
airurandowell hello darrenbatesdub10:24
darrenbatesdubHello airurando! Just about getting used to the IRC now! Looking forward to tomorrow's meeting - put a post up on my blog that can be viewed here: http://darrenbatesdublin.blogspot.ie/2013/07/ubuntu-ireland-team-summer-meeting.html10:26
airurandodarrenbatesdub: very nice. and thanks for the kind mention.10:30
airurandonew blogpost http://airurando.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/my-second-experience-of-the-ubuntu-loco-team-re-approval-process-not-as-straight-forward-as-the-first/12:41
* airurando trying to desperately get past the embarrassing one12:42
Belgarathairurando: whcih is ?14:18
airurandoBelgarath: the preceding blog post from the weekend.14:21

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