost certainly bug 1203655 which is supposed to be fixed with latest usbx13:33
ubottubug 1203655 in libusbx (Ubuntu) "Hangs in pthread_join in libusb_exit" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120365513:33
seb128pitti, yeah, that was it, slangasek got a stacktrace13:33
pittislangasek: yes, libgphoto in my PPA is slightly broken, the version I uploaded to -proposed fixes the Breaks: and the upgrade13:34
pittiseb128, slangasek: logind testing was a different PPA though13:34
seb128ok, maybe he had it for another reason13:35
pittiwould anyone know why libgphoto2 doesn't appear on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt ?13:36
pittiit should still cause some uninstallability13:36
stokachuseb128: or would it be possible to just have sosreport seeded on the cloud-image?13:36
pitti(some NBS packages)13:36
Laneypitti: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#libgphoto213:36
slangasekseb128: post-reboot, pre-upgrade, the no-action-on-lid-close problem is not reproducible for me; but I'll restart upower and watch for the problem to resurface13:36
LaneyNot considered -> not on _output yet13:36
pittiLaney: ah, it's first (build+tests) -> excuses, and then installability -> output?13:37
pittiLaney: (besides, the jenkins test finished over an hour ago013:37
seb128slangasek, great, let me know how it goes13:37
pittiLaney: I'm just anxious that it doesn't propagate now13:37
Laneysomething like that, yeah13:37
pittiLaney: thanks13:38
seb128stokachu, sorry, I skipped your first message in the backlog ... cloud-image: it's not my call, but as said I would prefer not other python2 users on the desktop image, since we are aiming at dropping python2 from the image13:38
stokachuseb128: ok thats cool13:38
seb128pitti, "autopkgtest for gvfs 1.17.2-0ubuntu3: RUNNING (Jenkins: public, private) " ... you better check with cjwatson/jibel if there is an issue there13:39
seb128pitti, it might be that the test hit an issue and is stucked as RUNNING on that side13:39
LaneyNot sure about the path results take from jenkins back to proposed-migration13:39
seb128wouldn't be the first time13:39
stokachuseb128: the previous msg was i have a branch for python3 its just a ways away13:39
Laneyit'll go to FAIL anyway, won't it? :-)13:39
pittiseb128: it's not stuck, I checked https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-gvfs/ and
pittibut maybe it just didn't hit another britney run yet13:40
stokachudoes anyone know who manages the cloud-image seed?13:40
pittianyway, for now it needs to stay in -proposed until I sort out the failing gvfs test13:40
seb128pitti, well, it seems that sometime the status doesn't go back to britney correctly, that's what I meant by "stucked"13:41
seb128pitti, e.g excuse keeps showing things are RUNNING when they are not13:41
kenvandine@pilot in13:41
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: kenvandine
ogra_stokachu, i'd guess smoser (not sure though)13:41
stokachuogra_: ok thanks ill try him and see13:42
pittiseb128: right13:44
dokoRiddell, ScottK: do you know if there are any architecture specific things in qt4-x11? and if yes, where?13:44
mbieblslangasek: a hung upower sounds very familiar13:46
xnoxslangasek: btrfs returns invalid major number (zero) since a single pair is not enough for btrfs, due to possible multiple drives/subvolumes. But yeah, sounds like a fragile interface.13:47
mbieblI've been experiencing that quite a few times in the last weeks13:47
pittimbiebl: yes, the libusbx one, already sorted out13:47
mbieblpitti: ah, perfect13:47
mbieblpitti: what was the problems (do you have a bug number?)13:48
pittimbiebl: http://packages.qa.debian.org/libu/libusbx/news/20130730T171814Z.html13:48
seb128mbiebl, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=71798813:48
ubottuDebian bug 717988 in libusb-1.0-0 "libusb-1.0-0: upowerd deadlocks in libusb (maybe related to suspend/resume)" [Important,Fixed]13:48
pittimbiebl: bug 120365513:48
ubottubug 1203655 in libusbx (Ubuntu) "Hangs in pthread_join in libusb_exit" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120365513:48
seb128pitti, pete-woods: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibmm2.4/2.37.4-0ubuntu113:49
mbieblpitti: thanks13:49
