
=== smb` is now known as smb
RAOFWoot! There we go! btrfs force remount ro.07:36
rtgRAOF, brave soul07:37
smbrtg, Early rising and already bored? (/me assuming you guys rather relax today)07:39
rtgsmb, jet lag is all over me07:40
rtgwe _do_ have some craft brewers to research this afternoon07:40
smbIt always a battle (the jet lag)... Sounds tempting. I will join rather late today, probably 9ish07:41
rtgsmb, I'll likely be face planted by then07:42
smbrtg, Yeah, according to previous experience (not you though) it could be likely07:43
* rtg wonders wtf a unity webapp plugin is, and why does it think it needs to run all the time ?07:45
smbUbuntuOne (or similar things)?07:46
rtgdunno. it seems new with saucy07:47
smbunity-webapps-service <- got that on R07:47
rtgwell, is it just soaking up RAM for no good reason ?07:48
RAOFsmb: Its for webpages to pop up in various unity things07:50
smbHm, not particularly (thunderbird and firefox rather be top)07:50
RAOFAlthough quite why it's not dbus-acivated...07:50
smbRAOF, Ah well. Might be some S re-baddening07:51
rtgRAOF, I need more popups like I need a new orifice.07:56
smbrtg, You just have not realized that you need any of that07:57
* smb will be back in a second after rebooting his FW (famous last words)...08:02
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apwrtg, if that orifice was for beer consumption it might be ok08:22
apwsmb, firewall reboot successful, well that never happes08:23
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=== fmasi is now known as fmasi_lunch
rtgapw, should we add that pstate patch to master-next ? I'm thinking there might be one more v3.10 based upload before we switch over to 3.1111:38
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apwrtg, i think it should already be on there12:37
apwrtg, i have pushed a new patch for mem control to all of the phablet kernels, but not uploaded them, know of anytying else pending for phablet kernels at the moment ?12:38
rtgapw, there is a bug open against one of the N kernels for blue-tooth, but I can pursue it later this week.12:41
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=== panda is now known as Guest92367
=== kentb is now known as kentb-out

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