
bapoumbaHello, can anyone give me an ubuntu member cloak please ? https://launchpad.net/~bapoumba08:26
bapoumbaThanks much08:26
* Myrtti prods IRCC08:29
Tm_Thi bapoumba08:34
Tm_Tbapoumba: everything seems to be in order, one moment please08:35
Tm_TMyrtti: may we have ubuntu/member/bapoumba cloak for bapoumba please? (:08:35
bapoumbaTm_T, thanks much :)08:36
* Myrtti looks08:36
Myrttithere, done!08:37
bapoumbaThanks Myrtti :)08:37
Tm_TMyrtti: thank you very much08:37
bapoumbaHave a good day everyone :)08:38
MyrttiI even typed it right08:38
Tm_Tha, paperwork was done 5 years ago08:38
Myrttiyeah, that's why I didn't congratulate ;-)08:38
bapoumbaI used to have a cloak, I think Pricey first set it up for me. And I've been away for a long time08:39
Myrttiah, your account probably got dropped last summer then08:42
bapoumbayes, I had to register again today. I'm not good at IRC ..08:43
bapoumbaFortunately, no one claimed my nick in the mean time :)08:44
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams

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