pete-woodsseb128: seriously, this is really really appreciated, thanks! :D13:59
seb128pete-woods, yw ;-)14:00
seb128shrug, build failed14:01
seb128"Gio::Resolver::lookup_by_name() threw exception: Error resolving 'www.google.com': Name or service not known"14:01
pittiin the test?14:02
seb128pitti, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/146315371/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.glibmm2.4_2.37.4-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:02
seb128pitti, yes, in the tests14:02
seb128pitti, I guess I can just drop giomm_tls_client/testfrom check_PROGRAMS in tests/Makefile.am14:04
seb128pitti, or do you have a better suggestion?14:04
pittiseb128: no, sounds good to me; we don't have network access in buildds14:05
slangasekseb128: bug reproduced again; up-to-date libusb-1.0-0 on disk and in memory14:09
seb128slangasek, can you get a bt of upowerd and pastebin it?14:09
Riddelldoko: there's various bits for arm in debian/rules14:10
seb128slangasek, dpkg -l | grep libusb-1.0-014:10
Riddelldoko: and some bits for arm and powerpc in debian/control14:10
slangasekversion 2:1.0.16-214:10
Riddelldoko: there's a few .asm assembler files14:11
pittihm, that's still the same pthread_join thingy14:11
seb128slangasek, :-(14:12
seb128slangasek, you are confident you restarted upowerd with the new libusb?14:12
seb128I guess aurel32's fix isn't enough then :-(14:12
slangasekseb128: lsof | grep DEL, etc. etc14:12
slangasek(so yes, I checked)14:12
seb128slangasek, can you follow up on http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=717988 saying you still have the issue,14:13
ubottuDebian bug 717988 in libusb-1.0-0 "libusb-1.0-0: upowerd deadlocks in libusb (maybe related to suspend/resume)" [Important,Fixed]14:13
slangasekseb128: ok - you want it on the Debian bug, not in LP?14:19
seb128slangasek, well, you can update the lp bug as well, but it's a direct sync from Debian and nobody on our side has experience on that lib afaik14:19
seb128slangasek, aurel32 is responsive and tried to fix the issue one, we should at least let him know it's not fixed14:19
tseliotslangasek: can you have a look at bug 1198942 when you have the time, please?14:23
ubottubug 1198942 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "Hybrid Graphics and general enablement for fglrx and nvidia in Precise for 12.04.3" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119894214:23
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jdstrandmterry: hey. fyi https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ust/+bug/1203589/comments/715:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 1203589 in ust (Ubuntu) "[MIR] ust" [Undecided,Triaged]15:14
mterryjdstrand, ah, OK.  Missed that15:21
dobeypitti, jibel: with autopkgtest, does build-needed also result in any tests in override_dh_auto_test: in debian/rules for example, being run?15:23
cjwatsondobey: If and only if an ordinary package build would run them15:35
dobeycjwatson: is there any way a normal package build wouldn't run them (outside of failing to build before it got to that point)?15:38
cjwatsondobey: Some packages choose not to run dh_auto_test in all cases; it's within the control of debian/rules.  It would normally be fairly obvious in debian/rules if it were avoiding running tests though.15:40
cjwatsonIf it's just using dh in the ordinary way then it'd run them15:40
xnoxdobey: if DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck is set, then unit-tests are prevented from running.15:41
* xnox is not sure if autopkgtest enables that or not.15:41
cjwatsonIt does not15:43
pete-woodsseb128: it looks like the tls_client test tries to connect to https://www.google.com, and I'm guessing our build servers intentionally can't connect to the internet (https://launchpadlibrarian.net/146315233/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-amd64.glibmm2.4_2.37.4-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz)15:44
dobeyindeed. thanks15:45
slangasekpete-woods: correct; internet access is not allowed as part of a package build15:46
infinity(Nor external DNS resolution, as one can see from that build log)15:47
seb128pete-woods, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibmm2.4/2.37.4-0ubuntu215:47
slangasektseliot: so I'm sprinting this week, it might be better to hand that off to another SRU team member15:47
pete-woodsseb128: way ahead of me! :p15:47
seb128pete-woods, ;-)15:47
tseliotslangasek: oh, ok no problem15:47
javierlhello, does anyone have a link to instructions to debug netinstaller?, it stops at the repo index download with no apparent reason, using linuz/initrd.gz from precise-updates15:59
cjwatsonjavierl: Actually stops (with an error), or is just very slow?16:02
cjwatsonjavierl: There's a change going through QA at the moment to speed it up drastically ...16:02
javierlcjwatson: it could probably is slow, I've not waited more that 5 min on that stage, I abort the installation process.., however it shouldn't wait more that 5 minutes to get repos index, I wanted to boot in debug mode to see what was happening16:05
cjwatsonjavierl: It's probably bug 1067934.16:10
ubottubug 1067934 in net-retriever (Ubuntu Precise) "spends 10+ minutes deduplicating Package lists" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106793416:10
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cjwatsonjavierl: There's a precise-proposed image linked from there.16:11
javierl cjwatson I'm gonna try the proposed update and comment there, thanks!16:11
cjwatsonjavierl: There's DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer, but it's unlikely to be of any use in this case since there's no debugging emitted in the relevant code16:12
cjwatsonjavierl: The best debugging available here is simply to switch to tty4 (Alt-F4) and see what's at the end of the log16:12
cjwatsonBut you might as well just try the precise-proposed image first, rather than repeating debugging that's been done :)16:12
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seiflotfy_seb128: around?16:54
seb128seiflotfy_, yes but otp...17:02
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dokotkamppeter, pitti: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/146228947/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-i386.cups-filters_1.0.34-3build1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:16
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kenvandine@pilot out18:47
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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tkamppeterdoko, this is already known: https://bugs.linuxfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114419:31
ubottubugs.linuxfoundation.org bug 1144 in cups-filters "Build fails with Poppler 0.24.0" [Major,New]19:31
dokotkamppeter, you misunderstand. this is about the cyclic b-d19:32
stokachucould I get someone to approve a series nomination for bug 1069570 for maas package20:00
ubottubug 1069570 in maas (Ubuntu) "1 MAC Address, two IPs - DNS is "out of sync" with DHCP leases databases, I think..." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106957020:00
stokachualso to remove the nomination for isc-dhcp20:00
infinitystokachu: Which series?20:05
stokachuinfinity: so my fix only applies to the dhcp within maas, but i created nominations for both isc-dhcp and maas20:06
infinitystokachu: You don't have to nominate for saucy, it's the current devel release...20:06
stokachuinfinity: oh20:06
stokachuinfinity: then i guess both of them :D20:06
infinityThat wasn't very clear.20:06
stokachuyea, sorry, if you could clear the saucy nominations for isc-dhcp and maas that'd be great20:07
stokachuinfinity: actually, you know what, im going to mark this invalid and create a new issue for this fix20:09
stokachuso not to confuse whats already fixed in isc-dhcp20:09
infinitystokachu: *smirk*... Kay.20:09
stokachuinfinity: thanks :)20:09
* infinity presses some buttons just to get the nominations out of searches.20:09
stokachuinfinity: haha thanks20:09
infinitystokachu: For future reference, there's 0 point in creating tasks for devel releases, since an upload to devel will close the non-targetted "master" task.20:10
stokachuinfinity: ah ok, wasn't sure how that worked20:11
infinitystokachu: Furthermore, due to launchpad being a bit silly, if you target something to saucy, it defers the master task to the saucy task instead and, on new series opening, you get no t-series task.  Which sucks if you never got around to fixing it in saucy. ;)20:11
infinitystokachu: So, just say no to devel series tasks.20:12
stokachuinfinity: hah i will remember to do that from now on20:12
infinityWe probably should just disallow nominating to active series'.20:12
Noskcajroaksoax, kirkland: can you link me your PyPi accounts so i can add you as owners of testdrive?21:43
kirklandNoskcaj: 'kirkland'21:46
roaksoaxNoskcaj: i'll create one and let you know21:46
Noskcajkirkland, added as owner.21:48
kirklandNoskcaj: cheers mate21:48
Noskcajkirkland, can you add to your release script a function to update the version in setup.py?21:50
kirklandNoskcaj: sure21:51
kirklandNoskcaj: let me check, I thought I did...21:51
kirklandif [ -f setup.py ]; then21:51
kirkland        sed -i "s/version='$MAJOR.$MINOR'/version='$MAJOR.$nextminor'/" setup.py21:51
kirklandNoskcaj: it's in there21:51
Noskcajkirkland, It must have broke then. I had to manually change it from 3.10 to 3.2221:51
kirklandNoskcaj: ah, right, I bet it didn't match 3.1021:52
kirklandNoskcaj: because that was too out of date;  it'll work on the next run, I bet21:52
Noskcajok, cool21:52
stokachuroaksoax: you around?21:58
roaksoaxstokachu: not really... :-)  whats up?22:09
stokachuroaksoax: hey, was just curious when you get some time to have a look at a maas bug with a fix22:10
stokachubug 120710222:10
ubottubug 1207102 in maas (Ubuntu) "Set PXE class lease expiration to 30 seconds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120710222:10
roaksoaxstokachu: is this for precise?22:11
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roaksoaxstokachu: ok can ypou assign me or subscribe me to the bug. though is this related to multiple duplicated entries of a node? or many leases for a node?22:12
stokachuroaksoax: i believe its related to duplication or the nodes not being ready when adding to dns22:12
roaksoaxstokachu that was fixed on isc-dhcp side though...22:13
stokachuroaksoax: that didnt actually fix this issue22:13
stokachusomething about the leases not being expired quick enough when adding multiple nods22:14
roaksoaxuhmm ok. ill have a look tomorrpw cause im EOD already. Just assign it to me please :-)22:14
stokachuroaksoax: ok will do.. i have the fix attached just need it uploaded/verified22:15
roaksoaxok cool thanks!22:16
Noskcajkirkland, one other thing, why doesn't the testdrive bzr branch or the .orig include the translations?22:18
kirklandNoskcaj: no idea -- I have always sucked at getting po and debian packages and Launchpad translations integrated22:22
kirklandNoskcaj: it would be great if y'all figure that out22:22
Noskcajkirkland, I'll look into it when i get home from school22:23
stokachushouldnt https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild#Local_packages for chroot-setup-commands be /repo/prep.sh since its running within the chroot?23:07
stokachubarry: ^23:08
barrystokachu: what can i tell ya.  if it ain't broke, don't fix it. ;)23:09
stokachubarry: it breaks for me23:09
cjwatsonbarry: It might happen to work for you because your schroot profile bind-mounts your home directory23:10
barrystokachu: oh!  well, tbh, i don't think i've done local packages since at least raring.  it's possible that something's changed since then23:10
barrycjwatson: yep, that's it23:10
cjwatsonBut that isn't guaranteed and isn't true for all profiles23:10
cjwatsonSo I'd agree with stokachu's suggested change if it tests out23:11
barrystokachu: cjwatson is right, i'm sure.  it's a wiki - fix it! :)23:11
stokachuso after i added the line to sbuild/fstab i had to change the chroot-setup-commands to use /repo/prep.sh23:11
stokachubarry: i just wanted to make sure im not crazy before editing it23:11
barrystokachu: no time to test it here, but cjwatson's comment makes sense.  if it works for you, go for it23:11
cjwatsonchroot-setup-commands is indeed executed chrooted, so I think it makes sense to use guaranteed-to-be-inside-chroot paths23:12
stokachuok cool ill update the wiki cjwatson/barry23:12
barrystokachu, cjwatson thanks.  i've made the change locally so i'll double check the next time i do a build23:13
stokachubarry: sounds good man, thanks!23:13

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